Vol 51. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, April 26, 1911. No. 17

to convey to the police the information trie eXi-ofTcnt self control which had they procure. become one of ids valuable assets in Sometimes the detective uses the flis business, spoke easily. Knowledge so gained for the purpose “So you don’t want a friend, old of arresting a fugitive, again for se­ fellow?” curing a division of ill gotten ^p.-ds, A very lowered the chair. Novelized by again for the purpose of obtaining “Mu,” he snorted, “not any friends Witnesses who will find it policy to that are coppers. Thieves are bail FREDERICK R. TOOMBS commit perjury at a trial, and so tin* enough.” underworld grows suspicious of its The point of the' reply did not e ■op From the Great neighbors and finds danger lurking I toy !e. Play by when' friendship’s smile is sought. “We!!," ho mb d amrn ;v von The warden resumed the eouversa- a \ e got me for n;j enemy ;i; 1 the rest tion. f ' i mr vo: t nI.- -: b.e. You’d la•Iter PAUL ARMSTRONG “I don’t kimw about Avery's re­ mo opco a moll' h t or fear lease,” he -.id. ”(di. Smith,” turning Copyright, 1910, by American i. mb yoil )<\ i.ii- blfie on Si) ipjcjoil." 55 to his assistant, ‘’where's the list?” Press Association "To v..■ i ; ! i \ im!" miurlcd A vorv. "On ymn u. --.k,” Wen; “nh. yes. .Wiry here'/” it i : Valentine “li e's \v:i j* i lie topside.” o)l"f:- “l.efv hi* * o him.” A i& soiuteiy P are T [e’s a t g'th old boy, this Avery,” b -;," answered Handler, “and you poininrn: oil I) >\Ie, 1 ut lie’s my one H ie O nly Baking Powder Made from Royal e it and get out. of here, you in tr. in ■ to get the goods Grape Cream of Tartar. best ehanci ik! Hero, sign this” the showed beneath It; his strong, square jaws on Valemiue i him a papen, "if vou can write. If PROLOGUE. were grimly set, though now and The secret: rv brought in Hill Avery. yoU <..tIj.(> nhv. 1I)akt. vour mark." Th(, You’re not so sure about Jim­ again his upper lip would curl slightly whose gray ! -;r. face and stoop-; w.,(nl(,n „V(,r hjip lag figure ii 'bsped that prison fare; q-j10 departing man scanned my Valentine as you might be— back as he gritted his teeth, reveaJing the i a row of tobacco stained incisors. Yes, was not rejuvenating, although there grei“11b:iek depreim,tingly. not until the very last chapter, Warden Handler was disturbed. Was a strange sharpness in his eves, “Five dollars,” he cried, “and this when he “finds himself” in a He fingered a glistening letter opener in his ghtn e, that a long career of fur­ | suit of i lollies that a country enn- scene that is as cleverly con­ impatiently, and his lips seemed to tive watch .’illness find developed. i stable could see the Sing Sing tag on “You’re I'ni ifis out, eh?” greeted the ceived as anything ever present­ move. ; In the night! Pretty good for eight Chemists* tests have shown that a part of the alctra from prison uei'-ie-. “You've done nine?” ed in American fiction or drama. “Serves me right for tonkin’ a ‘trusty’ 1 years and ten months’ work, eh? Aud biscuit made with an alum baking powder passes Into out of a bloomin’ yegg,” he muttered. “Eight years ton months, sir." ! you guys are my friends! For » Jed's the stomach, and that digestion Is retarded thereby. What you are sure of as you “Might have known one of them “Treati d ppetiy well, weren't yon?” sake, let me get out of here. wh ere read—very, very sure, in fact— wouldn’t Btay put In one place any Avery mix'd intently at Smith, then ; then' are met;i who don’t live oil the Road the tabei and make sure that your baking is that you are following the length of time, not even In a coffin.” he replied, to ids questioner: i mistakes of some (Ule elsi, ’ 1 Ie powder is not made from aium . story of a most interesting char­ The door at Handler's right opened. “You’ve never heard me compLln. i wheeled 1 award the door and dismp- acter, one whose doings on the He half turned aud glowered at a have you ?” j pea red. “No, and it wouldn't have got you | “Theres one more we’ve got to keep stage have held the interest of trusty who shuffled in, carrying a bot­ tle of drinking water. much.” j (rack of,” comment<'d Doyle. many thousands. Jimmy Valen­ “It’s pretty soft for you around here, “I saw that the first day in.” “He’ll be at work in a week:,' ’ said b'-nr on {Tie inmates in these institu­ man who dues a thing for the love of tine becomes a “crook/’ with eh?” grunted the warden. “Well, now what? Going to turn Handler laconically. tions they can l>e mode willing to con­ it ?" fess to crimes they never committed." most of the failings and weak­ The convict hastened to place the square?” Handler sneered as lie spoke. I “Yes and I'll nail him and give him “An a rlig, answered Mrs. Web- “What do you mean?" queried Han­ bottle in the holder at the sound of the The released vonvlet looked the ward­ | back fo you.” St IT. nesses of a man who doesn't dier. recognise the difference between official’s voice. He then hurried to­ en squarely In tin- I “I don't want him." the warden put “Artist! Then I’ve got a lot of ward the door, mumbling a faint “Yes, “You know I am, sir.” | !n hastily. “I just might make it. “Oh, wo understand that by depriv­ them," laughed Handler sarcastically. ing prisoners of their proper allow­ mine and thine, but he winds up sir,” as he went. Handier laughed uproariously. j tough for him if he was sent hack. 1 “Well, to me they are insane.” as a—well, read the story and “I know; (hev all say so. Oh, here’s ! thought he had come to his senses and ance of food and of small privileges To Rose Fane the adventure was exn “Suppose he'll be tryln’ the west wall they are allowed, and by bullying con­ find out for yourself how he next,” commented Handler, pounding an old friend of yours, Avery.” The I would help you against Valentine, but treinely interesting. Finally succeed­ speaker pointed to I an !<>, j lie’s just a plain fool.” duct on the part: of the men in charge ing in gaining her uncle’s consent to» winds **/>• & be worth your his fist on the desk. “But I’ll trim ’em of then:, the inmates can he led to all yet. I’ir - “I don’t remember Idm,’’ replied the J “And all alike--all blaming us for her accompanying him on a visit tot while, for this absorbing, thrill­ (their fall." The detective scared him- make false confessions Involving the great prison, she was now seeing! “A visitor for you,” announced his old man af? a ‘a re h . i ing romance of both the under j seif as la* spoke. "He can’t work lmw; themselves or others. Tins mforma- a little section of the darker side of! secretary, Smith, entering. “His name Inspection o; world and the upper world as | lie’s too old Tin* game as la knew it I is used against the men after life which appealed strongly to heri is like a roll call in the German navy.” “You don’t r ii j was tin.' yoga game." I thev are released as well as against imaginative nature. Her cheeks flush­ welt proves that a man has nev­ He handed Handler a card. Dovle In ugh I Handler also had resumed his seat, j men who are at large whom the po­ ed with tin' excitement of the occa-j er sunk so low but that he may The warden took the pasteboard. A wry midden!’ d lice desire to incriminate.” j and he leaned over his desk and said slon, this voyage into this famous again regain the honor he has “Blick-en-dol-fen-bach,” he read slow­ “I gm y'Vi i o re |; “No one is ever forced to confess II copper?" j significant 1 y: “So you’re afraid Yal.m- tomb of living dead men. thrust aside when the true spirit ly. “A man with a name like that has any tiling hero, madam,” protested As the warden finished she exclaim­ “S’ 111 a - v • I” ! tine will get a new trial, eh? There’s j no right on the outside of a prison. Handler. ed, “I once had an experience with a of manhood throbs within him. “You ::i fit some class to Valentine. Have a j “What’s his graft?” "But. I know”— burglar, and” — hoii] ic. ( r i;:.■ j smoke.” The prison master held out J He has a letter from the state board VI I “Pardon me, Mrs. Moore,” Inter­ “Did he fake your jewels?’’ asked (The Armstrong drama, of which the j - nrisonn TTe has inven ted a lock I “T'liat’s ’.' ■: ja box of perfeelux, from which Doyle j following la the novelized version, is based ; or prisons. lie nas mventea a iocs, l rupted the lieutenant governor, rising, Mrs. Moore sympathetically. time l’m \ i :i! ‘ gratefully extracted a weed. ! “I do not third/ that in your zeal you on O. Henry’s Btory, “A Retrieved Refor- i believe, that ’— { ‘ j “No. I was in the parlor car In day- tivc In on r r; ■ ■- l '■Thanks,” mumbled the detective, i realize what you are saying.” He ad- nation.] . “Let’s have him.” j light. I was the only person in the Avow t ■ r. *\- I ' 'Tins Valeunne is the only high class j dressisl the warden. “It seems, how­ CHAPTER I. The secretary ushered Jn an earnest | car, and this man walked up and ac- “My friend? ■Limed in a.- i crook I ever know that I couldn't ; ever. that those well meaning ladies HE warden’s office in Sing Sing j looking man with long, wavy black | roxtod me. I readied for the bell for ishmenf. I reach and pm away for keeps. There’s 1 have evidence that a certain man here prison is not a pleasant spot in hair. He was short and thin. j the porter. He struck my wrist. Then Tb<' warden ‘oil’d barely xuppre j something of a mystery about him. j did confess some offense to a- a”— which to Unger, whether you “I am Gustave Blickendolfenbach, a he sat on the arm of my chair. He the great Inventor,” said the visitor to grin. j He’d get away with the Bathos game “To a stool,” commented Handler. T may be Innocent or whether | In high society in :i walk. The swell j I wanted to talk to me, he said. I the warden. “I have a lock for you to “Yes; I think I know where I can “Am I responsible for the detectives j :latues would go daffy over his good j Fcareely knew what to do when a guilty of a crime. And no more reas­ lnkeep the prisoners mit.” He bowed get you n pretty good job,” went on who have men working inside the i locks and his tuny manners and his j j younger man, evidently a gentleman, suring could be termed the abrupt, to the warden and rubbed his hande Doyle engagingly. prison for them?” ; pleasing voice. Yet he has trailed I | walked it: from the smoking eompart- dominating personage who presided complacently. "Nobody wants me,” said Avery de­ “By h ‘stool’ you mean”— | along with the toughest gang in tin* I “A stool pigeon, a decoy. They win | mont. and, raking the man by the arm, over the dismal destinies of the office “So I hear. Your lock can’t be spondently. business." Doyle paused, then said, : tlu* confidence of prisoners and tell ! led him away.” mid Institution when occurred the picked, eh?” “I think I can .arrange it.” ' . i j j “Ami yet he says he is innocent, I sup- j what they learn to the detectives.” | “How do you know the man was a The Inventor raised his hands in hor­ “A job in a laundry, eh?” snapped •vents chronicled in this narrative. j fiose.” j Mrs. Moore here went on to state burglar?” asked the lieutenant gov­ the ex-prisoner. ‘Tvo been a wash That a man f ited by his choice of ror at the suggestion. that in Sing Sing and in all prisons ernor. woman here.” I “Yes.” put in Handler, leaning com- ! occupation to dally associate intimate­ “Picked! Picked!” he ejaculated. were confined many innocent, men and “My lock picked? The whole vorld It “There are lots of Jobs where you formbiy in his chair. “Said so last ■ ly with criminals of high and low de­ time I talked with him. This prison is j that in any event released men should (( ontiniK'd next week) hall tried it—Germany, France, Eng­ don’t have to know a trade. Han't Bill lie encouraged to live honestly, should gree and to come constantly in per­ land—aud even the cleverest thieves in sit down, watden?’’ killing him. He doesn’t like it. He j sonal contact with all the misery and can’t stand it. His nerves will stick j lie given a chance. They ought not to Naples. The whole vide vorld it all it “Why, certainly,” responded Han­ he pursued and hounded into being i A Reliable Med/cine—Not a Narcotic. depravity going to form the life of a haff not open without they the key dler. nut through his skin if they jump ( 1 much more." >spies by detectives anxious to make j Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich , says: state's prison—that a man so fated hafT.” Avery, voicing his thanks, seated a record for securing convictions re­ j “ Our little boy contracted a severe should find exquisite enjoyment in ac­ “So I’ve heard, but still it might be himself at the warden's table. “He's tin* or.:* fellow r think this ; life would * ure. lie’s a wonder.” !gardless of the truth of the testimony. J bronchial trouble and aa the doctor’s centuating these depressing conditions picked at that” Doyle came close to the old man. One reason the woman advanced for “At safe-:, you mean,” was Ilan- ! I medicine d d not cure him, I gave him is surely a contradiction of what ordi­ “It is maybe I don’t understand “There’s one thing you want to do, her stand was that a man who be­ dler’s sarcastic rejoinder. i j Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound in picked—you mean open mit not my Bill, above everything else-keep out came a spy or decoy must associate narily would be expected. Humans of Fifth di ! the warden and the detec- I key?” of bad company,” he warned. continually with men and women of which I have great faith. It cured normal mold are generally occupied In tLe realize as they sat and schemed j “Yes; with a wire or”— Avery hesitated. He glanced from questionable character, thus rendering the cough as well as the choking and ameliorating the evils and annoyances :o I .fin:: about the further and com- , “A vire!” exclaimed the inventor. the detective across to the warden, it impossible to secure or much less J gagging sjn 11s, and lie got well in a !-h‘to ruin of Jimmy Valentine that ; of their surroundings. That is nature’s “My lock open—that I haff spend four­ ‘Tm getting out of bud company to­ remain In honest employment. J short time. Foley’s Honey and la r "there's a divinity that shapes our j way. Not so with Warden Handler. day,” he replied briefly. “Bosh!" exclaimed Handler as she | Compound has many times saved us teen yenrs to perfect? Nein. It is ends, rough low them how we will,” j That which Is bad can be made to be Doyle started forward. censed. “These folks we get don’t J much trouble and we arc never vvith- laughter, yas, but”— aud this int'mmeo is not denied to j worse. Innocence can be shown to be “Yes, and it’s a good thing you are, Handler was growing impatient. (Lee who la mulish forlorn and hope- ■ want to live straight, won’t live lout it in the house." The Cochran guilt—with the aid of trained wit­ “It will be accepted only on the con for you’re getting away from Valen­ straight, can’t live straight when they 1 Drug Store, tine.” ie- S ill J rise:; S. j dition that it cannot be opened with­ get on the outside. First, they’re all ! nesses. Repentance Is always insin- I.ib !e did r out a key,” he pronounced. “Valentine?” hey know that It. nlight lazy; second, most of them are in­ . cere, and if it Is not It can be made he J imn.y V.•dentine, No. UN1,), -'V The inventor drew himself up proud­ “Yes,” insisted Doyle. “It doesn’t Will) sane. Piano For Sale. so. A murderer should be made to re­ was to teach ihern that the soul of a ly. “Yaw, und I challenge the vorld," do you any good to know a man like “What would you call a man,” con­ member always his ignominy. A thief that. I suppose you know he killed man b an ninquonchnblt* spark t hat 1 Bract ic; y new Briggs I’iano at he cried confidently. tinues! the warden, “who does some­ aharga in. not e'VC!) ye•ars of oppression and should be reminded of his amateurish "Well, all the world’s champions are j Cotton so he wouldn’t have to divide thing t In- law forbids, (Inus it win'll- A pply to degradation . A RFSSKFF, his head decisively. the s; 'irif wills that they shall not clutches of the central office men. warden, “and when it comes to genius j chance of gain W hat do vmi call a 2S High St. And just now there came a knot* That was Handler’s philosophy. That in mechanics most of them are in jail. "I don’t know anything about It.” king at tin* warden's door that portended was Handler’s way. We’ll have it tried before noon.” j The detective now spoke sharply. much for No. lUSt). And underlying all his petty oppres­ The visitor took his precious look ; “And what’s he got against you? Tile \v a rden 's secretary went to sion and gross inhumanity was a from bis pocket and laid it on the ; He sent out word that”—the question­ the door < ipening from the office into a cause, deep rooted in a system of his table in front of the warden, saying: i er suddenly shifted—“what message Wait it:ig mom where visitors wen * re- own and of a race of jail keepers that “I keep the key. Now the vorld can­ did he give you to take out tm to” Avery drew hack Involuntarily. teivud. He returned to announce, went before him. Exposure? Re­ not my lock open.” “He didn't give me any message,” “Some members of the Gate of Hope moval? Bah! He had considered all “It looks good,” commented Han­ / w- Ask f<>r part icu lars. ped over the wall on to the top of a for me and squeal on Valentine I'd bis denunciation. • '-nant governor sfeok car of an “up bound” freight train the get him. I’d be able to keep him from c ami presented his evening before. Not a trace of him getting a new trial.” : r v '■on ted t hemse! ves, j yet. Handler’s pride In his record as Thus did the detective describe in (’H AFTER II. ‘‘ ,, i a pen master was at stake, and he flia conversation a small part of the ITT I an agility sun aasin id.y here b>da V. said blamed himself and the whole universe system whieh his fellow man hunters in contrast widi 1lib1i -■ I'ciaain- for the official explanations which find of utility In serving their partie do n ] at attitude, i must soon be forthcoming. His dark ular ends, whatever they muy be- die ed victim ser, >' hi : eyes gleamed vengefully; his short “stool pigeon” system, whlc h consists and raised it I hreaf I'-dmcy o\ cropped black hair fairly bristled with ef forcing or persuading released criiu- head. The two otiumrs kaifia!. at through the rage (hat surged In the thick skull Inals to spy on their companigus and regaining edm demeanor, t! brought to The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 26, 1911.

