September 22, 2000 Roundup VOL. 39, NO. 19 L YNDON B. , HOUSTON, TEXAS International Space Station grows again with STS-92

Discovery flight Two teams of space walkers and an Moment Gyros, which will be used to making his third space flight, will connect experienced robot arm operator will maneuver the ISS into the proper orientation electrical cables between the Z1 structure marks 100th mission collaborate to install the so-called Z1 (Z for on orbit once they are activated following and Unity, connect cables and hardware zenith port) truss structure on top of the the installation of the U.S. Laboratory associated with the ISS’ KU-band and in shuttle program U.S. Unity connecting node on the Destiny on the STS-98 mission early S-band communications gear and install growing station and to deliver the third next year. The Z1 is also home for the electrical converter units for the station. pace Shuttle Discovery is poised to Pressurized Mating Adapter (PMA 3) station’s S-band and KU-band Dr. Jeff Wisoff, who conducted a space deliver the next in a series of major to the ISS for the future berthing of communications equipment, which walk on the first of his three previous flights, Shardware components to the new station components will permit enhanced and Mike Lopez-Alegria (Cdr., USN), who is International Space Station during the and to accommodate air-to-ground voice making his second flight into space, will STS-92 mission, scheduled to launch no shuttle dockings. The Z1 capability and the first perform two space walks on the sixth and earlier than 8:30 p.m. CDT Oct. 5. During truss will be the first full bandwidth U.S. eighth days of the flight, supervising the the mission, which represents the 28th flight permanent lattice-work television capability installation of the PMA 3 to one of the of the orbiter and the 100th mission in shuttle structure for the ISS, from the ISS next year. Common Berthing Mechanism docking ports program history, the ISS receives its first setting the stage for the Dr. Leroy Chiao, on Unity, connect cables and electrical truss segment, a framework structure to future addition of the who performed two components from the new adapter to the ISS house communications and motion control station’s major trusses or space walks on one of and set up a variety of equipment on the new equipment. backbones. The Z1 his two previous Z1 structure itself. A seven-person crew will be commanded fixture will also serve as shuttle flights, will Koichi Wakata of the Japanese Space by Brian Duffy, (Col., USAF), who will be the platform on which join Bill McArthur Agency (NASDA) will play a crucial role making his fourth flight into space. Duffy the huge U.S. solar (Col., USAF) in throughout the flight, using Discovery’s will be joined on the forward flight deck by arrays will be mounted Discovery’s cargo bay Canadian-built robot arm to install the Z1 Pilot Pam Melroy (Lt. Col., USAF), who on the next shuttle for a pair of space truss onto Unity, then maneuvering the space will be making her first flight into space as assembly flight, STS-97. walks on the fifth and walkers for four consecutive days as they the third female shuttle pilot in history, The Z1 contains four seventh days of the perform their assembly tasks. This is following in the footsteps of large gyroscopic flight. Chiao and Wakata’s second flight into space. and . devices, called Control McArthur, who is Please see STS-92, Page 3 Ownership of Destiny research laboratory transitions to NASA

he U.S. research laboratory Destiny, NASA and Boeing engineers who worked laboratory in 1995 at the Marshall Space will provide platforms for a variety of which will become the centerpiece so hard to build and prepare this vehicle for Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. scientific experiments will follow on T of the International Space Station its ultimate mission,” said Greene. “It has The Lab was shipped to KSC in 1998. subsequent missions. when it is launched early next year, been a pleasure to watch the NASA/Boeing will work inside the pressurized Over the next few months, leading up successfully achieved a major milestone team come together to accomplish this facility to conduct research in numerous to a January 18, 2001, launch date, Destiny last month and is now well on its way major milestone in the ISS program.” scientific fields. Scientists throughout the will complete a series of tests and toward its final destination: space. Boeing began construction of the world will use the research results to milestones including closing both hatches Jay Greene, NASA deputy ISS 28-foot, 16-ton, state-of-the-art research enhance their studies in medicine, for the last time on Earth. Also several program manager, and Joe Mills, Boeing engineering, biotech- crews including the three mem- vice president and deputy ISS program nology, physics, bers of the Expedition One team, who will manager, recently concluded a two-day materials science, and become the station’s first inhabitants when Acceptance Review Board at Kennedy Earth science. they arrive in November, will perform an Space Center by signing the final docu- Inside Destiny are equipment interface test. The Expedition ments turning over the Boeing-built five systems racks One crew will integrate Destiny into the research laboratory Destiny to NASA that will provide life- ISS architecture in January 2001. for pre-launch preparations. The board sustaining functions Nearly 90 percent of the station’s hard- was held August 30 and 31. on board including ware has been manufactured and more than Before turning over space station electrical power, 280,000 pounds is at KSC undergoing final hardware to NASA, representatives from cooling water, air assembly and pre-flight testing. When the Boeing and the space agency review all revitalization, and ISS is fully assembled in 2006, Destiny the engineering and testing documents to temperature and will be among a complement of six main ensure an element is ready for the next humidity control. research laboratories available to astro- phase of pre-flight preparations. Each rack weighs nauts. The other labs are the U.S.-built “While there is much work ahead to Photo by Mary Welch courtesy of The Boeing Company about 1,200 pounds. Centrifuge Accommodation Module; the prepare the Lab for its mission, the NASA Deputy International Space Station Program Manager Jay Six additional sys- European Space Agency laboratory called Greene, left, and Boeing Vice President and Deputy ISS Program hardware and software has surpassed our Manager Joe Mills conclude a two-day Acceptance Review Board at tems racks will be Columbus; the Japanese experiment expectations throughout its initial accep- Kennedy Space Center by signing the final documents turning over flown to Destiny in module called Kibo; and two Russian tance testing and, when launched, will be a the Boeing-built research laboratory Destiny to NASA for pre-launch February 2001. research modules. magnificent tribute to the hundreds of preparations. Thirteen racks that

Safety & Total Open House Appetizing news Health Day 2000 rises to from JSC’s nears. new heights. cafeteria team.

