2 | 12 Stamper the Magazine for High-Performance Punching Technology

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2 | 12 Stamper the Magazine for High-Performance Punching Technology 2 | 12 Stamper The magazine for high-performance punching technology See you at EuroBLECH Innovative solutions BRUDERER precision for China 2012 from KLEINER GmbH BRUDERER will be presenting its newly- The company from Pforzheim in Germany Using a BSTA 1600-117, BBV 450 feed and ARKU peripheral developed BPG 22 planetary gearbox at supplies demanding customers with inno- devices, Shanghai Mint – a subsidiary of the state-run EuroBLECH. This technology enables the vative solutions and products while relying China Bank Note Printing and Minting Corporation (CBPM) high-performance BSTA 510 punching press on stamping technology from BRUDERER’s – stamps blanks for Chinese coins. The BRUDERER punch- to also be used for testing and running in high-performance punching presses. ing press is set up to ensure the ultimate in precision and tools. increased production levels. page 2 page 3 pages 4-5 Issue 02/2012 Issue 02/2012 editorial Looking forward to the euroBLeCH 2012 KLeINER GmBH – thinking in terms of solutions With the stamping world assembling at the Innovation, ultra-modern technologies and highly-motivated expert employees are the recipe for the EuroBLECH in Hanover from 23 – 27 October 2012, healthy growth that KLEINER GmbH company has continually achieved. Part of this success is also down to this will give the BRUDERER stand the opportunity strategic partnerships with customers and suppliers, and since the early 1990s, the Pforzheim-based com- to showcase the new BPG 22 planetary gearbox. pany in Germany has been relying for its stamping technology and toolmaking on Swiss-made BRUDERER The switchable gear can be adjusted by hand punching presses. which means that tools with low stroke rates can be tested and run in at the same time as regular stamping processes. providing the necessary basis, and also with sup- pliers, enabling them to offer customers complete This world-first, which was unveiled at the solutions and to sustain the strong growth levels. BRUDERER in-house exhibition in Frasnacht, Swit- Joachim Kleiner, who along with his brother Thomas Snap domes coated with spot gold zerland in May, will be enjoying a second premiere in is a managing partner of the company, is convinced State of change Hanover in front of a larger public. The main features that this kind of collaboration is the only way for the manufacturing a snap dome with spot gold. A new of the BPG 22 are the hand-held controls which en - segment that their firm operates in to produce high- technique was developed in close collaboration with Just two years ago, the economy in general and the able the frequency of the ram to be adjusted manu- quality products. a strategic electroplating partner to use this pre- stamping industry in particular were in an upswing ally and at variable speeds down to one stroke per cious metal in a targeted way in areas where it is a that started out slowly but which very quickly took on minute – a function which will open up new horizons The newly-developed BRUDERER BPG 22 planetary Joachim Kleiner, managing partner of the company Healthy growth technically necessity. It provides real cost savings, an incredible dynamic. Today the facts and indicators in terms of tool-making. gearbox fitted onto a BSTA 510-125. Joachim and Thomas Kleiner, both master tool- particularly with the price of raw materials being so are already tending back towards a flattening, and Come and see us in Halle 27, Stand G42. In 2011 alone, KLEINER increased its machine makers, founded the company in 1985 as a two- high at the moment. These high-quality snap domes these ups and downs and the permanent state of park by 18 machines, eight of them BSTA 510-125 man business just outside Pforzheim in the south have become a strategic product with growth poten- change have quite simply become part of our every- high-performance punching presses and one even German village of Königsbach-Stein. Once the first tial for KLEINER, and the development department day lives – each and every one of us simply needs to including the new BRUDERER BPG 22 planetary stamping orders started coming they soon needed is constantly looking for new implementations for approach this situation as openly and positively as gearbox. The reason behind this investment was the to move to bigger premises. 