Solidaridad indígena ¿Qué tipo de cierra ferrocarril 12 socialismo? 12

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite! Vol. 62, No. 9 Feb. 27, 2020 $1 No ICE on Greyhound People’s power stops bus raids

Statement from FIRE (Fight for without permission from Greyhound. Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere) Greyhound's reversal, which comes one week after a leaked Border Patrol FIRE (Fight for Im/migrants and memo admitted the searches require Refugees Everywhere) is a multinational, Greyhound's approval, is a significant multigenerational and multigender orga- victory for the migrant rights movement. nization born from one of the most press- Buses are often the only means of inter- ing political challenges of our time: the city transit available to undocumented war against migrants. Based in the United migrants, due to the greater costs and States, this group seeks to bring together more stringent ID requirements of all sectors of society to concentrate our train and airplane travel. But we cannot energies on abolishing Immigration and become complacent: It remains to be Customs Enforcement, immediately put- seen if Greyhound will in fact carry out ting an end to all deportations and closing this new policy, and we can expect ICE/ all migrant detention centers. Border Patrol to attempt to continue the searches over Greyhound's objection. Friday evening, Feb. 21, Greyhound Without ongoing public scrutiny, Lines announced it would no longer Greyhound may allow the searches to con- Protesters marched through NYC's Port Authority Bus Terminal in WW PHOTO: BRENDA RYAN allow Border Patrol agents to carry tinue while publicly claiming to oppose a militant campaign against Greyhound, Oct. 25, 2019. out warrantless searches on its buses. them. For this reason a demonstration Border Patrol routinely searches inter- against the searches scheduled for Sunday, potential legal action by the Washington This is a crucial lesson to draw from the city buses, demanding to see ID and seek- Feb. 23, at the Port Authority Bus Station state attorney general. While important, campaign: Working and oppressed peo- ing to detain and deport undocumented in City proceeded as planned, these forces are only part of the story. ple have the power to win their demands migrants. Previously, Greyhound had even after Greyhound had announced it Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1700, through mass struggle and people's power. stood by, allowing this campaign of racist would no longer allow the searches. which represents Greyhound drivers, When we organize, educate and mobilize terror and falsely claiming it had no right How was this victory achieved? mechanics and other workers came out we are not struggling in vain—​we can win. to refuse Border Patrol access to its buses. Mainstream media accounts highlight against Border Patrol searches in 2018. So let's not stop with Greyhound, but In fact, Border Patrol agents have no right pressure from the American Civil Liberties Mass demonstrations at bus stations push forward. The war against migrants to conduct a warrantless search of a bus Union, a lawsuit filed in California and around the country, organized by FIRE and continues to intensify. We must organize many other organizations, have educated for May Day 2020 and beyond to close the passengers on their rights and showed detention (concentration) camps, stop all that migrants and their supporters have deportations, abolish ICE and reunite all Trump war on migrants the strength to shut down Greyhound if children who have been stolen from their they choose. And finally, passengers across families. the country have fought back against the We must organize to open the border, hits sanctuary cities searches, successfully demanding Border win permanent residency for all migrants Patrol get off the bus. They have informed and refugees, and defeat the violent pol- By Teresa Gutierrez bully everyone in opposition to him, is their fellow passengers that they are not icies of U.S. imperialism that cause escalating his fight against local govern- required to show ID to Border Patrol, migration crises around the world. The No matter what else is happening, the ments, many of them led by Democratic which has no right to be there. Viral vid- campaign against Border Patrol searches Trump administration is not relinquish- Party officials, who have refused to allow eos of these encounters have raised pub- on Greyhound buses is a small step in a ing its war on migrants. their police or city agents to work with lic consciousness, educating working and much larger struggle, but it shows that Savoring his victory over an impeach- Immigration and Customs Enforcement. oppressed people about their power to victory is possible, if we are willing to ment that failed to oust him from office, The “specially trained” officers will fight back against racist terror. organize and fight for it. ☐ the 45th president is set to deploy an elite be sent to Chicago, New York, Newark, squad of Customs and Border Protection Atlanta, San Francisco, Los Angeles, agents in major cities throughout the Boston, New Orleans, Houston and country. The decision to deploy the Detroit beginning this month and through Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC) is May. Their deployment, however, could Black History Month 3, 6-8 another sign that Trump is actually at war be extended. with migrants. These cities have huge numbers of peo- Prisoner’s hunger strike On Feb. 14 (Happy Valentine’s Day, ple of color. ICE agents, who act exactly like migrants), the New York Times reported SWAT teams, are a threat to all of them. Capitalism & Black labor that the Trump administration’s announce- A case in point is the shooting of a ment of this deployment is “part of a super- young man, Erick Diaz Cruz, in the face in Eric Garner and Palestine charged arrest operation” that will target Brooklyn, N.Y. On Feb. 7, ICE agents broke sanctuary cities in particular. into Cruz's mother's home to arrest Gasper #NotAgainSU Trump, salivating to frighten and Avendano-Hernández, who they thought Continued on page 4

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City / State / Zip ______Workers World Weekly Newspaper 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10011 212.627.2994 Venezuela 8 Gaza 9 Korea 10 Page 2 Feb. 27, 2020

Real U.S. military budget exceeds $1 trillion By Manlio Dinucci to counter Chinese propaganda and disinformation.” this week In the context of “growing strategic competition,” the Published Feb. 18 in Il Manifesto in Dinucci’s “Art of War” U.S. government states: “The Budget prioritizes funding column, which examines Trump’s proposed military bud- for programs that would deliver warfighting advantages get. Translation by John Catalinotto. against and Russia” and all other adversaries. To ◆ In the U.S. this end, President Trump announced that “to ensure ICE & Greyhound: People’s power stops bus raids . 1 The “Budget for the Future of America,” which the U.S. internal security and promote U.S. interests abroad, my government submitted, shows what the Trump adminis- Budget provides $740.5 billion for National Defense,” Trump war on migrants hits sanctuary cities . . . 1 tration’s priorities are in the federal budget for fiscal year while it provides only $94.5 billion for the Department of Anatomy of a hunger strike — Part 3 ...... 3 2021 (which begins Oct. 1). Health and Human Services. Legal abortion: Struggle heads to Supreme Court . 4 The military budget includes $69 billion for overseas war First of all, it reduces social spending. For example, it A view of the Sanders campaign . . . 5 cuts the required budget for the Department of Health and operations, more than $19 billion for 10 warships, $15 bil- Human Services by 10 percent. Meanwhile, health author- lion for 115 F-35 fighters and other aircraft, and $11 billion The anti-war presidential candidate ...... 5 ities themselves report that influenza alone has caused to strengthen land armaments. The Pentagon’s science and Capitalism and Black labor today ...... 6 about 10,000 deaths in the U.S. from October to February, technology programs require $14 billion for the develop- Malcolm X ¡Presente! ...... 7 ment of hypersonic and direct energy weapons, space sys- out of a population of 330 million. Students occupy, strike against white supremacy . .8 This news is kept quiet by the big media, which instead tems and 5G networks. are raising a global alarm over the 1,770 deaths due to the These are just a few items on a long shopping list (with Portland: New anti-war, anti-sanctions coalition . 9 coronavirus in China, a country with 1.4 billion inhabi- public money), which includes all the most advanced Bay area unions say: 'End U.S.-imposed sanctions' 10 tants. One must suspect the real purpose behind the weapons systems, with colossal profits for Lockheed Antiwar conference builds unity, plans next steps . 11 relentless media campaign, which sows terror on every- Martin and other weapons industries. thing Chinese. To justify the U.S. budget, its framers insist In addition to the Pentagon budget, a number of military ◆ Around the world expenditures are entered in the budgets of other depart- that the U.S. “faces challenges from resurgent rival nation Real U.S. military budget exceeds $1 trillion . . . 2 states, including Russia and China.” [For all quotes about ments. In fiscal year 2021, the Department of Energy will the budget, see] receive $27 billion to maintain and modernize the nuclear Eric Garner to Palestine: A common struggle . . . 7 They charge China with “waging cyber-enabled eco- arsenal. The Department of Homeland Security will also Venezuela organizes against possible aggression . .8 nomic warfare against receive $52 billion for its own secret service. The Department Sanctions in Gaza ...... 9 of Veterans Affairs will receive $243 billion (10 percent more the United States Korean leaders reject U.S. sanctions ...... 10 and its allies” and of than in 2020) for retired military personnel. “wanting to shape the Taking these and other items into account, U.S. military ◆ Editorial Indo-Pacific region,” spending will exceed $1 trillion in fiscal 2021. The mili- which is critical to tary expenditure of the United States exerts a driving effect The coronavirus in perspective ...... 10 U.S. security and eco- on the military expenditures of other countries, which, ◆ Noticias en Español nomic interests, “in however, remain at much lower levels. Even taking into its image.” account the Pentagon budget alone, U.S. military spending Solidaridad indígena cierra ferrocarril canadiense . 12 In order for the is three to four times higher than China’s and more than ¿Qué tipo de socialismo? ...... 12 region to be “inde- 10 times higher than Russia’s. pendent of malign In this way “The Budget supports U.S. military dominance Chinese influence,” in all warfighting domains—​air, land, sea, space and cyber-

SOURCE: PGPF.ORG the U.S. government space,” says the White House, announcing that the United The United States spends more is providing “$30 States will soon be able to produce 80 new nuclear warheads on defense than the next seven million for the Global a year in two plants. The budget for the future of the U.S. countries combined. Engagement Center may mean the end of the world. ☐

Workers World Join us in the fight 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10011 for socialism! Phone: 212.627.2994 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist people are gunned down by cops and bigots on a regular party inside the belly of the imperialist beast. We are a basis. Vol. 62, No. 9 • Feb. 27, 2020 multinational, multigenerational and multigendered orga- The ruthless ruling class today seeks to wipe out Closing date: Feb. 26, 2020 nization that not only aims to abolish capitalism, but to decades of gains and benefits won by hard-fought strug- Editor: build a socialist society because it’s the only way forward! gles by people’s movements. The super-rich and their Managing Editors: John Catalinotto, Martha Grevatt, Capitalism and imperialism threaten the peoples of the political representatives have intensified their attacks on , Betsey Piette, Minnie Bruce Pratt world and the planet itself in the neverending quest for the multinational, multigender and multigenerational ever-greater profits. . It is time to point the blame at—and chal- Web Editors: ABear, Harvey Markowitz, Janet Mayes Capitalism means war and austerity, and lenge—the capitalist system. Production & Design Editors: Gery Armsby, Sasha repression, attacks on im/migrants, misogyny, LGBTQ2+ WWP fights for socialism because the working class Mazumder, Scott Williams and mistreatment of people with disabilities. produces all wealth in society, and this wealth should Copyediting and Proofreading: Paddy Colligan, It means joblessness, increasing homelessness and impov- remain in their hands, not be stolen in the form of capi- Sue Davis, S. Hedgecoke erishment and lack of hope for the future. No social prob- talist profits. The wealth workers create should be socially lems can be solved under capitalism. owned and its distribution planned to satisfy and guaran- Contributing Editors: LeiLani Dowell, G. Dunkel, The U.S. is the richest country in the world, yet no one tee basic human needs. K. Durkin, Teresa Gutierrez, Gloria Rubac has a guaranteed right to shelter, food, water, health care, Since 1959, Workers World Party has been out in the Mundo Obero: Alberto García, Teresa Gutierrez, education or anything else—unless they can pay for it. streets defending the workers and oppressed here and Carlos Vargas Wages are lower than ever, and youth are saddled with worldwide. If you’re interested in , socialism Supporter Program: Coordinator Sue Davis seemingly insurmountable student debt, if they even make and fighting for a socialist future, please contact a WWP it to college. Black, Brown and Indigenous youth and trans branch near you. ☐ Copyright © 2020 Workers World. Verbatim copying and distribution of articles is permitted in any medium If you are interested in joining Workers World Party contact: 212.627.2994 without royalty provided this notice is preserved. Workers World (ISSN-1070-4205) is published weekly National Office Bay Area Durham, N.C. Philadelphia except the last week of December by WW Publishers, 147 W. 24th St., 2nd floor P.O. Box 22947 804 Old Fayetteville St. P.O. Box 34249 New York, NY 10011 Oakland, CA 94609 Durham, NC 27701 Philadelphia, PA 19101 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10011. Phone: 212.627.2994 510.394.2207 919.322.9 970 610.931.2615 212.627.2994. Subscriptions: One year: $36; institu- [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] tions: $50. Letters to the editor may be condensed and Atlanta Buffalo, N.Y. Houston Salt Lake City edited. Articles can be freely reprinted, with credit to PO Box 18123 335 Richmond Ave. P.O. Box 3454 801.750.0248 Workers World, 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl., New York, NY Atlanta, GA 30316 Buffalo, NY 14222 Houston, TX 77253-3454 [email protected] 10011. Back issues and individual articles are available 404.627.0185 716.883.2534 713.503.2633 San Antonio on microfilm and/or photocopy from NA Publishing, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Inc, P.O. Box 998, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-0998. A searchable archive is available on the Web at Austin Charlotte Knoxville, Tenn. San Diego [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Boston Cleveland Minneapolis Tucson, Ariz. A headline digest is available via e-mail subscription. 284 Amory St. 216.738.0320 [email protected] [email protected] Subscription information is at Boston, MA 02130 [email protected] Pensacola, Fla. Washington, D.C. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y. 617.522.6626 Dallas [email protected] [email protected] POSTMASTER: Send address changes to [email protected] [email protected] Portland, Ore. West Virginia Workers World, 147 W. 24th St. 2nd Fl. [email protected] [email protected] New York, N.Y. 10011. Feb. 27, 2020 Page 3 Anatomy of a hunger strike Part 3 ‘Much more to be said and done’

