VOL. LXXI. No,. 17. $1.50 Per Year. HIGHTStOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THCRSUAY, OCT. 16, 1919. Price 4 Gents. Whole No. 3,658 “Our Boys” Will Final Expense Vandenbergh Auto Masked Bandits Silk Throwmg ^ Kalon/athia Will Be Enterlained Accounts Filed Was Stolen’ Early Shot Laborer Plant May Locate Hold Reunion at; By Candidate^ Wednesday Morning In Hold-up Game )!> JnHightstowh Peddie Institute 'M Banquet, /VaudevJHe and Dance Surrogate Canclidates Spend ■the)the) The Hudson‘tllosed Gat of Janies Second Attempt to Rob'Laborers It: Will Be Necessary to Raise X)ne Fiftieth Anniversary Reunion ,of «^ijl Be Given Irt the Poddie Most Money, According to Ac­ ' M. Vandpnbergh Taken About Who Are. Employed By Con­ Thousand Dollars for the Pur­ Kalomathi'a SocTcty Will ' Be Gymnasium on November I2th. counts Filed With County Clerk Four o’clock in the Morning struction'Company on Hlghts'- pose of Building a Brick Va,ult Held on Friday, October 24th. Fetter. , Police Notified. town-Robbinsvllle Highway. For Silk Storage, A mPMmj of .the members, otilfl? - -Ahibiig the'/.pleasant occasions to committed seiecftfed, by , Lloyd W. Grqvpr.Hepublican nomi­ The Hudson closed eat oWaanhs M. Basil Vanderlaco of Philadelphia,: Dflv :tho' busipe.s.s men, property whic’h Peddie w ik are looking for­ pl(^ato, to, plau for the entertain­ nee for Surrogate, spent more 'for Vandenbergh was stolenyfrom hij who was shot by a masked bandiiti owntfe ap.dt^qsid(jnl.s of Hightst.own ward -this fall is Ihe fiftieth anniver­ ment of ‘<0nr Bpys?V Wfcs hold'm campaign purposes than any other garage about four o’clohkVWednes­ Saturday night, when the thug at- waul a .sillj:.-throwing plant located sary of the Xaloma-thia- Society to be tlA> Borough ilal!';i^n,!t'uesday night. primary candidate running solely in day morning. The gdrage te located .tempted to hold up a commi.ssary in Hightstijnvn?- ' hold at the school on Friday, October 'After boiiK dibciissioh, it was voted this county, according to the final ex- at the rear of the VandenbergK home_, shanty of the Hugh Nawn.-Con-., The negotiations.; hia-vo lieen pend­ 24. Kaloinathia was organized in ' bof liaW lone .of the - hneSt banquets ptnse accounts of the candidates filed North Main striAst, The Pt Struotion company near Wlndso-t;,. ing for the ■ jJast mhirth. The men 1869 as a literary society for Peddie that can bo pri pahed and, that the with County Clerk Fetter. Grover thieves did ndc ha\o any -diteoulw reported as doing nicely-at<a'Trelton iq’teested.(qijde,r/wiic of 0-ot.' 14th, girls. With the close of the eo-edu- managemont of the banquet be plac­ spent $857.75, and the candidate in making, tl^ e ir^ t-a w a y sh ^ VaiG hospital. Th« bullet is.-in his- groin' Patterson,...N^ L, rkrote the follow­ uAtion period the members of this ed in the hapids of i.|. >,G. Sqheible, who tiled the next highest expense denbergh ■w;as’’''ayateneii' When the and the wound is n^t thii'ught' to 'bft ing leUei'-'4q TO''Board of Trade; society became affiliated with the ;■ 'addition to ,tho: -banquet, ,it account was one of Grover’s op­ car was, driven'out the drive'way. fatal. ' ,: -: : . c: „ .4'We hercAvith coiilirra our discussion State F'oderalion of Women's Clubs, na« voted to have fine music for thc' ponents, Captain Walter Firth.whose Chief of Police George C. Norris The bandit is known ta'tl^e'apGu’r’:' of the lOlh inst. to locate a silk throw­ with the privilege of perpetuating ; '(epthrtaiDmpnt of the boys and their expenses totalled $800.06. The third was immediatelj’ notified and the ities, and County Dis-toclHe ; K,ir!^-: ing plant ill the IligbtstOAvn Gazette their membership through tJleir ) friefids, a.nd'.for dancing. liighests expene account w-as that police departments of nearby cities ham and Preston hope ■ to'■ lljfjlate Duilding, llightstowu, N. J., oii or daughters, .Ml former members of ‘ ' 'iteiined vaudeville, by high class filed by William A. Moore, nomi­ were, advised o f,the theft. him soon. It is believed lha), ,:thh about January 15th, 1920, with the Kaloinathia are urged to be pwsent artists, will also be a part of the nated on the Republican Assembly Two w'eeks ago-the oar of F. A. bandit was also wounded ..whmv ono understanding that tl)k l)usine.ss men, at this coming reunion. Miss Alice 'Avpfting’.s ehlertamment.for the.pleas— ticket. He spent ,$:!0r). Ujidike was stolen from his garage, of the workmen opened flTil'-|it'feifn or . Board of Trade, .jot said town, W. 