Page 2 Pages 4 & 5 Page 7 2 September 22, 2000 SPACE CENTER Roundup Taking JSC “Beyond the Star”

By Mary Peterson

s the theme “Beyond the Star” among others. These seminars are sched- demonstrations both around the pond area Nearly 100 booths, many of which are implies, this year’s Safety & Total uled variously at Teague Auditorium, the and at Gilruth Center on sports that making their first appearance at the JSC AHealth Day is the most ambitious Bldg. 30 auditorium, two locations in employees may want to consider adding Safety & Total Health Day event, will be event of its kind yet planned at Johnson Bldg. 8, and the Gilruth Center. Visit the to their activity list. For example, they set up around the pond area and nearby Space Center. What better time than Safety & Total Health Day Web site will be able to take a look at the fun and buildings where a wealth of information within the new millennium to extend our a art of fencing, see what is involved in will be available on a fascinating array site ambitions beyond the revered VPP schedule of times and topics. learning Aikido or Tai Chi, or they can of health and safety topics. Also, for the Star site status to “superstar,” and Safety “We’ll have some really great new consider rock climbing.” first time, the booths will be open until & Total Health Day seems the perfect things this year,” said Reta Warren, Planned demonstrations will give peo- 4 p.m. to accommodate employees who catalyst to do just that. co-chair of the booth committee. “For ple a chance to talk to the experts, as well cannot be there during the morning hours. Thanks to the dedicated and versatile one thing,” she said, “we will have a as learn about equipment, safety and Among the attractions will by the Safety & Total Health planning commit- series of informal presentations and health benefits. St. Luke’s mammography truck, Lone Star tee, led by Perry Bennett and co-chairs Canine Search and Rescue, Dr. Muscle Sylvia Stottlemyer and Dr. Chuck Ross, & Co., motorcycle safety, M. D. Anderson this year’s program will offer more edu- Cancer Center, Harris County Pollution cational, informational, and screening Control Department, Kelsey-Seybold opportunities than ever before. cholesterol screening, child car seat check, But, Bennett reminded, “The center- Texans for Alternatives to Pesticides, Rape piece of the day’s activities has always Aggression Defense, crisis hotline/crisis been, and will remain, the individual pro- intervention, and, of course, the always grams within each group around the site. popular Texas-New Mexico Power Com- These are important because managers pany arc demonstration. Certainly, the make a concerted effort to tailor this train- event wouldn’t be complete without the ing to the specific needs associated with Max-Q Astronaut Band for our listening their own employees’ jobs and location.” pleasure which will be outside the Beyond this, employees will have Bldg. 3 cafeteria. opportunities throughout the day to hear Safety & Total Health Day is the some outstanding speakers on a wide employees’ day and it will be teeming variety of subjects that include such topi- NASA JSC 2000-06074 Photo by Benny Benavides with opportunities to learn, to become cal items as treating and preventing viral Taking Safety & Total Health Day "Beyond the Star" in 2000 is the S&TH Planning Committee. better informed, and to improve lives Shown from left, front: Sharon Kemp, Rindy Carmichael, Jo Kines, Sylvia Stottlemyer (co-chair), infections, stress management, LASIK Joyce Abbey, Sheilla Goldberg, Greta Ayers, and Perry Bennett (chairman); back: Karon Woods, through safer, more healthful living. surgery, home burglary prevention, and Gloria Stiner, Reta Warren, Jonathan Manning, Mary Peterson, Bob Gaffney. Take full advantage of it. elderly care management and planning, Safety & Total Health Day 2000

