TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECE3im:il 1G, 1921 1!) 1 A FOR SALE AI TOMOHII F1!. WANTED MIK'I'I UNKOl . FOR SALE. FOK 8ALE AfTOMOBlLES.. FOR SALB AfTOMOBILKS. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES,. FOR 8AI.F TO MOBILES. REAL BARGAINS. AiitoMioDilew Wanted. WANTED unu In Mirrllatieou. P.EAL BARGAINS. I'hiiriKO thi'ir old ih.nonrs I'h rsoor! for new ; yutl nr-- ' : v of llli-m- . sooiho,ly OUK-SA- A REAL EUCCESa WE LICENSE THEM FREE! WINTER SALES CONTINUED REAL BARGAINS. DENTISTRY 1017 Chevrolet touring .$223 00 CAN use a good auto: elsi; uuiila tUem. Star iiholiorphs for 8AVK MONEY! BUY HEREI WITHOUT PAIN Would you be Interested to know AND WE FURNISH THE VERY LOW PRICES 1018 Chevrolvt touring 273 00 trade-- 100 acres level land in Whits suit. ON 102O Chevrolet touring 3:3 On Hor.-- valley Harney couaty. This laud FAC1F1C RfOiHTl KXCIIANGB. nervc-biockln- con- thut the used sale now in prog' of by cone therapy or AUTOMOBILES. 10 IS Chevrolet panel delivery.... 275. no' 1 C'nlrsl Msrkrl. ress at Covey Motor Car com- UPKEEP MONEY. USED is worth about an acre., but have sn-- IM PF-IC- WILL ductive anesthesia. Without dancer or the 1017 Maxwell touring 2.5 00 h irohill. THE DtFFKRENCB op- pany plant Is really a success a no ue lor il, but can u?e a good car: PA Y PAKTLV Olt WHOLM FOfi after effects. We perform all dental e Automobiles have been re- 10H .Maxwell touring ..; 2 3 IK) is of Incumbrance. eration) in let sueceas from the buyer's stand- that U0 land clear all Wr.le OTH Kit THINGS YOU HAVE BUJSX without pain Corns and point success our own built or renewed are In the best 1010 Dodge touring 373. A J 7, Oregon an 6Ei'OVI..IAMi CLOTIIINO W A N T L IV us prove it to you service. and a from StuiK-bske- i WANTING. standpoint? We have actually sold ' READ THESE NEXT PARA- of mechanical condition they are 1015 s,x touring 07 50 MEYER THK TAII.l'it. PAYS T A DR A. W KEEN E, during working" also warranted the same as factor- 1018 Overland louring 103.00 CASH FOR . mGllfc.1 Full SUMS OVL'.l- - DR. E. J. KlESENDAHL, the first twelve new In addition 1010 OUismoblle eight touring... 730 00 I will y cash or lute model Htrhl i: 1 days season GRAPHS VERY THOROUGHLY. ies warrant cars. ruAis, M.n'uix iHs. M.ijesi.c 8.. '4 Wash. of this sensational cars, ot touring. They must D V LADIES' OVKRCOATS $1 00 to $5.00 Ahce theater, clean-u- p rang- we give 00t days' free mechanical 1013 Ford touring !3S04 roadsters A.VVM IN THK .HQ sai'35 motor cars, be popular makes and in good coml.-t:c- CAI. iltllli till'. MK.V8 COATf 73c to $3 JUST 10O0 IS PORTLAND ing from and packarua FIRST WE ARE GOING TO service. 1018 Ford touring r 103 00 money on OR KVKM.MJ. CALL J1RII.U.I. 1JJ:I -- rc $1 ; you automo- 1017 1B5 00 also loan cars. Don't MADISON Nil THIRD MUX'S VESTS Bend today we will send a to Chevroleta, Other makes of used Ford touring you be- or ;.:i ST.. Si'. ii5c 7"C ; one Fords and put V loose your car, see me if nre LADIES" KKIKTS to rift suitable for your best friend LICENSE ALL CARS AND biles, thoroughly overhauled, lUis Ford touring 313-8- ADLKK. IAII.OK 30n to MOO first-cla- sold 1)110 touring hind in payments. Phone Call CHM.DHKN'S COATS that cannot ba equaled by the Portland Save by Buying Now Prices Have In condition and Ford 23.00 514 st. pays Hiuiujir fniiBM rrn MEN'S OVERCOAT! $100 to 18.00 shops, a pair of ilul hand-mad- e TRUCKS FOR THE YEAR 1022 ' with a ten days' free trial, subject lino Fiird 230 00 Alder WEN thkAND LADILd WEAH1M1 A beaut Reached the Bottom of th Market, 1 MURPHY MOTOR COMPANY. BOYS' MACKINAW'S 2.00 urtciaft candle sticks and a pair of to being returned and full credit 102-- Ford roadster, starter 35o 00 SI'LCIAI. RKDL'CTION v.M iiOu to " given of equal 1020 touring, 875 00 CARS VVANTL MKN 3 HATS floral desiyns gold lacquered candle COVEY SAYS: AT OUR EXPENSE. v on any other .car Ford starter CLEANING I'KKSf'I.Mi AND LA DIE--- ' AFRON'S 50c sticks nicely packed in hand-colore- d price that customer may select. 1020 Ford touring, starter 305.00 Bring youi car lo the auction house MAIN OK CALL SWEATERS, children's and Christmas boxes- - Add 10c for postage The public refuse to become ei- - This gives ample time for ev- 1020 Ford tuAinng, starter 3- -5 00 for quick s.ie and lull value; sniall u MX THLKP ST. ery vto out car 1020 375.00 charged, fireproof boig . ladles to $1.00 snd packing. t. A. Stanley. 1!3 St. Clair. cited over --red Ink and flashy , SECOND WE ARB GOING TO purchaser try the Ford roadLser. starter steain they he buys, gives him time to have It 1020 Ford sedan 675 00 l.ei.led. I none Bday 2320. Corner 8:h SAVE YOUR W IKE. headlines they want facts sat- SECONP HAND H ITS AND OVKIICOAT3 GIVE. TEN (10) SERV- Inspected, and we want only loll Ford delivery express 35.00 and Everett st... west side si-- Send your wet wash to the Snow Fiake huve no Interest in mere claims T ' hiKiir emu pricts OHf. TPTMA3 isfied customers. 1D1V Ford truck, equipped lun'illi iy- SENSIBLE GIFTS laundry; clothes washed snowy white in they want cut prices. Tell them ' WILL exchange 100 acres timber Isnd In thsn invone mm- HEHE! Tues-d- y we a to ICE COUPONS FOR EVERY $100 with brand new express good separate compartments. Monday, that understand sale 101T 800 body 473 00 northern Idaho, free and clear, for OKtl.uK CLKANEHS AND TAILORS. 3 5 70 a Maxwell .$ 2U N W. and Wednesday, pounds for mean real cut prices and that 101S 400 express 223. 0.J car. late model Hed.in. Will assume small 117 si. cur. tt mil. Msln U3I4. cents: Thursday, Friday and Saturday sale with us must be Just what U OF THE PURCHASE PRICE ot Maxwell Ford truck, '. Indebtedness. Frey Co., Glad-stone- Our line of Roods la very suitable ad- seems. 1010 Maxwell 500 Liberal terms. Open every evening 15 pounds for 00 cents. 4 cents each 0 Sunday. KIN. I'AYsJ presents. You can get useful ditional pound. Valuable premiums ANY CAR OR TRUCK WHICH 1020 Maxwell ''" until o'clock: sll day Utll.l'.ii lllli TAtLOi;. gifts, such as wearables and furniture FACTS: 1010 Grant Big 500 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, WILL" TRADE 3IY LOT Foil A HHiHLST CASH PKIC'KS IXnt MN'8 given Phone East 8433. HERE ARE THE 11)10 850 Aves. IS AN'll tlVKlXUA'l. etIOLS V. TO. t bin kb that make tor comfort and that WI WILL REDEEM IN' CASH Chalmers Six Eat 3770 Grand and Hawthorne LATE MuDEI. LIGHT CAR. THIS H'l'lS .s lust for Instancw: ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Our used car volume absolutely 1017 Huick 575 AN EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE. 15 wioaIiwai i. huhnsidk, j Buy them from the factory show room ability to accept FROM ANY 1018 McLaughlin Buick .... 