Property of the Watertown•• • Tfw Historical Society Watertown - OakviHe watertownhistoricalsociety.orgWeeidy TIMES Vol.*-15, No. 729 SutHcriptkm Price, $3.75 Per Year Single Copy, 10 Cents November 23, Town To Mark Council Hopeful Thanksgiving Holiday Of Naming Mgr. Watertown residents join with fellow Americans .everywhere to- morrow in, the observance of the ''traditional, • Thanksgiving holiday. Local .schools closed at the end By First Of Year of classes Tuesday and will not reopen until, next .Monday. Banks, stores, business offices; and. fac- Interviews With •5 tories will be closed tomorrow, to" reopen- Friday. Town Supervi- Rev. Mr. Starr 'Applicants For sor Joseph Masi has announced that the Town.. Hall will close at the end of business hours today Post Now Underway - and will, not reopen until Monday... To Preach Watertown may have its. first The Post Offices will observe Town. Manager by the first of, the holiday schedule. There will be no year. Town Council Chairman home deliveries by either' post of- James E. Cipriano indicated this fice and no 'window service. Post •week. masters Lucy G. Leonard .and. Here Sunday One candidate was interviewed Charles Kelly announced, "howev- 'The Rev. William Starr, pres- by the full, nine-member 'Council er, that: lobbies will be open until ently 'rector of Grace Episcopal, last Saturday, another 'will be in-' noon for the convenience of box- Church, Dalton, Mass-., will be-the terviewed tonight, two more in- holders. guest- preacher Sunday, Nov., 26, terviews are slated 'before the' end Thanksgiving Day at 10 a.m. the at the 10:45 a.m. Family Worship of 'the week, and a. fifth, candidate' churches of Watertown, and, Oak- s e r v i c e at -Christ Episcopal will come before' the 'Council at -a ville will unite in. the .annual holi- Church, date to- be set. sometime next day community service at the The Rev. 'Mr-. Starr, son of Mr. Union Congregational 'Church, and Mrs, William D Starr, Beach Mr. Cipriano said, 'that while it Buckingham St. 'The Thanksgiving Ave., is the first young man'to still. is too early to- say definitely, message will be delivered, by 'the enter the Ministry from 'Christ he is ""optimistic"" 'that the Coun- Rev... G. RoweD Crocker, rector cil will arrive at a decision short- of All Saints Episcopal -Church, ly and that the first manager un- Adult Education 'Director John der Watertown's new 'Council-Man- Regan announced., that there- .will ager form, of government 'will 'be:, be no. adult education or .recrea- able to-' begin his duties 'by the FIRST HOLY COMMUNION was received by a class off 136 chil- tion classes tonight. start, of 1962. dren Saturday at St. Mary Magdalen Church. The Rev. Robert 'The Council cut the 31 a,ppl- Keen, assistant pastor, offered' the Mass and gave the sermon, Four Persons ~ cants for the position to II 'last followed by remarks U the class and parents by the Rev. John -week, 'with five definitely slateA 1 for interviews, and six: more held, A. Ca rrig, pastor , A > Communion Breakfast - for the children was Hurt In Auto, for possible interviews, if a. " held in the church basement after Mass, and- a breakfast for ager is not secured 'from " parents- In the rectory basement. Pictured with Father Keen fol- School Ins Crash .-the first five. lowing: the Mass are Mary Ellen and Patricia Ann Olivierl, seven- ; Individuar- 'Council members' year-old twin daughters of M'r. and Mrs. Domenic Olivieri, Bam- A Watertown. woman, and three have, expressed their- satisfaction school children,' were injured early with 'the qualifications of many of ford Awe..,, Waterbury, and Ross Pavio, eight, son off Mr. and Mrs. Monday during the first snowfall, the original .31 applicants. The Romeo Pavio, off Bam ford Awe. in Oakville. '(Staff-photo) of the season, in an. auto-school group felt in narrowing down, the bus collision" on a narrow, winding field that it has chosen 'those. section of Northfield Rd, whose qualifications are best suit- Admitted to Waterbury Hospital ed to Watertown .and its. needs. - for treatment of a fractured right Unless some pressing-"' business- leg was Mrs. Ann Alvord, 45, of occurs in. the meantime,'1?the-Coun- Begin Collection Of Gifts 72 Porter St. Her condition, was cil will not hold, a regular session described as good' prior to press- until its meeting scheduled for time. Monday, Dec. 4, at. 8. p..m,.- in the The three children, all passen- 'Town, Hall Annex. For Fairfield Hospital gers on. the bus. were less seri- ously injured, and did not require 'Rev. William Starr The annual collection of 'Christ- '35 from Watertown and Oakville. hospitalization. Treated, by the Preliminary mas gifts for patients at the Fair- More, than, 1,000 patients will be school doctor and nurse were Church Parish in recent years. field State Hospital, conducted by lonely and "alone at. Christmas, Karen, Johnson, 9, of Bryan Rd.. He was educated at the Baldwin the • YVatertown-Oakville Mental and are in need of friends and and, Larry Seymour, 5, Black Rock. School,' Taft School, Yale Univer- Plans For New Health Volunteer Committee, is • remembrances. • Rd., both for lacerations of the sity and, was graduated from the now underway. "For them the home town is a, lip. and. Bruce Houghton, about 6. General 'Theological Seminary in School Reviewed' - Mrs, Armand Madeux, Ball remote place'," Mrs. Madeux said, of Linkfield Rd., who'was checked 1958. He served as Curate at Preliminary plans for' the new by the school nurse after -being Trinity Church, Hartford. from Farm Rd., Oakville, is general ""for letters and visits may be in- 1958 to I960. Watertown High School have been, chairman. Mrs. Richard Bozzutto frequent or totally absent. These shaken up. His parents said they submitted to the- Board of Educa- would take him. to the family doc- Sunday will mark the first op- tion and, the School Building Com-' and Mrs. Harold Ruh, Jr., .are in patients are .from all. walks of tor if necessary. portunity he has had. to' return charge of the collection stations life—housewives, laborers, pro- and preach at "his home parish. mittee now is. awaiting that group's In Watertown and Oakville. fessional people, secretaries and Police reported that the Alvord approval of the planning as. it has " Collection stations will be set: factory workers. They are our auto..was , on Northfield progressed to date. • up at the following locations: friends • .and neighbors. Rd. when it rounded a curve on a. The School Board, was briefed George's Market, 686 Main; St.; "We -in the .community outside narrow section of the road and met Work Day on the plans by Architect. Thomas Campbell's, 179 Main St.; Sulli- 'the "hospital can' do much, to help the school- bus, '"with 45 children Lyons at a joint meeting with the 1 aboard,, coming in, the opposite di- At Mazulaitis Building Committee 'last: week. van's Pharmacy, 453 Main St.; by showing that we still are in- rection. Mrs. Alvord swerved, The Board said it would study the Pik-Kwik Store, Hemimvay Park; terested and understanding. We sharply to the left in, an attempt to. plans as presented and hopes 'to Post Office Drug, 55 DeForest want, to make sure they are re- miss the 'bus.'but the vehicles col- Farm Successful be able to- give its approval in •* St.," all in Watertown; and Village membered • on Christmas Day. lided, causing damage- to the right The Work: Day conducted, last short, time. Package Store, 413 Main St.; 'Through, the annual Christmas front of both. 'Officials said that week at the Pranas Mazulaitis In. the meantime, the Building Community Food liner, 1TO Main gift campaign, patients at the hos- 'the section of the road, where the Farm. Echo Lake Road, to clean Committee is continuing with its St.; ' Jimmy's Market, 254 Falls pital will be remembered." accident took: place is. barely wide yp debris from the fire which de- work, and met last night with the Aw., all in Oakville. The stations Any kind of gift that might be enough for two cars' to pass, and stroyed a barn three' weeks ago, architects on. more details con- will be set up ..on Tuesday, Nov. 28. chosen -for a friend or relative is a bank on., the right made it im- was very successful... according to cerning the building,. •Mrs. Madeux- reported that acceptable. Lists of- suggested possible for Mrs, Alvord, to turn Mr. Lyons told 'the joint -meeting" there are 2,600 patients, at. the gifts' will be posted at .all collec- James 'Rock of the Litchf'ield 1 in that direction... This, coupled County Extension Service. last week that it still is. hope* - hospital, including 'between 3d and tion, stations. to- have the school plans ready for A dozen local, and area farmers, bids by Feb. 1 with Mar., 1 set (Continued on. Page 2) representing the Watertown as the target -date for' awarding Farmers Association and. the Ex- the contract. .If < this, schedule is. tension service,, turned out to as- met, construction may 'then be Bids Sought sist in the project and to donate started by the middle of March- SantaToVisitHereDec 1 four truckloads of hay to' replace Details of" the building were' de- OnOdm'He the tons -of hay lost in, the fire. scribed in detail by - Mr. Lyons. Santa. Clans will, pay a special, (from Watertown-Oakville and the The town's bulldozer was loaned He showed plot plans with the con- advance visit to Watertown on Fri- j surrounding area are invited to' to help in the work, as well as a. templated entrance to 'the- school, day evening,' "Dec. 1, when he ar- f leave their letters to' Santa in the Sewer Project bucket loader from Julian Ber- drives, walks, parking' facilities rives on the invitation of the Wa- mailbox. 'The Jaycee Wives will The Oakville Public Works. Com- vichonak .and 'two loaders from the .and boys* and girls" athletic areas..' tertown Jaycee Wives to install a. see that all.' are delivered to San- mission, will 'meet on Monday, Watertown Co-Op Assn., .and Ruwe-t He went through the- proposed mailbox designed especially to' re- ta, and all will be answered prior Nov. 27,, at 8 p.m.. .in, the District and Sibley, the latter of Torring- building itself in, detail, tr"— ceive his mail, at 'the Watertown to Christmas, To insure; that San- 'Office," French, St., to- open bids ton. Several trucks loaned, by lo- classroom areas... . administn .Library. ta, will be- able to .answer each on the 'construction, of more than cal farmers .were used to carry health and .guidance areas, Final details on. the time of San- letter .personally, all must be in. two miles of sanitary sewers. burned, timbers and hay 'from, the and. music .areas, gym .and, locker ta's arrival and. the'" in the Mailbox no later than Friday, Sealed, bids on. the installation barn to a dumping spot. .areas., 'industrial arts, ete,, which, he will make his appearance •Dec. 15. Letters may be mailed, of approximately 10,855 feet of Most of the debris was cleaned by step-, explaining their- _ will be,announced next week, the night of Dec. 1. sewer lines now are being ac- up on Thursday, Mr. Rock said, layout and. .areas which may • Mrs. • Charles Greider, Jr.. is All local and area youngsters cepted at 'the district office, ac- and the town's bulldozer returned used for- future expansion. chairman • of the -Jaycee • Wives 1 cording to Board .Chairman Vin- on Friday to- push what, 'remained Also discussed was. the- Santa's Mailbox project, assisted are 'invited to be on hand next Fri- cent F. Martin, 'Copies of plans into- one pile. He said, that 'Mr. bility of including a fallout shelter' by Vincent O. PaUadino of1 the Wa- day night to greet Santa. Parents, and specifications may be- ob- tertown Jaycees. All. youngsters of course, also are invited, tained at the- office. (Continued on Pasre 2'l- fContinued on Page-2) Your Home Town Merchants Serve You Better PAGE .2 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, 1961 pattern-of-their choice. The se•o-f local, service stations, garages Property of the WatertownGrange' To Collec tHistoricallected. • pattern will be on han Societyd and automotive repair shops. throughout the year for classes to ' Managing the outlet is Charles Local Residents Gifts For State use in studying flatware design Ouellette, according .to itaaldyn 1 State" Rep. and Mrs. J< construction, and buying pcinci- Danen, president of the firm. The attended a testimonial ciples. store is' the third for the com- Elected By Hospital Dec. 1 The Award will be presented to pany, which has its headquarters fKS. flamtor Thomas watertownhistoricalsociety.orgthe 'Outstanding' advance home ec- in Waterbury and another branch .day in. Hartford,. • . Members ' of Watertown Grange Dahlia Society are to'' bring ChrisBjias gifts for ' student 'in June. store in- Naugatuck. . RonaW - B. Beach. a student •At 'the November -meeting.of the patients at the Fairf ield State Hos- Connecticut Dahlia Society, held pital to the next regular meeting, 'dft Westminister Choir College, which Mi be" .held .Friday, Dec. New Auto Ports Princeton, ' N. J., mil spend ' therecently in .Wolcott, .Daniel C.1 Thanksgiving holiday at the home Dearborn., Bristol, was elected 1, at 8 p.m. 'in Masonic Hall. Fur- Open of his. parents,, Mr. and president for the coming year. He ther information on 'the project: teach,/ Woqdbury Rd. is one of the 12 charter members may be •obtained, by catting 'Mrs. Shore's Auto Parts, Inc., whole-- of the Society, which now has a'Charles • DeBisschop, at 274-2164. salers ioi* ..automobile' parts, will be Gary Petersen, of Cedar equipment 'and accessaries, has Rapids, Iowa. also a student at membership of: '90'. At its meeting last: Friday night, Westminister. Other officers' elected were: Mi- at: which Mrs. Gladys Main, Mas- opened a. .new stare at. T«4 .Mam chael Kantor, Wateitown., "vice- ter, .presided, 13' area Granges St. m Ovcrille to .awpply 'the need* president; .Lester' Andrew, ..Water- were represented during 'Visiting . Mr. and- Mrs. 'Gerald C. 'Low, bury, treasurer; and Miss Ann Officers" Night. They were PI; 'With' Mrs. Low's mother, Mrs Tkatz, Watertown, -secretary. mouth, Berlin,, West Hartfor C. L. Baxter, • Watertown." are Four regional vice-presidents al- 'Prospect, Bethlehem, Mad River, spending Thanksgiving with Mr. so were1 elected. They • are Mrs. Washington. ' Pomperaugv Mid- •nd'Mrs. Elliott H. Lee, New York James Gedrim, Broad Brook; dlebury. Meriden, Wocott and. .-City. They 'will be joined by their Mrs.. Frank' Seaman, Danbury; Winchester. • daughter. Miss Lindy 'Low, pub- Walter Wengell, Bridgeport:; and lic health nursing coordinator of Mrs. John Jagnow, -Elmont, L. I.,, It- was'•announced at the meeting the New York Hospital Experimen- N. Y. Walter Hardisty of Water- that IS members 'from' Watertown ays// Grange -took the 'Seventh Degree fal Program in Care of Welfare toivn and, Adolph Birkenberger, of at Worcester. Mass.. last: Satur- Patients. Wolcott, were elected, to the .Board, day. The' local Grange .has' 'been of Govetonom. invited to neighbor 'with Prospect • E. Donald Walsh,,.' West Rd. For the outstanding 'work done' Grange on Friday, Nov. 24,., NOW k The Howard D. May, M'Fingal Rd. for .the. .Society, Andrew W. Bell Edward L. Wheeler.. Woodbury, of Waterbury, was * presented with Time and Willard T. Chamberlajin. Wa an. engraved gold bell by Past •terbury,,, were recent • gujests at President Paul M... Smith. Award Planned fo Shop For Holly Inn,, Pimehurst, ¥ Plans were.1: made for. a Christ- mas party to 'be held, at the 'Wol- For Top Home Christmas With Mr. and .Mrs. • J. i Nelson cott Fire House next month. At -Bridges,, Main St.. for the Thanks- the close of the business, • meeting, Ec. Student ciying holiday is their daughter, Michael Zirrko, of Bridgeport, en- jrjf Mies Alison Bridges, a freshman tertained with: slides, taken at sev- This year a special Home Econ- at Marymount Secondary School. eral of the Dahlia Shows and in. the omics Award will be presented by " Tarrytown-on-Hudsoh; N: Y-. gardens of Society members. Re- the' Homemaking Department o —AT— dovids#ii*s freshments • were sewed by Mrs. Watertown High. IchS to the top Ernest Miller, Mrs.'John Tedes- advanced Home Economics . stu- W«t«-rt«wn A, Lito*fietd co and, Mrs1. C. J. Boileau, hostes- dent. The Award., a' place setting ('Continued, from Page 1) ses for 'the evening. of sterling silver 'flatware, is be- ing provided by the.. Sterling Sil- CASH - CHARGE - LAY-AWAY in the building. The Building Com- versmiths of America. mittee 'feels, however, that there Rpbert B. Cook, Principal, said, are' not sufficient funds available Linf V Membership that .choice of the' winning student within the J2,$00,000 'bond, issue would be based on her. progress. for a, shelter. Mr. Lyons said that Meeting Nov. 30 ability' and interest In. the field of CAM COATS $10.95 up he estimates from" bids' obtained' nome economics. ' en: shelters in, other schools, such The Watertown- League of Wo- The Award, will be tied 'in, "with an inclusion in the new Watertown men Voters will hold" a member- a year 'round -project in 'Consumer; COTTON SUEDE High might ram about $125,000. ship meeting on Thursday, No- education.. Home Economics stu- vember 30', at 2 p.m. in Wesley dents have selected, 'the' flatware Sheep lined • Hall of the' Methodist: 'Church. Members of the' (executive board Work Day will speak briefly on "lively Is- •;• (Continued from Page 1) , sues" for the purpose of deter- PHOTOGRAPHY . Zip-out. linings mining the' next two year National llazidaJtis was very appreciative study item,. 'There will be a brief WOOL . .. of the work done and participating discussion on each of' the follow- by Dick Wood farmers were" well satisfied with. ing: "Among ••the Nations" U.S. Plaid linmgs Ibe accomplishment. - ( — U. S.- 5. R,, "Disarmament", Portraits -.. -' - • At "the .noon hour break:.,' the Wa- "The U. N.'\ "The Eeouomgr", ter town Red Cross Chapter sup- "Water", "Agriculture", "Ur- ." Weddings • ' - plied workers with, lunch,.' :' banization", "Federal. Role in Ed- Dressy Coats $39.98 up ucation", "Consumer Protec- tion", "Election, .Laws", "Civil Commercial ' 'Four Persons I - Service",- •and... "Social Security". Studio 678 Main St. Tweeds Members •and. guests are invited " (Continued from Page 1) to attend... Refreshments will be' WATERTOWN — 274-1015 Plaids with the wet, slippery road* con- served. ditions due to the" snow,: was Solids blamed for the crash. ' - ' Driver of the bus was Kenneth • MONDAY TH-RU SATURDAY " Ostrander, 55, Falls Ave.,,, • Oak- • FRIDAY .EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 vile. .. • •• ' The accident was investigated by ARNOLD'S RESTAURANT Sgt. Edwin Williams. Patrolman Peter LaBoda and ' Police : Chief Frank' Minucci. - " Known For Fine Foods davidson's ' The Seidu Delphian. Society will meet Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ellsworth T. A few choice 'dates still available for reservation. Candee, Beach Ave. Mrs. Wilfred iLifchfieldl & Water+own B. Bryaat will -present the pro- ! JO' 7-8664 — 274-1149 gram. '• . . " 1883 Watertown Awe:-— ' ' • '^^ -,- WATERtURY




