Page1 General Tamil & General Studies Studies General & General Tamil TNPSC Group 2 Test Group TNPSC – 3 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 107. 106. 105. 104. 103. 102. 101. a. a. EmploymentPrime Minister Generation programmers c. a. a. a. a. a. RevenuesUnion Tax &PMRY NREP Gadgil Committee Narsirnhan Committee ListUnion Service Sector 2005 40 As per census 2011,whichof thefollowing the register highestinthe Country density oneWhich ofthe twoemployment programmers havemerged been introduced innewly committee structure? forWhich was reforms constituted tax in inwhichlist Economiclisted Planning isin IncomeThe largestNational in of source is year Which VAT isimposedinTamilNadu? 14 th Finance% share------startsproceeds Commissionhas intheof net recommend of b. b. b. b. b. b. Chandigarh &NREP REGP ListState Agriculture 2006 42 c. c. c. c. c. d. b. c. 2007 45 ListConcurrent Industrial Sector Kelkar Committee CommitteeChelliah PMRY & REGP d. PMRY & d.PMRY SJSRY & PMRY REGP d. d. d. d. d. Trade Sector 2008 48 West Not any specified list Page10 113. 112. 111. 110. 109. 108. a. a. a. c. a. c. a. a. 1950 Washington Lord b. Macaule Charles Sir Wood Economic Development AgricultureDevelopment Establishing enterprises joint RLEGP InvitingForeign Companies NationalOganistaion SampleSurveyestablished (NSSO) was in TheInternational HeadquartersLabour of at is Organisation IndiaIncome in introduced Tax was by India for with The Document isassociated 2020 vision Golden Handshake isassociated scheme with Food programme forof wasas work thefollowing which renamed name b. b. b. 1951 Geneva P D R I d. b. c. c. c. c. d. b. NREP 1952 The Hague Wilson James Voluntary Retirement InvestmentPrivate enterprises Public in Poverty Alleviation Industrial Development d. d. d. d. MNP 1947 Manila William Jones Page11 119. 118. 117. 116. 115. 114. d. c. b. a. c. a. a. a. c. a. a. Net National Product + IndirectNet+ National Tax Product Expenditure Method Production Method Dadabai Naoroji Finance Ministry Planning Commission 2004-05 Indirect Tax Subsidies - Indirect NetSubsidies National Product- Tax Net National Product Which oneWhich ofthe followingFormula isused calculatingNet Product @Market National price ofWhich thefollowingmethod wasIncomecalculating usedforIndia of theNational IncomeTheIndia First of by National Calculated was ofratioWhich thefollowing hasinthe Country theleast State poverty IncomeNationalIndiaestablished in isprepared by oneWhich oftheyear followingIncome seriesbase isthenew for of National – Net National Product Net +Subsidies National b. b. b. – R.V.K.R. Rao 2011-12 Indirect + Subsidies Tax – Subsidies d. c. b. d. b. c. c. iahlPaeh d.Punjab P.C.Mehalanobis 2014-15 C.S.O RBI a & b Income Method d. d. 2016-17 D.R. Gadgil Page12 126. 125. 124. 123. 122. 121. 120. a. knownascondition is a. a. a. c. a. a. c. a. Stagflation Specific tax Direct Tax Manufacturing Density Population Direct Tax CommitteeN.C. Sexena Life expectancy Lakdawala Committee Which oneWhich ofthe followingcalculated committeepoverty areas inRural If Higheconomic Unemployment and stagnation simultaneouslyinaneconomy, thenthe If as agoodper istaxed ora value, commodity iscalled its thenthe as tax inwhichtheThe impact tax onsame andincidenceperson fall will as iscalled Among whichfollowing oneIndia theislargestemployer sector, in oneWhich oftheIndex? following Human Development usedtocalculate isnot areIncome tax called and Tax property b. b. b. b. b. Deflation Advalorem tax c. Service sector Agriculture Indirect Tax Indirect tax d. StandardLiving of b. c. d. b. c. c. c. Utility tax Recession alternateMinimum tax Wealth Tax S.R. Hashim CommitteeS.R. Y.K.Alagh Committee Literacy level d. SSI d. d. d. Wealth tax Value added tax Inflation d. Gift tax Page13 132. 