875 USED CAR MINUTES FROM TOWN. MARSHALL hEItt'KKN ftt'OMl AND 1I11KD. ip-- ; se- controls our ADTO.MOBILE BUJERS. nh-.v- and aave one-t- h all styles, finest trades on new car business. When 1017 Dodge 350 S.8tl. Call mi: hfohk rlsk COUCH, like and lection. Coiie and see; you are under our used bustnoes slows down, DEALER OR GARAGE IN ORE-- - 1010 Olds Six 773 INVESTIGATE SiMT CASil 1'AID Foil nfff car - . 000 WANT late model J'ord. Ilaie Price of a new one about $30. SPE- no obligation to buy. our new car business 4s- seriously 101H Olds Eight OUR NEAV SELLING PLAN. dear lot In E. St. Johns on the penin- rnltcrs. liott trunks, CIAL PRICK $10.00 STANLEY LUTZ, affected and we can better afford COM OR WASHINGTON. 1010 Liberty sport model "0 sula to exchange. Or I will give an haliuusus, t'ieotrU' I'.ius. lurtinut OAS RANGE, 4 burners, oven, shelf, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. to give public benefit of 1018 Overland chummy 425 You con purchase good used car by Overland Country Club and lot for AND ANY'lllINii OF VALI'li the the ' 1010 OOO a NEWMAN'S) fine cond it ion. New one would cost Droad way 4."3. our accumulated used car stock Chalmers paying from 25 to $50 down aud - a nearly new Doilge. AV 814. OrcKPnlan. KXt'HASliK. cost COME IN AND LET US TELL 1013 Culs Eight, sport mtTdel 1250 VJ" Fi r s i. Ah I r. M i in 44H.V clone to $loo. OUR GIFT PRICE. .$20.00 at a great doal less than small sum each week, WE WRECK THE M Highest cash price PICTURE J. Very appropriate Christ- WATER SYSTEM BARGAIN, than we can to hold it until early paid for old cars, condition no objecl. FUttr. rl'llS! FL'Its: mas jflfls. Variety bo all; pries sys- spring, when we feel the YOU OF OUR PLAN. ESSEX. 50 CAJtS TO PICK FROM. Low rvni and Ijw prtci-s- remurtP Ir suit If you can use a complete water that 1910 Essex . re- AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. are .7 25c to $3 00 tem, 1 will Call Barnes. Hdwy. used car market will be better ana Fords Oak lands Essex t.nd and fu'.'s lunttcii and driissed. sacriilce. built, re- -- Third Ghsun. 3400. eve- In the meantime deprive ourselves reflnlshed and Chevroleta Studebskors La Frame Fur Mitf. u.. ItiJ W. I'ark su week days; W'oodiawn W17. or, 100 stand- II h or will Hf.'-- of new car business because CARS TO PICK FROM. painted; sold with Maxwells Dodges Franklins WANT t tour.ng c.ir sedan; I'm lie M.iln ". nings and Sundays M factory warranty $ S23 $ooo in modern .Vruom bun- TOYF. Of course These to gladden our inability to trade ard Overland Buici.s Lexinglou trade equity a i! ui galow, place. bu:lt-l.- i E 301, WILL take pnononrsph in traiU the KIDDfES! fJetter-use- d doils, teddy 0 and Oldsmobilus. lir. features. on ni.v Lite niodi-- Sspsssinuer car. East bears, buggies, toys, tops, HERE ARE THE PRICES AND LOOK 'EM OVER. THESE 1920 Essex, overhauled, t ireireni.inj dli tinker I AM MY T l games, t t W E OFFERINO PROOF. and repainted; Ay cars guaranteed as represented. book. c.j hen some. SI THE GKOUKKV STUt'.v Foil Al'ToMoLILE WA.STDIi- H. M .i in 3L'M. 8 L L TOYH FASTER THAN WE CANDLES AT THE PAIR ARE ONLY A OF THE sold with etandard factory Open Sundays and Evenings. inventory value $1230. tase isle model THE UN L AS- "v. DO Tl DEC. 24; LA RGB COLOR We feel public is very warranty 930 for baianoa csau or ' (KT THKM. NOT DISAPPOINT 1 TO that the automobile hu.t, THE SORTMENT OR WILL MAKE skeptical regarding sales astd espe- MANY MAKES: OVERLAND, OLDSMOBILE COMPAXY OF OREGON, 0 11)8. nre YOUNCSTEHS. THEY EXPECT ORDER, FHONBJ EAST 730S. mo Hudson. light six, all In terms. Tabor Wiintril. cially automobile sales. Used Broadway and Couch St. bl-u- your banta clacs: cars no of value, MOON. MITCHELL, CROW. ELK- good condition 500 l c.Aoli ion ora. ClievroieL, tor have standard so. Ijodge, Buick or o'.Oer llgot cats l.e LADIES. no list price like new cars; 11121. : Are you HART. STANLEY STEAMER, 1918 Hudson super-si- re- FUKD TOURING ECen;h street wi-- want Totit I'sep iiorsKiroi.n weary or exhausted after In fact, It is dlflicult to tell when In perfect throughout; lots c.ft AN'D standing all day on your feet? If o. be-f- the prices are actually cut. Jn built, and repainted; sold condition WAN TED Fold, 102o or 7021, truck or OOODS WILL I'AY TOl' JIAilKKT you b , CHEVROLET, LOZIER. CHAND- factory war- of extras and low price, l'arsons. See exeliangu fo.' Oidsuiuuue IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING sit down for a reel use a warm order to prove to the best of our with standard .ear 00 Broadway delivery,, in I'RL'LS. - cut-pri- ranty 730 at North car. Main 2104. HAHDWAKE, TOOLS OK ALL Our nhopn are nle looking, A RE water wash- ..with Takara Antiseptic ability that this Is a genuine tut.nng IN (,'UMKOKTABLE 1'owder; A0c and $1 box. Portland Hotel sale, we had reproduced In LER, STUDEBAKJER. MAX- CA 1.3 w ANTED to wreck, parts for all Oil FI'i:.M TI'llE Tu SELL MOKE THAN NEW! copies 1917 Hudson sper-six- , re- We put good and riref.it work- Pharmacy. our original announcement, " cars for less. e. 0t 8. Auto Wrecking Co., (IK ENCii ANOE. CALL i;s FIRST. materials WELL, H. C. S. refi'.ilshed re- I A manship in our shoes. .THEY PROTECT IF YoU APPRECIATE splendid watch re- of which are on display at our DANIELS. built, and REBUILT 15lh and Alder. Broadway OOO MAIN IKITJ LEVIN II A It iV It E & your place of business, two of our for- painted; sold with stand- CO., i FIION 1' ST. PKO.M COLD AND DAMPNESS. POSI- pairing or Jewelry repairing, take one TEMPLAR. LEXINGTON. STUTZ, ard factory warranty 900 BUICK3 WILL pay liislieel cash price lor I'm d FLRNITI.RE i'1 TIVELY N O T H I N C. C H K A P ABOUT work to mer classified advertisements, not than '17 model. Used of October 1). and the other of cars eai'.ier THEM. EXCEPT THE PRICE! MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store x Ford ra.e eio.. 8th and Duvi?.. November 12. which show the level , COMET, PREMIER. BUICK. 2 1918 Hudson super-si- Serls for Less Gifts That LaM. touring cars, rebuilt, refln- when purchased from us are FORD WANTED. CALL MARSHALL L'.,;ia Next Door Majestic of prices at whlcn we have sold rlk-li-t to Theater. 80 lshed and repainted, total GUARANTEED tha same as new I pay cush for I pay ulisoluitly Hie arlrf for None higher $3.30 a Washington Sta. 71 used cars during the last will late houst-hol- urnt-tur- o than pair, but Park and we WE ALSO HAVE THE FOL- cost to us of work and Buicks. be cheap. Phone 3l;l-i'i- soods; a home lull of mnny prices. days, as well as the prices have Ford. Mi:t 1 no-'i- t:ili-s- at much lower Unrepaired ELECTRICAL GIFTS. this sale. trade-i- n value each $1450: or o;ie ailiolo. chaits, shoes In busement for a Bong. 0 $3; reduced them to for , WE AllE auto wreckers, save haif on ured and i;oud ruKS, Christmas tree, light strings, LOWING 8TRUCKS: OLD HICK- - now sold with standard The most IMPORTANT THIXG Co., clilffonieis wireless parts, all cars, .lo.lea Auto Parts roll-lo- and koo1 sioois. If yuu outfits, electric trains, airplanes, All used will be sold factory warranty 1150 tn consider in the purchase of a li G S. desks ironi, toasters, heaters, etc. Our prices Cadlllaca ORY. CAR Is RESPONSI- 322 Alder st. Broadway sro to sell, rail Marshall i,IKl. 1 YOU at reductions proportionately aa GARY, MORELAND, KNOX. REBUILT the Bl'Y HERE! IT WILL HELP are down. Everything electrical required. ad- 1910-192- 0 O series) BILITY of SELLER. BOUGHT tor their pans, purls so, d will bi th.T? pT.:nptiv coll & A V E great as those shown In our (model the CARS To MONEY AND WILL HELP Hynnon Electric. 