FID Parish Location_Description Problem_descriptionImmediate_runoff_source Impact Flood_frequencyParish_Council_CommentsStatutory_PartyVisit_date (if responsible)Visited_by Progress Suggested_action To_do Landowner_if_known Reported_by 0 Field gate east of Keeper's Cottage (A39) Highway floodingFields to the east, water runs out of gateways (pastureA road & crops) flooded,More 1 dwelling than once affected a year 09/06/2016 FWAG Site visited with Highways and land manager. In Soil investigation in autumn Jean Armin, Parish Clerk 1 Carhampton Junction of Woodland Close and Park Lane Run-off fromField fields to the floods South the (Andrew junction Speed) from pasture & cropsHighway, 2 homesMore than once a year 21/04/2016 FWAG IdentifiedMet with Adnrewland owner Speed - Anthony (21/4/16) Case. who Flooding discussed Follow up FWAG to identify and contact landowner Jean Armin, Parish Clerk associated with soil structural issues; land agents 2 Carhampton Carhampton Cross (A39 & B3191) and LaneRun-off fromTrack, fields field both gate, sides land of (pasture Withycombe and crops) Lane, plus overlandFlooding flow from and closurespringMore thanof A39. once 10 ahomes, year no possible detour FWAG involved; agreed to change cultivation practices FWAG to follow-up with visit to check soils Jean Armin, Parish Clerk 3 Carhampton Park Lane. From above and opposite Westlands BungalowWater toruns boundariesTrack, off fields field on andgate each track and side landonto of (pasture ParkRing LaneHouse and to crops)t-junction withCulvert Winsors overflows Lane.More and than floodingCulvert once ona tooyear Winsors small Lane to21/04/2016 A39 FWAG/LLFA Met with Andrew Speed, walked flowpaths Andrew Speed plans to clear ditch. Fill in old FWAG confirm action Jean Armin, Parish Clerk 4 Carhampton Winsors Lane - field wall adjoining new house at TownsedImpermeable Fm Pasture area then in new urban housing development, flows out of fieldMultiple gate. properties PoursMore out stonein than W endSuDS wallonce of onto redesign aCarhampton yearDevelopers Winsors Lane flooded 21/04/2016and down to FWAGA39 Highway/culvert issue - no land management Sand bag required WSFG organise sand bags?? Jean Armin, Parish Clerk 5 Carhampton Fields on RHS of Carhampton Rd as you approach BlueRun-off Anchor downDitch Grove & land Lane (pasture, & Carhampton then corn Rd uphill) to station Road & 12 homesMore flooded, than once sewer a yearcollapsed (21/4) FWAG Consulted with Highways No further action - water contained in roadside gully N/A [email protected] Install additional cross drains up hill. Upgrade trash 6 Bridleway on Birds Hill, exits onto High St, MonksilverStream alongisdetrack and bridleways, land (pasture floods and and forestry) storm drain blocks with2 homesleaves, flooded, run-offEvery down road year surfaceroad deteriorating 21/04/2016 FWAG/LLFA/PCSite meeting with Ross Urquhart, Didier, FWAG.FWAG Onguard Bridleway: Install additional vertical trash guard. Contacted NP, awaiting replyBridleway: Exmoor NP; Land - Theeds & RossPeter Urquhart, Notley, Birchanger Parish Clerk Fm Conversation with Monksilver resident - field run- Small level adjustments - cross drain and small 7 Monksilver BeechTree Hill (Bridleway ref WL15/13) Bridle PathTrack, get flooded field gate, and pasture then runs and down crops hill into village 2 homes, road damageMost years SRA will be increasing21/04/2016 capacityFWAG/LLFA/PC of pipe andSpokeoff redirecting closer with to resident village away fromfrom at bottom villageJohn Notley's of hill who ground, sump. FWAG to contact Glen Martin, RoWBridleway: re. bridleway. SCC; Land: FWAG Rob to Notley, visit John Burfords NotleyRoss re. Urquhart, run-off fromParish field Clerk identified issues up hill (27/5/16). Flowpath 8 Monksilver Burchanger Lane/Farm near the Granery Field runofffield onto runoff lane (crops:into stable wheat, yard barley, and house black bean roation)2 homes Most years 