Coffee Origin Trip to 2012

Location: North and Aceh Province, Indonesia. Time : 7-13 May 2012. Main Agenda: 1. Gala-meeting of Coffee Importers and Exporters and all Participants (at Medan) 2. Cupping Session (at Samosir Island, ) 3. Field Trips (at Aceh and ) 4. Cultural Event (at Samosir Island, Lake Toba, North Sumatra). 5. Etc Participants: 1. World’s Coffee Importers and Traders 2. Indonesian’s Coffee Exporters and Traders 3. World’s Government including its Agencies 4. Indonesian, Provincial and Regencial Governments 5. Relevant professions sch as roaster, cupper, trader 6. Relevant Business Support Organization (BSO) 7. Relevant Persons, Organizations and Associations. Route: Banda Aceh (Start, 7 May 2012) => Takengon (Gayo, 8) => Medan (9,10) => Regencies of North Sumatra (10, 11) => Samosir Island (Lake Toba, 11, 12, 13) => Back to Medan (13) Cost: 1. Participant pays contributions (cost) US$ 1,500 or IDR 14.250,000 (for accommodation, bus, cupping, cultural event, galadinner) 2. We need also sponsorships, supporting finance and facilities. Impact: The positive balance (surplus) of budget will then be used to combat Coffee Berry Borer (CBB, which is the most destructive pest of coffee bean) in order to secure the sustainability of quantity and quality of coffee bean production. Registration Period: 1 January – 1 March 2012 (Note: the registration can be closed before 1 March 2012 if the number of participants already sufficient. The trip will only occur if he number of participants sufficient. Only limited number of participants). Registration and Information: Please contact and register to : Name : Dr. Sabam Malau (Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum, Indonesia) Email: [email protected] Cell (HP, Mobile): +62(0)8126062016 Website:

Kind regards,

Dr. Sabam Malau - Chairman of NSCF-North Sumatra Coffee Forum, Indonesia - Cupper - Possesses Certificate of Completion of Q-Grader Course 2011 - Member of SCAA (USA) - Member of 4C Association (Germany) Website: