RFP NO. 18-551


CITY OF NORWALK 12700 Norwalk Boulevard Norwalk, CA 90650 (562) 929-5723

Key RFP Dates

Issued November 16, 2017 Written Questions November 30, 2017 – 5 p.m. Response to Questions December 8, 2017 – 5 p.m. Proposals Due December 18, 2017 – 5 p.m. TABLE OF CONTENTS















By submitting a proposal, Offeror represents that it has thoroughly examined and become familiar with the work required in this RFP and that it is capable of performing quality work to achieve the objectives of the City of Norwalk, Public Services Department.


Any City of Norwalk changes to the requirements will be made by written addendum to this RFP. Any written addenda issued pertaining to this RFP shall be incorporated into the terms and conditions of any resulting Agreement. The City of Norwalk will not be bound to any modifications or deviations from the requirements set forth in this RFP as the result of oral instructions.

Offeror is required to check the City of Norwalk’s website at the day following the City’s responses date for the last addendum of this RFP.

Interested Offeror must email [email protected] the following information: company name, address, phone number, contact person’s name, title, and email address.

Offerors shall acknowledge receipt of addenda in their proposals. Failure to acknowledge receipt of all addenda may cause a proposal to be deemed non-responsive.


All questions and/or inquiries regarding this RFP shall be submitted in writing and directed to:

Julian Lee Utilities and Projects Manager City of Norwalk, Room 12 12700 Norwalk Boulevard Norwalk, California 90650 Phone: (562) 929-5926 Fax: (562) 929-5503 E-mail: [email protected]


1. Examination of Documents

Should an Offeror require clarifications regarding the RFP, the Offeror shall notify Julian Lee of the City of Norwalk, Public Services Department in writing in accordance with Section l.D.2. Should it be found that the point in question is not clearly and fully set forth in the RFP, the City of Norwalk will issue a written addendum clarifying the matter(s). The written addendum will be posted via the City’s website as noted under Sub-section I-B as shown above.

2 2. Submitting Requests

a. All questions must be submitted in writing to the City of Norwalk no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 30, 2017.

b. Requests for clarifications, questions and comments must be clearly labeled, "Written Questions Re: "RFP for Final Design Services for Traffic Signal Improvements along Alondra Boulevard." The City of Norwalk is not responsible for failure to respond to a request that has not been labeled as such.

c. Any of the following methods of delivering written questions are acceptable as long as the questions are received no later than the date and time specified above:

(1) U.S. Mail or Personal Courier: Attention: Julian Lee, Utilities and Projects Manager, City of Norwalk, 12700 Norwalk Boulevard, Norwalk, CA 90650.

(2) Facsimile: The City of Norwalk's fax number is (562) 929-5503, attention: Julian Lee.

(3) E-mail: [email protected]

3. City of Norwalk Responses Responses from the City of Norwalk will be placed on the City’s website no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 8, 2017.


1. Date and Time

Proposals must be submitted on or before 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2017. Proposals received after the above-specified date and time will be returned to Offerors unopened.

2. Address

Proposals delivered in person or by the U.S. Postal Service shall be submitted to the following address: Julian Lee Utilities and Projects Manager City of Norwalk, Room 12 12700 Norwalk Boulevard Norwalk, California 90650

3. Identification of Proposals

Offeror shall submit 1 original and 4 copies of its proposal along with an electronic version (a CD or USB flash drive) in a sealed package, addressed as shown above, bearing the Offeror's name and address and clearly marked as follows:


3 4. Acceptance of Proposals

a. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, waive any informalities or irregularities in the proposals, request additional information or revisions to the proposals, and to negotiate with any or all Offerors.

b. The City of Norwalk reserves the right to withdraw this RFP at any time without prior notice and the City of Norwalk makes no representations that any contract will be awarded to any Offeror responding to this RFP. ·

c. The City of Norwalk reserves the right to postpone the proposal opening for its own convenience.

d. The City of Norwalk reserves the right to issue a new RFP for the work. e. Proposals received by the City of Norwalk are subject to public inspection under the California Public Records Act (Government Code Section 6250 et seq.), unless exempt and will be made available upon request after award. f. Proposals submitted are not to be copyrighted. g. The City of Norwalk reserves the right to require confirmation of information furnished by any Offeror and/or request any Offeror to provide additional evidence of qualifications to successfully perform the work.


The City of Norwalk shall not, in any event, be liable for any pre-contractual expense incurred by Offeror in the preparation of its proposal. Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by Offeror in:

1. Preparing its proposal in response to this RFP. 2. Submitting its proposal to the City of Norwalk. 3. Negotiating with the City of Norwalk on any matter related to its proposal. 4. Any other expenses incurred by Offeror prior to date of award.


Where two or more Offerors desire to submit a single proposal in response to this RFP, they shall do so on a prime-sub-consultant basis rather than as a joint venture. The City of Norwalk intends to contract with a single firm and not with multiple firms doing business as a joint venture.


It is anticipated that the Agreement resulting from this solicitation, if awarded, will be on a not- to-exceed price contract amount.


Certain labor categories under this project may be subject to prevailing wages as identified in the State of California Labor Code commencing in Section 1770 et. seq. These labor categories when employed for any work on or in the execution of a "Public Works" project require payment of prevailing wages.

Wage guidelines entitled, Consultant Guidelines for Prevailing Wage and Labor Compliance on Architectural and Engineering (A&E) Contracts is used to administer Caltrans Consultant contracts and is available at:

Wage information is available through the Caltrans Division of Local Assistance web site at:

The Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, apply to contractors and subcontractors performing on federally funded or assisted contracts in excess of $2,000 for the construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works. Davis-Bacon Act and Related Act contractors and subcontractors must pay their laborers and mechanics employed under the contract no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits for corresponding work on similar projects in the area. The Davis-Bacon Act directs the Department of Labor to determine such locally prevailing wage rates. The Davis-Bacon Act applies to contractors and subcontractors performing work on federal or District of Columbia contracts. The Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage provisions apply to the “Related Acts,” under which federal agencies assist construction projects through grants, loans, loan guarantees, and insurance. The Davis-Bacon wages can be found at:






Offerors must submit 1 original and 4 copies of their proposals, along with an electronic version (a CD or USB flash drive), on or before 5:00 p.m. on December 18, 2017 to be considered.

Proposals shall be typed and submitted on 8 1/2" x 11 '' size paper, using a single method of fastening. Offerors should not include any unnecessarily elaborate promotional material. Lengthy narrative is discouraged and proposals should be brief, clear and concise.


A Letter of Transmittal shall be addressed to Julian Lee, Utilities and Projects Manager, and must, at a minimum, contain the following information:

1. Identification of Offeror who will have contractual responsibility with the City of Norwalk. Identification shall include legal name of company, corporate address, telephone number and email address of the contact person identified during the period of proposal evaluation.

2. Proposed working relationship between Offeror and sub-consultants, if applicable.

3. Acknowledgment of receipt of all addenda, if any.

4. A statement to the effect that the proposal shall remain valid for a period of not less than 60 days from the date of submittal.

5. Signature of the official authorized to bind Offeror to the terms of the proposal.

6. Signed statement attesting that all information submitted with the proposal is true and correct.


1. Qualifications, Relevant Experience and References

This section of the proposal shall establish the ability of the Offeror to satisfactorily perform the required work by reasons of: experience in performing work of a similar nature to the Scope of Work shown in Section III; proven competence in the services to be provided; strength and stability of the firm; staffing capability; current work load; track record of meeting schedules on similar projects and supportive client references.

The Offeror shall:

(a) Provide a brief profile of the firm, including the types of services offered; the year founded; form of the organization (corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship); number, size and location of offices; and total number of employees.

7 (b) Provide a general description of the firm's financial condition and identify any conditions (e.g. bankruptcy, pending litigation, planned office closures, impending merger, etc.) that may impede the Offeror's ability to provide these services.

(c) Describe the firm's experience in performing work of a similar nature to that solicited in this RFP, and highlight the participation in such work by the key personnel proposed for assignment to the City.

(d) Describe specialized training, experience and professional competence in the area directly related to this RFP.

(e) Identify sub-consultants by company name, address, contact person, telephone number and project function, if applicable. The list should include a summary of the roles and responsibilities of each sub-consultant.

(f) Provide a minimum of three (3) references for completed work similar to that in scope of work contained in this RFP. Furnish the contact name, title, address and telephone number of the person at each client agency/organization who is most knowledgeable about the work performed.

2.Proposed Team

This section of the proposal shall establish the method that will be used by the Offeror to provide requested services as well as identify key personnel assigned.

The Offeror shall:

(a) Provide the education, training, experience and applicable professional credentials of the proposed Project Manager.

(b) Furnish brief resumes (two pages maximum per resume) for the proposed Project Manager and key personnel (including sub-consultants).

(c) Identify key personnel proposed to perform the specified tasks and include major areas of sub-consultant work.

(d) Include a statement that key personnel will be available to the extent proposed for the duration of the required services acknowledging that no person designated as "key" shall be removed or replaced without the prior written concurrence of the City of Norwalk.

3.Detailed Work Plan

The Offeror shall provide a narrative addressing the Scope of Work and demonstrating the Offeror's understanding of the City of Norwalk's needs and requirements.

The Offeror shall: (a) Describe the proposed approach and work plan for completing the services specified in the Scope of Work. The description of the proposed approach shall discuss the services in sufficient detail to demonstrate the Offeror’s ability to accomplish the City's objectives.

8 (b) Describe approach to managing resources, including a description of the role(s) of any subconsultants, if applicable, their specific responsibilities, and how their work will be supervised. Identify methods that Offeror will use to ensure quality, budget, and schedule control.

4.Exceptions and Deviations

Offeror shall state any exceptions or deviations from the requirements of this RFP, segregating "technical" exceptions from "contractual" exceptions. Where the Offeror wishes to propose alternative approaches to meeting the City of Norwalk's technical or contractual requirements, these shall be thoroughly explained. If no contractual exceptions are noted, Offeror will be deemed to have accepted the contract requirements as set forth in Section VI, "Proposed Agreement."

5.Fee Proposal

Fee Proposal shall be submitted in a separately sealed envelope. The Offeror shall provide a Not-to-Exceed Fee Proposal to perform tasks services in Section III, including a schedule of hourly rates that will be charged to provide these services.

6.Conflict of Interest Disclaimer

Complete and submit Section VII, "Conflict of Interest Disclaimer" Form with the proposal package.

7. Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements

Complete and submit Section VIII, "Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements" Form with the proposal.

8. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Requirements

The City has determined that Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) can reasonably be expected to compete for subcontracting opportunities on this project. Offerors shall comply with the California Department of Transportation's (Caltrans) DBE Program guidelines as outlined in the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM).

Section IX, "DBE Requirements,'' includes the following forms for reference and submitting:

• Notice to Proposers DBE Information (Exhibit 10-I) • Local Agency Proposer UDBE Commitment (Consultant Contracts) (Exhibit 10-O1) • Local Agency Proposer DBE Information (Consultant Contracts) (Exhibit 10-O2) • Final Report-Utilization of DBE, First Tier Subcontractors (Exhibit 17-F)

The City of Norwalk has established an Underutilized goal for this Agreement of 10%.

9. Federal Lobbying Restrictions, Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352

Complete and submit Section X “Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Exhibit 10-Q)" with the proposal.


10. Appendices

Information considered by Offeror to be pertinent to this RFP and which has not been specifically solicited in any of the aforementioned sections may be placed in a separate appendix section. Offerors are cautioned, however, that this does not constitute an invitation to submit large amounts of extraneous materials. Appendices shall be relevant and brief.





Alondra Boulevard is located in the City of Norwalk in County. It is an east-west major highway with two lanes in each direction, on-street parking, raised medians with landscaping, and left-turn lanes at most intersections. The project is on Alondra Boulevard from Piuma Avenue to Shoemaker Avenue. The total project length is 3.5 miles and includes 12 signalized intersections, and 15 non-signalized intersections. The signalized intersections include traditional three and four-legged configurations and freeway ramps. The non- signalized intersections are controlled by stop signs on the minor approaches to Alondra Boulevard and include three pedestrian marked crossings. The adjacent land use is mixed and includes elementary schools, parks, residential housing, commercial properties, shopping centers, churches, and community facilities.

Current signal coordination along Alondra Boulevard is timed-based and no longer meets the demand generated by vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The signal equipment along the corridor may require upgrades to meet current standards. In addition, Alondra Boulevard has been identified as having a large vehicle incident concentration. Traffic signal improvements and updated signal timing coordination are necessary to modernize the intersections to improve safety and traffic flow.

The proposed project will upgrade signal hardware, install new pedestrian countdown signal heads, install American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 - compliant curb ramps and push buttons, signal controller upgrades, fiber optic cable and conduits, ethernet /fiber system integration, video detection units, and TMC integration, and update the signal timing coordination at specific locations along the entire project corridor.


The following scope of services is intended as a guide only, and additional services may be required which may not be listed below, but will need to be completed as part of Caltrans or Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) requirements.

1. Project Administration

The Offeror shall designate a Project Manager to oversee all aspects of the project, including ensuring the scope of services are completed in a timely and professional manner; preparing and implementing a project schedule; design; oversee progress meetings; ensure the project meets all federal, state, and local design requirements; report directly to the City Project Manager; ensure all appropriate communications, correspondence, and reports are completed in a timely manner; arrange and participate in a detailed review of the 65%, 90% and 100% Plans, Specification, and Estimate (PS&E) package; coordinate and ensure all stakeholders complete plan check of all appropriate project documents; and prepare and process all federal paperwork that may be required to advertise and award the project through the Caltrans Local Assistance Engineer. The Offeror shall be responsible for completing and filing the necessary Caltrans forms listed in the LAPM Chapters; 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 12, and 15. An environmental document (CEQA/NEPA) is required in addition to the Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) and will be the responsibility of the selected Offeror. It should be noted that the Offeror shall NOT proceed beyond the concept level plans until the

12 environmental document (NEPA) has been approved by Caltrans. Offeror shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the Request for Authorization for Construction to Caltrans and any requested modifications by Caltrans.

2. Field Review

The Offeror shall obtain copies of available as-built drawings and other available database/information pertaining to the project. The Offeror shall conduct a field review in accordance with Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) requirements. The field review of the project site shall identify design constraints, verify as-built information, and observe general site conditions. The Offeror shall review the preliminary utility information and prepare and send utility notifications to all utility companies known to operate within the project area to clear utilities for the project. Underground and overhead utilities shall be identified and potential conflicts shall be noted and resolved during final design. The Offeror shall prepare a digital master file in AutoCAD format (latest version) depicting location of all known underground and above ground utilities within the project limits. The Offeror shall inventory all signalized intersections including but not limited to the following: cabinet types, controller, cabinet equipment, communication equipment, poles, foundations, pull boxes, signal heads, pedestrian heads, pushbuttons, and any possible conflicts at the ground level or aerial. Review of cabinet equipment shall be coordinated with the City for access to the controller cabinets.

3. Survey/Right-of-Way Engineering

The Offeror shall conduct surveys necessary to prepare maps, plans, exhibits and other documents that may be required to complete the preliminary engineering/design phase of the project. Using the conducted survey or any recent survey that is available, the Offeror shall prepare a digital file in AutoCAD format to be used as a base for design. A digital terrain model (DTM) shall be created using the topographic information and supplemented with the cross-sectional survey.

The Offeror shall review and research available right-of-way maps, assessor parcel maps, and easement information within the project limits. Based on this information, a digital file shall be created in AutoCAD format, showing property lines, right-of-way, Assessor Parcel Numbers, owners, and easements within the project limits.

All work shall be completed in the existing right-of-way. If additional right-of-way will be required, the Offeror shall determine the extent of right-of-way acquisition and temporary construction easements necessary for each parcel. The Offeror shall prepare plats and legal descriptions for right-of-way acquisitions and temporary construction easements.

The City shall be responsible for right-of-way appraisals and acquisition if required for the project. The Offeror shall assist the City by providing right-of-way information, copies of title reports, assessor parcel maps, and other supplementary information that may be required.

4. Engineering Design and Plans Specifications & Estimates (PS&E)

Upon completion of field review and right-of-way identification, the Offeror shall proceed with engineering design. The Offeror shall design the project as specified in the attached

13 application in Exhibit XI “Application for Cycle 7 Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP)”.

The PS&E shall be prepared under the direct supervision of a registered engineer licensed in the State of California. The plans shall be stamped and signed by the responsible engineer. The following plans shall be prepared in AutoCAD digital format in English units at a scale of 1''=20' horizontal unless noted otherwise. The PS&E shall be in conformance with the corresponding latest editions of Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook); American Public Works Association (APWA) Standard Plans for Public Works Construction; and Caltrans Standard Specifications and Standard Plans; and applicable design standards.

The following is, at a minimum, a listing of drawings, data and calculations that shall be included as part of the PS&E construction contract:

a) Title sheet and location map b) Traffic Signal Plans c) Communication Plans d) Traffic control plans e) Right-of-way requirements, if any f) Construction details and notes g) Signing and Striping h) Utility locations/relocations a. Utilities

The Offeror shall work closely with utility companies and municipalities to resolve conflicts with the proposed improvements. Utilities that are to be relocated/adjusted by agencies other than the City shall be notified in writing. b. Traffic Control

The Offeror shall develop a traffic control plan for construction, if applicable. c. Construction Documents

Preliminary PS&E - 65% stage. Preliminary PS&E shall be prepared in conformance with the approved design development plan. These documents shall include all roadway and structural plans in the required format and shall be submitted to the City for review and comments.

Preliminary PS&E - 90% stage. Following incorporation of City comments and approval of the 65% PS&E, the construction PS&E shall be completed in detail and submitted to the City for review and approval.

Final PS&E - 100% stage. Following incorporation of City comments and approval of the 90% PS&E, submit final (100% PS&E) for final approval. The Offeror shall make sure that the final PS&E package includes all mitigation measures as may be required by the approved environmental documents and regulatory permits.

14 Prepare technical specifications regarding all aspects pertaining to the construction of all items depicted in the construction documents.