Demetrius “Dee Jay” 143 pounds and unable to eat whole foods because the those individuals are being Grant (FY6063), an feeding tube damaged my esophagus. All my food has housed in the PA DOC. African-American prisoner to be pureed. Also, I have trouble walking, standing, sit- This was done by a previ- in Pennsylvania, conducted ting and laying down due to nerve damage, which med- ous governor, Ed Rendell, a months-long hunger strike ical staff here is refusing to treat me for. I have still not to save money. in 2019 over prison condi- received an MRI for the nerve damage in my hand after In response, the DOC tions at State Correctional the guards assaulted me. The medical staff refuses to hired a bunch of psychi- Institution Albion. Grant house me in the infirmary for observation despite all my atrists and psychologists, is known as the “Pro Se health issues. but there are still not Litigator,” the person who Nevertheless, I believe the hunger strike was a vic- enough to deal with the exposed the mistreatment of Demetrius "Dee Jay" Grant tory because I was able to force the administration to large numbers of mentally mentally ill prisoners by for- sit down and address my grievances. Also, I learned the ill prisoners, some of whom are violent, drug addicted mer Correctional Officer Charles Graner at SCI Greene tactics medical and prison officials will use to combat or illiterate. before Graner became famous for mistreating Iraqi hunger strikes. I took a hit to my body, not because of the Initially, mentally ill prisoners were housed at SCI detainees. Here is Part 3 of Workers World’s interview hunger strike per se, but because of the nefarious “Five- Waymart, but due to the large numbers, they are now with Grant about his experiences with the PA Department Phase Plan.” This is why the courts need to force the PA being housed throughout all DOC facilities. It is having a of Corrections (DOC). DOC to come up with a forced-feeding protocol instead profound effect on the overall general prison population. of allowing officials to freestyle the process. PA state legislators and prison officials are using Workers World: What made you decide to end the Since the strike, it’s been a mixed bag wherein some assaults committed by mentally ill prisoners to create hunger strike? prison officials and guards keep me at arm’s length, but policies and laws authorizing excessive use of force Dee Jay: I started worrying about being seriously hurt there are those who take every opportunity to retaliate against all prisoners. The “Violence Reduction Policy” during a seizure and not being able to receive help. It was against me. For example, Major Maure instructed the allows prison officials to arbitrarily deny prisoners their killing me to even think about ending the strike. There was property room to confiscate all my legal and nonlegal state and federal constitutional rights by placing a cell so much more that needed to be said and done. property under the pretext I have excessive property. block or even entire prisons on lock downs for days on Early in the strike, I met with several prison officials This is the same property I was transferred to SCI Albion end after one of these mentally ill prisoners allegedly who did make a good faith effort to resolve some of my with, and it had been in my possession until the hunger assaults a guard. issues, but things moved at a slow pace. In the mean- strike. Recently the PA House Judiciary Committee passed time, my health was getting worse. I am back in general population, and things are get- three bills supposedly designed to improve the safety of The hostility and aggression from the guards were ting worse again with regard to unconstitutional, inhu- county and state prison guards and staff, even though being turned up to the point they tried to physically man and repressive conditions. assaults on prison staff are at a 10-year low. Nothing, harm me when they would get outside the view of other however, is being done to address the increase of assaults prisoners or cameras. They would get you in the hallway Complaints bring retaliation on prisoners by prison staff. and turn the camera off, say it malfunctioned and then WW: What did you learn from the hunger strike? Ultimately, the guards and staff hired by the DOC can- assault you. Dee Jay: The hunger strike made me realize that it is not be adequately trained to deal with mentally ill pris- After the strike was over, I was told by a sergeant that not for everyone. Outside support is a must so that they oners. Some of them have mental illnesses themselves. prison officials told guards they gave me everything I asked can’t get away with abusing you. Most importantly, the This situation means non-mentally-ill prisoners are for, and I was only continuing the strike to cause problems. hunger strike made me even more determined to stand being left with the burden of dealing with these mentally This was misinformation by prison officials because they up and resist abusive authority, no matter the cost. ill prisoners, even though we are not qualified. did not want any more guards to support me. My advice to all those out there who may be contem- The DOC and state legislators know the dynamics On Sept. 17, after the superintendent agreed to plating going on a hunger strike is: Make it worth it of what is happening, but they won’t solve the crisis address each of my complaints, I agreed to end my strike. and don’t stop until you achieve your goal. Remember, because it’s a win-win for them. The state receives mil- However, if prison officials keep foot dragging on imple- “never, never, never give up no matter how hard or long.” lions of dollars in federal funding to address a crisis it menting the fixes, I have not ruled out a second strike. created. At the same time, they use this crisis to create WW: What would you like to explain to people on the new laws to increase repression and deny prisoners their Despite damage to health, a victory outside about prison conditions? state and federal constitutional rights. WW: What was your physical condition when the Dee Jay: In the past 5 to 10 years, prison life in strike ended? Pennsylvania has changed dramatically due in large part Joe Piette edited this talk, in communication with Dee Jay: When the hunger strike ended, I was only to the closing of this state’s mental health facilities. Now, Grant.