02 0th sU. beL Oak and Undoubtedly this Is REPUBLIC. FULTON. FAGEOL. Hud.son super-si- x touring foi ail cars. Auto Wrecking Co.. 523 CASH - t KNIT ULB v.ASII. I S TO (MVK EMPLOYMENT TO THE Pine. Bdwy,' 4203. ' vertisements. in and Alder at i'itn st stoves, HANDICAPPED OF PORTLAND. the logical timo to buy one automobile, traded We need u.icd turntturv, rnnires, desirable cars. INDIANA, STEWART, BUICK. carried over for one year; H -- WARD AUTOMOBILE WE PAY cash tor lalo model light curs. rc. lo ship out of town. Wl'il p.iy MAKE a small payment and wear your Most of our cars re Covey re- has been overhauled, COMPANY. Ued car warehouse. Grand ave. nd bi. lilKher prlci s than other local dealers. MAXWELL. V L I E, repainted at a Largest Distributors of Automo- one or a ionise lull PUBLIC WELFARE STORE. eye g' asses and spectacles as you pay built and guaranteed; some are FORD. E and Cull us for article for tnem. Wheeler Optical company, high-grad- e "AS 18" cars. All ara total cost tn us of $2200; biles In tiie World. and a courteous, competent huyer nil! (In bmln-- for service not profits.) COMMERCE. now sold a standard OARAGES, lnxld AND LARGER, cjiil. 2J00. 1! second floor, Oregonlan bldg. priced so low as to demand im- ATTERBURY AND with I .MI-.- Itroadway - Norih Third 21 Third Si., Near tiaimon. factory warranty 1250 EASI ,il I.8. r..vl ry's Kxi mediate action. This sale mill for Motorcycles. St.. Rociil, Furniture iKirc. new, cause us great financial loss, but THEN SOME. Alder at Twelfth SL CALL MAIN : SINGERS. Whites. New Homes, tike -- 1180. through your 1920 Tudson &reedsler, over- Broadway MOTORCYCLES. pay hiKhi-s- BALK OK $2. to $4.; other guaranteed dropheads, all we ask is that We the prices for usel "UNCLAIMED RAILROAD $10 to $14: latest Singers; cash or terms: quick response to out call, you hauled and Tefinished and All makes and model lo select from. furniture. See us helore you seil FREIGHT AND SAMPLE GOODS. $3 per tiingur 1J3 profit In equal proportion. By all repainted: sold with stand- Very liberal terms. CALL L'NITED FL'I;NITL'KK STORK. U 3 rentals mouth. Store. op- factory 1500 Friday and Saturday, A. M. to 4th. Main 0S33. means, take advantage of this PRICES WILL BE PLAINLY ard wwrranly east side Motorcycle co.. Mam 7K M. Lot 1: hoo Swedish razors, 0 Grand Ave. I. $..(, portunity let nothing Interfere tl.ND-l- at l0c e:.ch. Lot 2: $4. SO SOWING machines, new and secondhand, LETTERED ON EACH WIND-- . Largest Used Car Branch store big ulM'OUnt. WE NEED SEi l AND ll'H3 combination chance to get real Covey REAL BARGAINS Used parts at ; clippers 8; $10 soid for leaf: no agents employed. Com- with this In city at 40-4- 8 Broadway. Volt of any des. iip'.ioii h.ive the re.ulv cash. hair at ll.o.Y Lot and Company the ACROSS THE RIVER. AGENCY 4'V-'- plete ma- Motor Car merchandise tod.iy M ini 7 or li'.it I'lrst St. raincoats at lot 4: 800 $1 boxes line of parts for all makes; on such astound- SHIELD. 1922 Ford touring, like new $400 READING sT A N D Alt I AND ACE 4. Phone fancy chines repaired while sale at Open your h. li of stationery at 4c a box; 50c and rented. ing reductions. Branch Store Sunday and 1019 Ford touring fine shape tta 1KOYC1.ES and parts, an tu.ikes. WE WILL H'Y turiutuie or for boxen of stationery at !fc ; ribbon zene SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. Evenings. 1018 Ford touring, runs good ..... 223 lu'l MOTORCYCLE CO you on commission. Laker & for tying ges, 2c a 1;0 Third 8:.. near Taylor. Main 1H31. DON'T KAST biDE HUctiom-cr.- ;t.":i'J. Christmas packn SALE NOW IN PROGRESS. FORGET. "YOUR OWN 1020 Stephens, almost new 1300 0 Oinnd Avenue. Co., Main spool of 3 for ; $Lt ladies Phone at Branch Store, 23 sample IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR 101S Dodge AND BICYCLES WE ARE in ntoi of your furniture. If coat at fl.r.U. We have men's YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Payment You. TERMS IN REASON." Broadway. 3730. 1017 Paige touring, good shape.... 4i.i TTr MoTOKUYCI.Ed ready to soil call Hdwy 3rt!l3. boys' Bring Pmsll Cash With THY US. I 3D ST. MAIN 8I.1H. you are spd sweaters for les than Only Genuine Watch Materials Ued. Long Terms On the Balance. 1013 Dodge roadster 80O y-- can buy the yarn; ladies n DAVID'S. Also a Display at , Hudson speedster, shocks and Automobiles for Hire. georgette crepe sia-i- GET iX Our Salesroom, 613-01- 7 Washing- l'-:- sample wsiwts. $3, REMEMBER. COVEY DOES IT, EARLY WHILE THE extras '0 WITHOUT ER FOR HIRE ATIONY.L. ! only; IF Tl'Tr.s Dlil M1 T Imported shawls and throws 343 WHWhtngton St , at Uroadway. , HE DOES IT RIGHT. ton Street. Many more to choose from, including .Ntw 5 and cars. Bunks at 80c on the dollHr. Lots of other nice LADIES, Vcgue your or STOCK 13 COMPLETE. THEY u bugs. reasonao.a rates. Hi Ink's tor holiday gifts for ksa than It't the sell imnllt C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. lots and Wscolta. Fol 11 WEEKS' TRAINING FREE. wholesale price. .lightly u.ed garments; have a nice line WERE TAKEN ON MORTGAGES CITY GARAGE. of suits: evervthtnif from fur coat to COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 132 12th St., bet. Waaliinitton and Alder. Bradiialcs now CONSOLIDATED SALES CO., USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Broadway 840. Ws havs hun.lre.1s of Dealers in salvage good and samples. party drKiwB; fancy work, children' . AND WILL BE SOLD ON MORT- THE Stors," successfully enwatfed In the auto, trac- pourtn U3 Ailsky Diag., Open Evenings and Sundays. 11UGHSON. HUG11SON. J1UGIISON. "Portland's Largest Used Car driv- hu-it- i. We .:(.- - Clay St., bet. 1st and '2d Sts. ciotnes. floor, Taylor SL AUTOS FOR llll'.E with or willioul tor slid engine ss. want Third, near Morrlfcon St. FORD. FORD. FORD. Grand Ave. at East or service, UUW" or trai- Half block of auditorium. GAGE PRICES. " 214-1- els. Day niot '"li make you a fH: Jboth Addresses: ' CORNER. CORNER. CORNER. Phone Auto.. MAN UAKAOR. you a K I DOOHS, windows, lumber, wfhklinKS. mill Hugh-so- n COUCH tor mechanic and help lo glass, roofing See The first time since 1003 that 19th snd Couch. Broadway 3B08. liivf. us a chance. Y'U and hotbed sash. Main and Salesroom, haa reduced all Used Fords 25 pur Bdwy. 3'IQ'I. our old uf Plant - " Remember our number. not have to pay a cent for the first four A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS stock sash and doors for 21st Washington Sts. cent. you an prices. 