The Offeror shall determine construction quantities and prepare a project cost estimate. The cost estimate shall be prepared electronically in a spreadsheet format using Microsoft Excel (latest version). The quantities and cost estimate shall be updated with each submittal.

d. Signal Systems Improvements

The Offeror shall procure new controllers, pedestrian signal heads, and traffic signal heads for installation and provide updated signal timing coordination for the project corridor. All purchase equipment shall be released to the City and stored at a location designated by the City. The City shall have the selected Contractor in the next phase install the procured equipment.

a) The Offeror shall provide new traffic controllers at four (4) intersections. b) The Offeror shall provide pedestrian signal heads at seven (7) intersections. c) The Offeror shall provide new traffic controller at one (1) intersection. d) The Offeror shall provide new video detection units at three (3) intersections. e) The Offeror shall develop and update the existing signal timing coordination plan along the project corridor using the latest editions of the California MUTCD, Highway Design Manual, and other applicable standards. Simulation runs shall be performed to mimic in-field operation. The optimized timing plan shall be approved by the City prior to implementation in the field. Once implemented, the Offeror shall fine-tune the plan based on in-field observations.

5. Construction Support Services (Optional Task)

The Offeror shall provide support services during bidding and construction phases of the project. These services may include:

a) Attending a Pre-Bid Meeting b) Responding to bidders' questions c) Preparing addenda as necessary d) Reviewing and evaluating bids e) Attending Pre-construction meeting f) Reviewing shop drawings and submittals g) Responding to contractor's requests for information (RFI's) h) Providing structural verification/inspections during construction i) Preparing as-built drawings





The following proposed project schedule is provided for reference only:

Issue RFP for design November 16, 2017

Deadline for Written Questions November 30, 2017

Written Response from City (if necessary) December 8, 2017

Proposals due December 18, 2017

Interviews January 4, 2018

Notice to Proceed January 30, 2018

Final Environmental Documentation April 16, 2018 (anticipated)

Obtain Authorization to Proceed with Design May 28, 2018 (anticipated)

Start Final Design June 2018

Complete 100% PS&E December 2018

Obtain Authorization to Proceed with January 2019 Construction

Start Construction March 2019

Project Completion September 2019

Project Closeout October 2019





The City of Norwalk will review and evaluate the proposals based on the following criteria:

1. Qualifications of the Firm

Technical experience in performing work of a similar nature; experience working with public agencies; strength and stability of the firm; and assessment by client references.

2. Proposed Team and Organization

Qualifications of proposed Project Manager and key personnel; logic of organization; and adequacy of labor commitment and resources to satisfactorily perform the requested services and meet the City's needs.

3. Detailed Work Plan

Thorough understanding of the City's requirements and objectives; logic, clarity, specificity; and overall quality of work plan.

4. Fee Proposal

Reasonableness of pricing and competitiveness of the amount compared with other proposals.


An Evaluation Committee will be appointed to review all proposals. The Committee will be comprised of City staff and may include outside personnel. The Committee members will review and evaluate the proposals. The Committee will recommend to the Director of Public Services the firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the City. The Director of Public Services will then forward his recommendation to the City Council for final action.


The City may negotiate contract terms with the selected Offeror prior to award, and expressly reserves the right to negotiate with several Offerors simultaneously. However, since the selection and award may be made without discussion with any Offeror, the proposal submitted should contain Offeror’s most favorable terms and conditions.


Offerors who submit a proposal in response to this RFP shall be notified by mail regarding the firm who was awarded the contract. Such notification shall be made within seven (7) days of the date of contract award.




This Professional Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is dated ______, 2017, (“Effective Date”) and is between the City of Norwalk, a California municipal corporation, (“City”) and ______(“Consultant”).


A. City desires to utilize the services of Consultant as an independent contractor to provide ______.

B. Consultant represents that it is fully qualified to perform such services by virtue of its experience and the training, education and expertise of its principals and employees.

C. City desires to retain Consultant and Consultant desires to serve City to perform these services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Now therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:

1. Consultant’s Services.

1.1 Scope of Services. Consultant shall provide the economic development services, as more particularly described in Exhibit A (“Services”).

1.2 Personnel. Consultant has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required to perform the Services under this Agreement. All of the Services required under this Agreement shall be performed by Consultant or under its supervision, and all personnel engaged in the work shall be qualified to perform such Services.

1.3 Party Representatives. For the purposes of this Agreement, the City Representative shall be the City Manager, or such other person designated in writing by the City Manager (the “City Representative”). For the purposes of this Agreement, the Consultant Representative shall be ______(the “Consultant Representative”).

1.4 Time of Performance. Consultant shall commence the Services immediately upon receipt of a notice to proceed from the City Representative. Consultant shall perform all services by the deadline established by the City Representative, or if no deadline is established, with reasonable diligence.

1.5 Permits and Licenses. Consultant shall obtain and maintain during the Agreement term all necessary licenses, permits and certificates required by law for the provision of services under this Agreement, including a business license.

21 2. Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement shall be from the Effective Date until the services are completed, unless sooner terminated as provided in Section 13 herein.

3. Compensation.

3.1 Compensation. As full compensation for Consultant’s Services provided under this Agreement, City shall pay Consultant a sum not-to-exceed ______(the “maximum compensation”), based on the rates set forth in the fee schedule, attached hereto as Exhibit B (“Fee Schedule”). In no event shall the Consultant be paid more than the maximum compensation (which includes expenses and additional services, if any) during the term of this Agreement.

3.2 Expenses. City shall only reimburse Consultant for those expenses expressly set forth in Exhibit B. Any expenses incurred by Consultant which are not expressly authorized by this Agreement will not be reimbursed by the City.

3.3 Additional Services. City may request additional services under this Agreement. All such work, however, must be authorized in writing by the City Council or the City Manager, as applicable, prior to commencement. Consultant shall perform such services, and City shall pay for such additional services in accordance with fee schedule set forth in Exhibit B, or as otherwise agreed upon by the parties in writing. Any work incurred by Consultant which is not expressly authorized by this Agreement will not be reimbursed by City.

4. Method of Payment.

4.1 Invoices. Not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of each month, Consultant shall submit to City detailed invoices for all services performed and expenses incurred, if any, pursuant to this Agreement during the prior month. Each invoice shall itemize the services rendered during the billing period, hourly rates charged, if applicable, and the amount due. City shall review each invoice and notify Consultant in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of any disputed amounts.

4.2 Payment. City shall pay all undisputed portions of the invoices within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the invoice up to the maximum compensation specified in Section 3.1 of this Agreement. City shall not withhold federal payroll or state payroll and other taxes, or other similar deductions from each payment made to Consultant.

4.3 Audit of Records. Consultant shall maintain full and accurate records with respect to all matters covered under this Agreement for a period of three years, unless otherwise provided for in Exhibit A. Upon City providing twenty-four (24) hours advanced prior notice, Consultant shall make all records, invoices, time cards, cost control sheets and other records maintained by Consultant in connection with this Agreement available during Consultant’s regular working hours to City for review and audit by City.

22 5. Standard of Performance. Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in accordance with the standard of care generally exercised by like professionals under similar circumstances and in a manner reasonably satisfactory to City.

6. Ownership of Work Product. All reports, documents or other written material developed by Consultant in the performance of this Agreement shall be and remain the property of City without restriction or limitation upon its use or dissemination by City. Such material shall not be the subject of a copyright application by Consultant. Any alteration or reuse by City of any such materials on any project other than the Project shall be at City’s sole risk, unless City compensates Consultant for such reuse.

7. Status as Independent Contractor. Consultant is, and shall at all times remain as to City, a wholly independent contractor. Consultant shall have no power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of City. Neither City nor any of its agents shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant’s employees, except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not, at any time, or in any manner, represent that it or any of its officers, agents or employees are in any manner employees of City. Consultant shall pay all required taxes on amounts paid to Consultant under this Agreement, and indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all taxes, assessments, penalties, and interest asserted against City by reason of the independent contractor relationship created by this Agreement. Consultant shall fully comply with the workers’ compensation law regarding Consultant and Consultant’s employees. Consultant shall indemnify and hold City harmless from any failure of Consultant to comply with applicable workers’ compensation laws. City may offset against the amount of any fees due to Consultant under this Agreement any amount due to City from Consultant as a result of Consultant’s failure to promptly pay to City any reimbursement or indemnification arising under this Section 7.

8. Confidentiality. Consultant shall keep all data, documents, discussion, or other information developed or received by Consultant confidential and shall not disclose them to any person or entity without City’s prior written authorization. City shall grant such authorization if disclosure is required by law. All City data shall be returned to City upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement. The terms of this Section 8 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

9. Conflict of Interest. Consultant and its officers, employees, associates and subconsultants, if any, shall comply with all California conflict of interest statutes applicable to Consultant’s Services under this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the Political Reform Act (Gov. Code, § 81000 et seq.) and Government Code Section 1090. During the term of this Agreement, Consultant may perform similar services for other clients, but Consultant and its officers, employees, associates and subconsultants shall not, without the City Representative’s prior written approval, perform work for another person or entity for whom Consultant is not currently performing work that would require Consultant or one of its officers, employees, associates or subconsultants to abstain from a decision under this Agreement pursuant to a conflict of interest statute. Consultant shall incorporate a clause substantially similar to this Section 9 into any

23 subcontract that Consultant executes in connection with the performance of this Agreement.

10. Indemnification. Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and its elected officials, officers, attorneys, agents, employees, designated volunteers, successors and assigns in accordance with the Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement and Waiver of Subrogation and Contribution attached hereto as Exhibit C. Consultant’s covenant under this Section 10 shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.

11. Insurance.

11.1 Consultant shall at all times during the term of this Agreement carry, maintain, and keep in full force and effect, with an insurance company admitted to do business in California, rated “A:VIII” or better in the most recent A.M. Best Insurance Rating Guide, and approved by City, a policy or policies of: (1) broad-form commercial general liability insurance with minimum combined single limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate against any injury, death, loss or damage as a result of wrongful or negligent acts by Consultant, its officers, employees, agents, and independent contractors in performance of Services under this Agreement; (2) automobile liability insurance, with minimum combined single limits coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage covering any vehicle; (3) professional liability/errors and omissions insurance (as applicable), with minimum combined single limits coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) aggregate, on a form approved by the City Attorney; and (4) workers’ compensation insurance and employer’s liability insurance with a minimum limit of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident or the amount required by law, whichever is greater. City, its officers, employees, attorneys, and designated volunteers shall be named as additional insureds on the policy(ies) as to commercial general liability and automobile liability with respect to liabilities arising out of Consultant’s performance of Services under this Agreement.

11.2 Each insurance policy required by this Section 11 shall be endorsed as follows: (1) the insurer waives the right of subrogation against City and its officials, officers, employees, agents and representatives; (2) except for professional liability and workers’ compensation policies, the policies are primary and non- contributing with any insurance that may be carried by City; and (3) the policies may not be canceled or materially changed except after thirty (30) calendar days’ prior written notice by insurer to City, unless canceled for non-payment, in which case the insurer shall give ten (10) calendar days’ written notice to City.

11.3 All insurance coverages shall be confirmed by execution of endorsements required under Section 11.2. Consultant shall file the endorsements with City on or before the date of commencement of services pursuant to this Agreement, and thereafter maintain current endorsements on file with City. The endorsements are

24 subject to City’s approval. Consultant shall not cancel, reduce or otherwise modify the insurance policies required by this Section 11.

12. Cooperation. In the event any claim or action is brought against City relating to Consultant’s performance of Services rendered under this Agreement, Consultant shall render any reasonable assistance and cooperation that City requires.

13. Termination. City may terminate this Agreement at any time, at will, for any reason or no reason, after giving written notice to Consultant at least five (5) calendar days before the termination is to be effective. If City defaults under this Agreement, and if City has not cured the default within thirty (30) calendar days after Consultant has given City notice of the event of default, Consultant may terminate this Agreement for cause after giving written notice to City at least thirty (30) calendar days before the termination is to be effective. Consultant shall cease all work under this Agreement on or before the effective date of termination specified in the notice of termination. Consultant shall be paid for services satisfactorily rendered to the last working day this Agreement is in effect, and Consultant shall deliver all materials, reports, documents, notes or other written materials compiled through the last working day this Agreement is in effect. In no event shall Consultant be entitled to receive more than the maximum compensation set forth in Section 3 of this Agreement that would be paid to Consultant for the full performance of the services required by this Agreement. Neither party shall have any other claim against the other party by reason of such termination.

14. Notices. Any notices, bills, invoices, or reports required by this Agreement shall be given by first class U.S. mail or by personal service. Notices shall be deemed received on (a) the day of delivery if delivered by hand or overnight courier service during Consultant’s and City’s regular business hours or by facsimile before or during Consultant’s regular business hours; or (b) on the third business day following deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the addresses below, or to such other addresses as the parties may, from time to time, designate in writing pursuant to the provisions of this Section 14. All notices shall be delivered to the parties at the following addresses:

If to City: City Clerk City of Norwalk 12700 Norwalk Boulevard Norwalk, California 90650 Fax: (562) 929-5773

With a copy to:

City Manager City of Norwalk 12700 Norwalk Boulevard Norwalk, California 90650 Fax: (562) 929-5503


If to Consultant:


15. Non Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity. In the performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall not discriminate against any employee, subcontractor, or applicant for employment because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical or mental handicap, medical condition, or sexual orientation. Consultant will take affirmative action to ensure that subcontractors and applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, physical disability, mental handicap, medical condition, genetic information or sexual orientation.

16. Non-Assignability; Subcontracting. Consultant shall not subcontract or assign any of its rights or delegate any of its duties under this Agreement, either in whole or in part, without City’s prior written consent. Such consent may be given by the City Manager in his/her discretion. Any attempt by consultant to so subcontract, assign or delegate this Agreement or any rights, duties or obligations arising hereunder in violation of this Section 16 shall be void and of no effect.

17. Compliance with Laws. Consultant shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations in the performance of this Agreement. This Agreement may call for services that, in whole or in part, constitute “public works” as defined in the California Labor Code. Therefore, as to those services that are “public works”, Consultant shall comply in all respects with all applicable provisions of the California Labor Code, including those set forth in Exhibit D.

18. No Third Party Beneficiaries Intended. Unless otherwise expressly provided for in Exhibit A, this Agreement is made solely for the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and their respective successors and assigns, and no other person or entity may have or acquire a right by virtue of this Agreement.

19. Non-Waiver of Terms, Rights and Remedies. No waiver by any party of any breach, any failure of a condition, or any right or remedy under this Agreement shall be (1) effective unless it is in writing and signed by the party making the waiver, (2) deemed to be a waiver of, or consent to, any other breach, failure of a condition, or right or remedy, or (3) deemed to constitute a continuing waiver unless the writing expressly so states. No delay or omission to exercise any right, power or remedy accruing to City under this Agreement shall impair any right, power or remedy of City, nor shall it be construed as a waiver of, or consent to, any breach or default by Consultant. Further, no payment made by City to Consultant shall constitute or be construed as a waiver by City of any breach or default by Consultant, and the making of any such payment by City shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to City with regard to such breach or default.

26 20. Exhibits; Precedence. All documents referenced as exhibits in this Agreement are hereby incorporated into this Agreement. In the event of any material discrepancy between the express provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any exhibit, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.

21. Entire Agreement. This Agreement and all exhibits referred to in this Agreement constitute the final, complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the agreement between the parties pertaining to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersede all other prior or contemporaneous oral or written understandings and agreements of the parties. No party has been induced to enter into this Agreement by, nor is any party relying on, any representation or warranty except those expressly set forth in this Agreement. This Agreement may be modified only by a writing signed by both parties.

22. Governing Law and Choice of Forum. This Agreement, and any dispute arising from the relationship between the parties to this Agreement, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, except that any rule of construction to the effect that ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall not be applied in interpreting this Agreement. Any dispute that arises under or relates to this Agreement (whether contract, tort or both) shall be resolved in a municipal, superior or federal court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Norwalk.

23. Attorney’s Fees. In the event that either party to this Agreement shall commence any legal action or proceeding to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys’ fees together with any costs and expenses, to resolve the dispute and to enforce the final judgment.

24. Severability. If a court of competent jurisdiction holds any provision of this Agreement to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the validity of and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected and continue in full force and effect.



The parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written.

CITY OF NORWALK a California corporation a California municipal corporation

By:______By: ______Name:______James C. Parker Interim City Manager Title:______

By:______ATTEST: Name:______Title:______By: ______Theresa Devoy, CMC City Clerk (Please note: Two signatures required for corporations pursuant to California Corporations Code Section 313, unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign this Agreement on APPROVED AS TO FORM: behalf of the corporation.)

By: ______Place corporate seal here Roxanne Diaz City Attorney





Consultant shall provide the services described in Exhibit A, Scope of Services in an amount not to exceed $______as follows:



Contract/Agreement/License/Permit No. or description:

Indemnitor(s) (list all names):

A. Indemnity for Design Professional Services. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Indemnitor hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Norwalk (“City”) and its elected officials, officers, attorneys, agents, employees, designated volunteers, successors, assigns and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively, “Indemnitees”) from and against any and all damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, penalties, liens, and losses of any nature whatsoever, including fees of accountants and other professionals and all costs associated therewith, and reimbursement of attorneys’ fees and costs of defense (collectively, “Liabilities”), whether actual, alleged or threatened, which arise out of, are claimed to arise out of, pertain to, or relate to, in whole or in part, the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Indemnitor, or its officers, agents, servants, employees, subcontractors, materialmen or contractors or their officers, agents, servants or employees (or any entity or individual that Indemnitor shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of design professional services under the above-referenced contract, agreement, license or permit (the “Agreement”) by a “design professional,” as the term is defined under California Civil Code § 2782.8(c)(2).

B. Other Indemnities. Other than in the performance of design professional services, and to the fullest extent permitted by law, Indemnitor hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Indemnitees from and against any and all damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, claims, demands, causes of action, proceedings, judgments, penalties, liens, and losses of any nature whatsoever, including fees of accountants, attorneys or other professionals and all costs associated therewith and the payment of all consequential damages (collectively “Claims”), in law or equity, whether actual, alleged or threatened, which arise out of, are claimed to arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the acts or omissions of Indemnitor, its officers, agents, servants, employees, subcontractors, materialmen or contractors or their officers, agents, servants or employees (or any entity or individual that Indemnitor shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of the Agreement, including the Indemnitees’ active or passive negligence, except for Claims arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of Indemnitees, as determined by final arbitration or court decision or by the agreement of the parties. Indemnitor shall defend Indemnitees in any action or actions filed in connection with any Claim with counsel of Indemnitees’ choice, and shall pay all costs and expenses, including all attorneys’ fees and experts’ costs actually incurred in connection with such defense. Indemnitor shall reimburse Indemnitees for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by Indemnitees in connection therewith.