Receivers say they look for a steady market from now on. if not some improvement, provided ship­ ments tire not crowded in too fast. Shipments are increasing daily and visiting relatives in Mars Hill, re- next, week probably will see the East Hodgdon. high-water mark. The trade is tak­ Boston Shoe Store jtunud holin' Monday. F. S. Kteevos who has been visit­ ing stock pretty well and it is be­ Mr. Thomas Lloyd is on the sick ing friends in Moncton, N. B., re­ lieved that on account of the 0 values for J.UO and Mr. Blaine Lincoln went to Smyr­ Mrs. Mary Adams and daughter and the trade takes hold slowly. A right in style, and that na, Friday, to spend a few days with Hope, were visiting in New Limer­ great many potatoes held in the | has its w taring $:>.f>(J, don’t pay more when when you can his sister, Mrs. Leland Adams. ick, Saturday and Sunday, w ith yards were bought on tie* spurt of ' guaranteed. buy at these prices. Gall and ho iitted. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turney of Mrs. Adams’ brother, Mj . W ilbur some days ago, and the owners now Richmond, spent Sunday here with Bitlier. are not able to get out even. It is estab ­ her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Local talent will present the play likely that a considerable amount of j lish the mode. They L loyd. entitled “The Country Kid” in Saw­ stock bought .this way also is in the ! are the acknowledged Mrs. Sarah Crane was called to yer’s Hall, Saturday evening April country. The country supply un­ standard of style. We New Limerick, Thursday, by the 29, under the auspices of the Lin- questionably is still ||large, and now guarantee sa t i s f a c t o ry illness of her brother’s wife, Mrs. neus Basket Ball team. that the roads permit banling deal­ ers can get. all < hey w ant. Ii is like­ service, so do the makers. Joseph Brown. The next regular meeting of Lin- z& nri csiw T nm ly that a good many of the potatoes , Material, finish, workman­ J l ZsX * JL- m J L J L J E n "Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Turney were neus Tent No. 81 K. (). T. M. will he will go to waste. ship are absolutely right. called to Woodlawn, N. B. last held Friday evening April 2S. All Thursday, by the death of Mrs. members are requested to he present Turney’s uncle, Mr. Thos. Hartley. There will he work in the First and Densmore—McCain. j Mrs, RobieStephenson and daugh­ Second Degrees. ter Madeline, of Ludlow, spent a few The marriage of Miss Mary f)ens-J days here the past week with her W. more of this town and William l’. -: L. Douglas .‘-'hoe $ 2.r,o to parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hen­ Ludlow. McCain of Ludlow took place at tin $ 4 0 0 derson. home of tin* bride's parent, Mr. ami Emerson Wat ranted Shoes $ •Vd The schools commenced in this Mr. Manzer Watson went to Wa- Big Mark-Down in the Mrs. George Densmore on the High­ terville, Saturday. $4 .0 0 , $5 .0 0 , S6 .oo 87.00 and part of the town, Monday, with tho l a n d s on Wednesday afternoon Mr. A. M. Smith lost a very valu­ $ 8 .5 0 , following teachers : Miss Luella B. Rev. Kenneth McKay of the Presby­ able horse on Saturday. Smart in the Stone district, Miss terian church performed the cere­ Do your Trading at the Biggest Jean Kerr in the Lincoln district, Mrs. F. L. Small is recovering mony in t lie presence of the imme­ C1 othing House in Kastern .Maine both of Dan forth, and Miss Irene very slowly from her fall. diate family and a few friends. P a r k e r Benn in the London district. Miss Ruby Worthley spent a few The bride wore a very pretty cos­ days visiting friends in Houlton. tume of white chiffon over silk and F O X B R O S . Hodgdon, Mr. Shaw of N. B. is visiting at carried a bouquet of whin IWeet Mr. Bennet Haley’s for a few days. pens. Mi:ss Sadie Densmore dster of the hi Ie, was maul of Imii Mrs. M. R. Jackins has been suf­ Mrs. P. M. Mooers found the watch . and Lucky Curve Guaranteed Bernard fering the past week from a lame lost by Miss Violet Robinson, last Jlannigau acted a mtin. ankle. fall. The wedding march wa- play The Free Baptist Sunday School Mr. William Hemore while saw­ Non-Leakable M iss .Jennie Sen 1 pie. w h ib th gave a concert at the church Sun­ ing wood got his leg jammed quite ers Were Cordelia Shaw Ma badly. day evening. Densmore. Bona. Sharp. Elwood Howard has bought the Mr. and Mrs. Olin Green of New Shaw find Fern Souiervilh Limerick, were calling on friends in FOUNTAIN Stephen Gerow farm and Is hauling A fter t h e cel - 111 o 11 \' a fee town Sunday. lumber for the erection of a new was held ami jefj-i llp'llts -e ]’ v < house. Word was received here recently by M iss Jennie Den ore a in 1 Mr 1NT S Rev. J. A. Weed was absent from of the deatli in Bradford, Mass, of ( k S. < )sg< M»d. A 1 m m her of preti his services Sunday. He has been 1 Mrs. Hannah Barrett, formerly of it i ill valuabh gifts Were re ■el Ve attending the Eastern Maine Con­ this place. Mrs. Barrett is si r- consisting' of Id 1v o r v. cal gla.-e You can get a $2.50 Pen for $1.75 ference. vived by four brothers, D. D. He- i 1 ver, li lien ;i m 1 Don fr- >m f 1 bride's You can get a $2.00 Pen for $1.50 The friends of Miss Alma Moody moie, William Hemore, MelzAr He­ fiit Imr, and a piano. are pleased to see her in town again. more and Eli Hemore and a sister. The house was very po t t ily Mo r You can get a $1.50 Pen for $1.00 She commenced work in the Jones Mrs. Mary Small, besides eleven orated with cut tlowers. palun School, Monday. chi dI'ell. potted plant-.. I'he op! nf Hoce J. M. Hunter has been chosen A very pretty reception took place guests ware Mr. arid M r-\ A a / ’.it n.v ' V. ear, t Students should take advantage of delegate to attend the State Conven­ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hoyt of McAdam .1 u i:rt i-m. )• \ ex' „ ,, tion of the K. O. T. M. which is to McCain on Wednesday evening, Shaw of Victoria, N. IB. and th is offer at once as supply of pens is be held at Lewiston, May 30th. Apr. 19th from 8 to ID, it being in Jennie I) e 11.. 111 o i e. Bancor. lim ited. honor of the wedding of their broth­ Couple lll'nVe to tin If l|n!||.‘ ill S, C") All those interested in the Hodg­ 1/ • r- er, Willie McCain, to Miss Mary low late in the a ft - rn J fw c tt iSi Co» M. will hold a masquerade social chiffon over white - 1 I K SB** wa April 29 at Hand’s hall. Suitable fended by her sis t ef Mi-- > M prizes will be awarded, to the lady j Densmor The gi x-m wa- dr- wearing the handsomest costume in the conventional black and and to the gent appearing in the attended by Bernard ll.inui. most ludicrous costume. Itefpsh- A fter t he rt-rept ion dainty r- ■! j mentsserved, good music furnished, incuts eon-dsting of -al.'id-, e-. Mebarv Shoe Co. and a genera' good time anticipat­ ice cream and cak-- w- n- -- rv- d A PERMANENT ed. To cover expenses a small ad­ four young ladi--. T!n-y w- : ■ mission will be charged. recipie!!t- of many co-1 ly anil b- Petit inn to Build tiful presents i• -»:i-isi m.; -> -•a’ silver ware ami art ic !• - - -1 t u f Home Power Investment Smyrna Mr. an I Mrs. Met - I 6 PER CENT DEBENTURE MORTGAGE i.«■ w honi ■ in Udiov. :i c Mr. J. P. Yerxa spoilt tiie b.v th-- I ■ - 1 v - ■. - ■ - o ! a Stock of end at Houlton. fri-■mis. F o r S a le Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Henion were Hfiaine and New Brunswick in Houlton, Saturday. Pofatoe Electrical Power Company Mrs. William Harper is quip ill t .i.M i i i ; d with a seyere bilious attack. Th- i'-lM1 ma, M. • i : - jji Mr. anil Mrs. Lawrence McGary Shares P ar Value ,SlOO Each JH.25 i o f 1 .i 1 :i l\ w ere In H oulton, Saturday, '” ::v • ■ ah*\iwr l’AR. With Miss Edith Hamm as teacher. i". . . • • • : B"- : d A : ■• » -!■ ■ k I .BB, and stijg'IicS i ’A • ; I'M •- f-ll ■ - a i • • ' - :: d, : d; : " AVer arid; Adit. Miss Bessie Nevers of Houlton i- s 11: j i: 11 ■ ■: i ’ - ml; ib.,, the guest of Miss Augusta Birming­ B. A: \ . lmr t ;. - w • > ; Price : !>* ing tlm raiiim. T-. -day ! 1. Two moose visited our town Sun­ M ■ i « FOR • was t"(> for tlm best. Th -■ -loci. I- V. H.l 1 \ '•! ! p r A. MI EES CO. day. Of course no one molested w. particularly good and giv* m general b;. h - \o.,- ii.-;, . 1 , i ... : v i them, although one of «»ur good ' 1 n MILO, MAINE sati^fact ion. ’I'he price is better ■ 17 citizens in his eager attempt to sec* GIRLS than last year, considering the tt.ern fell and injured himself quite amount m. hand. Most receipts un­ Cl.A 1 R V < A \ 1 \ N l i 1 ■ A 1M 1 F. For Sale -I S T H E . badly. Madam Z- 1 a. e!:iir-. ,"ii sold locally, as out-of-town markets • a : t i■ a-a. i ■ liana -s. 1 ‘ M are su[>plied direct from Florida. |i:il!iiM, i- h- !'• ■ ) <>r ;i - s j. - f : iit;;- . i f (Clark's llm,. !. < ’..O-Ul- 1 -i!l 1,0 : l -I' -a!' •• w i a-n, 1 >r! i{. ,,i- •• l.ai - Liniteus* Much complaint is heard from re­ and 1 ni- i ness lll.l t t - | -. | *| p., - . -- i': -. WALTON ceivers because of the delay of the ; and $ 1 .on ! p-i'Pp at Hastings stock en route. Gars load m Tit Win Wear.” Schools in this town commenced 1 'D : s in ’ j ed at Hastings Monday and due to­ til-' - 'III u:n a f. Monday Apr. 24, Chamberlain’s Stomach a n ii1 Liver il ay did not arrive, making tIn* re­ Tablets as-i-t nature m drivirig id 1 Mil i< -I Mrs. H. C. Adams is confined to that ini For Sale. ceipts light and prices continued purities out of the S\ -Iriii, ii nine a the house by illness. 1 • : i i - 11 -ii'.i - hi, Mu Mi ii!:i;li- I " a " ■ i - >, v r < M1 f; i ait, I -1,- firm. Because of tlm delay in rail tree and refill ar condition and fester ■ PALMER'S F. E. Holmes Went to Ludlow, Afi-i. ; ;-"t. Ii.aii and dry. bi-autiful sl.a-lc shipments receivers here are co­ ing the oig uis of the body to ll-'id'h W IlddAM i’< d: Monday, on business, and strength. operating with the shippers at Hast- Sold by Berks'' Drug lb 1, Attiii iii \, Hi, .in \. (; - - b. A. DoXnVAX. ! Mrs. S. E. Hadley who has been ings in using an all water rout*:. Store. ;;r Shoe Store The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 26, 1911,