1. II. Scully Co.. downtown lum-b- r and AMERICAN WAREHOUSE you on t NOTlCli. OIUSGON UalD CAR EXCHANGE. train'.iii; It aiToi.ls GIFT. 171 FRONT Morrisun If "arc figuring a used Ford opportunity s...' up our .cli g MeNh hs g green gold, storf, ST.. bt. come cars for rent without drivers; aliS7-chanl- of olid and Ynmhlll. Phone Main 4213 Broadway Iltted Car Branch, SALES COMPANY. absolutely at rock bottom figure, TO' AUTOMOBILE OWNER: rates; open day and nlglit snil to your iiualtfic.il Ions a.i d mou-ntlnf- sapphire 28 and 20 N41 road way. to the largest and oldest Ford agents reasonable clasp, WHi AN aggravation by a 825 Cimun st., between Broadway and The four weeks' trial oh.litat.s the best of workmanship; ever.a.stinff in Portland and look at our stock. YOU WANT TO AVOID ACCI- ,'303 no way. Fil l particular m our used very little; cost new roof? Why not a permanent and 77R10B motorcycle $298 2S IF S:.th st. I'hnne Broadway vou In Indian IU'-ik- ' lalali-K-- Call i r write I'.r an appraisal or '$., We repair, 18 350 (H) H S CARS HIRE WITH- new examination will comlortable root? rubberbond 89044 Ford touring DENTS TO YOUR AUTOMOBILES UiilNNKTT Foil tl today. Ash, for book No. o. Ha convince jou of Its worth; will sell and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky root's. 5030224 I''nrd sedan 702 03 OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, s 415 E. ASH ST., COR. E. 8TH. ) FREE. for $ino. For appointment to sea Work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 79. OAKLAND 4014101 Ford touring 473.00 AND TO OTHERS BE SURE AND SEiS A X TAYLOR. MAIN AVIATION S''MOOL, It, address M It.s, Oregonian. Cor- STEPHENS AND 133407 250.00 Alii'nV AI'TO USED OKKICE BUIM I'.MENT. AGENCY. PHONES EAST 8510-831- L - Huick touring AUTOS Wll'I.OUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE I'NION AVE AND WASCO ST. respondence Flat-to- p 275H.-iii,- 2 .Ml. on 829 1. confidential. desks, tables, chairs, files, etc., Ford truck THE BRAKESHOP AT 6TII ST. L SULLIVAN, FASHION GARAGE Woodlawn or A.b'-it- c.u, Ud and Alder. dictaphone outfit. U hank Burroughs, Oakland. rebuilt. 5 tires. . 400 OPEN SUNDAYS. ('35032 Scrtpps-Boot- h touring .. "mono MAR 232. 10TI1 A MM' AM II I L.A1 238 large and small safes, time clocks. C. perfect shape S75 2NS3110 Ford touring 250 .00 AND ASK FOR THE EXPERT g" HUICK "FOR Chevrolet !0. 250 00 CYLINDER HIRE AL'Til .MEN walll.d in Los AtiKins. fill", DIAMOND ring, perfect blue white stone, Wan, North Fifth. Bdwy. 273H Overland. good as new.... 400 2570411 Ford touring WITH DRIVER BROADWAY 8547 now. l.ke summer; weighing- ..to In 10..0 112412 Ford touring 150.00 BRAKEMAN TO EXAMINE YOUR nilld weather Just - carats. plain CASH and computing scales 101B. rebuilt Al aii-- lu"- KLiiS'i'lUS Bulrk. 400 457147 Ford touring 175 011 L.1 oU'l N FS lor l uioTa Is, weddings, shop x b.il demand for iitnitlon t'X'"r: Tiffany ring, was donated for mission- bought, ii-- sold, exchanged and repaired. Btiiek. rebuilt flM!2 Ford 223 is) OR CALL MAIN 599. C. II. ping, .looes Auto, l.lvery, Alaisiiaii chanh-s- LEARN THE TltAUE I'lilM ary purposes; niunt be converted into 1'ortiand L'a.h Kegisler A Scale Kx Chandler. 1020, rebuilt 1000 OAKLAND BIX SEDAN. touring CAR. ' INTER. I'ractlcal experien. " under ex- will $4o0 ; any 22Q re- - 4176024 Ford coupe 3no oo cash; take cash jeweler change, stark st., between First and Oakland roadster, rebuilt and Model 34-- run about 0000 pert Instructors; only short lin.e re. will charge $T."0 to match It. BD 183, second .Main 4127HS.I Ford touring 375.00 BRF.N room st. f3..4. painted miles; never off pavement. First 305301 Ford 07.50 F U SAIK THICKS AM) TRAIYOtt. ijuirod; lo tuition; tools lice Lain 'rcgun ian. A Saxon 6. 5 cord tires J; roadster i.n.1 lenrninu Our hlK DEI E.VDABLli 1'I.ACK TO TRADE. class condition throughout. Bar- 8727H5K board wine t"'-l- A-- 1021. new Ford touring 373.00 I sU 2lCni Anta my beautiful MII.LKU'S ilig Jewelry Overland roadsters J'o 111) il'.ustrsli rsta.o tells range, K''ilL, Little Store shape 030 gain at $1100. Terms to suit. 1HS7S71 Ford touring 225 AUCTION SALE In business, Ka white porcelain, glass oven Sells for Less Gifts That Last. , fine 21111.00 sp.endid opportunll lea llr.s door, like new; also good power Stephens. rebuilt and re- - OAKLAND. 1014770 Ford touring A FEW OF OUR TRUCK BARGAINS. you learn no iiujck-y- s water Next door to Majestic Theater. -- 50 344 . 5110174 50O 00 explains how (.. Burnside St., ' Ford touring OF AUTOMOBILES Mi- HI to ml who liava washing machine, stove; washing I'ark and Washington Sts. painted - 2ISI172 200.110 ll(e stories ot iiiachlnc, $10. 000 'a Madison Bt., wen; Olds Pacemaker, rebuilt and ra- Just west of Broadway, Maxwell roadster 1020 O. M. C Hood with National Tialnlnic. b. nd YOU KNOW you can buy 30HN244 Ford 350.00 made to- side. L0 that the Painted Phone Bdwy. ,82. roadster SATURDAY EVENING, DEC. 17, 7:30 1020 Ford for Jour of tills FREE book finest little auto clock for !() at iu8 bug 2J" 237 oh Ford touring 183.nn 1018 Dcnby A job linjl GAIiDEN HOUSE FOR SALE. N. ti Ford 8323 275 110 day No oblmatlnii. better Broadway? Nothing better for a 1U20 Moon, Chevrolet touring Large consigrment of mostly lute 1018 Ger Six 2,-to- more pay guaranteed In aulo woik. Will take bees, cow, chickens, ducks, & 20071 H7 230 HO 1'IKU-ero- a. Christmas gift. Anilresen Jeff way, Ford toaring models. 1U10 z. olS So. hay, it raw, potatoes, anything we can JORDAN. 0U Chevrolet Write J. A. distributors for the Browning company. Easy Terms. 1450580 Ford roadster 235. SALE STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. Anit-- o s. t'ai- use on the farm. The horse Is flrat class Two seasons old, but used only one FORDS FROM $07.50 UP. Los for garden" or orchard work. 014 SLOck WHY PAY $10 to JOU for a new bicycle season: has been examined by our ex- JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE. KK.W REPUBLIC TRUCKS AXD when you can buy a guaranteed AUTOMOTIVE-SALE- S CO., TERMS ALMOST ANY. Cor. OtH and Everett Sts. TRUCKS AT A BIG Exchange rebuilt perts and put in Al condition; will give WM. L. NEW STANDARD LEARN TO FLY. bicycle for less than half? A 473 Morrison at 14th. HUGHSON COMPANY, Phono Bdwy. 2320. DISCOUNT. ALSO HAVE A FEW t 1 HAVE been making goods limited buyer a written guarantee; an eleeanl Agents. now point tn remendoiii leather at number to pick frum. Apex Ilicycl. Co., Broadway 8606. car for someone; $1200, Authorized Ford NEW JUMBO TRUCKS These trucks Indications home In my spare time and have some l.'W sacrifice for Broadway and Davie. you lu'n.iaiioti tlnoiiKh ratiiniu Williams ave. E;ist 14H0. which is