Words you will want to hear Making By Mary Peterson or hundreds of years, our only means Following Conn will be Dr. Frank of communication was storytellingÐ Booth with some eye-opening facts about Fdating back to the traveler who how physical inactivity can result in some the brought tales from afar to an eager and of our most deadly diseases. If that scares willing audience. Even now, with our you, then you’ll want to hear what he says overabundance of communications about prevention as well. devices, the spoken word still holds sway Stress has become a common workplace Star with those eager to learn and to hear oth- problem, and Dr. Katherine Peek will be on ers’ experiences firsthand. And so it will hand to talk about managing what seems be with the several outstanding speakers like the unmanageable at times. Then, in who will take part in JSC’s Safety & his talk, Dr. James shine Total Health Day, October 18. Reese, an interna- Returning this year to give the keynote tionally known address in Teague Auditorium at 9 a.m. behavioral t was an extraordinary event when committee. “Probably the thing that I will be Canadian Dr. Robert Conn, a scientist/author, will, JSC earned its OSHA VPP Star site recognize the most, though,” he said, pediatric-cardiologist who once engaged with wit and wis- Istatus. But even more extraordinary “has been the dramatic change in in salvaging hearts from accident victims dom, take the point are the efforts that are being applied to safety and health awareness at JSC and then found important work in trying a step further to go “Beyond the Star.” Safety & Total during the past five years.” to teach young people how to recognize address what hap- Dr. Katherine Peek Health Day 2000, with its many dedi- If you haven’t yet volunteered, and avoid the high- pens when stress cated volunteers, is a supreme example. consider it. It’s a way to meet new risk behaviors that induces violence. Although Safety & Total Health friends and to be a part of what has could forever change, The Bldg. 30 auditorium will host Day is a small part of the JSC safety become one of JSC’s premier events. or end, their lives. a seminar on LASIK surgery followed and health program, it is, nonetheless, a Even NASA Administrator Dan Goldin, His is a touching tes- by Dr. Stephen Tyring, an expert on the very important part, and it serves to recognizing the innovation and success timonial to the work treatment and prevention of viral infec- galvanize employees both on and off of the idea, had all of the other centers done by the founda- tions, who is associated with numerous site toward the common goal of a safer, model their own safety and health days tion he created, research projects, including the develop- healthier work environment. after that of JSC. As a result, Safety & SMARTRISK. Conn ment of a vaccine for HIV and one for While the Safety & Total Health Total Health Day has now become a Dr. Frank Booth is also bringing cervical cancer in women, which could Planning Committee is the hub of the concerted effort, with all centers holding SMARTRISK’s stunning, high-tech have worldwide implications. In a later activity, many others volunteer untold similar observances on the same day HEROES presentation to Gilruth Center session, speakers from Wesley Wright & hours to help with the child car seat each year. And, as Manning further for a three-day run, to which area students Associates will tell you what you need check, staff booths, post notices, direct said, “ Imagine being on a team that will be invited. to know about elder care, including traffic, pass out literature, and do any affects all of NASA on a given day!” Conn says of his work, “ We’d do any- Medicare management, preserving assets, number of other useful jobs. And they Whether you have one hour or thing we could if we thought it would keep and estate planning. have a great time doing it. several to spare, you can be a part you safe. But there isn’t anything we can For those concerned with personal and “I can vouch for how much fun and of this dynamic team. Click on the do. You’re in control. It’s your choice. It’s home safety who would like some useful, how worthwhile it is to volunteer,” S&TH Day Web page your body. It’s your responsibility. It is practical advice, the Houston Police Dept. said Jonathan Manning of Muñiz to now and it always will be, as long as you will be offering several seminars during the Engineering, Inc. who heads the booth volunteer or call x45078. live. All we can do is give you the facts and day in Bldg. 8, Rms. 2100 and 248. leave the choices up to you.” SPACE CENTER Roundup September 22, 2000 3 A Millennium Event

Safety and Total Health Day promises something for everyone. Photos, clockwise from top, left; more than 50 booths will be set up around JSC providing information on everything from worksite safety to home security to personal health; St. Luke’s hosts a Blood Drive as part of S&TH Day. Donations can be accepted at Ellington Field on Oct. 17, from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. and on site Oct. 18 and 19 from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Bldg. 2 and near Bldg. 11. The JSC branch with the highest percentage of participants in the S&TH Day Run/Walk wins the George Award. Employees and their familes are welcome to participate. Register online via the S&TH Web site at



8:00 AM Messages from Dr. Manuel Center Directors LASIK Surgery 8 AM-8:30 AM 8 AM-9 AM

8:30 AM Mr. George Abbey Sport Event TBA Col.John Casper 8:30AM- 9:30 A Dr. Dave Williams

9:00 AM Dr. Conn Houston Police Continued from Page 1 9 AM-10 AM Seminars 9 AM-10 AM 9:15 AM Dr. Stephen Tyring 9:15 AM-10:15 AM 10:00 AM Houston Police Sport Event TBA STS-92 Seminars 10 AM-11 AM In all, almost 30 hours of space-walking 10:15 AM Dr. Frank Booth time will be devoted to the STS-92 mission, 10:15 AM-11:15 AM more than any International Space Station assembly flight to date, and more than any 10:30 AM Wesley Wright & Assc. single ISS flight planned in the near future. 10:30 AM-11:30 AM The STS-92 flight plan calls for Duffy 11:00 AM Houston Police Houston Police and Melroy to rendezvous and dock with the Seminars Seminars 143-foot-long ISS two days after launch. The next day, Wakata will employ the robot 11:30 AM Dr. Katherine Peek Sport Event TBA arm to unberth the Z1 truss from Discovery’s 11:30 AM-12:30 PM 11:30 AM-12:30 PM cargo bay and gently link it to Unity’s uppermost port via a Common Berthing 11:45 AM Environmental Mechanism. The next four days will 11:45 AM-12:45 PM concentrate on the space walks, setting the 12:00 PM Houston Police Houston Police Seminars Seminars stage for the entrance of the astronauts into the ISS for the delivery of some supplies into 12:45 PM Dr. James Reese the Unity and Zarya. There are no plans for 12:45 PM-2:45 PM the crew to enter the newly arrived Zvezda Service Module, which was recently 1:00 PM Wesley Wright & Assc. Houston Police Houston Police Sport Event TBA prepared by the STS-106 crew for the arrival 1 PM-2 PM Seminars Seminars 1 PM-2 PM of the first permanent station residents, the Expedition One crew, later this year. 2:00 PM Houston Police Houston Police Discovery will undock on the tenth day of Seminars Seminars the flight and land back at the Kennedy Space Center in the late afternoon of October 2:15 PM Environmental 2:15 PM-3 :15 PM 16, having laid the groundwork for the delivery of the station’s large photovoltaic 2:30 PM Aerobics solar arrays and the occupancy of the ISS by 2:30 PM-3:30 PM its first permanent inhabitants. 3:00 PM Closing Ceremonies Health Walk /Run 4 September 22, 2000 SPACE CENTER Roundup Open House 2000 marks largest crowd ever