131. 130. 129. 128. 127. a. c. a. a. a. a. 4. 3. 2. 1. Gulf ofKuchch &Sambhar Didwana lake Lake Chilka 3 Andhra Pradesh 1, 3only Chilka lake Chilka Wular lake Kolleru lake Loktak lake Project Tiger was launched in IndiaProject Tiger wasindate onWhich launched oneWhich oftheFirst Asia’s Marine biospherereserve oneWhich ofthe followingIndia manmade islargest in lake The total number of reserve tiger inTamilNadu was Nagarjunasagar Tiger Srisaliam was at Reserve Situated whichState States Lakes oneWhich ofthe following Notcorrectly is statement matched b. b. b. b. - - - - Gulf ofMannar 4 Arunachal Pradesh c. Assam 1, 2,3 Odisha & KashmirJammu Andhra Pradesh c. c. d. b. c. 1, 3,4 Simlipal 5 Wular lake Indra lake Sagar d. d. d. d. Bihar 1, 2,3,4 Dehong Dabang 6 Page14 137. 136. 135. 134. 133. a. a. 1. a. d. c. b. a. D. C. B. A. National Parks a. a. Everest 1, 2,3 Hirakud Nokreh 01,1973 Jan Garo Koladeo Ghana Koladeo Sundarban ValleyFlowers of Kaziranga Which oneWhich oftheIndia following of peak was peak highest Arrange East from to thefollowing West mountains oneWhich ofthe followingWorld the islongest damin 2 2 1 1 A Match the following oneWhich ofthe followingIndia reserves smallest biosphere in 1 1 2 2 B b. b. 2. b.Bhakra Nangal 4 3 3 3 4 4 4 D 3 C - - - - b. b. Godwin Austin 1, 3,2 Khasi Dibru Daikhowa Feb 01,1973 4. 3. 2. Assam 1. Rajasthan States West Bengal West c. c. c. c. c. c. Panchmarhi Mar 01,1973 Kanchenjunga 2, 1,3 Jaintia Narora d. d. d. d. d. Kanchenjunga Apr 01, 1973 Nanda Devi 2, 3,1 Kakrapara Page15 143. 142. 141. 140. 139. 138. c. a. a. a. 4. 3. 2. 1. a. a. a. Dandekar &Dandekar Rath Committee BhagwatiB. Committee Bihar 1, 3 Lonar b. lake Wular lake Nilgiri Anaimalai Project Vulture Project Elephant Project Rhino Project Hangul Project Which committeeWhich as setupby onestimates planning commission unemployment Valmiki Tiger atwas whichState Reserves situated oneWhich ofthe following iscorrectly matched lakeWhich wasdue created totectonic activities one oldestfoldmountainWhich istheWorld’s oneWhich ofthe following Eastern Ghats ishighestpeak of b. b. - - - - b. b. 1, 2,3 Himalaya Doda Beta 2006 1996 1987 1970 Year c. Tsomarari lake c. c. d. b. c. c. Aravalli Saddle peak Uttar Pradesh 2, 3,4 Montek Singh Committee Ahulwalia Pranab Sen Committee d. Vembabad lake d. d. d. d. Western Ghats Mahandragiri Telangena 1, 2,3,4 Page16 149. 148. 147. 146. 145. 144. b. a. c. a. c. a. a. 1. a. day a. Palghat,gap Bhorghat, Thalghat, Shengcota hills Siwalik b.Malabarcoast Eastern the western ghats side of Himalayan ranges Aravalli range 1, 3 2400 & 2100 Oct 02,2006 Thalghat, Bhorghat,gap Palghat, Shengcota Nilgiri Find the correct theWestern ofpasses Northin South sequence from located to India Ghats of ofIndia? arainWhich the followingarea shadowin is ofearthquakes?Which thefollowingIndia regions to prone in ismore oneWhich ofthe following Reserve inTamilNadu Elephant Povertyareas ruralwhat thecaloric and estimate, is areas for has per fixed intake been urban NREGS wasoneMGNREGS from renamedofthe aswhich following date b. 2. b. b. 1, 2,3 Coimbatore 2100 & 2400 Oct 02,2003 c. c. d. d. b. c. 3. 2100 & 2250 Oct 02,2009 1, 3,4 Malwa plateau Deccan plateau Annamalai d. d. d. 4. 2250 & 2400 Oct 02,2010 1, 2,3,4 Srivilliputtur Page17 153. 152. 151. 150. a. c. a. a. 4. 3. 2. 