price to- are absolutely new and we can save advances you I'lcst'li nl exceptional values in muslo bags and muv'h.lesa than balf Broadway 321. some mudels nearly of retail assistance. Have rend brief rases. F.nai ?s:t!. XMAS SUUOUSTIOX. day; terms. Open Evenings. in half the lost reeommclldatlon 7 llieie Mink, skunk, squirrel and other fur COOK & GILL CO. price. liardlnu's opnortuiill.V than YOH SALE Popcorn. ready popped, for KOBINSON-S- ITH COM Y, never whs a chokers. $.". The Fur shop, 813 Etlera Call Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. PAN FORD PARTS. U.SeV aviation will olfer to you.m men. our Christmas celebration, large No.JU paper bide. Main 2. PILCHARD MOTOR CO. Sixth and Madison Sts. ' FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR THE CAR WAREHOUSE vou how to s.irel, bags full ro ; Also popcorn balls and DEPARTMENT WILL BE Largest Usd Car Store." school teaches addi- A HUAUTlKliL back bar, 24x12. French Authorised Ford Owner. PARTS "Portlands corres-tl- and and In bricks. Tahor oor.fl. 12th and Sts. Bdwy. 1.172. USED CARS AND FORDS. OPEN EVERY EVEN1NO UNTIL 8:30 Grand Ave. at East Taylor St. you traluinK of plate mirror; original price SllWHi. now Stark , Phone Aulo. 214-1- tion Klves mechanical ALAKKA WRECKING CO.. 94UO If taken at once. 421 Washington Closing out the following used cars. DODGE. WITH A COMPETENT PARTS MAN IN (treat va.ue. The actual money cost is All kinds of building material and Phone Bdwy 7!.V All In fine mechanical condition, good Don't delay. Now Is the CHARGE 'JtMI. used tl) he S.0III Writ, st. Dodge roadsler.v. bargain, late 1019 out It r wood for sale; yard 2d and Columbia. rtibller and finish: time to buy while the TALBOT CASEY, INC. Informal Ion to downtown off HOT WATElt tanks. gal., 7; 40 gal, $i; i model. Just repainted; good rubber, Hie pur- for Main 6107. 1920 Ford sedan $34. absorbers, humper. price market is at its lowest. E. ANKENY AND GRAND AVE. HAVE few good Jobs; requires OREGON. WASHINGTON IDAHO tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace lii'.'o touring 30 shock and For chase of a truck on easy terms. Se CO.. i SEND 50o for ;b. of nice mistletoe and coils, gas installed; plumbing Ford rail Cate, East 302. Will consider Ford Wash- AIRI'LANE heaters 10111 touring 24. Hartshorn. V. W. BucLhulz, 523 14 stci'-.l'in- Hl'lg. Oregon grape, postage prepaid for your S .1 ft. Ford In GENUINE BARGAINS. East Side Weid Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 10111 .v 22. i trade. ington at. Chr.stn.a, ti cs. ft. W r. Ford roadster J. heeler. BUY. SKI.L. 1CENT OH TKADE 2 i0 or. 102 Ford roadster Open Kvenlngs and Sundays. c.A.shl tractor excellent condition. SAVE '5 00. SHOTUUXS OK H ! 1021 FORD sedan, run 4700 miles, would J20U casn. SI'ECIAL OFFER. H UL D RIFLES. nil Ford touring' Cash or Terms. Just overhauled, will soil for NEW water heater; kodak, large NEWMAN'S !! cost $1030 new today; more miles In ; size; sewing Gl'N STORE. 1020 Ford chassis LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. Phone Oak Grove 130X. suto business. Courses now electric machine; electric 15 First, near Alder. Main 44!.'i. 1017 Paige 7 passenger rubber than new car; privately owned Learn spucl.il Christ-Piu- s fan; Navajo rug, Wilton; baby awing. 300 and well cared for; my necessity 1918 Ford roadster, wire wheels .. .$31.1 DENBY within reach of all. As a FLOLTH SACKS. 100 lb. size, laundered, 1017 Buick 4 touring for Jills) touring IPS AUTOMOBILES CASHED. Snap, $75 down, balance monthly. New Year's offer we are Tahor 7:3. 20 1 S R touring 400 money is your chance to make a good Ford snd SI. dos.. mnll orders add postage, ti. ll Olds you 1018 touring 205 Woodiaw-- 3317. a J25 cash discount on all lours., DON T OVERLOK. Til IS HARGAlN. Hodges, 424 1017 touring 123 buy. If are thinking of a car of Ford BUY OR AN JTUTOMO-BIL- E Belmont., near 6th. Puotie Chevrolet you are making a if 1918 Ford touring 273 YOU SELL durlnir the mouth of December Enroll Dolls on sale at half price at the doll Last 4.fltt. 1019 OAKLAND COUPE "BARGAIN this class mistake WE FURNISH THE MONEY. a will not hold Bo-- d 403 you pass this up. Phone Bdwy. 1227. 1020 Ford touring, starter 415 early this offer ti hospital, Washington, between 13th ;u sewing $12 So Equipped 5 wire wheels, 5 2 OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. Thoroulth practical InsMuc-tio- and 14th. DROfHEAD machines. to with tire, 1020 Ford coupe, 475 4k GAWAGE9. Indefinitely. rear-vie- mirror, FOItD. starter OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., i Expert instruc- $13; Singers, New Homes, Whites, W. W.; bumpers, spotlight, 11120 coupe, P. At V. all A DIG HA KG A IN. in condition; Ford starter 325 207 SELLING BLDG.. SEC a'LOOK. GARAGE. evetliHK Lalkesl all makm machines rented and repaired. heater, fins mechanical 1020 '. 238 EAST 21ST ST. NORTH. tors. Hay snd PoTIr on sale at half price. 144 2d st., K. R. steen, 1S2 tlrand ave. East 23,"U. must sacrifice. prToe JOilO; $3B0 cash, will 1021 Ford roadster, best buy In Port- Ford sedan, starter 3l3 system of praettral auto schools In m between Alder and Morr;son. Call land in its class. Has starter, speed-omete- r. 1020 Ford sedan, with extras C.15 Just south of Multnomah. ip free. Get your ONE LATH and bo. i machine, give very liberal terms on balance. world Life niainhersli w combination Mr. Stevens, Main .1S7S. or Wdln. 2B13. oversized tires in rear. It is In 1021 Ford truck, starter 705 FORD, 1920, one-to- n worm drive, fine cov- REPAIRING. in early by writln nr csl.inic EOLLY reath, mistletoe, Oregon grupe 2 saws, 8 POLISHING. application I complete; tooth lath right good condition. Price $375. 1018 Chevrolet touring 275 express or vegetable wagon body, WASHING AND A AND T It Ac OR and Xmas trees. Tabor 9030. We saws. J3M), terms. Forest Grove Mill & "I1UUHSO.VS FORD CORNER." Phone ered STORAGE In tile building, accessible at HEMPHILL'S .TO Cate. K. S02. 1018 Chevrolet touring 335 this truck haa Just been overhauled by SCHOOL. 7117 Haw thorne ave.. I or'.land. LnKglng Co . Forest Grove. Or. Healed bids will be received on this 19)7 at ail nuuri, per iimum LA 1020 touring, 872703, up to 0 Buick six touring 530 an authorized Ford agent and painted at DY'S brown velvet euit. AN man, married, will ap- Ford 1919 Olds 1723 of $100; can be had for $400; CONCRETE on Hawthorne ave.. in size S2; also lady's coat 40 P. M. Dec. 20, 1021; you may get It at ELECTRIC CHRISTMAS PRESENT. six touring, extra special. a cost gaiage AUTOMOTIVE PCIIOOI-- . Bolivia size preciate your order for Xmas trees or 1018 Studebaker touring 125 small payment down, long time on bal- good location, owner going to Canada best. Hers Call Tabor l.vm. your own price; highest bidder absolutely Electric sedan beautiful 4 i . Tou want nothing but the hoilv wreatns. lowest prices. Call Tabof high-clas- s 1917 ance; you cannot duplicate this in Port- will sell chein. Cull Main in nil ' 2123. gets it. car, in condition with new Overland touring, only 233 and It Is standardized with schools LARGEST s:xe cabinet phonograph, used HI'OHffON'S FORD rnBMHR." batteries; big snap. See car at Gib- 1919 Chalmers six touring, bargain. h73 land. cities, ltest laboratories, best shop JO days, will for first-cla- COMPAXY, other sacrifice cash. East FOR SALE or Irado, gooil organ, ' son electric- garage. 