Memoirs of the Lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford
i\i:^^M^^AA-^A^A-A^^Al^^Afi.^m m MEMOIRS i* OF THE ^ LIVES I OP ^ BENJAMIN LAY | AND p^ RALPH SANDIFORD; ^ grWO OP THE r.ARLTEST PUBLIC ADVOCAXr.S •[ FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF « THE ENSLAVED AFRICANS. 9^ Sr ROBERTS VAVX. Pascitur in vivis livor, post fata quiescit, f Tunc suus, ex merito, quemque tuetur b«ior." ^ FRILABELTHIA: PUBLISHED BY SOLOMON W. CONRAD;, m No. 87, High-street. 1815. W. Brown, Printer. .#.afM.«.».M.«Lt» ^1^ 94XX<M)V[?J/2^PRESENT.D TO T^^^'^'^^VJI 3/3, (^fiL- /y^^^cU^ ' :^rre,,^/.^^^L£ L. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Associates of the Boston Public Library^/ The Boston Foundation 'd Siy^S'fiM^^mi^ny^.a^w. MEMOIRS OF THE LIVES OF BENJAMIN LAY AND RALPH SANDIFORD; TWO OF THE EARLIEST PUBLIC ADVOCATES FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF THE ENSLAVED AFRICANS. BF ROBERTS FAUX. " Pascitur in vivis livor, post fata quiescit, " Tunc suus, ex merito, quemque tuetur honor.'* TRILJiBELFHIA: PUBLISHED BY SOLOMON W. CONRAD, No. 187, High-street. 1815. W. Brown, Printer, ; District of Feiinsylvania^ to wit : BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the eighth day of Novem- ber, m the fortieth year of the Independence of the United States of America, A, D. 1815, Solomon W. Conrad, of the said District, hatli deposited in this office, the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit; " Memoirs of the Lives of Benjamin Lay and Ralph Sandiford *' two of the earliest public advocates for the emancipation *'of the enslaved Africans.
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