Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011) OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020) Request for Reconsideration after Final Action

The table below presents the data as entered.

Input Field Entered SERIAL NUMBER 88143296 LAW OFFICE ASSIGNED LAW OFFICE 103 MARK SECTION MARK https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/88143296/large LITERAL ELEMENT IPEK STANDARD CHARACTERS YES USPTO-GENERATED IMAGE YES The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular font style, MARK STATEMENT size or color. ARGUMENT(S) Please see the actual argument text attached within the Evidence section. EVIDENCE SECTION

EVIDENCE FILE NAME(S) evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Req_for_recon__-_FINAL_- ORIGINAL PDF FILE _071019.pdf

CONVERTED PDF FILE(S) (12 pages) \\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOUT17\881\432\88143296\xml9\RFR0002.JPG












evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_A_- ORIGINAL PDF FILE _Urban_Dictionary____304_pek__accessed_7-8-19_.pdf

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ORIGINAL PDF FILE evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_D_-_Consent_of_Record.pdf

CONVERTED PDF FILE(S) (4 pages) \\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOUT17\881\432\88143296\xml9\RFR0204.JPG



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CONVERTED PDF FILE(S) (4 pages) \\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOUT17\881\432\88143296\xml9\RFR0208.JPG



\\TICRS\EXPORT17\IMAGEOUT17\881\432\88143296\xml9\RFR0211.JPG Argument in support of registration. Exhibit A - Urban Dictionary, "Ipek". Exhibit B DESCRIPTION OF EVIDENCE FILE - Third-party use evidence. Exhibit C - File Wrapper for App. No. 78913374. Exhibit D - Consent of record for cited registration. Exhibit E - Wikipedia - "" SIGNATURE SECTION RESPONSE SIGNATURE /Howard Natter/ SIGNATORY'S NAME Howard Natter SIGNATORY'S POSITION Attorney of record, New York bar member SIGNATORY'S PHONE NUMBER 212-840-8300 DATE SIGNED 07/10/2019 AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY YES CONCURRENT APPEAL NOTICE FILED YES FILING INFORMATION SECTION SUBMIT DATE Wed Jul 10 16:25:41 EDT 2019 USPTO/RFR-XX.XXX.XXX.XXX- 20190710162541801249-8814 3296-6208e2ec5db68af7d9d4 TEAS STAMP 191579392fe8a27f203daca06 91fe4942b703366754c-N/A-N /A-20190710161833904254

Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. PTO Form 1960 (Rev 10/2011) OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp 09/20/2020)

Request for Reconsideration after Final Action To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 88143296 IPEK(Standard Characters, see https://tmng-al.uspto.gov/resting2/api/img/88143296/large) has been amended as follows:

ARGUMENT(S) In response to the substantive refusal(s), please note the following:

Please see the actual argument text attached within the Evidence section.

EVIDENCE Evidence in the nature of Argument in support of registration. Exhibit A - Urban Dictionary, "Ipek". Exhibit B - Third-party use evidence. Exhibit C - File Wrapper for App. No. 78913374. Exhibit D - Consent of record for cited registration. Exhibit E - Wikipedia - "Filo" has been attached. Original PDF file: evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Req_for_recon__-_FINAL_-_071019.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 12 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Evidence-5 Evidence-6 Evidence-7 Evidence-8 Evidence-9 Evidence-10 Evidence-11 Evidence-12 Original PDF file: evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_A_-_Urban_Dictionary____304_pek__accessed_7-8-19_.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 2 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Original PDF file: evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_B_-_Third-party_use_evidence_-_Accessed_7-3-2019.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 170 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Evidence-5 Evidence-6 Evidence-7 Evidence-8 Evidence-9 Evidence-10 Evidence-11 Evidence-12 Evidence-13 Evidence-14 Evidence-15 Evidence-16 Evidence-17 Evidence-18 Evidence-19 Evidence-20 Evidence-21 Evidence-22 Evidence-23 Evidence-24 Evidence-25 Evidence-26 Evidence-27 Evidence-28 Evidence-29 Evidence-30 Evidence-31 Evidence-32 Evidence-33 Evidence-34 Evidence-35 Evidence-36 Evidence-37 Evidence-38 Evidence-39 Evidence-40 Evidence-41 Evidence-42 Evidence-43 Evidence-44 Evidence-45 Evidence-46 Evidence-47 Evidence-48 Evidence-49 Evidence-50 Evidence-51 Evidence-52 Evidence-53 Evidence-54 Evidence-55 Evidence-56 Evidence-57 Evidence-58 Evidence-59 Evidence-60 Evidence-61 Evidence-62 Evidence-63 Evidence-64 Evidence-65 Evidence-66 Evidence-67 Evidence-68 Evidence-69 Evidence-70 Evidence-71 Evidence-72 Evidence-73 Evidence-74 Evidence-75 Evidence-76 Evidence-77 Evidence-78 Evidence-79 Evidence-80 Evidence-81 Evidence-82 Evidence-83 Evidence-84 Evidence-85 Evidence-86 Evidence-87 Evidence-88 Evidence-89 Evidence-90 Evidence-91 Evidence-92 Evidence-93 Evidence-94 Evidence-95 Evidence-96 Evidence-97 Evidence-98 Evidence-99 Evidence-100 Evidence-101 Evidence-102 Evidence-103 Evidence-104 Evidence-105 Evidence-106 Evidence-107 Evidence-108 Evidence-109 Evidence-110 Evidence-111 Evidence-112 Evidence-113 Evidence-114 Evidence-115 Evidence-116 Evidence-117 Evidence-118 Evidence-119 Evidence-120 Evidence-121 Evidence-122 Evidence-123 Evidence-124 Evidence-125 Evidence-126 Evidence-127 Evidence-128 Evidence-129 Evidence-130 Evidence-131 Evidence-132 Evidence-133 Evidence-134 Evidence-135 Evidence-136 Evidence-137 Evidence-138 Evidence-139 Evidence-140 Evidence-141 Evidence-142 Evidence-143 Evidence-144 Evidence-145 Evidence-146 Evidence-147 Evidence-148 Evidence-149 Evidence-150 Evidence-151 Evidence-152 Evidence-153 Evidence-154 Evidence-155 Evidence-156 Evidence-157 Evidence-158 Evidence-159 Evidence-160 Evidence-161 Evidence-162 Evidence-163 Evidence-164 Evidence-165 Evidence-166 Evidence-167 Evidence-168 Evidence-169 Evidence-170 Original PDF file: evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_C_-_File_wrapper_app_78913374.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 18 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Evidence-5 Evidence-6 Evidence-7 Evidence-8 Evidence-9 Evidence-10 Evidence-11 Evidence-12 Evidence-13 Evidence-14 Evidence-15 Evidence-16 Evidence-17 Evidence-18 Original PDF file: evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_D_-_Consent_of_Record.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 4 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4 Original PDF file: evi_68129224165-20190710161612585659_._Exhibit_E_-_Wikipedia_-_Filo_-_accessed_7-8-19.pdf Converted PDF file(s) ( 4 pages) Evidence-1 Evidence-2 Evidence-3 Evidence-4

SIGNATURE(S) Request for Reconsideration Signature Signature: /Howard Natter/ Date: 07/10/2019 Signatory's Name: Howard Natter Signatory's Position: Attorney of record, New York bar member

Signatory's Phone Number: 212-840-8300

The signatory has confirmed that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a U.S. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions; and he/she is currently the owner's/holder's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the owner/holder in this matter: (1) the owner/holder has filed or is concurrently filing a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the USPTO; (2) the USPTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the owner/holder has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the owner's/holder's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

The applicant is filing a Notice of Appeal in conjunction with this Request for Reconsideration.

Serial Number: 88143296 Internet Transmission Date: Wed Jul 10 16:25:41 EDT 2019 TEAS Stamp: USPTO/RFR-XX.XXX.XXX.XXX-201907101625418 01249-88143296-6208e2ec5db68af7d9d419157 9392fe8a27f203daca0691fe4942b703366754c- N/A-N/A-20190710161833904254

Request for Reconsideration Serial No. 881143,296 Applicant: Vintage IP Holdings, Inc. Mark: IPEK

Applicant's mark IPEK has been refused registration for the goods in Class 30 based on likelihood of confusion, under the doctrine of foreign equivalents, with the mark SILK (plu' de,ign) (Reg. Nn. 4,042,871) II(the "cited cegi,trntinn").

Applicant submits the following arguments in support of registration, and respectfully requests that the refusal be withdrawn, and that this application be approved for publication.

I. The Doctrine of Fo1·eign Equivalents should not be applied for the i·eason that consumers a1·e unlikely translate the ma1·k to "silk".

The doctrine of foreign equivalents will typically not be applied where the "foreign wording has developed an alternate meaning in the relevant marketplace that is different from the translated meaning in English, and the evidence shows that the alternate meaning would be understood by the relevant purchasing public". TMEP § 1207.0l (b)(vi)(B).

It is Applicants' position that when its mark IPEK is encountered by consumers who are familiar with the , this term would be recognized and accepted at 'face value' as a person's name and would not be translated into English. This reasoning is based, in part, upon the following evidence:

A. Wikipedia, "Ipek (given name)", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%BOpek (given name),

(accessed January 25, 2019). Attached at Exhibit 1 of February 22, 2019 Response to Office Action.

This evidence establishes that Ipek is a common feminine Turkish given name and is used, for example, to identify the following persons:

• lpek <;alislar, a writer • lpek Derici, a basketball player • Ipek Emiroglu, Turkish female football referee • Ipek Kaya, Turkish-French women's footballer • Ipek Ozgan, Turkish women's footballer • Ipek Ozkok, Turkish actress and model • Ipek Soroglu, Turkish volleyball player • Ipek Soylu, Turkish tennis player. • Ipek Senoglu, a tennis player • Ipek Yaylacioglu, Turkish actress

B. U1·ban Dictionary, "Ipek" https://www.urbandictionaiy.com/define/php?term=Ipek (accessed

July 8, 2019). Exhibit A. The definitions in Urban Dictionary for the Tenn "Ipek" include the following.

• "a turkish [sic] name for a perfectly beautify girl who would make the english royal family look rnde"; • "a turkish [sic] girls name associated with english and english presenting skills"; and • "a Turkish name for an amazing girl who is generally athletic and has a bright and shining smile." Id.

Evidence from Urban Dictionary, a collaborative online dictionary of slang tenns, is acceptable in ex parte proceedings. See TBMP § 1208.03.

C: Wiktionuy evidence attached at Exhibit 2 of Applicant's Response to Office Action of

Febrnary 22, 2019. This evidence defines Ipek as "[a] female given name which means ' silk"'.

D. BabyCente1· evidence attached at Exhibit 3 of Applicant's Response to Office Action of

February 22, 2019. This evidence defines Ipek as a "[g]irl' s name".

E. Baby Name Guesser evidence attached at Exhibit 4 of Applicant's Response to Office Action of

February 22, 2019. This evidence shows that Ipek is a girl's name.

The above is demonstrative evidence that the term "Ipek" is a given name, and would be recognized as such. Therefore, consumers would be unlikely to translate the te1111.

-2- II. Even if a consume1· would "stop and translate" the muk IPEK to "silk", there is no likelihood of confusion due to the conceptual and commercial weakness of the te1·m "silk" as applied to prnducts.

Examining Attorney asserts that the doctrine of foreign equivalents should be applied because

"the ordinary American purchaser" would "stop and translate" the foreign term IPEK in Applicant's mark into the English equivalent "silk". Applicant disputes this proposition, for the reasons set forth in its Response to Office Action dated Febrnary 22, 2019, and in Section I, supra.

However, even if consumers would translate Applicant's IPEK mark to "silk", there would still be no likelihood of confusion with the cited registration due to the conceptual and commercial weakness of the term "silk" as applied to food products.

The doctrine of foreign equivalents is only one part of the likelihood of confusion analysis; the marks must still be compared as to appearance, sound, and overall commercial impression. See

TMEP § 1207.0l(b)(vi)(C); Jn re Sarkli, 721 F.2d 353, 354, 220 USPQ 111, 113 (Fed. Cir. 1983)

("such similarity as there is in connotation must be weighed against the dissimilarity in appearance, sound, and all other factors, before reaching a conclusion on likelihood of confusion as to source.").

The weight accorded to similarity in meaning or connotation is strongest when the marks being compared are arbitrary or fanciful. See Jn re Ithaca Industries, 230 USPQ 702, 704 (TTAB

1986) ("the arbitrary nature of the marks involved" combined with the relatedness of goods and identity in connotation "outweigh the dissimilarity of appearance and pronunciation of the patties' marks"); In re Centruro, SA. de CV, Serial No. 77946053 (TTAB March 25, 2019) [not precedential] (the tem1 "scorpion", having no demonstrated meaning in the context of alcohol beverage goods, "will likely be understood as an arbitrary use of the word", and will likely hold the same significance to consumers whether in English or Spanish).

-3- By contrast, the there is less emphasis on similarity in meaning or connotation when the marks being compared are descriptive or suggestive of the goods. "[I]f the English and foreign marks being compared are weak or highly suggestive, or have additional wording or matter that serves to distinguish the marks, then regardless of the application of the doctrine and similarity in meaning, the marks may not be considered confusingly similar." TMEP § 1207.0l(b)(vi)(C) (emphasis added). See also Jn re Ness & Co. , 18 USPQ2d 1815 (TTAB 1991) (finding no confusion due to, inter alia, the "highly laudatory" nature of, and corresponding narrow scope of protection accorded to, the term "goodness" as applied to food items); Jn Re L'oreal S.A. , 222 USPQ 925 (TTAB. 1984)

(differences in appearance and pronunciation, and of identification of goods "would be less significant if the marks applied to the goods were more arbitrary"); Jn re Beautifitl Dreamer LLC,

Serial No. 87161372 (TTAB April 8, 2019) [not precedential] ("whether or not a consumer may stop and translate COSABELLA or BELLA COSA, the suggestiveness of these marks lessens the possibility that confusion is likely").

In this case, Examining Attorney acknowledged the term "silk" "would impart a characteristic and quality to the goods in that they are soft and smooth in texture". Office Action, March

12, 201 9. This is a classic definition of a descriptive, or at best, suggestive mark. See e.g. TMEP §

1209.0l(b) ("A mark is considered merely descriptive if it describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose, or use of the specified goods or services"). This demonstrates that the tern1 "silk", as applied to bakery and related goods, is conceptually weak.

The te1111 "silk" is both conceptually and commercially weak as applied to food products (see

Section III, infra). Due to this weakness, consumers are unlikely to place a strong emphasis on any similarity in connotation between the marks. Consumers are therefore more likely to focus on features of the mark other than connotation, such as appearance and pronunciation. It is without

-4- dispute that the respective marks are entirely different as to appearance and pronunciation (see comparison below).

Applicant's mark Cited registration IPEK

Additionally, the presence of the additional wording "CAKES" in the cited mark serves to distinguish the respective marks, futther obviating the likelihood that the marks would be considered confusingly similar. See TMEP § 1207.0l(b)(vi)(C) (" ... [if] the ... marks being compared ... have additional wording or matter that serves to distinguish the marks, then regardless of the application of the doctrine [of foreign equivalents] and similarity in the meaning, the marks may not be considered confusingly similar."

Even if the American consumers were to "stop and translate" IPEK to "silk", they would still not be confused when encountering the respective marks. The differences between the marks are simply too great to engender any likelihood of confusion.

III. The cited muk is a weak mark, and should be only receive a na1Tow scope of protection

A. Evidence of third-pa1·ty use and registration shows that the cited mark is weak, and consequently only entitled to a narrow scope of protection.

The sixth du Pont factor calls for evaluating ""number and nature of similar marks in use on similar goods." In re E. I du Pont de Nemours & Co. , 476 F.2d 1357, 1361 , 177 USPQ 563, 567

(C.C.P.A. 1973). Evidence of third-party use and registration of a term in the relevant industry is

-5- pertinent to the likelihood of confusion analysis. Juice Generation, Inc. v. GS Enters. LLC, 794 F.3d

1334, 115 USPQ2d 1671, 1674-75 (Fed. Cir. 2015); Jack Wolfskin Ausrustung Fur Draussen

GmbH & Co. KGAA v. New Millennium Sports, S.L. U. , 797 F.3d 1363, 116 USPQ2d 1129, 1135-36

(Fed. Cir. 2015), cert. denied, 136 S. Ct. 982 (2016) (citing Juice Generation, 115 USPQ2d at

1674). Evidence of third-party use can show the commercial weakness of a particular mark, whereas evidence of third-party registration can be used to show the conceptual weakness of a te1m.

Such evidence "can show that consumers have been educated to distinguish between different marks on the basis of minute distinctions." Juice Generation, 115 USPQ2d 1671.

"[E]xtensive evidence of third-party use and registrations is 'powerful on its face,' even where the specific extent and impact of the usage has not been established." Jack Wolfskin, 116 USPQ2d

1129, 1136 (Fed. Cir. 2015) (quoting Juice Generation, 115 USPQ2d at 1674).

1. Evidence of thfrd-party i·egistrations show the conceptual weakness of the cited mai·k

In this case, the fact that the dominant element of the cited mark SILK CAKES is commonly registered is evidence that the term "silk", as applied to registrant's goods, is conceptually weak, and entitled to a narrow scope of protection.

Third-party registrations are relevant evidence of the desc1iptiveness or suggestiveness of a mark or tenn "because they are probative of how tenns are used in connection with the goods or services identified in the registrations". In re Morinaga Nyugyo Kabushiki Kaisha, 120 USPQ2d

1738, 1745 (TTAB 2016). "Third party registrations show the sense in which [a] word is used in ordinary parlance and may show that a particular term has descriptive significance as applied to certain goods or services". lnstitut National Des Appellations D 'Origine v. Vintners Int'! Co., 958

F.2d 1574, 22 USPQ2d 1190, 1196 (Fed. Cir. 1992).

-6- Examining Attorney declined to consider the third-party registrations submitted by

Applicant in its Response to Office Action dated February 22, 2019. Since third-party registrations are probative of the conceptual strength of the term "SILK" in the cited mark, it is respectfully requested that the Examining Attorney reconsider his position, and re-evaluate the third-party registrations previously submitted by Applicant. An analysis of these registrations will demonstrate that the term SILK is conceptually weak as applied to registrant's food products, and consequently entitled to a narrow scope of protection.

