Trade from Assyrian Aššur to Anatolian Kaneš in the 19Th Century B.C.E
Journal of Management and Marketing Research Trade from Assyrian Aššur to Anatolian Kaneš in the 19th Century B.C.E. M. Wayne Alexander Minnesota State University Moorhead William Violet Minnesota State University Moorhead ABSTRACT Evidence of trade in the Ancient Near East between Aššur in Assyria, now northern Iraq, and Kaneš in Anatolia, now central Turkey, comes from Cuneiform writing on over 23,000 clay tiles unearthed at Kaneš. The tiles tell of 19 th century B.C.E. Assyrian traders who established a trading colony at Kaneš. Merchants in Aššur imported tin and textiles from the east and south, packed them into bags, and loaded the bags on donkeys. Transporters led caravans of 10 to 50 donkeys some 1200 kilometers over rough, narrow roads to Kaneš. After the proper taxes were paid traders sold the tin, textiles, and donkeys in the market for silver which they sent back to Aššur to start the process anew. To facilitate buying and selling the merchants drew up contracts and wrote letters concerning purchases, sales, and market conditions. The trade proved quite profitable but ended with the violent destruction of Kaneš. Keywords: Aššur, Kaneš, Trade in the19th Century B.C.E., Assyria, Anatolia Copyright statement: Authors retain the copyright to the manuscripts published in AABRI journals. Please see the AABRI Copyright Policy at Trade Aššur to Kaneš, Page 1 Journal of Management and Marketing Research INTRODUCTION Traders bought, sold, and moved goods from one place to another in prehistoric Mesopotamia as early as the eighth millennium. For example, people transported obsidian (7500-3500 B.C.E.
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