31 C. Indemnitees’ Acts. With respect to Liabilities and Claims not covered by Paragraph A, this indemnification is effective regardless of any prior, concurrent, or subsequent misconduct, negligent acts, errors or omissions of Indemnitees. This indemnification shall survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement and is in addition to any other rights or remedies that Indemnitees may have under the law. Payment is not required as a condition precedent to an Indemnitee’s right to recover under this indemnification, and an entry of judgment against the Indemnitor shall be conclusive in favor of the Indemnitee’s right to recover under this indemnification. Indemnitor shall pay Indemnitees for any attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in enforcing this indemnification.

D. Exclusions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this instrument shall be construed to encompass (a) Indemnitees’ sole negligence or willful misconduct, to the limited extent that the Agreement is subject to Civil Code Section 2782(a), or (b) the Indemnitees’ active negligence to the limited extent that the Agreement is subject to Civil Code Section 2782(b).

E. Inapplicability of Insurance Coverages. This indemnity is effective without reference to the existence or applicability of any insurance coverages that may have been required under the Agreement or any additional insured endorsements that may extend to Indemnitees. City agrees to promptly inform Indemnitor in writing of any claim that City believes to be subject to this Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement and Waiver of Subrogation and Contribution.

F. Waiver of Subrogation and Contribution. With respect to Liabilities and Claims not covered by Paragraph A, Indemnitor, on behalf of itself and all parties claiming under or through it, hereby waives all rights of subrogation and contribution against the Indemnitees, while acting within the scope of their duties, from all claims, losses and liabilities arising out of or incident to activities or operations performed by or on behalf of the Indemnitor regardless of any prior, concurrent or subsequent non-active negligence by the Indemnitees.

G. Joint and Several Liability. In the event there is more than one person or entity named in the Agreement as an Indemnitor, then all obligations, liabilities, covenants and conditions under this Exhibit shall be joint and several as to the indemnitors.


Name: Name:

By: By:

Title: Title:

Date Date

32 EXHIBIT D CALIFORNIA LABOR CODE COMPLIANCE (Labor Code §§ 1720 et seq., 1813, 1860, 1861, 3700)

If this Agreement calls for services that, in whole or in part, constitute “public works” as defined in the California Labor Code, then:

1. This Agreement is subject to the provisions of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1720) of the California Labor Code relating to public works and the awarding public agency (“City”) and Consultant agrees to be bound by all the provisions thereof as though set forth in full herein.

2. Consultant shall be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (“DIR”) in accordance with California Labor Code Section 1725.5 and has provided proof of registration to City prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement.

3. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of California Labor Code Sections 1771, 1774 and 1775 concerning the payment of prevailing rates of wages to workers and the penalties for failure to pay prevailing wages. The applicable prevailing wage determination(s) may be obtained at (, are on file with City, and are available to any interested party upon request. Consultant shall, as a penalty to City, forfeit not more than two-hundred dollars ($200) for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each worker paid less than the prevailing rates as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations for the work or craft in which the worker is employed for any public work done under this Agreement by Consultant or by any subcontractor.

4. Pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1771.4, Consultant’s services are subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. Consultant shall post job site notices as prescribed by DIR regulations and agrees to furnish the records specified in California Labor Code Section 1776 directly to the Labor Commissioner in the manner prescribed by California Labor Code Section 1771.4(a)(3) and (c)(2).

5. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 1776 which, among other things, require Consultant and each subcontractor to (1) keep accurate payroll records, (2) certify and make such payroll records available for inspection as provided by Section 1776, and (3) inform City of the location of the records. Consultant is responsible for compliance with Section 1776 by itself and all of its subcontractors.

6. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 1777.5 concerning the employment of apprentices on public works projects, and further agrees that Consultant is responsible for compliance with Section 1777.5 by itself and all of its subcontractors.

33 7. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 1813 concerning penalties for workers who work excess hours. Consultant shall, as a penalty to City, forfeit twenty-five dollars ($25) for each worker employed in the execution of this Agreement by Consultant or by any subcontractor for each calendar day during which such worker is required or permitted to work more than eight (8) hours in any one calendar day and forty (40) hours in any one calendar week in violation of the provisions of Division 2, Part 7, Chapter 1, Article 3 of the California Labor Code.

8. California Labor Code Sections 1860 and 3700 provide that every contractor will be required to secure the payment of compensation to its employees. In accordance with the provisions of California Labor Code Section 1861, Consultant hereby certifies as follows:

“I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers’ compensation or to undertake self- insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Agreement.”

Date ______Signature ______





The undersigned, ______, declares that (Print or Type Name)

______does have/does not have (cross one out) (Name of Firm)

interest, ownership or receives or anticipates receiving remuneration of any type from the manufacturer(s), supplier(s), or distributor(s) which may be recommended on the project, as listed below.

Firm Product Remuneration

______Signature of President, Secretary, Partner, Owner or Representative







I, ______, the ______(President; Secretary; Owner or Representative)

of ______, certify that the (Company Name or Corporation, or Owner)

Insurance Requirements set forth in Article IV of the Proposed Agreement have been read and understood that our insurance company(ies) ______

______(Name(s) of insurance company(ies)

is/are able to provide the coverages specified.

______Signature of President, Secretary, Partner, Owner or Representative






The Agency has established a DBE goal for this Contract of % OR

The Agency has not established a goal for this Contract. However, proposers are encouraged to obtain DBE participation for this contract.

1. TERMS AS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT • The term “Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” or “DBE” means a for-profit small business concern owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged person(s) as defined in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 26.5.

• The term “Agreement” also means “Contract.”

• Agency also means the local entity entering into this contract with the Contractor or Consultant.

• The term “Small Business” or “SB” is as defined in 49 CFR 26.65.

2. AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY A. DBEs and other small businesses are strongly encouraged to participate in the performance of Contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds (See 49 CFR 26, “Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs”). The Consultant must ensure that DBEs and other small businesses have the opportunity to participate in the performance of the work that is the subject of this solicitation and should take all necessary and reasonable steps for this assurance. The proposer must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of subcontracts.

B. Proposers are encouraged to use services offered by financial institutions owned and controlled by DBEs.

3. SUBMISSION OF DBE INFORMATION If there is a DBE goal on the contract, Exhibit 10-O1 Consultant Proposal DBE Commitment must be included in the Request for Proposal. In order for a proposer to be considered responsible and responsive, the proposer must make good faith efforts to meet the goal established for the contract. If the goal is not met, the proposer must document adequate good faith efforts. All DBE participation will be counted towards the contract goal; therefore, all DBE participation shall be collected and reported.

Exhibit 10-O2 Consultant Contract DBE Information must be included with the Request for Proposal. Even if no DBE participation will be reported, the successful proposer must execute and return the form.

4. DBE PARTICIPATION GENERAL INFORMATION It is the proposer’s responsibility to be fully informed regarding the requirements of 49 CFR, Part 26, and the Department’s DBE program developed pursuant to the regulations. Particular attention is directed to the following:

A. A DBE must be a small business firm defined pursuant to 13 CFR 121 and be certified through the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP).

B. A certified DBE may participate as a prime consultant, subconsultant, joint venture partner, as a vendor of material or supplies, or as a trucking company.

C. A DBE proposer not proposing as a joint venture with a non-DBE, will be required to document one or a combination of the following:

1. The proposer is a DBE and will meet the goal by performing work with its own forces.

2. The proposer will meet the goal through work performed by DBE subconsultants, suppliers or trucking companies.

3. The proposer, prior to proposing, made adequate good faith efforts to meet the goal.

D. A DBE joint venture partner must be responsible for specific contract items of work or clearly defined portions thereof. Responsibility means actually performing, managing, and supervising the work with its own forces. The DBE joint venture partner must share in the capital contribution, control, management, risks and profits of the joint venture commensurate with its ownership interest.


E. A DBE must perform a commercially useful function pursuant to 49 CFR 26.55, that is, a DBE firm must be responsible for the execution of a distinct element of the work and must carry out its responsibility by actually performing, managing and supervising the work.

F. The proposer shall list only one subconsultant for each portion of work as defined in their proposal and all DBE subconsultants should be listed in the bid/cost proposal list of subconsultants.

G. A prime consultant who is a certified DBE is eligible to claim all of the work in the Contract toward the DBE participation except that portion of the work to be performed by non-DBE subconsultants.

5. RESOURCES A. The CUCP database includes the certified DBEs from all certifying agencies participating in the CUCP. If you believe a firm is certified that cannot be located on the database, please contact the Caltrans Office of Certification toll free number 1-866-810-6346 for assistance.

B. Access the CUCP database from the Department of Transportation, Office of Business and Economic Opportunity Web site at:

1. Click on the link titled Disadvantaged Business Enterprise;

2. Click on Search for a DBE Firm link;

3. Click on Access to the DBE Query Form located on the first line in the center of the page.

Searches can be performed by one or more criteria. Follow instructions on the screen.

6. MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES PURCHASED FROM DBES COUNT TOWARDS THE DBE GOAL UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. If the materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE manufacturer, count 100 percent of the cost of the materials or supplies. A DBE manufacturer is a firm that operates or maintains a factory, or establishment that produces on the premises the materials, supplies, articles, or equipment required under the Contract and of the general character described by the specifications.

B. If the materials or supplies purchased from a DBE regular dealer, count 60 percent of the cost of the materials or supplies. A DBE regular dealer is a firm that owns, operates or maintains a store, warehouse, or other establishment in which the materials, supplies, articles or equipment of the general character described by the specifications and required under the Contract are bought, kept in stock, and regularly sold or leased to the public in the usual course of business. To be a DBE regular dealer, the firm must be an established, regular business that engages, as its principal business and under its own name, in the purchase and sale or lease of the products in question. A person may be a DBE regular dealer in such bulk items as petroleum products, steel, cement, gravel, stone or asphalt without owning, operating or maintaining a place of business provided in this section.

C. If the person both owns and operates distribution equipment for the products, any supplementing of regular dealers’ own distribution equipment shall be, by a long-term lease agreement and not an ad hoc or Agreement-by-Agreement basis. Packagers, brokers, manufacturers’ representatives, or other persons who arrange or expedite transactions are not DBE regular dealers within the meaning of this section.

D. Materials or supplies purchased from a DBE, which is neither a manufacturer nor a regular dealer, will be limited to the entire amount of fees or commissions charged for assistance in the procurement of the materials and supplies, or fees or transportation charges for the delivery of materials or supplies required on the job site, provided the fees are reasonable and not excessive as compared with fees charged for similar services.



1. Local Agency: 2. Contract DBE Goal:

3. Project Description:

4. Project Location: 5. Consultant's Name: 6. Prime Certified DBE: 

8. DBE 7. Description of Work, Service, or Materials Certification 9. DBE Contact Information 10. DBE % Supplied Number

Local Agency to Complete this Section 17. Local Agency Contract Number: 11. TOTAL CLAIMED DBE PARTICIPATION % 18. Federal-Aid Project Number:

19. Proposed Contract Execution Date:

Local Agency certifies that all DBE certifications are valid and information on IMPORTANT: Identify all DBE firms being claimed for credit, this form is complete and accurate. regardless of tier. Written confirmation of each listed DBE is required.

20. Local Agency Representative's Signature 21. Date 12. Preparer's Signature 13. Date

22. Local Agency Representative's Name 23. Phone 14. Preparer's Name 15. Phone

24. Local Agency Representative's Title 16. Preparer's Title

DISTRIBUTION: Original – Included with consultant’s proposal to local agency.

ADA Notice: For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654- 3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814.




1. Local Agency - Enter the name of the local or regional agency that is funding the contract. 2. Contract DBE Goal - Enter the contract DBE goal percentage as it appears on the project advertisement. 3. Project Description - Enter the project description as it appears on the project advertisement (Bridge Rehab, Seismic Rehab, Overlay, Widening, etc.). 4. Project Location - Enter the project location as it appears on the project advertisement. 5. Consultant’s Name - Enter the consultant’s firm name. 6. Prime Certified DBE - Check box if prime contractor is a certified DBE. 7. Description of Work, Services, or Materials Supplied - Enter description of work, services, or materials to be provided. Indicate all work to be performed by DBEs including work performed by the prime consultant’s own forces, if the prime is a DBE. If 100% of the item is not to be performed or furnished by the DBE, describe the exact portion to be performed or furnished by the DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 to determine how to count the participation of DBE firms. 8. DBE Certification Number - Enter the DBE’s Certification Identification Number. All DBEs must be certified on the date bids are opened. 9. DBE Contact Information - Enter the name, address, and phone number of all DBE subcontracted consultants. Also, enter the prime consultant’s name and phone number, if the prime is a DBE. 10. DBE % - Percent participation of work to be performed or service provided by a DBE. Include the prime consultant if the prime is a DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 for how to count full/partial participation. 11. Total Claimed DBE Participation % - Enter the total DBE participation claimed. If the total % claimed is less than item “Contract DBE Goal,” an adequately documented Good Faith Effort (GFE) is required (see Exhibit 15-H DBE Information - Good Faith Efforts of the LAPM). 12. Preparer’s Signature - The person completing the DBE commitment form on behalf of the consultant’s firm must sign their name. 13. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the consultant’s preparer. 14. Preparer’s Name - Enter the name of the person preparing and signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 15. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 16. Preparer’s Title - Enter the position/title of the person signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form.


17. Local Agency Contract Number - Enter the Local Agency contract number or identifier. 18. Federal-Aid Project Number - Enter the Federal-Aid Project Number. 19. Proposed Contract Execution Date - Enter the proposed contract execution date. 20. Local Agency Representative’s Signature - The person completing this section of the form for the Local Agency must sign their name to certify that the information in this and the Consultant Section of this form is complete and accurate. 21. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the Local Agency Representative. 22. Local Agency Representative’s Name - Enter the name of the Local Agency Representative certifying the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 23. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 24. Local Agency Representative Title - Enter the position/title of the Local Agency Representative certifying the consultant’s DBE commitment form.



1. Local Agency: 2. Contract DBE Goal:

3. Project Description:

4. Project Location:

5. Consultant's Name: 6. Prime Certified DBE:  7. Total Contract Award Amount:

8. Total Dollar Amount for ALL Subconsultants: 9. Total Number of ALL Subconsultants:

11. DBE 13. DBE 10. Description of Work, Service, or Materials Certification 12. DBE Contact Information Dollar Supplied Number Amount

Local Agency to Complete this Section $ 20. Local Agency Contract Number: 14. TOTAL CLAIMED DBE PARTICIPATION 21. Federal-Aid Project Number: % 22. Contract Execution Date:

Local Agency certifies that all DBE certifications are valid and information on IMPORTANT: Identify all DBE firms being claimed for credit, this form is complete and accurate. regardless of tier. Written confirmation of each listed DBE is required.

23. Local Agency Representative's Signature 24. Date 15. Preparer's Signature 16. Date

25. Local Agency Representative's Name 26. Phone 17. Preparer's Name 18. Phone

27. Local Agency Representative's Title 19. Preparer's Title

DISTRIBUTION: 1. Original – Local Agency 2. Copy – Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE). Failure to submit to DLAE within 30 days of contract execution may result in de-obligation of federal funds on contract.

ADA Notice: For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654- 3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814.




1. Local Agency - Enter the name of the local or regional agency that is funding the contract. 2. Contract DBE Goal - Enter the contract DBE goal percentage as it appears on the project advertisement. 3. Project Description - Enter the project description as it appears on the project advertisement (Bridge Rehab, Seismic Rehab, Overlay, Widening, etc). 4. Project Location - Enter the project location as it appears on the project advertisement. 5. Consultant’s Name - Enter the consultant’s firm name. 6. Prime Certified DBE - Check box if prime contractor is a certified DBE. 7. Total Contract Award Amount - Enter the total contract award dollar amount for the prime consultant. 8. Total Dollar Amount for ALL Subconsultants – Enter the total dollar amount for all subcontracted consultants. SUM = (DBEs + all Non-DBEs). Do not include the prime consultant information in this count. 9. Total number of ALL subconsultants – Enter the total number of all subcontracted consultants. SUM = (DBEs + all Non-DBEs). Do not include the prime consultant information in this count. 10. Description of Work, Services, or Materials Supplied - Enter description of work, services, or materials to be provided. Indicate all work to be performed by DBEs including work performed by the prime consultant’s own forces, if the prime is a DBE. If 100% of the item is not to be performed or furnished by the DBE, describe the exact portion to be performed or furnished by the DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 to determine how to count the participation of DBE firms. 11. DBE Certification Number - Enter the DBE’s Certification Identification Number. All DBEs must be certified on the date bids are opened. 12. DBE Contact Information - Enter the name, address, and phone number of all DBE subcontracted consultants. Also, enter the prime consultant’s name and phone number, if the prime is a DBE. 13. DBE Dollar Amount - Enter the subcontracted dollar amount of the work to be performed or service to be provided. Include the prime consultant if the prime is a DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 for how to count full/partial participation. 14. Total Claimed DBE Participation - $: Enter the total dollar amounts entered in the “DBE Dollar Amount” column. %: Enter the total DBE participation claimed (“Total Participation Dollars Claimed” divided by item “Total Contract Award Amount”). If the total % claimed is less than item “Contract DBE Goal,” an adequately documented Good Faith Effort (GFE) is required (see Exhibit 15-H DBE Information - Good Faith Efforts of the LAPM). 15. Preparer’s Signature - The person completing the DBE commitment form on behalf of the consultant’s firm must sign their name. 16. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the consultant’s preparer. 17. Preparer’s Name - Enter the name of the person preparing and signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 18. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 19. Preparer’s Title - Enter the position/title of the person signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form.