y Piper c mli n. to tin A lg llB l ►?« ►?« *7«*7* *7«l®l*T«K41*1K4K 4K 4 1*11 * 4 WWMMMM . W. C. T U !: 11»> 11 s i1 with i 1!n. Presque Isle to Have a Automobillsts. I OF LOCAL INTEREST I Dr. I >ickins' el 'ill! '. April L'nt 1 Meeting, I.very automobile owner in the 1 w.-.-k busi in ting of t Ie- < onnty should make it a point to bo ; in Houlton on May 3. to attend the Yor k. In t the home 11 u ettcotuaging to note that the "(mod Roads” meeting which is to h»n on Fi.ir St. At Don’t ini^s tlo- out prio i on chin;i gooij work of advanced potato dis- be held under the auspices o'- the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harmon worn K. E. Milliken of Bridgewater ‘ U I ee I | tlg a social it O 11 i . Houlton (’hamber of Commerce. cups and »aucers .",5r and ’>i ie mi en-sio!) so Well begun by the Iiotil- in Bangor last week for a few days. was a business caller in town last . at which til'll over I While the meeting is nrimarilv for iSots., at Smit h Bros. ti’.u < hamhi-i- of (’omnierce tw o Friday. mperance literature the Farmers, Municipal Officers and H. F. Curtis of Sherman Mills, Miss Flora Parrott roturnod to !1 r ui i |.s ago is imw being taken up bv Hoad Commissioner* of thedifferent, Mr. Fayette Brown left Monday a r tor di-.it illinium At was In Houlton, Thursday last, on Houlton Monday alter spending a t h" Presque Isle Board of Trade. towns, it is expected that there will for Portland where he has accepted a 1 'n» that the two Virginia went to Boston last week which atiiouut oil Beard of Trade, which is to he held 1 associations may work together, for relatives. them in the loss of their mlant for a short trip. Voted lo local W' oil the evening of Thursday, Mav the betterment of road conditions. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hamilton child, which occurred on Monday. h h. si line on.- or more of tin- most There will be low rates on the B. & inn 5 si \ ’months' tin Joseph Perrigo of Ilodgdon, who i m j 111 r t a n t [ > I j a si s o J 111 e pi >t a J o grow­ returned last week from a trip to The Odd Fellows will celebrate A. a n d a special train will leavo spent the winter in New York City ‘•Star in the Fast ing and shipping interest will he Houlton after the evening meeting, Canterbury. their ,92nd anniversary this V ed- returned home last week. taken up aiui discussed. If such running as far s Caribou, s,, that’ Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Moore were in nesday evening. Knckabema and program is decided upon, it is Imped those who do not care to remain in Caribou last week, the guests of Mr. Paul H. Powers, a student at tin Portia Hebekah joining in the core- New Drug Store. to have some of the leading produc­ Houlton over night can return Lome ers ami shippers of the Goiiuty pres­ , tin* same evening, and Mrs. Percy Logan, Harvard Law School, was at home monies. for the Easter vacation. A. G .'iiinrot- will open h i- ent to express their views on the i Perhaps it is not generally known, F. K. Cook, the insurance man, topics assigned for discussion. The *Sf«»re in I ’ iiion Square to t Im public but id was tiir.in.Ji t In* it.ibmnee of went to Boston, Friday on a business Mr. and Mrs. Moody Gerow arc betterment of tin* conditions fol­ tin* Maim* Branch ot t In* A merican oil Sat iirduy next. lowed m the potato growing indus­ trip. He will return the last of the receiving congratulations on the Maine and N. B. | Automobile As-n. that the D *erii,g birth of a daughter Saturday. This is a new departure in having- try is pel haps tin* most vital one i Trunk Lim* Highway bili providing w eek. Electric Power Co. a Drug Store in this section of tin- our people have to face at the pres­ fer a trunk 1 m* f,,ad from Kittery Mrs. Hubert E. Smith of Caribou, ent time, and whatever can be done to Van Bur, Patriots’ Day celebration in Houl­ town, and from the largo number of u was passed, and also who has been in Houlton for som* to place tin* industry oil a better through tin* . A. A. that the Wins- ton consisted of the Banks, Post of­ A meeting of the Directors of the people who 1 i \ e in this part of the low Autoiiii time, returned home last week. tooting should receive tin* eo-opera- ibile KegiVt rat ion hilt fice and Government buildings be Maine a n d New Brunswick Elec­ town ;is well as from the numerous t ion of all our citizens.” was passed, wnich provides for li- ing closed. Miss Margaret Goud of Caribou trical Power Co. Ltd. was held at passers-by, cannot hut help doing a Tin* Houlton meeting was a, great censing auto nmbiles aecording to 1) or.se-pi I\v r. Hon. J. B. Madigan and L. A. was the guest of her brother, Fred the office of Geo. B. Dunn on Satur­ larg<* business, convention. Over 75 1 i e s. ry farmer in Aroosg.ok ('<>. Loads Assn, am! also a branch of Gould, Presque Isle ; a n d W. F. ly injured while shoeing a horse land Ave. M r. Monroe’.- reputat ion as a Pre- could have In-ard Brof.-ssot John- t' , Aim-neati Automobile Assoeia- Million of St. John, X. B. scriptioti Drug; son.” However, tin* value is m th- last week. One of his fingers was With this issue of the T tmk.s an­ isf is too Well k UilWil Matters relating to the rew exten­ to mention it application mid Rresque M ■ is do­ nearly severed. other very interesting serial com­ iert* and his many sion of the Gould lines were trans­ friends Wish him the h ing what every town in the county Mrs. Ora Gilpatrick was in Water- mences which cannot fail to interest of suc- acted. cess in his new local ion. should — keeping at it. Park- rille last week, where she was one everyone. •O’Connell. Mr. (’. C. Pierce. Manager of the of the Patronesses at the Colby The hmne of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. John Vasser went to Davidson General F.lectrie Co. of Boston, was M Park of Pre-qii - Isle, was the Junior Promenade. Monday night where he has a long in attendance at t m* meet ing. Death of Good Roads Meeting. scone of a vi-rv pretty wedding Miss Deborah Williams who has job painting and paper hanging for Wednesday, April fit. at* high noon, been spending the w inter wiih Ora Gilpatrick. Mrs, G. E. Wilkins. when their daughter, Miss Isabel The Good Loads commit tee of the Fern who has many friends in H.uil- friends in the Southern states re­ Miss Lucy O’Brien, who under­ Barn Dance. In th, death of Mrs. Wilkins Houlton C ham ber of Commerce tmi was united m mnfringe t o (’has. turned home Friday. went a slightoperation at the Aroos­ have about completed arrangements K. O’Gmimdl of Milford. The cer­ The Barn Dance given by t he Nort h which oei. urn-d on Sunday last Houl­ for a Good Ronds Convention to be The annual State Convention of took Hospital, Thursday, has re­ emony, tin* single ring service was Star Camp of Royal Neighbors hast ton has suth-red a distinct loss, her !n hi in Mansur's hall Wednesday performed by tin* Ib-v. A. I). Paul, the Modern Woodmen of America turned to her homo. Thursday evening, was a success be­ many friends have been deprived of afternoon a n d evening. May 3rd; pastor of tin* Free Baptist church, will be held with the Houlton lodge tin- afternoon session beginning Mrs. Samuel Atworth who has yond all expectations, and the com­ one of t Imir most intellect mil asso- in the presence of the immediate promptly at 2 o’clock and the even­ relatives and friends. on W ednesday, May 3, 1911. been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. cia f rs. a ml tin- h i is bam 1 and eh i Id r<-n mittees .are congratulat ing th e m ­ ing at 7.do. There will he excursion A pleasant reception followed the Mrs. H. L. Knight, who has been Savage returned Monday to her selves that their treasury has been have hst tin ideal wif - and mot her. rates from all points in tin* County wedding from l to 5 o’clock and a spending a few days with her son, home at Dyer Brook. increased one hundred dollars. wh >se [dace call never he filled. o v e r th e Bangor and Aroostook large number of friends called to ex­ Railroad, and a special train is pro­ Dr. A. G. Walker, returned to her Mrs. Wilkins had been in ln*r usu- tend congratulat ions. Clarence H. Pierce arrived home Long before S o’clock it became vided which will run as far nortli as a* home in Portland, Saturday. a i ■alth uni il two w Mr. (>’(’onnell, the groom. Is a Tuesday from Washington, being apparent that Mansur Hall would ife- ('aribou after the evening meeting. man of ability and excellent stand­ Mias Maud Astle, who has been called home on account of the death not tie large enough (oaeeommodat - - viotls til her (li at h whei S ll e sub- The meetings will he addressed by ing among bis acquaintances. Ho spending her vacation with her par­ of Mrs. G. E. Wilkins. the crowd, and when the Gran d milled 11 an i perat i >n. w! ich d Ulhf- Mr. Paul I). Sargent, Assistant Di­ is in the employ of Byron Boyd of rector. <)llice of Public Roads, W ash­ ents, returned to Bates college to March was formed the lim- rea d ’.'d 11 “"1 Wi ill 111 iti \ e 1leen -m-ce ssf ll 1. Augusta as surveyor. T h e bride is The .voting folks will h o ld a ington. D. C. who is well known in the eldest daughter of lh-v. George nearly twice around the hall. I had imt tTl >11 . hi tl p let im mi a >ef ill! resume her studies last week. Poverty Masquerade hall Tuesday ft t h is sect ion, and Mr. G. F. Pennv- M. Park and is quite an a c c o m - 11 afliTwar Is an d sII" J as- luieki r. J i . who is Secretary of the Mr/J. Arthur Whitman of P ort­ May 9 at Mansur Hall, Bryson will was estimated that n e a r l y 2t) ed a way Sun- pti-Aied young I.-uly. Slu- is a grad­ uiplcs were on * In- floor. da v in mi j Ami iic.ai) Association for Highway uate of the Presque isle High S chool land was called to Houlton on ac­ furnish the music, refreshtnei ts will Improvement, and the State High- Tint hall was artistically decimal >■ Slu- wa - !! V e; I s 1 > t ag • a 111 has | class 1899, a graduate of Miss Beal's count of the illness of her mother, he served, and a good time is as­ wav Commissi mer, Parker L. H ar­ School of Shorthand and T y p e ­ lived in Hull l!. u f >r in:my \ ears, ! Mrs. Wm. Garrison, Powers Ave. sured. with farming implements, lantern- dison of Caribou, and it is hoped writing, B a ti g o r, is a competent old harnesses, etc., while hales < >f cmiiing here with h >a retltS wln-n | that Professor Files of Kowdoiti Col­ bookkeeper a n d is (pine musical. The next regular meeting of Houl­ Jtulte Wise has purchased of Geo. lege may be here at tin* same time. hay and straw and bags of oats wm ■c a girl, gt ad in ! ( 1 IT() U 1 B Ckef with j She has a large circle of friends ton Lodge B P. O. E. will be held Shea the old skating rink building It is tin* intention to form at this used for seats. The stag ■ was a 1 loimrs, a nd nf a nut 1 hi-!' of gears! who wish her much happiness in on Friday evening, when there will on Military St. and will soon open time a n assoeiat ion called t he Aroos­ 1 ige. veritable menagerie. Hens, turkey was a sin Ce1 ll ■rs. tins movement (’minty wide aud the the ground, and bringing about an Presque Isle, who was formerly Mrs. Wilkins was a faith fill mem­ officers will be selected from differ­ in shirt sleeves, and were certainly ent parts of t In-('minty. Atlnll E. early spring. Mamie Monohan of this town, will a husky bunch of “rubes.” ber nf tin* ('iiiigi'egatiunal church Irvin of Presque Isle is spoken of as luiim uuuutm vm m utnif Indications now point fo fully as be sorry to learn of her serious ill­ The dancers were dressed to rep­ and took a prominent part in all a very desirable man for the Pn-si- large an attendance at the Good ness which resulted in an operation resent fanners arid farmers’ wives, bran cites of its work. sle- was a mem­ dmiey of the Association. it Roads meeting May 3, as was pres­ which was successfully done last ber of tfo Ricker Travel Cla-s, the One of the things the association and many a laughable rig was seem will attempt to do will be to interest Saturday. She is now resting com­ J ent at the Potato Growers’ conven* A prize had been offered to the lady Fact and Fiction (dull and Eastern tin- larger towns in the (’minty to sc-1 fclon held recently. fortably. and gentleman who best represented Star, having served as President of cun- tin* services of a competent ell- , Albert A. Burleigh was In Presque Mr. I. S. G. Van wart, of Calgary, a janner or a countryman, .and tin- both, as well as being tin- first Wor­ gim-er, capable of making plans wit h | accompanied by his family is visit­ thy Matron of Fidelity Chapter, and details and estimates along tin* line j [sle last week to attend the marriage judges gave to Miss Bessie Hillman, of permanent (as near as is possible > J of Miss Fern Park, who for a num­ ing Ibis sister. Mrs. A. W. Knox, ladies first prize (tw o valuable < n account of h-T jnt< lh-ctual attain­ work which should be continued ber of years was in the employ of Bangor St. Mr. Van wart is High chickens about 3 weeks old). T. Vic ments always had a premim-nt part from mo* year to the next. the Fish River Lumber Co, Sheriff of Alberta, B. C. and is Hoklaway drew first prize (one in all of t heir programs, and it was One of the features of this meeting | to pull you home for the purpose of visiting always a treat and a pleasure to lis­ will he the consideration of the idea Jas. C. Madigan has returned to white hen) for tin* gentlemen, and of askm; tin- next legislature to per­ l through from Georgetown University to resume his relatives whom he has not seen the decision of tin? judges was re­ ten to her literary product inns, and mit the County to issue bonds for his duties. He was accompanied by for some years. ceived with much applause. her witticisms in her capacity as a good roads work, along the line of | Winter Boots some cooperative method of expen­ his mother Mrs. J. B. Madigan, who The meeting which was to he held A long program of good old fash­ presiding officer. T he funeral took place on Tues­ diture. The Comity bonds given for | to OXFORDS will visit relatives in Boston, in Houlton by State Road Commis­ ioned dances was enjoyed and at a the aid of the construction of tin* day afternoon fioin her late resi­ Road Commissioner Small had a sioner Hardison on April 28 has late hour the party broke up, ea*d> Bangor a n d Aroostook Railroad dence on High street, Rev. T. P. orew of men at woik last week re­ been postponed until May 3, when person folding that it was tin* one Company will mature within a few Williams and Rev. K. McKay offici­ years. The first $5uO.0 becoming moving the granite crosswalks from it will be merged with the Good big time of the season. I Patent Leather ating'. Interment was made at L’ver- dm* September 1st, 1912. The en­ Main and Court streets and filling Roads’ convention which is to lie Much credit, is due the efficient abling act to bo such as will permit gre, n cenn-tery. In with crushed rock, preparatory to held under th e direction of the committee. Mrs. (’. (’. Newell, Mrs. the County to contribute towards j Cloth Top the construction and the mainte­ asphalting later on. Houlton Chamber of Commerce. M. Bessey, Mrs. Michaud, also to the ladies who prepared tin* refresh­ nance. At the present time all work Work has commenced on the Me­ The firemen were called to the will need to be done by cooperation ments, which were certainly a de­ Marriages Not Report­ Button Boots chanic street Garage, and it will be resovoir on Monday evening at 8.15 and t e time intervening for County for a fire in the Clough house which parture from the customary dance ed for Record. aid will enable the Association to pushed to completion. Mr. Van perfect plans, so as to work out a de­ was occupied by Mr. Dineen, caused refreshments, w h ic h consisted of REGULAR PRICE $2.50 Tassell has charge of the work, and The State Register of Vital Statis­ sirable method of expenditure. by a defective flue. The buildings hulled c o rn a n d milk, molasses the building will be made of Mir tics has written several letters to The men who will address the were beyond saving when the fire­ , buttermilk, ginger bread meetings arejmenof prominence aud We are selling acle Concrete Blocks. Michael M. Clark. Town Clerk, that men arrived, but they did much to etc. the Houlton Chamber of Commerce Ralph Nickerson was a passenger tin* following Law has not been is fortunate in getting the services th em .for save surrounding property. The on Monday’s train for Newport complied with in this town, and has of such excellent speakers. The loss was estimated at $2(XX>. where be will visit with his brother, April Term S. J. Court. sent him lists of parties' names who evening lecture will be illustrated. One of the features of the ‘’Good A special invitation will be ex­ George, who is successfully c.ar y- have been married outside of the tended to all tin* selectmen and road $ 1.69 Ing on a farm there under Aroos­ Roads” meeting which is to be held Divorces Decreed. State the past few years, and also of commissioners from till the different in Houlton on May 3rd is the fact took county methods. Ida G. Munti from Klijah Mnmi. parties that have been married in Towns in the County, and there is While they last. that this subject is something which no doubt but that the hall will be Word was received here recently Vict< r M. Hastings from James this town and which have not been is of interest to eyery Tax Payer filled both afternoon and evening. of the death of Gilman Barker, a Otis Hastings. reported for record. All ariangemen ts for the meeting See them in in Houlton but also to every citizen former resident of H< ulton, at Mad­ Mary A. Wann from John Wanti, 1 When residents of this state go into another are in tin* bands of the (Hood Roads of Aroostook County, and is as state for tin* purpose of marriage, ami it is o u r w indow ison, WIs. at the age of CO. Mr. Melbourne C. Smith from Annie Commit foe. of which L. S. Black is much for the benefit of the resident there solemnized, and they return to dwell (Titiirma it. Barker was a son of the late Isaac K. Smith. of the northern as well as the south­ hen*, they shall, on the blank prepansl l y the Shoe Barker, who for many years lived Stillman J. Randall from Rhoda ern part of the county. state registrar for that purpose, till out and Store on the North road. A. Randall. Calling eards engraved aud print­ PALMER’S tile a i-ertilicate of their marriage with tin* Clias. D. Merritt and Fred F. Rose (). H a ll from William F. clerk of the town in which each of them lived, ed at the T im its Office. • HWWIUiMUUWWMWWWI 0 Merritt with their families will Hall. within seven days after their return. The leave here the last of May tor Seat­ Nellie J. Farren from Thompson clerk shall then record such marriage. Any tle, having sold their residences A. Farren. jK*rson who fails to make the report of his here. Lyman B. Merritt who with marriage to the town clerk as is herein pro­ For a Spring William TJIIh from Annie Fdls. vided shall forfeit twenty dollars, half to the his family has been in the West for John I). Gardner from Ophia Mae the past year, will return and take prosecutor, and half to the town where the Gardner. forfeiture is incurred. MEDICINE charge of the milling, electric light (Hilbert Buckingham from Mary J. aud other business interests that | .When residents of this state, with intent to Buckingham. evade the provisions of six-lions one, two and they have here, and will continue TRY A BOTTLE OE OUR Ada Deinerchant from Colby De­ three of this chapter, or of chapter sixty-two, under the name of E. Merritt ersons . Baby Carriage on the market. Let us demonstrate Every bottle guaranteed to will reside. Karl Adolphus Damon from Flor­ in marriage thereafter. j If any person thus forbidden, or any minis­ ence Mary Damon. its points to you. benefit, The new pews for the Congrega­ ter or other person not authorized to solemnize j tional church are expected in a few Marion A. Niles from George N. marriages, joins any persons in marriage, he [ We carry the largest assortment of ♦ Sold only at days, and it would be a great con­ Niles. shall he con fried to hard labor in the state; Carriages and Carts in town* venience to the committee, ir those Eunice Foster from Joseph Foster. prison for not more than five years, or lined j THE who have subscribed to this work Harry Carpenter from Pauline M. not excei-ding one thousand dollars. I would at their earliest convenience Carpenter. Whoever knowingly and willingly joins per-1 sons in marriage contrary to this chapter, for-1 pay their subscription to Mr. L. 8 . Mary Soucier from Mack Soucier. feits one hundred dollars, two-thirds thereof, Cochran Drug Store Black, collector for the committee. William N. Fisher from Emily C. to the county wlieretheolfen.se is committed, There may be otherg also who are Fisher. and