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Legal, affordable, safe abortion Struggle heads back to Supreme Court By Sue Davis anti-abortion colors, which he had hidden deliberation. during nomination hearings in 2018. It As The Intercept wrote The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled meant that “some women could be com- on Feb. 10, the second to hear statements upholding or opposing pletely denied the choice to terminate a Louisiana suit against two linked Louisiana abortion rights cases pregnancy and forced to carry the preg- clinics “threatens not with revised titles: June Medical Services nancy to term.” ( only to undo decades of LLC v. Stephen Russo and Russo v. June As WW concluded: “What the ruling precedent allowing abor- Medical Services LLC et al. ultimately shows is that Roberts is not a tion providers to mount The first case was brought by a born-again pro-choice hero, but a strict legal challenges on Louisiana medical clinic against state law defender of the Supreme Court’s pres- behalf of their prospec- Act 620, which would require doctors tige and power, which was surely sul- tive patients, but also providing abortions in the state to have lied by Kavanaugh’s history of attempted dismantles a century of admitting privileges at a hospital within rape of a teen-age girl. Given his dis- precedent in other kinds 30 miles of their practice. An identical law sent, Kavanaugh revealed that he is truly of cases in which plain- WW PHOTO: BRENDA RYAN in Texas had been ruled unconstitutional heartless and cruel about women’s health tiffs similarly seek to vin- A National Day of Action for access to abortion drew crowds by the Supreme Court in 2016, Whole and well-being. Just as the thousands of dicate the rights of third of supporters in on May 21, 2019. Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt. women who protested against his nomi- parties.” An example in The second case was brought by the nation understood in their bones.” criminal cases is that state of Louisiana, now represented by Abortion providers challenged the defendants have been granted standing Medical Association, American College interim health secretary Stephen Russo, Louisiana law because severe compli- to assert jurors’ equal protection rights of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, to defend right-wing Act 620. This suit cations during abortions requiring hos- if they were rejected for jury duty based American Bar Association, a group of challenges earlier Supreme Court rulings pitalization are exceedingly rare—​as in on race. former federal judges and DOJ offi- that protect the right to abortion. practically never. What is “legal precedent”? It is a ruling cials, seven federal court scholars, 197 In 2019, SCOTUS sent the first case, The law’s real purpose is to drive clin- that establishes a principle which is then members of Congress, attorneys general passed in 2014, back to the notoriously ics out of business, as happened in Texas, used by judicial bodies to decide later from 21 states and District of Columbia, reactionary U.S. 5th Circuit Court of and to restrict access to surgical abor- cases having similar issues or facts. In this reproductive justice and public health Appeals. The Center for Reproductive tions. If the law stands, two out of three way, a past decision becomes an author- advocates, civil rights groups promoting Rights had appealed, on behalf of clinics will be forced to close in Louisiana. ity that judges are expected to follow. In women’s and LGBTQ2+ rights and those Louisiana abortion providers, to keep Latin it’s the doctrine of “stare decisis.” of people with disabilities, social science the law from going into effect until they Second case could overturn The second suit, continues The experts, abortion providers, faith leaders could file a petition for review. In a 5-4 legal abortion Intercept, “is the latest salvo in the ongo- and nearly 380 individuals sharing their decision in their favor, Supreme Court The second suit, only recently dis- ing effort of anti-abortion lawmakers to personal abortion experiences. Chief Justice John Roberts chose to vote cussed by the media, is a sneak attack on erode reproductive rights. Without ever On the other side, right-wingers of with the four justices who support abor- abortion rights themselves. Filed on Feb. ruling on the constitutionality of any par- all kinds have massed to defend both tion rights, so the case would return to his 1, 2019 (Gee v. June Medical Services ticular abortion restriction, the Supreme Louisiana laws. court in 2020. LLC et al.), it is meant to demolish not Court, by ruling in favor of Louisiana, The March 4 SCOTUS hearing will only As WW wrote in 2019, “Roberts’ vote just Whole Women’s Health or other could make it practically impossible to provide clues about the final ruling based was not to affirm abortion rights, but a cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey challenge states’ increasingly draconian on the justices’ questions. The final deci- hands-off message to the lower court not in 1992, but Roe v. Wade, the Supreme and punitive restrictions on abortion sion will not be revealed until the end of to short-circuit the Supreme Court’s power. Court’s 1973 decision establishing the and ultimately eviscerate reproductive June, when the court issues its most con- All it did was maintain the status quo.” right to legal abortion. autonomy.” troversial decisions. Justice Brett Kavanaugh, writing a lone Chief Justice Roberts’ seemingly Because they haven’t been able to win dissent to the ruling, asserted the only way pro-abortion vote in 2019 may have Supporters reflect seriousness in the court of public opinion, the right- to prove whether the admitting-privileges instead been to assert that if any court of the conflict wing has resorted to stealth legal maneu- requirement would impose an undue bur- was going to overturn the 2016 ruling, The Center for Reproductive Rights vers in an attempt to abolish the right to den was to let the law go into effect and it should be the Roberts Court—​after is arguing against both Louisiana abortion. ☐ see what happens. This exposed his true extended, intensive oral arguments and state laws, backed by the American Trump war on migrants hits sanctuary cities Continued from page 1 for an announcement on Tucker Carlson’s conduct immigration enforcement within Crisis of imperialism show on Fox News about a new Department cities, where they are not trained to work, This is not merely a crisis of policy. This was in the U.S. without documents. When of Homeland Security directive saying city could escalate situations. He called the is a crisis of imperialism. It is capitalism’s Cruz tried to help Hernandez, guns went off residents are no longer eligible to enroll in move a ‘significant mistake.’ ” economic, social and war-driven policies and Cruz, 26 years old, was shot in the face. programs like Global Entry, which expe- In a Feb.15 “PBS News Hour” inter- that are at the root of forced migration. The Mexican Consul later confirmed dites travelers’ wait times when returning view, Times reporter Caitlin Dickerson A prime example is El Salvador. that Avendano-Hernandez was actually to the U.S. from abroad. (Feb. 5) explained that BORTAC officers “are cho- Human Rights Watch, which is a in the country with documents! sen from individual border patrol units. Sanctuary cities targeted mixed bag in terms of its political out- On the same day as the shooting, in They undergo specific training. It's simi- look, reports that at least 138 people who a show of solidarity, community lead- The reality is that, while sanctuary cit- lar to Army Rangers or to Special Forces. had been deported back to El Salvador ers held a press conference at the hospi- ies are important to send a message to They're sniper certified, they have gre- in the last few years have been killed tal where Cruz was taken. The Brooklyn Washington, migrant workers are still nades … that can obscure what you can upon return. Others have been “sexu- borough president and others demanded subjected to roundups and checkpoints see when they break into your home. They ally assaulted, tortured or kidnapped.” accountability from ICE and said that the in those cities. Nonetheless, it is a minor carry very large weapons. They're very (Portside, Feb. 8) shooting “should never have happened in victory for migrant workers when police much a militaristic squad from within the Yet people still continue to come here. a sanctuary city like New York.” are not forced to work with ICE. Border Patrol.” Despite the SWAT teams, the cages, the The next step should be for city officials Trump is relentless in cracking down Dickerson continued: “Undocumented separation of families, the deaths of chil- to get on board to abolish ICE altogether. on sanctuary cities. He is skirting local immigrants are on high alert at this point. dren from the flu, the anti-trans murders To punish New York, Trump arranged laws in order to assign 100 BORTAC They know exactly what ICE agents wear. and so on, workers continue to make that agents to work with ICE. And they're going to notice when they see dangerous trek into the U.S. Who are these agents? people wearing not a typical ICE uniform, And those who survive and establish According to the Feb. 14 New but a SWAT type uniform outside their roots hook into a complex and thriving York Times, the elite tactical home, if that's the way that the BORTAC underground system that alerts the com- team known as BORTAC is officers are dressed when they go out on munity whenever ICE dogs appear. This is the SWAT team of the Border this operation.” a network operating under the very noses Patrol. They will be provided She added: “There's immigration of imperialism. with “stun grenades [and] enforcement through arrests. But govern- This kind of organization, tenacity and enhanced Special Forces type ments know … that there's also enforce- resistance is what will ultimately defeat training, including sniper ment through fear. It is a strategy … that the war on migrants. The struggle cannot certification.” you continue to make this country less be successfully won, however, without Even within the ranks of this hospitable to people.” the unity and solidarity of all workers in reactionary government body, Nothing that Trump or Obama before this country who demand “Abolish ICE. former CBP commissioner Gil him have done has stopped the flow of Dismantle BORTAC. No borders in the Kerlikowske told the Times humanity into the U.S. or other developed ICE arrests women workers at Koch Foods plant, workers’ struggle.” ☐ Morton, Miss., in 2019. that “sending the officers to countries. Feb. 27, 2020 Page 5 A revolutionary view Part 1 of the Sanders campaign By Scott Williams youth movement. Most big capi- in Iraq and beyond, yet his voting record Page 10 Nov. 10, 2016 The viability talists, however, doesn’t reflect that. Sanders’ support for Read the entire article on of any reformist are overjoyed with U.S. imperialism must be fought by those movement like Trump’s transfer who wish to see his domestic program be The competition for the Democratic the Sanders’ cam- of wealth to their successful. The domestic and foreign pol- presidential nomination has become a paign, in the face of pockets. Others icies of the empire are directly connected. ‘Rightfocus of political life to in the United Exist, States. a weakening global may see Trump as Both policies are about the balance of For debating how to view capitalist system, a loose cannon and power between the oppressed and the Page 10 Nov. 10, 2016 this campaign, we must answer the fol- can be debated. consider , oppressor. Rightlowing questions: to What is theResist’ class char- Can social democ- Michael Bloomberg While liberal politicians may fear tak- acter of the Sanders’ movement? What racy and progres- or another politi- ing anti-war positions, socialists must is the potential impact of the Sanders’ sive reformism be cian as more com- expose the foreign policy of the empire ‘Rightmovement on the worldwide to Exist,interests revived? Insecure petent to protect as directed by the needs of capitalism. of the working class and the oppressed? about maintaining its profits in a capital- and expand their interests. Yet they all Ruthless sanctions and murder must be The FBI’s letter unite against Sanders, not just because of contested in the name of international How can this development lead to a ist economy that is declining relative to Rightbroader revolutionary to upsurge Resist’ in the other world powers, the U.S. ruling class the potential impact on their profits, but solidarity and the survival of the more heart of the U.S. empire? From there we has increased its exploitation of the work- because they fear a greater social move- than 7.5 billion people in the world threat- on Clinton must chart a plan of action. ing class, taking an ever larger proportion ment could develop that will call into ques- ened by the most violent ruling elite ever, of the wealth the workers produce. tion the elites’ plunder and profit. based in Wall Street and Washington. Character and context of Without the material basis provided Thus, we can expect anti-communist Our struggle, that of the working class in Something quite unprecedentedThe FBI’sin Why now? letter Sanders movement by the expansion of U.S. imperialism and attacks against Sanders to continue to the U.S., is primarily against the U.S. bil- U.S. presidential elections happened Should revolutionaries who under- The rejuvenation of its reaping of superprofits, any rebirth of escalate if his campaign continues to gain lionaires, not against other countries. The on Oct. 28, and there is much specu- stand that both Clinton and Trump are and liberal reformism, most notably social democracy would find it difficult to steam. This -baiting must be met with strategy of revolutionary defeatism—​to lation throughout the onmedia as toClinton why. politicians loyal to the capitalist system in the rise of the left in the Democratic deliver meaningful benefits to the work- an active campaign to popularize real defeat our own ruling class—​as expressed Just a week and a half before elec- be interested in this issue? The answer Party, comes as a response to the decline ers, even should it win an election. What is socialism, one that goes beyond Sanders’ by V.I. Lenin during World War I, should tion day, FBI DirectorSomething James quite unprecedentedComey is “yes.” in Why now? of the U.S. empire and the inability of needed instead is a movement that seeks deflective statement (in the Axios quote) be elementary for revolutionaries and must sent a letter U.S. to members presidential of Congresselections happenedThe FBIShould has historically revolutionaries played who aunder - the U.S. capitalist economy to provide nothing short of the end of capitalism. about how “socialism” already exists for be learned by a resurgent left that, for too on Oct. 28, and there is much specu- stand that both Clinton and Trump are decent, well-paying jobs to a majority of the rich. long, has been infected by bourgeois pro- about new developments in the agen- far-right role in U.S. politics, espe- Ruling class attacks Sanders lation throughout the media as to why. politicians loyal to the capitalist system the working class. Our movement must unequivocally war propaganda. cy’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s cially during Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s Demanding justice Just a week and a half before elec- be interested in this issue? The answer On one hand, the People’s Republic of Earlier this month, Sanders said: “In defend the necessity of socialism and We must also learn how to resist the emails, which supposedly had ended tion day, FBI Director James Comeyanti-Communist is “yes.” rampage of the 1950s for LaquanChina McDonald has risen as a clear economic and many respects, we are a socialist society the obvious, documented superiority of imperialist attacks on China, Venezuela, months earlier.sent a letter to members of Congressand against The the FBICivil has Rights historically and Black played a on the secondgeopolitical anniversary challenge to U.S. imperialist today. ... Donald Trump, before he was workers’ ownership of the means of pro- Iran, Cuba, the Democratic People’s Immediately,about the newletter developments went viral and in the Liberation agen- far-right movements role inof theU.S. followingpolitics, espe- of his murderworld Chicago police.On the other, the U.S. president, as a private businessperson, he duction, paired with planning that pri- Republic of Korea and beyond. Working- was hailed by the Trump camp as proof remains plagued by endless imperialist received $800 million in tax breaks and oritizes human needs and the life of the class internationalism and solidarity with cy’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’sdecades. cially It should during be Sen. of great Joseph interest McCarthy’s Demanding justice PHOTO: ERIC TANDOC that Clinton wasemails, not qualifiedwhich supposedly to be pres -had ended war, mass incarceration, low wages, enor- subsidies to build luxury housing in New Earth over profits. the oppressed are central to our long- to the workersanti-Communist and all oppressed rampage of peo the- 1950s Followingfor Laquan is a McDonald report on the Inter- cago Alliance; Hatem Abudayyeh, of the ident. The Clintonmonths campearlier. immediately and against the Civil Rights and Black onmous the second debt, underemployment,anniversary sexual and York. ... The difference between my social- term goal of socialist revolution. ples when an agency of repression like national League of People’s Struggle Arab American Action Network, speak- Internationalism is a necessity, Immediately, the letter went viral and Liberation movements of the following of gender-basedhis murder by Chicagoviolence, police. and outbursts of ism and Trump's socialism is I believe the Allies of the U.S. working class abroad responded, saying it was an unethical the FBI is willing to cross the line of not an inconvenience was hailed by the Trump camp as proof decades. It should be of great interest assemblyracist, in Chicago. fascist terror. A major financial coling- ongovernment behalf of theshould Rasmea help Odehworking defense fami- may view the election of Sanders as a vic- move, coming right before the election. politics-as-usual — in this case in order PHOTO: ERIC TANDOC that Clinton was not qualified to be pres- lapse looms, threatening to finally revealcampaign; lies, not billionaires.” and Sara Chambers, (Axios, Feb. of9) the Along with the red-baiting, the attacks tory against the empire. A Sanders’ vic- Others joined in, even Republicans. to possiblyto influencethe workers an and election. all oppressed peo- Following is a report on the Inter- cago Alliance; Hatem Abudayyeh, of the ident. The Clinton camp immediately ples when an agency of repression like The Secondthe weaknesses Assembly of the ofreal the economy U.S. andChicago As Teacherscommunists, Union. we are Nina well Machipin aware that- on Sanders from pro-Israeli forces—sim​ - tory could open serious struggles over One such was Richard W. Painter, a It has become clear for months that national League of People’s Struggle Arab American Action Network, speak- responded, saying it was an unethical Countrythen Chapter unleash of a deeperthe International ruling-class assault lac andSanders Johnny holds Rodriguez, political positions of Anakbayan, we can’t ilar to the outrageous attacks on former the need to dismantle the U.S. empire in the FBI is willing to cross the line of assembly in Chicago. ing on behalf of the Rasmea Odeh defense former chief Whitemove, comingHouse right“ethics” before offi the- election.most of the capitalist corporate and fi- on workers’ quality of life. support: his lack of solidarity with inter- Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn by order to save the planet, to rebuild the politics-as-usual — in this case in order League of People’s Struggle was held at readcampaign; a message and Sarafrom Chambers, Philippine of revolu the - cer during theOthers second joined George in, even W. RepBushublicans. nancial establishment have seen Trump In struggle against neoliberal economic national anti-imperialist struggles, his the British media—​will continue. This global economy and to pay reparations to to possibly influence an election. TeamsterThe City Second in Chicago Assembly on Oct. of 22. the The U.S. tionaryChicago leader Teachers Jose Union. Maria Nina Sison, Machipin who- is administration.One He suchwrote was in Richard an op-ed W. Painter,as a loosea cannon and have moved their terrorism by U.S. banks and corporations lack of support for reparations for slav- is even though Sanders limits his state- those dispossessed by the U.S. It has become clear for months that mottoCountry of the conference Chapter of was the “Right International to Ex- chairpersonlac and Johnny of Rodriguez,ILPS. Fatin of Anakbayan,Jarara read a piece in the Oct.former 30 chief New White York House Times, “ethics” big offi money- behind the Clinton cam- and their client states, our class has taken ery along with Black Lives Matter, his ments on Palestine to support for basic To the extent, however, that Sanders most of the capitalist corporate and fi-ist, RightLeague to ofResist.” People’s Over Struggle 300 attended,was held at greetingread a message from Palestinian from Philippine revolutionary revolu- “This letter, whichcer during was the quickly second posted George W. Bush to the streets across the world. Tens of vitriolic attack on pro-socialist leaders human rights. gives public support for closed borders, paign. Clintonnancial has establishment proven, as havesecretary seen Trump mostlyTeamster multinational City in Chicago youth fromon Oct. around 22. The Leilationary Khaled leader of Jose the MariaPopular Sison, Front who for is the on the internet,administration. made highly He unusualwrote in an op-ed as a loose cannon and have moved their millions have fought against austerity like Hugo Chávez and Nicolás Maduro in Sanders himself is Jewish. Yet this sanctions, U.S. air strikes and other mea- of state, that she much better under- the country.motto of the conference was “Right to Ex- Liberationchairperson of of Palestine. ILPS. Fatin A powerfulJarara read musi a - piece in the Oct. 30 New York Times, and the capitalist ruling class in Chile, Venezuela, his support for laws criminal- will not stop the attacks on him for sures, this would alienate his popular public statements about an FBI inves- stands thebig interests money behindof Wall theStreet Clinton as a cam- ist, Right to Resist.” Over 300 attended, greeting from Palestinian revolutionary “This letter, which was quickly posted The assemblyEcuador, was Haiti, followed France, by Colombia a strong, andcal presentationizing sex workers by theand Chicagomuch more. duet Ko- alleged anti-Semitism—​simply because base—a​ base he would have to rely upon tigation concerning a candidate in the whole andpaign. is loyal Clinton on the has questions proven, as most secretary mostly multinational youth from around Leila Khaled of the Popular Front for the on the internet, made highly unusual militantelsewhere; march in hundreds downtown of millions Chicago if India star openedSanders’ the program program. is more like Lyndon he doesn’t give full backing to Israel’s to beat back the inevitable attacks from election. The letter was sent in viola- importantof to state, big business that she muchand the better Pen - under- the country. Liberation of Palestine. A powerful musi- public statements about an FBI inves- stands the interests of Wall Street as a to markis the included. second The anniversary desperate attemptsof the of TheJohnson’s second “War panel on included Poverty” inPhilippine the mid- murderous campaign to annihilate the the right. This contradiction could give tion of a longstanding Justice Depart- tagon. Trump, with his racist, misog- The assembly was followed by a strong, cal presentation by the Chicago duet Ko- tigation concerning a candidate in the Chicago thePolice U.S. Department’sempire to maintain murder its strangle of radical- 1960s economist or Franklin Paul Roosevelt’s Quintos, New of Deal the Palestinian people. These attacks must be rise to a greater level of struggle. whole and is loyal on the questions most militant march in downtown Chicago star opened the program. ment policy ofelection. not discussing The letter specifics was sent in ynist,viola- anti-immigrant and egotistical hold on the world economy have caused in the 1930s. Sanders’ social democracy met by a strong, anti-racist movement in important to big business and the Pen-Laquanto markMcDonald the second and anniversaryto demand of anthe IBONThe Foundation;second panel Lynnincluded Mezza, Philippine of Chel - about pendingtion investigations of a longstanding with Justice oth- Departtirades,- has alienated huge sections of anti-imperialist reactions in Iraq, Iran, is only seen as a “radical socialist” project defense of the Palestinian people’s right Next issue: Elections: A barometer or tagon. Trump, with his racist, misog-electedChicago Civilian Police PoliceDepartment’s Accountability murder of searadical Uniting economist Against Paul the Quintos,War (from of theChel - ers, includingment members policy ofof Congress.”not discussing specificsthe population, which could present a Venezuela and Palestine. because the U.S. ruling class has imposed to exist, from the river to the sea. an organizing tool? ynist, anti-immigrant and egotistical Council.Laquan The McDonaldmarch, organized and to demandjointly by an sea,IBON Mass.); Foundation; and Abayomi Lynn Mezza, Azikiwe, of Chel of -the Painter concludedabout pending that investigations “a public withchallenge oth- to the system itself in future The unifying issue of this global strug- such right-wing, pro-capitalist ideology Sanders claims to be against U.S. wars tirades, has alienated huge sections of ILPS electedand the Civilian Chicago Police Alliance Accountability against Michigansea Uniting Emergency Against the Committee War (from AgainstChel- communicationers, including about a pendingmembers of FBI Congress.” gle is the declining prospects for work- and programs on the population. struggles.the population, which could present a RacistCouncil. and PoliticalThe march, Repression, organized jointly drew by Warsea, andMass.); Injustice. and Abayomi The assembly Azikiwe, drewof the ac - investigation involvingPainter concluded a candidate that “a public challenge to the system itself in future ing-class youth who live in capitalist The U.S. ruling class may own finance Perhaps more will come out eventu- aboutILPS 600 andpeople. the Chicago Alliance against tivistMichigan and communityEmergency Committee groups from Against around communication about a pending FBI societies. A multinational youth move- capital, oil, pharmaceutical giants and that is made on the eve of an election ally on Comey’sstruggles. motivation. We think Racist and Political Repression, drew War and Injustice. The assembly drew ac- investigation involving a candidate The assemblyment has identified opened with neoliberal a greeting capitalism the theMidwest, “health” and profit people industry; from asbe far land as- The anti-war is thus very likely to be a violation of it likely thatPerhaps even morethose will in comethe ruling out eventu - about 600 people. tivist and community groups from around that is made on the eve of an election by Jesusas Rodriguez, its primary theenemy. Consul In some General ways, theCalifornia, lords or Oregon,real estate Washington investors; own state, big the Hatch Act and a misuse of an offi- class whoally have on ditchedComey’s Trump motivation. are now We think The assembly opened with a greeting the Midwest, and people from as far as is thus very likely to be a violation of it likely that even those in the ruling of Venezuelasecond in presidential Chicago. Keynotecampaign speak of - Texas, data, New agriculture York, New and/or Jersey other and sectors. New cial position.” The Hatch Act prohibits panicking over whether a resounding by Jesus Rodriguez, the Consul General California, Oregon, Washington state, the Hatch Act and a misuse of an offi- class who have ditched Trump are now ers includedSenator Frank Bernie Chapman, Sanders ofgets the its Chi popular- England Their participated slightly different in the assembly.specific inter - presidential candidate most federal employees from partisan of Venezuela in Chicago. Keynote speak- Texas, New York, New Jersey and New cial position.” The Hatch Act prohibitsdefeat forpanicking him could over also whether mean a arout resounding of energy from and provides a voice for part ests are reflected by the two parties, the participation in political activities. a Republican Congress that has served ers included Frank Chapman, of the Chi- England participated in the assembly. most federal employees from partisan defeat for him could also mean a rout of of the U.S. wing of this working-class Democrats and the Republicans. Eugene V. Debs ran all the battles, the Before theparticipation letter, Trump’s in political chances activities. their interestsa Republican very well. Congress If that’s that what has served for president in 1920 working class who of winning the Beforeelection the had letter, been Trump’s wan- chancesthe big-money their interests men are very saying well. toIf that’seach what from a prison cell make the supreme Market Elections ing, accordingof winningto pollsters. the election The letter had been other, wan- Comeythe big-money would know men areand saying could to each where he had been sacrifices, the working byMarket Vince Copeland Elections is an invaluable seems to haveing, given according his campaignto pollsters. a Thetake letter action other, meant Comey to woulddilute know an anti-and could thrown because of his class who freely shed rebyference Vince for Copeland those seeking is an invaluable to understand shot in the arm.seems to have given his campaignTrump a tide.take action meant to dilute an anti- opposition to World their blood and fur- the reference complexities for those of seeking how the to rulingunderstand class has shot in the arm. Trump tide. War I. Debs, a mili- nish the corpses, have beenthe complexities able to use ofthe how ‘democratic the ruling classprocess’ has to been able to use the ‘democratic process’ to tant labor leader and a never yet had a voice stay in power for more than two centuries — socialist, got a million in either declaring war andstay how in power mass for movements more than two can centuries break — and how mass movements can break votes, even though or making peace. It is through the two-party straightjacket through the two-party straightjacket he wasn’t endorsed the ruling class that toto bring bring aboutabout realreal change. change. by either of the two invariably does both.” Copeland’sCopeland’s book waswas first first publishedpublished in in2000. 2000. “major” parties. His campaign button, Now, many, many U.S. wars later, ItalyItaly says says no to no referendum to referendum The paperback (296 pages) can be ordered The paperback (296 pages) can be ordered shown here, proudly included his pris- there is more reason than ever for any fromfrom online online booksellers or or directly directly from from oner ID number. candidate professing socialism to come Germany in particular) by means of the Germany in particular) by means of the WorldWorld View View Forum at at 147 147 West West 24th 24th St., St., Debs’ strong opposition to imperi- out strongly and clearly in opposition to Continued fromContinued page 8 from page 8 common currency and keeps the EU sub- 2nd floor, New York, NY 10011 common currency and keeps the EU sub- 2nd floor, New York, NY 10011 alist war was shared by many workers, the monstrous U.S. military machine that fining the “No” campaign as clear opposi- ject to U.S. imperialism in foreign politics. $15 (includes shipping.) fining the “No” campaign as clear opposi- ject to U.S. imperialism in foreign politics. $15 (includes shipping.) who knew exactly what he was talking has ravaged so many areas of the globe Every attempt to bring about progres- tion to the anti-populartion to the anti-popular measures dictat measures- dictatEvery- attempt to bring about progres- about when he said: "Let me emphasize in the name of “peace” and “democracy.” ed by the European Union. sive changes and depart from the disas- Low-Wage Capitalism describes ed by the European Union. sive changes and depart from the disas- AvailableLow-Wage through Capitalism online sellers. describes the fact—​and it cannot be repeated too Until these two successive days of trous austerity fanaticism without ques- in sweeping detail the drastic effect on the trous austerity fanaticism without ques- in sweeping detail the drastic effect on the often—​that the working class who fight — Report by Deirdre Griswold Until these two successive days of tioning the EU itself is destined to failure working class in the United States of new tech- struggle, the anti-corruption and euro- working class in the United States of new tech- struggle, thesceptic anti-corruption Five-Star Movementand euro - led tioning by co- theand EU betrayal, itself is as destined the case ofto Greecefailure exem - nology and the restructuring of global capital- nologyism in the and post-Soviet the restructuring era. It uses of Karl global Marx’s capital - sceptic Five-Starmedian Movement Beppe Grillo led by and co reactionary- and betrayal, plifies. as the case of Greece exem- ismlaw in of the wages post-Soviet and other era. findings It uses to Karlshow Marx’s that median Beppeforces Grillo like andthe Northern reactionary League plifies. and The reconquest of national sovereignty lawthese of wagesdevelopments and other are notfindings only continuing to show that forces like the Northern League and The reconquestis now a preconditionof national sovereignty for any real pro- Berlusconi’s Forza Italia have had the theseto drive developments down wages butare arenot creating only continuing the gressive change in Italy. Berlusconi’s leadershipForza Italia of the have “No” had campaign, the usingis now it a precondition for any real pro- tomaterial drive down basis forwages future but social are upheaval.creating the against the Renzi government. We, as Fronte Popolare, participat- leadership of the “No” campaign, using it gressive change in Italy. material basis for future social upheaval. Workers’ organizations want to take ed with conviction in both these events, against the Renzi government. We, as Fronte Popolare, participat- High Tech, Workers’ organizationscharge so that anywant struggle to take against ed Con with- convictioncontinuing in to both work these toward events, a reunifica - stitutional reform will also oppose Renzi’s tion of left trade unions in Italy, still too charge so that any struggle against Con- continuing to work toward a reunifica- LoHighw Pay Tech, anti-worker measures such as his “Jobs divided, so that the organizations fight- A Marxist Analysis stitutional reform will also oppose Renzi’s tion of left trade unions in Italy, still too Act” law. This law makes layoffs much ing for a real alternative and for a break- ofLo thew Changing Pay A Marxist Analysis anti-worker measureseasier, completing such as the his destruction “Jobs divided, of the up so of that the the EU organizationscome together in fight a unified- El capitalismo en un callejón Character of the Workingof the Changing Class Act” law. This“Workers law makes Statute,” layoffs which much was gaineding forin a realfront alternative of struggle. and for a break- Fred Goldstein utiliza las leyes de sin salida Character of the easier, completing1970 after the relentlessdestruction workers’ of the struggles. up of the EUThe come forces together are still intoo a little; unified the roadEl capitalismola acumulación capitalista en un decallejón Marx, y la tasa de- By Working Class “Workers Statute,”We, inwhich Fronte was Popolare, gained considerin front the of rebuild a real social and political altersin- salidacreciente deFred ganancia, Goldstein para utiliza demostrar las leyes por dequé with an updated 1970 after relentlessEU an irreformableworkers’ struggles. institution, createdThe forcesnative are in stillItaly toois still little; long the and road arduous, la acumulación el capitalismo capitalista global ha de llegado Marx, yfinalmente la tasa de -a introductionBy Sam Marcy by Fred Goldstein We, in Fronteto facilitate Popolare, the considerdestruction the of workers’to rebuild but a real we aresocial convinced and political that, finally,alter- aftercreciente un punto de ganancia, de inflexión. para demostrar por qué with an updated EU an irreformablerights. The institution, EU deepens created the inequalities native inthe Italy errors is still and betrayalslong and of arduous, past years, theel capitalismo For more globalinformation ha llegado on these finalmente books and othera writings by the author, Fred introductionGoldstein, go toby to facilitate thebetween destruction European of countries workers’ (benefiting but we aredirection convinced is now that, correct. finally, after un de inflexión. Available at all major onlineFred Goldstein booksellers . rights. The EU deepens the inequalities the errors and betrayals of past years, the For more information on these books and other writings by the author, Fred Goldstein, go to between European countries (benefiting direction is now correct. Available at all major online booksellers. Page 6 Feb. 27, 2020 Black labor: From chattel slavery to wage slavery Part 3 Capitalism and Black labor today