NASA JSC 2000-05966 Photo by Benny Benavides Community lines up to see nation’s home for space flight

rom astronauts singing Sweet Home expecting... I recommend everyone come use to help build the space station. Numer- amazed as they peered up to the test Alabama to one of the shiny, gold out and see it. Once I got out here it was ous astronauts also were on hand to talk chamber where she and three other F1969 ‘Astrovettes’ presented to really enjoyable. There’s a lot to see and about their activities and offer autographs. crewmembers resided for three months. Apollo XII astronauts - these likely weren’t lots to do.” But it was the hundreds of employee In addition to staffing the exhibit in Bldg the sights and sounds many visitors The members of Girl Scout Troop 161 and contractor volunteers who brought the 7, which is related to that test project, expected when they came to Open House of Los Fresnos, Texas, saved their cookie space program to life beginning last last month, but JSC’s annual community money for three years and chose to spend it for the Open House year Kloeris also event went above and beyond when it came to travel to JSC’s Open House. Lora Seavy, guests. Volunteers ded- has participated to illustrating the many facets of our 9, and Alanna Caraveo, 10, liked every- icated numerous hours as a live presenter nation’s human space flight center. thing they saw throughout the day. preparing for the event in Teague Audi- The Brewer family was part of the Amanda Daniels was impressed with the and many spent their Our best bet for public sup- torium regarding estimated 130,000 people who toured on computerized orbiter landing simulator. Saturday at JSC to port for NASA is to educate her experience. site August 26 to see the famed NASA cen- “The experience will be one that this explain their role in the the public on what we do “I participate ter and were amazed by how much there group of 9-to 12-year-olds will be talking nation’s space program. in Open House was to see and do. about for a long time to come!” said Susan “The volunteers, and why we do it. Open because I feel it is “Those are astronauts?” said Mark Upton, the Los Fresnos troop leader. exhibitors and support House represents a fantastic important to share Brewer when informed about the Max Q “Though only in its fifth year, this Open workers for JSC Open opportunity to do just that. with the public Astronaut Band. “We didn’t realize that – House appears to be a tremendous success.” House 2000 did a phe- The thing I find most what NASA is that’s great!” Nearly twenty JSC buildings and nominal job of pulling doing,” explained The Brewer family found out about NASA facilities, some open to visitors on everything together,” rewarding about Open Kloeris. “The bal- Open House through a flyer distributed at this day only, were open to the public as said Kelly Humphries, House is seeing how inter- loon festival their son Thorton’s elementary school. part of JSC’s Open House to show the pub- Open House chairman. ested the kids are in NASA brings a huge Although they had lic how our human “Their dedication and and what we are doing. audience to our been at JSC since space flight programs enthusiasm for the doorstep and it 6 a.m., they still are developed, sup- important work we do makes a great didn’t think they’d ported and carried out. was reflected in the Ð Vickie L. Kloeris, deal of sense to have time to see We were greeted with a The numerous booths smiles of the thousands Manager, Shuttle and ISS Food open our doors to everything. and special exhibits of people who visited Systems that audience. “I think [Mark] 'typical Texas welcome' at were designed to edu- our center August 26.” The thing I have could spend all day every turn. All the employees cate visitors on Vickie L. Kloeris, found most here by himself just and volunteers patiently NASA’s various pro- manager, Shuttle and International Space enlightening for me is how little the aver- listening to all the answered the scouts' ques- jects and the many Station Food Systems, has been a com- age person really knows about the space lectures,” said benefits and emerging mitted volunteer since Open House origi- program. Our best bet for public support Laurie Thorton. tions and donned a big smile technologies of the nated and shares her enthusiasm for her for NASA is to educate the public on “There’s just so when the girls asked for a space program. work with visitors to the Bldg. 17 Space what we do and why we do it. Open much to do.” snapshot! In addition Food Systems Laboratory. House represents a fantastic opportunity Although there to some of JSC’s “I have been volunteering at Open to do just that. The thing I find most were many repeat Ð Susan Upton most famed attrac- House since it started,” said Kloeris. rewarding about Open House is seeing visitors to Open Girl Scout Leader tions, such as the “We’ve had an exhibit of space food in how interested the kids are in NASA and House, there were Neutral Buoyancy the lobby of Bldg. 17 every year of Open what we are doing.” many people from Laboratory’s House and I have helped each year to Open House was held in conjunction our local area visiting JSC for the 6.2-million-gallon pool at the Sonny staff that exhibit.” with the Ballunar Liftoff Festival, a first time. Carter Training Facility and the Mission Kloeris was a crewmember for the three-day event also held at the Johnson “This is my first time being out here Control centers, were opportunities to see 91-day Lunar Mars Life Support Test Space Center. The festival featured 100 and I am really enjoying it,” said Jeff some of JSC’s newer endeavors. Visitors Project, which took place in the fall of or more hot air balloons, midway rides, Elimon, a local resident. “You know for could see firsthand the X-38, try their hand 1997. Visitors who got to hear Kloeris’ games, skydiving exhibitions, balloon someone who has never been out here Ð it at landing the shuttle via a desktop presentation about her experience as part flights and booths. is very different than what I was simulator or see tools that space walkers of the experiment were intrigued and SPACE CENTER Roundup September 22, 2000 5