21/04/2016 FWAG/LLFA reported by WSFG is inaccurate - modelled RN's field: potential for bunded scrape in arable FWAG to contact landowners - PeterPeter Notley, Notley, Birchanger Berhanger Farm Farm Ross Urquhart, Parish Clerk field. Nursery: Potential for ditch to be dug to divert Identified landowner - Rob Notley, Burford Farm leat into existing ditch and back to watercourse in 9 Nettlecombe Localised Flooding opposite the Nusery in WoodfordWatercoursefield at run-off back of (crops houses - ploughed) indundted & by watercourse field run-off volume7 homes Every year PC previously involved21/04/2016 FWAG/LLFA 656730. Mr Richards' field. Highway: Drain clearance needed FWAG to contact Parish Council toRob ask Notley, them toBurfords take further with Mr R. JoRoss to spk Urquhart, with Notley. Parish Clerk 10 Field south of Steining Manor, from Higher/Lower MonktonRun-off fromFarmsMaize Maize lane run-off Fields (Terry Miller) Road only More than once a year Terry Miller Allan Searle 11 Luccombe Field outh of A39 before Hacketty Way turning Flooding ofPasture A39 from (flowing pasture out land. of bank Water is recent Seeps occrance)under the bankRoad hedge More than once a year Visit scheduled 30/6/16 West Luccombe Farm, National Trust Graham Haw 12 Luccombe West Luccombe Fm to Red Post, in dip of road off pastureFlows intoPasture, Horner fromfield gatesRoad Road More than once a year Visit scheduled 30/6/16 West Luccombe Farm, National Trust Graham Haw 13 Luccombe Run off from Horner Plantation path over whelmingPart drainage of Holnicote Boundary Estate between pasture & forestry Road, Homes, FarmMore than once a year Visit scheduled 30/6/16 National Trust Graham Haw 14 A39 - Hackety Way (within Luccombe Parish boundary)Fields, run-offFields down Hacketty Way Road More than once a year Malcom McCoy 15 Porlock Honicote East on the straight (within Parish)Concrete gatewayField gate, water directly breaches from landthis from field - enteres ditchRoad which gets overMore whelmed than once a year Malcom McCoy 16 Porlock Brackley Steps bend Run-off downField A39 run-off from Tiuineton, forms large pool in road Road More than once a year Malcom McCoy 17 Porlock Old Cow Sheds Porlock Weir Road, B3225 (within SelworthyWater collects Parish)Woodland. in dip of Drainage road in road not working Road, homes cutMore off notthan flooded once a yearCouncil previously involved Brian Palmer farmer Malcom McCoy 18 Porlock West Porlock, associated with above TBC TBC Road More than once a year Malcom McCoy 19 Run-off from Swedes Large volumesField ofrun-off run-off, (crops particularly - swedes) bad through with swedes gate Road (silt on road)More than once a year 17/05/2016 FWAG/Highways/landowner/tenant/contractorSolution identified Construct silt trap in gateway (stop using gateway). PutAwaiting stone gabions Highways in ditch to approve to slow works. theChargot flow towardsEstates Ltd field corner Dave Powell 20 Luxborough Run-off from swedes which could be dirverted into Largewooded volumes areaField ofrun-off run-off, (crops particularly - swedes) bad through with swedes gate Road (silt on road)More thanDivert once arun-off year into wood17/05/2016 FWAG/Highways/landowner/tenant/contractorSolution identified Excavate grips to allow water to flow into wasteland (scrub)Awaiting Highways to approve works.Chargot Estates Ltd Dave Powell 21 Luborough Lane near Thorney Cottages Run-off downPasture track, & floodingforestry and mud on road Road More than once a year 17/05/2016 FWAG/David PowellField run-off issue possible. Potential solution identifiedPotential to construct 3 cross drains on bridleway. FWAG to speak with RoW & investigateScott, Butchers during/after Farm rain and soil assessmentDave Powell 22 Luxborough Purley Lane & entrance to Monkham Farm Run-off downTrack bunded and farm bridleway entrance, pasture and forestry Road & access toMore homes than once a year 17/05/2016 FWAG/David