By Sam Marcy was steadily losing ground to the North interest working-class students of the in what we would call today the techno- Black struggle, however, is that even these The following is excerpted from logical race. figures, which are probably understated, Chapter 2 of Marcy’s “High Tech, Low As a competing form of economic and disclose a social viability which has strong Pay: A Marxist analysis of the changing social system compared to the social sys- revolutionary potentialities given the character of the working class,” first pub- tem based on capitalist production, slav- conditions we believe are developing that lished in 1986. Note that a few selected ery was hopelessly out of place and had will give a fundamentally altered social words have been updated to reflect cur- no chance, save by the use of sheer force. composition to the working class. rent usage. Marcy is the late chairper- Slavery was static, fixed and extremely To understand the current state of son of Workers World Party. “High Tech, rigid in its form of production. It was Black labor in the United States, it is nec- Low Pay” is available as a free download also characterized by the most outland- essary to look first at the mass migration at ish forms of cruelty and brutality. of Black people to the North which took The capitalist system, on the other on momentum early in the 20th century promoter of the development of the work- The South was a slavocracy based on hand, while certainly not characterized and reached considerable proportions ing class, also caused the mass migration an ancient mode of production within by either compassion or humanity, was at the end of the First World War. Mass of Black agricultural workers from the the geographical confines of a new world nevertheless “revolutionizing” its means production industries in the U.S. like South to the North. Notwithstanding the social order, the bourgeois social order, of production, that is, it was advanc- auto (especially Ford) and steel were in racial barrier or the unemployment as a with its own mode of capitalist produc- ing science and technology. The change a period of high capitalist development. consequence of the capitalist economic tion. One of the fundamental dif- cycle, more and more Black workers ferences between the bourgeois got into Northern industry even as mode and older modes of produc- the pool of Black unemployed grew. tion so eloquently brought out in the That most of the central cities Communist Manifesto is that “The of the North, and now some in the bourgeoisie cannot exist without South, have a majority or a very large constantly revolutionizing the instru- minority of Black people is objec- ments of production and thereby the tively due to the transformation of relations of production, and with capitalist industry with the First and them the whole relations of society.” 1 Second World Wars. World War II in How does this stack up with the particular was a much longer war for Southern slavocracy? Marx contin- the U.S. and entailed the construc- ued, “Conservation of the old modes tion of many defense facilities. In of production in unaltered form was fact, the entire U.S. industrial appa- … the first condition of existence for ratus was converted for war purposes all earlier industrial classes.” The and for the first time full employment South tried to retain the old slavoc- became an artificial phenomenon racy not only in unaltered form but in dependent on war spending. extreme rigidity. It was therefore on These two objective factors—​the a collision course with the new bour- First and Second World Wars—​also geois order, with the process of capi- found an echo beginning in 1950 with talist production and its tremendous the . In the early 1950s growth in the North. Black women railroad workers during the 1940s, pictured left to right: Marcella Lockhart, Ida and again during the Vietnam War Jackson, twin sisters Catherine Jackson and Lucille Gray, Mildred Johnson and her mother Grace employment was artificially propped Slavery vs. capitalist production Johnson, sisters-in-law Eleanor Naylor and Mary Naylor, Clarice Cook. up by the continuing growth of the Another and more flagrant contra- defense industries. diction was that one of the fundamental from chattel slavery to wage slavery was When this culminated in the First World If today in cities like Detroit, Chicago, characteristics of the capitalist mode of a profoundly revolutionary change, a tre- War, it opened the gates of some indus- Newark, Philadelphia, New York, Atlanta, production is wage slavery, which means mendous social transformation. But his- tries and fields of economic endeavor Memphis and Birmingham there are a free proletarian, that is, a worker free torically it constituted a change in the to Black labor, notwithstanding rank large Black populations with some polit- to sell his or her labor on the capitalist form of exploitation, not its abolition. discrimination and entrenched racial ical power, it is not due to any attempt market. Capitalist production and the Thus we see that while the first phase barriers. by the ruling class to ameliorate the con- extraction of surplus value in the interest of the scientific-technological revolution These were not relaxed. Instead arti- dition of Black workers or to lighten the of further capitalist accumulation is vir- brought fabulous profits to the South and ficial classifications were created so that burden of discrimination. Rather it comes tually impossible without a free working gave it the power to expand, it ultimately Black workers doing almost exactly the as a result of objective development aris- class, free to be exploited and oppressed, undid slavery. Just as technological same work as whites got far lower wages. ing out of the organic functioning of the free to be unemployed. Chattel slavery change undermined the Southern slavoc- Nor were barriers lifted in the skilled capitalist system and the inevitability of was thus thoroughly incompatible with racy, so will it make obsolete the present trades and American Federation of Labor imperialist wars and military interven- wage slavery. industrial financial plutocracy with its craft unions. These were as rigidly racist tions abroad. This is not to say that the Slavery as an economic institution has system of wage slavery. … in their approach as they had been before whole industrial structure of the U.S. is everywhere proved itself uneconomical. the First World War. But Black labor con- due entirely to imperialist wars, but with- This is especially true when it depends on Black labor today tinually found ways to gain skills and get out them it is difficult to conceive how one great crop such as cotton, with dimin- Extrapolating from the population fig- skilled jobs despite government, employer there could have been such a rapid social ishing reliance on sugar, rice and other ures provided in the 1986 annual report of and union racial discrimination. transformation in the condition of Black products. The South was turning into a the National Urban League on the “State It should always be borne in mind that and also white workers. monocultural economy. of Black America,” there are about 28 mil- even the first boatloads of enslaved people The mass migration from the South—​ Over all, the spectacular leap in tech- lion Black people in the United States. who arrived in this country from Africa and back to the South, especially during nology on which the Southern planters That’s larger than most African countries brought with them useful skills which times of unemployment—​is among the depended so heavily to maintain slavery and larger than most middle-sized coun- were developed even in slavery times. In objective factors affecting the develop- was only one of many scientific and tech- tries represented in the United Nations. cities like New York and Philadelphia, ment of Black labor. The subjective fac- nological developments in an era which By always referring to Black people as before the mass migrations from Europe tors arise from the freedom struggle, was rapidly turning them out in greater a minority, the bourgeois press obscures started, there were a considerable num- especially the struggle of the 1960s. … and greater numbers. In this respect the the class significance of the Black popu- ber of Black workers in industry who had South was falling far behind the North. lation, which is overwhelmingly work- developed skills. But as more and more Next: Marcy on labor and the Black The North was making all the great ing class and which, therefore, especially white labor from Europe became avail- Freedom struggle. strides in science and technology. It built when taken together with the Latinx, able, Black workers began to be relent- References up great universities which became cen- Asian and Native population, adds a very lessly driven out of industry. ters for basic research. Whatever promi- significant dimension to the whole char- These mass migrations from Europe 1. Marx, Karl and Frederick Engels, nence the South had had in science in the acter of the working class here. undermined whatever leverage the Black “Manifesto of the .” earlier days, it was losing to the North. To regard the Black struggle strictly workers might have had in industry not- Seen in terms of the contemporary strug- from the viewpoint of minority-major- withstanding discrimination. Things got gle in technology of the U.S. against ity is to lose much of its profound social more and more difficult for them. Japan and Western Europe, the South and political implications. What should Capitalism, as the involuntary Feb. 27, 2020 Page 7 From Eric Garner to Occupied Palestine: A common enemy and struggle