1. d. c. b. a. d. c. search aircraftof remainslost for MH370 the Banaras HinduUniversity Nalanda University 1 onlycorrect AnaimalaiNallamalai, Nilgiris, Javadhi, Nallamalai, Anaimalai Javadhi, Nilgiris, gap, Thalghat,ShengcotaBhorghat Palghat, Anaimalai, Nilgiris, Javadhi, Nallamalai Bhorghat,gap Palghat, Shengcota Thalghat, Hills Plains Plateaus - 10.6 Mountains Anaimalai, Nilgiris, Nallamalai Javadhi, aeois % ofarea (India) Categories The purpose of Operation Thunder Bird launched byTheINTERPOL purposeOperationBird Thunderwas of launched to universityWhich awardedAward hasthe theVisitor’s for been best university 2017? oneWhich ofthe following iscorrectly matched? oneWhich ofthe followinggiven northtosouth? ofthe from isthecorrectsequence hills the - 18.5 b. - - 43.2 27.7 1 & 2correct c. d. b. ,2ad3cret d.All are correct 1, 2and 3correct Vishwa Bharati University Jawaharlal University Nehru Page18 159. 158. 157. 156. 155. 154. a. Puraskar 2016recently? c. a. c. a. 2017? a. a. a. year d. c. b. QamarDagar Park Geun-Hye Han Myung-Sook PoetryWorld Day WildlifeWorld Day NASA 1987 target wildlife and timber the illegal in trade check arms toterrorists of thesmuggling locatecriminals international Who of thefollowingWho isAsia’s first driver, locomotive womandiesel the Nari awarded Shakti was President Korea?Who thefirst ofSouth woman Listen ofthe was which following thetheme tothe Young Voices of observedinMarch days teamWhich wontheVijayHazareTrophy 2016-17? Copernicus anearth is observation program launchedby INS recentlywasIndian decommissioned Viraatwhich inthe commissioned was Navy inthe b. b. b. b. Smita TandiSmita Japan 1990 c. c. c. d. d. b. c. b. China 1992 Mumtaz Qazi Mumtaz Bengal Aung Kyi San Suu WaterWorld Day HearingWorld Day Yingluck Shinawatra d. d. d. d. European Commission 1993 Bano Haralu Page19 166. 165. 164. 163. 162. 161. 160. a. a. yearsyears?of 70 67.5 from the present c. a. house? a. following? is named a. a. Srinagar 2020 BombayHigh Court Uttarakhand High Court Dugongs Bangladesh Divya Al-Nagahwas militarybyexercise ajoint armiesIndia conducted and the of India’sAt which oftheflag hoisted inMarch2017? following places was largest As per National PolicyyearLife target Health is achieving 2017what for expectancy at birth HighWhich evict recently Court theiradult children ruled abusive that parentscan from their Operation Kurma BureauCrime Control Savelaunched was save bywhich Wildlife toofthe LocatingThe Weapon andIndian developed byArmy handed Radar DRDO to recently over countryWhich census population years? its gap after hasa launched of19 b. b. b. b. b. Katra Pakistan 2022 Swathi Turtles c. c. c. c. d. b. c. Dolphins Nepal Attari Indra Delhi High Court Allahabad High Court 2024 d. d. d. d. d. Boars Varuna Lanka Sri Pokhran 2025 Page20 173. 172. 171. 170. 169. 168. 167. a. United Nations Development Sustainable Network? Solutions a. ascommissioned acombatofficer? a. ratio? a. XI held March 2017? in a. a. a. a. Denmark CRPF Uttarakhand Uttarakhand UNESCO Pakistan Greece Oman . Which country ranked published by . Which Happiness Report 2017 at World has the topin been Inwhichfollowing forces ofthebecome Tanushreefirst Parik woman has the tobe State 2016 was forWhich work theNari sex awarded its inimproving Puraskar Shakti child MilitaryIndo-NepalInwhich of Joint eleventh Stateedition was Surya exercise the Kiran organisationWhich theEarth in2007? founded Hour neighbouringWhich National country its Day? observes March26as countryWhich theHellenic isalso called Republic? b. b. b. b. b. b. b. b. Rajasthan Nepal CISF Bihar W.H.O. Turkey Qatar Bhutan c. c. c. c. c. c. c. c. W.E.F. Bangladesh Finland BSF Bengal West Egypt n a r I d. d. d. d. d. d. d. d. W.W.F. Lanka Sri Syria Saudi Arabia Norway Punjab Himachal Pradesh P B T I – Page21 179. 