CONSULT US ABOUT OUR 274-167? FREE WSIIREP BUDAET PLAN Cub' Scout News Woodbtiry News First Sight Of TOWN TIHMfeS (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, 1"§61 — 'PA.CC 1 of the C. E. Butterfields, also Of, •' The M'QvenibeiPropertyr meeting of Cub ofIn Mediterranea then Watertown Historical— snow. — Society Prospect St. • * Scout Pack 55 was held last; Fri- Gerald1 F. Start, seaman appren- Snow Thrills 'Charles and John, Harrell, fifth day evening at Christ Episcopal tice, USN, son, of Mrs. Rosa E. and sixth graders,' respectively, Church. Assistant Cubmaster Ho- Ryan, of Route 2, Woodbury, is Youngsters bom, and raised in. Florida, were ward Franson conducted the meet- serving aboard the attack aircraft awe-struck by 'the first snowfall 'THINK OF FLOORS ing in the absence of Cubmaster carriewatertownhistoricalsociety.orgr USS. Independence,, now on 'Two young students at the Jud- of the .season. It was the first time THIN-K OF . . . Emil Mimicucci who was ill.. duty 'with the Sixth, Fleet in. the son Elementary School, enjoyed the youngsters, sons of Mrs. Pa- Mediterranean. . one of 'the major experiences of tricia Harrell, 25 Ffaspect St.. MURRAY LOGAN Awards distributed were as fol- ever had seen, the white stuff. They lows: 'Steven Cook, lion'badge and The ship recently visited their young lives Monday morning F LOO R 'COVER: 1N GS have been residents of Watertown 638 IE. Main gold arrow: Jurgen Schuler, Wolf Cannes, France for six days, giv- since September. badge; 'Tom Marino .and Joseph ing crewmen the chance to .visit the home of Mrs. 'Victor Cestar, Buono, one year ' pins; Richard' such places as .'Nice, Monte Carlo "The HarreUs are grandchildren Wells, two year pin,, Lion .badge, and Grasse, 'the perfume center 308 Riverside St., OakviJIe. and. silver arrows; and Dan. of1 France. ;. Bear badge. Other ports-of-call for the car- theme of the meeting was rier have been Athens. Greece; Wonders of Magic"" and the Instanbul, Turkey and. Rhodes, were well prepared. 'Den 5, Greece. 'The ship is scheduled to under Denmother, Mrs* John Mur- return to' its Norfolk, Va., home phy, demonstrated 'tricks consist- port. in. mid-December. ing of pulling rabbits out of a hat, making- one bail out of three', and GOP Women To Meet ANNOUNCING turning 'a glass of water upside The' Oakville-Watertown Wom- down, without: spilling it. 'Their fin- en's 'Republicanp . Club will meet al, trick was to put red, white and 'Tuesday'Td . Nov.N . 2828, at 88' p.m.. at ' blue handkerchiefs in a hat and out a flag while the" rest of the den recited the Salute to cJne Q^/pening of a {Branca Store the Flag. ' 'Den 6. with Denmother Mrs. Ho- ward. Franson, presented a reap- pearing ball trick, magic water I of which 'after persistent blowing' ap- parently - lost: its magic, and a magic number trick. Their skit stopped when, they 'tried to saw ' Snore's J/Luto LParts, SJ-nc. a Cub in, half .and, "blood" started to ooze out. Shore's Auto Parts, Inc., of Water bury, has opened a BRANCH Denmother Mrs. Thomas Buck- ingham's Den. 1 continued with a STORE at 764 Main St., Oakville. Mr. Charles Gueliette is our mew paper disappearing trick, changing store Manager. This new operation Is In line with Shore's policy of a nickel into a penny, pulling i string through a Cub's neck, mak- I £ making our services more convenient to our many customers in the 'ing a penny disappear in a, box" ! ~ Watertown area. — making a needle float. In water ' and. flipping cups so 'that no one else could repeat the trick. MAIN STORE of 398 WEST MAIN ST.. WATERBURY 'Den 4,, led by Denmother Mrs. Joseph Buono, completed the Scouts* part of the program with 764 MAIN ST. a magic ink trick, 'pulling a strap' through a bolt without tearing it, Phone 274-8861 and making .knots in string disap- pear. A/3c RONALD G. CLARK, son OAKVILLE 'The highlight of the program, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. was an appearance "of "Olie, the Clark, 336 French St., mow is Great"'",,, better' known, as John Ol- stationed at the..Hond Air Force son, talanted local magician... Of Base in the German Alps. The some 18 different tricks with, which 1961 graduate of Watertown he entranced, young and, old alike, High School completed his basic some were: making a. box of training at Lackland Air Force matches disappear in a,' large ker- "Wrap Up" Your Christinas Plans . chief, making playine cards chos- Base in San Antonio, Tex., and en, by the audience and placed, in, a ISO' graduated from the 50th Air a. cigarette box mysteriously move Force. Police SchooI before be- from the box to' an envelope some ing assigned overseas. He re- With A CHRISTMAS CLUE Check •six feet apart while 'both were cently spent a 30-day furlough' 'held by members of the audience. at the home of his parents. 'While In Mr. Olson's last trick, he at Watertown High he was a threw bits of paper into' a large pan and sprayed some magic fluid member of the basketball III, soc- •over the pieces. After lighting the cer and baseball teams. : -bits of paper and placing a cover CDonn-L photo); on the pan, he allowed, the pan to cook for~a few minutes. When, he tuck, will be featured. Each Cub removed the cover, the pan was Scout will canvas his own. section filled with molasses kisses. The of town. Further details on this Cubs... needless to say, enjoyed the ale to' follow- in, a. later issue. trick... the candy, and Mr. Olson. For December, Pack 55 will During the following weeks, Pack have for its theme ""Helping and 55 will sponsor a candy sale. Giving". The importance of think- Products of Peter1 Paul, Nauga- ing and acting in the real, spirit of the holidays and the related Cub Scout ideals will be stressed. NOW OPEN The pre-pack meeting will be held at the Church at 1:30' p.m. on Tuesday, . December 12. All ] BARBER den mothers and committee mem- bers are requested to attend. MARTY'S SHOP The December pack meeting will ; 208 MAIN ST.,. OAKVILLE be held Friday, December 15, at the Church at 7:30 p.m..

Let's Have A CHRISTMAS PARTY Join Our 1962 Christinas Oil Now Don't get caught short of cash 'for holiday gifts. Open your WE'LL set up the party ... Club account' mow and save for next Christmas. There's a YOU name the date and place, club payment plan to' fit four budget. Decorations — including a Christmas Tree — Stop in and! join today OF. just fill out and mail the coupon For 50 or more people Only $2.00 apiece. below, along' with 'four' first payment. ..Our Menu: Stuffed 'Celery Relish Tray "" • THOM ASTON SAVINGS BANK, Watertown. Conn. Deviled Eggs Chow Mein, Rice & Noodles Baked Beans. Rolls, Butter Please enroll me in your 1962 Christmas' Club at Weekly Tossed Salad Party Cake and Coffee- payments of 50c $1.00 $2.00 $3.00 $5.00 $10.00 Irish Potato in Gravy Potato Salad Choose One NAME : : ". Au Gratin Potato' ADDRESS '. , ,. Macaroni Salad Baked, Macaroni. & Cheese Choose One I enc llo'S e first pay me nt of Macaroni Italian. Style Roast Beef .Meat Balls in Sauce or Gravy Sliced Ham. Italian. Sausage Choose Sliced "Turkey Veal & Peppers Four" Chicken Pieces Polish Kielbasa 1 THOMAS TON $10.00 extra 'for Santa Clous CALL NOW AND RESERVE YOUR NIGHT SAVINGS BANK MARY JO CATERING SERVICE - Watertown 'Office 565 Mdn St., Watertown Member: Federal Deposit Insurance Xorporation-HFederal Home Loan Bank System 7 5 8-2 737 —- 2 74-4 20 0

«* J- , , • ,.., . ._ , i»/ t=,- ...=,**- #A,«2E 4 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, 1961 0. E S. Ytsper Seirwiee Theodore Tletz, • WOodbury Mi.,;"' Property of the Watertown Historical Societylas been granted a, permi t to add, Watertown Chapter. Order of a garage, $700. : Eastern Star, and .Naomi and Good. Will Chapters, O.E.S., 'both of Wa- Town • "[Times, • Inc. terbury," will hold joint Vesper • F L O W E I S • fcffie* looted tn 'ftw 'Otnrgas Building, 678 Main Start Wi FiOff' IIWI'WW 'Bf Services at the' .Congregational WsiMMfON call CRMtwwad 4-1*46 m CR.itwoowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgd 4-4610. iimaill 'to TOWN Church in Middlebury on; Sunday, FOR EVERY OCCASION vHniE>Sii': WHIG »Hw Oplc^iil*^ or IIOJBBBC If. lw*f)Bi"t©wiittf Cctfiin.. Dec. 3, at 3:30 p.m. Members and — F r e • D e 1 I v • r y —• f Mends, are'invited to' attend. ANNETTE'S 'FLOWER SHOP Wl'llliBJIll IE<» SiffllOWMIH^ BWiliWlP •!•' IHW Bill BiiliBi IT Old Colonial Road — Oakvllf* ' ' . Fraitcii J. MtGrath, Joseph Margaitis, Linkfield Rd.,,, TEL. 274-277'© May 12, 1953 of the pott has obtained a. permit to' install "a (LMirter and Annette TWttult) 'Conn. Original entry eu. iwond clau matter Jan. 13, 1941 oiJh. pant sffie* Qdbilfa, bathroom, $170. . CM*. fo «h» .Act' of March 3, 1179. (D'JCaae/o's RESTAURANT Y a it & e e Bo® die r .nge,1700' Watertown Ave., Waterbury FAMOUS for FINE FOOD