By Henry Hagins pristine monument of by these same, heavily armed undeclared Jim Crow laws. The results him, recently erected in and numerically superior forces! are largely the same. The results are not This slightly edited article first Washington, D.C., can The courageously recorded acceptable! appeared online on July 29, 2014, on never fully hide the J. video of Eric Garner’s demise Adolph Hitler, in his book, “Mein Edgar Hoover-led FBI on July 17 clearly tells what Kampf,” credits none other than the U.S. war waged against him happened when the “Five-Oh” itself in laying out the formula he used Against the illuminating backdrop of the and other freedom fight- NYPD attack dogs surrounded for land theft, population reduction and Dred Scott Decision of 1857, there exist ers. Many still remember him. With his hands in the the enslavement of subject people in his disturbing parallels between the cowardly his April 1967 speech at Eric Garner air, the deadly chokehold was demented pursuit of world domination! New York Police Department’s racist killing New York’s Riverside applied in sneak-attack fashion The United States seeks world domi- of Eric Garner and the on-going, genocidal Church strongly opposing the deceitfully from behind. While he was being wres- nation, big time! Rationales offered are assault against the heroic Palestinian peo- introduced and criminal U.S. military tled to the ground, his last words were, “I found in the notions of manifest destiny, ple by the Zionist garrison state of Israel. presence in Vietnam. can’t breathe.” His earlier denials of any U.S. exceptionalism, imperial expansion, These parallels are fervently anchored in The Dred Scott Decision of 1857, pre- wrongdoing were cavalierly ignored. And along with open, crude or cleverly hidden the ideology of exceptionalism, imperial sided over by Supreme Court Justice he expressed indignation about being doses of racism. That is the fuel that pow- expansion and white supremacy. They go Roger B. Taney, nefariously reaffirmed badgered by the cops. According to the ers its economic and political systems. to the very heart of how the United States the legal and culturally held belief that video footage, not a shred of effort was And that won’t change on its own accord. developed into an unprecedented empire, Africans in the U.S., slave or free, had no made to restore his breathing by the cops Take a critical look at its sordid record! along with the creation of Israel as an rights that whites were bound to respect! and the Emergency Medical Services! Israel, as an extension of this philoso- extension to that end. When looking at the NYPD-instigated To no surprise, none of the police phy, added the woefully specious argument In effect, this settler-state, intru- death of Eric Garner and the fraudu- involved in the killing of Garner were of “A land without a people, for a people sively planted in the Middle East, owes lent excuse by Israel about the deaths charged with any offenses, much less for without a land” to justify, since 1948, the much of its existence and behavior to the of three Israeli teenagers as the pretext murder. In fact, Daniel Pantaleo, the offi- heartless displacement of the Palestinian world-threatening model, carefully crafted to resume its genocidal attacks against cer who put the chokehold on Garner, was people from their Indigenous land. by the United States, from its bloody incep- the Palestinians by a heavily militarized put on desk duty despite a well-known A lust for control of the oil, gas and tion. Israel is a “mini-carbon-copy” of U.S. state, the immediate and stark violations history of police abuse. water in the region, Israel has been imperialist greed and dominance. become unavoidable in the Dred Scott There are countless, outrageous and backed up with countless stockpiles of The Indigenous population of what context. humiliating stories about Palestinians military and political hardware (to the was to become known as North America being abused at checkpoints, from moles- tune of billions of dollars) as a reward was virtually wiped out and replaced by Disenfranchisement and destruction tations to death at the cruel hands of set- and obligation to carry out the insidious enslaved Africans, forcibly deposited on African-American Eric Garner lived tlers and Israeli military forces. Israeli plans of its relentless benefactor, the U.S., its shores. Neither the Native peoples nor in the NYPD-occupied Black and Latinx Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu, like NYC as well as its own plans. It cannot prevail. Africans, contrary to myths, passively section of Staten Island. Palestinians Police Chief Bill Bratton, doubletalks while As we honor the memories of Eric accepted the practices of land theft and live in Israeli-controlled Gaza and the generally defending these obscene prac- Garner, Anthony Baez, Amadou Diallo, stolen labor. West Bank. Both peoples are subject to tices. In 2012, the NYPD opened an office Eleanor Bumpurs, Ramarley Graham, Chief Crazy Horse and Harriet Tubman the whims of occupying armies. In both in Israel! Kimani Gray, Kyam Livingston and so immediately come to mind as symbols of instances, their human and political many others at the time of Israel’s recent resistance. Rebellion continues to run rights are eroded and made a mockery of State-sponsored terrorism assault inspired by U.S. imperialism, at through their children’s veins, despite on a daily basis. The history of contempt Black and Latinx people in the U.S., home and abroad, let’s remember com- ingenious attempts by the ruling class to and the evasion of responsibility for caus- like their sisters and brothers in Palestine, rade ’s admonishment, “Don’t pacify and smokescreen its disgraceful ing such pain are well documented, yet remain the targets of state-sponsored ter- mourn, organize!” In truth, “We are all deeds. disingenuously denied by the occupiers. rorism. It is reinforced with declared and Gaza.” ☐ As the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Adding insult to injury, the besieged Jr. prophetically pointed out, “Truth parties are shamelessly blamed for crushed to earth shall rise again.” The authoring their own misery and/or death New York City Malcolm X ¡Presente!

The New York branch of Workers World Party held a special Black History Month forum on “The impact of Malcolm X's legacy on the global class struggle today” on Feb. 20—one​ day before the 55th anniversary of the assassination of the great Black Nationalist leader. From Black Lives Matter to the migrant struggle, the speakers WW PHOTO: JANET MAYES connected these issues, and more, to the Larry Holmes, Workers World Party inspiration Malcolm X still evokes today, First Secretary; Nely Rodriguez, Coalition with his words and deeds promoting of Immokalee Workers; and Vincent anti-imperialist internationalism. Taccetta and Makasi Motema, Peoples Speakers were (above, left to right): Power Assemblies-NYC. Monica Moorehead, WW managing edi- — Workers World New York bureau Solidarity with Eric Garner on the West Bank, Occupied Palestine. tor; Uriel Perez, Alliance For Fair Food;

Honor Black History Month—Support WW

Workers World makes a big deal about struggles of peoples of African descent to end all forms of inequality and injus- able—​members receive a subscription Black History Month because racism to eradicate institutionalized, systemic tice—​by any means necessary. to WW, a monthly letter about timely pervades every aspect of life under cap- white supremacy. Case in point is our con- If you appreciate our coverage, it’s time issues, five free subscriptions to give to italism. Everything—​from fighting for tinuing coverage of the struggle for politi- to join the Workers World Supporter friends—​and a book for donations over living-wage jobs to ending police ter- cal prisoners, like Mumia Abu-Jamal and Program or renew your membership $75. Write checks (either monthly or ror, for affordable housing and com- Chuck Africa, the last of the MOVE 9 who promptly. WW Supporter Program once a year) to Workers World and mail munity-control schools—​is rooted in was just released after 40-plus years of was established 43 years ago so read- them, with your name and address, to the centuries-long struggle to end this criminal incarceration. ers could help WW publish anti-racist, 147 W. 24th St., 2nd Floor, New York, country’s vicious history of racism, WW bases our weekly coverage of the working-class truth and build campaigns NY 10011. Or sign up to donate online at rooted in the worst, violence-driven, Black struggle here and in the African needed to fight for revolutionary change superexploitation—​slavery. diaspora on breaking imperialist chains leading to socialism. Know that we are grateful for your help That’s why every month, not just and the principle of self-determination. For a donation of at least $75 a in building Workers World! ☐ February, the newspaper chronicles the Oppressed people have the right to fight year—​$100 or $300 or more if you’re Page 8 Feb. 27, 2020