NASA JSC 2000-05972Photo by Benny Benavides OpenOpen HouseHouse NASA JSC 2000-05976 Photo by Benny Benavides 2000 Gateway to the Community

NASA JSC 2000-05986 Photo by Benny Benavides

NASA JSC 2000-21537

NASA JSC 2000e21641

NASA JSC 2000e21644 6 September 22, 2000 SPACE CENTER Roundup Ripped NASA technology may help preserve ancient from the Native American languages ROUNDUP By John Ira Petty

Ripped straight from the pages of Two Native American educators from duced many fluent speakers. The visit to those lessons and other contacts with the old Space News Roundups, here’s Montana are looking at technology from JSC had been a kind of verification that two “made our teachers think about what what happened at JSC on this date: NASA’s Johnson Space Center in their they were moving in the right direction, we do with our students and how we do efforts to preserve and teach their peo- he said. One obstacle they face is that it. They have a different set of problems ple’s vanishing languages. they have to produce many of their own we don’t even have to think about.” 1965 The JSC Language Education Center materials, and those used in JSC’s lan- Lee Snapp, a JSC aeronautical engi- is used to help teach astronauts, Russian guage lab provided examples of types of neer, taught engineering and mathematics rusty, collapsed and twisted cosmonauts and others English, Russian, materials they might try to develop. at Salish Kootenai College during the A piece of metal with a packed and Japanese, so that they can better work “Instead of reinventing the wheel,” 1999-2000 school year under the NASA parachute attached was found together in the exploration and develop- Finley said, “we can look at their materi- Administrator’s Fellowship Program. He in Galveston Bay August 24 by the ment of space. The facility is among the als and say, ‘I hadn’t thought of that helped host the visit. shrimp boat ‘Nancy’ and the where- largest and most advanced of its kind in issue.’” He cited examples such as com- The fellowship program focuses on the nation. puter programs and use of various media minority institutions. NASA instructors abouts of a long lost spacecraft Vernon Finley and Johnny Arlee are in language instruction. teach for one year, followed by a review. was solved. language instructors at Salish Kootenai Kootenai has even fewer fluent speak- When Snapp returned to JSC for his The spacecraft was lost May 31, 1962, College on the Flathead Indian Reserva- ers than Salish, Finley said. About the review, he invited Joe McDonald, presi- when the first drop of a boilerplate tion at Pablo in northwestern Montana. time of first European contact, he said, an dent of Salish Kootenai College, to come spacecraft was conducted in the Bay Salish and Kootenai are Native American estimated 10,000 Kootenai attended one with him. McDonald was impressed with languages spoken mostly by elderly tribal winter camp. Now there are about 2,000 what he saw at the Language Education Area. A lanyard that was to have pulled members. Kootenai, and very few of them are fluent Center and helped arrange the visit of the parachute out of the canister in the Arlee, 59, said most who still speak in the language. He said that his band is Finley and Arlee. spacecraft, as it left the C-119, broke the Salish language are elders. Arlee is one of five and numbers about 500. Of NASA/JSC’s continuing efforts to and the 2,150-pound boilerplate Mer- among the youngest of the fewer than 100 them, perhaps 20 speak Kootenai well, transfer benefits of space-related research cury went in a free-fall from 1,500 feet who remain. and almost all are in their 70s or older. and development to the private sector are into the mud of Galveston Bay. He teaches the Salish Cultural Leader- Tony Vanchu, director of the Lan- coordinated by Johnson’s Office of Tech- ship Program. It tries to develop leaders guage Education Center, said he believes nology Transfer and Commercialization. A search was conducted for the vehicle to replace the elders, and that cultural the two visitors had seen technology and Johnson Space Center Inspection but it proved futile because the hulk leadership includes being able to pass on methodology that would help them teach 2000, November 1 to 3, will showcase was apparently buried in the mud the language. “The language is the main and preserve their languages. “I would space-based technology for representa- out of sight. part of it,” he said. say it was a very productive visit.” tives of business, government and educa- Finley, 46, teaches Kootenai. He said Arlee and Finley gave sample lessons tion who are seeking answers to technical that while there have been language in their languages to teachers at the challenges. For more information see 1975 preservation efforts, they have not pro- Language Education Center. Vanchu said ASA Kennedy Space Center last N month awarded a contract to modify Launch Complex Pad A for operations and to con- vert a mobile launcher from Apollo to shuttle configuration. Pad A, which was the launch site for all but one of the Apollo/Saturn V missions and the Skylab space station, will be the launch site of all early space shuttle missions. Pad B will be modified later. The reshaping of KSC’s Complex 39 for its role in the space shuttle era is well underway. Construction of the 4,500-meter-long (15,000 foot), 90- meter-wide (300-foot) landing facility to the northwest of the VAB began in April 1974 and paving should be completed by the end of 1975.