2. Evidence of thfrd-party use show the commercial weakness of the cited mark

Examining Attorney objected to Applicant's evidence of third-party registrations, on the basis that the "registrations are entitled to little weight on the issue of confusing similarity because the registrations are 'not evidence that the registered marks are actually in use or that the public is familiar with them'" (quoting In re Midwest Gaming & Entm 't LLC, 106 USPQ2d 1163, 1167 n.5

(TTAB 2013).

Although Applicant maintains that its third-party registration evidence is probative of the question of conceptual weakness (see section III(A)(l), supra), Applicant nevertheless presents the following evidence of third-party use of the term "silk" in connection with cakes and related goods.

Evidence of third-party use can be used to establish that the consuming public is exposed to third-party use of similar marks on similar goods. TMEP § 1207.0l(d)(iii). Such evidence can be

"relevant to show that a mark is relatively weak and entitled to only a narrow scope of protection."

Palm Bay Imps. , Inc. v. Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin Maison Fondee en, 396 F.3d 1369, 1373-74, 73

USPQ2d 1689, 1693 (Fed. Cir. 2005).

-7- Printouts of the third-party websites listed below are made of record at Exhibit B. See TMEP

§ 710.0l (b).

Website title URL Date accessed Baking Grace - Chocolate Silk htt2s ://wwvv .bakinggrace .com/ order/ a122l e- 7/3/2019 caramel - cu2cake -rxtf6-wj 4 ~ - gewnt -m6za6/ La Bella Romana Chocolate Silk htt2s ://www .sho2ca2utos. com/ sho2/2roducts ?i sfr 7/3/2019 Cake Slices I Angelo Caputo's Fresh eeTextSearch=true&meal=Good%20Food%20Gui Markets de&2roductld=2 7al ed7c-a5df-4efa-9fc7- 691ac085ff3 e&g=silk%20cake#rank=O/

Chocolate Silk Cake (Half A Sheet) htt2s ://www .a ga tavalentina. com/Chocolate-Silk- 7/3/2019 Cake-Half-A-Sheet-Pl 2843 .asnx Peanut Silk Cake - Sweet htt2 :// sweetjudes.com/home /2roducts/2eanu t- 7/3/2019 Jude's butter-silk-cake/ French Silk - htt2s://beyondfrosting.com /2017112111/french- 7/3/2019 Beyond Frosting silk-chocolate-cake/ Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - htt2s ://www.beqycrocker.com/reci2es/2eanut- 7/3/2019 BettyCrocker.com butter-silk-cake/4 7ded2a2-l cf6-404c-a3e6- 512lb55c7514/ French Silk Cake (Copycat htt12s://livforcake.com/french-silk-12ie-cake/ 7/3/2019 Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) - Liv for Cake Oreo and Chocolate French Silk htt2s:l/ www .bakersroyale.com/ oreo-and- 7/3/2019 Cake chocolate-french-silk-cake/ Chocolate French Silk Cake I htt2s://www.co2ymethat.com/r/fi3WWic/chocolat 7/3/2019 ElizabethTurner I Copy Me That e-french-silk-cake/ Chocolate French Silk Cake I htt12://www.bakeandtell.com/chocolate-french- 7/3/2019 Bake&Tell silk-cake/ Peanut Butter Silk Cake htt2s:l/jamiesfeast.com/2eanut-butte1T-silk-cake- 7/3/2019 dessertsss-recin/ Peanut Butter Silk Cake - htt2s ://www.cakecentral.com/reci2e/ 68 34/2eanu t- 7/3/2019 Cake Central .com butter-silk-cake lemon drizzle silk cake with cream htt2s://www.berrysweetlife.com/lemon-drizzle- 7/3/2019 cheese icing I Be1w Sweet Life silk-cake/ TODAY - Chocolate silk cake htt2s://www.today.com/reci2es/chocolate-silk- 7/3/2019 cake-wb112223 15094 Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - htt12s://www.geniuskitchen.com/reci12e/12eanut- 7/3/2019 Genius Kitchen butter-silk-cake-167250 French Silk Cake htt2s://mariamindbodyhealth.com/easyrecipe- 7/3/2019 nrint/30243-0/ Peanut Butter Silk Cake htt2s ://www.bigoven.com/reci2e/2eanut-butter- 7/3/2019 silk-cake/175289 Organic French Silk Cake - Hobby htt2s ://www .hob byfa1ms .com/o rganic-french-silk- 7/3/2019 Farms cake-3/ Triple Chocolate Blackbeny htt2:1/wwvv.craving4more.com/tri2le-chocolate- 7/3/2019 Rosemaiy Silk Cake I Recipe I blackberry--silk-cake/

-8- In this case, widespread third-party use of the designation "silk" in connection with "cakes" and related goods demonstrates that the designation "silk" in the cited mark SILK CAKES is commercially weak, and consequently entitled to a narrow scope of protection.

B. The prnsecution history of a prior application for the muk SILK CAKES demonstrates that the term "silk" is descriptive, and thereforn conceptually weak and entitled to a natTow scope of prntection

Applicant notes that the cited registration was not the first time that the owner of the registration, by its Principal, attempted to register the mark SILK CAKES. In application serial number 78/913,374, applicant Judy Lai (the Principal of the owner of the cited mark, Silk Cakes,

Inc.), applied for registration of the mark SILK CAKES (standard characters), in connection with

"cakes" in International Class 30. See Exhibit C, download of the file wrapper for application serial number 78/913,374. See also Exhibit D, Consent of record for the cited registration, signed by Judy

Lai as Principal for Silk Cakes, Inc.

The USPTO Examining Attorney issued an Office Action, dated December 8, 2006, refusing registration of the mark SILK CAKES, on the basis that the terms "silk" and "cake" are "descriptive terms that are merely descriptive of a type of cake". In the Office Action, Examining Attorney attached internet evidence which showed that showed that "silk" is a type of cake. Applicant Judy

Lai failed to respond to the Office Action, and the application subsequently became abandoned.

The owner of the cited mark, Silk Cakes, Inc., later re-applied for registration of its SILK

CAKES mark (App. No. 85/013,768, filed on April 14, 2010). In apparent effort to traverse the descriptiveness issue encountered in its prior application, the SILK CAKES mark was presented in a 'lylized fonnal, and with an accompanying de,ign imageo IISilk Cake>, Inc. late,·

-9- disclaimed exclusive right to the term CAKES apart of the mark as shown, and made its Principal

Judy Lai's consent of record; the application ultimately matured to registration number 4,042,871

(the cited registration).

This prosecution history reveals that the literal portion of the cited registration, SILK CAKES, carries a highly descriptive connotation and is, at best, suggestive of the registrant's goods.

Although Applicant is not asserting a collateral attack on the cited registration (see TMEP §

1207.0 l(d)(iv)), it is nevertheless Applicant's position that this evidence should be considered in evaluating the conceptual strength of the cited mark.

IV. Applicant's ownership of a prior 1·egistration for the substantially similar mark IPEK FOODS should fm·the1· preclude a finding of likelihood of confusion

Applicant further contends that Examining Attorney should have considered Applicant's ownership of a prior registration for a substantially similar mark for goods closely related to the goods in this application.

In In Re Strategic Partners, Inc. , 102 USPQ2d 1397 (TTAB 2012), the Board reversed a 2(d) refusal when: (1) applicant's applied-for mark is substantially similar to its preexisting registered mark; (2) the goods were identical in part; and (3) the prior registration had co-existed for at least five years with the cited registration. See TMEP 1207.01 .

In subsequent cases, the Board emphasized that a critical factor of its analysis in Strategic

Partners was the coexistence of the respective registrations for five years or greater. See e.g. In Re

US Warriors Ice Hockey Program, Inc. , 122 USPQ2d 1790 (TTAB. 2017) (declining to extend

Strategic Partners when coexistence was for less than 5 years). In US Warriors, the Board noted that the "five-year milestone can-ies added weight because of its legal significance under the

-10- Lanham Act: it means that Applicant's registration ... is still subject to a cancellation action by

Registrant based on likelihood of confusion." Id.

In this case, Applicant's prior registration for the mark IPEK FOODS has been registered since

September 22, 2009; it has coexisted with the cited registration for the mark SILK CAKES (plus design) since its registration date, October 18, 2011. During this period of coexistence -ove1· 7 yea1·s in durntion- there has been no apparent conflict between the respective marks.

Applicant's prior registration for the mark IPEK FOODS is substantially identical to its instant application for the mark IPEK; the IPEK element in Applicant's prior registered mark has a listed translation of "silk", which is the same as the dominant element in the cited mark.

Furthermore, the goods in Applicant's pnor registration are closely related, in part, to the identification of goods in this application. Specifically, the goods "Filo; Filo dough" in Applicant's prior registration are closely related to "cakes" of the present application. Filo is used in the making baked goods, such as , a form of cake. See Exhibit E, Wikipedia, "Filo", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filo (accessed July 8, 2019) ("Filo ... is a very thin unleavened dough for making pastries.").

Applicant therefore submits that the facts in this case mirror those in Strategic Partners, and that the long period of coexistence of Applicant's prior IPEK FOODS mark and the cited mark

SILK CAKES (plus design) should negate any likelihood of confusion between the respective marks.

-11- V. Conclusion

Applicant submits that there should be no likelihood of confusion between its mark IPEK and the cited registration for the mark SILK CAKES (plus design), and respectfully requests that the refusal to register be withdrawn, and that the application be approved for publication.

-12- Exhibit A UB pJ~:~!. a..~• c,1.,,,= • Vot• """ c.• • + :x: :.

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French Si I k Chocolate Cake

Sink your teeth into this French Silk Chocolate Cake. A moist chocolate cake with a French Silk chocolate frosting and a crunchy chocolate filling.

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Today's French Silk Cake is brought to you by Naomi Robinson from Baker's Roy:a le (ht tri://www.baker sroy:a le.com/ lemon-meri ngue­ P-i e -P-QW). . Naomi recently published a self-titled cookbook, Baker s Roy:ale (ht tri:Uamzn.to/ 2 iO R548).. I absolutely wanted to get my hands on this book because her are always creative and her photography is stunning. This t:-~~ 1 • ,., ~ ""~-- ~"~_,,., . .. h~•' ···~ .. ,,., picture it to be. Subscribe to our Newsletter Sign up for our newsletter and get our latest updates! It was of course very difficult to pick a recipe to shar e with you because I most certainly wanted the Chocolate Banoffee Pies. I actually also made the Burnt Car amel Pie but ultimately, I thougl Email Address Silk Chocolate Cake the most. Honestly there are so many mouthw atering creations in this book, I cc through this book. Subscribe

Today's featured reci pe. Head to "Recipe Index" to see othe1


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T he cookbook has 6 chapters including Cookies Brownies and Bar, Pies and Tarts, Plate-Scraping Cakes, Single Servings, Confections and Cool Treats,

T he original recipe calls for this cake to be a 6- inch laver cake. I actual Iv have 6-inch pans (ht t p://amzn.t o/ 2 Bt xG41)but since this is a

https://beyondfrosting.com/2017/ 12/11 /french-silk-chocolate-cake/ 3/13 7/3/2019 French Silk Chocolate Cake - Beyond Frosting

. ----·-·- ·-·------less common size, I decided to adapt Naomi's r ecipe to be an 8-inch cake {b..tip: Uamzn.to /2ny~). instead. As you can see, it produces nice thick layers of chocolate cake.

When it comes time to bake this cake (https://bev.ondfrosting.com/ tag/ cake/)_, I recommend using bake even strijli (http:// amzn.to/ 2BOrKPO)_ to prevent the cake from dom ing too much because no one wants to waste any cake! The bake even stripes helps slow down the edges of the cake from baking too quickly, which is one of the reasons the cake t ends to bake higher in the m iddle. I also suggest rotating your pans par tway through t he bak ing time in order to help t hem bake more evenly since all 3 layers are baking at t he same t i me. You still need to t orte your cake with a knife or cake leveler (httR://amzn.to/ 2AYOX69). .

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T he chocolate cake (https://bev.ondfrosting.com/ tag/chocolate-cake/). is very moist w ith a r ich cho XCLOSE perfect ly light w ith n ice air bubbles throughout. It handles very easily and has great structur e. Naomi mentioned this is her go-to chocolate cake I can see why! I was very excited to try her chocolate frosting_(b..tips://bev.ondfrosting.com/ tag/chocolate-frostingL)_ because it ca lls for melted chocolate! Heck yes. Originally, I thought I would double the frosting recipe but I ended up making about 1.5 times the original recipe in order to accommodate my larger cake. This recipe has j ust enough frosting to cover and f ill the cake w it h a nice thick layer o f chocolat e frosting. How ever, it does not leave a lot of leftovers for decorating, but that's w here that gorgeous chocolat e drizzle comes in!

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Prior to adding that melted chocolate to your frosting, you'll want to be su r e the structure of your frosting is nice and whipped, and all your powdered sugar has been added. Once you add the chocolate to the frosting, you won't want to whip it a whole lot more as I found this tends to thicken up the frosting.

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Another thing that attracted me to this cake is t he layers of chocolate crunch t hat Naomi has added execution that uses Rice Krispie cereal and melted chocolate. Once this hardens and sets in t he frid! into the layer of frosting. You can see I used the leftovers to garnish this cake. I do suggest making U or baking to allow enough time for it to set prior t o assembling your cake. Once it's set, you can stor· you're ready to use it. XCLOSE

Fi nally, we' re finishing this cake off with a gorgeous chocolate d r izzle using melted dark or semi-sweet chocolate. I absolutely love the way it looks and helps balance the top of the cake. Don't skip this step!

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If you love no-bake recipes, be sure to check out my cookbook (httRs://bey:ondfrosting.com/no Treats!

Don't miss a thing, subscribe (httR://madmimi.com/ signuRs/ 143087/ join)_ to get recipe~


https://beyondfrosling.com/2017 /12/11 /french-silk-chocolate-cake/ 6/13 7/3/2019 French Silk Chocolate Cake - Beyond Frosting

Sink your teeth into this French Silk Chocolate Cake. A moist chocolate cake with a French Silk chocolate frosting and a crunchy chocolate filling.


For the cake:

2 2/ 3 cups (540) granulated sugar

2 % cups (300g) all-purpose

1 Y, cups (140g) unsweetened cocoa powder

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon

2 cups (480 ml) buttermilk

1 cup (240 ml) oil

6 large eggs

2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

For the chocolate crunch:

9 ounces (25Sg) semisweet chocolate

2 cups Rice Krispie cereal

For the frosting: Subscribe to our Newsletter Sign up for our newsletter and get our latest updates! 4 ounces unsweetened chocolate Email Address 6 ounces semisweet chocolate

3 sticks (1 Y, cups) unsalted butter, softened Subscribe

6-7 cups powdered sugar

1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

4 tablespoons heavy whipping cream

Y. teaspoon salt XCLOSE

For the ganache:

2 ounces semisweet (or dark) chocolate chips

https://beyondfrosling.com/2017 /12/11 /french-silk-chocolate-cake/ 7/13 7/3/2019 French Silk Chocolate Cake - Beyond Frosting

Y2 cup heavy whipping cream

2 teaspoons corn syrup


e For the cake: Preheat the to 350°F. Grease and flour 3 8-inch baking_r.ians (httr.i://amzn.to/2nyaaZn). . lining the bottoms with parchment paper circles.

e In your stand mixer, w hisk together the dry ingredients: sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

e In a separate medium-sized bowl, whisk the eggs together w ith the vanilla extract. Then add the buttermilk and vegetable oil, whisking all the wet ingredients together.

e Next, pour the wet ingredients slowly into the dry ingredients while the mixer is beating at a low speed. Once all the wet ingredients have been added, increase the mixing speed to medium and mix until all the ingredients are combined, scraping down the bowl as needed.

e Divide the cake batter evenly between the 3 baking pans. Bake at 350°F for 30-35 minutes or until the toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean. Each pan may bake differently depending on how full they are.

•Remove the cakes from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool for one hour. Gently run a knife on the inside edge of the pan to release the edges of the cake from the pan. Carefully remove the cake from the pan and allow to cool completely.

e For the chocolate crunch: Line a 9x13 inch baking sheet with parchment paper and se t aside. In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate in the microwave on medium-high power in 1S second increments, stirring between each interval until the chocolate is fully melted.

e Place the Rice Krispie cereal in a medium-sized bowl and pour the melted chocolate over the cereal. Stir w ith a spatula until the cereal is well-coated.

e Spread the cereal evenly on the baking pan and transfer to the refrigerator until the chocolate is set.

e For the frosting: In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the chocolate in the microwave on medium-high in 15 second increments, stirring between each interval until the chocolate is fully melted. Set aside and allow it to cool to room temperature.

e In your stand mixer, beat the butter until completely smooth 2-3 minutes. Next, and the powdered sugar 2 cups at a time and beating until the powdered sugar is well mixed into the butter. As the frosting thickens, add the liquid ingredients (vanilla and heavy cream) 1 tablespoon at a time as needed. Beat the frosting until light and f luffv. Subscribe to our Newsletter Slowly add the melted chocolate, mixing into the until it's well incorporated e Sign up for our newsletter and get our latest updates! e To assemble the cake: Use a cake leveler (httR://amzn.to/ 2kkOama}_ to cut the domes off t of frosting on your cake board and place the bottom layer of cake on top of that. Email Address

e Pipe a layer of frosting. I use a RlRing..!2.£g_(httR://amzn.to/2yh78yJs). fitted w ith an open ro Subscribe of the piping bag. Fill the first layer of frosting by using your piping bag and pipe from the Gently spread the frosting w ith an offset spatula to fill in the gaps.

e Break apart the chocolate crunch into smaller pieces and press about 1/ 3 of the chocolat• frosting, and spread a thin layer of frosting over top of the chocolate crunch. XCLOSE e Place the next layer of cake on top and repeat the above instructions to fill the layer of frosting and chocolate crunch.

e For the top layer of cake, place it inverted, so the bottom of the cake is actually the top, creating a nice and smooth top edge.

e Use the remaining frosting to coat the edges and the top of the cake.

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e For the ganache: In a 1 cup capacity measuring cup, combine the chocolate chips and heavy whipping cream. Microwave at 50 percent powder for 30 seconds at a time, and stir after each 30 seconds. Repeat until the chocolate is melted and smooth then stir in the corn syrup. The chocolate ganache should run smoothly off your spoon. Pour the chocolate around the top edge of the cake and allow it to drizzle down the sides of the cake. Pour in a circular pattern on top of the cake.

e Garnish the cake with leftover chocolate crunch on the top and bottom edges of the cake.


