and Malaysia Reaffirm Warm Defence Relations

03 Oct 2018

Malaysian Deputy Minister for Defence Liew Chin Tong (left) calling on Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen (right) in the Ministry of Defence.

Malaysian Deputy Minister for Defence Liew Chin Tong called on Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen at the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) this morning. Both sides reaffirmed the bilateral defence relationship and exchanged views on the bilateral and multilateral defence cooperation between Singapore and Malaysia. The ministers also discussed the ongoing

1 geopolitical and security developments in the region. After the call, Deputy Defence Minister Liew was hosted to lunch by of State for Defence .

Deputy Defence Minister Liew is visiting Singapore from 3 to 4 October 2018. He visited SAFRA Punggol earlier this morning, and will be delivering the keynote speech at the 2018 Southeast Asia Counter-Terrorism Symposium, organised by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, tomorrow.

The visit by Deputy Defence Minister Liew underscores the warm and long-standing bilateral defence relations between Singapore and Malaysia. The and the Malaysian Armed Forces interact regularly across a wide range of bilateral activities, which includes exercises, visits and exchanges, and cross-attendance of courses. They also cooperate extensively on multilateral platforms, including the Five Powers Defence Arrangements (FPDA), ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting (ADMM) and ADMM-Plus, as well as the Malacca Straits Patrol. These interactions have strengthened mutual understanding and professional ties between personnel of both armed forces.


Senior Minister of State for Defence Heng Chee How (right) and Permanent Secretary for Defence Chan Yeng Kit (left) hosting Malaysian Deputy Defence Minister Liew Chin Tong (centre) for lunch.