TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, DECE3im:il 1G, 1921 1!) 1 A FOR SALE AI TOMOHII F1!. WANTED MIK'I'I UNKOl . FOR SALE. FOK 8ALE AfTOMOBlLES.. FOR SALB AfTOMOBILKS. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES,. FOR 8AI.F TO MOBILES. REAL BARGAINS. AiitoMioDilew Wanted. WANTED unu In Mirrllatieou. P.EAL BARGAINS. I'hiiriKO thi'ir old ih.nonrs I'h rsoor! for new ; yutl nr-- ' : v of llli-m- . sooiho,ly OUK-SA- A REAL EUCCESa WE LICENSE THEM FREE! WINTER SALES CONTINUED REAL BARGAINS. DENTISTRY 1017 Chevrolet touring .$223 00 CAN use a good auto: elsi; uuiila tUem. Star iiholiorphs for 8AVK MONEY! BUY HEREI WITHOUT PAIN Would you be Interested to know AND WE FURNISH THE VERY LOW PRICES 1018 Chevrolvt touring 273 00 trade-- 100 acres level land in Whits suit. ON 102O Chevrolet touring 3:3 On Hor.-- valley Harney couaty. This laud FAC1F1C RfOiHTl KXCIIANGB. nervc-biockln- con- thut the used car sale now in prog' of by cone therapy or AUTOMOBILES. 10 IS Chevrolet panel delivery.... 275. no' 1 C'nlrsl Msrkrl. ress at Covey Motor Car com- UPKEEP MONEY. USED is worth about an acre., but have sn-- IM PF-IC- WILL ductive anesthesia. Without dancer or the 1017 Maxwell touring 2.5 00 h irohill. THE DtFFKRENCB op- pany plant Is really a success a no ue lor il, but can u?e a good car: PA Y PAKTLV Olt WHOLM FOfi after effects. We perform all dental e Automobiles have been re- 10H .Maxwell touring ..; 2 3 IK) is of Incumbrance. eration) in let sueceas from the buyer's stand- that U0 land clear all Wr.le OTH Kit THINGS YOU HAVE BUJSX without pain Corns and point success our own built or renewed are In the best 1010 Dodge touring 373. A J 7, Oregon an 6Ei'OVI..IAMi CLOTIIINO W A N T L IV us prove it to you service. and a from StuiK-bske- i WANTING. standpoint? We have actually sold ' READ THESE NEXT PARA- of mechanical condition they are 1015 s,x touring 07 50 MEYER THK TAII.l'it. PAYS T A DR A. W KEEN E, during working" also warranted the same as factor- 1018 Overland louring 103.00 CASH FOR CARS. mGllfc.1 Full SUMS OVL'.l- - DR. E. J. KlESENDAHL, the first twelve new In addition 1010 OUismoblle eight touring... 730 00 I will y cash or lute model Htrhl i: 1 days season GRAPHS VERY THOROUGHLY. ies warrant cars. ruAis, M.n'uix iHs. M.ijesi.c 8.. '4 Wash. of this sensational cars, ot touring. They must D V LADIES' OVKRCOATS $1 00 to $5.00 Ahce theater, clean-u- p rang- we give 00t days' free mechanical 1013 Ford touring !3S04 roadsters A.VVM IN THK .HQ sai'35 motor cars, be popular makes and in good coml.-t:c- CAI. iltllli till'. MK.V8 COATf 73c to $3 JUST 10O0 IS PORTLAND ing from Cadillacs and packarua FIRST WE ARE GOING TO service. 1018 Ford touring r 103 00 money on OR KVKM.MJ. CALL J1RII.U.I. 1JJ:I -- rc $1 ; you automo- 1017 1B5 00 also loan cars. Don't MADISON Nil THIRD MUX'S VESTS Bend today we will send a to Chevroleta, Other makes of used Ford touring you be- or ;.:i ST.. Si'. ii5c 7"C ; one Fords and put V loose your car, see me if nre LADIES" KKIKTS to rift suitable for your best friend LICENSE ALL CARS AND biles, thoroughly overhauled, lUis Ford touring 313-8- ADLKK. IAII.OK 30n to MOO first-cla- sold 1)110 touring hind in payments. Phone Call CHM.DHKN'S COATS that cannot ba equaled by the Portland Save by Buying Now Prices Have In condition and Ford 23.00 514 st. pays Hiuiujir fniiBM rrn MEN'S OVERCOAT! $100 to 18.00 shops, a pair of ilul hand-mad- e TRUCKS FOR THE YEAR 1022 ' with a ten days' free trial, subject lino Fiird roadster 230 00 Alder WEN thkAND LADILd WEAH1M1 A beaut Reached the Bottom of th Market, 1 MURPHY MOTOR COMPANY. BOYS' MACKINAW'S 2.00 urtciaft candle sticks and a pair of to being returned and full credit 102-- Ford roadster, starter 35o 00 SI'LCIAI. RKDL'CTION v.M iiOu to " given of equal 1020 touring, 875 00 CARS VVANTL MKN 3 HATS floral desiyns gold lacquered candle COVEY SAYS: AT OUR EXPENSE. v on any other .car Ford starter CLEANING I'KKSf'I.Mi AND LA DIE--- ' AFRON'S 50c sticks nicely packed in hand-colore- d price that customer may select. 1020 Ford touring, starter 305.00 Bring youi car lo the auction house MAIN OK CALL SWEATERS, children's and Christmas boxes- - Add 10c for postage The public refuse to become ei- - This gives ample time for ev- 1020 Ford tuAinng, starter 3- -5 00 for quick s.ie and lull value; sniall u MX THLKP ST. ery vto out car 1020 375.00 charged, fireproof boig . ladles to $1.00 snd packing. t. A. Stanley. 