William J. Clifford Jr.J son of to a M%',y school for" further in- O:n The Prenuses Catering Mr. and- Mrs. William Clifford, struction? ' - - Harrison La., and John A. Bos- PVT. THOMAS L. GOLDEN, To All Size Parties. George M. Stitles,.. Jr., Main ko, Jr., son "of- Mr., and Mrs. U.S.M.C., son of' Mr. 'and "Wire. Plan Your:,' Christmas Party Now. John, Bosko. Magnolia Mill Rd., St.,, recently attended a week- George E, Golden, Northfield both, of Bethlehem, are undergo- long sales school at'"Rust Craft A few choice dates still available. ing recruit •training' at "the U. S. Publishers,, Bedlam, Mass. ,., . . Rd., completed , recruit, training. " SUNDAY DINNERS Nov. IS at, the Marine Corps Re- Naval Training Center, . " Great He's the company's sales repre- Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner Here. Lakes, 111. ' " ' '' " sentative in this area. cruit Depot, Parris Island. S.C. He will ••report, to Camp Lejeune, Sgt. Ellis S.' Warren, •son of With .the Christmas season just N.C., for combat infantry train- 756-6310 .Dancing Saturday Nights Mir,.,' and Mrs. John Warren, around" the corner. Postmasters ing prior'" to being assigned to a Litehfield Rd., recently1 ; partic- Charles T. Kelly,,; Oakville, and Mrs. Lucy Leonard,, Watertown. unit of the Fleet Marine Force ipated with .other members of or attending a service school for the 8th Infantry Division's '68th want to remind residents of the Armor in the unit's annual Ar- correct postal rates for Christ- specialized' instruction. my " training test in Baumhold- mas cards . . . Unsealed, cards er, Germany . ,. . Sgt. Ellis is may be sent anywhere in, the bury; John Briotti, Troop 42. Wa- It's so easy to beautify any room a tank commander in ' the United States or to Canada, and terbury; Bruce Bartlett. Troop armor's Company A. ! Mexico for three cents and to all ,54, Woodbury; Edward Grinnell, other countries for five cents . . . Charles Pianz and .Donald M. A decorated cake •entered by Rates "for'sealed cards in the U.S.,Khowles, 'Troop 58. New Milord; John Bacco. or Rosemary's Bak- Canada and Mexico are four cents, Timothy Marvin. Troop 60. .South ery, Main St.. has been : awarded and to .all other 'countries,'. 11 Britain; Francis Hodges and Cam- a certificate of outstanding 'merit .cents...... eron Gardella. Troop- 65. Rox- 'in, a, cake contest sponsored by the bury; Glenn Smith, and Buddy Connecticut ' Bakers Association, 'Turner, Troop 77. New Milford; Inc Richard S. Winalski, CBA Rotarians Hear R. B. ' Fouch. Assistant District vice-president and chairman of the Commissioner of Southbury. WITH contest committee; described the Dr. J.. B. Porter " . "F o 11 -o w' i n g the induction, a local entry "as being "of"'unusual Dr. Joseph B. Porter, -former. Brotherhood Ceremony was held design, with marked originality Superintendent of Schools in Wa- to confirm. Brotherhood member- and' artistic skill," , " ship on, the following: C. M. tertown and now Superintendent of Loewe, New Milford; Paul Had- EAGLO SchoolsHn. Bridgeport, was the Arthur P. Hlckcox, of Water- guest speaker at last, week's meet- zima. Woodbury: Kirk Wheale. town, .is -serving on the commit- ing of the Rotary "Club at D'"An- Cheshire; Peter Sicard, Cheshire; VINYL LATEX tee for the 10th annual oCnnect- gelo's Restaurant. Julian Tot ten, Naugatuck; Wallace icut - Christmas Safety Cam- Dr. Porter was a charter mem- G. Harper, Waterbury. paign . . . The Committee,, made ber and first president of the \Va Lodge' members assisting in "the up of .civic,, religious and pub- tertown Rotary Club while Super- ceremonies were Carl Humiston. Magic Satin lic leaders from throughout, the intendent 'Of Schools here. He Peter Sicard, Kirk Wheale, Bert State, asks.each year that liquor elaborated on his experiences in Leach, Duncan MacMaster, 'Rich- -be omitted at all office and fac- his new position, arid expanded or. ard •Lenkowski, Julian Totten, tory Christmas parties. the dedication... of the people who Thomas Horan. Stanley Dibble, teach in, the public school .system. Richard, B i el e field and Wallace • Covets Easily The committee 'points out thai: "it The Club held its first wort Harper., •took 176 years and, all the wars nights on the project of building • Dries in 30 minutes Reg- $5.95 .this nation "ever fought to kill a shelters at bus" stops for-,, local million men, . . ,. 'The automobile school children, - last' week. Man) New Entrance . "did the same job in 53 years, and members turned out and much • Odorless - ^ . SALE' ' work was accomplished, on the : it's estimated that the second mil- first two 'shelters. "• Other work To Parking " • Washable mm mm lion highway deaths... at the pres- nights are scheduled this week." . Work, commenced late last: week ent rate, may well occur ;in one- The two shelters should be com- on an expansion' of the parking third that, time ,. . . Officials State pleted and erected, on their sites; (area behind George's Market, and You'll be delighted at the Idlest range of decorator •that at least 55 per cent of auto I also on a new "entrance to the lot ! one in Oakville and the other in colors available to you when you paint with Eagle's deaths" are liquor related. Watertown. within a" few days.. from Woodruff .Ave. Guests at the meeting were Les- • 'The expansion will provide ad-1; Magic Satin. A new scientific coating that brings easy- While the Christmas season lie E. Steel. Torrington; ' .Ralph ditiona] parking for about 50' cars, j brings to mind "Peace on earth A... Wheeler. Derby-Shelton; Fred. i according to Tofie George,. Equal-' to-use beautiful finishes to YOU! • to men of good will," the sea-'Pierpont, Thomaston; and Andrew i'ly important the new entrance' son also puts on. the record the Gilmour, Richard Morgan and, j will permit patrons of the market S greatest, increase in highway George Shaw, of Waterbury. and the offices in the George! " tragedies ". . . 'Too many of Building to enter and leave the! these tragedies follow office and parking area, from Woodruff Ave.. { factory Christinas parties, or 12 Admitted lip avoiding heavy traffic on Main St. |, GLEEM the department groups celebrat- Mr. George said- that 'the "work ing off the company premises Order Of Arrow should be finished, within the next where liquor may' have been im- few days, depending on weather; bibed* ' - • ,, Twelve new members were in- conditions. ducted into the Order of the Ar- PAINT STORE row at ceremonies recently. The " Each year more Christmas gain- Order of the Arrow is a, society 653 South Main St. — 755-4015 — Watetfcury ings are planned without: liquor of honor campers' dedicated to because executives realize the cheerful service. Candidates are 'possibilities of danger and be- elected by the members" of their SPECIAL! Thrs Week, ONLY cause .imbibing alcohol 'does .not own units and are then put through seem an appropriate way to oele- •an. Ordeal of' Service 'before in- Super Kem Tone brate the birthday of Christ. duction. - - (4 Colttrs)' The 12" new members spent a The committee concludes .with day doing work at Gamp Mattatuck this plea . . . "Have no vacant in, Plymouth. The two major proj- 1 chair' at, a, CttHitmas table ects were the removal of brush caused by a drinking driver1 from, the Camp's mod. and, the from your organization varnishing of materials for the Omitting liquor is for safety's new .Health Lodge. sake — for youraetf artdfrtends Newly inducted members are let us give thanks-for .the freedom-we enjoy; ami for those in other car* on Joe Stanevfch, Troop 6. the road . . . If there's money saved omitting liquor — and •IlWrc Tnrfll1. OC •"•• a: IllUlie' Htlii^vnC for the prifllege of living,. in this . scouting will find someone ill, aged, JOhesome or' needy, .or a TED TIEIZ. JR. worthy Organization which finds ; 1 TRUCKING •'iid serves such . . . Brighten - - WttMfbtiiry iMttd, 'IMMMmM • • land of liberty. •.. • . their Christmas too ,., . . It will 274-3789 enrich y»ur We as no hangover. YOU CALL, WI HAUL, ever could." .. \ ANYTIME, ANY PLACE Peter F.' Barnes, son of Mr. 6rushed Stan* - Utawal, - •and Mrs. Rogeg r A. 'Barnesi, Pros- pect St., is undergoing J recruit REA««NABLE fMTE* • ; To All Our Customers training at the U. S. Naval 'Train- ini g CenterC , GreaG t LakesLk , 111. . . . You-r* Always Upon, completion of the nirie-week When You CaH Te4. • • And To All Our Friends basic course' he will be assigned A HAPPY THANKSGIVING ...MY ROOT & BOYD INC. lnturan«« derwriters Sine* I'ttl INSURANCE • - WATERTOWN CO-OP ASSN., INC. 2 7 Depot Street 54 Center Street WAtERBURY Tel. 756-7251 WATftTOWN ' • ' ' - 449 Main Street . 1 WATStTOWW "' 574-2591 Property of the Watertown HistoricalTOWN TIMES (WATEHTOWN Society, CONN.), NOV. 23, 196 1 — .PAGE 9 watertownhistoricalsociety.orgnew JCt 9C*ay s (JTardware

AUTOMATIC F TOASTER 9-Position Control PORTABLE Extra-High 0 Toast Lift, MIXER Soap-Out • Weighs less than 3 pounds Crumb Tray • 'Knife Sharpener accessory available • 'Three 'Control Speed • Removable Contact, R CHRISTMAS


• Opens any standard ,, G round can • Quick, Easy, Safe, Clean • Opens can at finger touch I • Unusual gift item. PORTABLE GRILL Broils, barbecues, toasts Windshield hood, controls spatter V Meal, for steaks, hamburgers, corn on the cob I Use it indoors or outside AUTOMATIC SKILLET STEAM and N DRY IRON

G • 2 'Irons in. One King SIK — cooks for • New Cord-Lift a crowd, • Even-Flow Tip-Toe^ teg, tilts skillet - so 'food, drains Steam, Til-Top cover helps .control spatter Detachable 'Control for easy cleaning KAY'S HARDWARE MAIN ST. — WATERTOWN Call 274-1038 OPEN DAILY TUX (Ml — FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. PAGE 6 — TOWN Tt1M'$8. (WATEHTOWN, COMN.), NOV. 23, 1*61 Newtown Preparative Meeting Special. Thanksgiving Day 'Union Monday, Now ,27' — CY'O meets Religious .Society of' Friends service at the Umon Congregation- for religious instructions in the will, include the Sacrament of'Holy Newtewn .Jr.. Hlioji 'School al Church, -10 a.m. The. Rev. G. school 7 p.m. - ' ., Church Services Communion. 'The sermon title is Queen St., Newtown .Rowell Crocker will be- the Wednesday, Nov. 29 — Choir re- Property"The Preparatioof nthe for 'Christ., Watertown" Sunday — Meeting for' 'worshi Historicalp preacher. Societyhearsal, 7:30 p.m. Methodist Pilgrim Fellowship, 6:30 p.m.. The '11 a.m.; First Day School, 11 a.m. ...Sunday, Nov. 26 — Sunday 'before Thursday, Nov. .23 — Chapel .program." will 'be'' a film on " the Advent. Holy Communion, 8 a.m.; 'Chrtstt. pp hospital ship Hope." Choir, ' 6:30 p.m.; Senior Choir, — First Congregational. Morning prayer, litany and ser- .Thursday, Nov.. 23' — Holy Com- 7:30 p.m.. • Monday, Nov., 2? — Troop -52 mon by..' the Rector, 10 a.m,.,; munion, 8 a.m. Sunday, Now. 26 — Sunday School Committewatertownhistoricalsociety.orge meeting, -fi30 p.m.; Sunday, ' Nov. 26' — Church •Church School,, 10' a.m,.; Confirma- Friday, Nov.,' 24 — Boy Scout 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship, with Boy Scout Mothers' .Auxiliary School., 9:30 a.m.; Morning Wor- tion class, 11*; Young Peo- Troop 450, old parish house, 7:30' the Rev. Francis W. ' Carlson, meeting* 7:30' p.m.; Fall " Dele- ship, with sermon by 'the Rev. ple's Fellowship, parish hall, 7 p.m. gates* meeting, Waterbury Area. George E. Gilchrist, pastor, 11 p.m. pastor, officiating, 11 a.m. Every a.m.; Church hour group, chil- Sunday, Nov. 26 — Holy Com- Member Canvassers, will 'be dedi- Council of Churches, at West Side Wednesday, Nov. 29 — Episco- munion, 8 a.,m.; Family Worship cated during the service. At noon Hill Methodist Church, Water- dren S-6, Trumbull House, 11. and Church. School, 10:45 a.m.; bury.. .7:30 p..m. . a.m.; 'Crib room, infants, six mouths pal . Churchwomen. Day Branch, there will 'be a. luncheon for 'the to two years, 'Trumbull House, 11 'meet. '.in. the -parish house,- 1:30 Young People's' Fellowship, 6 p.m. canvassers... Senior MY.F., 6 Tuesday. Nov. "28 — Naugatuck a. m.; Junior High Fellowship, p.m. Monday, .Nov." 27 — Brownie p.m.; Junior High M.YJf., 6- p.m. Valley Association School, of Trumbull House, 4 p.m.; Pilgrim Troop 311,,. old parish. . house, 3 Tuesday, • Nov. 28: -f- Sunday Churchmanship, First Congrega- Fellowship, Church House', 6 p.m. St. John's p.m.; Christ 'Church Belles, 8 School; teachers' meeting, 8 p.m. tional ' Church, Watertown, 6:30' Tuesday, Nov. .28 — Executive The Bishop's "Clothing drive for p.m. p.m.; Senior Choir, 7 p.m. .Board of Women's Council, Trum- the destitute people..of the world Tuesday, Nov., 28 — Brownie .Union Congregational Wednesday. Nov. 29 — Boy Scout bull House, -9:30 a.m.; Naugatuck is being conducted in the parish, Troop 303, old parish house, 3:15 Thursday, Nov. .23 — Thanks- Troop 52, 7 p.m. 'Valley Men's Fellowship supper, this week. Those-who wish to' do- p.m. giving Day -union service for Wa- 'Church House, 6 p.m., followed by nate clothes" should' take 'them, to Wednesday, Nov. 29 — Girls'* tertown-Oakville churches, 10 Trinity Lutheran Chapel program.; Pilgrim Choir' rehear- •the church hall any day between Junior 'Choir, 3:15 p..m.; Senior a.m. The Rev. G. Rowell Crocker, S u n d a. y, Nov. 26 — Church. sal, Trumbull House instead of the hours of 3:30 and 8 p.m. The 'Choir, 7:45 p.m. rector of AH Saints Episcopal School, 9:15 a.m. The' opening. Church. House, 7 p.m.; Board of side door of the church will, be Church, will deliver 'the medita- service - book for 'study is Joshua. Trustees,, 7:30 p.,m. open for this purpose. Clothing John & Rose Quadrato, Frances tion. - " •.Service, -with Student Pastor The- - Wednesday, Nov.. 29 — Pioneer should be clean .and usable. Ann "Dr.,," Oakville, have been is-' Friday, .Nov.. 24 — Pack Meet- odore A... McConnell . 'Officiating, Choir rehearsal., grades 4-6, Church. Thursday, Nov. ,23 — Marriage sued a permit to' erect a five- ing," Cub Scout Pack 52, '7:30 p.m. 10:30 a.m. House, 3:15 p.m.; Adult Choir re- of Robert Blouin and Simone Veil- room dwelling, $10,000. - 'Saturday, Nov. 25' — Cherub hearsal, Church House, 7:45 p.m.; lette, 9 a.m. - Choir, '9- a.m.; 'Church! member- Christian Science Meeting of 'Deacons and Deacon- Friday, Nov. 24 — Month's Mind ship class, 9 a.m.; God .and Coun- Holmes & Mitchell Aves. esses, Trumbull House, 7:45 p.m. Mass for Peter 'Edward's, S a.m. try class, 10:30 a.m.; Record. Waterbury .. Saturday, Dec. 2 — -Choir re- Saturday, New. 25^- Fifth anni- Hop, sponsored" by the Pilgrim. Sunday,'Nov. 26 — Service, Sun- hearsal, second and third graders.. versary'•"requiem high Mass for Fellowship, 7:30 p.m. i. day .School and . nursery, ' 10:45 Church House, 10 a.m. James Grenier, 8 a.m. S u n d a y, Nov. 26 -j- 'Church a.m.; Service, 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov., 26 — Communion 1 P School. 9:3d a.m.; Morning Wor- Wednesday, NOT...29 — Meeting, All Saints Episcopal Sunday for high school and. public •THE HEARING AID BUREAU • ship 'with" child care, 11 .a.m.. - This including testimonies of' Christian. .Thursday,..'Nov., 23 — Thanksgiv- school students. 'Masses at 7, 8, •1B5 0TWM St. Cut. Central AM. is the first Sunday in Advent and Science. healing, 8 p.m. ing Day. Holy Communion,.9 a.m.; 9, 10 and'11 -a.m.. | TEL. 754-2624


Biscayne lmjxtla Convertible i-Door 6-Passenger Station Wagon Cormir 500 Club Coupe MODELS

{ count em-33 J Impala' i-Door e-Passenoer Station Wagon Chevy II 100 S-Door Sedan Cormir TOO Ch& Cmpe TOCHD0SEIRdM- CHEVROLET DEALERS 9-Passenger Station Wagon Chevy II100 i-Door Sedan Cmrmir 700 i-Door Sedan ONE-STOP SHOPPING Bel Air S-Door Sedan Chevy II 100 i-Door Station Wagon Cormir 700 i-Door Station Wagon CENTER! You can count on variety tike this : only at your Chevrolet dealer's. Bel Air l-Door .Sedan Chevy II S00 g-Dmr Sedan Cormir Monza Club Coupe Three complete tinea of cars—plus Corvette, America's only for-sure sports car—all available under one roof. A total of .14 full-size Jef~ tmocih '62 Chevrolets. A new-size car—the trim, trusty Chevy II —'in a full lino of 9 models. .And a. new crew of nine *§g Bel Air Sport Cmpe Chevy II800 i-Door Sedan Cormir Mourn i-Door Sedan Cwmira. That's the crop -you. have: to pick from—and the pickings couldn't be better. .Drop in and take your choice. Bel Air Chevy II 300 i-Door S-Seat i-Door 6-Passenger Station Wagon Station Wagon Cormir .Mjmza i-Door Station Wagon

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See the *62Ckem"@kl9 the new Chevy II and the'62 Corvair at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's WEST SALES & SERVICE. INC . . .. Waterfrowit, Conn. . ~ - > TOWN' TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, 1961 — PAGE 7 Property of the Watertown Historical Society



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MTERBURV • IUUCATUCK • THOIUSTON • WATERTOWN". WOODBURY - WOLCOTT »AGE • — TOWPropertyN TIMP9 - (WATER-TOWN, of, CONN.) the* NOV. 23 *Watertown iStl Historical Society BETHLEHEM NEWS . , Paul JotiiiiiM ernoowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn Women's Assocation of the ThanJwglvine Day in Bethlehem Federated Church, will, hold' a wiU find, a colorful tradition con- Christmas party Dec 5 when they tinued 'when members of tie LUteh- 'will, have a. "mitten Christmas . field County Hounds hojd a, junior tree" ,., , ,., Contributions of mit- hunt due to leave the village green tens are asked from, members to at 10 a.m. . . . The horses, hounds, 'be sent to the South Dakota .Indians. ,and riders present a picturesque . . . Miss Dorothy Rogers,' has, scene which attracts much atten- been named chairman of 'the con- tion from villagers each year. tributions. Bethlehem voters held a special, Rev. Theodore. Beauchamp '"will 'town meeting'"" 'Tuesday night in; ye preach 'on "Heavens and Judgment" Memorial Hall, the purpose 'being at - Solemn Vespers- at Regina, to approve, purchase of ! a. new .Laudis Monastery Sunday at: 4 p.m. URDUS truck' .for 'town, highway: use. to . . . .Benediction, will follow the vote authority 'lor borrowing of 'the homily ..-.. .. Public attendance will necessary funds,, to accept. Ridge- be welcomed Weekday Mass dale Way as a 'public road, and to is also celebrated" at., the Monas- discontinue as a. public, right of tary at 7:45 a.m. daily and Ves- way 'Of' Thompson Rd.. be- pers is sung at 4:30 p.m. during ties -of" Robert Mock- the week. .. '• .. tar and, Eva Eggleston, ..abandoned, Recent: news report: concerning when: the road was rebuilt.,' the fall from a. horse' of the' 'na- Town Planning Commission has, tion's First Lady must have been: elected officers for 1961-62 and of more than passing interest to has 'named, Walter L. Bunt as Utchfield's Mrs. Catherine Keefe chairman of' 'the Commission Theophilos " The ' LJtchfield. Robert: D. Spellman was named horsewoman, who assists .in op- aeoetary ., ., .... The < mission eration of Keefe Stables, served voted to .join the Conn.. as riding instructor' to' Mrs. Ken- of Plaining'.. Agencies, nedy .while the 'wife of the Pres- comprised of 187' planning and ident." was attending Miss Porter's zoning commissions . . Members .School, Farmington. of the 'Bethlehem Planning Com- mission' who have attended sever- al of 'the Federation meetings said. Weddings they - 'believe' membership will 'be "'beneficial to Bethlehem . . . Com- Han non-Wry nn mission, also voted to lift a sum- Miss Ellen Mary Wrynn, daugh- mer occupancy restriction on cot- . er of "Mr. and ' . Mrs. Thomas, se Ciriello, Jr.. Wrynn,, Mildred Ave., Waterbury, tage' -of Alphon was' married to' Daniel Kenneth Magnolia Hill RRdi . Members said, the owner has complied fully Harmon, son of .Mr. and .'Mrs. Ken- with specifications for \ a,. year neth Hannon, Thomaston Rd..,, Nov. round septic " 'and drain ' system,,, 11 in St., Mary Magdalen Church. making 'the restrictions no longer The Rev." John A. "Carrig, pastor, necessary. • officiated. Annual dinner and dance given "'by Bethlehem Firemen's Club at- tracted the usual, attendance" of Engagements hundreds of folks-to the festivities Bart! ett-Rhodes in Memorial' Hall Saturday eve Mr. and-MTS. Harold H. Rhodes. ,., ... ,. Sherwood Wright was; general Newington, have announced the en- chairman of the successful affair, gagement of their daughter. Miss while Mrs. Marion Strohacker was Barbara Beth 'Rhodes, to John dinner1 chairman, . Firemen and Bartlett. son of Mr/ and .Mrs. Wal- wives worked- hard in preparation ace C. Bartlett,, North St., A Feb- , ' of the dinner and all details con- ruary wedding is planned., nected with the annual event, and. •visitors found, it a most 'enjoyable Cra nine 11-Ross affair. "• " ' Comdr. H. Irving Ross, TJSNR, Bethlehem Consolidated '' School- and Mrs. Ross, Cutler St., have closed Wednesday- for the Thanks- announced the engagement of their giving break, with classes/ due to daughter. . Miss Marcia Eldo.r,a resume Monday morning . '.,.... Ses- Ross, 'to Raymond Earl Crannell, sions were' dismissed at 1 p.m. on of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cran- ^Wednesday, and there was no afi- nel, Hazel St., Oakville. No date '••.ernoon kindergarten class on that has been, set for the wedding. . "day . . .,"' Pupils 'recently heard a. talk on bus" safety given by a speaker from the A A. A, "'"and the- automotive association has .provid- Couple To Mark .. ed a gold badge to- be given each month to the "safety patrolman, of 40fh Anniversary the' 'month*" . ... 'The school re- Mr. and 'Mrs. Francis. Williams, •• cently" organized a safety' patrol. Hinman Rd., AVU] mark, "their 40th Members 'of. Bethlehehii troop. edding anniversary •on Friday, Boy Scouts, are conducting a sale Vov. 24. .throughout the community of items The couple was married on suitable for Christmas giving, with. Thanksgiving Day,' 1921, in Christ proceeds of the sale to benefit 'the Episcopal Church by the" late Rev. troop treasury;. , . ,. " Postmaster Francis B, Whitcomb. They have •Earl Johnson has* received word, three sons: Gilbert J. and Clifford Open A 1962 .. that examinations for the Peace G.. Watertown,. and Earte F.. of Corps for persons in this area Waterbury; and four grandchil- - " will''be held at Hartford at 8:30 dren. ' . - a.m. Tuesday and. Wednesday . . Mrsl Williams, is the- former Folks interested...may obtain add- .Lucy Weidmier. Mr. Williams, is ed information, at the Post Office employed at Heminway & Bartlet CHRISTMAS Cl UB . . . A 'Thanksgiving - service .in Mfg.. Co. and both are life-long which' congregations, of j Christ residents of Watertown. Church and the Federated Church, will join is held this ' Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Christ Church ., ,., Births. The sermon mil be' by Rev. A. H. at FIRST FEDERAL BLANCHARD — A daughter, Klm- - Kauffman, pastor of the Federated berly Beth, -Oct. 21' in Waterbury Church. • Hospital to" Mr. and. Mrs. Ray- -Annual Christmas sale of Regina mond A. Blanchard: CElizabeth. F. Laudis Monastery will, be hel Graboski), Clamant. St., Oak- The legend of the Bayberry Candle is a 'traditional part of' starting' Friday and; continuing ville. " ' through Sunday .. . . 'Christmas SHAW — A son, -Charles Gary, Christmas. Join 'HIST FEDERALS Club now and receive items are" to be offered j at, the Oct.. 26 in. Waterbury Hospital to little Art Shop, and baked goods Mr. and Mrs.. Glenn W. Shaw (.Lil- a pair .of these lovely candles, handsomely packaged, to are on sale at St. Gregory's guest lian.. S. Budrus), .Davis St., Oak- house .'"., ,. The sale is open from ville. 'Odd: to 'the' festivity of the holiday season 'ahead. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, and - 'public patronage is solicited since SCHEIDERS — A son, "Craig Mar- the sale is for the benefit, of the tin, Nov. 6 in Waterbury Hospital Choose the Club that' fits 'four needs from the chart cloistered Benedictine Nuns. to' Mr... and Mrs... Francis' A. .. ' As . an added feature- there 'will Schneiders (Jennie A. Zebrow- 'below. 'Then, stop In. join up, mmd receive your free gift 'be- noted, lecturers on Friday and ski), Vaill Rd. " Saturday at "5 p.m. at St., Joseph's while our supply lasts! . ' . Mouse at the entrance to the Mon- CE, O'ER IH'O'L Mil —, A son, Richard astery grounds, and. their - talks Alan, Nov. 6 in Waterbury Hos- .. '.'Will be followed by a buffet.slipper pital'to Mr. and Mrs. George H. . .' .. Speakers on Friday at 5 p.m Cederholm (Alice -'Vary), Jason, will" 'be Peter Beach and. William Ave. Save -Weekly J . 50c $1 $2 $3 $5 $10 Dunphy, authors of '""Benedictine and Moor" who will, tell the." story FRAME — A. son. Richard Ralph. - .HaveIn '62 1 $25 $50 SI 00 $151 $250 $500 of a Morocan 'Benedictine Founda- Nov..' 5 in Waterbury Hospital to' tin. 'On, Saturday at 5 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. "'William J. Firame, Helene Isvvolsky, scholar' and au- Sr. (Mary L. Lenda), Bucking- thoress, 'will speak on "Russia ham St. . Revisited" ,., . . On Sunday at 5 SHAW — A son, Richard Carl, p.m. .selections, from Advent mu- Nov., 9 in Waterbury Hospital to sic and classical polyphony 'will Mr. .and-Mrs...Richard H. Shaw be sung by the Nuns .in. a, program (Georgina M. Clark), Sunset Ave.,,, "which will mark the close of the Oakville. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS three day festival ...... A 1commit- tee which will, be in charge of the WALTON — A son, • John' P., m, AND' LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WATERBIfltY sale held its final, meeting last Nov. 12 .in Waterbury Hospital to week: when 'they were guests of Mr. and, Mrs. John P., Walton, Miss Fanny Delahanty at Sheep- Jr. (Irene G. McCartney), Fair- • ' 50 Leavenworth Street "•'•• fold. • i 1 view Ave,.,, Gakville,, - "Aid to- other signs of the ap- ••••;•' ''WATERTOWN -OFFICE • 656 MAIN "SI. • " proach of 'Christmas . ,., ., i Wom- BROWN—A son, Christopher Jo- en's Guild -of Christ Church has nas, Nov. 15 in Waterbury Hos- ' they ..will .hold their an-' pital, to 'Mr. and: Mrs. Lorn H. tmatass sale:: Dec.. 2 aat Brown (Lois W. Forsman), Edon "Member Federal Savings cun I n sura nee Corp. and Federal Home Loa n Sank System Acres, Woodbury. . " Johnson Memorial 'Hal, ., . . Aft- Property of the Watertown HistoricalTOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN Society, CONN.), NOV. .23, 1961 — P.