Countrywide military exercise Venezuela organizes against possible aggression

By Marco Teruggi made key appearances at the State of the Caracas Union address in the U.S. Congress and at a meeting with President Donald Trump Published in on Feb 18. in the White House. These were not just Translation by John Catalinotto. photo opportunities. A sector of the Venezuelan right-wing The military has been deployed in is openly calling for the use of force Venezuela—​not only in Caracas, where against the Venezuelan government. That weapons, soldiers and militia could wing of the opposition is lobbying in the be seen—​but throughout the country. U.S. in order to bring about aggressive All five components of the Bolivarian action. They are active where a sector of National Armed Force (FANB) were acti- the Republican Party and the deep state vated: the Bolivarian National Guard, the [Pentagon, CIA, etc.] act along those lines. Bolivarian Army, the Bolivarian Navy, Within this framework, Bolivarian the Bolivarian Military Aviation and the Shield 2020 was a demonstration of Bolivarian Militia. force, military readiness and dissua- President Nicolás Maduro announced sion aimed at the United States and Feb. 14 that this exercise, called Venezuela’s neighboring countries, par- “Bolivarian Shield 2020,” activated 2.3 Venezuela’s government organized 2.3 million soldiers to participate in Bolivarian Shield ticularly Colombia and Brazil. There have million combatants. The last operation defense exercises in mid-February. been instances of serious tension aimed of a similar type took place in September at Bolivarian Venezuela coming from 2019. Under the name “Sovereignty and establish resistance centers in Caracas, in Masses involved in defense across the borders of these two countries. Peace,” it focused on the border areas. the event of a bombing and troop attack, This is one of the most distinctive fea- This is not the only defensive action Remigio Ceballos, strategic operational would appear. tures of the Venezuelan political process, which the Maduro government has commander, said: “The FANB's strategic Activation of the Militia was one of the as it allows and encourages the partic- developed. Other operations are used to operational command, the eight strate- significant elements within the Bolivarian ipation of the population in the defense prepare for potential conflicts where reg- gic regions of integrated defense, the 28 Shield. General in Chief Vladimir Padrino of the nation under Article 130 of the ular military action would be the least operational zones of integrated defense, López highlighted its importance: “The Constitution. The Militia consists mostly likely. The framework of possible attacks the 99 areas of integrated defense, the incorporation of the Militia as a special of women and men, workers, from the suggests that potential operations are groups and popular bases of integrated component of the FANB grants an added popular sectors, slums and rural areas—​ focused on aggression by paramilitar- defense, and the popular units of inte- value to the defense of the Nation [...] those who identify with Chavism [the ies, mercenaries – with attempted sur- grated defense are all deployed in the they are regular combatants, not armed revolutionary process begun by the late gical shootings, such as assassinations national territory.” civilians.” President Hugo Chávez] and realize the – or attacks aimed at provoking social The televised exercises showed what The Bolivarian Militia has been the need to prepare themselves for upcoming upheavals. a military deployment might look like target of many attacks by the Venezuelan threats. The military exercise was also a reaf- in the event of an attack. They demon- opposition, which has oscillated between These threats come at a decisive firmation of the existing command of strated how the deployment of soldiers, ridiculing those who are part of the Militia moment in Venezuela, following the U.S. President Nicolás Maduro, and the fic- the anti-aircraft system and the firing and then showing its fear about the grow- government’s organized tour for [self-pro- tional presidency of Juan Guaidó, who has of missiles from warships would look. ing number of women and men in the claimed “president’] Juan Guaidó. He given no concrete or decisive announce- And they showed how an operation to Militia and the extent of their training. ments since his return to Venezuela. ☐ Students occupy, strike against white supremacy

By Minnie Bruce Pratt occupied the Barnes Center at The Arch those promoting or initiating hate crimes; from the university. Over 150 had signed Syracuse, N.Y. for eight days. Finally, a crowd of 1,000 mandatory diversity training for incoming the separate solidarity strike statement people marched on Syverud’s house, faculty and administrators; curriculum by the evening of Feb. 19. ( Feb. 24—With​ Black students leading, demanding his resignation. reform on diversity; changed housing pro- qpnohk7) the #NotAgainSU coalition has occupied After a standoff, the chancellor agreed cedures to minimize impact of ; In addition to supporting the demands Syracuse University’s admissions build- to meet coalition demands that his more hiring of staff of “marginalized identi- of the occupiers, the statement declared ing since Feb. 17. administration act to end the attacks and ties,” including resident advisors and coun- the strike would continue until suspen- They are protesting Chancellor Kent make systemic changes to fight discrim- selors; and the designation and funding of sions of all #NotAgainSU organizers and Syverud’s inaction in dealing with anti- ination. But racist incidents have con- a separate Multicultural Center. (Detailed student activists were lifted and their Black, anti-Asian, anti-Indigenous, tinued unabated, while administration demands at records cleared. anti-Semitic and homophobic incidents. actions have been so slow as to be only On Feb. 18, Syverud and his administra- With the power of student-worker soli- At least 29 such physical assaults, ver- “window-dressing.” tion immediately took an aggressively hard darity accelerating, an immediate victory bal threats—​including death threats—​and line against the protest and issued suspen- was won. Chancellor Syverud was forced graffiti on and near campus have occurred Students occupy to get action sions of 30 student occupiers. Armed uni- to lift all suspensions on the occupiers by since Nov. 7, the latest on Feb. 21. (See The spring semester began with a versity guards turned back food, medical the afternoon of Feb. 19. He did not, how- timeline at homophobic physical assault and more supplies and any supporters who came to ever, address any of the student demands. #NotAgainSU launched protests in racist graffiti. After an unproductive offer assistance to the students. A group of SU professors issued a state- November, when multiple instances of appeal to the SU Board of Trustees, The racist bias of the administra- ment denouncing the administration’s racist graffiti and violent vandalism first #NotAgainSU occupied Crouse-Hinds tion was quickly unmasked when four lockdown and isolation of protesting stu- appeared in dormitories and classroom Hall, the admissions building, on Feb. 17. suspended students came forward to dents; denial of food, medical supplies and buildings. After the lack of any response The coalition’s renewed list of demands prove they had never been present in visitors; imposition of suspensions; use of from the administration, the coalition includes punishment, up to expulsion, for the Crouse-Hinds occupation. All four armed guards and threats of arrest. The women were Black students. statement said in closing: “The use of war On Feb. 19, #NotAgainSU issued a crime tactics against our students must be statement: “The administration has not renounced.” (Daily Orange, Feb. 24) appropriately addressed the 25+ hate Student workers on strike had these crimes that have occurred … and they words of fighting wisdom to offer: “A have not addressed student protesters number of BIPOC [Black, Indigenous and in any way that is reflective of a commit- People of Color] and international grad- ment to equal safety and support.” uate students have received threats of retaliation from their respective depart- Student workers strike in solidarity ments—including​ threats of termination Immediately after the SU administra- and revocation of funding. To you all, tion imposed the suspensions, 100 grad- we say the only protection for us lies in uate students of color and international our collective numbers. … Our strike has students announced a labor strike in sol- already seen a win with the suspensions idarity with the occupiers. ( being lifted. This speaks to our collective wan3uwc) power. But wins are never a time to con- They were quickly joined by other grad cede; wins are always times to sustain student workers also calling for a strike pressure.” (“Labor Strike” statement, PHOTO: WRVO Over 100 supporters gather outside Syracuse University admissions action and pledging to withhold their labor ☐ building in solidarity with Black student-led occupation Feb. 18. Feb. 27, 2020 Page 9 Sanctions in Gaza By Pippa Bartolotti years ago, 85 percent of Gaza’s drinking wells were too contaminated for human The author, a former leader of the consumption. Today, that figure is 97 Green Party of Wales, writes on politi- percent. cal and social issues. This article, on the The underground aquifer was never Israeli blockade of Gaza, has been pub- going to be enough to supply the quadru- lished as a resource on the sanctionskill. pling of the population when refugees org site. The Sanctions Kill coalition flooded into Gaza in 1948 in fear for their has called for actions on March 13-15 to lives. The water now is basically poison. denounce U.S.-imposed sanctions as acts Food, fuel and water are meted out of war and crimes against humanity. by the Israeli government as they see Workers World republishes the article in fit. An Israeli official has stated that the solidarity with the March 13-15 protests objective of these sanctions is to “put the and with the people of Gaza. Palestinians on a diet, but not to make them die of hunger.” Feb. 9—The​ hardships in Gaza are well Gaza fishing boats challenge Israeli blockade, 2018. When I was there, the fuel had run out, known, but the human implications of the and there was certainly not enough food blockade are rarely documented in the as well as paper, pens and chocolate. to just a few hundred yards from shore for visitors. I was given a small bottle of Western press. This is because the inter- I brought a couple of bars of choco- means they have to fish in virtually undi- water. I had the feeling that this generosity ests of Israel, the U.S. and other nations late with me when I eventually made it luted sewage. Fresh fish is one of the few would lead to someone else going without. supporting these sanctions would not be through the Rafah Gate, and one of the sources of protein for Gazans as meat, well served by the truth. most moving sights I have seen in my lentils, seeds and nuts are banned. Power off 20 hours a day Let us be clear, these are Israel’s sanc- life was that of a woman slowly unwrap- The World Bank estimated in 2015 that The power is shut off for 20 hours a day, tions imposed as an occupying power, but ping the chocolate and holding it to her [Gaza’s gross domestic product] losses sometimes more. With daily armed drone this form of collective punishment upon an mouth. She didn’t eat it, she just smelt caused by the blockade since 2007 were patrols overhead, gunboat patrols in the already impoverished civilian population is it, and savored the thought of it, and put above 50 percent and entailed large wel- sea and a fortified land border where indis- heavily backed by the U.S. through unstint- it quietly in her bag. She had not tasted fare losses. Gaza’s manufacturing sector, criminate shootings of children, donkeys ing political support and billions of dollars chocolate for more than 20 years. once significant, shrunk by as much as 60 and old people are a weekly occurrence, in economic and military aid sent annually percent in real terms due to the wars in daily life in Gaza is an unimaginable tor- from the U.S. to the Israeli government. Sanctions cause hygiene the past 20 years and the blockade. ment. The Palestinian Center for Human Gaza is a distinct area of isolated land and food problems Gaza’s exports have virtually disap- Rights keeps an account of the weekly bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the Due to the banning of building mate- peared since the imposition of the 2007 death toll. These are rarely reported in the west, Egypt to the south, and Israel to rials, Gaza has never been able to rebuild blockade. The World Bank stated that world press as they conflict with Western the east and north. It is roughly the size its sewage plant, which was bombed to “solutions have to be found to enable propaganda efforts. of Detroit. Most entry points are perma- smithereens in 2009. I experienced the faster inflow of construction materials Sanctions affect the health of all, but nently closed, and it is almost impossible raw sewage of some 2 million people gush- into Gaza,” while taking into account children suffer most. Undernourished, for residents to leave. Lord Patten, former ing untreated into the Mediterranean Sea. “legitimate security concerns of neigh- traumatized by constant bombings and chair of the British Conservative Party, This is not just a hygiene problem; it is boring countries.” with death and destruction a daily event, said Gaza was “an open-air prison encir- a food supply problem as well. Gaza fish- Three out of four people in Gaza are they will grow up with disabilities, despair cled by an apartheid wall.” ermen in their little boats are constantly refugees. Unsafe drinking water has led and hopelessness. They will also know But it is worse than that. I have been being harassed and shot at by Israeli war- to a worsening health crisis. Gazan chil- who the perpetrators of their misery are. there. Gaza City, with 4,000 years of tor- ships. Forced back from their legal fishing dren suffer from diarrhea, kidney disease, There is broad consensus among rid history behind it, is home to about half zone of 20 nautical miles (Oslo Accords) stunted growth and impaired IQ. Twenty human rights organizations like Amnesty a million people. In the saturation bomb- International, Human Rights Watch, ing of Gaza city by Israel in 2008/9, more the International Committee of the Red than half the city was utterly destroyed. Cross, as well as U.N. offices such as An estimated 1,400 Palestinians and 13 the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Israelis died in the conflict. The net result Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) and is dire overcrowding in the buildings left United Nations Relief and Works Agency standing. Rebuilding is impossible as (UNRWA), that the siege of Gaza is ille- building materials are banned. gal and exists in flagrant disregard for The sanctions imposed on the peo- the democratically elected government ple living on this small strip of land are of Gaza. cruel and inhumane, as are all sanctions The most important thing to recognize designed to bring an entire people to its about sanctions is that they don’t work. knees for the sake of political disrup- Worse, they are counterproductive in that tion. Among the many hundreds of items they manufacture the conditions for hate banned from Gaza are coriander, sewing and revenge. This is a psychological cost thread, spare parts for tractors, fishing which no side can afford if normalized rods, steel and concrete, some medicines relations are the ultimate goal. ☐ New coalition mobilizes against U.S. sanctions and war By Lily Judge an anti-war, anti-sanctions movement. the form of sanctions: “Sanctions are not the theater of combat to economics and Portland, Ore. Hanks spoke about the specific, tar- separate from war but rather play an inte- diplomacy. Ending sanctions should be geted acts of war committed by the U.S. in gral role in modern warfare, extending a major demand of any anti-war and Over 50 members of local anti-war and anti-imperialist movement.” anti-imperialist groups attended a panel Other speakers expressed similar sen- discussion here on Feb. 23. The meeting timents. Martinez described the U.S. war was organized by the Portland Anti-War machine as being the root cause of forced Coalition, a newly formed group, which migration to the U.S. Al Khatib empha- is planning a March 14 rally as part of the sized that any group or movement should International Days of Action to Stop U.S. be judged by its stance on Israel’s oppres- Sanctions and Economic War. sion of the Palestinian people. Keynote speakers were Palestinian Saif Anderson explained the U.S. influence Al Khatib; Emma Martinez, a member over the government of the Philippines. of the International Migrants Alliance; She stressed the importance of building a Jennifer Anderson, from Anakbayan; and united anti-imperialist movement tied to Workers World member Joshua Hanks workers worldwide. representing the Sanctions Kill coalition. This meeting was a strong first step They all announced their common goal in building the anti-war, anti-sanctions of coalition building—​with an emphasis movement in Portland. Everyone who on raising class consciousness in the U.S. attended was committed to building the about imperialist wars—​and the need for WW PHOTO: LYN NEELEY March 14 demonstration. ☐ Page 10 Feb. 27, 2020

