Lissocarcinus Orbicularis Dana
f ; (i • < /• s • J r • 2nd Ser. ZOOLOGY.] [Reprinted from VOL. XIV. PART 2. i M*k* THE : * * f> TRANSACTIONS * ' * * * •- - * Hr-i,.;, <. ^ . *T - OF THE LINNEAJN SOCIETY OF LONDON. THE PERCY SLADEN TRUST EXPEDITION TO THE INDIAN OCEAN IN 1905. \ UNDEB THE LEADEBSHIP OP MR J. STANLEY GAEDINER VOLUME in. No. XL—MARINE BRACHYURA. BY MARY J. RATHBUN, A mstant Curator, Division of Marine Invertebrat United States National Museum, Washington, U.S.A. LONDON: i PRINTED FOR THE LINNEAN SOCIETY BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE. SOLD AT THE SOCIETY'S APARTMENTS, BURLINGTON-HOUSE, PICCADILLY, W., AND BY LONGMANS, GREEN, AND ROW August 1911. • No. XL—MARINE BRACHYURA. BY MARY J. RATHBTJN, Assistant Curator, Division of Marine Invertebrates, United States National Museum, Washington, U.S.A. (Plates 15—20 and Text-Figures 1, 2.) (COMMUNICATED BY PROF. J. STANLEY GARDINER, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S.) Read 2nd February, 1911. THE collection of crabs is a large one, comprising 245 species and subspecies; of these, 33 species and 3 subspecies are new to science, and for 3 of the species new genera are constructed. The majority of the previously described species are entered in the works by Alcock, Laurie or Borradaile on the Brachyura of India, Ceylon and the Maldives, or form part of the Indo-Pacific fauna. Among the exceptions are three species from the Seychelles which have been recorded hitherto only from the Red Sea, or Persian Gulf, or both, viz.: Atergatopsis signata, Actumnus honnieri and Eumedonus granulosus. Another Red Sea form, Actumnus globulus, was taken by the "Sealark" at the Chagos Archipelago.
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