The Soviet Space Research Program
72 THE SOVIET SPACE.RESEARCHPROGRAM . MONOGRAPH III f ORGANEATION; PLANNING, AND CONTROL CIA/SI 3759 27 August 1959 CENTPAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ,' OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE I I CO LO57 7.5 1 J .. .. WARNING T'WJ material contoins information affecting the National Defense o! the Unlted State8 within the meaning of the espionaoe laws, Title 18, USC, Becs. 799 and 794, the trans- mindon or revelatim of which in any manner to an nnauthorlmd person la prahlbrted by law. I . .. I ,.. *,_. ... .. I CO 1,O 5 7 7,5 1 8 Scientific Intelligence Report THE SOVIET SPACE RESEARCH PROGRAM MONOGRAPH 111 ORGANIZATION, PLANNING, AND CONTROL NOTICE._ The conclusions, judgments, and optnionS contained in this finished intelligence report are based on extensive scientipc intelligence research and n?pressnt the final and consid- et& views of the Ome of Scientijk Intelli- pence. * CIA/SI 37-59 27 August 1959 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICE OF SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE CO 20 57 7.5 1 PREFACE The intelligence information presented in this monograph covers the period from October 1057 to 15 May 1050 and is based on open literature and classified repor@. This study, which is made to determine the organization, planning, and control of the Soviet apace research program and to assess the impact of these factors on future Soviet space research,is one of 12 studies on the Soviet space research program. Monographs XI through XII are designed to support the conclusions found in Monograph I, an overall evaluation of the program, which will be published last. Monographs on the Soviet Space Resesrch Program: IEstimate 1050-74 VII Telemetry, Communica- tiom, and Reconnais- I1 Objectives sance Instrumentation IV Space,Vehicles X Space Biology and As- trobiology V Propulsion Systems XI Astronomical Aspects XII Current Status of Prog- VI Guidance and Control ress CO LO5 7 7.5 1 CONTENTS Page PREFACE.
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