editorial The coronavirus in perspective What will it mean for the people in is also trying to ensure that the huge num- interfere with curbing public health cri- mean for the millions and millions who the U.S. when the coronavirus spreads bers of people quarantined are not also ses. “How can they expect normal citizens need it. One of the editors of Workers around the world? What preparations are penalized financially from that isolation. to contribute to eliminating the potential World lived in Britain for six months in being made to help the people here? Nevertheless, the coronavirus is now risk of person-to-person spread if hospi- 1966-67 and experienced it firsthand. A Pandemics are not a new thing. In 1918 appearing in clusters of cases in many tals are waiting to charge us $3,270 for a friend from the U.S., there on a tourist the influenza virus became a pandemic countries around the world. simple blood test and a nasal swab?” he visa, fell gravely ill, was hospitalized and by which the U.S. was greatly affected. So what is being done about it in the told the Herald. operated on for a bleeding ulcer, and was Soldiers drafted into the Army who had U.S.—​in this rich country with so many then sent for two weeks to recuperate in escaped being shipped overseas when millionaires and billionaires? Election season and flu season overlap what had once been a fancy castle on the World War I ended were nevertheless The Miami Herald of Feb. 24 reported The election season has already begun English Channel. His bill at the end was dying by the thousands. Barracked in on the case of Osmel Martinez Azcue, who in this country, as has flu season. Will 15 pence—for​ a phone call. close quarters, 45,000 soldiers perished had been sent on a business trip to China any of the current presidential candidates Britain is not by any means a socialist of influenza. U.S. combat deaths in World and developed flu-like symptoms shortly warn of the dangers and call for a fully country, but because it was in competi- War I, by comparison, were 53,000. after his return to Miami. He immediately nationalized health care system so that tion with the socialist bloc at that time, Estimates are that at least 20 million to went to his local hospital, where he asked what just happened in Miami could never the government gave in to mass pressure 50 million people worldwide died in that for a simple flu test. Instead, he was given be repeated? So that anyone worried and instituted a publicly funded medical flu epidemic. the full treatment: isolation, a battery of about a health problem can see a doctor system. Now we are facing what could well tests by people in hazmat suits, a CT scan, and be confident that they won’t be driven The U.S. medical system is already become another pandemic. Medical sci- etc. It turned out he was okay; it was just into debt or bankruptcy as a result? overstretched and overpriced, especially ence and technology have advanced very ordinary flu. Wall Street will bemoan the drop in given the opioid crisis. What will hap- far in the century that has passed since Then he got the bill from his insurance stock values because of the spread of the pen when the coronavirus spreads? The then. Yet that has not stopped the corona- company: $3,270. new flu. Yet it will offer little comfort to time to demand a complete overhaul and virus from rapidly spreading in this age of Martinez is lucky to have health insur- the millions without the means to access the institution of socialized medicine—​ cruise ships and jet travel. ance, or it would have cost him even the basic right of health care. defined in the dictionary as “the provi- People’s China has already mobilized more. Many people in this country lack , who campaigns as a sion of medical and hospital care for all, the whole country to curb the spread of the medical coverage. Martinez thinks the socialist, should live up to the title and by means of public funds”—​is now. Our virus and treat those who contract it. China cost of health care in the U.S. could emphasize what socialized medicine can lives depend on it. ☐ Korean leaders reject U.S. sanctions, stress self-reliance

By Deirdre Griswold is intensifying comprehensive sanctions and diplomatic purposes for the upcom- the country and open a pivotal phase.” and military threat upon its dialogue ing presidential election and the stabil- The statement enumerates many accom- The Central Committee of the Workers’ partner while wasting time away under ity of state affairs, and completely stifle plishments in new construction that have Party of Korea has rebuffed threats made the signboard of peaceful dialogue and and crush the country through harsher taken place despite the sanctions: by the U.S. against the Democratic negotiations. sanctions.” “In the end of last year, the coun- People’s Republic of Korea. In a recent “The U.S. double-dealing behav- Rather than being crushed, the lead- try completed the construction projects statement, the party reinforces the spirit ior reveals the true nature of the ‘peace ers of the DPRK say that the sanctions—​ of the city of Samjiyon, Yangdok Hot of defiance and self-reliance in the face of strategy’ of the U.S. style. In a nutshell, the harshest of any out of 39 countries Spring Resort, Jungphyong Vegetable cruel imperialist pressure that has guided the U.S. real intention is to capitalize on under the U.S. sanction regime—​have Greenhouse Farm and Tree Nursery and the DPRK since the division of Korea the DPRK-U.S. talks—​which reflect the only strengthened the determination of Phalhyang Dam of the Orangchon Power nearly three-quarters of a century ago. aspiration of the DPRK and the world for the Korean people to “defend the sover- Station. The agricultural sector exceeded For a long time the war makers in peace—for​ achieving its ulterior political eignty, right to existence and security of the peak-year level even under unfavor- Washington have intensified economic able weather conditions. sanctions against this heroic socialist “Construction of the Wonsan Kalma country during the winter months, when coast resort, Sunchon Phosphatic the northern part of the Korean peninsula Fertilizer Factory, Tanchon Power Station is especially affected by frigid weather. and other major projects were pushed This year was no exception. ahead, and multiple successes were After having shown a willingness to achieved in all the sectors of the national sit down with Trump himself in order to economy, including the metal, coal-min- reduce tensions, Korean leader Kim Jong ing, building materials and light indus- Un told the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the tries. All these are a deadly blow to the Central Committee that the tense rela- sanctions-almighty theory.” tionship with the U.S. now boils down to People in the United States are sub- a clear standoff between Korean self-reli- jected to a constant media attack on the ance and imperialist-imposed sanctions. DPRK, all to justify the horrendous treat- As the Workers’ Party statement ment the ruling class here and its military explains: “The summit meeting and talks have meted out to this heroic country, between the DPRK and the U.S. were held which refuses to bow down to the U.S. on three occasions and a June 12 Joint corporate elite. Statement was adopted at the Singapore It is important to keep Korea’s right to Summit, aimed at establishing a new rela- determine its own destiny explicitly on tionship between the two countries. the agenda as we build the movement to “However, the present DPRK-U.S. end U.S. imperialism’s wars, invasions relations are still in deadlock. The U.S. U.S. bases in South Korea. and sanctions around the world. ☐ San Francisco unions say ‘End U.S.‑imposed sanctions’

The following resolution was passed sanctions block access to fuel, raw mate- chronically ill and the elderly—​ suffer institutions; and unanimously on Feb. 10, 2020, by the rials and replacement parts interfering the most; and Whereas many organizations have San Francisco Labor Council. with the functioning of critical infrastruc- Whereas U.S. imposed sanctions been fighting U.S. imposed economic ture, i.e., electrical grids, water treatment involving asset freezes and property sanctions for some time independently, Whereas sanctions and economic and distribution facilities and hospitals; seizures are modern day piracy, allow- now is our opportunity to collectively seek blockades are being imposed by the Whereas in every country facing ing for massive redistributions of pub- the abolition of all United States-imposed United States and its allies—​in violation U.S. imposed economic sanctions, the lic wealth from sovereign countries into economic sanctions which in effect con- of international law—​against countries most vulnerable—​infants, children, the the accounts of U.S. banks and financial stitute undeclared war, therefore be it that resist Washington’s neoliberal poli- Resolved, that the San Francisco cies and regime change efforts; and Labor Council go on record in opposi- Whereas U.S. imposed sanctions tion to United States-imposed economic are a form of economic warfare, causing sanctions against other countries, and death and suffering in some 39 countries in support of the International Days of with one-third of the world’s population Action against U.S.-imposed Sanctions as of 2019; and and Economic Warfare during the month Whereas U.S. imposed economic of March 2020. ☐ Feb. 27, 2020 Page 11 National antiwar conference builds unity, plans next steps By Scott Williams of the human rights framework in New York opposing U.S. war; imperialism and the migration crisis; U.S. war Over 300 activists and organiz- plans for China and Russia; how ers from across the U.S. and Canada to analyze U.S. imperialist propa- met here on Feb. 21-23 for the United ganda; and fighting militarism in our National Antiwar Coalition national communities. conference, “Rise Against Militarism, The conference resolved UNAC’s Racism and the Climate Crisis—​ points of unity, reaffirmed the past Building Power Together.” points of unity, added points on cli- The opening plenum focused on mate change and reaffirmed con- the role of the U.S. anti-war move- tinuing support for the Palestinian ment in demanding an end to U.S. struggle. interventions across the world. The conference supported a series Remarks by UNAC Co-Coordinator of follow-up actions to build unity in Joe Lombardo were followed with the struggle. The session consider- talks by Bahman Azad, organiza- ing these was co-chaired by Rhoda tional secretary of the U.S. Peace Ramiro and Taryn Fivek. There was Council; Bernadette Ellorin, chair- overwhelming support for coordi- person of BAYAN USA; and Camilo nated actions against U.S.-imposed Mejia, a Nicaraguan anti-war activist economic sanctions on March 13-15; who was in the U.S. Army in Iraq and the National Cuba Conference in served time in prison for his resis- New York City on March 21-22; tance to the Iraq War. The evening protests at the DNC and RNC con- ended with a cultural event featuring ventions; the defense campaigns of songwriter and performance artist From left: Cassia Laham, Jean-Luc Pierite, Makasi Motema, Diane Moxley, WW PHOTO: JOHN CATALINOTTO Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange Aya Aziz. and Jeff Mackler. and the Embassy Protectors; May Day actions; Earth Day and other cli- Wide-ranging panel discussions mate actions; and anti-fascist actions Saturday’s first session focused on A spirited Students for a Democratic Anti-war movement’s approach in Europe on May 9. Also stressed as a connecting the wars at home and abroad Society delegation from Wisconsin, led to 2020 elections focus in moving forward was defense of to the global climate crisis, with panel- by Lana Akindes, raised the important On Sunday morning,the gathering mobilizations by im/migrants, anti-rac- ists Cassia Laham of POWIR (People's demonstrations against the Democratic focused on the anti-war movement’s ists and communities of color, as well Opposition to War, Imperialism, and National Convention to be held in approach to the 2020 elections, including as emergency actions against U.S. war Racism); Diane Moxley of Green Party Milwaukee in July. Support was voiced for the fact that none of the major presiden- moves on countries around the world. New Jersey; Jean-Luc Pierite of Tunica- plans for protests in Charlotte, N.C., during tial candidates of the two major parties The conference ended with a march Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana, president of the Republican National Convention in have called for a significant reduction to the Port Authority of New York to the Board of the North American Indian August (raised by this writer). in the Pentagon budget or for an end to protest Greyhound’s compliance with Center of Boston; and Makasi Motema of Glen Ford, executive director of Black the ruthless sanctions and endless war Immigration and Customs Enforcement Peoples Power Assemblies-NYC. Agenda Report, gave a keynote talk waged by the U.S. empire. The panel and U.S. Customs and Border Protection Setting the stage for continued orga- focused on the duplicity of the two-party included Ajamu Baraka and Margaret in their illegal search, detention and nizing against U.S. sanctions, a major system of corporate domination. Kimberley, respectively national orga- deportation of people on Greyhound panel was convened with Sara Flounders, Saturday’s final panel focused on nizer and coordinating committee mem- buses. co-director of the International Action the federal government’s repression of ber of Black Alliance for Peace, as well As a result of a militant and ongoing Center; attorney Roger Wareham of the movements against racism, capitalism as Adrian Bonifacio, chairperson of campaign against Greyhound, the com- December 12th Movement; Juyeon Rhee and war. Frank Chapman of the National Anakbayan-USA. pany announced Feb. 22 it would no lon- of Nodutdol for Korean Community Alliance against Political and Racist Workshops during the weekend dis- ger comply with these racist searches. But Development; Medea Benjamin, Repression; attorney Michael Steven cussed nuclear weapons; the U.S. military due to the recent presidential directives co-founder of CODEPINK; and Suzanne Smith, author of “Lawyers for the Left”; as the world’s biggest polluter; fighting sending ICE into Sanctuary Cities, the Adely of the International Association and Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese of U.S. regime change in Iran, Nicaragua, conference stressed the need for contin- of Democratic Lawyers and co-chair of the Venezuelan Embassy Defenders led Ukraine and beyond; the importance ued vigilance and mobilization. ☐ National Lawyers Guild International. this important discussion. Solidaridad indígena cierra ferrocarril canadiense

