Tropical Birding - Trip Report Ecuador: Northern Specialties Custom Tour May 2021 A Tropical Birding Custom tour Ecuador: Northern Specialties Custom Tour 8th- 23rd May 2021 Orange-fronted Barbet from Silanche Bird Sanctuary Tour Leader: José Illanes Report and Photos: José Illanes +1-409-515-9110
[email protected] p.1 Tropical Birding - Trip Report Ecuador: Northern Specialties Custom Tour May 2021 INTRODUCTION: This trip in northern Ecuador was a custom tour, with the specific aim of targeting specialties that were lifebirds for the person involved. The trip started by journeying northeast of the capital Quito, by car, where we targeted, and found, Páramo Tapaculo, Andean Potoo and Red-hooded Tanager. From there, we continued towards the Amazon, where Gareno Lodge was our final destination. On the way there we added some other target species, like Plushcap and Point-tailed Palmcreeper. At Gareno itself, birds came like Fiery Topaz, Reddish-winged Bare- eye and the stunning White-plumed Antbird, which were much wanted target species, along with other standouts like Pavonine Quetzal, Ash-throated Gnateater, Hairy-crested Antbird, Rufous Potoo, and Slaty- backed Forest-Falcon. From Gareno we swapped one Amazon area for another, this time visiting Sani Lodge. Some of the major requests that fell there included Orange-eyed Flatbill, Amazonian Scrub-Flycatcher, and Orange-crested Manakin, and on some Napo River islands we found Black-and-white Antbird, Orange-fronted Plushcrown, Black-banded Crake, while around the lodge we found the extremely local Cocha Antshrike. Other Sani highlights included White-bellied and Parker’s Spinetails, Great Potoo, Rusty-belted Tapaculo, Black- faced Anthrush, Sungrebe, and White-shouldered and Plumbeous Antbirds.