For the Blind, Fingerless, and Others with Limited Control; Cybertac, a Tactile
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 025 890 40 EC 003 484 By -Kafafian, Haig Study of Ma, -Machine Communications Systems for the Handicapped. Interim Report. Cybernetics Research Inst., Inc., Washington, D.C. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. Bureau No-BR-7-0533 PubDate 19 Aug 68 Grant OEG -2-7-070533-4237 Note-149p. EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC-$7.55 Descriptors-*Audiovisual Instruction, Braille, Case Records, *Communication (Thought Transfer), Communication Skills, Cybernetics, Dectromechanical Technology, Equipment Evaluation, *Exceptional Child Research, Input Output Devices, *Instructional Materials, Language ilrts, Man Machine Systems, *Multiply Handicapped, Perceptual Motor Coordination, Systems Development, Typewriting Identifiers-Cyberbrailler, Cybercode, Cybercom Cybergenetics, Cybergloves, Cyberlamp, Cyberphone, Cyberplate, Cybersem, Cybertac, Cybertype, Cyberview, HAIBRL Newly developed communications systemsforexceptionalchildreninclude Cybercom; CYBERTYPE; Cyberplace, a keyless keyboard; Cyberphone, a telephonic communication system for deaf and speech impaired persons; Cyberlamp, a visual display; Cyberview, a fiber optic bundle remote visual display; Cybersem, an interface fortheblind,fingerless, and otherswithlimitedcontrol; Cybertac, a tactile communications technique for the blind, utilizing palpable vibrations; Cyberbrailler, system for simultaneous printing of braille and typed letters via Cybercode dual inputs; Cybergloves, transducer-fitted gloves, and HAIBRL, an unambiguous punctiform tactile communication system utilizing reference perforations. Three blind, five multiple impaired, two bilateral amputees, and two deaf subjects were tested on the new mechanisms using experimental instructional materials. The latter include Cybertype Exercise Series, a child's circus story guide, and language arts exercises. Initial results indicated that the systems were capable, reliable, and effective in assisting handicapped subjects to communicate. (Author/RP) 704r33 4 4ie? Interim Report Project No.
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