20. Local Agency Contract Number - Enter the Local Agency contract number or identifier. 21. Federal-Aid Project Number - Enter the Federal-Aid Project Number. 22. Contract Execution Date - Enter the date the contract was executed. 23. Local Agency Representative’s Signature - The person completing this section of the form for the Local Agency must sign their name to certify that the information in this and the Consultant Section of this form is complete and accurate. 24. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the Local Agency Representative. 25. Local Agency Representative’s Name - Enter the name of the Local Agency Representative certifying the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 26. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the consultant’s DBE commitment form. 27. Local Agency Representative Title - Enter the position/title of the Local Agency Representative certifying the consultant’s DBE commitment form.


1. Local Agency Contract Number 2. Federal-Aid Project Number 3. Local Agency 4. Contract Completion Date

5. Contractor/Consultant 6. Business Address 7. Final Contract Amount

8. Contract 11. DBE 12. Contract Payments 13. Date 14. Date of 9. Description of Work, Service, or 10. Company Name and Item Certification Work Final Materials Supplied Business Address Number Number Non-DBE DBE Completed Payment


List all first-tier subcontractors/subconsultants and DBEs regardless of tier whether or not the firms were originally listed for goal credit. If actual DBE utilization (or item of work) was different than that approved at the time of award, provide comments on an additional page. List actual amount paid to each entity. If no subcontractors/subconsultants were used on the contract, indicate on the form. I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS COMPLETE AND CORRECT 17. Contractor/Consultant Representative’s Signature 18. Contractor/Consultant Representative’s Name 19. Phone 20. Date

I CERTIFY THAT THE CONTRACTING RECORDS AND ON-SITE PERFORMANCE OF THE DBE(S) HAS BEEN MONITORED 21. Local Agency Representative’s Signature 22. Local Agency Representative’s Name 23. Phone 24. Date

DISTRIBUTION: Original – Local Agency, Copy – Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer. Include with Final Report of Expenditures

ADA NOTICE: For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information, call (916) 445-1233, Local Assistance Procedures Manual TTY 711, or write to Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814.



1. Local Agency Contract Number - Enter the Local Agency contract number or identifier. 2. Federal-Aid Project Number - Enter the Federal-Aid Project Number. 3. Local Agency - Enter the name of the local or regional agency that is funding the contract. 4. Contract Completion Date - Enter the date the contract was completed. 5. Contractor/Consultant - Enter the contractor/consultant’s firm name. 6. Business Address - Enter the contractor/consultant’s business address. 7. Final Contract Amount - Enter the total final amount for the contract. 8. Contract Item Number - Enter contract item for work, services, or materials supplied provided. Not applicable for consultant contracts. 9. Description of Work, Services, or Materials Supplied - Enter description of work, services, or materials provided. Indicate all work to be performed by DBEs including work performed by the prime contractor/consultant’s own forces, if the prime is a DBE. If 100% of the item is not to be performed or furnished by the DBE, describe the exact portion to be performed or furnished by the DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 to determine how to count the participation of DBE firms. 10. Company Name and Business Address - Enter the name, address, and phone number of all subcontracted contractors/consultants. Also, enter the prime contractor/consultant’s name and phone number, if the prime is a DBE. 11. DBE Certification Number - Enter the DBE’s Certification Identification Number. Leave blank if subcontractor is not a DBE. 12. Contract Payments - Enter the subcontracted dollar amount of the work performed or service provided. Include the prime contractor/consultant if the prime is a DBE. The Non-DBE column is used to enter the dollar value of work performed by firms that are not certified DBE or for work after a DBE becomes decertified. 13. Date Work Completed - Enter the date the subcontractor/subconsultant’s item work was completed. 14. Date of Final Payment - Enter the date when the prime contractor/consultant made the final payment to the subcontractor/subconsultant for the portion of work listed as being completed. 15. Original DBE Commitment Amount - Enter the “Total Claimed DBE Participation Dollars” from Exhibits 15-G or 10-O2 for the contract. 16. Total - Enter the sum of the “Contract Payments” Non-DBE and DBE columns. 17. Contractor/Consultant Representative’s Signature - The person completing the form on behalf of the contractor/consultant’s firm must sign their name. 18. Contractor/Consultant Representative’s Name - Enter the name of the person preparing and signing the form. 19. Phone - Enter the area code and telephone number of the person signing the form. 20. Date - Enter the date the form is signed by the contractor’s preparer. 21. Local Agency Representative’s Signature - A Local Agency Representative must sign their name to certify that the contracting records and on-site performance of the DBE(s) has been monitored. 22. Local Agency Representative’s Name - Enter the name of the Local Agency Representative signing the form. 23. Phone - Enter the area code and telephone number of the person signing the form. 24. Date - Enter the date the form is signed by the Local Agency Representative.




1. Type of Federal Action: 2. Status of Federal Action: 3. Report Type:  a. contract a. bid/offer/application a. initial b. grant b. initial award b. material change c. cooperative agreement c. post-award d. loan For Material Change Only: e. loan guarantee year ____ quarter ______f. loan insurance date of last report ______4. Name and Address of Reporting Entity 5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Subawardee, Enter Name and Address of Prime: Prime Subawardee Tier ______, if known

Congressional District, if known Congressional District, if known 6. Federal Department/Agency: 7. Federal Program Name/Description:

CFDA Number, if applicable ______8. Federal Action Number, if known: 9. Award Amount, if known:

10. Name and Address of Lobby Entity 11. Individuals Performing Services (If individual, last name, first name, MI) (including address if different from No. 10) (last name, first name, MI)

(attach Continuation Sheet(s) if necessary) 12. Amount of Payment (check all that apply) 14. Type of Payment (check all that apply) $ ______actual planned a. retainer b. one-time fee 13. Form of Payment (check all that apply): c. commission a. cash d. contingent fee b. in-kind; specify: nature ______e deferred Value ______f. other, specify ______15. Brief Description of Services Performed or to be performed and Date(s) of Service, including officer(s), employee(s), or member(s) contacted, for Payment Indicated in Item 12:

(attach Continuation Sheet(s) if necessary) 16. Continuation Sheet(s) attached: Yes No 17. Information requested through this form is authorized by Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. This disclosure of lobbying reliance Signature: ______was placed by the tier above when his transaction was made or entered into. This disclosure is required pursuant to 31 U.S.C. Print Name: ______1352. This information will be reported to Congress semiannually and will be available for public inspection. Any person who fails to file the required disclosure shall be subject Title: ______to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. Telephone No.: ______Date: ______

Authorized for Local Reproduction

Federal Use Only: Standard Form - LLL

Standard Form LLL Rev. 04-28-06

Distribution: Orig- Local Agency Project Files


This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entity, whether subawardee or prime federal recipient at the initiation or receipt of covered federal action or a material change to previous filing pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. The filing of a form is required for such payment or agreement to make payment to lobbying entity for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress an officer or employee of Congress or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with a covered federal action. Attach a continuation sheet for additional information if the space on the form is inadequate. Complete all items that apply for both the initial filing and material change report. Refer to the implementing guidance published by the Office of Management and Budget for additional information. 1. Identify the type of covered federal action for which lobbying activity is or has been secured to influence, the outcome of a covered federal action. 2. Identify the status of the covered federal action. 3. Identify the appropriate classification of this report. If this is a follow-up report caused by a material change to the information previously reported, enter the year and quarter in which the change occurred. Enter the date of the last, previously submitted report by this reporting entity for this covered federal action. 4. Enter the full name, address, city, state, and zip code of the reporting entity. Include Congressional District if known. Check the appropriate classification of the reporting entity that designates if it is or expects to be a prime or subaward recipient. Identify the tier of the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of the prime is the first tier. Subawards include but are not limited to: subcontracts, subgrants, and contract awards under grants. 5. If the organization filing the report in Item 4 checks "Subawardee" then enter the full name, address, city, state, and zip code of the prime federal recipient. Include Congressional District, if known. 6. Enter the name of the federal agency making the award or loan commitment. Include at least one organization level below agency name, if known. For example, Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard. 7. Enter the federal program name or description for the covered federal action (item 1). If known, enter the full Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for grants, cooperative agreements, loans and loan commitments. 8. Enter the most appropriate federal identifying number available for the federal action identification in item 1 (e.g., Request for Proposal (RFP) number, Invitation for Bid (IFB) number, grant announcement number, the contract grant. or loan award number, the application/proposal control number assigned by the federal agency). Include prefixes, e.g., "RFP-DE-90-001." 9. For a covered federal action where there has been an award or loan commitment by the Federal agency, enter the federal amount of the award/loan commitments for the prime entity identified in item 4 or 5. 10. Enter the full name, address, city, state, and zip code of the lobbying entity engaged by the reporting entity identified in Item 4 to influence the covered federal action. 11. Enter the full names of the individual(s) performing services and include full address if different from 10 (a). Enter Last Name, First Name and Middle Initial (Ml). 12. Enter the amount of compensation paid or reasonably expected to be paid by the reporting entity (Item 4) to the lobbying entity (Item 10). Indicate whether the payment has been made (actual) or will be made (planned). Check all boxes that apply. If this is a material change report, enter the cumulative amount of payment made or planned to be made. 13. Check all boxes that apply. If payment is made through an in-kind contribution, specify the nature and value of the in-kind payment. 14. Check all boxes that apply. If other, specify nature. 15. Provide a specific and detailed description of the services that the lobbyist has performed or will be expected to perform and the date(s) of any services rendered. Include all preparatory and related activity not just time spent in actual contact with federal officials. Identify the federal officer(s) or employee(s) contacted or the officer(s) employee(s) or Member(s) of Congress that were contacted. 16. Check whether or not a continuation sheet(s) is attached. 17. The certifying official shall sign and date the form, and print his/her name title and telephone number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30-minutes per response, including time for reviewing instruction, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0046), Washington, D.C. 20503. SF- LLL-Instructions Rev. 06-04



51 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form


APPLICATION SUMMARY This summary page is filled out automatically once the application is completed.

After the application is finalized, please save this PDF form using the exact "Application ID" (shown below) as the file name.

Important: Review and follow the Application Instructions step-by-step as you complete the application. Completing an application without referencing to the instructions will likely in an incomplete application or an application with fatal flaws that will be disqualified from the ranking and selection process.

Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1

Submitted By (Agency): Norwalk

Caltrans District Application Number Out of 07 1 3

Project Location

Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue

Project Description

The project provides traffic signal upgrades including fiber optic cable, new controllers, signal head upgrades, pedestrian countdown signal heads, and new traffic poles.

Countermeasure 1: S3: Improve signal timing (coordination, phases, red, yellow, or operation)

Countermeasure 2: S19: Install pedestrian countdown signal heads

Countermeasure 3:

Total Expected Benefit $5,878,315.00 Total Project Cost $1,152,500.00

B/C Ratio: 5.10

52 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 1 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form I. Basic Project Information

Date Jul 13, 2015 Caltrans District 07 MPO SCAG

Agency Norwalk County Los Angeles County

Total number of applications being submitted by your agency 3

Application Number (each application must have a unique number) 1

Contact Person Information

Name (Last, First): DiCorpo, Gary

Position/Title of Contact Person Deputy City Manager

Email: [email protected] Telephone: (562) 929-5514 Extension:

Address: 12700 Norwalk Boulevard

City: Norwalk Zip Code: CA 90650 (Enter only a 5-digit number.)

Project Information

Project Location Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue -Be Brief (limited to 250 characters) -See Instructions

Project Description The project provides traffic signal upgrades including fiber optic cable, new controllers, signal -Be Brief (limited to 250 characters) head upgrades, pedestrian countdown signal heads, and new traffic poles. -See Instructions

Functional Classification Other Principal Arterial (For Functional Classification and CRS Maps, Visit CRS Map ID (e.g. 08E14) 13V45

Urban/Rural Area Urban (Visit

High-Risk-Rural-Roads (HR3) Eligibility No

If this project is not HR3 eligible, what is the approximate total cost percentage that is HR3 eligible?0 %

Work on the State Highway System Does the project include improvements on the State Highway System? No If no, move on to the next page; If yes, go to the below question.

Is this a joint-funded project with Caltrans? If yes, check this box to confirm a formal Letter of Support from Caltrans - District Traffic is attached to the application. The letter should include estimates of cost sharing. If no, check this box to confirm a written correspondence from Caltrans District Traffic is attached to the application. The correspondence should indicate that Caltrans does not see issues that would prevent the proposed project from receiving an encroachment permit 53 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 2 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

Non-Infrastructure (NI) Elements

Does the project include NI Elements? No If yes, NI Activity Worksheet and NI Cost Estimate are required attachments. For more information on the requirements and guidance for NI elements of HSIP applications, see the HSIP NI webpage.

What are the primary type(s) of non-infrastructure included? (Check all that apply. Skip if project does not include NI Elements. ) Bicycle and pedestrian safety education (K-12 students) Enforcement (school zones)

Bicycle and pedestrian safety education (adults) Other Enforcement (please describe below)

Other safety education (please describe below)

Emergency Medical System

Additional Information

1. Is the project focused primarily on “spot location(s)” or “systemic” improvements? Systemic

The primary type of the "systemic" improvements: Upgrade/Modify/Romove Traffic Signal

2. Which of the California's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) Challenge Areas does the project address primarily? (For more information on the SHSP and its Challenge Areas, see: )

7: Improve Intersection and Interchange Safety for Roadway Users

3. How were the safety needs and potential countermeasures for this project first identified?

Jurisdiction-wide safety analysis

4. What is the primarily mode of travel intended to be benefited by this project?

Motorized users

5. Approximate percentage of project cost going to improvements related to motorized travel 100 %

6. Approximate percentage of project cost going to improvements related to non-motorized travel 0 %

7. Is the project focused primarily on "Intersection" or "Roadway" improvement?


Miles of Roadway 3.5

8. Posted Speed Limit (mph) 40

9. Average Daily Traffic ADT (Major Road) ADT (Minor Road) Year Collected 44,400 22,500 2005 (See Instructions)

54 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 3 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

II. Narrative Questions (See Instructions)

These narrative questions are intended to provide additional project details for the application reviewers and project files. Application reviewers will use the information in their “fatal flaw” assessment of the applications, including: 1) The project scope is eligible for HSIP funding; 2) The countermeasures used in the B/C ratio calculation are appropriately applied based on the scope of the project; 3) The crash data used in the B/C ratio calculation is appropriately applied based on the scope of the project and countermeasures used; 4) The costs included in the application represent the likely total project cost necessary to fully construct the proposed scope. If the proposed project is a piece of a larger construction project, the entire scope of the larger project must be identified and included in the B/C ratio calculation; 5) The application data and attachments are reasonable and meet generally accepted traffic engineering and transportation safety principles. If significant inconsistencies or errors are found in the application information, the Caltrans reviewers may conclude that the application includes one or more “fatal flaws” and the application will be dropped from further funding considerations. The applicant will not be notified of Caltrans findings until after the selection process is complete.

1. Overall Identification of Need Describe how the agency identified the project as one of its top safety priorities. Was a data-driven, safety evaluation of their entire roadway network completed? Do the proposed project locations represent some of the agency's highest crash concentrations? (limited to 5,000 characters)

Alondra Boulevard in the City of Norwalk is an east-west “other principal arterial” with two lanes in each direction, on-street parking, raised medians with landscaping, left-turn lanes at most intersections, and bus stops. The adjacent land uses include single and multi-family housing, churches, a high school and adult education center, shopping centers, street front businesses, a library, the City’s Social Service Center, and a fire station. The total project length is 3.5 miles and includes 12 signalized and 15 unsignalized intersections. The signalized intersections include two freeway ramps and one pedestrian-only crossing. The unsignalized intersections include four freeway ramps, three off-set intersections, three marked pedestrian crossings, and are controlled by stop signs on the minor approaches. Additionally, there is a fire station signal which is controlled by the adjacent signal, and one uncontrolled midblock marked pedestrian crossing. With 27 intersections within a 3.5 mile distance, there is an average of one intersection every 685 feet.

Project Identification. The City of Norwalk’s Public Service Department maintenance staff conducts routine inspections throughout the city as part of their preventative maintenance program. Through these inspections, the following conditions were identified on Alondra Boulevard, between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue:

- Ineffective signal coordination - Wear and tear of existing controllers - Traffic signal heads in need of replacement - Outdated and absent pedestrian signal heads

These observations prompted an in-depth review of accidents, thus leading to Alondra Boulevard being identified for potential HSIP funding.

Data-Drive Safety Evaluation and High Crash Concentration. The City of Norwalk relies on citywide collision data from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, as submitted to the California Highway Patrol’s SWITRS. City staff directed their consultant to review high collision locations and make recommendations for improvement on ways to reduce accidents. The collision/safety evaluation revealed overlaps between high collision corridors and intersections previously identified by maintenance staff as being in need of upgrades. Alondra Boulevard, between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue, is one of the identified corridors with high collisions and in need of traffic signal upgrades.

In sum, the proposed project represents a concentrated area of high collisions over a ten year period, including six fatal collisions and 61 pedestrian/bicycle collisions. A high crash concentration on the proposed project corridor, combined with outdated, worn, and missing equipment has prompted staff to identify Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue as an

55 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 4 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

excellent candidate for HSIP funding.

2. Potential for Proposed Improvements to Address the Safety Issuse Describe the primary causes of the collisions that have occurred within the project limits. Are there patterns in the crash types? Clearly demonstrate the connection between the problem and the proposed countermeasures utilized in the Benefit/Cost Ratio calculations. Depending on the nature of the project, explain why the agency choose to pursue "Spot location(s)" or Systemic" improvements. If the proposed project include Non-Infrastructure (NI) elements, also describe how the NI elements will complement in improving the safety within the project limits. (limited to 5,000 characters) Note: Safety improvements that do not have countermeasures and crash reduction factors identified in the TIMS B/C Calculator can be included in the project scope and cost estimate as "Other Safety-Related" improvement; they just won't be added to the project's B/C ratio shown in the application.

Primary Cause of Collisions/Patterns. A review of accidents on Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue revealed the following:

- 69% of all collisions along the project corridor were right angle or rear end collisions - 69% of collisions at intersections were right angle or rear end collisions - 68% of collisions at signalized intersections were right angle or rear end collisions - 33% of all collisions were attributed to either automobile right of way or improper turning - 87% of all collisions occurred at or within 250 feet of an intersection - 6% (61 total) of all collisions involved a pedestrian or bicyclist - 90% of all pedestrian and bicycle collisions occurred at or within 250 feet of an intersection

Review of the accident data, combined with field observations, led staff to the following conclusions:

- A pattern of right angle and rear end collisions is present on Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue - Traffic signal upgrades and signal timing improvements could lead to a reduction in collisions - Pedestrian and bicyclist collisions could be reduced by implementing changes in the field that would better assist pedestrians and bicyclists with crossing signalized intersections.