NASA JSC 2000e20987 Photo by Robert Markowitz 1995 Tony Vanchu, far right, director of JSC’s Language Education Center visits with Vernon Finley, far left, and Johnny Arlee, of Salish Kootenai College. ndeavour returned to Kennedy E Space Center early Monday, completing the first mission Firm earns honors for superior performance ever to deploy and retrieve two satel- lites by returning the first ultravacuum- ocumentation Data Management all government-furnished equipment “Our employees are thrilled that they grown thin films and new data about Systems Inc., a Houston-based and government-furnished data on the work at a place which is looking for the the Sun’s corona and the solar wind. Dminority-owned business and a program. This data includes information answers to the formation of the universe major contractor for the Johnson Space from the U.S. as well as all international and life in it.” The crew - Commander David Walker, Center, recently received an Emerging organizations participating in the ISS DDMS’ services encompass manage- Pilot Ken Cockrell and Mission 10 (E 10) Award in recognition of its Program. DDMS has supported JSC for ment information systems, configuration Specialists Jim Voss, Jim Newman significant contributions to its industry more than six years. control and documentation management. and Mike Gernhardt Ð deployed and and the community. “I find NASA the Mount Everest of The company provides engineering retrieved both the Spartan-201 and Founded by President and CEO technical organizations,” said Krishen. support, inventory management systems, the University of Houston-designed Vijay Krishen in 1993, ISO 9000 support and consulting services. DDMS was one of 10 The election of the E 10 winners Wake Shield Facility. locally based and minority- is overseen by the Houston Minority owned companies recog- Business Council, which sought nomina- nized for their success not tions from ethnic groups and chambers of only in the business arena, commerce throughout Houston. About but also for their contribu- 125 company applications were submitted tions to the minority busi- for the 10 awards. ness community. Companies must be owned, managed, Krishen and her staff of and controlled by 51 percent or more more than 15 employees by one or more minority individuals, provide data management be a certified minority business, in support for the International business at least three years, and able to Space Station Program. demonstrate above average growth in DDMS technologies deliver sales or employment. NASA JSC 2000e15201 the contract-required data for Vijay Krishen SPACE CENTER Roundup September 22, 2000 7 Updated menu and conveniences give JSC cafeterias fresh appeal

nline ordering, right-to-your-office Novominsky. “I am trying more high- delivery and a more diverse menu end entrees, such as stuffed cod, that you Oare just a few of the newest cafeteria normally wouldn’t find. I’ve got to eat features added in recent months. The JSC here every day too, and it’s important to cafeteria staff and management team say me that it’s good food and good quality.” they are committed to filling their cus- Although the cafeterias have a loyal tomers needs and changing your percep- customer base, Novominsky noticed tion of onsite dining. many customers pick up food to go, and “I am trying to change the cafeteria with patronize the cafeteria for convenience. the times,” said Gary Novominsky, man- He launched a pizza delivery service that ager for the past year and a half. “The last has enjoyed strong success and expanded thing I want is for people to look at the cal- the delivery service to include box endar and say, ‘Oh, it’s Tuesday - which lunches. means its fried chicken day.’ I am striving “Picking up food to go is fairly conve- for ‘Hmm, I wonder what they are serving nient for those close to the cafeterias, and in the cafeteria when you are in a today?’” rush or having a And these days, busy day, the it could be any- delivery service NASA JSC 2000e21252 Photo by James Blair thing. Although can be really JSC cafeteria cooks serve up popular favorites as well as new, flavorful delicacies. Shown here, popular favorites, helpful,” said left to right, Clara Thompson, Jeannette Siems, Delia Skinner, and Viola Conrad display their such as chicken Novominsky. cooking pride. fried steak and the “But for people in catfish special, the far-reaching special events and prices for catering the years,” said Marenty. “They are remain on the buildings, it’s a office events. The Web site is people I’ve gotten to know day in and day menu, more often challenge. My goal out. Plus I like the more relaxed environ- than not, you’ll is to feed everyone Each day, the cafeteria serves break- ment and the variety. This gives me a find new, more on site and get ser- fast or lunch to more than 2,000 people, chance to see visit with some of my NASA JSC 2000e21252 Photo by James Blair upscale dishes you Many of the cafeteria’s popular menu items come vice out to as many of them regulars who’ve made eat- friends and buddies.” might not expect from employee suggestions, such as the famed many people as ing at the cafeteria part of their routine. Across from the table sits one of his to see from an cinnamon rolls in Bldg. 11. “Baking is fun!” said possible.” “Some of our favorite customers come former coworkers, Roy Bellard, who also employee cafeteria Ilet Joseph, who begins each day at 6 a.m. to Technology is every day and eat the same thing, sit at regularly comes to the Bldg. 11 cafeteria - things like pan- begin preparing the homemade kolaches and helping. The cafe- the same table,” said Novominsky. Fre- for breakfast and lunch. cinnamon rolls. “People line up for them!” grilled flounder, teria team recently quently, it’s the kitchen staff that bring “I love it for the convenience,” said roast pork loin unveiled a new, them back. Bellard. “And the staff is very nice.” with spiced apples or blackened snapper improved Web site that enables employ- Rudy Marenty, retired after 35 years as Sumptuous meals combined with a with wine sauce. ees to order delivery items from their a JSC engineer, continues to come to the friendly, service-oriented staff have given “I want to change their attitude and desktop. Additionally, users can preview cafeteria each Wednesday. JSC’s cafeterias a winning combination. perception of cafeteria food,” adds the upcoming menu, find out about “I’ve made a lot of friends here over Take the taste test and see for yourself.