1998 saw them take this promising innovation, with the firm investing in possible. significant demand for stamped products among up residence in what is now factory number 2 in tools, measuring methods and electroplating. strategic customers. The company’s Eisingen facto- Eisingen, and since 2008 the family business has Our market environment has undergone similar ry has no fewer than eight punching presses which been headquartered in Pforzheim in a modern new KLEINER has its own research and develop- changes, in a very short space of time. Companies make around a billion electrical contacts each year building stretching over some 12,000 square metres ment team of around ten employees. They carry have been snapped up and whole business units have via single-stage three-shift production. This enables with easy access to the motorway, meaning that out market analyses and get involved in sector- changed ownership. Some are being bolstered with two strips to be stamped at the same time – one of “nobody gets past us, quite literally”, as Joachim specific clusters and research projects which give new additional capital, others are having to shut down them for the base body, the other for the oversprings proudly states. The brothers have continued to de- rise to new developments and innovations that can since their markets are rapidly declining. These cer- – and then assembled in the tool to make one part. velop the company over the years, setting up a re- be patented, all of which help to maintain the firm’s tainly are turbulent times and – as always – a genuine The bands worked on can range from 11 to 30 mm search and development department and investing leading position. They also receive important indi- calming of the storm is not in sight at the moment. in width, with thicknesses between 0.12 and 0.3 mm. in the component assembly sector. In organisational cators from their work in conjunction with technical terms, the firm is divided into three strategic busi- universities and other establishments such as the And how is BRUDERER coping with these troubled ness groups: stamping technology, tool technology Fraunhofer Institut. In the future, KLEINER is antici- times? We are a solid family business with equally and development & components. pating growing demand in the electromobility sector solid products and services. Customers know that we and also for punched parts for high-current power are a reliable partner as well as a one-stop shop for KLEINER GmbH has around 300 employees and supply and contacting. There is also a definite trend everything from providing new machines and replace- an annual turnover of 42 million euros. The company towards ever smaller and more complex parts ca- ment parts to retrofitting punching presses that have punches over two billion parts per year and manu- pable of even greater performance. already put in years of service. The only surprises they The ideal meeting-place: BRUDERER at the EuroBLECH 2012 factures around 50 follow-on composite tools. Their will get are pleasant ones in the form of new devel- customers come primarily from the automotive in- Stamping technology – KLeINER’s opments such as the BRUDERER BPG 22 planetary dustry, with plenty of reputable companies including core competency gearbox, a world first which we were able to showcase some from Tier 1, from the electrical engineering Stamping technology is at the heart of the to stamping professionals from around the world at New head of BrUDERER customer KLEINER‘s headquarters in Pforzheim, Germany and electronics sector, and from medical, plastics KLEINER GmbH company. They stamp copper, our in-house exhibition in May. Its next appearance will and renewable energy technology. The majority of brass, steel, aluminium and precious metals on a be at this year’s EuroBLECH in Hanover where it will Demanding customers production is for German-speaking countries with three-shift basis to bandwidths of up to 320 mil- be shown in combination with a BSTA 510-125. services Orders like these come from customers who are other markets including Asia, Eastern Europe and limetres and thicknesses of 0.06 to 4 millimetres. highly demanding when it comes to the punched the Americas. Joachim and Thomas Kleiner have They are capable of assuring both pre-production In this second edition of Stamper for 2012, we will 38-year-old Rohner is married and has a young parts to be manufactured, the tool used and the also prioritised training both for future employees and serial production at speeds of anything between again be giving you various insights into the universe daughter. And when he is out of the office and needs suppliers involved. And in KLEINER GmbH, they and for the continued development of those already 30 and 1,200 strokes per minute. The company has of our customers. The Shanghai Mint in China for the help of a customer services department, he ex- have partner who can meet these requirements to on the company’s books. They currently have 40 40 machines with press capacities of up to 250 example produces coins and houses a BRUDERER pects expert advice and reliability first and foremost the letter with their products and services. The firm young people who are training on-the-job in manual tonnes, three-quarters of them being BRUDERER machine that stamps coin blanks.
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