It's helpful t o use a cake turntable (httri://amzn.to/2kjhYxN). when decorating ca ke

I always use bake even strilli...(htti;i://amzn.to/2BOrKPO). when baking cakes

This recipe is printed with pe r mission from Baker's Roya le (htti;i://amzn.to/ 2B03r30).

You might also like:

Chocolate Stout Cake (htt~yondfrosting.com / 2016 /02 / 01/choco l ate-stout-cake/).

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Oreo Chocolate Cake (httj;!s://beyondfrosting.com/ 2017/01/ 23/ oreo-chocolate-cheesecake-cake/).

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Barb says February...Z, 2019 at 10:40 am (httgs://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017/12/11/french-silk-choco late-cake/#comment-1144912).

This looks yummy! What brand(s) of chocolate do you use for this?

Subscribe to our Newsletter Sign up for our newsletter and get our latest Beyond Frosting says updates! February...Z, 2019 at 7:49 gm (httgs://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017/12/11/french-si lk-chocolate-cake/ #comment-11' Email Address

I always prefer to use chocolate bars like Ghirardelli Subscribe

Debra Ca ra ballo says XCLOSE November 6, 2018 at 2:36 gm (httgs://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017 / 12/ 11/french-si lk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1144451).

Never mind, my fault! I was looking at the previous picture, not the right one.... l'm sorry1

https://beyondfrosting.com/2017 /12/11 /french-silk-chocolate-cake/ 11 /13 7/3/2019 French Silk Chocolate Cake - Beyond Frosting

Debra Caraballo says November 6, 2018 at 2:33 i:im (htti:is://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017 /12/11/french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1144450).

Hi, the picture of this cake in the link I clicked wasn't a . It looked like a 9x 13 to me. I'm sure you can bake the cake in t his size pan. but how would you go about adding t he mousse, krispies. etc? Thank you!

Beyond Frosting says November 7, 2018 at 8:02 am (htti:is://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017 / 12/11/french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1144454).

No problem Debra1

Dawn says November 6, 2018 at 10:43 am (htti:is://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017/ 12/11/french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1144449).

What was the recipe for the 6 inch pans?

Beyond Frosting says

November 7, 2018 at 8:04 am (htt~v.ondfrosting.com/201 7 /12/11/french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1144455).

Hi Dawn, if you wouldn't mind to send an email to Julianne at beyondfrosting dot com. someone can reply back to you with the recipe for the 6 inch ca ke.

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Kristina says Subscribe ~gtember 18, 2018 at 3:27 i:im (htti:is://bev.ondfrost ing.com/2017 / 12111/french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-114'

Looks yummy1 Do you think it can be prepared beforehand and kept in the fridge overnight?


Beyond Frosting says

~ i:ite mber 21, 2018 at 7:59 am (httRs://bev.ondfrosting.com/2017/12/11/ french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1144278 ).

Hi Kristina, how far ahead are you thinking? You can certainly prepare the cake a day in advance before serving, probably two. I just love fresh

https://beyondfrosling.com/2017 /12/11 /french-silk-chocolate-cake/ 12/13 7/3/2019 French Silk Chocolate Cake - Beyond Frosting

Carol says December 17, 2017 at 12:40 RllL(bll~yondfrostjng.com/2017 /12/11/french-silk-chocolate-cake/#comment-1143290).

This takes decadence a step farther w ith an extravagant frosting and ganache. I think the addition of krispies will be a welcome surpr ise, too.Just can hardly wait to make this!

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https://beyondfrosling.com/2017/12/ 11 /french-silk-chocolate-cake/ 13/13 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - BettyCrocker.com

Easy Spice Rubs for Grilling I Fudgy Brownies I Homemade Blueberry Cobbler I Shrimp & Veggie Foil Packs I rv:

Peanut Butter Silk Cake

****"'78 Ratings 40Comments•

Prep Total Servings 15 MIN 2 HR 1Q MIN 12

Love sweet and creamy peanut butter? Try it in both a whipped cream filling that's loaded with flavor and a moist cake enrobed in creamy chocolate frosting.

By Betty Crocker Kitchens

Updated July 16, 2008

Make with Betty Crocker Cake Mix https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/peanut-butter-silk-ca ke/4 7 ded2a2-1 cf6-404c-a3e6-5121 b55c7 514 1/6 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - BettyCrocker.com

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1 box Betty Crocker™ Super Moist™ yellow cake mix 1 1/4 cups water 1/ 2 cup creamy peanut butter 1/3 cup vegetable oil 3 eggs 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1 container (1 lb) Betty Crocker™ Rich & Creamy chocolate frosting 1 cup chopped peanuts, if desired


1 Heat oven to 350°F (or 325°F for dark or nonstick pans). Generously grease bottoms only of 2 (8- or 9-inch) round cake pans with shortening or spray.

2 In large bowl, beat cake mix, water, 1/2 cup peanut butter, the oil and eggs with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Pour into pans.

3 Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Run knife around sides of pans to loosen cakes; remove from pans to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 1 hour.

4 In 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat; stir in brown sugar. Heat to boiling; boil and stir 1 minute. Remove from heat. Refrigerate 10 minutes.

5 In chilled medium bowl, beat whipping cream on high speed until soft peaks form; set aside. In another medium bowl, beat 1/2 cup peanut butter and the brown sugar mixture on medium speed until smooth https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/peanut-butter-silk-ca ke/47 ded2a2-1 cf6-404c-a3e6-5121 b55c7 514 2/6 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - BettyCrocker.com

111( 10K 2K 1K 11 Print Save Pinterest Email Facebook 6 Split each cake layer horizontally to make 2 layers. Fill each layer with about 2/3 cup peanut butter mixture to within 1/2 inch of edge. Frost side and top of cake with frosting. Press peanuts onto frosting on side of cake. Store covered in refrigerator.

Expert Tips

To cut cake layers in half horizontally, insert 6 toothpicks around the side of each layer, halfway down the side. Using the toothpicks as a guide, slice layer in half with a long knife.

For a fun garnish, top this cake with coarsely cut-up chocolate-covered peanut butter cups. Or dot the top with mini cups that have been cut in half crosswise.

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https://www.bettycrocker.com/recipes/peanut-butter-silk-ca ke/47 ded2a2-1 cf6-404c-a3e6-5121 b55c7 514 6/6 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake



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Home" Cakes" French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake)





https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 1/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 2149 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake This French Silk Pie Cake is an homage to my very favourite cake from my childhood, and it's still one of my favourite cakes today: the McCain Deer2'n Delicious Chocolate Cake.

This cake is so good. SO. GOOD. We wouldn't get it often when I was little, but when we did, it was the best treat. The cake itself is fine, basically good old chocolate cake. But the frosting ... the frosting!! Where is the heart eyes emoji?? That stuff is like crack. I'd gladly take a bowl full of that frosting with a spoon and be happy.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 3/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 4/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake I actually haven't had this cake in decades (seriously), but over the holidays I got this inexplicable craving that just had to be satisfied. All the precious cakes lining my freezer were just not going to cut it. Ryan was all like - imagine if your followers knew what you were getting?? Blasphemy! Little did he know I had already blasted my guilty pleasure to everyone on my lnstagram stories. There were some closet Deep'n Delicious fans that came out of the woodwork, let me tell ya - this cake has a cult following. Rightfully so.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 5/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 6/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake So twenty some odd years later, I am happy to report that it's every bit as good as I'd remembered. Except it used to come with chocolate sprinkles. Where did the chocolate sprinkles go??

I am not kidding when I say I bought at least two (maybe three) of these cakes over the holidays and ate them all. Happily. Maybe it was that I needed a break from baking, or that I was tired of all my cakes, or I just wanted to relive some nostalgia. It was wonderful.

Over the course of discussing our mutual obsession with my friend Amy from Constellation Inspiration, I decided I needed to try and re-create this cake. A quick Google search led down a rabbit hole w hich eventually led me to French Silk Pie. Apparently the filling for this pie is w hat is used as the frosting on the Deep'n Delicious cake.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 7149 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 8/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake WHAT IS FRENCH SILK PIE? It's basically a mousse, but not made in the traditional way you'd make a mousse. The key difference with French Silk Pie is the way you whip the eggs. Or rather, how long you whip them for.

The recipe starts out with creaming butter and sugar together, then adding in melted chocolate. At this point you start adding cold eggs one at a time and whipping for 5 minutes after each addition. This part is critical. If you add the eggs all at once it will be a big soupy mess. If you don't whip for long enough after each egg, the filling/frosting/mousse will be grainy. Trust me when I say not to rush this process.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 9/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 10/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake When you're finished whipping, the filling will be thick, fluffy, and silky... but a bit on the runny side. You couldn't use it as a frosting in this state. All you need to do is pop it into the fridge for 20-30mins so that it starts to firm/set up a bit. I chilled mine for a total of 30mins, rewhipping every lOmins. It was still thinner than a normal frosting at this point, but totally worked for piping the dollops. You could chill it a bit longer if you prefer.

It's important to note that I piped the dollops on each layer separately and chilled them again for 30mins before stacking. I wanted to make sure the frosting was firm enough so that it wouldn't ooze out the sides. You could serve this cake stacked or as two individual layers. How you choose to serve it is up to you. Each is equally pretty in my opinion.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 11 /49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 12/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake This French Silk Pie Cake recipe is simple, but a bit more time intensive (not THAT much more though). Decorating this cake is super easy, so the time spent on making/chilling the frosting balances out. And it's worth it, I promise!! That frosting is pure heaven.

So, did my version of the Deep'n Delicious cake live up to my expectations?? I gotta tell ya, it's pretty darn close. My cake layers are more dense and moist (which I like better), but the frosting is almost identical. Certainly in texture. I used unsweetened Baker's chocolate in the frosting as that's what most French Silk Pie recipes called for, but I think next time I'd try it with a high quality dark chocolate instead (Callebaut is my favourite). I am a chocolate snob when it comes to baking!

Does this mean I'll stop buying the McCain cakes? Unlikely. But if you're as big a fan of that nostalgic cake as I am, you will love this homemade version!

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 13/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 14/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake TIPS FOR MAKING THIS FRENCH SILK PIE CAKE: • This recipe uses raw eggs for the frosting. If you're uncomfortable eating raw eggs, you can use pasteurized eggs or try one of my other chocolate frosting. recipes. • Raw eggs should not be consumed by pregnant women, small children, or anyone with hea Ith issues. • Do NOT skimp on the whipping time for the frosting. You really need to whip for 5 minutes after each egg so that the sugar dissolves completely and the frosting is light and fluffy. • I used caster sugar as it's super fine and will dissolve quicker, but good old granulated sugar will work just fine. Just make sure the sugar is completely dissolved. If not, keep whipping until it is. • I used Baker's chocolate in the frosting, but next time I think I would try it with a really good guality: dark chocolate. • To help ensure your cake layers bake up nice and flat, see my Flat Top, Cakes post.

LOOKING FOR MORE CHOCOLATE RECIPES?? • Chocolate Truffle Cake • Mocha Chocolate Cake

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 15/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake • Chocolate Cake • Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart • Chocolate Cheesecake Stuffed Bundt


This French Silk Pie Cake is the dessert of your dreams!! Incredibly moist chocolate cake layers topped w ith an unbelievably silky chocolat e frost ing.

Course Dessert Cake

Prep Time 2 hours 30 m inutes Cook Time 45 minutes Total Time 3 hours 15 m inutes

Servings 12 Calories 543kcal Author Olivia

4.93 from 13 votes


Chocolate Cake: • 2 cups fill=gu rgose flour • 2 cups granulated sugar • 3 /4 cup Dutch-grocessed cocoa gowder sifted • 2 tsp baking soda • l tsp baking_gowder • l tsp salt • 1/2 cup vegetable oil • l c up buttermilk room temperature • l c up hot w ater • 2 large eggs • 2 t sp vanilla

French Silk Frosting:

• 3 /4 c up unsalted butter softened, but still cool • l c up caster sugar superfine sugar (granulated ok, not powdered) • 11/2 t sp vanilla • 3 oz unsweetened Baker's chocolate melted and cooled completely • 3 large w hole eggs cold

Assembly: • chocolate flakes or sprinkles US Customa[Y. - Metric


https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 16/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake Chocolate Cake: • Preheat oven to 350F, grease two 8" round baking pans and dust w ith cocoa powder. Line bottoms with parchment. • Place all dry ingredients into the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Stir to combine. • In a medium bowl w hisk all wet ingredients (pour hot water in slowly as not to cook the eggs). • Add wet ingredients to dry and mix on medium for 2-3 mins. Batter will be very thin. • Pour evenly into prepared pans. I used a kitchen scale to ensure the batter is evenly distributed. • Bake for 45 mins or until a cake tester comes out mostly clean. • Cool 10 minutes in the pans then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely.

French Silk Frosting: • Using a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, beat butter and sugar until pale & fluffy (approx. 3 mins). Ideally use a a chilled bowl*. Scrape bowl as needed. • Add cooled melted chocolate and vanilla, whip until combined. Scrape bowl as needed. • Switch to whisk attachment. Add eggs one at a time, whipping for 5 mins after each addition. Scrape bowl before adding each egg.** • Frosting w ill be fairly runny. Place entire bowl with whisk into the fridge to chill for 30mins (take out to whip every lOmins).

Assembly: • Place each layer of cake on a cake board or plate. Using a French star t iQ, pipe dollops on top of each layer then sprinkle w ith chocolate flakes.*** • You can either serve them like this, as two separate cakes, or place both in the f ridge to chill for l hour, then carefully remove one from the cake board stack on top of the other.


Chocolate Truffle Chocolate Dark Chocolate Chocolate Cake Cake Honeycomb Cake Cake

NOTES https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 17/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

*A cold bowl will help the frosting whip up better. **Do not skimp on this! It takes a long time, but this is what helps give it the proper texture. ***You will have a bit of frosting left over. You can use this to add more frosting to the cake if desired, or spoon into small bowls and serve as mousse.

French Silk Pie filling recipe from Martha art. NOTE: This recipe uses raw eggs which may be an issue for some. You can use pasteurized if you prefer. Raw eggs should not be consumed by pregnant women, small children, or anyone with health issues.

Calories: 543kcal : 72g The nutritional information and : 7g Fat: 27g metric conversions are calculated Saturated Fat 18g Cholesterol: llOmg automatically. I cannot guarantee the Sodium: 459mg Potassium: 264mg accuracy of this data. If this important Fiber: 3g Sugar: Slg to you, please verify with your A: 10% Calcium: 7.3% favourite nutrition calculator and/or Iron: 18.7% metric conversion tool.



https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 18/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

FEBRUARY 4, 2018



Would it be possib le to make the frosting w ith white chocolate? If so, do you think decorat ing the cake w ith half white and half regular frosting could work, or would the tastes clash?



Hi there! I don't see why not, I think flavour-wise they would go f ine!


Although now that I say t hat, it's possib le the frosting would be softer using white chocolate.


KIMBERLY SAYS FEBRUARY 24, 2019 AT 5:57 PM https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 19/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake Hi from Newfoundland Just wondering if a rectanglu lar pan used for a sheet cake can be used instead of t he round cake pans. Thanks



Hi Kimberley! Converting pan sizes is always tricky. Here's a site I use as a guideline: http://www.joyofba ki ng.com/PanSizes.htm I


This cake was amazing. Probably the best chocolate cake I've ever had. This was my f irst cake from this site and I'll definitely be back to try more. Icing was a bit t ime consuming but oh so tasty!



Hi Moira! So happy to hear that you liked it, I can't wait to hear what you try next! LOVE that icing, it's a fave.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 20/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Super excited to try this for my Father's birthday in a few weeks! McCain chocolate cakes are his absolute favorite & are all he ever wants! You find the icing to be the same (or just about)? That's what he likes the best. Would you say it would be ok to make the day before (both cake & icing) amd keep in the fridge? Thanks! ''"''


Hi Amy! I found the frosting to be very close. It's not identical since it's homemade and all, but it was SO good. Be sure to take the time to make it though, and really whip those eggs in. Totally fine to make it the day before! If you're decorating it the same way I did, be sure to chill each layer separately and then stack once the frosting has firmed up a bit.

AMY SAYS JANUARY 10, 2019 AT 8:55 AM

Perfect thanks so much! I'l l be sure to post once I make it©


AMY SAYS JANUARY 25, 2019 AT 11:52 AM

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 21/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake Opps! i bought semi sweet bakers chocolate instead of unsweetened. Thoug hts? I want to get it as close to the deep & delicious as possible - so if I have to go b uy u nsweet ened that's ok. Just wondered your thoughts!


Semi-sweet should be f ine, it's what I would use next t ime!


can the eggs be left out not keen o n raw eggs.



Hi Maruquel! No, t he eggs are crit ical to this k ind of frosting. If you prefer an egg-free one you can try this recipe here: https://I ivforca ke.com/bi rthday-ca ke-reci pe/

RICKAY SAYS NOVEMBER 5, 2018 AT 10:47 AM https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 22/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

This is the best recipe for both cake and frosting I've ever made. My husband didn't believe I made it from scratch. One word of caution: if you make this cake it is addictive. ''"''


Ha ha, I hear you! So happy to hear you both liked it. That frosting is still one of my faves!


Hi Olivia, I was so excited to try this recipe and did actually try it but forgot the oil in the cake batter. @ Now my cakes are in the oven and I have no clue what they will be like atlfter coming out. This recipe deserves rerun though! Thank you for the recipe



Hi Maddy! Ugh, that is the worst. How did they turn out??

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 23/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Hello there! This recipe looks great and I will definitely try it some time. But what I am looking for right now is vanilla me cain cake icing. My daughters b day is coming and the vanilla ones are her favorite. The icing is really different than other vanilla icings. Do you have any ideas for me? I would really appreciate some help. ''"''


Hi Alex! I've actually never had the vanilla one so I can't speculate as to what it's like. I suppose you could try leaving the chocolate out of this one, but not sure if that's the best strategy.