178. 177. 176. 175. 174. a. a. Award in2017? a. a. c. a. the launch ofaerospace athypersonic vehicles speed? d. c. b. a. Homi Vyrawalla Archery Tirupati Ahmedabad Bengaluru DefenceDevelopment and Research Organisation India Indian CouncilofMedical Research Tata InstituteTata Research ofFundamental Indian ofAgricultural Research Council Which countryWhich isthelargestproducer cotton? of of thefollowingWho been has Achievement Photography awarded National Lifetime the which sportis With Rai associated?Jitu Venkateswara thenewSri is name atwhichairport ofthe of Airport following cities? In world’sISROwhich largest tunneltohelpin city has third commissioned wind hypersonic Instituteis alaboratory and Medicine ofNuclear Allied Sciences ofthe b. b. b. b. Raghu Rai c.Raghu Ravinder Kumar Rai Gymnastics Madurai China d. b. c. c. c. Swimming Amravathi Indonesia Hyderabad Thiruvananthapuram d. KK Mustafah d. d. d. Brazil Shooting Vijayawada Page22 187. 186. 185. 184. 183. 182. 181. 180. a. launched by a. a. a. a. a. c. a. a. Twitter March 03 2017 Nepal March 21 Paresh Panchal Surjeet Singh Indonesia Liver transplant ‘She Leads‘She entrepreneurs programmea woman India mentorship has Tech’for been in Nationalcelebrated defense day on? youth countryWhich Women’s World host championship will 2017 boxing send firstroboticyearNASA hasits space which craft tosunin announced to From which followingIndia of electricity? the import does countries On whichBihar Diwas day isthe observed? Thomas whopassed EStarzl, awayrecently physicianwas whocarriedoutthe first the of thefollowingWho developed has acan heart devicebe that attacks? used silent todetect b. b. b. b. b. b. b. Google March04 Malaysia 2018 Myanmar March 22 Heart transplant c. c. c. d. b. c. c. c. c. Bangladesh March 23 d.Knee transplant Kidney transplant Yahoo March 05 2019 India Akash Manoj AjayKumar Sharma d. Japan d. d. d. d. d. Bhutan March 24 Facebook March 10 2020 Page23 193. 192. 191. 190. 189. 188. a. c. a. a. Barasingha a. used ofin the developmentState district roads which in a. a. cr? West Bengal West Etharin Cousin Antonio Guterres Kanha Uttar Pradesh Gopal Varma 2 Which State wonWhich the2017SantoshTrophyFootball of has appointedWho as ofWorld Food head porgramme India TigerWhich first in reserveget becomes Bhoorsingh Mascot official named the India firstloanagreement signed its has be Development to withNew million Bankfor 350 has beenWho as appointedaNewchairman ofCentralWater Commission(CWC) Government howmanyto sell has decided anaim SAILplants with toraise steel 15000 Rs b. b. b. b. b. Goa Bandhipur Karnataka Ashish Tyagi 1 c. c. c. c. d. b. c. Andhra Pradesh NarendraKumar 4 Tamil Nadu Ranthambore MP VeerendraMP Kumar David Beasley d. d. d. d. d. Madhya Pradesh Aravind Shaha 3 Manipur Ratapani Page24 199. 198. 197. 196. 195. 194. 200. a. a. a. a. a. a. c. a. HMS UlyssesHMS March 10 Uttarkhand 131 March 23 Andrew Wiles Yvas Meyer India INS recentlywas decommissioned Viraatwhich formerly was as named Which dayWhich Rights theWorldConsumers iscelebrated day CountryWhich adoptedwas plastic currency firstinthe World India’s State longest was surface inwhich opened tunnel India’s Index is What (HDI) inthe 2016Human rank Development dayWhich theWorldtuberculosis day observed was has beenWho wonthe prestigious Abel 2017 Prize b. b. b. b. b. b. HMS HermesHMS March 15 Australia & c. Kashmir Jammu Punjab 125 March 24 c. d. b. c. c. c. c. March 22 dia oskv d.Admiral Kuznestsov Admiral Gorshkov March 20 USA 188 John ForbesJohn Nash Jr Niels Henrik Abel d. d. d. d. d. March 27 March 25 England Haryana 159