1!3 St. Clair. cited over --red Ink and flashy , SECOND WE ARB GOING TO purchaser try the Ford roadLser. starter steain they he buys, gives him time to have It 1020 Ford sedan 675 00 l.ei.led. I none Bday 2320. Corner 8:h SAVE YOUR W IKE. headlines they want facts sat- SECONP HAND H ITS AND OVKIICOAT3 GIVE. TEN (10) SERV- Inspected, and we want only loll Ford delivery express 35.00 and Everett st... west side si-- Send your wet wash to the Snow Fiake huve no Interest in mere claims T ' hiKiir emu pricts OHf. TPTMA3 isfied customers. 1D1V Ford truck, equipped lun'illi iy- SENSIBLE GIFTS laundry; clothes washed snowy white in they want cut prices. Tell them ' WILL exchange 100 acres timber Isnd In thsn invone mm- HEHE! Tues-d- y we a to ICE COUPONS FOR EVERY $100 with brand new express good separate compartments. Monday, that understand sale 101T 800 body 473 00 northern Idaho, free and clear, for OKtl.uK CLKANEHS AND TAILORS. 3 5 70 a Maxwell .$ 2U N W. and Wednesday, pounds for mean real cut prices and that 101S 400 express 223. 0.J car. late model Hed.in. Will assume small 117 si. cur. tt mil. Msln U3I4. cents: Thursday, Friday and Saturday sale with us must be Just what U OF THE PURCHASE PRICE ot Maxwell Ford truck, '. Indebtedness. Frey Co., Glad-stone- Our line of Roods la very suitable ad- seems. 1010 Maxwell 500 Liberal terms. Open every evening 15 pounds for 00 cents. 4 cents each 0 Sunday. KIN. I'AYsJ presents. You can get useful ditional pound. Valuable premiums ANY CAR OR TRUCK WHICH 1020 Maxwell ''" until o'clock: sll day Utll.l'.ii lllli TAtLOi;. gifts, such as wearables and furniture FACTS: 1010 Grant Big 500 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, WILL" TRADE 3IY LOT Foil A HHiHLST CASH PKIC'KS IXnt MN'8 given Phone East 8433. HERE ARE THE 11)10 850 Aves. IS AN'll tlVKlXUA'l. etIOLS V. TO. t bin kb that make tor comfort and that WI WILL REDEEM IN' CASH Chalmers Six Eat 3770 Grand and Hawthorne LATE MuDEI. LIGHT CAR. THIS H'l'lS .s lust for Instancw: ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Our used car volume absolutely 1017 Huick 575 AN EXCELLENT BUILDING SITE. 15 wioaIiwai i. huhnsidk, j Buy them from the factory show room ability to accept FROM ANY 1018 McLaughlin Buick .... 875 USED CAR MINUTES FROM TOWN. MARSHALL hEItt'KKN ftt'OMl AND 1I11KD. ip-- ; se- controls our ADTO.MOBILE BUJERS. nh-.v- and aave one-t- h all styles, finest trades on new car business. When 1017 Dodge 350 S.8tl. Call mi: hfohk rlsk COUCH, like and lection. Coiie and see; you are under our used bustnoes slows down, DEALER OR GARAGE IN ORE-- - 1010 Olds Six 773 INVESTIGATE SiMT CASil 1'AID Foil nfff car - . 000 WANT late model J'ord. Ilaie Price of a new one about $30. SPE- no obligation to buy. our new car business 4s- seriously 101H Olds Eight OUR NEAV SELLING PLAN. dear lot In E. St. Johns on the penin- rnltcrs. liott trunks, CIAL PRICK $10.00 STANLEY LUTZ, affected and we can better afford COM OR WASHINGTON. 1010 Liberty sport model "0 sula to exchange. Or I will give an haliuusus, t'ieotrU' I'.ius. lurtinut OAS RANGE, 4 burners, oven, shelf, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. to give public benefit of 1018 Overland chummy 425 You con purchase good used car by Overland Country Club and lot for AND ANY'lllINii OF VALI'li the the ' 1010 OOO a NEWMAN'S) fine cond it ion. New one would cost Droad way 4."3. our accumulated used car stock Chalmers paying from 25 to $50 down aud - a nearly new Doilge. AV 814. OrcKPnlan. KXt'HASliK. cost COME IN AND LET US TELL 1013 Culs Eight, sport mtTdel 1250 VJ" Fi r s i. Ah I r. M i in 44H.V clone to $loo. OUR GIFT PRICE. .$20.00 at a great doal less than small sum each week, WE WRECK THE M Highest cash price PICTURE J. Very appropriate Christ- WATER SYSTEM BARGAIN, than we can to hold it until early paid for old cars, condition no objecl. FUttr. rl'llS! FL'Its: mas jflfls. Variety bo all; pries sys- spring, when we feel the YOU OF OUR PLAN. ESSEX. 50 CAJtS TO PICK FROM. Low rvni and Ijw prtci-s- remurtP Ir suit If you can use a complete water that 1910 Essex touring car.
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