Cant wait to try out your recipe tomorrow for a friend who has not eaten mccain chocolate cake in years now, because we live in the Netherlands in Europe and it is not available here. I have never had mccain chocolate cake, so I have no idea what it should taste like.. I want to surprise her with it and hope it will take her back in time to when she still lived in Aruba and used to buy this cake often because she loves it so much. I was wondering if you have made this recipe before with homemade buttermilk, and if so, did you use fresh lemon juice or from a squeeze bottle? I can go out and buy fresh buttermilk tomorrow, but im afraid our buttermilk looks a bit thin compared to the thick buttermilk I see in American videos.. ours is almost as thin as regular milk.


https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 24/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Hi Aike! I almost always use homemade buttermilk as I never want to buy a whole carton of it! It will work just fine Q I add l Tbsp lemon juice (squeeze bottle) to l cup milk (I use 1% because that's what's in my fridge, but any works). You can also use vinegar. Let me know how she likes it!!


Hi Olivia,

I just pulled my cakes out of the oven and the layers are only 1,5 inches tall. Is that normal? This always happens when I use the hersheys chocolate cake recipe or one that is kind of similar to it too. I thought that was because I use dutched cocoa powder (I am from the Netherlands and us Dutch people are only able to get Dutch process cocoa here). But in your recipe it was specifically asked for so I thought it would be ok this time. I used store bought buttermilk and Im wondering if perhaps that might not be acidic enough to react with the baking soda? Or perhaps our flour is different.. American flour is made from hard and hours is made from soft wheat, but I made sure to buy one that has the same protein content as american all purpose flour. This is so frustrating because I love the flavour of these types of chocolate cake, but I just wish it would bake taller. When its in the oven it seems to rise to a nice height, but eventually when they are still in the oven, they just deflate and shrink. I am not an unexperienced baker and have followed the recipe to a T. Weighed out all of my ingredients exactly in grams. I have joined your facebook group today, I could sent you a picture of the cake layers and hope you can help. A quick google search shows i am not the only one in Europe struggling with this type of chocolate cake falling or just not rising properly.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 25/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake Wish I could get my hands on some american all purpose flour to see ifthat might work better.


Hi Aike! Did you use 8" pans? If so they should be about 2" tall. Did you check to make sure your baking soda and baking powder are not expired? Sometimes this can be the culprit. I always only use Dutch cocoa as well. Are you at high elevation by chance? That could cause problems for sure. It's possible re: flour. I tried to bake a cake at my sister's in Sydney and it was a total fail - dense and didn't rise much. I assumed it was the flour. Definitely email me a pie or post in the group!



Hi Olivia,

Yes everything was very fresh because I bake a lot nothing sits in my pantry for long and I also check the expiration dates before I buy products. I used 8 inch pans. I have tried many variations on this type of chocolate cake and they always end up dense and very flat. According to wikipedia the Netherlands is at 98ft elevation and the USA is at 2493ft elevation. I wish i could get these recipes to work because they look so delicious. I went to a windmill today to buy freshly ground special flour thats supposed to be super soft like cake flour.. im hoping that might work

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 26/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Hmm, that is super strange! Please let me know if you figure it out, I'm curious!


Try making your own buttermilk with l cup milk +l tbsp lemon juice. I like to combine them and let it sit to get thick while I get other ingredients ready. Also, I add just a pinch extra baking soda because I like very light fluffy cake, and try lowering your oven. Cake baked at 300 or 325 F {lSOC - 165C or gas mark 2 or 3) will often rise higher than cake baked at higher temperatures, but you will need to adjust cooking time accordingly.


my daughter lives in the UK. the flour definitely has a different texture. I cannot get my rolls to rise very well either. I am not sure how to fix the problem but I do feel that the difference in flour texture is the culprit.


https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 27149 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake Ugh, good to know. Have you tried different kinds/brands of flour over there?

ALEXIS SAYS JULY 6 , 2018 AT 3:06 PM

Hi I was wondering if their was a way to make the frosting but without the chocolate in favor of vanilla i wanted to make it for my dad but he didn't want chocolate frosting. (Sorry if you have made a vanilla version and I haven't seen it)

OLIVIA SAYS JULY 10, 2018 AT 9:22 AM

Hi Alexis! This particular frosting is unique and specifically chocolate. If you want a vanilla one you can use the one in this ...recipe:,. https://livforcake.com/vanilla-cake/


YOU COULD TELL ME, WHAT DOES THE CAKE MEASURE OF HIGH FOR 12 PEOPLE? https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 28/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake THANKS



I made this for a surprise party I was attending at the request of the person throwing the party. I asked what kind of cake the bday girl (70 yrs old bday girl@) and was told nothing chocolate. This cake was a HUGE hit with everyone, especially the bday girl. Many people said it was the best chocolate cake they ever had. I doubled the recipe and made a 12 inch cake. It was perfection.



Oh typos!! Sorry about that - I was told anything chocolate, not nothing chocolate.


OLIVIA SAYS JUNE 22, 2018 AT 4:18 PM

So happy to hear that!! Glad everyone liked it, it's a fave of m ine Q 1;ii?M

CAROL BARNES SAYS MAY 29, 2018 AT 8:15 AM https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 29/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake I just was reading about you. OMG!!I You grew up in Edmonton, which is where I grew up and lived for 50 years of my life. I now live in Newfoundland. We are almost neighbors! I love to know a bit about you.It is so nice to see the pictures you posted and I feel like we have so much in common. '""' OLIVIA SAYS MAY 29, 2018 AT S:38 PM

Small world!! And wow, that is quite the move after so many years! Ryan and I talk about visiting the East coast often. Need to get out there.


You are amazing! Just wanted to let you know, even when I don't look at the author of the recipes I look at, I can usually pick yours out, just by how well written instructions there are and everything else. I am making this cake tomorrow, but will be using 3- 6'pans, and would like to use a white frosting on it for contrast. Could you suggest one that will work well with it' And I am pretty sure I don't have to adjust much of the ingredients? I hope you can let me know your thought on this. '"''' OLIVIA SAYS MAY 29, 2018 AT 5:37 PM

Aww thanks so much Carol! You are the sweetest! The cake should work fine in three 6" pans, though there's a chance it could spill over

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 30/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake a bit, so maybe just put a baking sheet under the pans just in case. Don't fill the pans more than 1/2 full as the batter rises a LOT. And I actually think a simple whipped cream would go really well. That way the texture is close to the chocolate frosting. Anything else might be a bit on the heavy side.


Love the idea of something simple, like whipped cream. Sounds perfect.Making this beautiful cake today, can hardly wait. A gray day here, hopefully we do not get more snow, did you hear that we had around 35cm last week? Just got rid of that, and it is raining so much.so now there is a chance certain places here will get more snow. But otherwise it has been a great spring. I hope you come here sometime, it is worth it. Thanks so much! Have a lovely day! 'iii'*

OLIVIA SAY S JUNE 5, 2018 AT 3:39 PM

How did it turn out? I hope you liked it!! I heard about all the crazy snow, insane so late in May!! I will visit one day for sure

ANG IE SAYS M AY 17, 2018 AT 6 :02 AM

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 31/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake This looks divine! The baking imp is beckoning and now I'm scheming with that frosting in mind. I wanted to ask if you ever use, in lieu of water, strong, fresh black coffee? I have a recipe that's similar to this from Ina Garten that calls for coffee and it's quite de-lish. What are your thoughts? ''"''

OLIVIA SAYS MAY 17, 2018 AT 3:20 PM

Hi Angie! I have used coffee in this recipe in the past, but I like it better with water myself. I find that it's a bit less bitter, but also I'm SU PER lazy and it's easier to boil water than make coffee. The frosting is to-die-for. I hope you try it!

ARDEN SAYS MAY 11 , 2018 AT 1:27 PM

Hi there!

Is there any particular reason for the difference between vanilla base cake and this chocolate base one? I've notice for your cakes that have a vanilla base, you cream the butter and sugar, incorporate the eggs, then add the flour, whereas with this chocolate base there is extra hot water and you combine all the dry and wet ingredients separately before finally combining them all.


1d'?t1 https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 32/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

OLIVIA SAYS MAY 11 , 2018 AT 3:15 PM

Hi Arden! The vanilla and chocolate cakes just use d ifferent formulas and mixing techniques. I keep meaning to try a vanilla cake using the hot water method and replacing the cocoa w ith more flour, but I haven't gotten around to it.

KIMM SAYS MAY 9, 2018 AT 8 :48 AM

I have a question about the chocolate cake. I need to make a 3 layer 8 in cake. Will this recipe work? And if it had basic American Buttercream on it how much would you sell it for? I'm not sure you want to answer that last question b ut thought I would ask! @

OLIVIA SAYS MAY 11, 2018 AT 2:58 PM

Hi Kimm! I would l.Sx the recipe for a 3 layer 8", unless you don't mind thinner layers. I don't sell my cakes, so I can't help you there, but it also really depends on SO many factors. Here are some links to check out for pricing: http://www.bakecalc.com/cake-pricing-calculator/ ...https,. ://youtu .be/q Mj4Z2e-CeE

GUNN ANITA SAYS MAY 1, 2018 AT 3:53 PM https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 33/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

Hi @The French silk frosting tastes great; but it seems like it has split. It also seems to be a bit grainy even though I beat 5 minutes exactly{!) between each egg. Would perhaps not beating sugar and butter enough cause this? I did use a 70% chocolate infused with coffee. So it had tiny grains of coffee powder in it. I don't know if that would cause any such trouble.


OLIVIA SAYS MAY 3, 2018 AT 4:52 PM

Hi Gunn! Yes, the excessive whipping is to help ensure the sugar is completely dissolved. The coffee powder could have affected the texture as well. What do you mean that it seems like it has split?

ASM SAYS APRIL 19, 2018 AT 7:45 PM

Hi, Can buttermilk be replaced with any other ingredient?


OLIVIA SAYS APRIL 20, 2018 AT 2 :16 PM

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 34/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake Ideally not as the acid in it is required for the leaveners. If you don't have access to buttermilk you can easily make your own - 1 cup milk+ l Tbsp lemon juice!



Making 2 9 inch cakes instead of 8, what would you suggest to increase the recipe to?

OLIVIA SAYS MARCH 29, 2018 AT 10:11 AM

Hi Tari! Ideally you would increase it by 1/3 but that would give some weird amounts. I would suggest l.Sx the recipe and make cupcakes with any extra batter. The layers rise a lot so be sure to not f ill the pans more than half full. I hope that helps! 1194*

MARIA SAYS MARCH 1, 2018 AT 12:51 PM

Looks great! Can I freeze this cake and for how long? Can I freeze the frosting while in the cake? I p lan on making the cake and putting frosting between layers then when ready taking out of freezer, frost it and then decorate. ''"'' https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 35/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

OLIVIA SAYS MARCH 2 , 2018 AT 3 :07 PM

Hi Maria! I would freeze the cake layers themselves and then make the frosting the day you plan to serve it for best results. 'd'I*


Apaixonate, estou aqui agora traduzindo a receita para tentar reproduzi­ lo. Parabens e obrigada querida por receitas e bolos maravilhosos.



Thank you Georgia!! I hope you like it©


https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 36/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake

Hi Olivia, I made your delicious cake last night. My mousse didn't set up as firmly as yours, no matter how long I let is rest in the fridge. I ended up smoothing out the mousse to make a thick layer on top instead of the pretty stars you have. I was wondering:

-did you refrigerate the mousse covered (would it "drying out" in the fridge work better?) before piping? - how long do you whip when you rewhip every 10 minutes of fridge time (is it 5 minutes each time)? - I had small chunks of chocolate that had solidified from the cooled melted chocolate. Would that have deflated the mousse and made it difficult to form stiffer peaks7

The overall flavor of both the mousse and the chocolate is excellent. I'd really like to be able to pipe nice stars though for my next cake.



Hi Stephanie! Sorry to hear that your mousse didn't set up - perhaps something was off with the measurements? Mine got pretty stiff once refrigerated for a few hours:\

Before I frosted the cake, I only refrigerated the mousse for a total of 30mins (rewhipping for less than l min, every lOmins). It might take a bit longer depending on how warm your kitchen was, etc. but it should eventually get quite stiff. I did not cover the mousse at any point.

For the chocolate chunks, at what point did that happen? I made sure to scrape the bowl often so I didn't have any stray pieces of chocolate anywhere.


https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 37/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Hi! The chocolate pieces could have come from the difference in temperature when oh mixed in the cold ingredients into the chocolate mixture. If a lot of the chocolate got cold and formed into pieces there was less chocolate mixed into the mousse and that could explain why it didn't properly set. 1;194•


Hi There! I'm in the process of whipping the filling/frosting after every 10 minutes of refrigeration. How long should I whip it for each time. 5 minutes again? I've been doing 3 and then putting it back in the fridge. My cakes are still warm so I think the mousse should have plenty oftime to chill and set up before piping. I was planning on doing the every-ten­ minute-whip for the first half hour and then letting it just sit until the cakes are completely cool. Before piping I thought I could give it one final whip. Does that sound about right? Thanks!



Hi Stephanie! I just whipped it very briefly to incorporate between the chilling times (less than lmin). Sounds like you have a good plan there! Let me know how it turns out ©

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Found you via Pinterest and I must say I'm already in love w ith your baking without even trying a single recipe. I'm sure all recipes must be "no fail" by the way you write about it. I'm going to try this Cake for sure. Just want to know wether I can 'simply do half of each ingredient' to make only one pan of cake? Will you suggest this method or any other? Thank you and keep baking© You can see my baking on lnstagram: amit_chippa



Thanks so much Amit! That's such a sweet comment. You can totally halve the recipe to make one layer, but it m ight be tricky for the frosting since it uses 3 eggs. Do you have a scale? If so, I would just lightly whisk one of the eggs and weigh out 25g to get half. I hope you like it! 1494*


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Thank you very much. I w ill do as you said and post my results.

Cheers Q


Is this a butter cake or ? *thanx liv ''"''


Hi there! It's neither actually. It's too dense to be a chiffon and contains oil instead of butter. It's more of a rich, brownie-like, mud cake.


Hi Olivia! Just wandering, what is the difference between this cake recipe and the one in you chocolate chip cookie dough cake recipe? Thank you in advance! +;iii+

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OLIVIA SAYS APRIL 16, 2018 AT 2 :12 PM

Hi Amarantina! Not much, just some of the proportions are ....different ,. so it would work better in the 8" pans.


Why does the total time say l day, 8 hours, 35 minutes?



Hi Barbara! It was an error in the time calculation.



Beautiful cake!!! Does cake need to stay refrigerated? If this cake sets out to room temperature will the frosting lose it's shape and become runny? I usually let my cakes get to room temp before serving(! thinks ....they're,. moister this way). Thanks. https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 41/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Hi Anne! You should refrigerate it to set the frosting, but after that it should be ok out for a couple hours. I would not leave it out for extended periods of time though.



Is the cake recipe part the same as in your Black Forest cake? I'm planning to make a Black Forest cake next week for my birthday, and while I have a chocolate cake recipe that I usually use, I'm on the lookout for a better one. Is this your go-to chocolate cake?


Hi Nichole! Yes, its my favourite chocolate cake recipe!©



I really.. really LOVE your blog ! https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 42/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake ''"''


Thanks so much W idya!



Is it best to keep t he cake cold u ntil you are ready to serve? W il l t he frosting turn runny if it sits at room temperat ure? '""' OLIVIA SAYS FEBRUARY 9, 2018 AT 9:S7 AM

Hi Jenna! I would definitely refrigerate it to "set" the frosting, b ut after that it 's totally f ine out for a few hours. It w ill not turn runny ­ or at least it didn't for m e!



I'm amazed at the frosting still hold ing its shape in the m iddle! It's a sad day when you realise a cake is actually more attractive than you.

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 43/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


Loi! Thanks Tilly Q The frosting actually sets u p q uite well! It help .....up through t he entire shoot Q


Mouthwatering!! I can't wait t o try t his cake! I've always loved the ....grocery,. store version ... especially slig ht ly frozen. SO good!


Me too!! It's seriously SO good. I think my version does it j ustice! xo


one more question? for the frosting you have written 3 eggs .,can it be white eggs only o r it should be whole egg?

https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 44/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


It needs to be whole eggs.


look amazing definatly giving it a t ry... what size of pans did you use for the cake?

thanks 'lilt*


Thank you! I used two 8" pans.

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COTTON CANDY OREO CAKE https://livforcake.com/french-silk-pie-cake/ 46/49 7/3/2019 French Silk Pie Cake (Copycat Deep'n Delicious Chocolate Cake) I Liv for Cake


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April 12, 2011 By Naomi Robinson Bakers Royafe

Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Pie Cake - It's a cake, it's a pie ... it's both. This is a low fat Chocolate French Silk Pie sculpted into a cake and layered with an Oreo whip cream layer.

https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 1/ 10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

Oreo and Chocolate Silk French Cake

If you are familiar with a traditional French Silk Pie, then I'm sure you are reading this with one eye brow raised. French Silk Pies are, well, pies, not cakes. But t hey are also usually made with 16 tablespoons of butter and this Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake is made w ith 4 tablespoons. How's that for low fat?

I know I'm taking a lot of liberties here with a classic, but let's call it a personal riff. I've replaced the chocolate and butter with chocolate and milk in a pudding form. Not necessarily for a lower calorie count, but hey, it can't hurt with bikini season in a month or two.

https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 2/ 10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

Actually, I lightened up the whole pie turned cake for textural reasons, especially since the Oreo layer is Cool Whip. Yes, I could have made my own whipped cream and I do many times, but for this I wanted Cool Whip. There's just something about Cool whip that reminds me of being a kid.

In fact I wanted the whole nostalgic feeling of having a kid dessert-chocolate pudding and Cool Whip, but dressed in adult sophistication. If you know me or if you're a regu lar reader, you know I didn't grow up with many desserts. A dessert like this one was something that was either a once-in-awhile treat or something I enjoyed at a friend's home.

So of course now it seems that I'm trying to right that wrong my parents inflicted on my sweet tooth. And this cake did some serious make-up!

A few notes:

https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 3/ 10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

If you prefer, this can just as easily be made in a 9inch pie pan. If you would like to make it as it appears in the picture, I used a 3x6 springform pan because I wanted a tall cake like appearance.

This can be fully assembled the one day ahead of time.

For a step-by-step picture tutorial to making the homem ade chocolate pudding portion click here.

I assem bled mine and then actually froze it overnight and moved it to the refrigerator 2 hours prior to serving for a firmer texture. This gave the Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Pie Cake an almost like texture.