. vise are pleased to announce' that construction- has begun on our newly enlarged parking lot — and the new entrance a nd exit onto, vi^oodruff

vC^e trust that you will bear with us for any inconvenience during construction and remind

our 'many friends t ^^^ and customers • \ \ \^george < s Main St., Watertown •• that parking is Main SL Woodburv 11 larhets cine. always Q/ree at ?5 wntle you shop downtown vl/atertown ! Sensational Offer for Friday and Saturday £; FREE 5'b bagSUGA R FREE I lilill (See Coupon Below) 1 •%!••• FREE George's 5-i.b. b«t5 f- Sugar FRIDAY - SATURDAY BUT SIX Don't Free 5-lb. Bog SUGAR GE Miss With the Purchase of c:v/ Light Bulbs Today. This Wonderful (Offer Good 1 to a family.) Friday, Nov. 24th &- Sat., Nov. 25th Offer. bag (Limit one to a family) (Limit one to a family) Sugar

********************** THIS COUPON GOOD FOR THIS COUPON GOOD' FOR 50 BONUS TRADING SO BONOS TRADING WITH THE PURCHASE OF WITH THE PURCHASE OF STOMP* $1.50 or Mere In 2 pcnfcafies of COiONilAL COLD CUTS George's Produce Department. at GEORGE'S. vjCoupan Good Friday, Nov. 24th & Sat., Nov. 25th. Coupon Good Friday, Nov. 24th & Sat,, Nov. 25th.



Valuable WITH THE PURCHASE OF A CAiW%..t> HA.v, Coupons at GEORGE'S. Coupon Good Friday, Nov. 24th A Sat., Nov. 25th. f AQt fj •— TOWN TIMES (WATEWTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, den. Mr. 'Quartan reported 'that the 30 At Joycees' meeting was also attended by Bar-'* Propertyparents ofnight for the' 'the parent Watertowns of Historical Societyvey Ring' and Vincent. O . Palladino, seventh .graders, who was nametl editor of 'the state Scjieel Activities 2nd Membership Jaycee- newspaper. He .also ren- Polk dered a. report on a Pepsi-Cola Social Event - sponsored dhner for area. Jay- .' Mrs? Salvatore's third 'graders'The three second - -grades pre- The second annual, membership cees held recently' in; Bristol. Wa- are; enjoying their acquarium. It sented a Thanksgivin Program social of the Watertown Junior tertown delegates were: Joseph laLstQflkea with tropical .fish, and. Tuesday, November ZSf. at" 1:30' Chamber of Commerce was held Vincent 0. .Pailadkio the opes the- children are most a.m. .in the all-purpose room. Par- recently at Daveluy's Restaurant and Eva* Quartern. fascinated with, are the "window- ents were invited to this assembly. in Watertown. Approximately .30 'r., At the cenclasaon- of' the -program wasjiers." Hie children made .an. Students in Mrs. Harris's Jaycees and guests attended the and meeting; refreshments wei^ underwater scene for the - back- Speech Therapy 'Class 'did an. in- affair which included a business served and tie: guests ' introduced. jground in "art, 'under the' direction teresting bulletin board in the all- meeting conducted by president Guests in attendance included Bud- ^B Mrs. Caparulo. Sarah . Fenn purpose room,. It shows, 'the im- George Strobe] and a membership dy Hahns, John, Hayes', .Paul Bodia,. krought .in an. ornament for the ac-portance of good: . speech 'in the program under the 'direction of Stan Saki, Bob Thurston and Ken. quarium. classroom. .Individual speech past-president William. Eppehi- Towers." If''any parents visited. Mrs. Li-sounds, 'Use of different words, and - President Strobel .announced that pa's first grade during Education good grammar were stressed. Mr. Guest speakers for the evening the next meeting would be held at Week. The students made folders Collier built "the .speech ladders were past-presidents H e r b • r t the-Youth center Monday, Novem- for their work which "was shown for. the Bulletin Board. These lad- CELSTER C. SHERER, Airman Bunting and Toffey George. .Mr. ber 27, at 8 p.m. Ally young man. to the parents. Each child made a ders ~are' climbed as the students between 21 and 35 yeaars of age Is say 'the words on each step. Basic, whose fuardiam are- Mr. Bunting reviewed, the history of large head picture' of themselves and Mrs. Walter .J., Hungorfei-d, the Watertown Jaycees, its pbile- welcome to attend. i and taped -it to their chairs. For Colorful Thanksgiving decora- Wood bury Rd.,. Woodbury, has sophy, its place in the community ReHgioiis Veterans' Day, the children, made tions . Are hanging. in the all-pur- been assigned to the - U.S. Air and. the importance of the state, a, large United States' flag from pose room, done by - the children national and international Jaycee A religious service will be con- chains of "red. 'white" and _ bine in Miss Kremenskis art classes. Force technical training course organizations to the local group... ducted at the Masonic Home in .paper. a Pilgrim, boy and a. Pil- for aircraft mechanics at Ana- Mr. George, a. lifetime member of Wallingford on Sunday, Nov., 26, grim, girl, an 'Indian, Plymouth rillo AFB, Texas. The Woodbury the Jaycees and a JO Senator, at 3 p.m. by members of Federal Baldwin Rock and other gay scenes. " High graduate completed the •recalled, some of the outstanding .Lodge, No. 17, and the ""Order of Miss Krzeminski, "art teacfier, Mrs. Mcln tyre's 3rd and 4th first part of his basic military projects conducted, by the Jaycees Eastern Star. - ' • anranged • the 'bulletin board dis- .grade, Mrs... Raymond's 4th grade, training at Lackland AFB.,'Texas. in Watertown. Both, speakers play at the Watertown Library, and Mr. Badger's.. Special Class •stressed the importance of" indivi- using original crazy characters visited the library -recently. Mrs. dual participation in. Jaycee acti- JO-MAR attractively displayed. 'Refresh- vities- .and how participation has made by Mrs. Stuckey's : fourth. Shams read stories to' each class ments were served in. the- all-pur- graders. .and' each child brought 'back his helped many .young men in their Driftwood ft Gift Shop own library book. pose room... • .personal, business' .and. ' social Gifts For All Occasions American Education.- We* was Many thanks to the "Friends 'of observed «n Monday,; Nov., 6, with, Miss Ryan's" second grade have lives. 755-2790 the Library" for transporting our 167 East. Main St., Water-bury open house for children an:d their completed Social Studies booklets children to the .-library for their, Following- - the speakers' pro- fathers. On Wednesday and | Thui»- based 'OH' David Hall and his life visits. Also to Mrs. Shons who de- gram, color slides of several Jay- day afternoons, Nov. 8 and, 9, moth- on the farm. Social Studies, Eng- lighted the primary children by cee projects and activities were ers were invited, to tea ..and open lish and Science have been 'cor- reading-- stores to them. "Each shown:. MIKE'S COFFEE SHOP house. A committee from We PTA, related into making this booklet.. child, returned to school happily Richard .C. Bozzuto, chairman of headed'.by Mrs. Thomas Carmich- Polk School Held Open" House carrying- "his book." , the Board of Directors, •reported, -. .Featuring Famous ael, prepared tea tables wjith ap- Monday, November' 6, with, ap- "Polk School became the winning on the last meeting' of: the .board- PHILLIPS PRODUCTS • propriate ' seasonal decorations proximately . 4.00'' '.parents- and ' for both afternoons. team, when it beat, Judson in the Evan Quart'Oife: state director," re- '"The Best in. Food and-Service" friends in attendance. Class- play-off soccer match held, at ported on, tfie last state 'board 599 Main St. — Watertown rooms and children's work were Swift. Junior High Polk, Thursday, November 9. meeting which was held, in Meri- The Honor.Society was {host at • a Harvest Hop Friday, Noy. 10, in the library. Members of the " faculty were among the I invited guests. The theme, "Harvest Moon." was carried out with the service-saving gym decorated 'with cut-outs of autumn leaves, pumpkins .and, oth- er,, items' appropriate to tie. sea- son. ' - Mrs. 'ftandall Loveland is!'1- • ty advisor to the Honor Society and." together with John Bunting, features from your .Society President, was in .charge of the 'following committees; Dec- oration, Mary Jane Marti,. chair- man., Linda Amabile, Nancy Ba~ vone, Terence 'Band, John, Bunting, ' John' Corcoran, • 'Diane- Gilchrist, Mary "Ann Handura, Melita Harris. ~ Dealer! Rhea 'Hoffman., Cheryl Kuncas, ' William McGleery, Nancy Stango - In fact, you'll probably need stop. ' and" 'Elaine Sweet; Refrestment, for routine service only 'twice1 a yesr— Catherine Nadeau, chairman:, and '-Susan Handura; Program, 'Cheryl " spring 'and fall; that's all! Bond, . chairman, Cheryl Beach, Christine Mon, Constance [Dion, ' 'Karen Fifield, Karen, Kfntzer, Mary-Jane M:a r t i and Elaine Sweet. "WE FORD DEALERS ' The library at Swift Junior -High CUT YOUR OPERATING COSTS AGAIN!'* 'School was- decorated with cut-outs of turkeys and other motifs' appro- Now you'II drive 6,000 miles between oil changes! priate to the harvest, for the 8th grade dance. A. decoration com- You- go .30,000 miss between major lubrications, • • mittee headed by Shauna Murphy 1 .and •Linda Dahlin with 14 assist- COOO between minor lubrications ' ants was responsible for making • Go 30,000 miles-or two full years—before you .Our "'62 Ford Galaxies and Wagons are here! With and installing the'sheaves of wheat, replace the new engine coolant-antifreeze! . - turkeys -and pumpkins „ which be- the latest refinements in Tft under bird-inspired decked 'the library. The -Program • Travel 30,000 miles before packing front wheel Committee "was unfler- the direc- styling. New colors, new fabrics, new interior 'tie-' tion of David Mitchel, while a bearings or replacing fuel filter! gance. A new ride that whispers quality—up to' 'committee of three headed by Con- nie Dion, was in- charge of refresh- • Only twice-a-year routine checkup on locks, 17% quieter than last year's quiet ride! New ments. hinges, etc. ' • • power response—from, the optional Thunderbint - • During the dancing the Cha-Cha Plus these other "Beautifully Built" features: ' 390'Super High-Performance.. V-81 And all topped contest was won, by Jimmy Barnes off % Ford's mew features of th« futur* . . . emgl- ' .and Cheryl Bond. The winners of • Brakes adjust themselves automatically 'the 'Twist contest were Nicholas neering innovations that reduce maintenance cares and ninaldi and Lorraine McGowan, • Special processing protects important body areas cut operating costs to-* minimvml When you cart get and the Elimination Dance wa against rust and corrosion all these 'advantages at the low Ford price—even won' by B01 Muskaluck and Mary Perugini... • ,.: • Aluminized muffler with longer-than-ever life lower in some cases than last year—why pay more Seventh grade parents had an op- ... or1 settle foriess? See your Ford Dealer today, ~ portunity to sample 'their, chil- • Self-adjusting engine valves on most engines dren's classes at Swift Junior 'High School Thursday evening, No- vember 16. Approximately 250 parents of eventh .graders went through an - abbreviated . schedule including a luncheon '"break"., "They were shown by the teachers the work the class... is cuTently doing, .and. were given a preview of plans for the future. Cider and doughnuts wen served, during the '•"break." \ Halloween.; was the. theme of a dance given.'by the eighth .grade on, Friday, Oct. 26, in the gym,,,!which was appropriately., decorated 'by a committee 'under the direction of Linda. Amabile... Refreshments, of cider and doughnuts were served 'by- a. .committee whose' chairman, was Linda .Allen.. 'Other' committee chairmen, 'were: Program, !Steve , M- o r d e n t i ; Clean-up, • George . Barnes. Martha Wilson is eighth grade class president and John Cianciolo is class advisor. The annual parents night was held Thursday, -Nov. 9, for .par- ... Enduring Etoganci with Power In- Pleas* ents . of eighth and ninth graders. ^Approximately 350' assembled in. . 'the'auditorium to-hear a. brief talk SEE THE FEATURES Or THE FUTURE, NOW-AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S 'by Principal Summer Libbey, i after UJUF. which they went through .an. .abbre- viated, daily schedule of classes. Teat iers explained to the' parents the work they are currently "en-. 'gaged, in with, the students,, and CRESTWOOD FORD, INC. weir" plins for'- future prelects. Refreshments, 'were served during 975 MAIN STREET — WATCTTOWN. CONN t the period'"normally set aside las a, .1 break for the students. YOU CAM HOW Mil AN ll» CA* WARRANTED Iff WRITHiG AT YOUR FORD DEALER'S On Nov. is there will be ' a agency was presented with an. il- Connecticut. In- 1859 Edward T. TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23. 1961 — IPAAK ft. Roof & Boyd luminated " scroll, by representa- Root joined 'the firm, as a clerk tives .of TM American's field ex- and in 1879 became.' a partner. At Marks 25tfPropertyi ecutive ofstaff. Roberthet Z. .AlexWatertown- that time the agency 'becam Historicale Society ander, President of The Amer- known as Smith and 'Root. 'George cy officers are: Roger K. Tillson. in Naugatuck, Watertown, Watewateri - Anniversary ican,, sent a personal letter to the E. Boyd 'became a, partner .in 1894 Executive Vice 'President: Martin bury and Southbury, Connecticut. firm, expressing appreciation for and the name changed! to Root & F._ Crean, Treasurer; Dominic J. All the members of: 'the firm, • On November 20,'"Root & Boyd, the .quarter-century of loyal rep- Boyd. He also served as the first Minicucci, Vice President; James are active In the Waterbuiy .As- Incorporated, 55 Center Street, president when the agency was A. Carpenter, " 'Vice President; sociation of Insurance Agents* and Waterbury, marked its 25tfa anni- Incorporated 'in 1929. and John W. Brownell, Assistant the Connecticut Association 'if I versary, as a representative of William R. Moody, "the Presi- Secretary. Other members of the surance Agents. Mr. Moodju The American Insurance 'Com- dent of the Agency, pointed out Mr. Moody joined 'the agency In firm are: Frank Brady, William also been active In the Boy SCoute that, the firm, was founded in 1853 1946 and was named President R. Gilman, .and M. Brady. The of Ar.triea for mar'- years. -end- pany. • and is today the largest in Water- lii honor.-of the occasion the earlier this year. Besides Mr. agency, 'in addition to its main of- f ho!>bks include ". <_•,., ling bury and one of the lareest in Moody-, the President, other- agen- fice 'in Waterbury. has branches • is! ling. Thank you, Oakville for our three years of growth



Three years ago this week, our Oalkville Office opened and! brought Waterbury Savings Bank serv- ices to this community. It's been three years of progress; our staff and our services have grown in popularity, and1 more and more Oakville people have been using our many mutual savings bank services.

