Historical Department of Iowa
TWELFTH BIENN IA L REPORT OFTIJE Historical Department of Iowa MADE TO THE TRUSTEES OF TBE State Library and Historical Department OCTOBBR 31, 1914 BY EDGAR R. HARLAN, CURATOR PRINTBD IY OltOBR 0~ Ttl I CltNBRAL ASSB}IBLY ()F~ )101~T.S ICIIlD'f' HI... DEaii<!Jif. •T.t.TC nasTU un lllHTOHlCATJ D~:l' \HT.\IE:l\1' O~· !OW\. Tlt'ITII:D. COVER!';OR OEOROE W. CL.\RKE ("!liEF' JUSTICE SCOTT ll. LADO. JUIXlE SILAS M. WEAVER. JCOOJo: HORAC'lt E. DEEMER. JI'OOE F'RANK R 0AY1;0R. JliOOE BYRON W PRESTON Jl'OOE WINFIELD 9. WITHROW. liON. WILLIA~I 8. ALLEN, 6<<r<'la'l! of State. IIOX A. ll. DEYOE, llupl l'vOIIc l,..t,..,ctlon. EDGAR R.. HARLAN. Cwrotor. ALICE MARPLr.. A.UI#tGIU tO Ill,. ("WfdtOr. lOA lt. HUNTINOl'ON, A.W•tant to the Curator. JOSEPH STEPPAN, M"'c•m Dim tor. ROY C. DADY. C'lrrk ana Stcnoqrophrr. ETHEL B. VIRTUE, lndez Clerk •;. W. DOOLITTI.&. O..,NI, T H. ST. JOHS, OooNI C\ RUS WE.\ VER, Ooortf. JOliN MILLER. O•ortl. IIP.NRY WILLS, (}uartl. J. II. STOVER. GWJrd. \IRS. JESSII'l 0 WILLIS, Matro•. THEODORE PEMBERTON. Port.r, l LB'l'1'ER OP 'l' HA NSMI 'l 'TA T~ . HrSTORTCAr, DEPARTMENT OF IowA, Des :Moines, Iowa, October 31, 1914. To the II onomblc Boat·d of Trustees: GF.NTLJDtEN-Tn pur·suance of the requirements of Section No. :3881-b, of the Code of 1907, I have the honor to snbmit herewith the Twelfth Biennial Report of the JJ istorical Department of Iowa.
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