Countermeasure S3 - Improve Signal Timing. Having identified a pattern of right angle and rear end collisions, the City proposes improving traffic signal timing and coordination along Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue. The addition of a fiber optic interconnect communication link will permit traffic signals along the 3.5 mile length of Alondra Boulevard to be managed and monitored by the City traffic system. It is commonly accepted in the field of traffic engineering that signal coordination creates measurable safety benefits on arterial roadways. Specifically, and according to the Federal Highway Administration's "Intersection Safety Strategies Brochure" (, signal coordination can reduce accidents in two ways:

1. Rear End Collisions - Signal coordination along a corridor creates platoons of vehicles that don't need to stop at multiple intersections and can maintain a consistent speed. Thus, the number and frequency of vehicles making multiple stops is reduced, resulting in fewer rear end collisions. 2. Right Angle Collisions - Signal coordination creates longer gaps in traffic, allowing more time for vehicles to safely make left-turns, thereby reducing the number of right angle collisions. This is a benefit at both signalized and non-signalized intersections along the same corridor.

Because improved signal timing can reduce both rear end and right angle collisions, and these types of accidents represent the majority of accidents along Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue, Countermeasure S3 - Improve Signal Timing - is the most appropriate countermeasure to implement.

Countermeasure S19 - Install Pedestrian Countdown Signal Heads. To reduce pedestrian and bicyclist accidents, the City proposes installing 76 pedestrian countdown signal heads within the project limits. Studies have shown that pedestrian countdown heads are easier to understand and use than traditional walk/don't walk signals and have resulted in reductions in pedestrian and bicyclist collisions (Federal Highway Administration, 2008). The potential for reduced accidents, the high number of pedestrian and bicyclist accidents within the project limits between 2005 and 2014, and the presence of land uses which encourage pedestrian and bicycle traffic make the installation of this countermeasure a logical choice for the City of Norwalk.

56 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 5 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

Benefits of Systemic Improvements. The City of Norwalk chose to pursue "Systemic" improvements instead of "Spot Location" improvements after it was determined by City staff that systemic improvements would result in a greater reduction in collisions than spot location improvements. Implementing a consistent traffic flow with fewer stops, creating traffic gaps to allow safe turning movements, improving visibility at traffic signals, and improving pedestrian's and bicyclist's ability to cross intersections are all benefits that are maximized through a systemic approach.

3. Crash Data Evaluation Explain how the influence areas for each separate countermeasure were established. Describe how the limits of the crash data were established for each countermeasure to ensure only appropriate crashes were included in the Collision Summary Report(s), Collision Diagram(s) and B/C calculations. (limited to 5,000 characters)

Crash Data Sources. Crash data was collected from the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) and cross-referenced with crash data available on the Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS). TIMS was only used for cross-reference purposes because it does not include property damage only (PDO) collisions, which are necessary for the benefit/cost (B/C) calculation.

Countermeasure S3 Influence Area. Per "Local Roadway Safety - A Manual for California's Local Road Owners" (version 1.2, April 2015), all collision types occurring on the approaches and within the influence area of the proposed improvements may be included in the B/C calculation. Because the intent of the project is to reduce accidents at signalized and non-signalized intersections within the project limits and along the length of the corridor, the influence area for the proposed project includes all accidents within 250 feet of each intersection (signalized and non-signalized) and those accidents in between. The countermeasure will benefit the entire 3.5 mile corridor of Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue and it is therefore appropriate to include and review all accidents on Alondra within the project limits.

Countermeasure S19 Influence Area. Per countermeasure S19's requirements, only pedestrian/bicyclist accidents that occurred in the intersections pedestrian countdown signal heads will be installed may be included.

4. Prior attempts to address the Safety Issue If appropriate, list all other projects/countermeasures that have been (or are being) deployed at this location. Applicants must identify all prior federal HSIP, HR3 or Safe Routes To School (SRTS) funds approved within or directly adjacent to the propose projects limits within the last 10 years. (HSIP funding cannot be used to construct the same general type of countermeasures within the same limits within 10 years to ensure agencies do not apply the same Crash Reduction Factors to the same crashes.) If the agency is proposing to construct follow-up improvements along a corridor or at a location that has already had a safety project funded, the applicant must ensure the combines CRF applied to the crashes by both projects is not greater than 80% (See the applications instructions relating to Crash Data for more detail). For projects proposing high cost spot location projects/countermeasures, applicants must document that they have installed and monitored low-cost improvements which have not been adequately addressing the safety issue. (limited to 5,000 characters)

Prior Countermeasures. Efforts to improve safety and traffic conditions along Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue have included installation of the following:

- Standard traffic signals at multiple intersections - Left turn lanes at most intersections (signalized and non-signalized) and many midblock entrances to businesses - Traditional pedestrian signal heads at all signalized intersections - ADA ramps at many of the signalized intersections - Painted midblock pedestrian crosswalk - from south side of Alondra Boulevard to Excelsior High School and Norwalk La Mirada Adult School - Painted pedestrian crosswalks at non-signalized intersections - Alondra Boulevard and Elaine Avenue; Alondra Boulevard and Horst Avenue; Alondra Boulevard and Madris Avenue - Pedestrian only traffic signal - providing access from bus stop on south side of Alondra Boulevard to Norwalk City Social Services Center and Alondra Library on north side of Alondra Boulevard

Prior HSIP/HR3/SRTS Funds. In 2013, The City of Norwalk was awarded HSIP funds to upgrade traffic signals with interconnect and install curb ramps and pedestrian countdown heads on Studebaker Road between Alondra Boulevard and Rosecrans Avenue. While

57 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 6 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

the awarded project used Alondra Boulevard as it's southern terminus, no improvements were proposed or made at the Alondra/ Studebaker intersection. Rather, the actual improvements stopped immediately north of the intersection. There is no overlap, therefore, between the awarded project and the current proposed project.

The City has not been awarded any HR3 or SRTS funds within, or directly adjacent to, the proposed project limits within the last ten years.

5. Total project costs Describe the process used to establish the total cost for the project. Confirm contingencies for reasonably expected costs, including drainage, environmental, traffic, etc, are included. All PE, CE and other project delivery costs must be included, even if federal funding will not be utilized in the phase of the project. For a large project where the HSIP funding is only a small portion of the overall project scope and costs, the total project cost must still be included in the application and its B/C ratio calculation. (limited to 5,000 characters)

Cost Estimate Process. The project cost estimate was developed by W.G. Zimmerman Engineering Inc. (WGZE), a professional; engineering firm with more than 25 years of experience providing traffic engineering services to local municipalities. WGZE has significant experience in designing signal related projects and preparing corresponding cost estimates. In preparing the cost estimate for the proposed improvements on Alondra Boulevard, WGZE used recent construction bid proposals to determine the recent and historical traffic signal coordination and equipment costs.

Cost Estimate Contingencies. The cost estimate prepared by WGZE accounts for all reasonably expected costs to implement traffic signal coordination and install both pedestrian countdown signal heads and traffic signal pole upgrades, including:

- Traffic control - Mobilization - Construction engineering - 10% contingency

58 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 7 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

III. Project Cost Estimate (See Instructions) All project costs must be accounted for on this form, even if substantial elements of the overall project are to be funded by other sources. (For federal funds to be 100% reimbursable, all countermeasures selected must be 100% eligible) Do not enter in shaded fields (calculated - read only). Round all costs up to the nearest hundred dollars. Once all costs and the desired HSIP/ Total ratios are entered, click "Check Cost Estimate" to perform validation. If errors are detected, they will appear below the button. Click it to check again each time when the costs have been revised.

Phase Total Cost HSIP/Total (%) HSIP Funds Local/Other Funds

Environmental $2,500 100 (%) $2,500 $0 Preliminary Engineering PS&E (%) $0 $0

PE Subtotal $2,500 $2,500 $0

Agency does NOT request HSIP funds for PE Phase (automatically checked if PE - HSIP funds is $0).

Right of Way Engineering $0 0 (%) $0 $0 Right of Way Appraisals, Acquisitions & Utilities $0 0 (%) $0 $0

ROW Subtotal $0 $0 $0

Construction Engineering Construction $25,000 100 (%) $25,000 $0 Engineering & Construction Construction $1,127,500 100 (%) $1,127,500 $0

CON Subtotal $1,152,500 $1,152,500 $0

Non - NI Elements Infrastructure $0 0 (%) $0 $0 (NI)

Total Cost $1,155,000 100 (%) $1,155,000 $0

Click to Check Cost Estimate ( See Notes in Instructions )

No errors have been found in the cost estimate.

59 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 8 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

IV. Implementation Schedule (See Instructions)

The local agency is expected to deliver the project per Caltrans Local Assistance safety program delivery requirements. In order for the milestones to be calculated correctly, all fields needs to be filled in. For steps that are not applicable, enter "0".

Target Date for the Project's Amendment into the FTIP: 01/01/2016

Time for agency to internally staff project and request PE authorization 1 Month(s) Typical Time for Caltrans and FHWA to process and approve PE authorization 2 Month(s) Proposed PE Authorization Date: (PE Authorization 04/01/2016 Delivery Milestone)

Will external consultants be required to complete the PE phase of this project? Yes Additional time needed to the Delivery Process for hiring PE consultant(s) 6 Month(s) (0 - 6)

Time to prepare environmental studies request 1 Month(s) Time to complete CEQA/NEPA studies/approvals 2 Month(s) See PES Form in the LAPM for Typical studies and permits Time to complete the Right of Way Acquisition (federal process) 2 Month(s) Plan on 18 months minimum for federal process including a condemnation Time to complete final PS&E documentation 3 Month(s) Other 0 Month(s) Expected Completion Date for the PE Phase: 05/31/2017

Time for agency to request CON authorization 2 Month(s) Typical Time for Caltrans and FHWA to process and approve CON Auth 3 Month(s) Proposed CON Authorization Date: (CON Authorization 10/30/2017 Delivery Milestone)

Time included for the agency's workload-leveling or construction-window needs 1 Month(s) Time to award contract with CON contractor (following the federal process, 3 Month(s) including Board/Council approval, advertise, award, execute and mobilize) Time to complete construction 3 Month(s) Time included for closing the CON contract 1 Month(s) Other 0 Month(s) Expected Completion Date for the CON Phase: 06/30/2018

Time to complete the project close-out process 2 Month(s) Typical Time for Caltrans and FHWA to process and approve project close-out 3 Month(s) Expected Completion Date for the project Close-Out: (Close-Out 11/29/2018 Delivery Milestone)

60 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 9 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

V. Countermeasures, Crash Data and Benefit/Cost Ratio (See Instructions)

In the process of completing this application, the Local Agency is required to utilize the Benefit/Cost Ratio Calculation Tool that is included in the Safe Transportation research and Education Center (SafeTREC) Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) web site. This web site can be assessed at

The final output summary page from TIMS must be included as part of the official application (both electronically and hard copy). The hard copy page must be included in the application as one of the attachments.

In order to facilitate the electronic collection and tracking of this data, Caltrans is requiring agencies to manually enter some of the key “input data” and “output data” used in their final TIMS B/C Ratio. NOTE: If any of the values inputted on this sheet do not match the values from the TIMS B/C Ratio Output Summary sheet, THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED. Be careful and confirm the numbers!

(This ID is generated by this form. TIMS Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 TIMS Application ID must match this ID.)

Version (from TIMS) : 1 Crash Data Period: from 01/01/2005 to 12/31/2014

Total Project Cost: $1,155,000 (This must match the total project cost in Section III.)

Countermeasure Information

Number of countermeasures utilized: 2


#1: S3: Improve signal timing (coordination, phases, red, yellow, or operation) CRF: 15

#2: S19: Install pedestrian countdown signal heads CRF: 25

#3: CRF: 15

Combined CRF: 55

B/C Ratio Calculation

Expected Benefit (Life) Expected Cost Resulting B/C

Countermeasure #1 $4,678,665 $976,097 4.79

Countermeasure #2 $1,199,650 $176,403 6.80

Countermeasure #3 0.00

Project's Total (Overall) $5,878,315 $1,152,500 5.10

61 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 10 of 11 Form Date: April 26, 2015 HSIP Cycle 7 Application Form

VI. Application Attachments (See Instructions) Check all attachments included in this application.

Engineer's Checklist (Required)

Vicinity map /Location map (Required)

Project maps/plans showing existing and proposed conditions (Required)

Pictures of Existing Condition (Required)

Collision diagram(s) (Required)

Collision List (Required)

Collision Summary (Required)

Detailed Engineer's Estimate (Required)

TIMS B/C output summary sheet (Required)

Warrant studies (Required when applicable)

Letter/email of Support from Caltrans (Required when applicable)

Non-Infrastructure (NI) Activity Worksheet and NI Cost Estimate (Required when applicable)

Additional narration, documentation, letters of support, etc. (optional)

62 Application ID: 07-Norwalk-1 B/C Ratio: 5.10 Page 11 of 11

Application Attachments


Engineer’s Checklist

64 65 66 67

Location Map


LOCATION MAP City of Norwalk 07‐Norwalk‐1 Alondra Boulevard between Piuma Avenue and Shoemaker Avenue


Project Maps (Existing and Proposed)

70 I-605 OFF RAMP I-605 ON RAMP I-605 ON RAMP LEIBACHER AVE 230' 462' 313'

























74 I-605 OFF RAMP I-605 ON RAMP I-605 ON RAMP LEIBACHER AVE 230' 462' 313'






























Pictures of Existing Condition

79 Alondra Blvd Corridor Traffic and Pedestrian Safety project

Alondra Boulevard at Pioneer Boulevard

Alondra Boulevard at Studebaker Road

80 Alondra Blvd Corridor Traffic and Pedestrian Safety project

Alondra Boulevard at Bloomfield Avenue

Studebaker Road at


Collision Diagrams

82 I-605 OFF RAMP I-605 ON RAMP I-605 ON RAMP 230' 462' 313'

V1 V1 V2 (5)

V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 (OBJ) (4) (3) (3) (OBJ) V1 V2 V1 V2 (2) (11) V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (PED) V1 (6) V2 V1 V2 (BIKE) (OBJ) (4) V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 (2) V2 V1 V2 (2) V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 (12) V1 V2 V2 V1 (2) V1 (OVERTURN) V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 (2) (2) (3) (4) V1 V1 (BIKE) V2 V2 (2) V2 (PED) (OBJ) (2) (OVERTURN) V1 (2) V2 V1 V2 (OBJ) (4) V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 (2) V1 (BIKE) V1

V1 (3) V2 V1 (2) ALONDRA BLVD



(OBJ) V2 V2 V1 V2 (2) (2) V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 HOME DEPOT V1 V1 V2 (OBJ) V2 V1 (10) V1 V1 V2 (3) V2 V1 (3) (2) V1 V1 (OBJ) V1 V1 (2) (8) V1 (OBJ) (13) (7) V1 (2) V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 (2) (OBJ) V2 (OVERTURN) V1 V1 (PED) V2 (OBJ) V1 V2 V1 V2 (8) (3) (3) V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 (2) V1 (9) V2 (2) (2) V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 (3) V1 V2 V1 V1 (OBJ) V1 (11) (5) V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 (5) V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V1 V1 (3) V2 (3) (BIKE) V1 V2 V2 (BIKE) V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 (OBJ) (2) (3) V2 V1 V2 V2 (5) (2) V2 (2) V1 V2 (2) V1 (5) V1 V1 (PED) V2 V1 (4) V1 (BIKE) (3) V2 (OBJ) V1 V1 V1 V1 (OBJ) V2 (OBJ) (BIKE) V1 (5) V2 V1 (2) V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 V2 V1 (9) V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 (9) V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 (4) (OBJ) (2) (OBJ) V1 (3) V1 V2 V2 V2 V2 V1 (3) V1 (10) V1 V1 V1 V2 (OBJ) V1 V2 (5) (BIKE) V2 (3) V2 V1 V1 V2 (2) V1 V1 V1 (PED) V1 (OBJ) (5) (4) (10) V2 V1 V1 (14) V2 V1 V1 V1 (PED) (13)

(BIKE) (6) ALONDRA BLVD V2 V1 V1 ALONDRA BLVD (OBJ) V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 (2) V1 (3)






V1 V2

V1 V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 (BIKE) (2) V1 V2 V2 V1 V2 (2) V2 V1 V2 (5) V2 (3) (OBJ) V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 (OBJ) V2 (BIKE) V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 (BIKE) V1 V2 V2 V1 V2 V2 (OBJ) V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 (2) V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V2 (OBJ) V1 (BIKE) V1 V2 V1 (2) V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (2) V1 (4) V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 (OBJ) V1 V1 V1 V2 (9) V1 (2) V2 (3) V1 V2 V2 (2) V2 V1 V2 V2 V2 (BIKE) V1 V2 V2 V2 V1 (2) ALONDRA BLVD GARD AVE


V2 V1 V2 (3) V1 V1 V2 V1 (3) V1 V2 (3) V1 V2 (BIKE) V2 V1 (OBJ) (OVERTURN) V1 V2 V2 V1 (2) (11) V1 V1 (2) V1 V1 (8) (OBJ) V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (2) V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 V2 V1 (6) V2 (3) V1 (4) (OBJ) (5) (PED) (12) (4) (3) V1 V2 (4) (8) V1 V1 (4) V2 V1 (2) (BIKE) V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 (OBJ) V2 V2 (2) V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 V2 V2 V2 V1 V2 (2) V2 (4) V1 (5) V1 V2 (5) (OBJ) (2) V1 V1 (3) V1 V1 V2 V1 (PED) V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 (2) V1 V2 V1 (4) V1 (BIKE) V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 (2) (2) V2 V2 (3) (2) V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 (5) V2 V1 V2 (OBJ) (3) (3) V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 (3) V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 (PED) V2 V2 V1 (PED) V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 (OBJ) V2 (BIKE) V2 (2) V2 V2 (5) (5) V2 (2) (BIKE) V2 V1 V2 (BIKE) (2) V2 V1 V1 (8) V2 V1 (2) V1 (3) (5) V1 V1 (4) V1 V2 V2 V2 (4) V2 V1 V2 V1 (OBJ) V1 (OBJ) V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (2) V2 V2 (9) (3) V2 V1 V1 V2 ALONDRA BLVD V2 (2) V1 V2 ALONDRA BLVD (2) V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (BIKE)