12th and Alder, and 1919 Dodge delivery,, big bargain.. 725 THE WHITE and Instructions. Actual shop 12H nr Hdwy. A-- BUICK, 1022. regularly equipment 20.2. Owner. l Singer sewing machine; will con-sid- agency guaranteed: car mnke offer. Fiint and Hancock Sts. AUTO REPAIRING. practice given on real repair J"bs. $05 good range or equipped; local 3 blocks east of Broadway bridge and d I he tune VICTOR phonograph, cabinet and rec- cook davenport. East fttMto attrac- BUICK FOUR. Open Evenings and Sundays. HAVE YOUR FORD REPAIRED "AT absolutely autttante-- new; Ikmi. :in E. 1st st. N. run only miles; will make one block north & Is while huslne-- a ords; like $25. Heating stove, $fl. tive price for quick sale. Terms to re- $300. Authorized FORD Dealer. PENTECOST WICK. for you to Kit to school W'oodiawn 8077. my new Dls-- . iiul-- t. now for hid business FERTILIZER. sponsible partv. Mieht consider small A snap at this price; will take $130 WILL sell .almost Chandler Authorized Ford Service Station. Is Prepare ore- - LEAKY Cow manure, well rotted, delivered Bdwy. 34'13. $20 per See patch, run less tnan 5ti00 miles.: looks Nigni svork by appointment at day prices i n f..,. motiiiis. Innuire ROOFS ear In trade W. Philips. down, balance month. Earle FORD. first-cla- strc-- t any part of city. 62:13. f. guaranteed In 302U. h at Wash. In.-it-ule of Main Quickly repaired. Call Dispatch Hoof Woodlawn 00 F. Heym al Covey Motor Car Co. Main Ford touring, storage battery, speed- and runs like new: Bdivy 13' tton I it- I Q:t: - H OVERLAND SEDAN. car wilKbe a won- men Bel p a rem. A u t o. 7 SAFES 70 Sixth St., near Oak. New and new, will an Overland 8244. ' ometer, shock absorbers, foot throttle, condition; this CAR REPAIR work in your garage .or at Sixth. blAlL second-han- Just like take derful buy tor someone who appreciates a $100 BUYS a $100 now Uraphophona Herring, Hall, Marvin, 00 Country Club or any small 'STILL GOING ON. windshlettl cleaner, dashllght, spotlight, $1000 mine. 73o hour. Call Easl 3407. between in with touring or a car having only private use. E-- A I.M-- II. 2 fecorda. Room 20A Washington SAFES AND VAULT doors. Bdwy. 1H4. or may a Our big of used cars $350, on motor-drive- n horn, rims, 9 and 5. H II NK dot car in trade, consider real sale at demountable with terms; new rubber. Phone wee BUSINESS COLLFOK. bldg. WONDERFUL moleskin coat, cost $1100, estate contract. t easy terms. natural wood wheels, good shape, tires days Bdwy 3475. Sundays. Tabor 7BS1. AUToS repaired at your lunio or mine: West's FINEST courses. 0100. 12 N. H. MOTOR CO.. good. $275. 1010 model. Phono 84. 220-1- 1140. Enroll duylime for all business DIAMONI ring. Hi k., crescent pin of 17 for sale at less tnan half price; has never Phone K.ist Grand Ave. P. DUNN Tabor LOOK THIS OVER. work guaranteed. Aut. Tabor comptometer. stent' phy. diamonds, IS been worn. Call Hroadway 3732. GOOD 12 Grand Ave. X., Cor. East Burnside. 1020 INJURING, Including diamond ring. diamonds, BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. CHEVROLET Latest model 88 Velie light six. perfect hnokke-Pl- n. NIGHT SCHOOL very heap. Vni. HoM. Washington bldg. vacuum BUILT. DELIVERED, Phone East 8in. $300. 5 bankln j FOR RENT Electric cleaner. STYLE, WELL - condition, fine paint, now cord tires, 1H MONTH. Free calalouue. Address KRF.l-TFD- AT- W ANTF.IV MISPKI l.ANKOrS. a - li I'CwS washed on your Xloor with Hamil-to- n Mon. to Mon.. $1, or ejo per day, de STAINED. 10x1l. $33; FORD SD AN. W. L. Ilnghsnn Co., Ford Agents, spotlifrht, bumper and tirelock; this Is a th erojrrlsr.ri PhoTo- Main Ml". Beach electric- carpet ; also livered anywhere. woocilaivn 12jU. TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 209 1020 model, in Al mechanical condi- Broadway and Davis. Bdwy. 821. Ask bargain at $s30; very easy terms. Ua-- il washet SSf.B - real MO 11 L Ell ItARUEll COLLEGE will aeunm cleaning aone. 404,1. EVERYTHING In used wearing WEIDI.ER. EAT tion, some extras. for Mr. Holman. Call Mr. lilller, Bdwy. 217; evenings Mar. CALL MAIN 7004. 8 woe"U. a sc. LADIES ' BEST OF TERMS. FOR YOUR vou Ihe trade in furnish ItOCK EltS, Da ven port and spparel; prices very reasonable. Tabor CHEVROLET F. B. SEDAN. 11121. FOR SALE Locomobile car, be 2078. AND GET FULL VALUE f.f you some pay whi.u Charter Oak BROADWAY 3X00. $73; must F tools to snd kivo range; no Will allow big discount and take Ford once pay AN ESSEX SEDAN. CAST-OF- CLOTHING. WE WILL CALL dealers. Phone Wood'lawn sold at to storage: has fine 2:13 1ST ST.. COR. MAIN. learning; positions secured: lornier -- 3 sedan or any light car In trade. Might CORD TIRES. SPECIAL TOr, engine: use It or to bug. car is In the very best of condi- FOR THEM. sis'.e aid whMO !lo. CHERRY aud Bear trees. years o4d. for boat make This M T 1 ax service men iccelve -r home-cahne- contract. 11R STUDEBAKER. 115 nil or call CHRISTMAS O.'i quarts d Woodstock Xurttery. End ot Woodstock consider real estate speedwell Garage, North 14th and tion. Paint is good. Has cord tlrea and our school. Write OH'O. 1 .N, A- -I Z only V-- C3U-0- Phone East llrann Ave condition, E terms. For 2 of vi of any kind, toots and P s. Hurnsidia fruit and pickles, u. 2. b0O4 both car line Auto, oueh. carries extras, and a number other furnitu.. calaj.'sue snd srtlc ujnr EcjTTjpMKNT III model, very good la a bargain. Will give houmto.d tiooda. bought (or will ave. S. E. BARBER SHOP on sale at DUDUS sedan, lit tno. 12 Grand Ave. N. DoDGE, lale '10, shows exceptional care, extras. This icneral paid. OREGON BARKER t'ol.LEU:- - leac'i Cutlery Co., newcord tires; will sacrifice and Phone East terms. Phone Tabor 1342. cah. Good Win i'ortland In S weeks; sc.lp anil HE WING machines for tnle. Good drop-head- s, big reduction. Portland unusual condition throughout; new tires Co. you the Irsdo Mi Mxtn si. 'give terms or accept touring car In trade. THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. and sleeping outfit. For quick LATE 1018 DODGE TOURING, $475. baivae - .peclalty: tools free: positions $10 and $12. 