[E«tai: Ms hi: i IA im: I l. 1;’., lm /rrar-rr' .r*?* y . r j

TIIE A R O O S T O O K T I M ES * '1 < V '■' * 4 \ ALL THE HOME NfWS A b .o :rg KAVOX tSotVp Published even Wedne -day Morning h;, dir I..a■■ ■. u N Times Puhli.suing Co. ; I \ • -< :z*i*?r CHflS. H- FOGG, Pres. & Nlgr. P er L /•< e -i e r. * , Rheumatism, Subscription" f t per your in mu e11.* .*; m:,;_ !o (otacs |j\con t s. Gjrtu < ' „ C.tis Swellings, A cake of Lenox Soap is about 4 inches .ji* in ju rie s— m- jV t > (t t ^unites. long; 3 inches wide; and 1 l i inches thick. Nuhsei: pi sons in ait eats |»#-j yai tfo SuhHcri l>< ton fa nrcffrt/ until all arrrar- ki.'vd WH-.t-, foe C o/rfs, S o ro The ends, top arid bottom are rounded, 1 V/fv'u.i/, Cr.jt »<•’•■** C ouol D isorders, Advertising.Htos tiased upon oiroiihinoTi m at Chit far i fljfiy Pains. Wo* so that the is easily held in one’s hand. very rcrt-mnihle. r< uk >\ ii tie! ic quick and sure. Communication* upon hears of general inter­ The top side of the cake bears the word est are solicited fey Use 1 0 0 Yeats Filtered ;it the post other at Ihmlhit! for e'r tl’*’ Iepee-m •• ; onr-'ll'. :lie! i!Old j, 11 \ , I ; ;, i Lenox; the reverse side, the name of the dilation at seroml-i'la.ss postal rate-.. ! !■•■ i>, 11 iri ■ t o r. i he sole reliance for generations. Has makers, Procter &, Gamble* For Advertising Rates apply toi < tiee Bl .■-idol it and Mai ui d 1 r. cuuvi counties; thousands of hurts and ail­ ments. On the inside of the. wrapper are 2 5 c utid 3 0 c b o ttle s. Wa 11ing11»n ai id a n ■ eai!'i fill In pay suggestions as to the best way to use Who is the Happiest? buy it ami have it ready. At all dealers. iho id'll-" foe whirl i th' ■ law id the I. S. Johnson A Co., Boston, Mass. Lenox Soap, that are well worth reading. not iii ill 11 as os t ;iibli-h ed. Tho last idi­ A New Yorker celebrated for his lainlahlo Ijgun S sill ) W 'll i a t Illinois ■:J.W millions declares that the rich .are pai. 1 an inli-ni;ll rev oil l|l■ tax of $tl.gu not as well off as the poor, who have por inhabitant 111 id 1;n r words, if not such heavy r<\sponsil>i!ities to t iio money pa id by all tho ma kors worry them. Matty other rich men, 'O' Lenox Soap— ami 111■ a 1 ojs ot liqil or ill 111itines 111 ommoommtmmamo perhaos most of them, hold in (lien t B 1 e nat ional gover 11 lielit were di- hearts somewhat the same opinion. v i d <•d by Iho mamboir of persons liv- "Just fits And every poor man believes exact ly HOME McNally’s Restaurant in.: in (In- Stall too tax por person the opposite. To the man w ithout Will! id bo $'.(.20. Tin1 ta:< in Ohio is money his responsibilities appear $;i.:5i5 pel’ capit.a, in Kentucky’ $s.7d AGAIN heavy,, indeed, while thought el has been removed to the old stand the hand” and in Penney Ivani a., $2.20. What wealth is like a dream of glory'. do \'Oil Sllpposi ‘ it is in Mlaine 7 .Ex- known as the Farmers’ Restaurant. Commenting along this line the act 1 v 4 cents. ,Scranton Times says : "Maim* has $t5t5.ut vunw . m u m v u u u i • he can retire to the quiet of the "A stranger conies to Maine, sees country. There is no particular two or three drunken men on some reason for it all, except that we are street of a city and goes home to re­ just built that way. port that prohibition is a fndure. A You have noticed the donkey leave statement of that kind is puerile and in a Bank his own grass to hang1 his head over unworthy of not ice. Against it must; Growth the fence, with drooping cars and be put the record of half a century. drooling; mouth and look longingly I have seen ships of rum unloading upon the next field when* the grass, at our wharves, but. such ships are means Success, Being Alive, thong'll precisely like his own, seems to be seen no more. In Washington ever so much sweeter. Well, theex- liquor in bottles is displayed in show' and the Confidence of the % tra sweetness is all in the fence. And windows like shoes, millinery a.i d not all donkeys drooling; over the dry goods. There is no such exhi-j People in the Community fence stand on four leg's.” bition anywhere in Maim1. There i are j>laces where liquor is sold, and j where it is>established. A The Allegash Route. m- n who drink may guess or learn their location, hut the whole pro-! Deposits Jan, 6, 1907, $128,882.09 feeding is under the ban and could According to plans filed with and he instantly stopped were t lie ollicers ! Deposits Jan. 6,1908, 194,964.14 approved by the Board of Hailroad of 11 ie law mindful of their duty.” Deposits Jan. 6, 1909, 365,621.30 *** __ £ ^ .4 ( Commissioners, an AUagash exten­ A glance at the above figures quot­ Deposits Jan. 6,1910, 431,648 22 sion of tIk- Bangor & Aroostook rail­ ed by Mr. Littlefield shows that i road will pass up tin* west shore of Maim1 under prohibition had accti- ! Deposits Jan. 6, 1911, 482,358.32 IN STOCK BY Chamberlain lake instead of bm ululated a per capita bank account' east, as was originally planned. of $117.22. while in Illinois, in the! .. ri The understanding at the cornmis ehier capita is only $12. It!. . HOULTOX, MAIXJ 3 Francis will be begun at once and j | Illinois, m llios, th e internal that tlm road will be built in the j revenue tax was $1).2()per inhabitant. FOUR p e r cen t In te re st paid near future. ! while in Maine if was 4 cents. Cast- on Saving’s Deposits. The route as now approved leaves ing aside all reference to the dillVr- the Bangor Aroostook at a point eiice in social conditions of (he two in Township E Kange p in Fiscata states—the misery which is repre­ qnis county and runs northerly sented by toe hunger and cold of Carriages and Autos. through Dong’ A township and across tliousands of women and children Indian township, thence between in t rfe one, as offset by the well fed Belliedmncook and .Jo Mary lakes and well clot lied in the ot Imr. it may PAINTED-VARNISHED across Township !, Hange lo, I’Kcnt- readily lie seen that to support a. ii- i t aquis county, in live unde]’ prohibition than in Western Canada, Hiitisii Columbia, and on Pacific Coast, (=> / At this point the former proposed tiny of those others mention d, for Not as luxurious as the Palace Sleeper, but they meet the re- Good Work at Low Price route swung to the east ward, cross­ while we arc-faxed in emits tor the ([uirments of a superior class of patrons just as well,—and at ing Township 1, Hange 11 ami then amount of liquors consumed other half the cost. pursued a, generally northerly di­ states are taxed in dollars. Where ECONOMY AND COMFORT COMBINED. % > That’s whylwe are always Busy rect ion oil the easl side of rhum b I- wo have $luo per capita, in the local <'oml>ination Tickets are issued giving patrons the privilege of travelling First-Class lain and succeeding waters. savings banks, none of the ot Imr to .Montreal, and Second beyond, and holders ot sueli Tickets can travel “ lourist ’ The new route turns to the west, states mentioned have one-sixth of from !Mon!real, on payment of Tourist Berth Hate. however, beginning at the carry t hat am ount. If interested, see Local Agent, or write and folio-,vs fairly closely the east Ale we ready to .--wan these condi­ shore of ('hesuneook, passing- west tion-; for (hose of states wlmiv rum \\\ B. HOWARD, I). P. A., C. St. John, N. B. Huggard Brothers Company of Duel; pond and Moxie, ihenee and rowdyism reign supreme, and almost due north through Town­ pay tin- diHerem-e into the coders of Bangor Street ship a, Hamm !2 and (5, Hange 12. t he 'iqimr I rust •; j passing between ( mbazookus lake and Mud pond, crossing' Mud pond o~ carry, then, swinging slightly to (lie Patronize Home northwest around t ho upper end of Industry. ( 'ha mberla i n la!