'Vose, who was for tivenly - throe ure'.'ht the-boys and their gue.Sts, Seven candidates, all defeated ex­ which is located at the rear of his res- as ho stood in the doorway. ' - ■ ; - ■' guarantee -.ps $1,000, as soon as the years' jirecoptress and was actively . Dr Wjhjam h. '^'■ilbiir -was made cept Lsrael Howell, who ji u 1 1 e d idenct' on .South Main street-. About The desperadoopened the door'a-hd njaeliinery-is-dn the bnilding. As soon idi-nlilied with the ivork of Kalo- chii|Winan ot.'the ejvtertainiTHml oojn- through for a ])laee on llie Denioeratie three weeks ago the Buitk touring cried-,--," I lands up.” Philli|i Kmnien, jts we liei(ir’t1'0-m: yoi) on lln' abin e. oi' inalliia, u'sjieeially in the seeiiring of niiAi'e: Ma.vor Applegate and Mrs. Assembly ticket, railed to submil tO car of Redford Job wa.s slohm while in charge of the, shanty, oiienqd \4ire confirm 's-ame, we will go a-liea,d With- till' Kaloinathia- seliolarship.'is lo Im Applegate of., the • reception , eommit- the county clerk a rejiort of tlieir the ear was standing on a street in at I he bandit,' who fell to the ifeor 'the- ijeime, ete," present as Hie guesi of hiimir. .Mrs. tor K. .J. Rogers of the souvemr- expendituros. Tiiese si.x are: llervey Trenton. The Ujidike ami .lob ears but afterwards managed to get away. ' On Wediiesda.y a|)j)ro.xi)iuitcly $380 Elsie 1’. Sainage, 370 Muoli-- .\\'e., nienii cards,: and publieitv comniit- h. Moore and Rev. James E. Diverty, have not yet lioen recovered. Detective Kivkhaioi and Prosecutor.’s. had been .subscribed The silk-iniil ’Glen-Itiri'ge,- N. J-.,, rKMhe'qin'sidmnt!' (Hi: Miss Helen Q. Applegate," of Ueiniblican Asrarnibly candidates; It. Stenographer O'Brien hurried to the eompany proposes to lease the entire of the society and eliairman of Iho (he service eonimittee. and ( larcitee M. Fielder, liepuhlican Surrogate CONTEST FOR PONY scene in an automohi^'. Detective Gazette building from the owner, reunion eommilt'er, .-tiiy and all S (iroviT of the■hna'd'cial chinmittee. candidate: Thomas Gohdough and CONTINUES TO BE VERY CLOSE Kirkham organized a po.sse to look L D Tillyer To give po.ssessipn to e.Qin munieiUions will he wi-leoined hy M IS e.xpected that the banquet John, .Ross, Republican Friudiolder for (ho liandil. the silk milL-nieans that Mr Tillyer Mrs. 'btuivage. and ciilertaiiinient will be held in capdidii.tes, and Rockhili Hart, Demo­ Elizabe h (ireen once again tops About three monihs ago tivo motor-' will biiiLI ail addilion to Hie .eon- 'I'he program ineluih;s a ineeling cratic ,h ‘eeholder eandidati'. ■ the Peddle gymna.siiim on the even­ 1 the list, but, Violet Exi'l, Genieve cycle bandits appeared at the shanty erele I'milding, local-cd between Hu-': jn Hk{ old hall, dinner at 6:30 ,enter- Others' who- 'filed acedunts aiiil ing of November 12th, but circum­ Slonaker and Ruth Forsythe tag which wa?, about a mile away from Gazette building ami llie lligbls- lain,iijjf,'ill l.),Y Ka-hiniathia lalenl, and I heir sdavemltn-is follow’,: stances may not permit that plan along so dose that Elizabeth will the jiresent hold up, and got away town Garage This building will a- rdrmal' rceiqition in Hie evening. to be carried out. Republioah Assembly ciuiilidatcs— have to go some to keep in. that with $1,800 belonging to the em­ tlien be'oecupied by the iliglilslown The' eoin'mit-lee has made an earnest The wives, fathers and mothers George W. (tnthrie, $112,50; William position long. Norris Robbins made ployees.“ Shorty" Carr, arrested for- Ga-zelte effort 0) reach every niemlier of H. Blackwell, $60.25, both nominated. of the hoys will be the guests, and a great s))urt during the past week- the first hold-U|), is now in the county 'I'he $1,000 that is wauled for the whom they have any record by a Democratic Assembly eandidat.e.s— it is planned to sell admission tickets ami i.s now in fifth pl,aLe, with Dor­ jail awaiting trial. purpose of building a brick vault jiersomd leller, bill as always ha]i- Richard Stockton, no expenses; Dr. to those may care to attend. othy Early very C-losd'to lhal' posilion. The laborers -are paid on Salilr- for the storage of Hie I'aw silk and |iens in siii-h a en-Se some names will 1/awreiice II. Rogers, defeated, no 1 Eli'/.abelh G r e e n ....... Oays and i:onsi'(|nenlly they Inn',- the building of a soak room not be' on the records. Should tho EviTythinlBteat can be done to expenses. 2 Violet Exel.................... 8)385 large sums of money on their persons. The niaeldiiery for .^ilk inill i-" reiidi-r he oue of Ihese, kiiullv send make the evi^ng one long to be re Ropuliliean Freeholder eandidates 3 Cionevieve Slonaker., .
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