NASA JSC 2000e21257 Photo by James Blair Bldg. 11 Cafeteria Ð Shown left to right, back row: Lotfollah Sadeghian, Brian Plitt, Minnie Daniels, Thelma Felicien, Shirley Williams, Zlatuse Kertesz, Joyce Thomas, Muriel Bloir, Wai Ching Muii. Front row: Nhon Nguyen (Bldg. 11 supervisor), Ilet Joseph, Cindy Barnes, Hung Lam, Prisisima Agustin, and Hai Thi Nguyen.

NASA JSC 2000e21253 Photo by James Blair Bldg. 3 Cafeteria Ð Shown left to right, back row: Viola Conrad, Zella Crawley, Elizabeth Sarmiento, Irenie Louis, Yvette Burton, Clara Thompson, Jeanette Siems, Delia Skinner, Yolanda Gonzales. Middle row: Beverly Trivitt, Nga Giang, Debbie Trussell, Pamela Bryant, Cecelia Guzman, Mary Martin, Ngu nu Ton, Lee Moreland, Beatrice Fey. Bottom row: Marvin Coleman, Sandra Guzman, and Roy Trussell. 8 September 22, 2000 SPACE CENTER Roundup NASA BRIEFS


September 27 October 10 NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory cele- brated its initial year in orbit with an Astronomy seminar: The JSC Astronomy Seminar Club will Aero Club meets: The Bay Area Aero Club meets at 7 p.m. impressive list of firsts. Through Chandra’s meet at noon September 27 and October 4 in Bldg. 31, Rm. at the Houston Gulf Airport clubhouse at 2750 FM 1266 in League unique X-ray vision, scientists have seen 248A. For more information contact Al Jackson at x35037. for the first time the full impact of a blast City. For more information contact Larry Hendrickson at x32050. wave from an exploding star, a flare from a ★ brown dwarf, and a small galaxy being Scuba club meets: The Lunarfins meet at 7:30 p.m. NPMA meets: The National Property Management cannibalized by a larger one. September 27 and October 18. For more information contact Association meets at 11:30 the Gilruth Center. For more Mike Manering at x32618. Chandra is the third in NASA’s family of information contact Ray Whitaker at (281) 212-6030. great observatories, complementing the Spaceteam Toastmasters meet: The Spaceteam October 11 Hubble Space Telescope and the Compton Toastmasters meet at 11:30 a.m. September 27 and October 4 Gamma Ray Observatory. “Our goal is to IAAP meets: The Clear Lake/NASA chapter of the identify never-before-seen phenomena, at United Space Alliance, 600 Gemini. For more information International Association of Administrative Professionals meets whether they’re new or millions of years contact Patricia Blackwell at (281) 280-6863. old. All this leads to a better understanding at 5:30 p.m. at Bay Oaks Country Club. Cost is $16. For details of our universe, “ said Martin Weisskopf, and reservations, call Tami Barbour at (281) 488-0055, x238. chief project scientist for the Chandra pro- September 28 gram at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Communicators meet: The Clear Lake Communicators, MAES meets: The Society of Mexican-American Engineers Center. “Indeed, Chandra has changed the way we look at the universe.” a Toastmasters International club, meet September 28 and and Scientists meets at 11:30 a.m. xx in Bldg. 16, Rm. 111. For October 5 at 11:30 at Wyle Laboratories, 1100 Hercules, more information contact Laurie Carrilo at 281-244-5203. Chandra was launched in July 1999. After only two months in space, the observatory Suite 305. For more information contact Allen Prescott at October 12 revealed a brilliant ring around the heart of (281) 282-3281 or Richard Lehman at (281) 280-6557. the Crab Pulsar in the Crab Nebula, the Airplane club meets: The Radio Control Airplane Club meets remains of a stellar explosion providing Radio club meets: The JSC Amateur Radio Club meets at at 7 p.m. at the Clear Lake Park building. For more information clues about how the nebula is energized by a pulsing neutron, or collapsed, star. 6:30 p.m. at Piccadilly, 2465 Bay Area Blvd. For more information contact Bill Langdoc at x35970. contact Larry Dietrich at x39198. Chandra also detected a faint X-ray source October 13 in the Milky Way galaxy, which may be the September 29 long-sought X-ray emission from the Astronomers meet: The JSC Astronomical Society meets at known massive black hole at the galaxy’s Golf tournament deadline: Registration ends for the XA and 7:30 p.m. at the Center for Advanced Space Studies, 3600 Bay center. A black hole is a region of space Friends Golf Tournament. Registration is $40 for the four-person with so much concentrated mass there is Area Blvd. For more information contact Chuck Shaw at x35416. no way for a nearby object, even light, to scramble which will be held at Beacon Lakes Golf Course on escape its gravitational pull. November 10. For more information contact Greg Lestourgeon October 19 The observatory captured as well an image at x33444. Directors meet: The Space Family Education board of that revealed gas funneling into a massive black hole in the heart of a galaxy, two mil- directors meets at 11:30 a.m. in Bldg. 45, Rm. 712D. For more October 2 lion light years from our own. information contact Lynn Buquo at x34716. NSS meets: The Clear