the owners of the buddings ami the delinquent officials if the law is not A Call to Arms! complied with, wit bin :>o days. • - a (,5 < .. r ■ •t* c*’ The !>j]] was lust in t he shuffle. Tic st rung cited' 1 w h i e h has M J. C V ed.&V. .,pa. g. W.S'. 1 A second hill of the same tenor uanied prohibit)..0 , the briehie.-t was s!;irl"d Imt that, was also kid- j -mm " | ' m r n io mi ei vi 1 iza t ion. has napp'd. j fallen n '1, the hands of the euem y. | K u 111! — U )! o v. w i i! the w i I \ leaders TH I I'D Id Id. INTRODUCED. ! ' !! ' " 1 !l V pan id t be Well Senator M illiken started a t hire! 'ill on its way. tied this time I Weal! I bee ... Sj J ,:'c i j. £ ua iefe will he 1)0 crooked b U i n " . i’ee hill was (aided for printing. ■Umbers, of both Senate and House "ii' 'A bat < 'aptain 11 '"'"■ii to be thoroughly arou-i d by . S;i a ; in ; i . !;• 'in- . !s •be New 5 o k horror and intent up­ D" s: i. .\. r“ ;i- t: ,i rad Tins ^ on safeguarding file in Maine. ! the St at.' ,V b A \ e load (T.p . ‘ , • on * | I' a . ■, Tie’ plati' o every "VS, * *• m ' r package * s t j h r tiie "tit broin nr tit ef t a. R. R. Building j where til!' I fee p-.ople >! , ^ ‘ At A ll Druggists for Aroostook. | It;i \ " long- ! 11.. n laid. ! M. ti and women of Maine ! The Nort hern Maine will he the scene c; iII g..o out to \lM) for voknit eel'S. A :ti)e>l w i t! i \ ieiy gi'red. House For Sale. force An sniuiii house on High St. All in any other part of New England to (be Still.- t<• 1lel'toil ill id pl'o- tel•! .'Ill i 1 i ■ i ! t lit ion W i|OSe SIde o! modern conveniences. Cood sized It is well understood t hat the (tan­ vi'wt lot. All furnished. 'PM-" i Gold M e d a lFlou* go r A. A roostook is t a k ing sf eps look - ill!d p . l 1 t i de ii;i-e m;i: hood. A pplvto ing toward the beginning of the to bring grief and misery to wniiiaii- C HO. A. RUSSELL, 28 H igh St. construction of the so-called A 11;i- : IM" " I. t u rob I i 11 e ei i i Id ren (.f their Why Not Now? gash extelision this year and A. K. j na! u ra 1 rig 111 : o !a ; i a t ■ t er a nd to hat >- (dou 1 d of the Aroostook Valley, is ! P>ne--. W anted ant hority for t he statement 1 hat t hat | < 'it iz '11-> of Mad).- ! You an called A good, all-round girl for general housework. A pleasant home and road will build lot) miles of new line | to holy warfare. Tiie very best t hat j is in you must ri.s.^tn resist t It is in- good wages for the right party. this summer unless something oc­ Appiv to jvit-ion. Think you it i> a contest curs to interfere with the presold MJIS. Cl I AS. P. BARNES. Aroostook farmers with their broad doors, opening both way - may be program. ! among' ourselves, a sort of civil war 81 Park St. Aroostook Agricultural­ j among adherents of different schools and fertile acres, and enterprising kept shut. The Allagash extension calls for ly and Industrially and intelligent methods, should de­ Sec, 28—Every public house where an estimated expenditure of over | of hone-t thought? Not so ! Tt is F or Sale j an invasion of Maine by the liquor pend upon the beef trusts for their guests are lodged, and every build­ $7,750,unt) and for about 157 miles of A building .suitable for Garage or Shed. | traffic. Prohibition and its off­ Considered. , eggs, pork and lard,--to nay ing in which any trade, manufacture new track. This line will traverse G. A. JIAGFRMAX. spring have been making sad in- nothing of buying bread raised up­ or business is carried on, requiring the heart of the Maine forests and | roads niton the territory of the (loot! re.-uIts always follow the use I n the course of a very able ad- on the western prairie as against the presence of workmen above the big game country and open up a new itra'fie. Maine is the key to t he sit- of Foley Kidney Fills. They give «dr«fc* on Maine’s Agricultural and their own county, which formerly first floor, and all rooms used for inland empire, say those who have juatioti. If Mai nr* can he capP red prompt relief in all cases of kidney and Iudnstrlal possibilities delivered at produced the largest number of public assembly or amusement, and traveled over the route. The peti­ [the lest will be easier. It is no bladder disorders. T ry them. The f bec bridge across the St. .Lawrence prosperity of the railroads as it has tories today ? W hat would the cen­ the precautions and safeguards pro­ river. among millers. to the farmers, and this increase in sus report for 1910 have shown for vided in compliance with the fore­ The new Aroostook Valley route expenditures for commercial fertil­ results? It is with pleasure, how­ going requirements, and pass upon frmn Quebec fo St. John is only 875 isers of 806 per cent in the past ten ever, that we note in the past two their sufficiency as to arrangements miles in length as compared with years has absorbed very largely the years a revival in orcharding. The and number, and upon their state of 578 miles via the Intercolonial line, JGiqt profit of the farmers. experiment station, the man of sci­ repair ; and direct such alterations, which swings up around the.Maine Professor Wood of the Maine Exper­ ence, the bacteriologist and the additions and repairs as they judge border, hut stays entirely on Cana­ iment station tells me that every ton chemist have come to the relief of necessary. in -towns, cities and dian soil. •of hay shipped out of Maine means the horticulturist, as he has to the villages having an organized tire de­ The new road will be unique in At least a loss of six dollars as com­ farmer in general. Pruning, plow­ partment, the duties aforesaid shall that it will he one of the longest pared to the price of commercial ler- ing, fertilizing, spraying and pack­ devolve upon the hoard of tire engi­ roads in the world operated by elec­ tilisers ; and when we ride over our ing have already begun to revolu- neers. tricity. This is made necessary be­ tionize the whole orchard business. CTID state, as we now do so easily with Sec. 40—Such municipal officers cause of the opposition of the timber Ten years from grafting or setting automobiles and note field after or tire engineers shall give written owners to having steam locomotives the ordinary New York trees, will Held producing from 800 to 1600 lbs. of notice to the occupant of such build­ traverse their exceedingly rich and produce a good bearing orchard, ‘liay per acre, as compared with those ings, also to the owner thereot. if valuable'holdings. The fire risk is taken care of by modern methods, they are producing, from 2500 to known, of their determination as to thereby reduced to a minimum. and during these ten years the con­ 4000 pounds per acre, we can’t help the sufficiency of such precautions Mr. Could is a firm believer in the stant working of the land for garden elec»rificat imt of transpo'dat ion lines FLOOR thinking that there'is being con­ and safeguards, specifying in said and other hoed crops will produce stantly a sapping of the state by this notice any alteration, addition or re­ in Maine. “ It can truthfully he the returns of ordinary fanning, and great loss of plant food from our pair which they require. Sixty days said that the)-" is something radi­ W e guarantee it to make at the same time grow the orchard soil, and which vegetable growth is are allowed fur compliance with cally wrong,’’ he declared, “ when as nothing else will. the best bread you have poorly oqmpen»atedjfor by the sub­ such notice and order. coal is brought from Pennsylvania, We know that our potato crop in to northern Maine to operate rail­ stitute of commercial fertilizers. Sec. 41 —Any owner or occupant ever baked or we will re­ 1908 is placed at 20,000,000 bushels, roads and industrial manufactories. When w e 'consider the results of who neglects to comply with such an average of 225 bushels per acre That system is highly expensive, turn your money after you •hipping the Hfcy out, as compared order within the time so allowed, and that our hay crop for 1909 was while, on the other' hand, the nat­ With eating it on the farm by cattle fortiets $50 besides $5 for every day have used a full sack worth about 20,000,000, oran average ural wirier pow rs in that section And sheep, we feel* like asking for continuance of said neglect; and the of about $1-1.00 per acre, but I am un­ are ample to operate all the railroads one more prohibitory law and mak­ huildingor part of such buildings It makes more bread also. able to obtain any figures on the and fael oi'ies f hat v ill lie established ing the penalty both fine and im­ shall he detuned a. common nuisance, amount of potatoes raised in 1910 al­ there for many years to come. When Prove it for yourself. Your - * prisonment, against shipping hay without any further evidence than from our borders, the most funda­ though many guess it to he over one considers t he fact that the nat­ proof of its occupancy ; ami the ural wafer powers would cause hut grocer will help you. mental of all agricultural wealth. 80,000,000 bushels and the best crop keeper shall he punished accord­ ii fraction of the expense of coah ever raised in Maine, hut, of course, With’the high price of beef, mutton, ingly. Said officers may forbid the when once develop, d, and w h e n it is impossible at this time to have everything else is taker, into consid­ milk, cream, butter and cheese, with use of such building for any public modern methods of handling these any figures showing the net result er;! t mu, t here is hut one conclusion EAGLE ROLLER MILL CO., purpose until their order has been for the business men to come to and i ’T'> of either the hay or the potatoes to products, Is it not about7 time to re­ complied with. that is that hydro-, leetric install­ New Ulm, Minn. turn to raising herds and ^flocks ? the farmers for 1910. Put both are ments must supercede all 'iher Sec. 42—Whenever the municipal ©o with me into the average grocery very much reduced iti net protit. models of power for railroads and DAILY CAP ACHY 5000 BARRELS. store and consider how much of the The results to the railroad will un­ officers or engineers upon inspection manufnc! tiring purposes.” supplies you get for your daily meal doubtedly be larger than ever before, find that proper safeguards and pre­ Is from the products of our Maine but is it an advantage1, even to the cautions for escape in ease of lire or famine. Is it not ridiculous that the railroads, ultimately, that the fann­ of alarm, have been provided, they ers shall do business without profit shall give to tin1 occupant, of such or at a general economic loss ? building a certificate, which shall N lie valid for one yeai*. Such officers shn.Il return to the clerk’s office of their town or city monthly a list of Wl Maine’s Laws for In­ fi in such certificates which shall he iv- n o 14 spection of Buildings. I corded. wSec. 48—Every person receiving such a certificate shall keep the The New York fire horror was a same posted, in such bijlding. “Hello, Mr. Grocer, this is little Rob Roy. .or |t<*r- f'mb matter of much discussion at the J Every occupant of such building State House recently. Maine's for­ j who neglects or refuses to proem-" just wanted to advise you to keep up x \ \ \ gotten and generally disregarded such cert ifiato, or to post the sanm building inspection laws were look­ ! forfeits fen dollars for every week your stock of Rob Roy Flour. There are ed over and something will he done. he neglects or refuses to do SO. lots of new people trying it and every' Incidentally it developed that two See. 41 —Every municipal oificier Light bills introduced to prevent just such or engineer who refuses or neglects new trial means a steady customer. Or­ a loss of life as has happened in to pei fo in th" duties imposed upon dered a new supply already? That’s right New York had, been ‘"lost” — the him by the seven preceding seet ion T: polite explanation of plain stealing C ak e forfei t s $5o. W keep up the good work. Your customers and destroying of a bill at some -bread that makes point in its passage, by someone LAW A DEAD LETTER. ,4 eating a pleasure— 1 will stay by you when you give them In tin* last legislature Thomas .1. i« that “flakes"— whose interests might he affected. depend on the flour Many bills are “ lost” at every Lyons, commissioner of industrial the best. Good-bye.” that goes into them. session. and labor statistics, called the at­ Wise cooks use William For the third time the bill was tention of the legislature to investi­ Tell Flour and never have started, by its introduction in gations which he had made ; that baking failure. 1 a the Senate, again. he had written to every town and I It Is economical, too—makes1 cifv clerk in the state to find how The laws of Maine, pertaining to \\ [more oread to the sack than’ many certificates had been tiled and jmost flours. the protection of life in buildings, the reports showed t luif only six had jA sack in your pantry takes care| read as follows : (of every baking need, been filed in the entire state--! hat See. 87—(’hap. 28 K. S. ; Every the law was otherwise entirely ig­ building intended temporarily or nored. Not hing was done about it. permanently for public list?, and every schoolhouse of more than one TWO HILLS STOLEN. illiamTeli story in height and every school­ Early in the present term a hill room therein, shall have all inner wa introduced making it tin* duty doors, intended for egress, open out­ of the commissioner of labor to in­ Flour j wards. The outer doors of all such spect all such buildings as mention­ buildings shall he kept open when ed in the foregoing sections, to re­ H. FOCC CO. the same are used by the public, un­ port. any buildings not in compliance R Q i M n K « a n DISTRIBUTOR less they open outwards ; but tly with the law, and to prosecute both aKOMGBnBHBuMnflBafi The Aroostook Times, W ednesday, April 26, 1911.

fli*' owners of fix* buildings ami the 1 Y2\_l DuV < J* A C a l l t o A r m s ! ; I.. ’•klrJkjw ■limiuent ollicials if tlx* law is not ^ -,f~- f ■ * Si* o (T - * i >)111j 1 i(> P. I LI, INTRODl CED. j vdl h ‘Ai'i x : I 'U 0 aivi 1 ill 1 \ : n 1 o t | h ■ n. ■ \ t pari of till W ell I 1 111-d by .( indt. A; -.o; vf Senator M illiki n started a t bird I ' ' ' 1 • 1 i •; i xi x: i ;;n. Kouipp.-d with f r?.v r ^ ■>’ on its way, and this time ■a v r zr* ■J i’s LX \V« :j ) 1 t ix• v a.''" ; )•- par' d to mar- . M K V.: - .*. I'e will be IXi crooked 11II > i ! 1'•"." , dm h* ir f o i e , .,f d. o| vice ■ 11 i 11 was tallied for p r i n f i ng. ; rnnoly t hat may . ( Am- tubers o| both Senate and House It what ( ' a ■tain H- on of • ■■ ly in t1 > he t hurt nigh ly a roust d by .-VA. ,1- be Croat ■ yo-Mip. i ..i-.i i:a- New ’i n;k horror and intent up- r 111 i n power in •- (he tiarding 1 if<* in Maim*. 0 5 S t a ! i h i ■ n i a im lit to ('■ uv- ■ v;.<■!> all . I plans ,. t he campaign [every *£>, • j X asant (package J C alldrcn R. R. Building lor | Ol|, 1 I |e || i I f!ie imnrper win IV,- pe„pl. sieuild iviun. 11 All Druggists for Aroostook. hav lot -I n laid, J)C., }OC.. $1.00. M ■n and women of Maine ! The Northern Maim* will be tin* scene ! rail g< s ont to you for vol 11111 eefS. ot more railroad construction during | A rim 'i wild vicious weapons this H ouse For Sale. tin* present year than will takeplace i a rm y dvaue.'S. officered by greed, |fo I(>r< fix* Si a i e to perm it and pro- AnS-iooin house on High St. All in any other part' of New England modern conveniences, (rood sized i t eel a n ill t lit ion whose sole object It is well understood that the lian- lot. All lurnisl ed. got* A Aroostook is taking step-, look­ i and ioiriM is i i debase mat hood. Appl v to lo I ui n ing toward the beginning of the g grief and misery to woman- GEO. A. RUSSELL, ; i)Ood. I roh lit t 28 High St. construction of tin* so-called Alla- liildren of their j nat ura t to gash extension this year and A. R. r. in: h t er and to hap- j pilX'"". Gould of the Aroostook Valley, is W anted | ('it i/.eiis of Maine authority for f In* statement, that that mm ar called A good, all-round girl for general j I o holy wa r fa re. ’| very 11 ■st that housework. A pleasant homo and road will build loo miles of new line good wages fur the right party. j is in you must ris-j .to resist his in- this summer unless something oc­ Applv to curs to interfere with the presept Jva.sion. Think yo it is a contest MRS. CIIAS, P. BARNES. Aroostook farmers with their broad doors, opening both w'ays may program. ! among ourselves, a sort of civil war 81 Park St. Aroostook Agricultural | among ad heron ( of different schools and fertile acres, and enterprising kept shut. Thu Allagash extension (alls for ! of honest thouu ly and Industrially and intelligent methods, should de­ Sec, 28—Every public house where an estimated expenditure of over t ? Not so ! Tt is F or Sale an invasion of Maim* by the liquor pend upon the beef trusts for their guests are lodged, and every build­ $i,750.(too and for about; 157 miles of A building suitable for Garage or Shed. traffic. Prohibition and its olf- Considered. butter, eggs, pork and lard,—to say ing in w’hich any trade, manufacture new track. This line will traverse G. A. IIAGKRMAX. nothing of buying bread raised up­ or business is parried on, requiring the heart of the Maine forests and i d ,n,|h have been making sad in­ roads upon the territory of the I n tho course of a very able ad- on the western prairie as Against flip presence of workmen above the big game country and open up a new- Good ret-ultp always follow the use traffic. Maine is the key to the sit­ of Foley Kidney Pills. They give «d*efc* on Maine’s Agricultural and their own county, which formerly first floor, and all rooms used for inland empire, say those who have uation. If Maim* can 1 eapt.i red prompt relief in all cases of kidney and Industrial possibilities delivered at produced the largest number of public assembly or amusement, and travded over the route. The peti­ the rest will be easier It is no bladder disorders. T ry them. The *tbe recent banquet of the State bushels of wheat per acre of any all tenement, houses three stories in tion whicJi described the proposed I longer hi. ‘eding- Kansas ; it. is bleed- [ Gochran Drug Store. .Board of Trade in Waterville Hon. farms in the country ! Is Central height, where only one stairway or location and general purposes of the ! ing Main •. Stand by your State ! Haines said : Maine doing the wise thing in go­ means of egress from the upper road relating to tin* extension covers *W. T. |(five tin* lie to its detainers ! De- I do l ot want to criticise any line ing potato crazy at thirty cents a stories of tin* building is provided, some 64 closely typewritten pages. ( haul its homes ! Thrott le t he trai- savings hanks to the grog shop and *>f farming but as I ride through tushel? How about apples in com­ and all tenement, houses of four or The true significance of the Aroos­ tors who would turn the glittering tlx- brothel !—The 1 ortland Even- Aroostook county and note the re­ parison ; No state in the Union can more stories in height, intended for took Valley charters granted by fin* current

ed over and something will be done. I lx* neglects or refuses to do SO. Incidentally it developed th a t tw o Sec. 11 — Every municipal ofllcier Light bills introduced to prevent just such | or engineer who refuses or neglects a loss of life as lias happened in I to perform the dut ies imposed upon New York had4 been “lost”—the him by the seven preceding section polite explanation of plain stealing forfeits $5o. Cake and destroying of a bill at some —bread that makes point in its passage, by someone LAW A DEAD LETTER. eating a pleasure- pastry that “flakes”— whose interests might he affected. in the last legislature Thomas .1. depend on the flour Many bills are “lost” at every Lyons, commissioner of industrial that goes into them. session. and labor statistics, called the at­ W ise cooks use William For the third time the bill was tention of the legislature to investi­ 1 Tell Flour and never have started, by its introduction in gations which In* had m ade; that fs baking failure. the Senate, again. he had written to every town and Jit is economical, too—makes city clerk in the state to find how- The law's of Maine, pertaining to Jmore oread to the sack than' many certificates had been filed and Jsnost flours. the protection of life in buildings, the reports showed that only six ha IA sack in your pantry takes carej read as follows : [of every baking need. been filed in tin* cti-irc state-that Sec. 87—(’hap. 28 K. S. ; Every tIn* law'was otherwise entirely ig­ building intended temporarily or nored. Nothing was done about it. permanently for public use, and every schoolhouse of more than one TWO BILLS STOLEN. illiamTell story in height and every school­ Early in the present term a hill room therein, shall have all inner wa introduced making it the duty doors, intended for egress, open out­ of the commissioner of labor to in­ Flour J wards. The outer doors of all such spect all such buildings as mention­ buildings shall be kept, open w hen ed in the foregoing sections, to re­ A. H. FOCC CO. the same are used by the public, un­ port any buildings not in compliance DISTRIBUTOR less they open outwards; but fly with the law, and to prosecute both /