We thank-our many customer; and other friends in this area for-being such wonderful neighbors. We're looking forward to helping you for many years to come.

'Member .Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FREE customer PARKING — ALL OFFICES [ 8 CONYBffiNT OFFICES • WATERBURY • CHESHIRE • OAKVILLE • WOLCOTT • PROSPECT — TOWPropertyN TIMES (WATERTOWN of, CONN.) the, NOV. 23 ,Watertown 1961Volunteers Historical Society ObHumes Needed To Wrap AUTO and TRUCK The-funeral of Herbert ft. Ras- mussen, 65, of Cleveland, Ohio, Gifts Who died Nov. 14 in Cleveland aft- watertownhistoricalsociety.orgMrs. Armand Madeux, chair- Body Work — Custom 'Painting er a short illness, was held Nov. man of the Watertown-OakviUe 17 in Cleveland, with burial in Mental Health'. Vol.un.teer' Commit- tfmak Park Cemetery there. tee, has isued an appeal for vol- Mr. Raagnussen had resided on unteers to 'wrap 'Christmas gifts WALTON'S Nova Sootia Ull ML, WaWtown, for patients at the Fairfield State before moving1 to Cleveland in Hospital. .. '" AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR JfSB. He was > previously employed. • as' a •carpenter1 at Ihe Phrincetan Beginning next Monday, Nov. 274>50M Knitting Mills, and bad lived here 27, volunteers are ' needed at • the most of his life. hospital any week day 'from, 9 a.m. Among his survivors is a son, to A p,.m. Groups 'may stay at-ilie Basil Rasmussen, of1 Oakville. bpspital for lunch. Jjast: year '68 volunteers" were Joseph A. Ciprlano, to' the hospital to" help classify, • Funera] services for Josepfr A. ml gifts -and to' wrap ai?d 1pg ea^te Opriano, 65, Quinn • St., mm item. •• .. • " MEN—0ET THAT JOB!!! tuck, 'who died NOT,;," 15 j at Groups planning to a#sist in Waft Maryi's Hospital after a long program should call *6s. Mad«»c were .held Nov. 18 in Nauga- at 274-1145, or Mrs. .WHftani Star with burial in Calvary Cem- at 274-1926 well in advance s# • Waterbury. Among his MARINE .. PVT. EDWARD T. that arrangements can be com- aurvi rors Is "a brother, - 'Ernest: CI- CAREY, son of Mr. and Mrs. pleted at the hospital volunteer HEAVY EQUIPMENT .office. " • .prian >, of Oakville. Leo G. Carey, Wood bury, com- pleted recruit training recently Swell As 1 Was Carmetla Rusao at "the Marine Corpt Recruit De- ... Lionel Marquis, Greenwood St., '# Power it Groders - 'The. private funeral of Miss Car- has obtained!'a permit''to''remove pot, Pan-is Island, S.C. He - ham .a porch and, install' two-*, outside Shovfls * Scrapers mella (Mamie) Russo, 63, of Wa- been, assigned to Camp Lejeune, terbury, who died Nov. 2J9 after doors to an -existing dwelling, • Clom Shells N.C.. for further training. $450. a lone' illness, will be held today. Thousands of additional men will be needed, to' operate the Nov. 22, from the Colasanto Fun- HEAVY EQUIPMENT 'used: to .build new roads, subdivisions, eral Home, Waterbury, ia Our bridges, irrigation systems, pipelines, dams, missile sites, shop- Lady of Mt. Carmel Church for a. Mass at 9. Burial will be in New ping centers, ..industrial parks, home sites.,, .airfields, etc. in a St. Joseph, Cemetery, 'Watierbury. ATWOOD & ATWOOD growing .America, Miss Russo was born in Water- Complete practical training on, OUR, modern machines:, at O'UR bury in April,." 1898, daughter of Resident, Training Centers, give's you the background you, need. the late Amelia and Angelo (De- ••• All -Forms of Insurance to get that JOB. you. want as a HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPER- Lucca) Russo. She is survived by • Life ' - • Accident . ' ATOR; with the help of our NATIONALLY RECOGNIZE© brothers, Ralph. Russo, Oak- 'PLACEMENT SERVICE. He, and Joseph Russo. Water- .' -• Auto - • Sickness - Mail coupon TODAY !!! for complete information. |ry; and several.' nieces and neph- • Fire >' ' "'" • Bonds > vs. U NI VERSA L. EQU1P MIE1IMT OP E R ATQ R S SCHOOL, 1M C. • Marine - " • Commercial 31 Broadway, New Haven 11, Conn. Richard Sweeney •' Liability . * • Group Private funeral services, for Name. ; Age... Richard Sweeney, 83, formerly of OFFICE: 111 West Main St.,'Waterbury—753-5147 Street ". ;.„• ...„.,; :.,..,. " Watertown, who died. Nov. 20 at AFTER.. HOUR8: Alan B, Atwood *,.,...,. '. 274-1221 City... .,..,.„.,. ;.. State - - Fairfield: Hospital after a '"short: John B. Atwood ,.,. 274-1881 Phone... ..:..... Hrs. at home...... illness, were held today at 'the William C. Saw •• .....,,.,. ....:..... '3S7-780Q CONTRACTORS—Information about our trained OPERATORS Hickcox Funeral. Home." Main St., available'upon request. with the Rev. Jackson Foley, rec- Representing The Travelers Insurance Company tor of Christ Episcopal Church., officiating. Burial was in Ever- green Cemetery. Mr. • Sweeney was bom in lire- land, April 18,. 1878, son of the., late James and Margaret (Wal- lace) Sweeney, and. had resided in Watertown. for' 73 years. Until Ms retirement 15 "years ago he was WINTER AHEAD!! employed at 'the U. S. Time: Corp. He was a member of Christ Epis- copal Church. |' Survivors .are' his wife, Mrs. Re- DO YOUR DRYING INDOORS becca (Downs) Sweeney, "Water- bury; a daughter1. Mrs. William H. • Sweeney, ..Naugatuck; two- grand- children - and, several, nieces'-and nephews. Mrs. Ida C. White Perfect drying...automatically! Funeral services for Mrs. Ida C. (Bronson) White. 85, widow o Joseph C. White, who died,] Nov., 19 at the Hungerford Hojspital, Torrington, • after a long illness WESTINGHOUSE will be held today at 10 a.m. a the Hickcox Funeral Home,( Main St.. with, the Rev... Jackson JFoley. rector of "Christ Episcopal 'Church, officiating.. Burial .will be in Ever- ELECTRIC DRYER green Cemetery. • ' j . Mrs. White ' was ..born July 24 1876, .in Fort Beaufort, | N. D. daughter of the late Nelson and Imogene (.Bradley) Bronson, and. $ 00 had lived here for 40 years, She. was' a. member of Christ Episco pall Church. . Survivors are .two sons. Earl 149 iff. Mott, Decatur. Ga., and Ro- • Big 20-lb. Damp Clothes Capacity land J. .Cuthbert. Pomona Beach Fla.;: two. sisters, Jlf rs,- [Mabe • Automatic Time Selector .. .Schoehfeldt, Brooklyn, N. %, and • Efficient Lint Collector Mrs. Edith Conlin. Avon;' two .grandchildren, a- great-grandchild • Special "Air Fluff" Setting and several nieces and • nephews • Handy Loading Door, Safety Switch • Mrs. Michael Grace "•' Operates on 115-Velts or 230-Volts The funeral of Mrs. Mary CDe- laney) Grace, widow. of Michael • Direct Air Flow System Grace. formerly of Waterbury, • who died Nov. 18 at the Connecti- From towels to plastics, including wash *n cut Valley .Hospital, . Middletown, wear, Westinghouse dries, tbem safely, cor- after' a .long illness, was he|d Nov. 28 from the Bergjn Funeral Home MODEL rectly, automatically ... faster and fluffier,, Waterbury, to St. Mary Magdalen DGB ,30 •Church, • Oakville, for a Mass. too. Costs only '.pennies a. day to own, and Burial was in Calvary Ceqietery, •to operate. Come in! Let as demonstrate, • i Watfrbury. Survivors include two da,U:inters, You can - be - sure... if it's WSStlOgti 0 USCthis ftameless dryer to you today I Mrs. • Edward Brooks, .Oakville. and Mrs. Theodore JamioHcowski. 'of California, and three gralndchil- ,'dreh. . . Enrico Sabatini, Spring StJ, Oak- ORDER NOW-QUANTITY LIMITED ville, has been issued a permit to install" a hot water system, $1,400. " ' S. Frank LaRosa, Orient St., has obtained a permit to .enclose a porch, $450'. • .. !• 1DLEWILD - ; $9.50 plus tax

S«rvice—Coil 755-4242 113 HOMER ST.. WATERVILLE 758-7896 PREPI New Ba^ery with. "•: t " OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY 9 A, M. » * P. M. Ifttd1 Car. |3in up. Nov. Only. LAKE WOOD MOTOR SALES . A few minutes bellow Waterbury Shopping Plaza towards Waterville. • ' 'CALIL, 75S-9268 - .. " I mr Lakewood fid.,, Waterbury Property of the Watertown HistoricalTOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN Society, CONN.). NOV. 23, 196 1 —PAGE tt THE FUTURwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgE OF YOUR COMMUNITY IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS

You can't do it all by yourself, of course. But .you call" play an important part in shaping 'the future of your community. By joining the ranks of your fellow townspeople who believe in spending their money where it will do them the most good ...right;'here at1 home1. • Your town thrives on local trade. Partof every dollar you spend supports (via taxes and contributions) local facilities when you SHOP AT HOME

FRIENBLY Sf FAMOUS nn CONFIDENCE SERVICE aa/t/uos Plenty of. free parking spice avail- local sales people fake a personal Hometown stores lid: tverytMnf Lower overhead costs, than in larger All your favorite famous brands am able, convenient to all stores. interest m pleasing yw always! . Hrey sell with their own reputations. cities help keep prkes down! available in your hometown stores.

This page made possible^by the following Community-Minded firms;

Town Tavern Armand's .Fuel Co. George's Market, Inc. 402 Main Street 131 Davis Street 686 Main Street Oakvllle Oakville Watertown

Diversified Services Emil's Jewelers Al's Confectionery 678 Main Street 709 Main Street 713 M'ain Street Watertown Watertown Watertown