Makes one 3x6 cake or 9in pie pan


Oreo Crust:

24 Oreo cookies, crushed

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

Chocolate Pudding;

*For a step-by-step picture tutorial click here.

1/3 cu p cornstarch

112 cup granulated sugar

Pinch of sa It

3 cups co ld whole milk

3/4 cups dark chocolate, chopped

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

2 V4 cup Cool Whip

1/3 cup crushed Oreos


Oreo Crust:

1. Place Oreos in a food processor or blender and pulse until cookies are finely crumbed. Alternatively, place Oreos in a plastic bag and crush with a rolling pin. Set aside 1/3 cup for the Oreo Cool Whip layer. Mix https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 4/10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

rema ining portion with the melted butter and then firmly press crumbs into place to create a crust. Ba ke crust at 350 degrees F for 7 -10 m inutes.

Chocolate P u dd i ng~

1. Combine cornstarch, sugar, salt and milk in a blender or food processor and pulse until well blended. Alternatively, combine all ingredients in a bowl and whisk vigorously. Transfer mixture to a heat proof bowl and place over (not on) simmering water for approximately 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pudding is ready when mixture coats the back of the spoon. Add chocolate stir to combine. Add vanilla and stir to combine.

1. Place Cool Whip and crushed Oreos in a bowl and mix to combine.


1. Pour chocolate pudding over the Oreo crust. Pour Oreo Cool Wh ip layer on top of the chocolate pudding. Finish cake to decorating preference. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight.

« Baking Basics: How to make homemade pudding Chocolate and Salted Caramel Pudding Pops»

Filed Under· Cakes, Sweet



Oh man that looks good I You did a fantastic job .. I have a sudden urge to buy some Oreo's, right now, just to make t his!


Yo u are crazy, girl! And I love it. Something like this is w hat I'd imagine would be n after finding out it's a cake.

MARIS (I N GOOD TASTE) 1F This looks incredible. I must bookmark this

DESSERTFORTWO ,1 I'm all for lower-calorie dessertsl Yay for t his onel https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 5/10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

I might take it a step further and use 2% milk in the chocolate pudding.


I am absolutely blown away - what an amazing cakel

AMBER I BLUEBONNETS & BROWNIES t lL L 111AT6 10 'M That is one beautiful and decadent cake.

TRACY D I l OL - 8:L

What an insanely luscious-looking cakel I think I'd be full after one bite .. but I know I wou ldn't be able to stop. @

WENDERLY 11 P ·11 Ohhhhhhhhhh la la is THAT •gorgeous·11111

LAURA 1-<1 lL 2~11M n This looks heavenly! I love French Silk Pie.

COOKBOOK QUEEN l - l M n Gasp. That's just gorgeousll WOW.


I am seriously impressed! LOVE that dark crumb exterior. Very dark and decadent.


You are a lifesaver! I'm baking a triple chocolate cheesecake t his week for our anniversary and I didn't know what to do with the left over oreos - now I have a brilliant recipe! I love how it's

"lighter" than the original, too. :.: Thank you I

EMILY Naomi, you've done it again! Combining some of my favorite things into one! This looks so divine!

KRISTEN l T n Wow - this looks fantastic, Naomi I I love all the flavors. https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 6/10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

SHAINA 'c 3, '"11 , > ~

Holy chocolate lovers dream. I want to make t his yesterday so I can be enjoying it right now. Gorgeous, Naomi!

ROSIE@ SWEETAPOLITA 'RI 3 M This is brilliant, Naomi I So utterly gorgeous too. I love knowing that it's lower-cal, since that doesn't happen a whole lot in my kitchen. You're amazing, as always!

SHIRLEY@K0KKEN 69 ,pR1 l 11 1 ' M • Naomi, this is seriously DI I Love how tall and regal the oreo crust looksl SYLVIE@ GOURMANDE IN THE KITCHEN ~PRI 13. 2 11 '11 ,, 1M

Argh, don't remind me about swimsuit season, lol. I don't want to think about that yet , I'd much rather think about this beautiful cake. And I don't have to feel gu ilty about it because you already said it was low fatl

SWEETSUGARBELLE 'Rll 1 1 1 1· '' This is incredible. I hope my husband can figure out how to make it for my birthday @

KATIE At c 1 .

2 questions - for the oreo/cool whip layer, is it 1/3 cup or 1/47 it says 1/4 at first, t hen 1/3. and for n the pudding layer, you leave the chocolate out when you blend all ingredients right? because it says b lend all. cannot wait to make th isl

Naomi replied: - April 13t h, 2011 @ 1:30 pm

Hi Katie- I've updated the recipe to answer your questions. Thanks for letting me knowl


This is perfection!! Too bad I would eat the whole thing by myself@


This looks so perfectl oreo crusts are always my favorite part of any oreo cakes, and I love that the crust runs all the way up the side of the cake.


https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 7110 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake

Can't believe t his is low fat! It looks like it would loaded with the 14tbsp of butter. GREAT phot os .. you definitely have my craving a slicel


This looks incredible .. And so stunning!

AMBER 01 3 L I p~

Beautiful cakel I love it. Think I'm going to try to make a vegan version.

KRISTIE Af n Did you use the whipped cream to decorate the top as well? Naomi replied: - April 15th, 2011 @ 11:53 pm

Hi Kristie,

For the piping that holds the cherries, I used a Swiss buttercream­ much lighter t han regular buttercream but weighted enough to hold the cherries.

SOPHISTIMOM P >t You inspire me, Naomi. This is such a beautifu l cake!

PEGGY n Wow! I love this! This sounds like a crowd pleaser, for sure!


Thanks so much, I made this for my family and they loveeedd it. Super easy to make and really good frozen!


I made this on Tuesday and it was delicious! We froze the leftovers and that makes the pie even more decadent. I used skim milk for the pudding w ith no problems, too. Still tasted wonderful. :.: Thank you for this recipe!

NICHOLE L L " Hil I'm going to make this for my brother's birthday on Sunday - I have a 9" springform pan - do I n need to double t he recipe or anyt hing? I've never used o ne of t hese pans before! Last minute, but just found this BEAUTIFUL recipe today! https://www.bakersroyale.com/oreo-and-chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 8/10 7/3/2019 Oreo and Chocolate French Silk Cake Thanks! Nichole

FROSTINE F EMBERo, 201,A l ll PM Hi there, n Just wanted to send a quick note to let you know that I have really been enjoying your blog. Thanks for sharing all these fantastic recipes.

BETTY P Ef Bl this is beautiful, is this just one batch of oreos if u put oreos on side of pan? how did u get it to stay n on the side so good?

HOPE WILSON 'l\ } IE~ ?ul o ~T '' n That looks delicious! I would love the directions for the way you decorated the top, too.

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Cho1·izo Taco Recipe By Naomi Robinson Bakers Royole I / Spring Picnic / with Kids / By Naomi Robinson Bakers Royale

The Dirty NAOMI ROBINSON Ashtray Welcome to Cocktail B; Naomi Robinson my cozy Bakers Royo/e corner where baking meets random thoughts and musings. I'm a self·taught baker sharing all things sweet (and some savory-okay, and cocktails) with a whisk in one hand and a camera in the other. More about Naomi»


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Chocolate French Silk Cake bakeandtell.com Elizabeth Turner


For the chocolate cake layers:

o 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour o 1 3/4 cup granulated sugar o 314 cup dutch-processed cocoa powder (I use a 50/50 mix of Hershey's standard cocoa powder and their Special Dark cocoa powder) o 1 teaspoon baking soda o 1 teaspoon baking powder o 1/2 teaspoon salt o 1/2 cup brewed coffee (*or 1 teaspoon espresso powder dissolved in 1 /2 cup boiling water) o 3 oz. semisweet chocolate, chopped o 2 large eggs, at room temperature o 1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature o 1/2 cup canola oil o 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the chocolate French silk cream:

o 1 1/4 cups heavy whipping cream o 3 large eggs o 314 cup sugar o 2 Tablespoons water o 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, melted and cooled o 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract o 1 stick unsalted butter, softened https://www.copymethat.com/r/fi3WWlc/chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 1/2 7/3/2019 Chocolate French Silk Cake I ElizabethTurner I Copy Me That For the chocolate drip:

o 3/4 cup heavy cream o 3/4 cup semi- or bittersweet chocolate, chopped

For the toppings:

o 1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream o 1/3 cup powdered sugar

O 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract o Chocolate shavings, for sprinkling on top (optional, but so worth it)

Steps r·· ~;~~~ ~·i·~-~ ~ -~~ - ~~-~-~-~- ~~ ~~ ;I·.·~·~·~ ··· ~ ':...... :

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FEBRU A RY 8 , 2019

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If you follow along with my kitchen adventures on lnstagram, t hen you may have been patiently waiting for this recipe to drop for a couple of weeks now. As promised, I'm delivering to you today a pretty killer chocolate cake recipe - and in plenty of time for you t o prep and whip up for Valentine's Day.

The g ist: my favorite chocolate cake layers (they're dark, chocolatey, and nice n' fudgey - it's the only chocolate cake reci pe I've been using for going on two years now)+ my favorite recipe for chocolate French silk cream (basically a super whippy and super rich chocolate mousse, originating from the trusty folks over at Cooks Illustrated)+ a small mountain of whipped cream and plenty of chocolate shavings.

A few notes about this recipe .. www.bakeandtell.com/chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 2/17 7/3/2019 Chocolate French Silk Cake - Bake&Tell

• Be VERY careful not to over bake these cake layers if you want a fudgey cake; I always pull the layers out when a toothpick comes out covered in moist crumbs • This recipe for chocolate French silk cream is amazing for a lot of reasons, but especially because it doesn't contain raw eggs - it took me a while to find, but was so worth it because this stuff is GOOD. • If you're like me (lacking patience ... ) and don't wait for the melted chocolate to cool enough before adding to the French silk cream, it'll definitely go from fluffy and beautiful to soupy and sad looking. BUT IT'LL BE OKAY. I do t hisjust about every tim e, and if you just continue on with the recipe and add in t he butter then refrigerate the soupy m ix for about 15 minutes, it'll whip back up to fluffy perfection (the quick trip to t he fridge g ives the chocolate and butter you just added a chance t o solidify a bit). • The filling is admittedly a bit involved, so I kept the decorating simple with a semi-naked frostingjob, a little chocolate drip action, and just pi ling t he chocolate cream and whipped cream on top to resemble the appearance of this cake's namesake. If you want to simplify it even further, t houg h .. bake the cake in a single 9x13" pan (bake t ime will just be longer) instead of 2 8" cake pans, skip the chocolate drip. and just pile on the yummy mousse and whipped cream. It'll still be a total stunner and taste just as amazing, I promise.

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Chocolate French Silk Cake Yield: 10-12 servings

For the chocolate cake layers: 1 3/4 cup all purpose flour 1 3/4 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup dutch-processed cocoa powder (I use a 50/50 mix of Hershey's standard cocoa powder and their Special Dark cocoa powder) 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup brewed coffee (*or 1 teaspoon espresso powder dissolved in 1/2 cup boiling water) 3 oz. semisweet chocolate, chopped www.bakeandlell.com/chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 7/17 7/3/2019 Chocolate French Silk Cake - Bake&Tell

2 large eggs. at room temperature 1 cup buttermilk, at room temperature 1/2 cup canola oil 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For the chocolate French silk cream: 11/4 cups heavy whipping cream 3 large eggs 3/4 cup sugar 2 Tablespoons water 8 oz. bittersweet chocolate, melted and cooled 1 Tablespoon vanilla extract 1 stick unsalted butter. softened

For the chocolate drip: 3/4 cup heavy cream 3/4 cup semi- or bittersweet chocolate, chopped

For the toppings: 11 /2 cups heavy whipping cream 1/3 cup powdered sugar 1/2 teaspoon vani Ila extract Chocolate shavings. for sprinkling on top (optional, but so worth it)

Instructions: Begin by baking the cake layers. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Butter two 8-inch cake pans, line the bottoms with parchment paper, and dust wit h cocoa powder. Set aside.

In a small bowl. combi ne the hot coffee and the chopped chocolate. Let stand for a couple of minutes. then whisk until it's well combined. Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl or in the bowl of a stand mixer, sift the flour, sugar, cocoa powder. baking soda, baking powder. and salt. Mix on low speed until al l of t he i ngredients are well mixed.

In a separate mixing bowl or measuring cup, wh isk together the eggs, buttermilk. oil, and vanilla. Slowly add t his mixture to the flour mixture while mixing on low speed, then add in t he chocolate/coffee mixture next. Mix until just combined, scraping the beater and sides/bottom of t he bowl at least once halfway through.

Divide the batter between your prepared pans and bake for 28 - 35 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out with fudgey moist crumbs attached (you don't want it to come out completely clean). Allow to cool i n the pans on a w ire rack for 10 minutes. then turn t he layers out to cool completely. (*I always let my cakes cool for another 15 m inutes at this point. and then I wrap each layer in plastic wrap and pop them straig ht into the freezer. Doing this while the layers are still warm traps in the steam that's released, keeping them moist. And it's easier to trim and layers after t hey've been frozen for an hour or two.)

To make the French silk filling. whip t he cream using an electric m ixer unt il stiff peaks form. Refrigerate until ready to use. www.bakeandtell.com/chocolate-french-silk-cake/ 8/17 7/3/2019 Chocolate French Silk Cake - Bake&Tell

Combine the eggs, sugar, and water in a large heatproof bowl and set over a saucepan of simmering water (you're creating a double boiler) - the simmering water shouldn't touch the bottom of the mixing bowl. With a hand mixer, whip this mixture on medium-high speed until it's thick, light, and reads 160°F on an instant read thermometer (this wi ll take about 10 minutes). Remove from the heat, and then transfer to a clean m ixer bowl and continue beating (using the whisk attachment) until the egg mixture is fluffy and room temperature, about 6-8 minutes.

When the egg mixture has cooled to room temperature, add the melted chocolate and the vanilla. Then, beat in the butter one Tablespoon at a t ime until wel t combined. (If your mixture looks kind of thin at this point, either your chocolate or your egg mixture probably wasn't cool enough - that's ok, though! Just pop the whole mixing bowl in the fridge at this point for about 15 minutes, then beat it again for a couple of minutes and it'll be gorgeous and fluffy again.) Fold in t he cream you whipped earl ier until no streaks remain.

Begin assembling t he cake by trimmingyour cake layers so they're even/flat (this is optional.just a personal preference of mine). Place one of the layers (trimmed side facing up) on a cake board or serving d ish. Add about 11/2 cups of the chocolate French silk cream, and spread i nto an even layer. Top w ith the remaining cake layer, trimmed side facing down (pressed aga inst the fitti ng). Using an icing spatula, apply a t hin, even coat of chocolate cream alt to ng the outside of the cake, covering and smoothing the top and the sides (you'll have chocolate cream leftover, which will be used decorate the top of the cake).

Place the cake in the freezer at this point for at least 15 minutes and make the ganache for the chocolate dri p. (Freezing the cake wilt keep the chocolate drip from melting t he chocolate cream off the top/sides of t he cake.)

In a heatproof measuring cup, add the heavy cream and the chocolate and m icrowave at 30 second intervals, m ixing between each until smooth. Allow the ganache to sit at room temperature (or i n the fridge, but mix it frequently so it doesn't firm up too much) until it reaches a good drip consistency (pourable, but not watery - you want this to have t he pouring consistency of hot fudge).

Pu ll your cake out of the freezer, and pour about a cup of your ganache on top of the cake, right in the center. Us ing a spoon, drag the ganache from the center of the cake to the edges, letting it fall down the sides. Do t his around t he whole permitter of the cake, adding m ore ganache as needed. Place the cake in the fridge until t he ganache sets, about 20 m inutes.

As the ganache sets, whip the heavy cream, sugar, and vani lla in the bowl of an electric mixer beginning on low speed and then gradually increasing it to medium-high as the cream t hickens. Continue to whip until it reaches soft-firm peaks.

When the ganache has set, add the remaining chocolate cream to the top of the cake. Use a spatula to swirl and push the cream to the edges of the cake. Then add/spread the whipped cream on top. Sprinkle with chocolate shavings. Keep refrigerated until ready to serve.

Chocolate cake recipe adapted from Eat Drink Binge

Chocolate French Sil k Cream recipe adapted from Cooks Illustrated, via Everyday Annie

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Peanut Butter Silk Cake What are you looking.

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This cake is one of those delicious cake recipes that can make you forget about your diet regimen! Well, at least that's my story this winter... I adore sweet and creamy peanut butter - can't help myself!

You can try it in both a whipped cream filling which is loaded with flavor and a moist cake enrobed in the velvety chocolate frosting. Surprise your family or guests with this amazing cake recipe!

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• 1 box yellow cake mix • 1 % cups water • 3 eggs • 1 /3 cup vegetable oil • Vz cup creamy peanut butter • % cup butter • % cup packed brown sugar • 1 cup whipping cream • Vz cup creamy peanut butter • 1 container chocolate frosting • 1 cup chopped peanuts (optional)

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• Heat oven to 350°F/175°C/Gas Mark 4 (or 325°F/l 60°C for nonstick or dark pans). Generously grease bottoms only of 2 (8- or 9-inch) round cake pan with shortening or cooking spray. • In a large bowl, beat cake mix, water, 1/2 cup peanut butter, the oil and eggs with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Pour into pans. • Bake 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 15 minutes. • Run a knife around sides of pans to loosen cakes; remove from pans to cooling rack. Cool completely, around 1 hour. • In 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat; stir in brown sugar. Heat to boiling; boil and stir 1 minute. Remove from heat. • Refrigerate 15 minutes.

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• In chilled medium bowl, beat whipping cream on high speed until soft peaks form; set aside. In another medium bowl, beat 1/2 cup peanut butter and the brown sugar mixture on medium speed until smooth and creamy. Add whipped cream to peanut butter mixture; beat on medium speed until mixture is smooth and creamy. • Split each cake layer horizontally to make 2 layers. Fill each layer with about 2/3 cup peanut butter mixture to within 112 inch of edge. • Frost side and top of cake with frosting. Press peanuts onto frosting on side of cake. Store covered in the refrigerator.


Extra Tip:

1. To cut cake layers in half horizontally, insert 6 toothpicks around the side of each layer, halfway down the side. Using the toothpicks as a guide, slice layer in half with a long knife. 2. For a fun garnish, top this cake with coarsely cut-up chocolate­ covered peanut butter cups. Or dot the top with mini cups that have been cut in half crosswise.