V1 V2


V1 (2) V1 ALONDRA BLVD (BIKE) V1 (4) V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V2 (BIKE) V2 V2 V1 (2) V2 (BIKE) V1 V1 V2 (3) V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 (OBJ) (BIKE) V2 (OBJ) (4) (OBJ) V2 V1 (3) V1 (11) (2) V2 V1 V1 V1 (2) V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 (BIKE) V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 (BIKE) V2 V2 V1 (2) V2 V2 V1 (4) (2) V1 V1 V2 (2) (OBJ) V1 (3) V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 (2) (OBJ) V2 V2 (2) V1 V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 (3) (2) V2 V1 V2 (BIKE) V1 (2) V2 V1 (PED) V2 V2 (2) V2 V1 (OBJ) V1 V1 V2 (OBJ) V1 V1 V1 (3) V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 (OBJ) V1 V1 V1 V1 (BIKE) (5) V1 (OVERTURN) V1




V1 V2

V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 (2) V2

V2 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 (3) V2 V1 V2 ALONDRA BLVD V1 (OBJ) (OBJ) V1 V1 (OBJ) V2 V1 V1 (2) V1 (OVERTURN) V1 (4) V2 V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 (4) V1 V1 V2 (PED) (2) V2 V1 V1 V2 (4) (3) (BIKE) V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 (OBJ) V2 (BIKE) (8) (BIKE) V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (5) (2) (OBJ) (OVERTURN) V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 (OBJ) V1 V2 V1 V2 (5) V1 V1 V2

V1 V2






V1 (3) V2 V2 (2) V1 (OBJ) V2 (OBJ) (4) V1 (2) V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 ALONDRA BLVD (3) V1 V2 (BIKE) V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 (2) V2 V1 V2 V2 V1 (OBJ) (6) V2 (3) V2 (3) V1 V1 (4) V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 (4) V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 V1 (6) (4) (7) (3) V2 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 (3) V2 (OBJ) (PED) V1 V2 (BIKE) V1 V2 V2 (2) V1 V2 V1 V2 (OBJ) V1 V2 V1 (OBJ) V2 V2 V1 (3) V1 V1 V1 V1 V1 (OVERTURN) V1 V1 (3) V2

V1 V2 (OBJ) V2 (4) V1 (2) (OBJ) (PED) V1



(OBJ) V1 V2 V1 V2

(3) V1

V2 V1 (BIKE) V1 (2)

V1 V2 (OBJ) V2 V1 V2 V2 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2 V1 V1 V1 V1 V2 (2) (5) V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V2

V1 V1 (OBJ) V1 V2 V2 V1 V1 V1 (2) (OBJ) V2 V1 V2 V2 V2 (3)







Collision List



2736798 7/14/2006 1310 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 Signs 3593392 1/21/2008 1830 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian South Making Right Turn South Stopped Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 trian Way 3720499 4/9/2008 1009 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2008 Signs 3755069 5/7/2008 640 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Proceeding Straight ‐ Making Left Turn Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 Change 3955534 11/13/2008 930 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn South Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008

6691439 10/23/2014 1430 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 Signs 6708725 9/29/2014 730 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2014 Signs 4276500 5/18/2009 1459 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 2 S Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian South Making Right Turn South ‐ Pedestrian Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 trian Way 2648003 5/5/2006 630 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 2 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2006 Closely 4631578 2/14/2010 1340 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 10 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 Closely 5351505 9/11/2011 340 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 10 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Other Unsafe North Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 Turning Turning 5642666 5/17/2012 1830 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 12 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 Closely 4266706 5/22/2009 940 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 12 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009

6760169 12/12/2014 1127 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 15 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 Closely 6198521 8/28/2013 1850 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 18 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013

4224527 4/23/2009 1426 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 19 S Head-On Bicycle West Traveling Wrong North Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 Way 1935592 3/6/2005 1100 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 20 E Overturned Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005 Turning 3659716 3/21/2008 1530 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 22 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Slowing/Stopping North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008

3284568 6/28/2007 1045 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 24 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn East Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 3 2007

5595087 4/13/2012 2050 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 24 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2012

5170478 3/31/2011 1515 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 25 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 Closely 2674948 5/24/2006 1436 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 25 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006

6411827 12/5/2013 1200 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 30 W Broadside Bicycle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013


5334672 9/11/2011 1950 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 30 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Slowing/Stopping South Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 Change 6098638 5/18/2013 715 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 30 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 Closely 5425059 11/8/2011 535 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 40 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 Closely 6260488 10/10/2013 1110 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 40 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 Change 6454781 2/14/2014 1810 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 40 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Slowing/Stopping South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 Backing 2387749 11/16/2005 1345 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 45 W Broadside Bicycle East Proceeding Straight East Making Right Turn ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005


2456855 1/30/2006 900 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 45 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2006

5230956 6/13/2011 1645 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 47 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 Backing 4060112 1/11/2009 120 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 50 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 4 2 2009 Turning Closely 3768840 6/18/2008 1115 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 54 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008

4432070 10/16/2009 1600 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 62 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 Change 5197586 4/29/2011 1515 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 66 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011

2387591 11/14/2005 1445 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 66 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 Change 2042034 5/12/2005 2310 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 72 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2005

4874504 8/24/2010 1724 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 72 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2010

2245332 9/20/2005 1215 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 73 E Hit Object Fixed Object South Making Left Turn West Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005

3319587 8/11/2007 1305 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 75 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2007 Backing 3594607 2/7/2008 5 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 75 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2008 Signs 4954530 10/7/2010 1445 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 80 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 Change 5936541 3/3/2013 1130 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 80 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2013 Backing 5474062 12/19/2011 1600 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 90 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Stopped DUI PDO 0 0 3 2011

3833430 7/12/2008 935 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 100 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 Change 6115450 6/6/2013 1750 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 100 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013


4717766 5/4/2010 1745 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 108 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010

6074101 6/12/2013 1710 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 110 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 Closely 3596226 2/4/2008 1710 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 119 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 Way 9002541 8/17/2006 1407 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 130 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 Way 2473610 2/3/2006 1830 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 134 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 Change 6208406 9/8/2013 600 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 150 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 Change 5210950 6/6/2011 2040 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 160 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011

3199684 5/12/2007 1310 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 193 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007

3527451 12/8/2007 1105 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 200 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007

2255169 9/27/2005 745 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 219 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005

5365835 8/18/2011 1818 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 248 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011

4954593 10/7/2010 850 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 250 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 Change 2248029 9/15/2005 645 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 270 W Rear End ‐ East Other Unsafe East Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 Turning


3688332 3/26/2008 1910 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 275 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008

4661333 3/26/2010 1215 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 300 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010

4250322 5/8/2009 745 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 375 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009

5865021 9/19/2012 1230 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 400 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 Change 6520739 4/5/2014 1640 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 428 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2014 Closely 4575487 1/2/2010 1421 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 642 W Rear End Motor Vehicle on East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2010 Other Roadway 4103075 1/28/2009 1910 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 693 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2009 Closely 3278479 6/19/2007 1910 ALONDRA BL PIUMA AV 22208 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 1 2007

1943463 3/23/2005 700 ALONDRA BL RT 605 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2005 Signs 4661321 3/8/2010 1300 ALONDRA BL RT 605 0 AT Sideswipe Bicycle North Making Right Turn North Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010


5896967 10/30/2012 1335 ALONDRA BL RT 605 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2012

3704629 4/1/2008 830 ALONDRA BL RT 605 5 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Passing East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 Change 3861223 7/28/2008 1310 ALONDRA BL RT 605 5 S Broadside Pedestrian North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 Way 5887553 10/22/2012 1300 ALONDRA BL RT 605 6 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2012 Closely 4677936 4/5/2010 1645 ALONDRA BL RT 605 10 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Other Unsafe East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2010 Turning 5683711 5/16/2012 900 ALONDRA BL RT 605 10 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 Change 3812544 7/2/2008 2200 ALONDRA BL RT 605 12 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2008 Backing 3513955 11/23/2007 2105 ALONDRA BL RT 605 15 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Changing Lanes South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007

5996170 2/2/2013 1140 ALONDRA BL RT 605 20 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 Change 2663838 6/4/2006 1915 ALONDRA BL RT 605 20 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006

3699605 4/11/2008 1950 ALONDRA BL RT 605 20 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Slowing/Stopping South Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 4 2 2008 Backing 4949378 10/7/2010 2140 ALONDRA BL RT 605 20 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Ran Off Road Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2010

6656135 7/1/2013 1610 ALONDRA BL RT 605 20 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013

2453983 1/23/2006 1925 ALONDRA BL RT 605 24 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 Change 2958297 12/24/2006 1910 ALONDRA BL RT 605 30 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Changing Lanes South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 Change 4103930 1/27/2009 842 ALONDRA BL RT 605 30 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Slowing/Stopping South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009

2411490 12/31/2005 925 ALONDRA BL RT 605 40 N Hit Object Fixed Object South Entering Traffic Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 1 2005

2430824 1/14/2006 2335 ALONDRA BL RT 605 40 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 Change 3653658 2/21/2008 1415 ALONDRA BL RT 605 40 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Making Right Turn Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2008

5211218 5/8/2011 705 ALONDRA BL RT 605 40 S Hit Object Fixed Object North Other Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011


5262135 6/26/2011 2240 ALONDRA BL RT 605 50 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 2 2011

5341451 8/24/2011 1730 ALONDRA BL RT 605 50 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 Change 4540681 12/7/2009 1750 ALONDRA BL RT 605 55.1 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009


2716041 7/6/2006 2330 ALONDRA BL RT 605 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006

3447374 10/23/2007 1101 ALONDRA BL RT 605 64 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Ran Off Road Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007

4639554 3/5/2010 1615 ALONDRA BL RT 605 65 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010

4930451 11/4/2010 525 ALONDRA BL RT 605 75 E Hit Object Fixed Object South Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2010 Turning 4712609 5/1/2010 1950 ALONDRA BL RT 605 85 W ‐‐ East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 Change 2779694 8/12/2006 1810 ALONDRA BL RT 605 100 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Other South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2006

3903101 8/26/2008 1715 ALONDRA BL RT 605 110 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008

3028086 2/2/2007 200 ALONDRA BL RT 605 125 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Other DUI PDO 0 0 1 2007

3959994 10/26/2008 332 ALONDRA BL RT 605 125 E Hit Object Fixed Object North Other DUI PDO 0 0 1 2008

2385448 12/3/2005 1810 ALONDRA BL RT 605 150 N Hit Object Other Object South Other Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005

2487885 2/3/2006 1845 ALONDRA BL RT 605 150 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2006

2976654 12/30/2006 1530 ALONDRA BL RT 605 150 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006

3855713 9/11/2008 935 ALONDRA BL RT 605 153 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 Change 5090691 3/10/2011 1540 ALONDRA BL RT 605 200 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2011

2439555 1/15/2006 1820 ALONDRA BL RT 605 200 S Hit Object Fixed Object North Other Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2006

4378463 8/20/2009 1130 ALONDRA BL RT 605 200 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2009

5137217 3/21/2011 1735 ALONDRA BL RT 605 200 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011

5359267 10/6/2011 1610 ALONDRA BL RT 605 200 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011

5631266 5/15/2012 1220 ALONDRA BL RT 605 205 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn East Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012

2825812 9/11/2006 320 ALONDRA BL RT 605 250 N Hit Object Other Object South Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 1 2006

3076163 2/26/2007 915 ALONDRA BL RT 605 250 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007

3719763 5/9/2008 1530 ALONDRA BL RT 605 250 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008

2381671 12/5/2005 830 ALONDRA BL RT 605 300 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005


2848363 10/18/2006 1650 ALONDRA BL RT 605 300 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 Signs 2959563 12/10/2006 755 ALONDRA BL RT 605 300 S Overturned Non-Collision East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 1 2006

5250457 6/27/2011 225 ALONDRA BL RT 605 300 N Hit Object Fixed Object South Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011 Turning


3749467 5/17/2008 955 ALONDRA BL RT 605 300 S Hit Object Fixed Object North Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008

2136824 7/6/2005 1310 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Signs 2207784 8/17/2005 2205 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Way 2387655 11/24/2005 2140 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 AV Signs 2423502 12/17/2005 845 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Signs 2544000 3/7/2006 1530 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Signs 2702236 6/27/2006 1410 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Passing West Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV 2982123 12/13/2006 4 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Signs 3330911 8/20/2007 1419 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2007 AV Way 3466709 11/2/2007 600 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 3 2 2007 AV Signs 3778222 6/5/2008 2347 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making U‐Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 AV Way 3792098 5/31/2008 1915 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 2 Inj Sev 0 1 2 2008 AV Signs 4017873 11/29/2008 830 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Signs 4071454 12/25/2008 1507 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 4 2 2008 AV Signs 4060124 1/15/2009 927 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 AV Way 4406964 9/9/2009 945 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV Way 4432029 10/13/2009 745 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 AV Way 5301444 8/23/2011 1858 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Way 5474058 12/19/2011 2030 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Signs 5581470 3/29/2012 1415 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Signs ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5690050 6/12/2012 1530 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Way 5883705 11/16/2012 1400 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Signs 5988638 3/16/2013 1727 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 AV Signs 6051185 4/1/2013 1000 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 AV Way 6132490 6/28/2013 1310 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 AV Way 6456451 1/14/2014 953 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV Signs 6495907 5/2/2014 1615 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn North Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV 6459801 3/27/2014 1250 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV Way 3151072 4/29/2007 1350 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 AV Way 5523184 2/29/2012 1800 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Other Unsafe East Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Turning


3917808 9/6/2008 1645 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Way 3002529 1/10/2007 2102 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 3 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 2 Inj Sev 0 1 2 2007 AV Way 5421101 10/28/2011 350 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 5WHit Object Fixed Object North Making Left Turn DUI PDO 0 0 1 2011 AV 5295020 8/4/2011 915 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 6 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Change 2424458 12/5/2005 1110 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 6WSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making U‐Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 AV Way 5352219 8/11/2011 310 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 6 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV 6098614 5/13/2013 2350 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 8 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013 AV 5013658 12/7/2010 1205 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 16 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2010 AV 2046214 5/21/2005 1500 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 20 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV 4105507 2/6/2009 850 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 20 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 AV 4170642 3/9/2009 1600 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 22 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 AV Signs 2014858 4/19/2005 1005 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 30 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Stopped East Changing Lanes Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV 2962105 12/9/2006 1750 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 34 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 6 4 2006 AV ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5872730 10/19/2012 1830 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 40 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Backing East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Backing 6476877 3/20/2014 726 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 40 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV Change 3836733 6/30/2008 25 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 44 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2008 AV 5262352 3/21/2011 1955 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 50 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 AV Change 2387579 11/14/2005 1115 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 60 E Rear End Non-Collision West Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 AV 2498184 2/6/2006 950 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 63 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV 5073979 1/11/2011 845 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 65 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Change 3861552 8/2/2008 700 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 70 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV 4632360 3/18/2010 1245 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 75 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV 2805175 9/6/2006 910 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 77 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Other West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 3 2006 AV Backing 3903105 8/31/2008 1634 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 80 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV 6700259 9/26/2014 1109 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 80 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV Change 3309471 8/2/2007 1305 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 82 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 AV Backing 2176158 8/3/2005 1245 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 90 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2005 AV 4785760 6/7/2010 1240 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 90 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 AV 4276723 5/7/2009 1210 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 90 N Other Other Motor Vehicle West Backing South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV Backing 2675017 5/20/2006 1630 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 100 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 AV


4903959 9/9/2010 915 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 105 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 4 2010 AV 3775411 5/25/2008 2125 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 110 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Change 2688751 6/1/2006 2115 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 120 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV 2042038 5/12/2005 835 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 123 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Other West Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2005 AV Backing 6364624 11/28/2013 2055 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 125 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013 AV 2921306 11/27/2006 950 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 130 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

4524237 11/14/2009 1540 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 157 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Backing South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2009 AV Backing 3956532 12/7/2008 609 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 158 E Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 1 FATAL 1 0 1 2008 AV 4616975 2/8/2010 1443 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 177 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV Change 5293884 7/29/2011 2020 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 177 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Change 3855380 8/8/2008 945 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 182 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV 4192899 4/5/2009 1420 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 182 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009 AV 5314316 8/3/2011 1525 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 190 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011 AV Change 4569500 2/8/2010 1120 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 200 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV 6279629 10/22/2013 1120 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 200 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 AV Change 2957664 12/8/2006 2045 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 200 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 1 2006 AV 3148172 4/9/2007 755 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 210 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 AV Closely 3608778 2/26/2008 1230 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 210 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV 1935584 3/7/2005 1915 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 220 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Change 4587956 1/18/2010 1450 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 221.9 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV 4247235 5/5/2009 1900 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 224 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2009 AV Closely 1875428 1/18/2005 636 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 228 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 4 2005 AV 5728915 6/25/2012 1532 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 237 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Change 4403171 9/8/2009 1415 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 238 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV Change 3636427 2/27/2008 1540 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 250 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Change 5121499 3/10/2011 1330 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 250 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2011 AV 3991515 11/18/2008 158 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 252 E Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008 AV 4357658 7/31/2009 1230 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 300 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV Closely 5769902 8/22/2012 1600 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 300 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Crossed Into East Crossed Into Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Opposing Lane Opposing Lane Change ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR


1986631 4/12/2005 2345 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 354 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 AV Signs 2653315 5/15/2006 2100 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 369 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV 4763689 6/18/2010 1405 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 396 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 AV Signs 3939336 9/30/2008 915 ALONDRA BL LEIBACHER 412 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Closely 1863363 1/11/2005 915 ALONDRA BL 0ESideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Slowing/Stopping Improper Turning PDO 0 0 3 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Turning 2207769 8/24/2005 1245 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Change 2477446 2/7/2006 300 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD 2498164 2/1/2006 1430 ALONDRA BL 0 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Change 3271507 6/30/2007 925 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 3284580 6/27/2007 2230 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 3429118 10/3/2007 553 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 4357606 7/30/2009 1912 ALONDRA BL 0ATOther Bicycle South Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 4585162 1/23/2010 910 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Making Right Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 5197578 4/30/2011 214 ALONDRA BL 0ATHit Object Fixed Object South Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011 STUDEBAKER RD 5210910 6/6/2011 1610 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5409118 11/5/2011 138 ALONDRA BL 0AT ‐ Fixed Object West Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Turning 5533640 3/17/2012 2050 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 6208514 9/14/2013 1440 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 6412439 12/23/2013 725 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 6456408 1/16/2014 1200 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 6493736 2/10/2014 1300 ALONDRA BL 0WSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Way 6691111 10/18/2014 755 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 6310127 10/31/2013 1420 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Signs ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2196399 8/15/2005 1300 ALONDRA BL 0SSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Change 3013189 1/23/2007 730 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 3278446 6/15/2007 740 ALONDRA BL 0ATVehicle/Pedes Pedestrian North Proceeding Straight West ‐ Unsafe Starting or 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD trian Backing 4928502 10/16/2010 1915 ALONDRA BL 0 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 5013641 12/3/2010 810 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5922453 11/13/2012 30 ALONDRA BL 0AT ‐ Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD 5969499 12/19/2012 1855 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Change


3809930 7/3/2008 858 ALONDRA BL 5 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 2455285 1/7/2006 1600 ALONDRA BL 8SVehicle/Pedes Pedestrian North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD trian Way 4178443 3/17/2009 1110 ALONDRA BL 8 N Rear End Motor Vehicle on South ‐ South Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Other Roadway Closely 4060118 1/13/2009 1010 ALONDRA BL 10 E Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian East Making Right Turn North Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD trian Way 5220785 5/20/2011 845 ALONDRA BL 10 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 4874496 8/19/2010 1903 ALONDRA BL 12 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 5533634 3/6/2012 1730 ALONDRA BL 12 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD 4707977 4/22/2010 1900 ALONDRA BL 12 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5798946 8/4/2012 1548 ALONDRA BL 12 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5966232 10/3/2012 1700 ALONDRA BL 12 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn North Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 3815861 7/1/2008 1830 ALONDRA BL 13 S Broadside Bicycle East Entering Traffic East Making Right Turn Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Way 6467579 9/12/2013 625 ALONDRA BL 13 S Broadside Bicycle West Traveling Wrong East Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Way 3281020 6/29/2007 1800 ALONDRA BL 15 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 3571077 1/14/2008 1115 ALONDRA BL 15 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Entering Traffic South Changing Lanes Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Way 5130468 2/16/2011 1012 ALONDRA BL 15 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5690149 6/18/2012 1800 ALONDRA BL 15 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Backing North Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Backing ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

3319551 8/10/2007 1855 ALONDRA BL 18 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn East Making Left Turn Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5988431 1/31/2013 1730 ALONDRA BL 18 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Stopped North Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 3489993 10/24/2007 1130 ALONDRA BL 20 W Broadside Bicycle West Making Right Turn North Proceeding Straight Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 2207788 8/5/2005 715 ALONDRA BL 20 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 6178651 7/31/2013 1540 ALONDRA BL 22 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 3 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5797883 9/12/2012 1450 ALONDRA BL 24 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD 4335090 7/15/2009 1030 ALONDRA BL 25 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD 5358440 7/17/2011 251 ALONDRA BL 30 E Hit Object Fixed Object West Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011 STUDEBAKER RD 4945708 9/23/2010 1920 ALONDRA BL 30 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Change 2207799 8/18/2005 1440 ALONDRA BL 31 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Making Right Turn West Making Left Turn Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Change 4173424 3/10/2009 1555 ALONDRA BL 32 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD 4765252 6/17/2010 1135 ALONDRA BL 34 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn North Making Left Turn Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 5994775 1/16/2013 1425 ALONDRA BL 35 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 3387700 9/25/2007 1730 ALONDRA BL 36 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD


3013181 1/22/2007 1113 ALONDRA BL 40 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5936596 3/4/2013 1455 ALONDRA BL 44 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 3294104 7/6/2007 2010 ALONDRA BL 45 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 4 3 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 6458315 2/9/2014 1830 ALONDRA BL 45 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 3721887 4/13/2008 1945 ALONDRA BL 45 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 3442062 11/2/2007 700 ALONDRA BL 50 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Change 3998903 11/20/2008 2120 ALONDRA BL 50 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 4846860 7/18/2010 1651 ALONDRA BL 50 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 2686629 6/12/2006 655 ALONDRA BL 54 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight East Making Right Turn Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Change ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6063479 4/11/2013 1000 ALONDRA BL 54 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Change 6630720 9/10/2014 740 ALONDRA BL 54 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD 3861544 8/4/2008 1745 ALONDRA BL 57 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight East ‐ Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 1920957 2/7/2005 1330 ALONDRA BL 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 4819967 7/8/2010 800 ALONDRA BL 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5508367 2/1/2012 1530 ALONDRA BL 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5923670 12/12/2012 745 ALONDRA BL 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 6269261 9/18/2013 810 ALONDRA BL 60 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5881128 12/4/2012 1220 ALONDRA BL 62 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 4 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 4853332 8/3/2010 1420 ALONDRA BL 62 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Other Than Driver PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 2387663 11/25/2005 1135 ALONDRA BL 66 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2005 STUDEBAKER RD 4874508 8/24/2010 1645 ALONDRA BL 71 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 3118783 3/21/2007 1850 ALONDRA BL 75 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Change 4727730 5/10/2010 1055 ALONDRA BL 75 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 6604807 8/27/2014 1100 ALONDRA BL 75 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5850054 9/20/2012 1120 ALONDRA BL 75 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Changing Lanes South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Change 4772370 5/25/2010 1512 ALONDRA BL 77 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 3734133 4/25/2008 1615 ALONDRA BL 78 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 6181169 8/1/2013 1605 ALONDRA BL 80 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Change 6595914 8/1/2014 1250 ALONDRA BL 80 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD 6072752 4/17/2013 1106 ALONDRA BL 85 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Closely


2921287 11/21/2006 945 ALONDRA BL 85 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 4 2006 STUDEBAKER RD 4622651 3/3/2010 1418 ALONDRA BL 85 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5341280 9/26/2011 1430 ALONDRA BL 85 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Change 4945756 9/22/2010 1415 ALONDRA BL 90 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2010 STUDEBAKER RD 5991811 3/8/2013 1150 ALONDRA BL 91 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 5 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5323939 8/10/2011 1750 ALONDRA BL 94 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Way 5499530 1/26/2012 810 ALONDRA BL 100 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD 2255170 9/26/2005 1525 ALONDRA BL 100 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 2568764 3/27/2006 1845 ALONDRA BL 100 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD 6335804 11/13/2013 1820 ALONDRA BL 100 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Way 5391865 10/17/2011 1300 ALONDRA BL 105 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Changing Lanes South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5561586 3/12/2012 1700 ALONDRA BL 107 N Hit Object Fixed Object South Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Turning 3855731 9/8/2008 1940 ALONDRA BL 110 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 6051274 4/3/2013 1535 ALONDRA BL 110 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2013 STUDEBAKER RD 3428890 10/5/2007 835 ALONDRA BL 110 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Change 3968887 10/21/2008 1710 ALONDRA BL 110 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 6101033 5/28/2013 820 ALONDRA BL 115 W Hit Object Other Object West Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Turning 2455281 1/7/2006 1725 ALONDRA BL 117 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5360321 9/17/2011 1145 ALONDRA BL 125 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD 6063290 4/12/2013 1315 ALONDRA BL 126 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD Way 4286443 6/4/2009 1240 ALONDRA BL 130 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 6486892 3/20/2014 1310 ALONDRA BL 130 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Stopped Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Way 1943565 3/7/2005 2145 ALONDRA BL 138 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD 6391775 11/25/2013 1730 ALONDRA BL 140 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD 2207778 8/23/2005 1700 ALONDRA BL 140 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6520736 4/15/2014 1450 ALONDRA BL 150 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 2042037 5/12/2005 835 ALONDRA BL 153 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Change 2736742 7/17/2006 705 ALONDRA BL 155 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 4 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Way 3791160 6/30/2008 1540 ALONDRA BL 169 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD


6045404 3/22/2013 2030 ALONDRA BL 180 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD 6495903 5/2/2014 1850 ALONDRA BL 180 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Change 3304328 7/27/2007 2015 ALONDRA BL 190 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 2595054 4/1/2006 935 ALONDRA BL 200 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD 3271726 6/8/2007 1305 ALONDRA BL 200 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 4588077 1/13/2010 910 ALONDRA BL 200 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 3725543 5/1/2008 1345 ALONDRA BL 220 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 5299979 9/7/2011 1730 ALONDRA BL 220 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 2047981 5/24/2005 1215 ALONDRA BL 223 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 2 3 2005 STUDEBAKER RD 3134104 3/31/2007 1045 ALONDRA BL 225 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 6546556 6/2/2014 815 ALONDRA BL 225 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 5140537 3/27/2011 230 ALONDRA BL 228 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Change 4160703 3/8/2009 1710 ALONDRA BL 244 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Making Right Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Way 2456872 1/20/2006 1830 ALONDRA BL 246 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 3940182 10/2/2008 1230 ALONDRA BL 248 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2008 STUDEBAKER RD 3804452 6/26/2008 1145 ALONDRA BL 250 W Overturned Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Following Too 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 4364338 8/1/2009 1345 ALONDRA BL 250 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 2719386 7/6/2006 1300 ALONDRA BL 252 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Way 2073942 6/10/2005 1850 ALONDRA BL 253 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5473947 12/4/2011 1735 ALONDRA BL 260 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn West Making U‐Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Way 5743485 6/29/2012 1705 ALONDRA BL 260 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Change 1875388 1/19/2005 800 ALONDRA BL 274 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5489227 1/10/2012 1545 ALONDRA BL 290 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Way 6358269 11/18/2013 525 ALONDRA BL 290 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD 5537437 2/12/2012 1520 ALONDRA BL 295 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5632313 5/7/2012 2100 ALONDRA BL 300 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD 2437963 12/26/2005 1130 ALONDRA BL 300 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 STUDEBAKER RD 2773664 8/16/2006 1716 ALONDRA BL 300 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 3596214 2/6/2008 820 ALONDRA BL 300 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Change 5236973 6/15/2011 625 ALONDRA BL 300 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Signs


5863186 10/10/2012 1355 ALONDRA BL 300 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 6391763 11/25/2013 1040 ALONDRA BL 300 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013 STUDEBAKER RD 4478063 11/3/2009 1510 ALONDRA BL 300 AT Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Change 6493728 4/3/2014 1500 ALONDRA BL 310 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD 5181091 4/8/2011 1125 ALONDRA BL 328 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 5013654 12/8/2010 1140 ALONDRA BL 329 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Way 5181052 4/9/2011 1550 ALONDRA BL 335 W Vehicle/Pedes Bicycle West Traveling Wrong North Proceeding Straight ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 STUDEBAKER RD trian Way 6604818 8/23/2014 1605 ALONDRA BL 335 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 6659300 9/11/2014 930 ALONDRA BL 354 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2014 STUDEBAKER RD 3523967 12/4/2007 1530 ALONDRA BL 365 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 5475581 1/6/2012 1739 ALONDRA BL 366 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Crossed Into East Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Opposing Lane 5495505 1/12/2012 950 ALONDRA BL 375 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Signs ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

3553539 12/29/2007 2059 ALONDRA BL 384 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Other Than Driver 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD 4192947 4/8/2009 1725 ALONDRA BL 395 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 4508001 11/29/2009 640 ALONDRA BL 400 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 6838349 10/31/2014 2055 ALONDRA BL 403 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 STUDEBAKER RD Backing 4068712 1/13/2009 1130 ALONDRA BL 410 W ‐ Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2009 STUDEBAKER RD 4045667 1/2/2009 1020 ALONDRA BL 425 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 3924179 10/23/2008 1245 ALONDRA BL 431 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 3304344 7/26/2007 900 ALONDRA BL 435 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Making Right Turn Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 STUDEBAKER RD Change 6506807 4/7/2014 1700 ALONDRA BL 439 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Other Than Driver 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2014 STUDEBAKER RD 5883592 11/26/2012 2216 ALONDRA BL 450 W ‐ Other Motor Vehicle East Other West Stopped Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 STUDEBAKER RD Signs 4782661 5/25/2010 1625 ALONDRA BL 463 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2010 STUDEBAKER RD Closely 4160707 3/3/2009 1542 ALONDRA BL 465 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009 STUDEBAKER RD 3968552 12/1/2008 755 ALONDRA BL 600 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Way 2962117 12/10/2006 459 ALONDRA BL 634 E Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2006 STUDEBAKER RD 3710999 4/18/2008 1221 ALONDRA BL 917 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 STUDEBAKER RD Way 2674973 5/13/2006 1945 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Improper Passing 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 AV 1923382 2/19/2005 1000 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV 2059203 5/27/2005 1537 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2005 AV Signs


2132437 7/12/2005 2100 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Closely 2477510 2/10/2006 1155 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 AV Signs 2630986 4/28/2006 1755 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Way 4204082 4/15/2009 835 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 AV Way 4385529 8/27/2009 1617 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6436122 12/16/2013 1226 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0ATVehicle/Pedes Pedestrian South ‐ East Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Violation PDO 0 0 2 2013 AV trian 6469362 1/7/2014 1825 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2014 AV Way 6530399 6/10/2014 1300 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV 5477980 12/28/2011 2130 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0ATHit Object Fixed Object South Making Right Turn DUI PDO 0 0 1 2011 AV 5497239 1/16/2012 1110 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Way 5636002 5/4/2012 2500 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 3NHit Object Fixed Object West Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2012 AV 5197560 4/28/2011 1140 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 4 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Way 2453974 1/12/2006 720 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 6NSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Making Right Turn Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Backing 3626509 2/12/2008 857 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 15 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Closely 4119641 10/16/2008 915 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 15 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV 5533961 2/15/2012 1630 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 20 W Broadside Bicycle East Traveling Wrong West Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 AV Way Signs 4994200 10/12/2010 755 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 31 E Broadside Bicycle South Traveling Wrong North Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 AV Way 3571050 1/16/2008 715 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 36 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Closely 5183079 4/20/2011 1900 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 40 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 AV Closely 4961486 10/19/2010 1305 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 42 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2010 AV Closely 2123689 7/3/2005 355 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 49 E Head-On Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005 AV 6734911 12/3/2014 505 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 50 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 2 Inj Sev 0 1 2 2014 AV 1875424 1/18/2005 800 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 60 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Change 2403376 11/28/2005 840 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 61 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Closely 2702289 7/1/2006 1015 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 66 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 5 2 2006 AV Closely 4969766 10/28/2010 800 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 75 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV Change 5846423 10/19/2012 1005 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 85 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV 3428937 10/8/2007 830 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 87 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 AV Change ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2630975 4/26/2006 915 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 91 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2006 AV


2255198 9/22/2005 2100 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 100 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2005 AV Closely 5322696 8/15/2011 920 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 100 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Closely 5537417 2/22/2012 1905 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 100 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Closely 2387650 11/9/2005 1350 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 105 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV 2128674 7/6/2005 2000 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 120 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV 1934148 3/3/2005 1220 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 168 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV 5865200 9/12/2012 1500 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 175 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 AV Backing 4060125 1/15/2009 930 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 177 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight South Entering Traffic Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2009 AV Backing 5149742 2/15/2011 1900 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 234 N Other Parked Motor Vehicle South Backing South Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Backing 5038569 11/29/2010 2500 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 272 N Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle North Other Unsafe North Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV Turning 2843713 10/3/2006 1730 ALONDRA BL ELMCROFT 320 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn ‐ 3 Inj Vis 0 3 2 2006 AV 2387633 11/11/2005 1520 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 LONGWORTH AV Way 2549631 3/13/2006 940 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making U‐Turn South Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 LONGWORTH AV Way 3998942 11/21/2008 1620 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside ‐ South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 LONGWORTH AV Way 5073995 1/9/2011 1928 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 LONGWORTH AV Way 5763141 4/28/2011 1810 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 LONGWORTH AV Way 5774907 8/24/2012 1529 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 LONGWORTH AV Way 3058950 2/14/2007 2140 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Making U‐Turn West Changing Lanes Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 LONGWORTH AV Way 5640654 5/18/2012 1220 ALONDRA BL 2 N Broadside Bicycle East Proceeding Straight South Making Right Turn ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 LONGWORTH AV 5645958 4/23/2012 750 ALONDRA BL 6 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 LONGWORTH AV Way 5421098 10/25/2011 1910 ALONDRA BL 11 N Broadside Bicycle East Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011 LONGWORTH AV 4567529 1/28/2010 525 ALONDRA BL 14 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Proceeding Straight ‐ Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2010 LONGWORTH AV Signs ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2073926 6/15/2005 2150 ALONDRA BL 44 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Backing West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 2 Inj Sev 0 4 2 2005 LONGWORTH AV Way 2041598 5/14/2005 1920 ALONDRA BL 75 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 LONGWORTH AV Closely 5425114 11/10/2011 1250 ALONDRA BL 85 N Broadside Parked Motor Vehicle East Backing North Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 LONGWORTH AV Backing 6085881 5/4/2013 1409 ALONDRA BL 100 N Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle North Backing North Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2013 LONGWORTH AV Backing 5523156 3/2/2012 2107 ALONDRA BL 130 E Head-On Other Motor Vehicle West Stopped East Backing Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 LONGWORTH AV Closely 4490462 11/18/2009 1815 ALONDRA BL 132 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2009 LONGWORTH AV Turning 4993984 11/2/2010 1625 ALONDRA BL 193 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making U‐Turn North Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 LONGWORTH AV 2859418 10/13/2006 2500 ALONDRA BL 220 N Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle South Other Unsafe South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006 LONGWORTH AV Turning