Photography By Dick Wood Atwood's Garage Post Office Drag 'Stone 789 Main Street 678 Main Street Watertown 55 Deforest Street Water-to wn Watertown Century Gift Shop Jones & 'Kalita 607 Main Street Calobrese Oakwii le Hardware htsttrttftce Agency Watertown 300 Main Street 639 Main Street, Watertown Oakvllle Town Camera' Shop Crestwood Ford, •P. Rossi Jr., Prop. Wookey's Dairy 975 Main Street ' 681 M'ain Street, Watertown Premium Milk Watertown Sperry Road, Water-town i ADVANCE RUBBER STAMP ''CO'. & Sullivan's Pharmacy HAROLD L. HALL, INC. 453 Main Street Office Supplies 689 Main Street •• Wfttertown • 727 Rear-Main Street, Watertown Watertown . ! :—r SHOPPING AT HOME BUILDS A BETTER COMIiUNITY FOR YOU PA4SE 14 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, 1961John Reynolds, New 'York City. At tte moment 'Coach Sargent's big- binski, who' was a. standout duck gest headache' is replacing the four JOHN G. O'NBU. Speakingp Property of 1 . .' pin performe ofr fother years, i s Watertownfast Senior' defensemen who gradual Historical Society becoming a top notcher with the.' last year. He has several promis- big ones too. In his first: year ol ing contenders from, last year's FUNERAL HOW action' Joe has "an average of 171Junior varsity,, although he may PHONE 274-3005 SPORT? thus far . . . Luddy Jasuunas, the shift Peck and Webb back to de- 742 Main au Oalwfll* all 'around, athlete, and Herb Da- By BOB PALMER watertownhistoricalsociety.orgfense where they .have. played In vis, getting in. late season golfing 'the past. HIGH SCHOOL OPENS FRIDAY blue ribbons. 'They . won the All of 'Tail's vartsty coaches are Watertown High School's' bas- 'Thanksgiving Day tourney at theex-PrJncetonians — .Sargent: him- FOE RENT ketball team, with a 'new coach in Watertown Club last: Sunday. "self, and Ms' two aides, .Lance Od- Floor Sander - Ecfger . -Waxer the peraon of Dick St. 'Pierre, .a den and 'John Hubbell. Appropri- Wall Steamer' - ., 20-game schedule and a quantity of THE ROUND UP; " ately enough 'the Watertown forces lettermen back in, the fold, opens Pat: "Flash" Maisto has lined KAY'S HARDWARE its season at Gordon Swift Junior open their campaign against up a talented array of basketball Princeton .Ftesfarnen at 'the Ti- Main St., Watertown, 274-10(38 High School Friday evening with players -to represent Marcel's gers' rink. In, mid-December dur- •a double header involving the jun-Variety Store of: the Vile this sea- ing the Christmas Holidays, Taft ior varsity and varsity squads. son. will return to Princeton for the Litchfield High, one of the oldest Such well 'known court, perform- Lawrenceville Invitation Tourna- ADVERTISING rivals in Watertown's athletic his- ers as Frank VaccareMi, • Lynn ment. ' . • I: SPECIALTIES tory, will provide the opposition Dayton, Harry, Pat Falom- 1 GUY E. ELWOOD, JR., Airman 700 Items to choose from < . and all indications point to a lively ba, Joe. aJnel, 'Gene Lockhart, Ken With six returning , lettermen. Basic, son. off Mr. and Mrs. Guy Calenders, ball point pens, encounter. Coviello, Ed Rice. Bob Dolan, Don basketball coach James Logan has business' printing, 'etc. a, considerably .better .nucleus to El wood, Kissewaug Rd., Middle- .. Four regulars from last sea- Larson- ('no relation.' to the no-hit bury, has been assigned to the GIFTS for., anniversaries, - . son's team will probably form the pitcher) and 'the Flash himself .will build around than, a. year' ago when banquets and openings. nucleus of the starting I lineup;, see action. he had' but one "veteran. Captain U.S. Air Force technical train- Orchids flown direct, from headed, by Capt. Bob Palmer, Jack Jay Owen, Falls Church, Va., will Ing course for ground facilities Hawaii to you. Call Regfcn, Johnny Reardon, and Ken They tell us the Community he supported by three' starters specialists, at Sheppard AJF'B, STEPHEN MENTUS Cestar.1 1 - Ralph Brad 1 e y, ' Jim Basketball .League will have nine from, last year's team, which had Texas. A, graduate ' of Kaynor '.274-42911 D" Ambrose and Jim Guinea, who teams, this year. .If" so, it's a far9 'Wins and, 8 losses — Rod Moor- Tech, he completed the first part: - saw. considerable service last cry from just a couple of cam-head, Harrods Creek, Ky.; Tony campaign, and new comers, Dick paigns ago when 'John .Megan had. Fitzgerald, Waterbury; and Rick of his baste military training at Fens. Quentin Schillare, Alan Gus- to scratch to' line up four1 teams' Sharp, Fairf>eld.-The two other vet- Lackland AFB, Texas. " tafason and Steve LaFreniere and keep the circuit .going. Oak- erans are Chuck Allcroft, Litch- make up the current varsity squad ville VFW won. the" championship field, and Steve Martin, Scotch ENGINEERED with a chance1 of some promising last season. ; Plains, N. J. wforit Mcctinc) Nov. ,29 " • junior varsity •performers moving 1 Coach Logan, who is .assisted by The Ladies Aid Society of the SINTERINGS up before the season- gets too far It's a big week for pro football Neil Currie, is guardedly opti- Union, Congregational Church will ptang. ' i fans who will be able to watch two mistic at this early stage in ''thehold a, work meeting at the church AND' - -The team barely missed qualify- of the most crucial .games of theseason when his charges have had on" Wednesday, Nov.... 29', starting ing for the state tourney last year, year on. their TV sets. As a but • several practices, '"We have at 10 a.m. Members are to' bring PLASTICS. INC. "but' there is - optimistic .feelings Thanksgiving appetizer, or inter- height in two men but otherwise sandwiches for lunch. .At a busi- "along those lines emanating from rupter, depending on -what" time nothing special." Taft opens its ness meeting starting at 2 p.m., ' A ' •' the Indians" camp this year. you carve old 'Tom, the Green, Bay- season by playing host, to' Kings- nlans will be made for the annual . The toys looked good scrimmag- Detroit Lions contest, at; 12 noon wood. :• Harvest Supper, to be held 'Thurs- WATERTOWN ing-against Wilby last- week, and tomorrow should be a cocker. • It's Tail's wrestling, team, which day, Dec. ?., - without three of their dependables a battle for first place, a win forhad an excellent. season a year INDUSTRY > at that. -' " the Packers, putting "them solidly ago' when, it dropped only one. dual The Watertown High School band lit the drivers seat in the Western meet and placed second in the will be on hand for opening night pivisipn and • a Lion victory creat- Connecticut Championships,, faces J. ANDRE FOURNtER ceremonies and. a "capacity crowd. ing a." near-tie for the top "spot. a big rebuilding job this year Complete INSURANCE Service is expected to send the team and Then on Sunday that. always in-' under' the new head coach, Lyle REAL ESTATE ' . its. new coach off to a .flying start. viting, long awaited contest. . be- The schedule is as follows: Ranck, and. his assistant, Daniel 310 Main St., Oakville, Conn. tween, the Browns and Giants to be Cbmiskey. In the.. 11 'weight, class- LIFE - AUTO - CASUALTY Nov. 24. Litchfield at'! Water- played at Cleveland with the same es which Taft wrestles, gradua- HOMEOWNERS town; Nov. 28, Watertqwn at first place situation that exists in tion last. .June took away five Itiomaston;' Dec. 1 Abbott Tech at the Western half prevailing. • Watertown; Dec. 5, .New Milord at letter-winners in the top weights. . Watertown; • Dect 12, Hqisatonic The standout on, the" squad is .Regional at Watertown: Dec. 15, Captain liars Whiteman. Monroe, Watertown .at Shelton; Dec. 19, Gil- Winter Sports who wrestled, in the 138 pound bert at Watertown; 'Dec. 23 Alum- class last 'winter,! Backing him, up CHAS. F. LEWIS ..n.l at WatertoWa; Jan. 3,Water- Season "Now are -six experienced matmen" — town at Amity; Jan. 5 Watertown Sam Bays, "New Ipswich, N.H.: John, Clippinger, Cincinnati, Ohio; at. Litchfield; Jan. 8, 'Thomas- Underway At Taft ton at Watertown:; Jan. 10,Water- Splinter ' Collins, Louisville, Ky:; Trucking town at Gilbert; Jan. 12. Kayjior „ The winter sports season 'Offi- Harvey Fleetwood, Mew York City; at Watertown; Jan. 16, Watertown cially opened last week at the-Taft Jay" Hanan Sacramento. Calif.; at-New Milford; Jan. 23.1 Water- School, although it will not be un-and Frank Oppel, 'Wilton. The sea- town at Housaton,i.c; Jan. ,26, Wati-l after .the.four-day Thanksgiving son opens., in West Hartford, . 274-1623 - " tertown at Kaynor; Jam 29, Wa-break that, the coaches will pare against American1' School for the tertown at Abott: Tech.; Jan. 31thei. r squads'" down in preparation Deaf.. Shelton at Watertown; and Feb. 9, for the 'opening games on Saturday. WATERTOWN, CONN. December 9. . Amity at Watertown. " j . Willowbrook Farm, Northfield A game with Oliver Wolcott Tech Hockey candidates have been Rd.. has been issued a, permit to of Torrington has been added to skating on the Mays Rink since a repair a barn, $500'. the "schedule, but we." were unable week ago Monday. Coach .Leonard to get the date at press time. Sargent has.two good Mines back 'All home games, as has been, the from last year's team which • had Water Pnmpa - Water Softeners custom the past two years, will be a 9-4-1 record. Captain Tom Cart* I. J. BLACK & SOU, Inc. played at Swift with J. V. "games er of Englewood, W. J., will be FAIRBANKS-MORSE PRINCETON commencing at T p.m. flanked 'by Bruce Edmands. Wash- WATER SYSTEMS ington, and Rick Mershon. Duluth.. SALES ASH SERVICE CUFF NOTES • Minn. The other trio of veteran Xorthfield Koad , Tel: 814-ilSM Eddie Kalita is the community's forwards consists -of Ted Carey, 'Watertown.. Conn. foremost big pie bowler .and JoeFarmington; Tom, Peck, Hamden; Binder is another top- flight ' big and Davis, Webb, .Colorado KNITTING pinner. Joe -has a magnificieht Springs, Colo. mi game to his credit this -year • Taf t has two experienced goalies at-All-Star Lanee . . . Joe i Podi- in Bryan Renter, .Miami, Fla... and JOHN YARMAL APPLIANCE SERVICE MILLS/INC PL U MSI NO — WIR1NG HEATING - WATERTOWN GREASON, INC. Goulds Water Systems All Make*, of Washing lliliS (AP 'hfl^hlllllM' W^iM Ball aw jjj'i—1| «A*SM£BU«HI Machines ~ " ' 'us rar yvui nMmni wiring, Emergency repair. Commercial wiring,. Soy, MAKE Turner Avenue, OaMtta CONN. IT ADEQUATE WIRING! Phone ,274-3915 510 (Main St. — OAKVILLE — Tel. 274-2589 A Licensed Electrical Contractor Since 1S27 '" ROOFS BEFORE APIZZA INSTALLED ma&m EVERY mem s P.M. to i AM. ITS TOO LUTE SUN DAY* 4 P.M. to 9 P.M. * Your comfort—all winter long de- pends upon the condition of' .your oil burner. • Mow's the time to GUTTERS make sure rt works as "A should— RO'S RESTAURANT before cold weather hits.. • i St." - .j' OaM IttSTAttEfi Can YOU Whatever mate or' model oil bum- - Phone 274-8069 or 274-1348 .Win The 1: In first-class shape—pronto! • FREE ESTIMATES Jackpot? Ila special burner Waterbury conditioning bar- Guaranteed Work gain. • SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. M Expert and Insured Tuesdays i * Help Presents Noye's Hudd (Noah's Rood) For CLEAN HEAT • A Musical, play by Benjamin Britton WIK-1V Service In the. Second of a Series of Three- Freeman Roofing . Channel 3;. Young People's Concerts 352 Sponsored By WATERTOWN HamHton GARAGE State Theatre, Sot., Dec- f. 11 A.M. Ave. 1101" IMain St., Watertown Children's A Adults Simile Seats Available Phone CL'P 274-3665 M canatciicn I; CALL ANYTIME: 57 'North Main St,-756-4917 •Man ,<••• >gm (HMI OLSON'S TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.), NOV. 23, 1961 — P LfGAl ffOTICfS Swift Jr. High are: Fanny Ostraoder. Barbara Delfino'SPOrchestra- Hosts . O«p« OF NOTICE Bartuski, James Bartuski, Tho .Mr.' and Mrs. 'Richard DISTRICT OF *ATERTOWWProperty, «., PROBATE Cager ofs 'Schedul the eWatertown Historical Society CpURT.-NmciHbM' It, A.D. W». ,as Andrew, .Leila Sullivan., Nor- Mr. and Mrs. Edward, fatete of ' - - man Stephen,' Richard Cook: and, •FRAMK O. KRAHTZ 11-Game Slate George Shaw. Mrs. Dorothy Shaw- -IMC' of' Watertown, in said District, deceased. 'Upon, the application of Guorln Sfarmody Swift Junior High School's bas- is assistant director and William ARMSTRONG Administrator, CTA, .praying that hie be•ketbali team "opens ifs 1361-62 Sullivan is manager of stage and authorized to Mil real estate of said -Estate, seasowatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn on Friday, Dec. 15, with lighting. as per appHcatton on. file more fully appears. If is ' a "game' -against the •Hillside School The performance will begin at Reg. 7.95 ORDERED — That said application be at the Naugatuck High School gym,. 8 p.m. and the public is invited. Sq. Yd. Mow Heard end determined *t the Probate 'Office The remainder of 'the 11-game There is no admission charge. SEAR, FLOORS, Inc., In Watertown, in saM District, «n the amv ' 319 ML Main 'St. 4ay of Mawnber, A.D. m .at 9:00 o'clock slate is as ' follows: Litehfield at In the forenoon, and thai notice of1 the pend- Swift. Dec. 18, 3:1,5 p.m.; Plain- ency 'Of saw application and of the time and Thanksgiving Dance place of hearing mmon b* igiiwen ...... viUe at Swift. Dec:. 21. 3:30 p.m.; persons known to be Interested in said estate, Hillside at Swift. Jan, 5, 7:30 A Thanksgiving, Dance for mem- by causing a copy of' this order to be pub-p.m.; Kaynor at Swift. Jan. 11, 7 bers and their guests will be held lished once in some newspaper having p,.m,.; Swift at St. Anthony's, Jan. circulation In a*W District, and: by send Saturday, Nov.. 25. from 9 p.m., by 'Certified mall, postage pfejMkt, .return r£ 1,6, 3 p.m.; Gilbert at Swift, Jan. to 1 a.m. at the Watertown Golf eel pi requested, 'to. or left' with, any person 18. 6:30 p.m.;- Swift at Plainville, WARM Alt Interested In said estate, alt on or before .Jan. '23, 3:15 p.m..; Swift at Liteh- Club. Music will be" by Francis the 22nd day of November, 1941. field, Jan. 30, 3:15 p.m.; Swift at JOSEPH M. NAVIH Kaynor, Feb. 1, 3:30' p.m.; and HEATING' Judge' St. Anthony's at Swift, Feb. 8, 3:15 Oft & Gas Fwnwc* •p.m., BARIBAULTS Repairs .and Installations' CLASSIFIED APS 'More than 60 candidates,, a -rec- •ord, turned out for the Swift team MARINE PYT. RICHARD B. CALL SEWING, hemming and alterations this year, with the following chos- ROSALAK. son of Mrs. F. fcobo- Range & Fuel Oil -dome reasonably. .Call 274-4252. en to represent the' school: .Bob cinskii. Blueberry Knoll, Middle- 600 MAIN ST., OAKVILLE WANTED: Ride toThomas!on : fran Bellemare. Tom Dennis, Gil Me-'bury, completed recruit training Tel. 274-3284 or 274-1220 Hamel Heating Cb. "Oa.kviI.Ie, live days weekly, in le, Joe' Mais to, BUI Weide- recently a:t the Marine Corps 274-8863—WATERTOWN" time, for 1 a.m. shift.- Call 274- meir. A! Orsillo. .Bob Kiesel, Kim, F':ree Estimates 3794. Kerns, Dave Whittiesey, Steve Recruit Depot, P arris Island, Mordenti, Terry Hassell, Tom S.C. He has been assigned to 'PONT LET PRICE alone influ- Poulin, Stan Nelson,, John, Ciarlo, 'Camp Lejettne, NX. for further 'ence your Carpet Purchases. Se- Colin Regan and Mark Marconi,. training. •lect color ^first, then quality, and KEYS MADE! : lastly price.. A " cheap carpet Yale type, skeleton w flat bought 'On, price alone can be a. Dramatic Society HEMINWAY , source of 'annoyance for many Bobe Ruth KAY'S HARDWARE •years, .and, a cause for embar- Main St., Watertown, 274-1038 rassment. " Be proud of your rug League Issues Presentation BAKTLETT — Buy Quality. BOUSATONIC •VALLEY -RU.G SHOP, CORN- Financial Report Stated Dec. 1 'WALL BRIDGE, CONN. Tel OR-' The Union Congregational Dra- LOUIS A. LAUDATE MFG. CO. leans 2-4134. The Watertown-Oakvilte Babe matic Society will present a re- Ruth League ended the 1961 sea-ligious drama entitled- "Beginning ELECTRIC OIL 'BlfltfiEfltt FOR SALE: Gas and gas stove, son with, a, balance of $262.21. ac- of the Way", by Heazie Raeburn. *a1«*, ««rvioe A Amain* . used only three weeks. Call 274- cording to a report by treasurer •on Friday,, Dec. 1. in the church •totem — • Pump* — C*ntrol« 4524 after 3 p.m. Albert R. Goodkin. hall. " Relay* — Trmnwt+rmer* WA1ERTOWN, CONN. The five-team, league, compris- The play, originally written for BUGS, CARPETS, BROAD LOO MS ng 75 boys, had expenses during the Pilgrim Players of Canter- " —Minor's 'Valley .Rug Service, So. the year .©f $1,040.95. Beginning Pot Burner Cwitroto-Paiia,, Main St., Thomaston. Rugs and. bury, is based on the Nativity and Burner Parts and Ml the year with $117.86 in the treas- the principal events leading up to In Steok NYLON THREAD Carpets cleaned by . Bigelow's ury, the following amounts were it. Karpet Kare Process,- received: Princeton Fund,- 5250; Under the direction of 'Vaughn, 14 Rnokiail*, Avenue Scrap ,. 'Drive, $312.20; • Raffle, Brown, Mary will be portrayed by OAKVIULE, CONN... BR.MD6D LINES 1EXCAVATING, - bulldozer" work, $104.85; Sponsor and Booster, water connections'. Daddona Con- $130; Booster Drive, $300''; Insur- Shirley Bousquet. and Joseph, by Phone 274-3471 • struction Co., 274-3825:. ance, $41.25: and Banquet, ,$45; a.Herbert 'Shaw. Also in the cast EMIIL JEWELERS' otal of $1,185.30. EXPERT WATCH AND CLOCK Expenses were: League dues. R EP AIRIN G—Guaranteed Work- 545; Insurance, $233; .Equipment. manship. $410.40; Booster Drive. $30; Um- pires, $1,60; League' films, ' $1.75'; •* MODERN GLASS CO. ". Banquet, $116.30; and Trophies, Everything .in. GLASS $44.50. — Telephone 754-2606 — Mr. Goodkin expressed the ap- 19 Cherry Stneet Waterbury preciation of league officers and officials for the assistance 'given SEASONED • FlftEWOOD for sale. the league during 1961. He said Call 274-8217. that adult assistance is needed for At Chintz 'N' Print* -of Newtown the 1962 .season and.. asked that Decorator Drapery, Slipcover' any persons interested in coach- and Upholstery Fabrics at; 50 toing or helping in any other way 75* off: List Prices Always. contact him or William, Quigley. South Main, St. (Rt. 25), Newtown, •)f 1. Conn. Glenn Jacobs, Straits Tpke, has 'been issued, a, permit to erect a, O L D C O 1 N S ' car port, $180. BOUGHT ERNIE'S AUTO BODY WORKS DUDLEY 'ATWOOD •'One of 'the most completely equipped Paint .and Body P. O. Box 5 Shops'.in Connecticut.. -Wheels pENERAi. ELECTRIC Heating, Alignment and Balancing. Tbxit tlxe Hot Water., Warm Air .and Air 128 Watertown Awe.,, Waterbury Conditioning. WESSON HEAT- FOR 'RENT: — Floor sanders, • ING CORP., Waterbury. Tel floor .. polishers, sanding ma- 754-1892. chines, transit and levelling ma- chines. CARPENTER «, MASON WORK Watertown Building Supply reasonable. Building, repairing Echo Lake Rd., Watertown Free estimate. Tel 274-8397. Tel. 274-2555"