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https://jamiesfeast.com/peanut-butterr-silk-cake-dessert1/ 5/5 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake - CakeCentral.com Peanut Butter Silk Cake (https://www.cakecentral.com/recipe/6834/peanut­ butter-silk-cake)

* * * * * Be The Fi rst To Review By pinkbox (https://www.cakecentral.com/u/293713/pinkl (https://www.cakecentral.com/u/293713/pin kbox) RECIPE (HTTPS://WWW.CAKECENTRAL.COM/RECIPE)

This is a recipe that I found on the back of a Betty Crocker cake mix box and tried that has really been a big hit with the family. I guinea pigged my daughters 4th grade class and it was a huge hit. It has a very subtle flavor and is complimentary to peanut butter icing or regulary buttercream.

I have doubled and tripled with great results.

Peanut Butter Silk Cake Ingredients

• Cake Ingredients:

• 1 box Betty Crocker butter recipe Yellow cake mix

• 1· 1/4 cup water • 1/ 2 cup peanut butter, creamy • 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened • 3 eggs

• Filling Ingredients:

• 1/ 4 cup butter or margarine

• 1/4 cup packed brown sugar • 1 cup whipping cream • 1/ 2 cup creamy peanut butter Instructions

1. Cake Directions:

https://www.cakecentral.com/recipe/6834/peanut-butter-silk-cake 1/5 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake - CakeCentral. com

7. In another medium bowl, beat 1/ 2 cu p peanut butter and the brown sugar on medium speed until smooth and creamy. Add whipped cream to peanut butter mixture; beat on medium speed until smooth and creamy. 8. Fill each cake layer w ith about 2/3 cup of mixture. 9. Says for high altitudes -3500 to 6500 feet no change in recipe. You May Also Be Interested In

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Ti ramisu Cu pea kes 11 (https://www.cakecentra l.com/recipe/7087 /tiram isu-cupca kes- ii)

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* * * * * 7May2010,1 1:22am

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lemon drizzle silk cake with cream cheese icing

This lemo n cake looks g reat, and it's easy lo make - I 1n·o mise!

west elm earn $25 reward dollars* for every 5250 spent with a West. Elm Credit Card - credit card learn more > https://www.berrysweetlife.com/lemon-drizzle-silk-cake/ 1/16 7/3/2019 lemon drizzle silk cake with cream cheese icing I Berry Sweet Life


I have been on a bit of a mission to make a lig ht, s ilky lemon cake. What is it about cake that it's often so heavy? Sometimes I want

to be able to have a delicious piece of cake, and afterwards not feel like I ate the WHOLE cake.

I did some thing a little crazy today .... I made up my own cake recipe. Say what? One. Whole. Cake. Prepared without the aid of any

words written by someone else telling me what to do. Often I' ll whip up s impler things like , smoothies or soups from fresh

air, and I have had some g reat s uccess stories. Like my oran.!!;e & stra\\ be!'I') breakfast muffins (su_!!;

stnl\\ ben·) & peanut butter breakfast smoothie. As well as my homemade healthy which you can find here and here.

But pretty two layer cakes are a whole othe r thing!

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I had kind of an idea what should go into a lemon cake from a lemon loaf that I often make, I'll s hare that one with you soon ... So I

kept those ingredients in mind while whipping this baby up. Otherwise I was fl ying solo, and it was kind or fun not knowing how it

would turn out, throwing it all together - and hoping for the best.

One thing that will no doubt put me off making a cake is if the instructions are a mile long, or even more than half a page long.... I

don't do fiddly, mind bogglingly complicated cooking. Ever. So I needed my cake to be simple, I needed it to be as quick to make as

a layered cake can be. And I needed it to taste amazing. Like I said at the start or this post, I needed this lemon cake to be light and

s ilky.

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I was amazed at 11ow well this "thrown togetller by me" layer cake turned out! It is all the things 1 was hoping tor. ... Light, s llky -

the texture is unlike any cake I have made before. it really is like s ilk on the toni>;ue.

It's LE MONY!! If you love lemons like I do you will LOOOOOVE this cake. There's lemon rind in the cake itself which g ives a subtle

fl avour, there's the lemon drizzle which packs a punch but in just the right doses. And then there's the lemon cream cheese icing

which just perfectly balances and brings together the whole cake. Basically it's just delicious - l don't know how else to describe its


At no point do you feel like yo u have OVER indulged. I don't even feel like l had a piece of cake today. So you get the complete

enjoyment in the moment while you eat your s lice of cake, and get to feel g reat for the r est of the day too.

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As always l used the absolute minimum amount of sugar necessary, and I added honey to the icing so that is sugar free.

Perfect for a ladies afternoon tea get together or even a , I'll be making this many times I'm sure.

lemon drizzle silk cake with cream cheese icing

Prep Time Cook Time Total Time 1 5 mins 40 mins 5 5 mins

Servings: 8 Author: berry sweet life


• CAKE: • 1/2 cup butter • 1/3 cup oil • 1 cup sugar - • 1 1/2 cups cake flour • 1 cup corn flour • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder • 1 tsp vanilla essence • 5 eggs

Spruce it up with Avocado

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• 200 ml milk • Rind of 2 lemons • LEMON DRIZZLE: • 1/ 3 cup brown sugar • Juice and rind of 1 lemon • Lemon Cream Cheese Icing: • 200 g soft plain cream cheese • Juice of 1/ 3 lemon

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l. Separate eggs and place egg whites in a large, clean bowl and beat with an electric beater until you can turn the bowl upside down and the whites stay put. Be sure not to let any yolk fall into the egg whites or your whites will not beat up properly. 2. Place egg yolks and all other cake ingredients in a large mixing bowl and beat on high for about 3 minutes until the mixture is silky smooth and shiny. 3. Gently fold in 1 tbsp of the egg whites with a metal spoon. Then fold in the remainder of the egg whites until well combined. Don't over mix, you want to keep as much air in the mix ture as possible. 4. Grease well and flour two 20cm round cake tins. Pour cake mixture into the tins, d istr ibuting it evenly between the two. 5. Bake at 180°C for 40 minutes or until a tester comes out clean. 6. Take the cake out the oven and place on a cooling rack, poke about 16 tiny holes in each cake with a clean tester. Pour over the lemon drizzle making sure you get some in each of the little holes. Leave to cool completely before turning out and cooling again on a cooling rack. 7. Once cake is room temperature, ice one cake with 1/3 of the cream cheese icing. Then place the other cake on top and ice the top of the cake with the remaining cream cheese icing. Grate a little lemon rind over the top and enjoy. 8. LEMON DRIZZLE: 9. Place brown sugar and juice and rind of lemon into a small sauce pan and heat gently until sugar dissolves. Take off the heat and set aside. 10. Lemon Cream Cheese Icing: 11. Mix all ingredients together in a medium size bowl until smooth, add more honey if you wish. Place in the fridge until your cake is ready to ice.



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https://www.berrysweetlife.com/lemon-drizzle-silk-cake/ 16/16 7/3/2019 Chocolate silk cake - TODAY.com TODAY

Chocolate silk cake

Dec. 18, 2007 at 3:49 PM

print recipe

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3/4 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup water

12 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped

12 ounces unsalted butter (3 sticks), cut in 1" chunks and slightly soft

1/4 cup -based liqueur, such as Framboise, Grand Marnier, etc. (optional)

6 eggs


Baking Directions:

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Butter and line with parchment-paper a 9" or 10" round cake pan. Place the cake pan in a -type pan. You will later be adding water to the larger pan, so the sides should be at least 2"-3" high.2. In a medium-size saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Place over medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. When sugar is fully dissolved, reduce heat to very low. (This is a sugar syrup.)3. Place the chocolate in a large metal or glass bowl, and sit on top of the saucepan. Stir the chocolate with a rubber spatula, allowing it to melt from the heat of the simmering sugar syrup. Remove the chocolate and set aside. Remove the syrup from the heat and stir in the butter until fully melted. Stir in the liqueur or other flavoring. Add this mixture to the melted chocolate and stir with a whisk until just blended.4. Break the eggs into a separate bowl and whisk to blend the yolks and whites. Add eggs to the chocolate mixture and whisk until well blended. 5. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. Fill a pitcher or other spouted container with hot tap water. Slide the oven rack out a little and place the roasting pan with cake pan onto the rack. Add the water slowly to the roasting pan until it comes halfway up the side of the cake pan. (This is a water bath). Carefully slide the rack back in and close the oven door. Bake for about 40-45 minutes. Begin checking for doneness at 35 minutes.Overbaking the cake will not ruin it, it will still taste delicious, but the texture will lose its silky quality, and therefore its uniqueness. The cake should be removed from the oven when the perimeter has begun to puff. The center will still be somewhat jiggly. Do not expect the sides to pull away from the pan, or the center to be springy, it's not this type of cake. Remove the cake pan from the

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Wi:fLer UdUI dllU dllUW LU LOOI UIJ d wue ri:fLK. t"'ldLe Ult' µdrJ HI Liie reir1yerdLUr uverr11y11L, ur IUf dl lt!d~l Cot 11uur~. ll l:dll be baked up to 3 days in advance.

Serving Directions:

Unmolding the cakeSlightly warm the bottom of the pan, either by holding over a low-heat burner, or by dipping the pan in hot water for a few seconds. Place a cardboard round over the cake and turn pan over. Firmly bang upside­ down pan onto the countertop once or twice, the cake should release onto the cardboard. If not, heat again, and repeat. Remove the parchment paper. The bottom of the cake is now the top!


In addition, there are two versatile points within the ingredients. First is the type of chocolate used. Bittersweet will give you the deepest chocolate flavor, while semi-sweet will be, as you can guess, sweeter. If you have only semi­ sweet, but want the richer chocolate taste, reduce the granulated sugar to 2/3 cup. The second point is the liqueur. This is optional, as the main flavor is chocolate, which can stand on its own, but it adds a background element that is quite effective. If you prefer, you could use Kahlua, or 2 tablespoons of espresso powder mixed with 3 tablespoons of water, or any favorite rum or brandy. If you prefer no alcohol, eliminate it altogether. You can't go wrong with the pure chocolate richness of this cake.


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hllps://www.loday.com/recipes/chocolate-silk-cake-wbrp22315094 5/5 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - Genius Kitchen GENIUS T(I KITCHEN


Recipe by Chef #203673

From cake mix

READY IN: 53mins

SERVES: 12-16



(18 ounce) package betty crocker supermoist yellow cake mix

1 Jt4 cups water

Jt2 cup creamy peanut butter

Jt3 cup vegetable oil

3 eggs

Y4 cup butter or 1/4 cup margarine

Y4 cup packed brown sugar

cup whipping cream (heavy)

Jt2 cup creamy peanut butter

(16 ounce) container ready-to-spread frosting

cup chopped peanuts, if desired DIRECTIONS

Heat oven to 350°. Generously grease bottoms only of 2 round pans, 8 or 9 x 1 1/2 inches, with shortening.

https://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/peanut-butter-silk-cake-167250 1/2 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake Recipe - Genius Kitchen Make cake mix as directed on package, using water, 1/2 cup peanut butter, the oil and eggs. Pour into pans.

Bake 32 to 38 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Run knife around side of pans to loosen cakes; remove from pans to wire rack. Cool completely,

https://www.geniuskitchen.com/recipe/peanut-butter-silk-cake-167250 2/2 7/3/2019 French Silk Cake

French Silk Cake

Prep time Cook time Total time 15 mins 35 mins SO mins

Author: Maria Emmerich Serves: 18


• CAKE: • 314 cup butter or coconut oil softened • 2314 ~P.S blanched almond flour (OR 1 CUP. coconut flour). • 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda • 314 tsp Celtic sea salt 1 V2 cups Swerve (or erv.thritol and 1. 5 tSP. stevia g!v.cerite). • 3 large eggs (8 eggs if using coconut flour) 1 Vi teaspoons pure vanilla extract 11/z cups sour cream • FILLING: 1 cup coconut oil or butter, room temperature 1 V2 cup Swerve confectioners 1 ts~gly~ • 4 ( 1 oz) squares unsweetened baking chocolate, melted and cooled 1 tsp vanilla extract • 4 eggs • FROSTING: 1.5 cups butter 1.5 cups confectioners Swerve 1.5 (8 oz) packaged cream cheese (or mascarpone cheese) • 2 TBS unsweetened almond milk 'h tsp vanilla (or other extract like lemon or orange)


1. CAKE: Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 350°F. Grease cake pans. Sift together almond flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. In another bowl, beat together butter (1 Vi sticks) and sweetener with an electric mixer at medium-high speed until pale and fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes. Beat in eggs 1 at a time, beating well after each addition, then beat in vanilla. Reduce speed to low, then add flour mixture and sour cream alternately in batches, beginning and ending with flour mixture and mixing until batter is just smooth. 2. Spoon batter evenly into pans, smoothing tops, then rap pans once or twice to expel any air bubbles. Bake until pale golden and a wooden pick inserted in center of cakes comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Cool 10 minutes in pans on racks. Run a thin knife around edge of pans, then invert racks over pans and reinvert cakes onto racks to cool completely. 3. FILLING: Cream butter in a mixing bowl. Gradually beat in the sugar with an electric mixer until light colored and well blended. Stir in the thoroughly cooled chocolate, and vanilla extract. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating 5 minutes on medium speed after each addition. Set aside. 4. FROSTING: Combine butter, confectioners Swerve, cream cheese, almond milk and extract in small bowl. Beat at medium speed, gradually adding enough milk for desired spreading consistency. Add natural food coloring if desired. Frost cooled cake. 5. ASSEMBLE: Halve each cake layer horizontally with a long serrated knife using a gentle sawing motion. Put 1 layer, cut side up, on a or large plate and spread with about 3/4 cup filling. Stack remaining cake layers, spreading about 314 cup filling on each layer and ending with top cake layer cut side down. Spread top and side of cake with frosting.


NUTRITIONAL COMPARISON: (per slice) Traditional Cake = 498 calories, 36g fat, 5g protein, 38 carbs, lg fiber "Healthified" Cake = 422 calories, 40g fat, 7. 7g protein 6.5 carbs, 2.5 fiber

Recipe by Maria Mind Body Health at https://mariamindbodyhealth.com/ french-silk-cake/

https://mari amindbodyhealth.com/easyrecipe-print/30243-0/ 1/1 7/3/2019 Peanut Butter Silk Cake


Peanut Butter Silk Cake

SAVE RECIPE • •••••1

0 Ready 2 hours 10 minutes J.1. 12

dia/Uploaduniversal/reci pe/image/ 175 289)

ll! ~ < e (https://www.bigoven.com/recip.

by mpau0516 (/user/mpau0516)

This is an adapted version from Betty Crocker.

Recipe Photos Nutr Notes

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2 boxes yellow cake (/article/recipe/cake) mix

2 1/2 cups water

1 cup creamy peanut butter (/article/recipe/peanut%20butter)

2/3 cup vegetable oil (larticle/recipe/vegetable%20oil)

6 eggs (!article/recipe/eggs)

1/4 cup butter or margarine (/article/recipe/margarine)

1/ 4 cup packed brown sugar (larticle/recipe/brown%20sugar)

1 cup whipping cream (!article/recipe/cream)

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (/article/recipe!peanut%20butter)

11-lb container chocolate (/article/recipe/chocolate) frosting

1 cup peanuts ; chopped

12 Servings Resize •


1. Heat oven to 350°F (or 325°F for dark or nonstick pans). Generously grease bottoms only of 2 9-inch round cake pans with shortening or cooking spray.

2. In large bowl, beat cake mixes, water, 1 cup peanut butter, t he oil and eggs with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Pour into pans.

3. Bake 30 to 35 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 minutes. Run knife around sides of pans to loosen cakes; re move from pans to cooling rack. Cool completely, about 1 hour.

4. In 2-quart saucepan, melt butter over medium heat; stir in brown sugar. Heat to boiling; boil and stir 1 minute. Remove from heat. Refrigerate 10 minutes.

5. In chilled medium bowl, beat whipping cream on high speed until soft peaks form; set aside. In another medium bowl, beat 1/ 2 cup peanut butter and the brown sugar mixture on medium speed until smooth and creamy. Add w hipped cream to peanut butter mixture; beat on medium speed until mixture is smooth and creamy.

6. Split each cake layer horizontally to make 2 layers. Fill each layer with about 2/ 3 cup peanut butter mixture to within 1/ 2 inch of edge. Frost side and top of cake with frosting. Press peanuts onto frosting on side of cake. Store covered in refrigerator.


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Peanut Butter Silk Cake

(https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/peanut­ butter-silk-cake/2074327)

(https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/ peanut- butter-s ii k-cake/207432 7) (https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/ peanut­ butter-silk-cake/ 2074327) 0 by bettycrockerrecipes (https://www.bigoven.com/user/ bettycrockerrecipes)

Peanut Butter Silk Pie

(https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/peanut­ butter-silk-pie/464269)

(https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/ peanut­ butter-silk-pie/ 464269) (https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/ peanut­ butter-silk-pie/464269) byrotts4me


(https://www.bigoven.com/recipe/chocolate-peanut-butter-silk-pie-by-rachel-bertone/2146695) (htt ps://www.bigoven.com/recipe/chocolate-peanut-butter-silk-pie-by-rachel-bertone/2146695)

Chocolate Peanut Butter Silk Pie By Rachel Bertone

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mpau0516(luser/ mpauOS16)

This cake tastes heavenly. It melts in your mouth, and is sinfully sweet. [I posted this recipe.] *****

9y Reply

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Organic French Silk Cake After our hike through ancient pine forests at the Gathering Waters' Land Legacy Gathering and delicious spinach taquitos prepared by Enos Farms for enjoyment after, we couldn't miss out on treating ourselves to the decadent French silk cake.


https://www.hobbyfarms.com/organic-french-silk-cake-3/ 1/13 7/3/2019 Organic French Silk Cake - Hobby Farms by John D. lvanko .(httP-s://www.hobbyfarms.com/author / john-ivanko/) June 12, 2013

Photo byJohn D. lvanko/ farmsteadchefcom After our hike through ancient pine forests at the Gathering Waters' Land Legacy Gathering and delicious g~inach tagu itos (I hobbv.-farms-editorial-blogs I ivanko-kivirist/ s12inach-taguitos-farmer­ commu nitv..as12x).prepared by Enos Farms for enjoyment after, we couldn't miss out on treating ourselves to the decadent French silk cake.

