Aircraft Engineer
{Motor Si, mt. AIRCRAFT ENGINEER AND AIRSHIPS bounded in 1909 by Stanley Spoonef FIR DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS, PRACTICE AND PROGRESS OF AVIATION OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE ROYAL AERO CLUB No. 1348. Vol. XXVI. 26th Year Thursdays. Price 6d. OCTOBER 25, 1934 By Post, 7Jd. Editorial, Advertising and Publishing Offices: DORSET HOUSE, STAMFORD STREET, LONDON, S.E.I. Telegrams: Truditur Watloo, London. Telephone: Hop 3333 (50 lines). HERTFORD ST. COVENTRY GUILDHALL BUILDINGS, . 60, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER 3. 26B, RENFIELD ST. NAVIGATION' ST., BIRMINGHAM, :. GLASGOW C.2. elegrams: Autocar, Coventry. Telegrams: Autopress, Birmingham. Telegrams: lliffe Manchester. Telegrams: Iliffe, Glasgow, lelcphone: Coventry 5210. Telephone: Midland 2971. Telephone: Blackfriars 4412. Telephone: Ceatral 48t>7 SUBSCRIPTION Home and Canada: Year, £1 13 0: C months, 16s. 6d.- 3 months 8s. 3d. RATES: Other Countries: Year, £1 15 0, 0 mouths, 17s. ad.; 3 inouths, 8s. tfd. Three types, it may be said, were entered with definite victory II objects and policies—the "Comets," the "Douglas," and the "Boeing"—and each of them has made good E have won. Bravo Scott! Bravo Campbell and practically proved what their entrants set out to Black ! Bravo De Jiavillands ! Bravo Ratier! prove. The "Comet " was designed specifically to ful- W Bravo all others who helped in the magnifi- fil the conditions of the race, and it has fulfilled them cent achievement! completely. The other two set out to prove that the This has been the greatest long race in the whole his- new types of fast commercial aeroplanes which have tory of flying. It means so much that for the moment been developed in America (both the "Douglas" and the brain almost reels in thinking out all that it does the "Boeing" are American designs), Holland, and mean.
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