Lake area chapter of the National Space Society meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Parker Williams Branch of the Harris Co. Library at 10851 Scarsdale Blvd. PACIFIC DECADAL OSCILLATION For details contact Murray Clark at (281) 367-2227. OUT&ABOUT★ PACKS A ONE-TWO PUNCH October 3 Astronomers using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have taken attendance in a Quality Society meets: The Bay Area Section of the class of brown dwarfs and found indica- American Society for Quality will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday, tions that these odd and elusive objects October 3, at the Ramada King’s Inn on NASA Road 1. also tend to be loners. No reservations are required. For more information, The Hubble census — the most complete to date — provides new and compelling contact Ann Dorris at x38620. evidence that stars and planets form in dif- ferent ways. October 5 “Because the brown dwarfs bridge the gap Warning System Test: The site-wide Employee between stars and planets, their properties Warning System performs its monthly audio test at noon. reveal new and unique insights into how stars and planets form,” said Joan Najita of For more information contact Bob Gaffney at x34249. the National Optical Astronomy Observa- tory in Tucson, AZ. Her study with fellow October 6 NOAO researcher Glenn Tiede and John Carr of the Naval Research Laboratory, Chess Club meets: The Space City Chess Club Washington, DC, will appear in the Octo- meets from 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. at the Clear Lake Park ber issue of the Astrophysical Journal. Recreation Bldg. All skill levels are welcome. For more Considered an astronomical oddity only a information call James Mulberry at x39287 or James few years ago, brown dwarfs are intriguing Shown here, Mike Manering of the Lunarfins Scuba Club dives in the blue objects that, unlike stars, are too low in Termini at x32639. waters of Cozumel. The Lunarfins sponsor many dive trips throughout the mass to burn hydrogen, but are more mas- year. They meet 7:30 p.m. at Watergate Yacht Club October 18. For more sive than planets. At 15 to 80 times the information contact Mike Manering at x32618. mass of Jupiter, the light that they emit is so faint it’s hard to tell how many of them are scattered throughout the galaxy, and how they’re formed. The Hubble census finds that, like stars, there are more low-mass brown dwarfs than high-mass ones, and this trend continues The following discount tickets are available at the Exchange Stores Exchange Store hours down to low, nearly “planetary” masses. “In General Cinema Theaters ...... $5.50 Monday-Friday this respect, the isolated, or free-floating, Sony Loew’s Theaters ...... $5.50 brown dwarfs found by Hubble appear to Bldg. 3 7 a.m.-4 p.m. represent the low-mass counterparts of the AMC Theaters ...... $5.00 Bldg. 11 9 a.m.-3 p.m. more massive stars,” added Najita. “This Fiesta Texas ...... adult . . .$20.50. . .child (under 48 inches) . . $17.25 ➤ All tickets are nonrefundable. suggests that stars and free-floating brown Astroworld ...... 1 day . . .$21.00 ...... 2 day . . . $31.00 ➤ Metro tokens and value cards dwarfs form in the same way.” WaterWorld ...... $12.00 are available. However, the Hubble finding also offers the Moody Gardens (2 events) (does not include Aquarium Pyramid) ...... $10.75 Super September Sale strongest evidence so far that free-floating Moody Gardens (Aquarium only) ...... $9.25 ➤ 10% off all merchandise, brown dwarfs are far different than the Sea World ...... adult . . .$29.00 . . . .child (3-11 years) . . . $19.25 candy and cards Sept 1-15! recently discovered planets that orbit ➤ Stop by the stores for details. nearby stars. Najita’s team found brown Schlitterbahn ...... adult . . .$21.50 . . . .child (3-11 years) . . . $18.00 dwarfs more often alone than in orbit Space Center Houston ...... adult . . $11.00 . . . .child (age 4-11) . . . . $7.25 For additional information, around other stars. “This suggests that the (JSC civil service employees free.) please call x35350. extra-solar planets and, by extension, the Space Center Houston annual pass ...... $18.75 Please bring your driver’s planets in our own solar system, formed Splash Town ...... 1 day . . .$13.00 ...... Season Pass . . . $37.50 license to pay by personal check. very differently from how the Sun and other stars formed,” Najita noted. Postage Stamps (book of 20) ...... $6.60

PRSRT STD The Roundup is an official publication of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Johnson Space Center, U.S. POSTAGE Houston, Texas, and is published by the Public Affairs Office for all space center employees. The Roundup office is in PAID Bldg. 2, Rm. 181. The mail code is AP3. The main telephone number is x38648, and the fax is x32000. Electronic mail messages may be directed to: WEBSTER, TX Permit No. G27 Editor ...... William Jeffs ...... [email protected] Assistant Editor ...... Nicole Cloutier ...... [email protected]