Enos Farms prepared this mousse dessert using chef Emilv. Luchetti's (httR:/ / emilv.luchetti.com) recipe, which she shares in her cookbook, Classic Stars Desserts(Chronicle Books, 2007). We admit, we love chocolate (I hobbv.-farms-ed itorial-blogs I ivan ko-kivi rist/ 4-ti12s-for-tem12ering.::. chocolate.as12x)., but when Enos Farms (httR:f / enosfarms.coml). took such care in selecting the organic ingredients for their version of the recipe, we savored every last bite. The nutty crunch of the crust perfectly complements the fluffy and smooth mousse cake.

https://www.hobbyfarms.com/organic-french-silk-cake-3/ 2/13 7/3/2019 Organic French Silk Cake - Hobby Farms While our son returned for more of chef Jeremy Lynch's lemon meringue bites, we continued queuing up for another pass by the towering squares of French silk mousse-and we were hardly alone. It's a good thing we went on a hike beforehand, otherwise we might have felt a little guilty for having sampled more than one piece. Recipe: French Silk Mousse Cake Adapted with permission from Classic Stars Desserts, by Emily Luchetti

This cake may be made two days in advance of serving and kept in the refrigerator. If storing with foods that have strong odors, invert a large bowl over the cake to protect it from them.

Yield: 12 to 15 servings



• 3/ 4 cup toasted • 1 / 2 cup toasted pecans • 1 / 2 cup toasted hazelnuts • 1 / 2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed • 1 / 8 tsp. ground cinnamon • 8 T. unsalted butter, melted


• 1 J4 pound bittersweet chocolate, chopped • 1 2 T. unsalted butter, room temperature • 3/ 4 cup granulated sugar • 6 large eggs • 1 / 4 cup heavy whipping cream • 1 / 2 tsp. vanilla extract


• 1 cup heavy whipping cream • 2 T. granulated sugar


Crust In food processor, combine walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, brown sugar and cinnamon, and pulse until nuts are coarsely chopped. Pour nuts into bowl, add butter and stir until nuts are evenly moistened. Press mixture evenly onto bottom of 9-inch round springform pan. Refrigerate 30 minutes.

Filling Melt chocolate in a double boiler. Combine butter and sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, and beat on medium speed until smooth, about 1 minute. Switch to the whip attachment and add eggs two at a time, mixing well after each addition. Scrape sides of bowl, increase speed to medium-high, and whip until well blended, about 2 minutes. At this point, the mixture will look curdled.

Remove the melted chocolate from the heat and stir until smooth and warm but not hot. With the https://www.hobbyfarms.com/organic-french-silk-cake-3/ 3/13 7/3/2019 Organic French Silk Cake - Hobby Farms mixer on low speed, add chocolate to egg mixture. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl, then continue to mix on low speed until chocolate is fully incorporated. Add cream and vanilla and mix until blended. Spread the filling over crust. Refrigerate until firm, about 3 hours.

Topping Whisk together cream and sugar of topping until soft peaks form. Cover and refrigerate up to four hours until ready to serve. (You might need to lightly rewhip before using.)

Assembly Spread topping with spatula over cake. (You may put the topping on the cake up to 2 hours before serving and keep the cake in the refrigerator.) Run hot, dry knife around inside edge of the pan to loosen cake. Remove pan sides and set cake on a serving platter. Slice the cake with a hot, dry knife and serve chilled.

Savoring the good life,

<< More Farmstead Chef >> (lhobbv.-farms-editorial-blogs / ivanko-kivirist/ default.asRX).

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i --: john D. Ivanko is co-author of Homemade for Sale, Farmstead Chef, ECOpreneuring and Rural Renaissance. He lives on an organic farm and operates the award-winning Inn Serendipity Bed & Breakfast, completely powered by the wind and sun.


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_(httQs://www.hobbY.farms.com/red-wh ite-a n d-bl ue-d esse rt-Q izza-3/)_ Fourth of July Treat: Red, White and Blue Dessert (httP-s://www.hobbyfarms.com/red­ white-and-blue-dessert-P-izza-3/)_ Celebrate Independence Day with this unusual dessert made from strawberries, cream cheese topping and blueberries on a crust.

DIV Herbal Truffles for Your Health-Conscious Valentine (httP-s://www.hobbyfarms.com/diy.: herba 1-t ruffles-for-you r-hea It h-consc iou s-va lenti ne/)_ Valentine's Day draws near, so consider treating your sweetheart to a gift that comes from your heart and the garden.

_(htt f2S ://www.hobbY.f a rm s.com /reci Qe·Qea nut-butte r-stout-c ho co late-chi Q-scones/). ReciP-e: Peanut Butter Stout Chocolate ChiP- Scones (httP-s://www.hobbyfarms.com/reciP-e­ P-ea nut-butter-stout-chocolate-chi P--sco nes/)_ Either chocolate, peanut butter or coffee stout works to lighten up and add a slightly bitter flavor to these scones, which carry a sweet glaze. https://www.hobbyfarms.com/organic-french-silk-cake-3/ 8/13 7/3/2019 Organic French Silk Cake - Hobby Farms You Should Also read:

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https://www.hobbyfarms.com/organic-french-silk-cake-3/ 13/13 7/3/2019 Triple Chocolate Blackberry Rosemary Silk Cake I Recipe I Craving4More c~r nto~ ://'N'NN ... ('/UW[ ~~ ... eoN) recipes (http://craving4more.com/) about (http://www.craving4more.com/about/)

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photo p~rm&(UJ~,i~wfritJ4§£0t~.-g-JMQp41JW-Il~hfolio1)

Triple Chocolate Blackberry Rosemary Silk Cake Posted on February 4, 2019 (http//wwwcraving4more.com/tnple-chocolate-blackberry-rosemary-s1Jk-cake/) by Craving4More (http.//wwwcrav1ng4more.com/author/ashleysdekamgmail-com/)

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I haven't baked a cake in a just a little while .. .I'm not sure how long it's been, but long enough. And, I know many, many, many, many people who enjoy dark chocolate, lots of it, a triple load, in fact. I also know from personal experience that combining both blackberries AND fresh rosemary together with chocolate is a certain hit. Finally, I know a thing or two about chocolate filling: rich, silky mousse chocolate filling.

Need I go on?

(https://il.wp.com/www.craving4more.com/w p-content/uploads/2018/ 11/Triple-Chocolate­ Blackberry-Rosemary-Silk-Cake-001.Jpg)

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. ~ - '1

(https://il.wp.com/www.cravin g4more.com/wp­ content/uploads/2018/ 11/Triple

-Chocolate-Blackberry­ Rosemary-Silk-Cake-010.jpg) .. www.craving4more.com/triple-chocolate-blackberry-rosemary-silk-cake/ 3/ 10 7/3/2019 Triple Chocolate Blackberry Rosemary Silk Cake I Recipe I Craving4More


Watch out! Things (like m ousse) can get rather messy, rather quickly1

(https://il. wp.com/www.craving4m ore.com/wp­ content/uploads/2018/11/Triple­ Chocolate-Blackberry-Rosemary­ --- Silk-Cake-006.jpg) But then, they can also turn out beautifully.

www.craving4more.com/triple-chocolate-blackberry-rosemary-silk-cake/ 4/ 10 7/3/2019 Triple Chocolate Blackberry Rosemary Silk Cake I Recipe I Craving4More

aving4more .com/wp- con tent/uploads/2018/11/T

Thank you, Valerie (http://www.mykitchencoop.com), for the opportunity to bake this for you1 Triple Chocolate Blackberry Rosemary Silk Cake

Chocolate Rosemary Cake: 1 cup sugar 314 cup all purpose flour www.craving4more.com/triple-chocolate-blackberry-rosemary-silk-cake/ 5/ 10 7/3/2019 Triple Chocolate Blackberry Rosemary Silk Cake I Recipe I Craving4More = 112 cup unsweetened cocoa powder - 314 tsp. baking powder 314 tsp. baking soda 112 tsp. sea salt 2eggs 1 cup buttermilk 112 cup dark chocolate, finely chopped into chunks 114 cup butter, melted 1 Tbs. fresh rosemary, chopped 112 Tbs. vanilla extract

Chocolate Rosemary Mousse: 16 oz. dark chocolate chips 3 cups whipping cream 1 Tbs. fresh rosemary, fi.nely chopped

fresh rosemary and blackberries

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease one 9" round baking pan and set aside. In a large bowl, stir together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add eggs, buttermilk, melted butter, chocolate chunks, vanilla extract, and rosemary Beat until fluffy and well combined.

Pour batter into the prepared pan and bake on middle rack of oven for 30 to 35 minutes, until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool completely

Transfer to the bottom of a quick release cheesecake pan, lined with parchment paper.

Meanwhile, add the chocolate to a smallish heatproof bowl. Hover the bowl of a small pot of boiling water (don't Jet the bowl touch the water) and melt the chocolate, stirring constantly, until smooth. Allow to cool slightly While the chocolate cools, whip the cream and the rosemary together until slightly stiff Add the hot chocolate, slowly, and whip until puffy and the consistency ofmousse. Spread the mousse over the cake layer and smooth out the top as much as possible.

Chill for several hours before releasing from the pan and serving with fresh rosemary and blackberries.

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The trademark application identified below was abandoned because a response to the Office Action mailed on Dec 8, 2006 was not received within the 6-month response period.

If the delay in filing a response was unintentional, you may file a petition to revive the application with a fee. If the abandonment of this application was due to USPTO error, you may file a request for reinstatement. Please note that a petition to revive or request for reinstatement must be received within two months from the mailing date of this notice.

For additional information, go to http://www.uspto.gov/teas/petinfo.htm. If you are unable to get the information you need from the website, call the Trademark Assistance Center at 1-800-786-9199.



LAI, JUDY LAI, JUDY 45-55 PIKE ST #18G NEW YORK , NY 10002 To: Lai, Judy ([email protected]) Subject: TRADEMARK APPLICATION NO. 78913374- SILK CAKES - NIA Sent: 12/8/2006 9:51:06 AM Sent As: ECOMI 1 l @USPTO.GOV Attachments: Attachment - 1 Attachment - 2 Attachment - 3 Attachment - 4


SERIAL NO 78/913374 APPLICANT: Lai, Judy *78913374* CORRESPONDENT ADDRESS• RETURN ADDRESS• LAI, JUDY Commissioner for Trademarks LAI, JUDY P.O. Box 1451 Alexandria, VA 22313-1451 45-55 PIKE STREET #18G NEW YORK, NY l 0002


CORRESPONDENT'S REFERENCE/DOCKET NO• NIA Please provide in all cotTespondence: l. Filing: elate. serial munber. mark and CORRESPONDENT EMAIL ADDRESS• applicant's name. [email protected] 2. Date of this Office Action. 3. Examining Attorney's name and L1w Office number. 4. Yom telephone munber and e-mail address.



MAILING/E-MAILING DATE I FOR!VIATION: If the mailing or e-mailing date of this Office action does not appear above, this information can be obtained by visiting the USPTO website at http://tarr.uspto.gov/, inserting the application serial number, and viewing the prosecution history for the mailing date of the most recently issued Office communication.

Serial Number 7 8/913 3 74

Search Results

The Office records have been searched and no similar registered or pending mark has been found that would bar registration under Trademark Act Section 2(d), 15 U.S.C. §1052(d). TMEP §704.02.

Section 2(e)(l) - Descriptive Refusal- Generic Advisory

Registration is refused because the proposed mark merely describes a characteristic of applicant's goods and/or services. Trademark Act Section 2(e)(l), 15 U.S.C. §1052(e)(l); TMEP §§1209 er seq. A mark is merely descriptive under Trademark Act Section 2(e)(l), 15 U.S.C. §1052(e)(l ), if it describes an ingredient, quality, characteristic, function, feature, purpose or use of the relevant goods and/or services. In re Gyulay, 820 F.2d 1216, 3 USPQ2d 1009 (Fed. Cir. 1987): In re Bed & Breakfast Regisr1y, 791F.2d157, 229 USPQ 818 (Fed. Cir. 1986); In re MerParh Inc., 223 USPQ 88 (TTAB 1984); In re Brighraf'Cresr, Lr(f204 USPQ 591 (TTAB 1979); TMEP § 1209.0l(b). A mark that describes an intended user of a product or service is also merely descriptive within the meaning of Section 2(e)( 1) . Hunter Pub/is/Jing Co. v. Caulfield Publishing Lrd., 1 USPQ2d 1996 (TT AB 1986); In re Camel Mfg. Co., Inc., 222 USPQ 103 1 (TTAB 1984); In re Cemex Corp. , 15 1 USPQ 435 (TTAB 1966).

Applicant's mark is "Silk Cake." The tenns "silk" and "cake" are descriptive terms that merely describe a type of cake. Internet research reveals that "silk" is a type of cake. For instance, there can be chocolate silk cake, lemon silk cake and hazelnut silk cake, among other flavors. Because the term "silk" refers to a characteristic of applicant's goods, this term is merely descriptive of the goods. Taken together, the proposed mark "Silk Cake" is merely descriptive of the applicant's goods, as there is no distinctive term that would carry the mark. Accordingly, the mark is refu sed registration under Section 2(e)(l).

In addition to being merely descriptive, the proposed mark "silk cake" appears to be generic as applied to the goods and, therefore, incapable of functioning as a source-identifier for applicant's goods. In re Gould Paper Co1p., 834 F.2d 1017, 5 USPQ2d 11 10 (Fed. Cir. 1987); In re Pennzoil Prods. Co., 20 USPQ2d 1753 (TTAB 1991). As stated above, "silk cake" is the common (i.e., generic) name for a specific type of cake. Generic terms are terms that the relevant purchasing public understands primarily as the common or class name for the goods or services. In re Dial-A-Ma[[ress Operafing Co1p. , 240 F.3 d 1341, 57 USPQ2d 1807 (Fed. Cir. 200 1); In re American Ferrilify Sociery, 188 F.3d 1341 , 51 USPQ2d 1832 (Fed. Cir. 1999); In re Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc. , 828 F.2d 1567, 4 USPQ2d 1141 (Fed. Cir. 1987); H Marvin Ginn Corp. v. Im1 Ass'n of Fire Chiefs, Inc., 782 F.2d 987, 228 USPQ 528 (Fed. Cir. 1986). Generic terms are by definition incapable of indicating a particular source of the goods or services, and cannot be registered as trademarks; doing so "would grant the owner of the mark a monopoly, since a competitor could not describe his goods as what they are." In re Merrill Lynch, 828 F.2d at 1569, 4 USPQ2d at 1142. Under these circumstances, neither an amendment to proceed under Trademark Act Section 2(f), nor an amendment to the Supplemental Register can be recommended.

Although the trademark examining attorney has refused registration, applicant may respond to the refusal to register by submitting evidence and arguments in support of registration.

TEAS PLUS APPLICANTS MUST SUBMIT DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY OR SUBMIT FEE: TEAS Plus applicants should submit the following documents using the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html: (!)written responses to Office actions; (2) preliminary amendments; (3) changes of correspondence address; (4) changes of owner's address: (5) appointments and revocations of attorney; (6) amendments to allege use; (7) statements of use: (8) requests fo r extension of time to file a statement of use, and (9) requests to delete a §l(b) basis. If any of these documents are filed on paper, they must be accompanied by a $50 per class fee. 37 C.F.R. §§2.6(a)(l)(iv) and 2.23(a)(i). Telephone responses will not incur an additional fee. NOTE: In addition to the above, applicant must also continue to accept correspondence from the Office via e-mail throughout the examination process in order to avoid the additional fee . 37 C.F.R. §2.23(a)(2).

/reneeservance/ Renee Servance Tra demark Examining Attorney Law Office 111 (571)272-6596 Fax: 57 1-273-6596

HOW TO R ESPOND TO THIS OFFICE ACTION: • ONLINE RESPONSE: You may respond using the Office's Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) Response to Office action fo rm available on our website at http://www.uspto.gov/teas/index.html. If the Office action issued via e-mail, you must wait 72 hours after receipt of the Office action to respond via TEAS. NOTE: Do not respond by e-mail. THE USPTO WILL NOT ACCEPT AN E-MAILED RESPONSE. • REGULAR MAIL RESPONSE: To respond by regular mail, your response should be sent to the mailing return address above, and include the serial number, law office number, and examining attorney's name. NOTE: The filing date of the response will be the date ofr eceipt in the Office, not the postmarked date. To ensure your response is timely, use a certificate of mailing. 37 C.F.R. §2. 197.

STATUS OF APPLICATION: To check the status of your application, visit the Office's Trademark Applications and Registrations Retrieval (TARR) system at http://tarr.uspto.gov.

VIEW APPLICATION DOCUMENTS ONLINE : Documents in the electronic file for pending applications can be viewed and downloaded online at http://portal.uspto.gov/external/portal/tow.

GENERAL TRADEM ARK INFORMATION: For general information about trademarks, please visit the Office's website at http://www.uspto.gov/main/trndemarks.htm FOR I 'QUIRIES OR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS OFFICE ACTION, PLEASE CONTACT THE ASSIGNED EXAMINING ATTORNEY SPECIFIED ABOVE. http://www. bluemooncakedesign. com/favorites. htm 1112212006 04 50:12 PM

I( ~re moon cake design Favorites

Classic white velvet Heavenly Air/ white cake filled with layers of tangy raspberries and cream Our original version with pineapple and pistachios. Vanilla spice cheese buttercream, frosted w ith classic buttercream. buttercream filling, finished off with cream cheese buttercream.

Lemon silk Frangelico infusion Smooth lemon cake filled with silky tart lemon mousse, finished with Toasted hazelnut cake sprinkled with Frangelico liqueur, filled with Cointreau buttercream. mocha butiercream and frosted with Frangelico buttercream.

Strawberry marnier Chocolate covered strawberries Orange zest cake filled with fragrant strawberry butiercream, frosted Dark chocolate cake filled with white chocolate mousse, layered with with Grand Marnier buttercream. sliced strawberries, frosted w ith white chocolate buttercream.

Orange pistachio Chocolate framboise Light orange cake filled w ith both a crushed pistachio filling and Moist devil's food cake filled w ith a rich chocolate mousse loaded orange curd, frosted with a satiny lemon buttercream. with raspberries and frosted w ith white chocolate.

