Ten Thousand Humanas
"My sister wore her hair in flats Illn most issues of THEATRE around her head with a huge dog ORGAN magazine, I read fas- cinating biographies of former HARK! ear bow of ribbon, fastened at the back. She wore an especially-made theatre organists, and very often, pink dress, made of the latest ma mention is made of someone with terial, decorated in pink rosebuds. whom I have worked or been associ She wore high-top, black buttoned ated. During the 1972 ATOS Con Ten shoes. Today, she wouldn't be caught vention in the Potomac Valley area, dead in such an outfit! I wore a dark there were many of my friends and Thousandblue suit with knee pants, white former associates there, and some shirt, and a large bow tie which whom I had not met previously but stuck out so far I could hardly see who approached me and said, 'Well, Vox the piano keys! Billy Barnes! I've often wondered "To get to Hanestown, we went in whatever happened to you! What a Model T Ford, owned by my teach have you been doing all these years? Humanas er's daughter, and replete with You look just as you always did.' "Of course, that was the remark isinglass curtains. We were cramped like sardines as there were others who which impressed me most. After a • went along. To top it off, it poured lot of explanation, many of them rain! There weren't too many paved said, 'Why don't you write up all of roads, and the car was covered with this for the ATOS magazine?' So, THE mud by the time we arrived at the having given it a lot of thought and with a lot of urging from my friend recital hall.
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