Continúa de la página 12 Protestas de la ‘historia de la violencia’ mujeres indígenas desaparecidas y ase- mostrado por Primeras Naciones en B.C. A medida que se extendían las protes- sinadas encontró “evidencia sustancial” durante la crisis de Oka en 1990, cuando Hazelton, interrumpiendo el servicio de tas de solidaridad, los manifestantes inte- de que los proyectos de extracción de los Mohawks de Kanesatake, Que., se la línea principal en el norte de B.C. La rrumpieron la Legislatura de la Columbia recursos están relacionados con ataques enfrentaron a los militares canadienses RCMP arrestó a 28 personas en un blo- Británica durante la entrega del discurso violentos contra mujeres indígenas, niños por la expansión de un campo de golf. queo ferroviario de Houston, B.C. del “trono” del vicegobernador Janet y personas de dos espíritus. Los planes “Vamos a estar con ellos ahora”, dijo Canadian National obtuvo órdenes Austin. Los manifestantes acamparon de CGL incluyen la construcción de 14 Brant. “Nos han expulsado de tantos judiciales para poner fin a las manifes- afuera cantando “¡Vergüenza!” mientras “campamentos de hombres”, uno para lugares, esto es todo lo que nos queda. taciones ferroviarias cerca de Belleville, los políticos buscaban ayuda de la segu- albergar a 400 hombres a unos 13 kilóme- Entendemos por lo que están pasando”. Ontario, New Hazelton, B.C., y cerca de ridad contratada para ingresar al edificio. tros del Centro de Sanación Unist’ot’en. ( Winnipeg. Los Mohawks de Tyendinaga ( El 15 de febrero, 100 manifestantes blo- Cómo apoyar a Wet’suwet’en desafiaron los mandatos de la corte pro- quearon físicamente una línea ferrovia- El campamento de Unist’ot’en declaró vincial para abrir el bloqueo de Belleville. ria en el este de Vancouver y entregaron el 10 de febrero: “Nuestras matriarcas La solidaridad de otras Primeras La Policía Provincial de Ontario se volantes que decían: “Queremos recono- fueron arrestadas mientras realizaban Naciones y aliados durante el desarrollo de vio obligada a negociar con los sobera- cer la historia compartida de la violencia una ceremonia para llamar a nuestros la crisis climática ha aumentado el apoyo nos Mohawks, que ahora han creado un experimentada por los pueblos indígenas antepasados y honrar a las mujeres y a las demandas indígenas de “Land Back”. segundo sitio de bloqueo ferroviario den- y las comunidades chinas y punjabi en el niñas indígenas desaparecidas y asesi- Para saber cómo apoyar a Wet’suwet’en tro del territorio Tyendinaga Mohawk. Y llamado B.C.” ( nadas. Las Unist’ot’en sabemos que la contra la construcción ilegal de tuberías los Kahnawake Mohawks ha bloqueado Wet’suwet’en está sacando a la luz violencia en nuestra tierra y la violencia de CGL, visite Para una línea del Pacífico canadiense cerca el fracaso de la Oficina de Evaluación en nuestras mujeres están conectadas. contribuir al Fondo Legal de Unist’ot’en, de la costa sur de Montreal. APTN News Ambiental de B.C. de considerar la Durante la ceremonia, colgamos vestidos visite (Cadena de Televisión del Pueblo abori- conocida amenaza de violencia hacia rojos para recordar los espíritus de las gen) informa que aliados locales no indí- las mujeres, niñas y dos espíritus indí- mujeres, niñas y dos espíritus asesinados La herencia de Tromblay es Huron genas están llevando suministros a los genas de los campamentos de trabajo que nos quitaron”. nonstatus y naciones mixtas del sudeste sitios de bloqueo de Mohawk. de proyectos de combustibles fósiles. La Andrew Brant de Tyendinaga dijo que indocumentadas. Investigación nacional de Canadá sobre los Mohawk están devolviendo el apoyo Correspondencia sobre artículos en Workers World/Mundo Obrero pueden ser enviadas a: [email protected]

¡Proletarios y oprimidos de todos los paises unios! Vol. 62, Núm. 9 27 de febrero 2020 $1 Ottawa protesta el 7 de febrero contra el gasoducto propuesto Coastal GasLink en el noroeste de Columbia Británica #AllEyesonWetsuweten Solidaridad indígena cierra ferrocarril canadiense

Por Stephanie Tromblay Pero en lugar de abrir relaciones con las Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Bloqueos ferroviarios desafiantes eficaces Primeras Naciones, cuyas tierras nunca Indígenas). El estado debe dejar de apoyar Fabricantes y exportadores canadien- La Primera Nación de Wet’suwet’en han sido cedidas, el gobierno provincial de violentamente a los miembros del 1% que ses, la asociación de comercio e industria enfrenta la violencia y la invasión colo- Columbia Británica y los cabilderos cor- están robando nuestros recursos y conde- más grande de Canadá, que generalmente nial, ya que continúa defendiendo su porativos están conspirando para forzar nando a nuestros hijos a un mundo que el envía productos en unos 4.500 vagones territorio contra un proyecto de oleo- la “rendición” de los derechos territoria- cambio climático ha vuelto inhabitable”. por día, pidió una mayor intervención del ducto multimillonario que amenaza sus les de las Primeras Naciones a fin de robar El 5 de febrero, los Tyendinaga gobierno. El presidente de CM&E, Dennis tierras y aguas tradicionales. Las fronte- tierras para construir los $5 mil millones Mohawks bloquearon el ferrocarril cerca Darby, declaró que sus partes interesadas, ras territoriales de Wet’suwet’en están (6,6 mil millones de dólares canadienses) de Belleville, Ontario, en el único enlace desde compañías químicas hasta Dannon rodeadas por la provincia occidental que gasoducto CGL. ( oriental de Canadian National Railway Yogurt, han llamado con alarma por el fue nombrada Columbia Británica por la La fuerza utilizada incluye la violenta Co. (CN) entre el este y el oeste de Canadá cierre del ferrocarril, vital para la infraes- nación colonizadora Canadá. incursión de tierras soberanas de la Real o el medio oeste de los EE.UU. Esto efec- tructura de carga de Canadá. Canadian El 8 de enero, el Campamento Unist’ot’en Policía Montada de Canadá (RCMP) en tivamente cerró el tráfico ferroviario de National mueve $250 mil millones al año que protege el territorio de Wet’suwet’en enero de 2019, que provocó protestas en carga y pasajeros en el este de Ontario. a través de su red transcontinental. convocó a una semana de solidaridad Canadá y en todo el mundo. (Ferrocarril progresivo, 12 de febrero) El cierre también afecta a los agriculto- internacional: “El 31 de diciembre de El 4 de enero, los jefes de Wet’suwet’en Los Mohawks de Tyendinaga dicen que res de trigo y cebada. "Los retrasos pro- 2019, la B. C. La Juez de la Corte Suprema escoltaron al último contratista de CGL. El no terminarán su manifestación hasta vocarán que los agricultores no puedan Marguerite Church otorgó una orden 6 de febrero, la RCMP trasladó ilegalmente que la RCMP abandone el territorio de entregar su grano", dijo Dave Bishop, pre- judicial contra los miembros de la nación maquinaria pesada y helicópteros a territo- Wet’suwet’en. sidente de la Comisión de Alberta Barley. Wet’suwet’en, que han estado adminis- rio soberano y no cedido de Wet’suwet’en Para el 11 de febrero, la expansión de las “Todavía nos estamos recuperando de trando y protegiendo nuestros territorios y arrestó a 28 defensores de tierras de la protestas ferroviarias efectivamente cerró la cosecha del infierno y necesitamos un tradicionales de la destrucción de múltiples nación de Wet’suwet’en. todas las rutas entre Toronto, Ottawa, movimiento confiable de granos para vol- tuberías, incluida la tubería de gas natural Montreal y Kingston, y CN advirtió sobre ver a la pista”. (NPR, 14 de febrero) licuado (GNL) de Coastal GasLink (CGL). La llamada de Wet’suwet’en un efecto indirecto en los puertos coste- provoca la solidaridad rápida Los medios corporativos están inten- Los jefes hereditarios de los cinco clanes de ros. ( CN declaró tando fomentar el sentimiento anti-indí- Wet’suwet’en han rechazado la decisión de El llamado de solidaridad del 8 de enero que docenas de trenes de carga cancela- gena con advertencias de una posible Church, que criminaliza a Anuk’nu’at’en declaró: “Nuestra fuerza para actuar hoy dos habían detenido el envío de todas las escasez de propano. ( (ley de Wet’suwet’en), y han emitido y for- proviene del conocimiento de que nues- categorías, desde propano hasta materia A partir del 12 de febrero, Via Rail zado un desalojo de los trabajadores de tros aliados en Canadá y en todo el mundo prima para las fábricas. ( Canada dijo que 157 trenes habían sido CGL del territorio”. ( nuevamente se levantarán con nosotros, t58tn4c) Y el espacio limitado de railyard cancelados, afectando a más de 24.500 El mandato de Church es ilegal. Los como lo hicieron con Oka, Gustafsen Lake de CN para el almacenamiento de mate- pasajeros en el corredor ferroviario de Wet’suwet’en tienen derechos legales sobre y Elsipogtog, cerrando las líneas de ferro- rial rodante se agregó al cierre a través Toronto a Montreal. Vía servicio ferro- sus tierras: en 1997, la Corte Suprema de carril, puertos e infraestructura industrial del respaldo de tráfico de Halifax, N.S., a viario en la provincia B.C. también fue Canadá reconoció el título aborigen de tie- y presionar a los funcionarios guberna- Windsor, Ont., y en partes de Columbia cerrada por un bloqueo cerca de New rras no cedidas de las Primeras Naciones mentales electos para que cumplan con Británica. Continúa en la página 11 en la decisión de Delgamuukw. la UNDRIP (Declaración de las Naciones ¿Qué tipo de socialismo?

nominación de un partido que profesa a los capitalistas su poder, no solo sobre ¿Por qué no debería utilizarse la abun- socialismo. El Partido Demócrata cier- la vida económica sino también sobre la dancia excesiva de alimentos producidos tamente nunca lo ha respaldado. Por el política del país. en este país para acabar con el hambre contrario, ha coexistido con el Partido mundial, de una vez por todas? editorial Republicano como dos partidos de la ¿Qué es el socialismo? ¿Por qué no se debería garantizar a clase dominante sólidamente en el campo Lo que plantea la pregunta, ¿en qué se todos los jóvenes una cobertura de ingre- Se ha producido un cambio radical en del capitalismo. basa el socialismo real? En primer lugar, sos y salud al estudiar cómo hacer avan- los Estados Unidos. Por fin, las encues- El Partido Demócrata también ha tenido una revisión básica de la economía para zar a la sociedad de manera sostenible? tas muestran que el socialismo ya no es éxito en la venta de la guerra imperialista al lograr el socialismo solo puede comenzar Sin embargo, en un momento en que la “palabra sucia” que era una vez, incluso pueblo, haciendo que luche y muera no por cuando la clase trabajadora flexiona su el planeta mismo se ve envuelto en una cuando decir públicamente que eras la “democracia” sino por el dominio corpo- poder y toma los medios de producción y crisis creada por el capitalismo desen- socialista, y especialmente comunista, rativo de los recursos del mundo. los utiliza para resolver los problemas de frenado, las viejas instituciones políticas podría significar ser condenado al ostra- Durante décadas, el Partido Demócrata pobreza y desigualdad. establecidas por el dinero de los multimi- cismo, atacado, despedido de tu trabajo, también fue el partido de la segregación del No hay razón para la pobreza en este llonarios todavía dictan la política. Esto incluso encarcelado. sur. Pero en el norte, especialmente con la país, ni en el mundo. El nivel de produc- no puede durar. No desde los días del líder sindical administración Franklin Delano Roosevelt, tividad capaz de satisfacer las necesida- Workers World/MundoObrero está Eugene Debs (1855-1926), a un socialista el partido se asoció con programas guber- des de las personas ahora es asombroso. comprometido a construir un movimiento le ha ido bien en las elecciones presiden- namentales para aliviar la pobreza. Un verdadero gobierno obrero podría revolucionario para el socialismo. Las ciales de Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, el Lo que ha cambiado no es el liderazgo eliminar inmediatamente la pobreza elecciones pueden ser un barómetro de candidato Bernie Sanders, que se identi- de los dos partidos capitalistas o su com- expropiando la propiedad de los ricos cambio de opinión, pero el movimiento fica a sí mismo como un “socialista demo- promiso con el sistema de ganancias, sino y planificando el desarrollo económico no termina el día de las elecciones. Crece crático”, está creciendo en popularidad. el sentimiento de los votantes. Muchos, basado en la necesidad humana, no en con cada lucha por la justicia social, con Supongamos que Sanders pueda ganar especialmente los jóvenes, se han dado las ganancias. cada huelga, cada protesta, cada sentada. la presidencia. Sus posibilidades son cier- cuenta de que el capitalismo es responsa- ¿Por qué no debería la clase trabaja- El movimiento construye la solidaridad tamente escasas, dada la alineación de los ble de la alucinante brecha de riqueza en dora global en su conjunto y controlar los de la clase trabajadora contra la suprema- patrocinadores más ricos de ambas partes este país. Ellos quieren un cambio. medios de producción? Todo está cons- cía blanca, la misoginia, la opresión de las contra él, pero nada es imposible. Muchos Sanders representa el tipo de cambio truido por trabajadores en primer lugar. personas LGBTQ2+ y el chivo expiatorio socialdemócratas como Sanders han sido llevado a cabo por los partidos socialde- ¿Por qué no deberían refugiarse las per- de los inmigrantes. elegidos para altos cargos en Europa. Han mócratas en otros lugares que han traído sonas sin hogar en todas las mansiones y Construir un movimiento verdade- extraído algunas concesiones de las clases reformas bienvenidas, pero que han coe- condominios vacíos que están desiertos ramente revolucionario es la clave del dominantes. xistido con la propiedad capitalista y el la mayor parte del tiempo, mientras sus futuro. Si quieres luchar por un cambio Pero eso no es socialismo. control de los medios de producción. adinerados propietarios viajan por todo social real, ¡únete a nosotros! salud. ☐ Tampoco Sanders se postula para la Es esta propiedad y control lo que les da el mundo?