From India to Brazil, with a microscope and a seat in Parliament: the life and work of Dr. Indalêncio Froilano de Melo1 By Cristiana Bastos Indalêncio Froilano de Melo was born in Benaulin, Goa, on the 17th of May 1887. His was a traditional family of Brahmin, Catholic, and landed local aristocrats of the pro- vince of Salcete. Like many other Goan families, they had been Catholics for centuries, had Portuguese names and were at ease with official hierarchies; at the same time, they ranked highly in a social structure that still acknowledged caste status. Moreover, Indalêncio’s father, Constâncio Fran- cisco de Melo, was a lawyer, while his mother, Delfina 1 The on-going analysis included in this article is part of the project Empire, centers and provinces: the circulation of medical knowledge (FCT PTDC/HCT/72143/2006) and benefits from earlier research conducted within the scope of the project Medicina Colonial, Estruturas do Império e Vidas Pós-coloniais em Português (POCTI/41075/ANT/ 2001), both funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and hosted by the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon. Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (
[email protected]). HoST, 2008, 2: 139-189 HoST , Vol.1, Summer 2007 Rodrigues, came from a distinguished family; her father, Raimundo Venancio Rodrigues, from the Goan province of Bardez, had been a member of the Portuguese Cortes (Par- liament) and mayor of the city of Coimbra.2 The picture of prosperity changed with the early death of Constâncio de Melo. Young Indalêncio was 12 years old at the time, and from then on he had to work hard on many fronts.