SEE US FIRST! SfE 115 FOR ALL OF SEE US LAST! VOW of lio\xseliol<3. BUT SEE US! AT OKCSTW'OOiD FO*D YOU PLUMBING SET—'VALUE, COMFORT, AND APPEARANCE ft FAIR PRICK HEATING ACTION BUYS! NEEDS #• FORD—StarllMr, Green ., Si Mi Colonial Supply ft FORB-CusIKi 3001. 4 door, blue & CO. ' white 641 Watertown Ave,, Waterbury i ft PLYMOUTH—Savoy. 2 door, green 753-1952 ,

ft FORD—Fairlam 500. Victoria SI,Its •i ft FORD—Galaxle. 2. door hardtop. Standard :sfi lift $1 jtl P PLYMOUTH—4 -dr. Sedan flJtS Give Your PI FORD—Fairlane 500 Victoria .'. P.ltS .1 ••? FWR.IB—Fairlane ,500 Victoria, White SiJfS Wardrobe a Lift •y. 3 #t MERCURY—Station Wagon. Green f 5»S CONVERTIBLES With Our #'t FORD—Loaded with extras! EXPERT i«t' FORD—A real beauty! ft CHEVROLET—Impala. A dream! DRY CLEANING ft' FORD (3)—Take fuuir pick! #• MERCURY—Low price! High Value! COMPACTS 'ft RAMBLER-Wagon. The family carl 'ft PEUGEOT—Station Wagon. Quality! DEMONSTRATORS ~ ALLYN'S #1 T-BIRD—Hardtop. High Flyer! OONNBOnOUT LJEGHT #1 FORD—(3). Loaded! CLEANERS & DYERS #T STARLINER-SMc & beautiful! Use Our Pick-up and Delivery Service CRESTWOOD FORD. INC. 15 Echo Lake Rd, Watertown "Where Customers Send 'Their Friends." MS .MAIM STREBT — WATBRTOWW 'TEL. 274-1636 . —— • 174-15*4 PAGE 16 — TOWN TIMES (WATERTOWN, CONN.). NOV. 23, 1961 Jeannette, and John C. -Moriarlty. Gary; Indiana, owner of ite afl - Louis " Blasters, sold land and. wfiffstnws Scot sag City' Athletics baseball team* PropertyMario ofn H. Pickarthed ' to RichardWatertown. improvements on. Norway St . Historicalto Societyin: urging' 'residents to buy .and usi and Mary Ann 'Pearson, property Mary Sea vane. ' . ' Christmas Seals, so. that the prox on Middlebury Rd. - Sale Support gram, of elimination of tuberculo- Sidney Yavetz sold land and im- sit as the major problem of the Joseph .and Josephine' DeVylder rovements .on. Avalon Ave. to'Urged By Shea .sold land.. on. Tower Road to.. the William and. Zim communicable diseases can' be Towwatertownhistoricalsociety.orgn of. Watertown. . • Joseph G. to Tofie and Frank' '"Spec" Shea, former continued. Julius ami. Amelia, Bombetto Marion George,, property on majoj r leagug e baseball star ".and In his letter to. .residents Mr. sold 'land on Lake 'Woodruff Ave. 1961 Chi f tta annual .Shea recalled his shock on learn-. Estates to. Jacques Grenier. - . Ronald P. Baltromitis to Donald, 'Christinas1961. Chairma. .Seanl foCampaignr , las ing 'that Red. Schoendienst of the Michael and. Helen Bodak . sold and Alice Morano, property on announced, that 43,559 Christmas Milwaukee Braves-had come down land, .and improvements' on Buck- Tbomaston Rd... .Seal, letters have been sent: to with TB. He also stated 'that 'there' 'Jmrhain St. to Wasyl and.'.: Anna Marion Pickard. to. Richard P.. residents of the 'Greater Water- are 728 known cases of 'TB in 'the Szepel. .and. Mary Ann. Pearson, property bury Area, by 'the Tuberculosis Waterbury .area, 45 of which are Lester Shaw sold... land. and. im-on-Mi Rd. League .of the' Waterbury .Area, newly 'reported1^ cases during this, provements on Bushnell Ave. to Leon wski to Richard Inc. past year. He urges all over 21 Paul .and Flora Austin. and 'Teresa" Iannotti, two parcels Mr. Shea,,' as local .area i cam- years of age to get. a free' chest' Andrew Kochanowsky, Jr. sold on Clermont St." paign chairman. .Joined, with 'Gov- x-ray at 'the Tuberculosis League land, and improvements on. Birch William S. 'Burton, to William. R. ernor John Dempsey .and the' Na- office on, 18 Central Ave. in" Wa- Rd. to' Thomas .and Eleanor Mc- .and Marie B. Wynn, property-on. tional Tuberculosis Association tetbury. • ' I Lennan. Woodbury Rd. - Chairman, Charles O. Finley of Spec. • asks all-to "Go To-Bat"- William .and 'Elizabeth Biscoe Rose C. Blanner to John ...and! against 'TB and. to support: 'the sold, land and improvements on, Eileen. Mills,, property .on, Belden other programs of the TB League Tarbell Ave. to. Leonard Ciresi. St., ' ' "• William M. and- Norah E. which 'include tuberculin testing Maurice Fabian! .and Eugene William S. Burton to Anthony E. Schreier - to .J'oseph. and Antonina health education, patient services' Pesce sold -land and improve- and George. J. Zappone, property Tamasauckas, property on. Slade and. rehabilitation and medical ments on. Belhurst Dr. to John. D.,on Woodbury Rd. Ave. research. MARINE PFC. LOUIS J. DE- SENA, JR., ton of Mr. and Mr*. Louis J. Oeaena, Sr., Davis St., Oakville, Is serving as a mem- Jjer of the landing force of the Sixth Fleet In the Mediterran- . ean. His unit; joined1 the J fleet' -early laat month and is expected to return to its home time at SPECIAL Camp Lejeune, N.C.,' in late February. % Record Area Postmasters ' ^ 'Met Here Recently Watertown Postmaster I 'Lucy Leonard was. hostess, last week at a luncheon-meeting of 'the Litch- field County Postmasters of] Con- Limited Edition necticut, Chapter' 21., National As- sociation of .Postmasters, held at Westbury Inn.' Field Services Officer- George J; Schile, of New Haven, • ^pre- sented the Regional. Postal; De- 16 great songs partment ' of Boston. Other guests were Postmaster Raymond | Cuz- zdcreo, of Orange; Postmaster of Christmas by- . Frank Barboni. North Haven,I pres-. '' "ident and. secretary of the Connect- icut Association, and John J. Slat- 10. great-artists tery, acting Postmaster of Water- bury. ' ' ' _i Those attending were: Cljiarles Hi-Fideliry 12" " Altieri, Bantam.; Earl Johnson. 'Recording Features: Bethlehem; Julia Wharton,'Cole- brook; Clarence Meier, Cornwall. - Mitch Miller • Mor- Wesley Gomez, Cornwall Bridge; mon Tabernacle Choir Domenic Sebben, East Canaan; Al- TOWN OF I berta Foster, Goshen; .Eugene F. • Eileen Farrell • Frank. OF CMMST1MS."" i KSf »E KMY, Bull, Kent; Emaline T. Slaiby, DeVol • Leonard Bern- 'Lakeside; Joseph Whalen La veville; . stein. • Merman Luboff Mariano" Poole, Litchfield; Lillian . Skilton. Morris; Thomas 'Barry; Choir • Ptercy Faith • " .Norfolk; 'Charles Kelly, Oakville; Andre Kostelanetz • Joseph S. Kovaleski. Pequabuck; Burl Ives • Earl Donald Hogan, Plymouth; .Eltlwrard - Wrightson " •Gra,y, Riverton; Georee Lamp, Sharon; Joseph Kasper, Terry- It's a. • wonderful holiday treftsitre for ville; August Benvenuti, Tdrring- ton; Leslie Mallinson, West Corn- your finlfii Christmas! ' " wall; Arthur Hayes. Wins ted; and" - -Carleton Quint, Woodbury. i Assistant Postmaster William E. .Rice, Jr., and Postmaster 'Mary Lawlor. -of Middlebury, as- sisted Mrs. Leonard in arranging 'the luncheon. " - . i - • S h May Indorsed !• SUBUR GOP Republican State Chair-, uy 1...Get 2 man Edwin May received the in- TIRES _ dorsement of the Watertown Re- publican 'Town. Committee in his Buy your At hid for the GOP 'gubernatorial Ktt tow nomination" at a meeting of the group, last week. " ;. - Town. 'Chairman Louis Sbordone said: "Members of the committee have taken careful note of May's career as GOP State 'Chairman, ikm. When Jt.SmwB. Wfecn It since "1958;. Since that time, in the Ebesn't! -" face of a hostile political climate, Ed. May. has achieved a -remark- able accomplishment by steering the party through' difficult situa- tions.: 'The committee ..also, was • Impressed "by Ed" May's, two. cam- Commensurahe Sizes 'for All Makes of foreign 'Cats. paigns for Congress' in the [First District .and we feel be will be " able to conduct a successful eam- • palgn. for 'governor."' j Realty Transactions r GOOD EAR The following real, estate trans- actions have been filed, for record MORE PEOPLE -RIDE' ON GOODYEAR HIRES THAN ONI ANY OTHER KIND ..In, the 'Office of the Town Clerk, Mrs." Marie "Buckingham, Town Cone iin and 'See 'Frank or Larry for Easy. Low, Convenient Terms. "Hal. '•' • • ' • ! • \ Warranty Deeds Sidney Y'avetz to William B. and Mary J. Zimmerman, property on Avalon Ave. .- ' ' Winthrop P. Buttrick. Jri. ' to -Catherine Buttrick, property' on KUlorin Rd. . ' "" ] Donald, and Jean Saltmarsh to Paul Beer, property on Edge Rd. ARMAND'S , 'Sol B. Luria to Elaine F. Suck- er,, property at Hamilton Ave. and BuOkwheat Hill Rd,., and Hamilton - Ave. and M'Fingle Rd." - :' Elaine: F. Zucker to Raymond G. Antonacci, property at 'Hamilton FUEL COMPANY Ave. .and Buckwheat Hill Rd;, and 'Hamilton"Ave. and M'Fingle Rd. OFFICE aid PLANT .J'Meph G. Shields to 'Tofie A. and Marion M. George, property •