PowellIdentified issues - run-off from farmyard onto highway FWAG to contact Desmond MaddockScott, Monkham Farm Dave Powell 23 Luxborough Purley Lane & entrance to Monkham Farm Run-off fromTrack farmyard and farm and entrance, fields above pasture FID_22 and forestry Road & access toMore homes than once a year 17/05/2016 FWAG/David PowellIdentified issue with constructed cross drain. Potential flow spreader in woodland to disperse divertedFWAG water. to contact Potential Scott soil for structural soil investigationScott, issues Monkham in grassland. in autumn Farm & potential flow spreadersDave Powell 24 Luxborough Bakers Farm run-off from field opposite farm EntranceRun-off directlyRun-off through from farm hedge buildings and farm and entrance pasture Road More than once a year 17/05/2016 FWAG/David PowellIdentified spring at Nurcott Fm. Broken culvert causingFurther problems investigation needed - private property FWAG to contact land agent Wattam John, Bakers Farm Dave Powell 25 Nettlecombe Lower Slade Lane Run-off fromFrom fields fields onto (crops, Slade formerly Lane, combines miscanthus), with run-offthrough from hedgeRoad, Batallers 5-6 homes, LaneEvery - farmyard,floods year village gullies blocked Farmed by Paul Sawatzki?? Mary Coles, Clerk 26 Land west of Batallers Ln from Piano Corner to LowerFrom Roadwater fields,Field down run-off steep-sided (crops, chickenlane into farm properties further andup hill), river road (LinkedRoad, becomes tohomes, FID_25) conduit watercourse,Every year mu & debris on road Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Roger Richmond Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 27 Old Cleeve Field & ditch by South Lodge - near Binham Farm Run-off fromRun-off fields from on opposite pasture sideinto ditchof road and collects in BinhamRoad, Farm ~4 properties gatewayOnly flooding once Ditchor propertiestwice to be kept (Thatch clear lodged house). Entrance to Cleeve Park blocked. Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Mr Thomas, Binham Farm Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 28 Old Cleeve A39, Dragon's Cross Coming fromRun-off Honey from Pot pasture, Stud and some Land ponds on other that side overflow of road higher whichA39 up closesforms -stream majorMore impact thanAddress once a year top-of-hill issues28/06/2016 FWAG/HighwaysPrivate land - multiple owners (not listed on land registry) To cold call Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 29 Old Cleeve A39 Opposite filling station, Bilbrook Run-off fromRun-off Sand from Hill Farm fields through (pasture) hedge, onto road, into housesRoad, houses Most years Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Hobbs (field owner) Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 30 Old Cleeve Station Road, fields above row of houses Land OwnedLand by above garage houses owner (woodland), discharging intoonto newly track, installedthrough culverthedgeAffects (wheel which5-6 houses becomesrutsMost areand years conduit) associatedblockedApproach (pipes drainage with changed care: system, see diameter run-off pool infrom from road 600mm to 300mm X 2) - land above causing problem Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 31 Old Cleeve Claydowns Barn to Cobblers Steps under rialway onto Field huish run-off LaneRun-off (Washford)into gullyfrom alongfields track(pasture), into Huish track &Lane directly and homes. through 6Combined hedgehomes and with schoolMost run-off years fromJU: possiblyelsewhere combine and sewer approach surcharge needed? Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Crown - Geoff Gould Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 32 Old Cleeve Field west of Ham Lane, Roadwater (to Taphole), oppositeField runoff publicRun-off from footpath arable from to crops land Lower (miscanthus, Hayne maize in 2016) comingRoad, directly 1 home through flooded,Only hedgeonce debris N.B.or twice inprevious stream issues: see run-off form Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 33 Old Cleeve Fields above footpath, running down to ford/bridge Run-offat Tacker from Street,Run-off Chris Roadwater from Thomas crops - down (rape, footpath wheat.. Rotation), down footpathRiver floods houseMost years Visit scheduled 30/6/16 Chris Thomas (farmer) Mandy Southerton (Clerk), Teresa Bridgeman (Flood Rep) 34 Carhampton Hill Lane Runoff fromRun-off Eric Parkers from Eric ground Parker's to childrens ground play area - water Homeneeds slowing down ImpactJU: flooding not sure of this elderly is Eric house Parker's owner lane - Andrew Speed said land belongs to kennels To cold call Violet Keith Richards 35 Hopcott Rd from caravan site up to the Hopcott Run-off fromRun-off high fromground pasture (pasture). Area designated for development4-6 homes Only once or twice 36 Jury Rd outside 3 Bath Meadow Drive, Dulverton Run-off downsRun-off Hele from Lane land into (pasture Jusry Road, & forestry) almost flooded property2 homes and roadMost years Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 37 Dulverton Road near Beech Tree Cross Surface waterGeneral accumulates run-off and in diprainfall in road - volme after issue heavy rain Road only More thanDitch once aneeded year to drain water off road Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 38 Brushford Corner near Ylem Entrance Surface waterGeneral accumulates run-off and in diprainfall in road - volme after issue heavy rain Road only More thanDrainage once a year off road needed Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 39 Brushford B3222 near Allers Wood Run-off fromGeneral track run-offand road and flooding rainfall road - volme issue. Forestry andRoad scrub only uphill More than once a year Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 40 Dulverton Unclassified road between Willway Farm entrace & TopSurface Andrews waterGeneral Hill accumulates run-off and in diprainfall in road - volume after heavy issue. rain Road only More than once a year Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 41 Dulverton Andrews hill junction with B3222 Run-off fromGeneral heavy run-off rain off and footpath rainfall at (forestry SS912274 and onto pasture) road Road only More thanDesilt once adrains, year slow flow of run-off Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 42 Dulverton Hereford Bridge, Poole Lane Run-off buildsGeneral up, dtochrun-off blocked, water cannot discharge into riverRoad only More thanDitch once clearancea year Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 43 Dulverton Fields either side of Hollam Lane (lower end of HollamWater lane runningandDirectly High out St) through of field banks,hedge flows(pasture) down road 3-5 homes Every year Christine Dubery, Dulverton TC 44 Rexton Lane, Stogumber Water/debrisFarmland flowing off farmland onto highway Reported by Highways - FWAG responding soon David Peake, SCC area highways 45 Liddymore General comment:In general: run-off pasture, onto crops roads Road closed Generally: Most years Contacted Robert for more details Robert McDonald 46 Williton Liddymore General comment:In general: run-off pasture, onto crops roads Road closed Generally: Most years Contacted Robert for more details Robert McDonald 47 Williton Five Bells General comment:In general: run-off pasture, onto crops roads Generally: RoadGenerally: Most years Contacted Robert for more details Robert McDonald 48 Williton A39 General comment:In general: run-off pasture, onto crops roads Generally: RoadGenerally: Most years Contacted Robert for more details Robert McDonald 49 Williton A39 General comment:In general: run-off pasture, onto crops roads Generally: RoadGenerally: Most years Contacted Robert for more details Robert McDonald 50 Williton Stream Village General comment:In general: run-off pasture, onto crops roads Road closed Generally: Most years Jo to visit Norman Barns soon Robert McDonald