Ralph Bunche Program Suspended for Summer APSA Establishes The
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Association News Ralph Bunche Program Micheal Giles Melanie Buckner social and political communica- Suspended for Summer George Jones C.T. Cummings tion. What came to interest Harvey Klehr Naomi Lynn him most were the ways in which The Ralph Bunche Summer Insti- Eleanor Main William Thomas the world has been changing and tute was not held this summer. Scott Taylor Tobe Johnson the methods by which these This program, established nine Andrea Simpson William Boone changes could be identified and in years ago, selects 10-25 African- part measured." Thus, Karl Deut- American rising seniors in a nation- sch characterized Ithiel Pool's wide competition to take two APSA Establishes the Ithiel de scholarly achievements and inter- graduate-level courses and to be Sola Pool Lectureship ests in a memorial written for PS introduced to the life of scholar- (fall 1984, pp. 841-2). Moreover, ship. The Association has received a colleagues and students valued the The Institute has been hosted by gift to endow a lecture as a memo- courtesy, patience, and kindness he two consortia. For the first four rial to Ithiel de Sola Pool. The Po- conveyed in his professional and years, it was held in Baton Rouge litical Communications Organized personal relationships. under the leadership of Jewel Section supported establishing this Jean Pool, in expressing appreci- Prestage of Southern University award in recognition of Ithiel Pool, ation for the wide range of subjects and Peter Zwick of Louisiana State who died in 1984. The Council ac- included in the award, noted that University. The Institute subse- cepted the gift and approved an Ithiel Pool ". .was always inter- quently moved to Atlanta, Georgia, award: ested in interdisciplinary research, and being at MIT, the opportunity where five schools, Spelman Col- The Ithiel de Sola Pool Lecture will lege, Emory University, Georgia be given every third year at the to work with mathematicians, engi- State University, Morehouse Col- APSA Annual Meeting by a scholar neers, and computer scientists was lege, and Clark Atlanta University, selected to explore the implications very present." She commented that cooperated in creating the program, of research on the issues of politics a lectureship also reflected qualities led by Lois Moreland and Jeanne in a global society. Evoking the attributed to him: "passion and Meadows, both of Spelman. broad range of scholarship pursued reason" (David Bell) and as "origi- by Ithiel de Sola Pool, the presenta- nal and surprising" (Nathan Lester). Funding for the Institute has tion may draw from among many Ithiel de Sola Pool's papers are come from a variety of direct and fields, including political theory, po- indirect sources. The Ford Founda- litical behavior, political communica- in the archives at MIT, the Smith- tion, the Coca-Cola Foundation, tion, science and technology policy, sonian Institution, and the Univer- and the U.S. Department of Educa- and international affairs. sity of Chicago. A bound, anno- tion have provided major support. tated bibliography by Lloyd In addition, Emory University, The award will convey a $1,000 Etheridge of his extensive scholar- Louisiana State University, Geor- prize. A committee appointed by ship is in the MIT library. Among gia State University, Spelman Col- the APSA president in the year the his notable books are Communica- lege, and APSA have contributed lecture is given will select the tion in Political Development significant in-kind assistance. All award winner. The first Ithiel de (1962), written with Gabriel Al- told, over $600,000 in cash and an Sola Pool Lecture will be given at mond, Lucian Pye, Joseph La Pal- approximate $200,000 in in-kind the 1995 Annual Meeting in Chi- ombara, and others; American gifts have been raised for this pro- cago. The 1995 Pool Award Com- Business and Public Policy (1963), gram. mittee comprises Bernard C. written with Raymond Bauer and Cohen, University of Wisconsin- Lewis Dexter, which won the While the Institute is short of Madison, Chair; Samuel Popkin, APSA's Woodrow Wilson Award funds this year, the Coca-Cola University of California, San Di- in 1963; Candidates, Issues, and Foundation is anticipating contrib- ego; and Myron Weiner, Massachu- Strategies (1964), with Robert uting next year and the Atlanta setts Institute of Technology. Abelson and Samuel Popkin; The Consortium will likely host the pro- Social Impact of the Telephone gram for the summer of 1995. Ithiel Pool received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 1952. (1977), and a reader, Technologies APSA is moving to find new of Freedom (1983). sources of support for the Institute. He held academic positions at Hobart College and Stanford Uni- The leaders and teachers of the versity before joining the MIT fac- Atlanta Summer Institute will be ulty in 1953 where he was the first honored at the nightcap reception The Charles E. Merriam chair of the political science depart- Award Reinstated of the Committee on the Status of ment and a founder of the Center Blacks in the Profession at APSA's for International Studies. He re- Annual Meeting in New York on A fund-raising drive to reinstate mained a leader of MIT's political the Charles E. Merriam Award by Friday, September 2, at 10:00 p.m. science and international programs The honorees include assuring an endowment sufficient to until his death in 1984. support a biannual award has suc- Lois B. Moreland Zadie Long "Ithiel Pool was one of the out- ceeded. This effort has been led by Jeanne T. Meadows Alan Abramowitz standing political scientists of our Gabriel A. Leiserson and David B. Marilyn Davis Courtney Brown time and a pioneer in the field of Truman, who formed the Merriam 590 PS: Political Science & Politics.