4u2 Wash. si. or "K70. Dodge touring, mechanical- cash top car without driver massaae 'Jl'H'j Second st. UlEUOLD safes, new second-han- Kast first class will take less than present market. Car In good shape; has new and WA.NT to rent Kuaratiterd; pay whi is.rnlnir; lu.lloil and 2 new tlrea, $120 over ChrUtmrt; ref- -- I'll & 1022 400 for sale a ly; spotlight, minor. Owner. Bdwy. 33. good tires; must seil at once. Besscll to drive to Abtona rerluced this term. Mad.oti BOY'S Columbia bicycle, good as new, special prices. Pacific Scale Supply NEW Chevrolet at ber cost Kane shock absorbers: private, for $350, 7th erences pxchannedi must be reubonable. tes-h- 111 new $30. Co., 41 Front St. Broadway liXiti. sacrifice; lnoks sndtuns as good as the WE CARRY a full line of accessories, Lester, East and Belmont. Easi iirriTToTtN-bar- colieun trade $74.30: will sell for Sellwood give te-- terms. A K. Pixler. Main 333H. auto 1015, evenings Tahor 1998. K I'l'i, OrfB'Tnitn. pay; SLMfl. fliio E. sr. HEADQUARTERS day I bought It. Will to tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; alao a l tools furnished, some posi 2th A for holiv wreaths and resnonslble party. Call Tubor 301;!. ALMOST A GIFT towing. Open day DODGE SEDAN. jU UUl. r tra-l- second-han- lurul- - special rate Ciiw month. ; IiU mistletoe. Oregon Seed Store. Yam- - do and night. s tion secured; SA FES Fireproof, office one ge, one alt 1020 Hudson speedster. 3 new cord LONG & Sacrifice $700. terms. This car ture tod housrhoid b;uh.. for -- Jt I' Ir.t si. HiTiai'l ; once, Mil. 2. FORD roadster, oversized rubber, new 8ILVA. for Write or call parllculay. cheap if taken at li 212, mechanically perfect, a fires. 2 spotlights: looks like new. Guar- Phone Knst PMO. 402 Hawthorne. will surprise you for Its value when you OKI fc'L'KMiUHt: CO.. COLLEGE. orr n. hides paint, sacrifice mechanically. $1400 or lib- Sto9 F.cond. Main 4107. LINK'S HI'SINESS ATTENTION Fur skins and bought for cash this week. Smith. Phone East anteed cash 1018 STUTZ, $1320. consider the extremely low price. Mr. school of duality: day and nltht FOR SALE at sacrifice, 1 AH combination or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., bU2 eral terms East RK0.1. Argo. Broadway 3281. Set of dicthtiiiK ni,ichlntii; The Tclcpluuis ave. 23H3. S22H. My car has been thoroughly over- VANTEiJ srhool. Address 4u7 Murrison. range, good as new: 1 Radlantflre gas Tenlno Seiiwood SALE OH TRADE 1020 PAIGE new; good coupe, fine condi- two & mulUKrapn. uiv cie.cn puun. r.ilKll. Mrs;. NEW OVERLAND FOUR TOURIXfJ. FOR hauled and looks like tlrea 1020 FORD mechanical a llroadwsy hentcr. Cnll fiinj, Stayon. BURUANK POTATOES. LARCHMOXT. NEW RUBBSR: WILL lots of extras, $450. Iciest cewh price and where can bo - - Eat Will take used Ford or Chevrolet in and extras; forced to sell; terms. Tabor tion, spare tire, for QrpgoniHii. s X tiii.iiie.A scllOO, lasses day KODAKS $2 a sack, delivered; order, TAKE DIAMONDS IN TRADE. OR 8184. real buy. Call Anderson, East K '.-- S3R1. trade. terms; a .ii,nin,- indivlilua: attention We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko- I1.7S East Phone East 6103. CHEAP FOR CASH. SEE OWNER. 1020 DODGE TOURING AT $725 803. W V.NT small offa;o nut, uot particular a Uroadway and Tay.or. Main 7S7I1 2 1 4 S I tuition daks Sandy. Washington st. 6 $13. 20? WASHINGTON YOU if fireproof. Uve and y. fixtures tor rooms. H3, 4- model, new Car is reflnlshed and completely over- CAN BEAT IT? to makj Y free. Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4253 OVERLAND paint and C 273. Hlii'K JIT. Teachers' Enroll PI L1CS can be permanent ly cured without Chamber of good UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. hauled, looks and is almost like new; Dodge touring, excellent condition. prirf. Pl-n- supt, tires, in mechanical condition; first 3211-3- K. Wells, stale new good me- t e Frank operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec- ROYAL vacuum cleaner tor sale, reduced offer It; easy terms. Late model sedan, paint, must sell at once: terms. Tabor 8IS4. $330. Auto. W K NT El Bur key inrubator. I V W Hank hldic Aulo. M2-1- reasonable taes Ud offer. ond and Morrison. ttf2.S0 to $40. East 7'J40. 70. chanically; make an NEW 1022 CHEVROLET, model 400, se- THAR "P and Pieces. Wrltp CorvaHis Poultry Farm. Corvallis, .r Esst 1307. WE SCHOOL OF t'oM.M Klif'M E. 471. E. 'n Wrecking Co.. 631 Ald-- r. lioxj-oi- . TTlK WALTON DIAMOND ring, pure white tone, over ROSES ROSES dan: disk wheels, spotlight; will take Portland Auto -(r., 1J ROSES RARE I WILL TAKE . Ft opened a Portland office al 010-9- touring, condi- pay- 17 52M t YbVHT .C yti has . half enrat; price $S5, worth $J.73. iular-- WOODSTOCK NURSERY Auto your nsed Ford or Chevrolet In trade LATK 400 Chevrolet rood in open Ford or Chevrolet as .part th Prnadwnv .. Till Wilcox hi. iir. rtrosdwny '.1. 74rt. tion, only $120 cash; balan .'e $13 per 3032. I Hii-he- 130 FOR SALE Cash register, safe, on a new Chevrolet. ment. Tabor Ml' ST tell my Oakland, flno mupe a. prices forused clothinc Railway h adding A real bargain. 4. Phone Tabor 6"UO Ws call any LEARN TELEGRAPHY BLEACHED, laundered flour sacks, $ 20 machine, showcase. 411 1st St., near Ash. Phone East 0100. month. A SNAP. around Run only miles. A snap at W. Park, cor. Morrison. time 4a4 Hallway 5033. r, no, JOB ave. i i .m.t Knowl-ec'tct- t. Institute. Exchanua per dosen. add postaae. mall ordera good condition, new Two 1917 Ford touring, extras, one 1921 j f lorai aoor V A N T Harvard ctasna. 13tok of N 1020 FORD , 1021 coupe. History. Phone Main bids. lit tit classes. Snow Fiake Laundry, 4.0 Belmont st lop, $223. Inquire Portland Artificial FOR SALE Ford Just like Ford touring, starter. The three for $023. KX.CKLLKNT lata modfl touring car to Bancroft's tne vu,ci.iiiiii, new; $.1s3 cash. Ask for Mr. How- 108-W- .; IF YoU WANT lo l.arn COLUMBIA phonographs; records; fine FOR SALE ACTOMOUII.EN. Ice Co. pr:e Terms. Call Mllwaukle, Tate. trittie for an unincumbered building lot. 9iT l.".S llrnnrlwsy. Speedwell Garage, 33 N. 14th and City. HSTft. ; business, rail East Xmas gift. Tabor 30UU. 330 Marguer- a good Thonogrnph in ard. 75 Overland, 5 good new Vrcter Howe East WANTED A tw French ranjf WILL take trade Couch sts. MoDLL tires, good good condition. AK NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madame ite hve. COMPLETF1 JSSORTMENT OF on my late model carv East batiery, fine shape; will sell for $200, FOHL) livery io condition. cash, mut be in Marshall 1702 UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Taylor; - gom an. . Curtl". FOifc SALE Baby carriage, rocking horse, USEB FORDS. $100 down, 115 per month on balance. Portland Oarage, 5th and ilar- Or .. bids', nuraery chair, gas plate, wash tubs. ALL MODWLS AND STYLES. wrecking, Bug top. windshield, new paint; try it Phone Columbia 638. WTTULD like to rent eieitrlc heater for FISIv Teachers' Asen.y Journal CARS bought" tor parts sold for 5203. on.y. Mar- - Main 4s3a Tesclllns; position, fre i r"u. r.41'--' Powell Valley yoad. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., out: 1019 BUICK, perfect top CHEVROLET touring for sale, lTo; short time, call mornings all cars. E. 471. 