The Aroostook Times, W ednesday, April 26, 1911.

j State of Maine { To the Honorable, the .finite of Probate, W AT OF LOCAL INTEREST •14 in and for the County of Aroostook : llg^l!^l!^£4fr£il£4qpi&4»^i&4 i&4£4 Respectfully represents Martin L. Knier- We all like to dress son of Island Kails, administrator of the well and at the same estate of .lohn (J. Kelso late of Island Falls A. R. Gould nf Presque Isle, was Hon, Byron Boyd of Augusta was in said County, dec-eased, in testate, that said FOX BUS time not to pay too In Moulton, Saturday, on business. in Houlton Monday on business. John G. Kelso at the time of his decease was much for our clothes. the owner of certain lteal Kstate situated in F. W. Pomeroy of Island Falls John B. Madigan loft hero Tues­ day on a business trip to Portland Island Falls bounded and described as When you buy was in town on business last F ii- follows, viz : Beginning at a large stone or day. Mrs. G. PI. Wilkins of Presque Isle post marked “It. W .” twelve rods and six Joseph Pearce of Fort Fairfield is the guest of her son on Higl feet west from the1 center of the road leading Hart Schaffner is in town the guest of his daugh­ street. to Houlton and on the south line of the ters. C. P. Treat the well known R. R Henderson lot, so called ; thence westerly following the southerly line of the said Hen­ Mr. Janies Conlogue returned last contractor was in Houlton Monday & Marx Clothing derson lot to the east line of land of Fred M. The Big on business. week from a business trip to Port­ Sherman ; thence following the said east line you are getting a little land. R. W, Shaw, Esq. went to Bel southerly to the road aforesaid ; thence more than the other A. P. M. Taber has purchased of fast, Saturday where he has busi following the said road easterly to the large Change fellow, and getting Arthur N ew house his driving nesa before the S. J. Court. stone or post set in the ground and marked horse. Mrs. Rogers of Mass. (arrived;, in “II. W.” ; thence north easterly to the place more than your Houlton, Monday to attend the fun­ of beginning, containing twenty five acres moneys worth. Road Commissioner Small has a more or less. Subject to Cue widow’s right in of Firm eral of her brother’s wife, Mrs orew of men at work re-planking said premises by title of descent. the Union Square Bridge. W ilkins. That the debts of the deceased as Why not call at Hon. T. H. Phair has given to the H erschei Shaw has leased the nearly as can be ascertained Sale Now town of Presque Isle, a lot of land to Monson house on Main St. and he amount to $75.00 F O X B R O S . be used as a public play ground. will occupy same with his family And the expenses of sale, and of Ju ly 1st. administration to 75.00 this spring'and get Mrs. Margaret Hanson who has Amounting in all to 150.00 Miss Helen McKay arrived home Going On been spending the winter in Boston That the value of the Personal your outfit. with her daughter, returned to Friday from Millinoeket, where she Estate is nothing 4> We are agents for Emerson Honlton Moi day. has been visiting her brother, Dr That the Personal Estate is there­ M cK ay. fore insufficient to pay the debts Shoes $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, Geo. H. Wiggin has purchased $j.oo, £8.00 and $.50. the coal business of E. Merritt & of the deceased, and expenses m of sale and of administration Sons, and it will be conducted at W. L. Dougles Shoes $2.50 Congregational Confer- and it is necessary for thatpur- the Merritt office for the present. and up. ence. ixise to sell some part of the Mr. Moses Burpee is vacating the Keal Estate to raise the sum of 8150.00 Hawes warranted fast color Hats Powers house on Military Street and That the residue would lx1 greatly de­ at $.300. The annual Conference of Con­ to Mrs. Nevers’ until his preciated by a sale of any portion thereof ; moving gregational Churches of the State new home is completed on Court Wherefore your petitioner prays that he FOX BROS Now is the time to Get Bargains Copyright Rut Schaffncr A Mad will be held with the Congregational street. may be licensed to sell and convey the whole Church of H oulton on M ay 9-11, of said Heal Estate at private sale for the pay­ The friends of Gordon Hagerman and the following is the program : ment of said debts, and expenses of sale and will be glad to know that he still Tuesday Evening, May" 9. of administration. continues to improve and was able 8 p. m.—Devotional service, Rev. Dated at Island Falls the 17th day of April, to Sit downstairs and receive friends James C. Gregory, Presque Isle. A. I). 1911. Sunday. Address of Welcome, Rev. Thomas MARTIN L. EMERSON, Admr. Mrs. Bessey’s class will meet at P. Williams, Houlton. STATE OF MAINE. E M I R E TWESKTT Owls Hall this Wednesday night, Response by Moderator Albert W. Aroostook, ss. Court of Probate, April Term, A. I). 1911. and the balance of the term will be Butler, Rockland. Upon the foregoing petition, Ordered, That held in same place, dates to be an­ Conference sermon, Rev. Christop­ said petitioner give notice to all persons in­ nounced later. her W. Collier, Bangor. terested, by causing a copy of the petition and Lawrence Ludwig who has been The Sacrament of the Lord’s Sup­ this order thereon, to be published three in Fort Kent during the past winter per Ministrants, Rev. Henry W. weeks successively in the Aroostook Times a buying potatoes for the E. L. Cleve­ W ebb, W arren ; R ev. Henry" PI. newspaper published in Houlton, in said land Co. returned home Monday Noyes, Island Falls. County, that they may appear at a Court of having completed his work. Wednesday Forenoon, May" 10. Probate for said County, to be held at the Congregational Progress. Probate Ofliee in Caribou, in said County, on W. I. MaoDougal of St. John, N. the third Tuesday of May next, at ten o’clock 8.30— Devotional service—Thanks 1}., was in Houlton, Monday, on in the forenoon, and show cause, if any they bosipees connected with the Maine' for the Pa9t, Rev. Arthur T. Mc­ have, why the prayer of said petitioner and N. B. Electrical Power Co. Ltd. Whorter, South Paris. should not be granted. ad, of which appears in this issue. 8.45— Business and report of State NICHOLAS FESSENDEN, .Judge. committees: Mrs. William Garrison has rented Attest : Sktii S. T hornton, Register. I. Appointments by moderator of her house on Powers Ave., and A true copy of petition and order of Court committees and filling of vacancies leaves here Thursday for Portland thereon. (if any) in offices of the Conference ; Attest : Sktii S. T hornton, Register. where she will spend the summer (a) Credentials ; (b) Resolutions. 317 with her daughter Mrs. A. H. Whit­ II. Reports: 1 , registrar (includ­ W. H. ALEXANDER man. The Best Car for the Money. ing necrology); 2, treasurer and PROBATE NOTICES. Agent for Aroostook County, Houlton, Me. The musical entertainment given auditor. Agency for the Stoddard, Dayton, A. L . Co. by the Salvation Army Band of 9.15— Address of State superinten­ To all persons interested in either of the and the famous Apperson Cars. Catalogue or Demonstration for the asking. Estates hereinafter named. Woodstock, in the F. B. Church for dent. the local corps on Monday evening At a Probate Court held at Houlton, in and 10.00— The W om an’s H om e M is­for the County of Aroostook, on the third was well attended and a pleasant sionary Union of Maine, Mrs. J. R. evening spent. Tuesday of April m the year of our Lord one Libby presiding. thousand nine hundred and eleven. BANKRUPT’S PETITION FOR Bupt. of School Coan is ready to Womans Work in ti.e Churches, The following matters having been present­ DISCHARGE teoelve bids for the coal supply of Mrs. David N. Beach, Bangor. ed for the action thereupon hereinafter in­ In the mutter of j Dainty and the sohools of Houlton for the en­ Samaria, Mrs. Ida Vose Wood­ dicated, it is hereby Ordered : Clarence <). Jewell In Bankruptcy. suing year, all bids must be in not bury of the A. M. A. That notice thereof i>e given to all persons Bankrupt. 1 later,than May 1. He reserves the Offering. interested, by causing a copy of this order to To the lion. Clarence Hale, Judge of the Attractive be published three weeks successively before District Court of the United Mates for right to reject any or all bids. 11.00— W orking a new plan, Rev. the third Tuesday of May A. I)., 1911, in the District of Maine. monthly Ladies’ Day at the Carl M. Cates, Portland. *> The the Aroostook Times, a newspaper published CLARENCE O. JE W E L L of Moriticello BIJcs Club, postponed from last 11.30— Discussion. at Houlton in said County, that they may in the County of Anxistook and State of R ecess. Maine, in said District, respectfully represents, week was observed on Tuesday appear at a Probate Court to be held at the that on the 18th d a y o f Feb., evening. A most enjoyable time Wednesday Afternoon, May 10. Probate office in Caribou, on said third Tues­ last past he was d u 1 y adjudged b a n k ­ 1.30— Devotional Service— “Joy in day of May, A. 1)., 1911, at ten of the clock rupt under the Acts of Congress was had. Supper was served at 6 relating to bankruptcy ; that he has o’clock, and Bryson furnished the Present,” Rev. Warren Morse, in the forenoon, and be heard thereon if they duly surrendered all his nroperty, and see cause. That just describes our new mnsio for the evening, and dancing. Brewer. rights of property, and has fully complied 1.46— Fraternal Greetings. with all the requirements of said Acts and of Oxford styles in Women’s Regal The boys club of the different Estate of Leander Anderson late of Wood­ the order , of Court touching his bankruptcy. 2.16— Permanent Factors in Evan-land deceased. Will and petition for pro­ Where/ore he prays, That he mav be Shoes. N o other ready-*o-wear shoes ehnrehes will hold a banquet In the decreed by the Court to have a full discharge gelism, Rev. William H. Mousley", bate thereof and that letters testamentary Congregational Vestry on Thursday from all debts provable against his estate for women have their trim, graceful lines. R ockland. issue to A. Fred Ullrich presented by A. under said bankruptcy Acts, except such evening, the proceeds to be devoted 2.45— Pastoral E vangelism , R ev. Fred Ullrich the Executor therein named. debts as are excepted by law from such dis­ to the support of the Boy Scout Chester B. Emerson, Saco. charge. movement Tickets are to be sold Dated this 15th day of Apr., A. I). 1911. 8.15— Discussion. Estate of Abbie I. Thompson lace of Houl­ CLARENCE O. JEW ELL, REGAL SHOES by members of the committee and it 8.45— Shall we Re-afflrm the Pro­ton deceased. Will and petition for probate Bankrupt. is hoped that everyone who is ap­ hibitory Amondment ? Rev. Leavitt thereof and that letters testamentary issue to F O R W O M E N John Thompson presented by .John Thomp­ ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. proached will purchase a ticket H. Hallock, D. IX, Lewiston. whether they oai} be present or not. son the Executor therein named. District of Maine, ss. ! embody every latest fashion-feature of the most expen­ 4.15— Discussion. Business. On this 22nd day of Apr., A. I). 1911, sive custom models now being worn in N ew York and Osear Shirley has just sold to An­ 6.00— The annual meeting of the Estate of Nathan IV. Stover late of Cari­ on reading the foregoing petition, it is - Ordkrk!) in' Tilk C o r rt, That a hearing other fashion-cenlres. These Regal styles also give Porter of Golden Ridge, the Maine Ministerial Relief Society". drew bou deceased. Will and petition for probate be hail upon the same on the 2nd day of you the perfect fit and comfort of made-to-measure yoohg Suffolk stallion, Brightwell’s Wednesday Evening, May 10. thereof and for administration with the Will June A. 1). 1911, before said Court at shoes— because they are made in quarter-sizes. annexed, and that letters of administration Portland, in said District, at ten o'clock in Masher, No. 494. This oolt is 11 7.30— Devotional Service. Offer­ the forenoon; and that notice thereof be pub- ! months old and will weigh nearly ing for Ministerial Relief, presented with the Will annexed issue to E. Stanley lisbed in The Aroostixik Times a newspaper j 1200 lbs. He was bred by E. G. by R ev. Edgar M. Cousins, Old Knox, presented by Melinda Stover printed in said District, and that all known j creditors, and other persons in interest may 1 MCQARY SHOE CO. Pretyman, Suffolk, Eng., and his Town. Address, Rev. Charles R. Estate of Elbridge Lannigan late of More appear at the said time anil place, and show •ire, Ifcd Star is a champion winner Brown, D. D., Oakland, California. cause, if any they have, why the prayer of | Plantation deceased. Petition that Louisa said petitioner should not be granted. j and weighs about 2200 lbs. His The annual meeting of the Wo­ Lannigan or some other suitable person may And it is ki kthkr Ordkhkd hv TUB I ' dam, Brightwell’s Bell is one of the man’s Home Missionary Union of be appointed Administratrix presented by Coi'KT, That the Clerk shall send by mail to f '■ all known creditors copies of said petition and very best mares that ever came to Maine will be held in the Methodist Louisa Lannigan. this order, addressed to them at their places this oountry, weighing 2100 lbs. Mr. Episcopal Church on Wednesday jf residence as statisl. Porter is a young |man and deserves afternoon at two o’clock. Estate of Morneault late of Grand Witness the Honorable Ci.ark.vck ILm .k ff - Judge of the said Court, and the seal great credit in purchasing such a Thursday Morning, May 11. Isle deceased. Petition that Joseph E. Mar­ thereof, at Portland, in said District, on the $350 line oolt. Some Pressing Problems, tin or some other suitable person may be 22nd day of April, A. D. 1911. appointed Administrator presented by Marie [l. s.] JAMES E. HFAVEY, Clerk. 4 -> - 8.30— Devotional Ser vice—“Hope Morneault. A true copy of petition and order thereon. [ $400 for the P’uture,” Rev. A. W. Lewis, Attest: JAMES E.1IHWKY, Clerk.! WASH THOSE PIMPLES OFF Millinoeket. Estate of-Clara M. Stimson late of I! ml- 1 $5 Um D JD. D. that mild, soothing 8.46— Business. ton deceased. Petition to determine amount wash, that recognized remedy for Ec­ 9.16— Address by Field Workers.of Inheritance Tax, presented by Ralph A. Notice of Foreclosure zema and all akin troubles. First 9.45—Training of the Young. Stimson. Whereas Lewis C. Curtis of Easton in the 1. The*Sunday School—Rev. Cy­ county of Aroostook and State of Maine, by drops take away that awful burning Estate of Joseph Faulkner late of Weston Notice ot Foreclosure Notice of Foreclosure itch, cleanse the skin—wash away rus F. Stimson, Waterville. his mortgage deed dated November 7, 1905, deceased. The first Account presented for Whereas William F. I’ratt of Macuvahoc Whereas George W. Ryder of Houlton, •very pimple, every impurity, Noth­ 2. W ork for the B oys—Mr. Jam es and recorded in the Aroostixik Registry of allowance by Varney W. Putnam Adminis­ Plantation in the County of Aroostixik and Arixistook County Maine, formerly of Pres­ ing like D. D. D. for the complexion. L. McConaughy, Brunswick. Deeds in Vol. 213 Page 47*, conveyed to us, trator. Frank L. Spear and Charles W. Spear, both State of Maine, by his mortgage deed dated que Isle in the County of Aroostook, Get a 25c trial bottle today,— worth 3. Christian E ndeavor-R ev. of said Easton, copartners in business under December 3, 19(»7, and rwordec. in the Aroos­ State of Maine by his mortgage deed ten times its cost to have a bottle in Estate of Mary E. Frisbie late o ’ Houlton Herbert P. Woodin, Auburn. the firm name of F. L. Spear A Company, took Registry of Deeds, Book 225, Page 528, ! dated April 4, 1909, and recorded in the deceased. Final Account presented for al­ the house. At any rate, drop into our 10.30— A ddress—“ The Culture of the following described real estate, to-wit : conveyed to Edith M. Hanson of Kingman [Aroostook Registry of Deeds in Vol. 237, lowance by Frank A. Peabody, Trustee. •tore to talk over the merits of this the Spiritual Life,” Rev. Chas, A. the north half of lot Humberts! one hundred in the County of Penobscot and State of Page 52o, conveyed to me the undersigned wonderful prescription. Moore, I). IX, Bangor. and eleven (111) in said town of Fasten ; and Maine, a certain parcel of real estate situate | the following described real estate si uate in Estate of John T. Murphy late of Beno- 815 H. J. Hathaway Co. Adjournment at noon. whereas the condition of said mortgage is in said Macwahoc Plantation and bounded j said Houlton and being a portion of lot num- dieta deceased. The first Account presented broken ; now therefore by reason of the and described as follows : One undivided jbered forty (40) in South Division of said for allowance by Albert F. Rush, Adminis­ breach of the condition of said mortgage we, half of the same premises conveyed to } Houlton viz : House lots numbered one and trator de bonus non. William F. Pratt and Edith M. I’ratt by ( the undersigned, claim the foreclosure of i two (1 and 2) on West side of Brook Street Emma D. Randall by deed dated May 12, said mortgage and we hereby give this notice in Fairview Addition to said Houlton ac­ Estate of Clara M. Stimson late of Iloul- 1902, and recorded in Book 187, Page 484, of for the purpose of effecting the foreclosure of cording to survey and plan of said Fairview ton deceased. The second A linal Account said Registry, said land being on the north said mortgage. made by John C. Carpenter Surveyor, Also presented for allowance by Ralph A. Stim­ side of Military Road, with the southwest Two Spring Medicines Fort Fairfield, Maine, April 19, 1911. that portion of lot numbered forty (40) in son Executor. corner on said road, two rods east of the FRANK L. SPEAR, I South division of said town viz: Houselot NICIIOLAS FESSENDEN, dividing line betwi-en township A and said CHARLES W. SPEAR. 1 numbered one (l) on North Side of Cleveland Judge of said Court. Macwahoc Plantation. The south boundary By their Attorney, W m. T. S ckar. Street in Fairview addition to village of said A true copy of original order. line of said land running on said road from REXA LL REXALL 317 Houlton aocording to survey and plan of said Attest : Sktii S. T horn ton, Register. said corner easterly 85 rixls and 5 links to a Fairview made by John C. Carpenter Sur­ 317 pine tree ; thence North 18 degress west 30 veyor, said plan and survey’ being on file at Sarsaparilla Tonic Celery & Iron Tonic Mileages for Sale. rixls to a stake ; thence to the rear line of lot the office of Registry of Deeds in said Houl­ No. 31 in such a course as will give one hun­ The Blood Builder and ton, together with all buildings on the said F o r R ent Bangor and Arixistook mileages, 2 1-2 cents dred acres out of the westerly side of said Makes New Rich Blood. Nerve Restorative. per mile. Maine Central, 2 1-4 cents per mile, lots as above described ; and whereas the Potato ground, 1 1-2 miles from Market lot ; and whereas the condition of said mort­ conditions of said mortgage are broken, now Square. Also plenty of dressing to go with it and Boston and Maine mileages 2 1-4 cents gage has been broken : Now, therefore, by therefore by reason of the breach of the Price Each Battle 75 Cts. if desired. per mile. Telephone 155-4. Res. Phone reason of the breach of the condition thereof H. I). FOSS. 1HH-3. II. E. Thomas, 18 Market Square. condition of said mortgage I the undersigned, I claim a foreclosure of said mortgage. '■ claim a foreclosure of said mortgage ai d I April 20, 1911. *T THE HATHEWAY DRUG COMPANY 1 hereoy give this notice for that purpose, i Girl Wanted F or Sale. FRITZ IIANSON, i Houlton, Maine, April 19, 1911. A capable girl for general housework. Executor of the Estate of Edith M. H an­ T H E REXALL STORE Household goods, cheap. | ROSIN A K. FOGG.. Apply to MRS. ROBERT PALMER, Phone 278-12 son. Kelleran Street. 117p 317 (317 Tne AroostooK ttmes, Weanesaay, April 26, 1911.