Rosemary lemon Sinful 5-chocolate Rosemary-scented cake accented w ith tiny bits of fresh lemon zest, Rich chocolate cake filled with dark chocolate ganache, m ilk filled with buttery lemon curd and buttercream. chocolate ganache, chocolate buttercrearn and a hint of fruit preserves. Finished off in white chocolate buttercream. dream Provence For chocolate lovers only! Delicate lavender-scented cake w ith lightly honeyed butiercream and cream cheese butiercream frosting.

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VEGETARIAN with Curry Lime Leaf Coconut Broth and Stir Fried Asian 21. Parmesan Timbale with Pesto Cream Sauce, Wilted Spinac.h and Mushroom Skevte:r 21. ~~::~~Lentil , Okra and Smoked Stew with Crispy Jasmine Rice Firecrackers and Zucchini Zl.

Orzo Pasta Prtmavera vlith 10 Vegetables and Grilled Portobe!lo Mushroom 21. Kaspar's Seasonal Vegetarian Entree 19.

*Note from the King County Health Department: These items may contain raw or undercooked animal product, which may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if y ou have certain medical conditions.

PLATED DESSERTS Kaspar's SiQnature Dessert Trio 8.5 Bake d Alaska vlith Latte Ice Cream 8. Caramelized Three Nut Bar with Rum Raisin Cream 8. Chocolate v~th White Chocolate Sauce and Chocolate ke Cream 8. Chocolate Rosemary Truffle Filled on Caramelized Hazelnut Cream 8. Chocolate Swis:s Silk Cake 8 . Creme BrUlee - Chef's selection 8. House Made Sorbet with Fresh Fruit on Fruit Coulis 8. Individual Molten Chocolate Lava Cakes v.rith Raspberry Chantilly 8 . Light Honey Cheese Cake Y.ith Phyllo Pistadiio Crust and Seasonal 8 . Sundae Station with Homemade Sauces and Ic:e Cream ( Minimum 20 guests) 8. Chef's Cheese Plate - Selection of Three Imported and Artisan Cheese, Fruit and 8. vlith Brittle 7.5 Lemon Meringue Tart 7.5 Banana White Chocolate and Coconut Betty 7. Caramelized Upside Down Apple Tart Tatin vlith Apple Sorbet 7. Chilled Peach Compost v~th Angel Food Float and Vanilla Ice Cream 7. Floating Island in Caramel Creme Anglaise 7. Rustic Market Fruit and Almond Tart with V anilla Ice Cream 7. White Chocolate Espresso Mousse in a Lace Basket 7 . Bartlett Pear Foster with Poppy Seed Sour Cream Ice Cream 6 .5 Kaspar's Signature Dessert Buffet (Minimum 20 guests) 11.

Gourmet Cookie Platters (Minimum 3 dozen) 18./doz Chocolate Co\•ered Strav.iberries (Minimum 3 dozen) Seasonal 28./doz

ENEWS LETTER SIGNUP .. Sign up for our newsletter and receive monthly updates on our spe-cial events, promotions and giveaways ..• http:/164.233. 161 .1 04/search?g=cache: mweRx9JSOlkJ:www.haciendadelsol.com/grill/index. cfm%3F action%30ViewMenu%2 6Namel0%3034%26menu%301 +silk+cake&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=35 1112212006 04:56:02 PM


Roasted Free Range Breast with giblet sage gravy Jalapello com bread stuftlng caramelized sweet potatoes sun dried aanberry compote $48

Roasted Rael< of Australian Lamb Caramelized shallot Cognac Borelelaise Yukon gold mashed potatoes $56

Oeared Ocollish Oalmon Chanterelle Mushroom Sherry Nage Parmesan risotto $48

Grilled rree Range rOfk Chop Ancho maple Glace Portobello Whipped Potatoes $50


Choica of

Guajillo Chile , Spiced Rum Vanilla Sauce

Chocolete Silk Cok e , Toasted Cashews and Caramel Oauca

Baked Granny Smith Apple . Pecan Custard Meringue

Cranbeny Walnut Tart

Apple Talin with Cinnamon Ice Cream and Creme Anglaise

Mango Oort>e~ rnc1<1y rear Oort>et

Entree price lndueles all courses. Tax and gretully are extra. ***' User:rse1vance *** # Total Dea cl Live Live Stntusl Search

Mnrks l\1Iarks V iewed Viewed Search Docs Images Duration 01 2978 NIA 0 0 0:04 *s{V}l{"ckx"} *[bi.ti] 02 2819 NIA 0 0 0:36 {"ck"}a {"ckx"} *[bi.ti] 03 0 I I 0:01 I and 2 not dead [ld] 04 192429 NIA 0 0 0:05 ("029" "031 " "043" "a" "b" "200")[ic] 05 47 0 16 16 0:01 4 and I not dead [ld] 06 323202 NIA 0 0 0:04 ("029" "031" "030" "043" "a" "b" "200")[ic] 07 81 0 81 48 0:01 6 and I not dead [Id] 08 438 0 438 294 0:01 6 and 2 not dead [ld]

Session staned 11/2212006 4:1 7:06 PM Session finished 11/2212006 4:38: 11 PM Total search duration 0 minutes 53 seconds Session duration 21 minutes 5 seconds Defaut NEAR limit= I ADJ limit= I

Sent to TICRS as Serial Number: 78913374

PTO Form 1478 (Rev 612005) OMB No. 0651-0009 (Exp XXIXXIXXXX) Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register TEAS Plus Application

Serial Number: 78913374 Filing Date: 06/2112006

NOTE: Data fields with the * are mandatory under TEAS Plus. Tbe wording "(if applicable} " appears w/Jere t/Je field is only mandatoiy under tl1e fa cts of t/Je particular application.

The table below presents the data as entered.



USPTO-GENERATED IMAGE YES LITERAL ELEMENT ISi lk Cakes The mark consists of standard characters, without claim to any particular *MARK STATEMENT font, style, size, or color.



*STREET 145-55 Pike Street #18G

*CITY New York

I · STATE (Required for U.S. applicants) IN ew York

I · coUNTRY IU nited States

I *ZIP/POSTAL CODE 10002 (Required for U.S. applicanrs only)

PHONE 1917-892-585 1





I *FILING BASIS ISE CTION !(a) *FIRST USE ANYWHERE DATE IA t least as early as 01/01/2006 *FIRST USE IN COMMERCE DATE At least as early as 02/08/2006

\\TICRS\EXPORT5\IMAGEOUT5 \ 789\133\789133 74\xml l \FT I *SPECIMEN FILE NAME K0003.JPG

In a window display, a 'Silk Cakes' sign is positioned next to two wedding I SPECIMEN DESCRIPTION cake models (indicating the company's business in making custom cakes.)


I *TRANSLATION , (if applicable) I I *TRANSLITERATION (if applicable) I I *CLAIMED PRIOR REGISTRATION (if applicable)

I *CONSENT (NAME/LIKENESS) (if applicable)

I *CONCURRENT USE CLAIM (if applicable)


*NAME Lai, Judy


I *STREET 145-55 Pike Street #18G

* CITY New York

I * STATE , (Required for U.S. applicants) INew York

I * COUNTRY IU nited States

I * ZIP/POSTAL CODE , (Required for U.S. applicants only) 10002

I PHONE 1917-892-5851

* EMAIL ADDRESS [email protected]






SUBMIT DATE Wed Jun 21 15:43:30 EDT 2006 USPTO/FTK-XX.XXX.XXX.XX-2 006062 11 5433 1063096-78913 TEAS STAMP 374-332ad666a3c4880537db4 ad49 l 7f5d9aa4-CC-2 l l-2006 062 1144354267942 PTO Fonn 1478 (Rev 612005) OMB No_ 0651-0009 (Exp XXIXXIXXXX)

Trademark/Service Mark Application, Principal Register

TEAS Plus Application

Serial Number: 78913374 Filing Date: 06/21/2006

To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Exhibit D PTO Form 1957 (Re\19/2005) OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp_ 0413012011) Response to Office Action

The table below presents the data as entered.



NAME(S), PORTRAITS(S), SIGNA TURE(S) O F The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark identifies Judy Lai, IKDIVIDUAL(S) whose consent(s) to register is made of record.

CONSENT \\TICRS \EXPORT 11\ IMAGEOUT 11\850\137\85013 768\,-xmlS\ ROA0002 JPG FILE NAME(S) No claim is made to the exclusive right to use CAKES apart from the mark as DISCLAIMER shown.

The non-Latin characters in the mark transliterate to Lai Mo Ping, and this means the TRANSLITERATIO!\" Chinese name for Judy Lai , the principal in the company in English. SIGNATURE SECTION

R ESPOJ\"SE SIGNATURE I/ sean r. macdavitt/ SIGNATORY'S NAME Sean R. MacDavitt

SIGNATORY'S POSITIOJ\" Attorney for Applicant

DATE SIGNED 01/27/201 1



SUBMIT DATE IT hu Jan 27 16:44:34 EST 20 11 USPTO/ROA-XXX XXX.XX.XX-2 011 0127164434953675-85013 768-48033a3989c5ae04a623b 384ebeaa 727 ef-N/ A-N/A-201 I"""™' 10127163935178219

PTO Form 1957 {Rev 912005)

OMB No. 0651-0050 (Exp_0413012011)

Response to Office Action To the Commissioner for Trademarks:

Application serial no. 85013768 has been amended as follows:

ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Name(s), Portrait(s), Signature(s) of individual(s) The name(s), portrait(s), and/or signahJTe(s) shown in the mark identifies Judy Lai, whose consent(s) to register is made of record. Consent File 1

Disclaimer No claim is made to the exclusive right to use CAKES apart from the mark as shown.

Transliterations The non-Latin characters in the mark transliterate to Lai Mo Ping, and this means the Chinese name for Judy Lai , the principal in the company in English.

SIGNATURE(S) Response Signature Signature: /sean r. macdavitt/ Date: 01/27/2011 Signatory's Name: Sean R. MacDavitt Signatory's Position: Attorney for Applicant

The signatory has confinned that he/she is an attorney who is a member in good standing of the bar of the highest court of a US. state, which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and other federal territories and possessions: and he/she is currently the applicant's attorney or an associate thereof; and to the best of his/her knowledge, if prior to his/her appointment another U.S. attorney or a Canadian attorney/agent not currently associated with his/her company/firm previously represented the applicant in this matter: (I) the applicant has filed or is concurrently fi ling a signed revocation of or substitute power of attorney with the US PTO; (2) the US PTO has granted the request of the prior representative to withdraw; (3) the applicant has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her in this matter; or (4) the applicant's appointed U.S. attorney or Canadian attorney/agent has filed a power of attorney appointing him/her as an associate attorney in this matter.

Serial Number: 85013768 Internet Transmission Date: Thu Jan 27 16:44:34 EST 201 1 TEAS Stamp: USPTO/ROA-XXX.XXX.XX.XX-2011 012716443495 3675-85013768-48033a3989c5ae04a623b384eb eaa727ef-N/A-N/A-2011 0127163935 1782 19 To: United States Patent and Trademark Office

IN THE MATTER OF U.S. Application Serial No. 85/013,768 (the "Application") for registration of the trademark SILK CAK~S logo by Silk Cakes (the "Applicant")


I, Judy Lai, do hereby consent to the registration of the mark as shown in U.S. Application Serial No. 85/013,768.

Dated on this 21 ~h day of ___--J== 11."""n...,.t.1... t1~r'1 ,.____ , 2011 .

Name:Judy Lal

Title: J}inl<µo.,l Exhibit E 7/8/2019 Filo - Wikipedia


Filo or phyllo (Greek:

Contents History Preparation Use Related methods Baklava , made with filo pastry Name See also Alternative Filo pastry, phyllo, names References I fillo Bibliography IType Pastry External links IMain Flour dough ingredients History

The origin of the current practice of stretching raw dough into paper-thin sheets is highly debated, unclear, and unknown. Many credit the origins of Filo as far back as antiquity. Ancient would bake thin breads sweetened with walnuts and honey, arguably the ancestor to Baklava. In fact the first documented such food was written in Homer's Odyssey written around 800 B.C.[1J In the fifth centmy B.C. Philoxenos states in his poem "Banquet" the final drinking course of a meal, hosts would prepare and serve cheesecake made with milk and honey that was baked into to a pie.[2J

Many sources site origins during the as the Byzantines were masters of mills and machinery. The Byzantines had made many innovations in the production of flour. Philo of Byzantium was the first engineer to site the invention of the watermill to ground flour. The citizemy of the Byzantine Empire consumed so much flour that the Byzantines invented the first dough mixer powered by oxen. This invention is described in the Life of St. Athanasios of Athos. During this time, the citizens of the Byzantine Empire were well known fo r making Koptoplakous and Plakountas Tetyromenous. Plakoeis comes from the ancient greek word for "fl at" as they include thin layers of bread or wheat that included layers of cheesed honey or honey and nuts.[3][4)

Some sources argue that Filo was invented after the conquest of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453. The mention of Filo is documented in the Topkap1 Palace during the time of the .[5)

ffitimately many historians will site that the origin is not definitive but rather the dough has been an evolution over the various ages between many cultures and peoples.


Filo dough is made with flour, water, and a small amount of oil or white vinegar, though some dessert recipes also call for egg yolks. Homemade filo takes time and skill, requiring progressive rolling and stretching to a single thin and ve1y large sheet. A ve1y big table and a long roller are used, with continual fl ouring between layers to prevent tearing.

Machines for producing filo pastly were perfected in the 1970s, and have come to dominate the market.[6) Filo for domestic use is widely available from supermarkets, fresh or frozen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filo 1/3 7/8/2019 Filo - Wikipedia Use

When using filo to make pastries, the thin layers are made by first rolling out the sheets of dough to the final thickness, then brushing them with oil, or melted butter for some desserts, and stacking them. This contrasts with and doughs, where the layers are stacked into a thick layer of dough, then folded and rolled out multiple times to produce a containing thin layers of dough and fat.

Filo can be used in many ways: layered, folded, rolled, or ruffled, with various fillings. Notable pastries made with filo include: Preparation of custard in an Athens cafe_ • Baklava - A Turkish dessert with layers of filo with chopped nuts, sweetened and held together with syrup or honey_ • - A Bulgarian dish consisting of eggs, cheese and filo baked in the oven_ • Borek - A savory filo pie originally from the Ottoman Empire_ • Bougatsa - A type of Greek breakfast pastry_ • BUlbUI yuvas1 - A Turkish dessert with pistachios and syrup_ • Bundevara - A Serbian sweet pie filled with pumpkin_ • - A Greek dessert consisting of filo and custard_ • - A Serbian dish made from filo, white cheese, and eggs_ • Kasseropita - A Greek pie made from filo and cheese_ • Pastizz - A savory pastry from Malta filled with ricotta or mushy peas_ • - A Greek spinach pie_ • - Filo wrapped around a filling such as cooked, sweetened apple pieces_ • - A Greek dish similar to Borek, filled with a cheese-egg mixture_ • - A savory pie from the Balkans_

Related methods

Very thin pastry sheets can also be made by touching lumps of dough to a hot surface, as in the North African malsouka or by cooking very thin batters, as in the South Indian pootharekulu. Name

The English term comes from the Greek name, which means leaf [7][8]

A popular Albanian dish called , or fli, may have been an early form of filo. In Albanian, fije/ fli translates as both "sheet" and "leaf' (pl. flete/gjethe) just like cpuAA.o in Greek.

The Turkish name yufka means both the thin dough used for baklava and biirek, and a kind of flatbread, also called sac ekmegi, cooked on a ~ a domed metal plate.C9l The bread form may have b een "an early form of filo" since the Kitab Diwan Lughat al-Turk, a dictionary of Turkic dialects by Mahmud Kashgari recorded plated/folded bread as one meaning of the word yuvgha.

Filo is known by a variety of names in ethnic and regional cuisines. Among them are:

• Yufka in ; there are different sorts of yufka for borek or baklava • Go/lash in Eg]'ptian cuisine • Flia, also known as "fli" in Albanian cuisine, is a popular dish of multiple crepe-like layers brushed with cream, • Jufka (plural) in , and for the dough, while leaves are called kore • Kori za banitsa (plural) in for the dough, with pastries made from it generically known as banitsa

See also

• Puff pastry

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filo 2/3 7/8/2019 Filo - Wikipedia References

1. Mayer, Caroline E. "Phyllo Facts (https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/food/1989/05/03/phyllo-facts/1ca7102a-fb19-4a be-af8d-2cb17f49b98b/?noredirect=on)". Washington Post. 1989. 2. Hoffman, Susanna. The Olive and the . Workman Publishing Company, Inc. ISBN 9781563058486 3. Hoffman, Susanna. The Olive and the Caper. Workman Publishing Company, Inc. ISB 9781563058486 4. Cavallo, Guglielmo. The Byzantines The University of Chicago Press Chicago & London. ISBN 0-226-09792-7 5. Perry, Charles. 'The Taste for Layered Bread among the Nomadic Turks and the Central Asian Origins of Baklava", in A Taste of : Culinary Cultures of the (ed. Sarni Zubaida, Richard Tapper), 1994. ISBN 1-86064-603-4 6. Press release from Athens Foods, Cleveland, OH (http://www.athens.com/news/release.aspx?id=47) 7. Oxford Dictionaries (http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/filo?rskey=nDCfq7&result=1#m en gb0295710). 8. Alan Davidson (2014). The Oxford Companion to Food (https:llbooks.google.comlbooks?id=RL6LAwAAQBAJ&pg=PA307). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-967733-7. p. 307. 9. Tork Oil Kurumu. Boyok TOrkqe Sozlok search form (http //www.tdk.gov.tr/index php)


• Perry, Charles. 'The Taste for Layered Bread among the Nomadic Turks and the Central Asian Origins of Baklava", in A Taste of Thyme: Culinary Cultures of the Middle East (ed. Sarni Zubaida, Richard Tapper), 1994. ISBN 1-86064-603-4. • Engin Akin, Mirsini Lambraki, Kosta Sanoglu, Aynt Sofrada iki Olke.· TOrk ve Yunan Mutfag1, Istanbul 2003, ISBN 975-458-484-2.

External links

• ill The dictionary defi nition of filo at Wiktionary • ~ Media related to Phyllo at Wikimedia Commons • jl Phyllo dough at Wikibook Cookbooks

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