130T. condition, and 117 '1 ! - your We have especially good buys In late 424 St., near otn. 4300. .F. new, 5 good running F 2i4, Orpynnlan. ATES-FIS1IE- Agency ORDER Xn.as trees now, 00c and up. model Fords, Belmont iast paint like nearly new cords, new 111.74. Tlroadw.ir bldg. Tret- delivered between iiOth with starter, both touring new; BhT USED CARS. PRICES spot, $000 4U, in con- DS bought at highest market registration. Main the and and fcedun. Phone Rast 302 CADILLAC bus. nearly we can put RIGHT. battery, heater, mirror, terms. HUDSON prd LUMON g.rt Wnnhington St. 24th Taft UlSrt. good Harta-hor- STOCK. 5773. good tires, $3 65. Marshall (ML price. E Pefds. LEARN beauty cu.ture eveuilis. Madaiu DUNNINt) MOTOR CO., you on a Jib; terms. See No Misrepresentation. Will take small car. Tabor dition, 17Q'J. ut-e- Marshall CUT HOLLY, loaded with Lurries, and Authorised Ford Deulers. P. H. Bnchholit. 533 Wash, st COVEY MOTOR CAR CO 11120 CHANDLER TOURING. CHEVROLET sedan. late modal. This is VE iiUV office furniture. iJudw.y Curtis. holly tree for Christmas. Private party, "Uroadway and Union Ave. lDlll DODUK delivery, perfect condition; Just like new: cord tires; must sell at a Oargain. yau mam ii. n. S144. The Irwin-Hodso- n Co. WANTED ti to learn v uicouixilifcl Irado CH.". 1920 BUICK. roadster, like new; driven 11 - onl r early. Wood lawn Buy your Ford from Ford dealer. must sell; $700. terms. Phone Mr. Moore, a sacrifice. Call private phone, Wdln. XjODOE roadster; a good buy JioO; WE ilUV ana ureas suits. Jiarrell's l'i- iirnnd avc only 6000 miles: new paint snd good . at riu s. DIAMOND RING Lady's cluster (10 dia- Ma n 1100; evenings. Bast 8078. seoept 5918. . nnnrlOInn Molr 111 Misfit C'.Q'hing Store, ftl Third St. PIANO lessons lor b.Kinn-t- poiiular tires. Price $000; would part in s monds) ring; very '624, 1020 5 1 1 $000. rifles, shot- - ' ii'Q. i. aoo a..u-- . reasonable. AE MODEL Buick 6. WILL take concrete work or phonograph KKa-.- w hnnit, C Main 05 7. HUDSON SUPER SIX. HUDSON speedster, l18-li- li aerie Has HlLH EST caBh price paid for prices. 'i.HO Oregonlan. - driven 11.000 miles by owner. Will dem- as first payment so Chevrolet touring. Looks and runs Just as good as new; many entrns. Pr:one Wdin. 1878. gUn .1 n I'C iu:u. i' xii ii. in- .il vmm. ANYONE wiahlng to learn vulcanising and onstrate and inexperienced .Villll. 1U21 STl'DtBAKER special six, new, never Call RECENTLY from orient. Have a few teach driver. Tabor Mar- will take small car in trade. Wdln. car, $2oQ c&sh. USED wanted for cash. H. J. ilc- - rctresdlrif, call at 432 Hawthorne. Price 2H.-.- been used, $1350 cash, no terms. I ONE KHANK1.IN touring lnt J h pane tllno Phone Mnrshal good 8018. ct strings of pearls to sell at bar- 1015 FORD touring, running order, shall 3302 Kroa w ay i gain. 4415. CAit-- We some good go anywhere $00 1020 FORD, lights; for cows. I ThAiitl nae ones re.nlr to cash. 4023 U to starter and E I) K LIVE R Y WOOD-TUR- Nti LATHE. also scroll to Vranson's Used . 1020 CHEVROLET Hard tell It from Li. 2 DO J lJ. MAI.K. JUST the Xmus present tor the llttie fel- trade. Car Jxo., 130 t'')ffPII "N'T mn. one, $350, R. Johnson, miles east brush. saw. Eaut J6a IIKI.P IV.WTFII i nion ave. new terms. Prairie, Wash. n r. g low. Ex tra fine hobby horse, like new. lull HUDSON speedster, t'JMI. easy terms, 12 Grand Ave. X. East 8100. model, $17. W ANTE D t" table sewing ma- WANTED and bsr.lwood floor no mars. 1010 C (4 U Villi Lisa' tour.ng, good light car in - touring, lUlS cash; ectric In exchange dentistry. P i'D7, fnop, rnnre Ksst 21'". shape. or will take trade. Broad- . MUHT sell once my lolp Chevrolet, in 1 u i e laying lor n. WK-- PUT steel teeth In your old .flywheel at 1 u 9 over n a u rnonf - - chine. Tahor four-draw- er sacruiee price right; some Oregoniafl. A HALL vafe, practically new; also k crankshaft turning. H. B. BlackV Machine good shape, terms. late model, make offer. SAFE. FIKEI'KOOF, ilLT BE CHEAP. FOR SALE 1020 touring, bug for sale, $100 Call Mar-sha- ll Wdin. 4K4 REi someone to Itiiik letter bill file. 212 Hallway Ei- - Ford electsiu FORD ' cash. shop 534 Alder. Kawy, Call . C. I. ii-r- . y i , i o ma i n n i. YoL'NO man wanls tench starter, speedometer. Owner. 311 ' 2012. T. tl.Ml !: ..ve. cast chsnge bldg. 3d st. CAR EXCHANGE. Bull UI'PUORII.R good cheap. All Oregonian. UNIVERSAL T car once. Call Automobile. Wanted. WANT small diamond, R A W E It drop-- h ad 00 sewing 1010 MITCHELL 1 touring, good shape: CADILLAC. 1014. perfect cocdi-tln- A- -l $350. must sell this at mug. WANTED Man and wife f r hotel Jani- fD machine, velll 'iQ0: Lyman Roadster, starter, shape, 501(1. to sell your car quickly for cnucn new, trude. F. 4370. terms See Main 47. Wdln. IF YoU want , I I 1," easy HH31. latest model, like $3o; moving, E. 47 L B. 1307. Win i Til li I tor: place. Main Yi 1022 model, big cash bring It to ua. Auto Sales Co. must sell. 1012 Washington. BIG. s.ine buy 150 0 1017 model In fine shape FORD touring. at a b- Uroarjway Fork - ior cash. VEI.IE for 1021 CHEVROLET touring, run only 3500 313-0- sta. Must renionshlf. 2070. WAN'I'ED A grocery salesman for fancy I v 527 Phone and Couch - V E LI Z M H. von ave. nnstMirs. Owner at Corbett b:dg. - rifice. st- . .Mil. RT miles, fine mechanical condition: a bar- of no fur; dark-ars- : be trade. I,. M;.yT Co Illil 201. aptj 3o3; 1U2 V D 1019 FORD touring, $275. 12 Grand Ave. CASH or all makes cars, condition WANTED Nck musl Call Eet rotted manure OAKLAND touring; will llaue 1020 FOK roadster, 3 extra tires and atn; cash or terms, h.Hst 0i;4 first-clas- s J.".7 In PI. for tail 8100. object. 41. ousan at nun. Hnwy. ana. in ronilillnn. J 2'.s;. UARriEll wallleo, Russell SI., Ior rteHvered anywhe city. Ft rd touring 4370. hot. I2r,0. Bdwy. 1017 BUICK, light six touring, new top. X. East open srcop lot for light auto. Give or "WANTED tt"0-et- ? incubator; Saturday: EX ri!A good potatoes, 92, dwlivered. Main 100 FORI' touring. motor ovar- WILL sell my 1020 Dodge touring, $733. new paint, good tires, a good car for 1021 FORD touring, starter, fine shape, CLEAR take 2fM0. $323. R. 4370.tarr, $305. terms. .Phone Columbia BM, difference. Main SO;.!. Iptt.-- follows. AV 81(1. Orrjrnnlan, Al Hi U SE s.illciturx, gooa ii mled; Give terms. Phone Seiiwood 2370. $375. Taylor street. :t I Alur-aha- ll oae-oia- a commission. j .l.'ff'rson. HOLLY loaded with latgrt holly BUICK touring, coupe. $100 1920 CHEVROLET touring, shock ab- WANT be4t car will buy. Cuu TO RENT or buy dragaaw. iuast beixi'a; lor; repainted; will trade DODGE touring, almost like new. auly 1020 FORD worth ot extras, ;!17t. XO 2LI Oak. wreaths. bOc and up. Tabor 1030. for roadster. E. 4370. , $450. Smith. Mar. 50. $435; terms. East 3133. sorbers, dead cheap, 553 Taylor, SJ54. . liuX make wreaths.