A *«*?4s?4s?4 f OF LOCAL INTEREST t ...... ^ . 4 ^ M M M M 9£CI£90£ll£lt£f |£4 Hood’s Stenography and typewriting For quick and expert watch re­ done at the T imes cfliee. pairing go to Osgood.

Ask about the new Mazda lamp at j Mr, and Mrs. Reed of St. .John, the Houlton Water Co. office. | N - B- arti visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. K. Calhoun was in HanB.,r last] W. Knox on liangor St. 77/e Cigar by Which Sarsaparilla week on husint ss. See the now Wire Drawn Lamps Other# A re Ju dged See the new Hat Fins in Osgood's , at tlu> H "lllton Water Co. office. For window.1 1 1 he I rmt* s office makes a spec ltd B. C. M. tv of Holmes notes, in all the differ­ 10c. 3 for 25c. Don’t forget the Kicker play ‘‘The ent kinds. Time of His Lite” at the Opera 1010 Output 1,250,000 All Spring Blood Diseases \ John McKay left Monday for the House, Friday, April 28. Sale# nteadily increa#ing Canadian Northwest. Save money by having MeCluskey Mfg. by Bangor Cigar Mfg. Co. and Ailments I C. W. Starkey & (to. will pay the Bros, deliver next winter’s coal dur­ Rock Youngs, Prop hi ghest cash price for veals. ing April. Possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself and has 1 Miss Geneva Perry of Sherman Chas. E. Dunn is building a stable unequaled record of Cures. Take it this spring, was in town Saturday visiting ('all far them on his lot on High street. friends. in usual liquid form or tablets known as Sarsatabs. Any one desiring work in stenog­ next time raphy and typewriting can have it Gentlemen’s Collar Pins at Os­ attended to by calling at the T imes good’s. The newest style. office. Miss Jennie Gray returned last Electric Light Scarf Pins at Os­ week from a visit to her brother in good's. Grand Falls. Mrs. John Watson and Mrs. Laura Switch on Daylight by using the Ward returned last week from a new Mazda lamp on sale at the trip to Bucksport. Houlton Water Co. office. The C. O. Grant real estate agency Hon. H. T. Powers of Fort Fair- HENRY F. MILLER report the sale of the H. D. Tingley field was in Houlton, Saturday on Carriage Tires farm in New Limerick to Theo lint- business. field. j Mrs. Stanley McIntyre is prepared Geo. H. Smith was in Presque to do Manicuring, Shampooing and Isle last week visiting his daughter, Chiropody. Tel. 81-11 The Best Rubber Tires at the Mrs. Sidney Graves. | Miss Annie Peabody of Portland Order your stove and furnace coal arrived last week and is the guest of of MeCluskey Bros, for $6.75 per her brother, F, A. Peabody, Lowest Prices-Put on to Stay ton and if taken in car lots at $6.50. | MeCluskey Bros, are selling Coal Nut coal $7.00 and $6.75 in car lots. during April at the lowest prices in ....Satisfaction Guaranteed.... Geo. H. Taber went to Bangor years. last week where lie was in attend­ Hon. Tra G. H ersey and Hon. ance at the auto show. Chas. P. Barnes were in Caribou Regular sizes carried in stock To protect your clothes from moths last week on Court business. use Mothex. Sold at the Cochran Just think of it Stove and Egg Drug Store. Coal can be bought of MeCluskey v*. W . H. McLoon and C. H. Sey­ Bros, for April delivery, for $6.75 mour were in Bangor last week tak­ per ton. Huggard Brothers Company ing in the auto show. Mrs. L. It. Johnson returned Fri The first customer to make the day night from Brunswick, where Bangor Street highest bid is the one that takes the she has been visiting relatives. llound Oak Chief Range. Make When cleaning house call up the your offer at once. Hamilton & Cochran Drug Store for Carbonal. SOLD Y Clark Co. It disinfects and purifies. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haggard are Clerk of Courts Michael M. Clark receiving congratulations on the returned Saturday from Caribou birtli of a daughter. where ho has been attending court. Attention is called by the Select­ Evans Potato Planter Anyone desiring calling cards can Hagerman men to the following Town Ordi­ have samples sent by dropping a nances : No person shall house or postal to the Times Publishing Co. keep any hog or hogs within the either printed or engraved. limits of the “ Fire District,” sor A. J. Chase of Ludlow, lias pur­ called, in the village of Houlton, be­ chased the J. C. Harrigan place on tween the 1st day of May and the North street. 1st day of November of each year. The fact that our best grocers are H. G. Niles is fitting up in the now handling and selling large basement of the Cogan building on THOSE WHO ARE quantities of Red Rose Tea, proves Bangor St., some line howling] that this Canadian brand must he of THINKINO OF alleys, lie expects to open about very line quality. FfROHASINQ CEM­ m May 1st. O. P. Hackett’s employment agen­ Dr. Fitzmaurice, of Bangor, will ETERY WORK cy is a busy place just at present. We would invite you to bo at the Snell House on Friday April 28. Tuesday he sent out to various j call and look over our points 60 river drivers, and each ! VHf. new and artistic line of H. C. Chaloner has recently had train takes out small parties from | installed in his slaughter house on this agency. Monuments t ho Ludlow road, a steam boiler, the Robert I). Clark of Bangor, was and Headstones work being done by Geo. H. Taber «l tiie guest of his sister, Mrs. Jennie before placing your order. We have one of the largest assort­

OUR SPRING STOCK OF W E A R E Men’s and Boys’ Suits and Gents’ Furnishings is right up-to-date in the matter of late styles. In variety and complete­ HERE ness we are at our best. We guarantee that every article in our store has WITH got the value in it, and is worth every cent of the price asked. Have a Look at our Stein-Bloch Smart Suits For Men and Young Men—the kind that improve on close inspection, and y ^ W r r^ :' THE s ta n d by you like a brother. John B. Stetson and Lamson & Hubbard Hats, Earl & Wilson and Wachu- GOODS! sett Shirts, The kind that fit and wear. Try (Is and you will find Us on the Rock Bottom Basis.

The Only Exclusive Clothing and Gents Furnishing Store in Houlton.

SUCCESSOR TO S. FRIEDMAN & CO. | L n P RINGTON HOULTON, - - - MAINE & ! ■ » < •O' •o< The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, April 26, 1911.

Pt*of. Cards. Are You OF INTEREST TO kese ! ca comes from da. - BERT DOYLE, D. D. S. :lli|:ll.lll!|MI!lll|llli:|i;ll!l!ll!!llf|!IRl Have you ever visited Canada? you Like This? A Right Start j that they have not fall plowed for a surely remember the exquisite tea j rank *Tired all the time, not much for the Piglets. : crop, cattle may be allowed to run on DENTIST good for anything, hardly able to jit except when the ground is very wet, there; such tea as you are unable to bu ome drag around, just all run down. i with no harm to the pasture and with Much of the profits of the farm this unless it comes from there. Canadi; now OFFICE OVER J. A. BROWNE’S If you are, we guarantee our VI- ; great advantage to the cattle. They year will depend on giving the little and love good tea. DRV 800D8 8T0RE. NOL will help you. It has helped can be put on it as early as the farmer pigs or piglets a right start in life. A s­ many people around here who were likes, and will thus accustom them­ Red Rose Tea is the finest of Canadian teas in this condition. suming that they have been well bred, IRA 8. NERSEY, selves gradually to the new feed. Now look here, just try one bot­ they have a tight to be well born ; and it costs no more here than in Canada. 6t A t t o r a w Ob Ootmsolor At tle of VINOL, and if you are not that is, born at a time and under con­ Where the farmer has clover mea­ and satisfied that it did you good, come ditions which would give them a fair dow or picture, however, it is not wise back and get your money. It will NOTARY PUBUO chance in the battle of life. Our ob to turn livestock on it until there has Offloe i Mansur Block* be returned without question. That ject in this article is to point out briefly been considerable growth ; and even Residence. Mo. 8 W inter 8t. is a fair proposition and shows our what they are entitled to have, if they then there will be scouring and perhaps HOULTON, MAI KB. faith in VINOL, and that we do not want your money unless you re­ are entitled to be born at all. the danger of bloating. The farmer igp^WUI Practice In all the Courts in the State ceive benefit First, they should have a clean, dry who keeps his cattle in the yard on We know what we are talking place.$tTo have pigs come in a damp, dry feed until the clover begins to FRED W. MITCHELL M D. about because we have sold V I­ bloom is acting the wise part. It is Practice Absolutely limited to dark, poorly ventilated pen or stable is NOL for years, and have seen how to invite failure. There is perhaps no particularly unwise to turn cattle early • ItiA IE S OF THE EVE, EAR, much good it has done among our in the season on meadows that are in­ customers. other animal that needs sunlight mor * NOSE AND THROAT tended for mowing. The plants in V IN O L is not a patent, secret than the little pig. There is no other Hours: 6*12 A. M., t"6. 7*8 P. M. these meadows have not root enough. nostrum, but an honest, tried and animal that is so poorly fitted to en­ Office* Fogg Block. Both Telephone*. true body builder and strength crea­ dure dampness. The pig is supposed They are ready for an early growth, Sold only in lead packages, 40c., 50c. and 60c. per lb. tor of world-wide fame, delicious to revel in filth ; but it can not afford but they can not he expected to yield a DR. FRED O. ORCUTT and easy to take. Come in today to first see the light of this world in a crop of hay, if the lungs of the young and start your cure at once. You a very light hay crop last year. Or- [ make slow growth for a month, and dirty place. Many pigs wilt and die plants are kept constantly cropped by Dentist take no risk. dinarily they would not have had as , there is danger of bloating. Fortunate simply because they were born in pens cattle, simply to save a little rough OISm Fhon* 27-4 - Rcflieoce Pkoa* 83-4 heavy a crop as usual because of the is tha man who has a silo and therefore Office Hoomi THE HATHEWAY DRUB CO. infested with germs, that found en­ feed. If we have a meadow at all, we dry season ; but to pasture meadows djes not need to change from dry feed Week Pays 9 a. te 5 p. m Sunday* by HOULTON, MAINE. trance through the navel, as does navel should have one that gives the largest Appointment in a season that is likely to ba dry, an 1 to grass ; for silage is practically a ill in colt8 and calf in calves. possible yield per acre. Why cut it S1NCOCK BLOCK HOULTON. this one is; would be a suicidal policy, j summer pasture, and there is no real Reaping Benefit. No brood sow should be put into a in two by pasturing up to the middle of May or the first of June ? Keep When the change is made suddenly j change made; one more reason why breeding pen until the place has been from dry feed to luxuriant clover or ■ every sarmer who jis growing liaestock cattle off the meadows, if you want a WHIardS. Lewin FROM THE EXPERIENCE OF thoroughly cleansed. In it should be timothy without other feed, scouring of any kind should provide himself hay crop. A great many farmers had LAWYER HOULTON PEOPLE. clean straw or leaves. Where flax will necessarily follow; the cattle will ‘ with a silo next fall. We are fortunate indeed to be able straw is available, it is perhaps the Mansur B lo c k , to profit by the experience of our best of all. Every breeding place of Notice of Foreclosure. Notice of Foreclosure. pigs should have not only sunlight but Boulton - Maine neighbors. The public utterances of Whereas, Joseph McCormick, of Masardis, Whereas, Harry M. Rhoda by his niort- Houlton residents on the following sub­ ventilation. in the County of Aroostook and .State of gage deed dated July 23rd, 1 post standing on the North line of said block, Let us send you one on 30 days' can truthfully say that my condition and with the minimum of dark, foggy, I Stock and tools, 1 mile from Houl- has been wonderfully improved in every thence North Seventy One degress thirty trial. ton village, one of the best in way through the use of this valuable damp days. There are some seasons Notice of Foreclosure. minutes west on said North line One hundred remedy.” when it will be difficult to protect them eighty two (182) rods to the place of beginning. I.0UL1CK SMEB C«. Aioostook Co. Sold on easy terms Whereas Archile Beaulieu, of Fort Kent, Said courses and distances being according to For sale by all dealers. Price 50 from dampness and to furnish them 1848. 400 acre farm, 125 clear­ i i i j i Aroostook County, Maine, by his mortgage plan and survey of C. E. F. Stetson C. E., M 4'J cents. Foster-Milburn Co., New w ith the sunshine they absolutely need, 1 {jewjj tlated July 7!h, 1906, and recorded in and being the North lOo acres of the “John ed, balance in wood and timber, York, sole agents for the United no m atter how wise m ay have been the Northern Aroostook Registry of Deeds, McKeen farm” so-called, and being the .same included is 4 heavy work horses States. the planning. Under these circum-1 V()1- 52. 581, conveyed to the under- conveyed to said Harry M. Rhoda by Rich­ ard M. Rhoda by his warranty deed dated and rigging to work them with, Remember the name—Doan’s— signed, Paul Charette, of said Fort Kent, stances, the death rate among piglets I x)t number (173) one hu ndred and seventy- April 13th 1904, recorded in Vol. 203 Page , cows and young stock, and tools and take no others. is very large. three, as per State survey made by Packard 483 of said Registry. Ladies! •&*** Money and Keep m sufficient to work a large farm, Where pigs are to be kept over a and Nason, in 1889. And whereas the condition of said mort­ "'-—■====- Style by Reading McCalTs * And whereas the condition of said mort­ gage is broken, now therefore, by reason of groat trade. Sold on easy terms. year, as, fur example, on large farms \ Magazine and Using McCall Pattens gage has been and still remains broken, now, the breach thereof, I, the undersigned, claim Houses of all kinds, ranging in where they are expected to follow feed­ a foreclosure of said mortgage and give this McCall’* Will therefore, by reason of the breach of the help you dress styl­ pff(ee from $800 to $10,000 in the ing cattle, probably as good a plan as condition thereof, the undersigned, Paul notice for the purpose of foreclosing it. ishly at a moderate lifiti condition to satisfy you. Houlton, ue., April 17th, 1911. expense by k eep in g any, and one involving the least labor Charette claims a loreclosure of said mort­ you posted on tb« gage. HARRY L. PUTNAM, latest fashions in Cull OU us before buying and care, ia to have them come in May Fort Kent, Maine, April 12th, 1911. By his Attorneys, Putnam & P utnam. clothes and hats. 60 TIME AT WHICH TRAINS ARE EX­ New Fashion Design* or even in June, and to be farrowed in PAUL CHARETTE, 316 PECTED TO ARRIVE AND in each issue. Also O. O. GRANT, By his Attorney, A. G, Fkni.ason. valuable information a pasture field. Sometimes disastrous on all home and per­ DEPART. 316 sonal matters. Only ■ , Real Ratate Agency, Houlton, results follow even here, on account of Notice of Foreclosure. 50c a year, Including lit, 7 Ituuaur Block. IN EFFECT NOV., 21. 1910. it free pattern. Sub­ storms and heavy rains. Some of the Whereas, Fred R. Wool bridge of Sherma n scribe today or send ce Tel 155-5 House 11-4 Trains scheduled to leave Houlton: most successful and most experienced Farm For Sale Aroostook County, Maine, by his mortgage lor free sample copy. 160 acre modern farm, one of the best in deed dated July 10, 1907, records! in the will enable you to make in yonr 8.05 a. m.—for Van Buren, Caribou, pig breeders we know of allow their own borne, with your own hands, clothing for Fort Fairfield and intermediate stations. Kennebec County, within two miles of Aroostook Registry of Deeds, in Vol. 226, yourself and children which will be perfect brood sows to make their own r.?sts in Western Ave., Waterville or Central Maine Page 182, oonveyed to me the following des­ in style and fit Price—none higher than U Alavolo 28178 ,9.45 a. m.—for Bangor. Millinocket and cribed parcels of land, to-wit : the north half cents. Send for free Pattern Catalogue. ' principal intermediate stations—Port the pasture, and then cover them with Fair Grounds, two fine sets of buildings, W* Will Give Tee Flee Pteeeeta for getting sub­ Trotting Record 2.261-4 made in land and Boston Via Medford. Dining a board shelter, usually movable, that Great orchard, dairy and potato farm. Very of lot numbered seventy-seven (77) in said scriptions among your friends. Send for free \ I ;?li . Car Millinooket to Bangor. . , , . . . early soil. Big producer and money-maker. Sherman, excepting a small parcel described Premium Catalogue and Cash Prize OfTer. leuvth heat of seven heat race win- c.n be placed over the brood «ow, open . Market o( To to at a in deed from Amariah F. Woodbridge to HE McCALL CeiPANT. 239 U 249 West m St. NEW YQK S ||g out. Sire Antevolo 2.191-2 by 11.80 a. m.—for Ashland Fort Kent St. Fran­ cis and intermediate stations, also for to the south, or in some fields to the great sacrifice. Price for the whole $ 10,000 Elvira Woodbridge, recorded in the Aroos­ peefroneer dam Blue wing by Gen. Washburn, Van Buren, Grand Isle, east. Whatever may be the location i Write to owner Prof. A. MARQUARDT, took Registry of Deeds in Vol. 49, Page 215 [Washington second dam Mag Wood Madawaska, Frenchville and inter­ _ . Colby College, Waterville, Maine The premises hereby conveyed containing mediate stations via Squa Pan. . by Bine Ball. Alavolo has taken first of the f*rm, how ever, arrangem ent j Also(or ^ tw0 flue imported ninety-six (96) acres, more or less, and being p ile At Readville Maas. Breeders 12.48 p. m.—for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, and should be m ade for the four essential Coach Stallions, great workers, and one same conveyed to said Fred R. Wood- meeting, and first at Maine State intermediate stations. things; cleanliness, sunlight, ventila- registered thoroughbred Percherson mare, bridge by Harrison B. Woodbridge, by- All Water Rates years old., deed recorded in the said Aroostook Registry- f t lr with three of his produce. 1.30 p. m.—for Millinocket, Bangor, Green­ tion and protection from storms sound, handsome, heavy, five Alavolo is the sire of Ismailian ville and intermediate stations, Port Each $350. in Vol. 121, Page 559. Also two undivided land and Boston. 216p thirds of the south half of said lot numbered 8.811-2 Mat record 2.17 1-2 and E l 5.55 p. m.—for Bangor, Millinocket and in­ seventy-seven (77), in said Sherman, contain­ Are Now Due Oapltan the eraok ice trotter of Getting Cattle on Grass. ing ninety-eight (98) acres, more or less, termediate points, Portland and Bos­ One Conductor Helped Back to Work. stiewleton, Ned O and Outward ton. Sleeping Car Caribou to Boston. being same premises described in deed from Round and other faet ones. Alavolo 7.80 p. m — for Fort Fairfield, Caribou, Van One of the nice problems that com*s Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, Henry A. Smith to Amariah F. Woodbridge, and must be paid Isa brown horse ltt.l hands high, Buren and intermediate stations. up to the farmer about this time of the and he writes : *‘ 1 was confined to , recorded in said Registry in Vol. 73, Page r . . . 1 1 i my bed with chronic rheumatism and 306 ; and whereas, the conditions of said mort- on or before Apr. weighs 1200 lbe., will make the sea- T r a in s D ub H oulton. eon of 1911 at the Emerson Stables, year is that of getting his cattle th at; U8e(j tw0 bottles of Foley’s Kidney ' ga«e are broken, by reason whereof I claim a 30, at the office of Houlton, Me. 7.38 a. m.—from Boston, Portland, Bangor, have been used to dry feed all winter Remedy with good effect. The third foreclosure of said mortgage and give this Millinooket and intermediate stations. outo grass without losing weight. The bottle put me on my feet and I resumed j notice f°r the purpose of effecting said fore- Wot farther information apply to Sleeping Car Boston to Caribou. closure. the 9.40 a. m.—from Van Buren, Caribou, established rule m handling cattle is work as conductor on the Lexington, all Houlton, Maine, April 7,1911. A. G. RRYENTON. Fort Fairfield and inter- mediate feed should b e ^ ’ Street Rail'v*D u d° "" stations. that all changes of CHARLES C. JOY, R. F. D. No. 4, Houlton, Me. you claim in cases of rheumatism.’ It 12.43 p. m.—from Boston. Portland, Bangor, made as gradually as possible. In clearg fche blood of unc acid. The By Madioan & Madigan, his Atty’s. Tel. 61-4 Searsport, Greenville and intermediate changing from grass to dry feed, this is Cochran Drug Store. 315 Houlton Water Go. stations. Dining Car Bangor to Milli­ 414p nocket. a com paratively sim ple problem . A s ! — ------1.25 p. m.—from Caribou, Fort Fairfield the grass becomes Bhort, the grain or For Sale Notice of Foreclosure. Mechanic Street* Diarrhoea should be cured without and intermediate stations. roughage can supplement* the shortage, Long White Tarton SEED OATS, an Whereas John Baptiste Charrette (son of loot of time and by a medicine which 2.40 p. m.—from St. Francis. Fort Kent, Ashland and intermediate stations, nd the cattle pass into winter quar- \ early variety, ripen evenly, very productive, Antoine Charrette) of Fort Kent, Aroostook like Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and ‘ does not easily lodge, cheaper than some County, Maine, and Eli.se Charrette, his Opposite the American also Frenchville, Madawaska Grand ters without the system knowing any­ Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures Isle, Washburn, and intermediate other oats at 50 cents, as 2 measured bushel is wife, joining therein and assenting thereto, promptly but produces no unpleasant stations, via Squa Pan. thing about the change. ample seed for one acre. SEND FOR by his mortgage deed of February 5th, 1910, Express Company. after offsets. It never fails and is pleas­ 5.50p. m.—from Van B uren, Fort It is a very different matter when SAM PLE. Price $3.50 per 100 pounds. and recorded in the Northern Aroostook Fairfield, Caribou and inter­ ant and safe to take. Sold by Perks’ changing from dry feed to green. Cat­ C. E. BRADLEY, ! Registry of Deeds, Vol. 64, Page 76, convey­ mediate stations. ed to the undersigned, Charles A. Ramsay, Drag Store. Island Falls, Maine. 7.25 p. m. -from Boston, Portland, Bangor, tle seldom gain anything for a month of said Fort Kent, “The Southerly part of a and principal intermediate stations. after going on grass ; and any method | strip of land 33 rods wide (thirty-three), off House Rent Wanted GEO. M. HOUGHTON, Pas8’r Traffic that can be used for making the change Notice to Farmers j the Easterly side of Lot number (65) sixty- COAL OF ALL KINDS Manager. We wish to announce that on May 1, live,” Packard and Nason survey. House of 8 rooms, so gradually as not to interfere with | Also Lot number (64) sixty-four ; contain­ W. M. BROWN General Superintendent 1911, our creamery on Riverside street, will be the digestion is exceedingly d e s i r-! ing forty-two and one half acres, in last about 6 minutes walk in large or small quantities Bangor, Me. open lor business. able. j MAINE CREAMERY ASSOCIATION. ' mentioned piece. Same survey. from Post Office. Delivered in town* I And whereas the condition of said mort­ Horses for Sale There is uo problem about it at all For information apply to Frank Gorham, Houlton, Me. gage is broken, and remains broken, now, By A. E. ASTLE, if the farmer has sufficient land to I therefore, by reason of the breach of the con- ROSE LUND Tel. 172-5 Theo J. Fox, Houlton Music Store keep more or less acreage, depending , ; dition thereof, the undersigned, Charles A. Real Estate Broker on the sice of his herd, in grass, allow I Ramsay, claims a foreclosure of said mort­ 21 Spring St, Tel. 81-4 The Sound Sleep of Good Health. Lost gage. Can not be over estimated and any ing it to rest from about the first of Bank book No. 12841 issued by the Houl­ Fort Kent, Maine, March 30th, 1911. Fine Farm for Sales Orders taken by U. G. PETERS, ailment that prevents it is a menace to September until winter. It will then ton Savings Bank is reported lost, and this CHARLES A. RAMSAY, at a Bargain. By his Attorney, A. G Fknlason. Truckman. health. J. L Southers, Eau Claire, be well covered with grass, which will notice is given, as required by law, that a duplicate book m ty be issued. 316 W is., says : “ I have been unable to keep green until the snow leaves, and sleep soundly nights, because of pains L. O. LUDWIG, Treas. will furnish protection to the Every family and especially those across my back and soreness of my young; old Your tongue is coated. STILLMAN s a f e t y who reside in the country should be kid leys My appetite was very poor growth. Cattle can then go onto it, Your breath is foul. Safe Medicine tor Children. LAMPS AND LANTERNS provided at all times with a bottle of and my general condition was much eat the dry with the green, and save Headaches come and go. Chamberlain’s Liniment. There is no run down. I have been ‘aking Foley about a month’s time. That is, they Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound These symptoms show that your stom­ cannot exphxle; smokeless, odorless, use lee# telling when it msy be wanted iu case Kidney Pills but a short time and new ... , . a. , . .. is a sate and effective medicine for ach is the trouble. To remove the kerosene, brilliant light, big sel ers. of an accident or emergency. It is sleep as sound as a rock, my general W1 * 0 near y a mon ear ier’ j children as it does not contain opiates cause is the first thing, and Chamber- a g e n t s w a n t e d e v e r y t o w n . and will make excellent growth before | or harmful drugs. The genuine Foley’s ; Uin’s Stomach and Liver Tablets will moot excellent in all cases of rheuma­ condition is greatly Iimproved, and STILLM AN CO., Dept. W, tism, sprains and bruises. Sold by know that Foley Kidney Pills have hot weather and flies interfere. j Honey and Tar is in a yellow pack-' do that. Easy to lake and most effec- Perks' Drug Store. cured me.” The Cochran Drug Store. Where farmers have clover pasture The Cochran l)iug Store. Itive. Sold by Perks’ Drug Store. 68 Murray St.. N ew York