2806474 8/18/2006 1830 ALONDRA BL 287 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006 LONGWORTH AV 5341278 9/26/2011 1305 ALONDRA BL 300 N Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle North Backing North Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 3 2011 LONGWORTH AV Backing 1863402 1/20/2005 1845 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn North Making Left Turn Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2005 RD Closely 1935595 3/2/2005 750 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 RD Way 2061488 3/9/2005 1930 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2005 RD 2104221 6/29/2005 1420 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2005 RD Signs 2297033 10/5/2005 800 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making U‐Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 RD Way 3078539 2/20/2007 2020 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 RD Way 3596230 2/4/2008 1550 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2008 RD Way 3824370 7/7/2008 1545 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 RD Way 4451960 10/14/2009 1900 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2009 RD Signs 4707965 4/28/2010 1256 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2010 RD Way 4901826 9/15/2010 1845 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2010 RD Signs 5322701 9/14/2011 1843 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 RD Way 5815573 12/8/2012 1924 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2012 RD Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6243963 10/8/2013 1725 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 RD Way 6604814 8/18/2014 1500 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2014 RD 2762120 7/18/2006 1415 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 RD Backing 3197250 5/10/2007 1100 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 RD Way 3092928 3/8/2007 1900 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 10 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007 RD Turning 6568457 6/30/2014 1855 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 12 N Broadside Bicycle East Traveling Wrong North Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 RD Way 5865251 9/5/2012 1630 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 12 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Traveling Wrong East Making Left Turn Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 RD Way 6618238 6/30/2014 1920 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 18 E Head-On Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2014 RD Signs 2162183 7/12/2005 1815 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 19 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 RD 3147707 4/12/2007 1500 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 20 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 RD 4293353 6/14/2009 1050 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 27 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 1 2009 RD 4045671 1/2/2009 715 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 36 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2009 RD 5558650 3/13/2012 1245 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 50 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2012 RD Way 6621705 6/1/2014 700 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 50 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2014 RD Change 5689248 6/11/2012 2315 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 56 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 RD Closely


4335101 7/19/2009 1355 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 59 N Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle South Parking Maneuver South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2009 RD 6649716 10/9/2013 1415 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 72 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2013 RD 4335097 7/20/2009 2145 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 75 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2009 RD Closely 5331142 9/21/2011 1015 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 95 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2011 RD Change 2839880 9/28/2006 1100 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 100 E Broadside Bicycle North Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 RD 5214406 5/6/2011 1709 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 148 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2011 RD Closely 5563611 9/11/2012 1040 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 210 W Other Parked Motor Vehicle West Backing West Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 RD Backing 5324883 8/6/2011 1830 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 265 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 RD Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2993879 1/6/2007 1127 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 305 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 RD Way 2423501 12/16/2005 955 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 315 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2005 RD 2092104 6/16/2005 1855 ALONDRA BL GRIDLEY 437 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2005 RD 2345756 10/23/2005 1900 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn Other Hazardous 1 FATAL 1 7 3 2005 Violation 3543778 12/14/2007 1750 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 0 AT Sideswipe Bicycle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 Change 4014318 12/6/2008 1730 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 2 2008

4622353 3/7/2010 1505 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2010 Way 5409086 11/6/2011 1640 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 Way 4824336 7/13/2010 818 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 5 AT Sideswipe Bicycle West Traveling Wrong North Making Right Turn ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 Way 6458749 3/20/2014 1900 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 15 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2014 Closely 5609619 4/25/2012 810 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 16 E Hit Object Fixed Object South Making Left Turn DUI PDO 0 0 1 2012

5244196 6/25/2011 1732 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 22 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011

4954596 10/2/2010 320 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 22 N Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn North Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 4 2010

6364210 11/21/2013 1200 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 25 W Hit Object Other Object East Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 1 2013 Change 3543736 12/20/2007 2150 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 40 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 Change 5527527 2/28/2012 321 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 45 N Head-On Parked Motor Vehicle ‐ Making Right Turn ‐ Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012

4571632 2/4/2010 1442 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 50 W Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 Turning 3173369 7/22/2006 155 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 52 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 1 2006

6715129 11/1/2014 1815 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014

1882758 2/8/2005 2500 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 63 AT Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle South Other Unsafe South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 Turning 6456546 3/26/2014 520 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 70 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2014 Turning 5105581 2/24/2011 2215 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 71 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2011



6539151 5/16/2014 800 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 150 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2014 Backing 4464900 10/26/2009 650 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 260 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2009 Way 2212154 8/29/2005 1615 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 276 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2005 Closely 2212080 9/6/2005 830 ALONDRA BL GARD AV 279 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 Way 2048085 5/25/2005 1725 ALONDRA BL 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2212150 8/29/2005 1530 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2005 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2568778 3/21/2006 930 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2595057 4/4/2006 2300 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 2882863 10/10/2006 1700 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Change 2903085 10/30/2006 2012 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way 3470041 10/22/2007 1615 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV Way 4263544 5/18/2009 2035 ALONDRA BL 0ATVehicle/Pedes Pedestrian North Making Left Turn South ‐ Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV trian Way 4321648 7/14/2009 1830 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Making Left Turn Unknown 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV 4508065 11/29/2009 1725 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 4711272 4/22/2010 1545 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 MAIDSTONE AV 4772386 5/29/2010 1900 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2010 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 4874492 8/20/2010 1420 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 2 Inj Sev 0 2 2 2010 MAIDSTONE AV Way 4945732 9/20/2010 1940 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2010 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5359492 9/16/2011 1545 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5842707 10/30/2012 1750 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2012 MAIDSTONE AV Way 6243956 10/7/2013 808 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 5906674 1/24/2013 1200 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 6412451 12/21/2013 1830 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6457001 2/4/2014 1845 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 MAIDSTONE AV Way 6458152 2/4/2014 1420 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 6596302 8/6/2014 1720 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2473654 2/1/2006 1225 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2688684 5/31/2006 1645 ALONDRA BL 0AT ‐ Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way


3446777 11/12/2007 1145 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV Way 3527435 12/5/2007 1845 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 3855723 9/9/2008 1835 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Stopped Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 4464904 10/26/2009 710 ALONDRA BL 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV Way 6192196 8/8/2013 1740 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Bicycle East Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 3 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 5367500 10/5/2011 922 ALONDRA BL 6 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Making Right Turn Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 4310652 7/2/2009 1845 ALONDRA BL 8EHead-On Bicycle North Making Right Turn West Traveling Wrong Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV Way 3339561 8/30/2007 1630 ALONDRA BL 15 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 5197572 4/26/2011 2250 ALONDRA BL 15 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV 3714806 4/3/2008 725 ALONDRA BL 16 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Right Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Signs 6081048 5/8/2013 1310 ALONDRA BL 18 E Head-On Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2882855 10/10/2006 1505 ALONDRA BL 20 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way 3147747 4/12/2007 1430 ALONDRA BL 25 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV 3365258 9/1/2007 1840 ALONDRA BL 34 W Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV 3223700 5/23/2007 1640 ALONDRA BL 48 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 MAIDSTONE AV 3886271 8/14/2008 2005 ALONDRA BL 48 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV 4487936 10/30/2009 2325 ALONDRA BL 50 W Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Parked DUI PDO 0 0 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV Turning 5042967 1/19/2011 1800 ALONDRA BL 63 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2011 MAIDSTONE AV ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2768017 7/28/2006 1900 ALONDRA BL 63 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV 4310660 7/3/2009 2201 ALONDRA BL 70 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 5396341 10/10/2011 1900 ALONDRA BL 70 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5244135 6/14/2011 1731 ALONDRA BL 76 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making U‐Turn East Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Change 5288018 7/4/2011 500 ALONDRA BL 79 E Hit Object Fixed Object West Other Unsafe Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Turning 3720503 4/9/2008 1745 ALONDRA BL 80 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5083623 1/27/2011 1105 ALONDRA BL 80 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 2702131 6/8/2006 1340 ALONDRA BL 81 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2092021 6/20/2005 750 ALONDRA BL 125 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 4 2005 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 3593440 1/28/2008 1115 ALONDRA BL 125 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Change 2993914 1/10/2007 1835 ALONDRA BL 130 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 3 2007 MAIDSTONE AV 6467571 9/4/2013 1454 ALONDRA BL 135 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Way


3755101 5/4/2008 1250 ALONDRA BL 136 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 2345726 10/11/2005 1645 ALONDRA BL 147 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 MAIDSTONE AV 2805164 9/15/2006 1915 ALONDRA BL 156 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 MAIDSTONE AV Way 3577660 1/7/2008 1820 ALONDRA BL 156 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5949700 1/5/2013 1150 ALONDRA BL 162 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5865131 9/14/2012 2330 ALONDRA BL 165 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 MAIDSTONE AV Change 2041600 5/14/2005 1310 ALONDRA BL 180 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2005 MAIDSTONE AV Way 2248099 9/8/2005 1600 ALONDRA BL 184 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn South Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5996716 1/26/2013 1342 ALONDRA BL 240 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013 MAIDSTONE AV 6002878 1/30/2013 1845 ALONDRA BL 268 E Rear End Motor Vehicle on West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Other Roadway Closely 3734090 4/24/2008 1525 ALONDRA BL 280 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5581512 3/30/2012 1850 ALONDRA BL 315 E Broadside Bicycle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2012 MAIDSTONE AV 5906589 10/10/2012 1340 ALONDRA BL 325 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 MAIDSTONE AV Way 3766972 6/10/2008 925 ALONDRA BL 350 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 MAIDSTONE AV Way 4039692 1/15/2009 1735 ALONDRA BL 356 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2009 MAIDSTONE AV Closely 6418821 12/4/2013 2335 ALONDRA BL 400 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2013 MAIDSTONE AV Turning 4874612 9/3/2010 1155 ALONDRA BL 435 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2010 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5189299 6/3/2011 1510 ALONDRA BL 506 E Other Bicycle East Proceeding Straight East Changing Lanes DUI 1 FATAL 1 1 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV 5474155 12/13/2011 1355 ALONDRA BL 520 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making U‐Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011 MAIDSTONE AV Way 5038597 11/26/2010 1735 ALONDRA BL 550 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 MAIDSTONE AV Change 2074939 6/9/2005 1725 ALONDRA BL 581 E Broadside Bicycle North Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 MAIDSTONE AV Change 2912966 11/19/2006 1515 ALONDRA BL 620 E Hit Object Fixed Object West Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2006 MAIDSTONE AV 5524681 2/3/2012 1500 ALONDRA BL 623 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 MAIDSTONE AV Way 6525292 5/2/2014 2310 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL Signs 2345701 10/17/2005 200 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 2544009 3/10/2006 1725 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0EHit Object Fixed Object South Making Left Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 1 2006 BL 3753933 6/1/2008 2015 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL 3927863 9/30/2008 625 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL Signs 4010105 10/14/2008 810 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL Change 5533965 2/16/2012 2238 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2012 BL Signs


6415111 12/2/2013 1050 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 BL Signs 6648902 9/15/2014 1730 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2014 BL 1875113 1/12/2005 2350 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0ATOverturned Fixed Object North Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2005 BL 2212126 8/27/2005 1435 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2240098 8/9/2005 930 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0ATHit Object Fixed Object East Slowing/Stopping Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005 BL 2256621 9/18/2005 1450 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Stopped North Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BL Closely 2417800 12/1/2005 2315 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BL Signs 2619562 4/14/2006 2140 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped DUI PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL 9002493 8/23/2006 745 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 BL Signs 4901809 9/12/2010 2243 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL Signs 5396365 10/8/2011 1424 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Signs 5170447 3/24/2011 2231 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 4 W Broadside Bicycle East Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011 BL Signs 4111429 10/25/2008 1830 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 5SHit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008 BL 5083700 1/21/2011 1945 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 6 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Closely 5690343 6/19/2012 1700 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 6ESideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 BL 4174668 3/14/2009 10 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 8 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL 5262510 5/25/2011 1630 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 10 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Closely 3337727 8/14/2007 2020 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 10 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Making Right Turn Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Turning 3337759 8/22/2007 1440 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 12 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 BL 5334680 9/13/2011 1115 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 12 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL 4629837 2/26/2010 945 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 12 S Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian East ‐ East Making Right Turn Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 BL trian Way 2132401 7/14/2005 1730 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 15 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 3593428 1/30/2008 940 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 16 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL 2092010 6/6/2005 1100 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 18 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unknown 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2005 BL 6526511 4/26/2014 145 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 18 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2014 BL Turning 2248083 9/7/2005 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 20 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 5 2005 BL Closely 3879786 8/17/2008 2230 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 20 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5445317 11/15/2011 1240 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 20 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Changing Lanes South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Change 2424470 12/3/2005 1600 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 24 W Broadside Bicycle West Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Other Hazardous 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 BL Violation


4712613 5/2/2010 150 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 25 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Passing East Slowing/Stopping Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 4456939 10/19/2009 720 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 27 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 BL Closely 5906594 11/16/2012 735 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 30 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL Closely 1943519 3/20/2005 1042 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 30 N ‐ Other Motor Vehicle South Backing South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL Backing 5121507 3/12/2011 200 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 33 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Slowing/Stopping North Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2011 BL 5464155 12/26/2011 1625 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 35 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2011 BL 3659704 3/22/2008 1450 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 35 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL Backing 3543692 12/19/2007 1300 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 38 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Closely 6155491 7/26/2013 1530 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 40 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Closely 6462057 2/28/2014 2035 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 40 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2014 BL 5102669 2/18/2011 1019 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 42 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL 2035939 5/4/2005 1515 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 42 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Making Right Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 2473621 2/2/2006 1610 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 42 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL 5062483 1/3/2011 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 42 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Backing 5770394 8/24/2012 1435 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 45 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Stopped Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2012 BL 6691044 10/18/2014 1350 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 46 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Stopped North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL Change 4976914 12/13/2010 1705 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 48 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Other Than Driver PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 3294156 7/2/2007 2230 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 50 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Closely 3902890 9/2/2008 1621 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 50 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL 5401710 10/25/2011 1100 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 50 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2011 BL 5932687 12/11/2012 1550 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 50 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2012 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5777746 9/20/2012 1737 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 51 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2012 BL 6191298 8/18/2013 1620 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 51 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2013 BL Closely 6457852 3/4/2014 1715 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 52 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL Way 6619039 9/5/2014 1840 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 54 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 3805497 6/15/2008 1710 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 55 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2008 BL 3092899 3/4/2007 945 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 55 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL 6139079 7/12/2013 1250 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 56 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 5 2013 BL 9022130 8/31/2006 920 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 57 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Signs 5476618 12/23/2011 200 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 60 N Hit Object Fixed Object South Other Unsafe Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 1 2011 BL Turning


5680623 6/1/2012 1515 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 60 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2012 BL 2524473 2/22/2006 1605 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 67 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Stopped South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Backing 6082379 5/23/2013 1645 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 70 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Closely 5472725 11/28/2011 1330 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 70 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 BL Backing 1920998 2/13/2005 1145 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 71 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Entering Traffic East Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 3148111 4/18/2007 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 75 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 BL Backing 6490016 3/30/2014 1615 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 78 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 2364927 11/29/2005 630 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 78 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 2 3 2005 BL 5976024 1/4/2013 1810 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 81 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Closely 2601209 4/4/2006 1455 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 84 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West ‐ East ‐ Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 BL 6568376 6/16/2014 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 84 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 BL Closely 2341596 7/22/2005 1930 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 85 W Sideswipe ‐ East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 3861592 8/1/2008 1605 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 85 S Head-On Bicycle South Proceeding Straight West Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL 3710983 4/17/2008 1250 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 90 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Changing Lanes Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6072776 4/22/2013 1615 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 90 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Way 6098606 5/14/2013 1740 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 90 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Way 4105519 2/6/2009 1805 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 96 E Other Other Motor Vehicle West Backing West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Backing 6391815 11/30/2013 2059 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 96 N Hit Object Fixed Object ‐ Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2013 BL Turning 3897325 8/22/2008 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 97 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL 2128686 7/11/2005 40 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 99 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005 BL 3002493 1/16/2007 825 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 100 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Passing East Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL 3365223 9/19/2007 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 100 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Way 3531326 8/28/2007 1540 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 100 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2007 BL Way 6068687 5/3/2013 1600 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 100 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Way 2248160 9/7/2005 1700 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 100 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2005 BL 2541831 3/7/2006 740 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 100 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Other Unsafe South Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Turning Change 2768001 7/28/2006 1150 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 102 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2006 BL 4736008 6/21/2010 1956 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 107 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Entering Traffic Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 6456404 1/16/2014 1738 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 108 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Backing East Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL Backing 4246756 5/1/2009 1515 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 110 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Way


3991626 11/13/2008 1740 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 115 W Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian East Stopped ‐‐ Pedestrian Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL trian Way 2046225 5/19/2005 2150 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 120 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 5594502 4/4/2012 1630 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 120 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL Change 4266648 5/27/2009 730 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 121 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 BL 1863404 1/7/2005 1310 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 122 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Making Right Turn Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL 3446622 11/20/2007 1530 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 123 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Slowing/Stopping Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 3 2007 BL Backing 3384533 9/15/2007 1810 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 125 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

3527447 12/12/2007 1130 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 125 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic West Stopped Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Way 5771698 7/18/2012 1330 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 125 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL 5897060 11/3/2012 840 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 131 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL Closely 4547893 12/18/2009 1955 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 136 E Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian North ‐ East Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Violation 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 BL trian 6546560 6/3/2014 1630 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 140 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 2903638 11/4/2006 1730 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 141 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2006 BL 5402362 10/7/2011 1440 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 142 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Way 2268720 10/11/2005 150 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 144 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping DUI 2 Inj Sev 0 1 2 2005 BL 3805505 6/17/2008 1610 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 145 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL 4059984 1/1/2009 1545 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 147 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2009 BL Change 5524693 2/6/2012 1215 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 147 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL 2688747 6/1/2006 1835 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 150 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 BL 5783612 8/16/2012 749 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 150 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Other Unsafe Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2012 BL Turning 4032028 12/3/2008 1215 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 150 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL Change 2736730 7/17/2006 1115 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 150 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn South Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL 6063354 4/12/2013 1712 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 150 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Changing Lanes South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Change 2387665 11/12/2005 1440 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 153 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 BL Way 5353442 9/28/2011 1700 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 153 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Passing Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL 3113635 3/10/2007 1500 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 155 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 4 2007 BL Way 4171239 3/1/2009 2500 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 170 S Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle South Other Unsafe South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 4 2009 BL Turning 4824369 7/15/2010 1620 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 175 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Passing East Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 3739406 4/18/2008 1200 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 176 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 BL Change 3446730 11/9/2007 1900 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 180 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T



6099544 5/30/2013 1925 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 180 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 3 2 2013 BL Way 3967172 10/12/2008 1832 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 180 N Broadside Bicycle West Stopped South Stopped DUI 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 BL 3092908 3/1/2007 1720 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 190 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 BL Way 3134130 3/26/2007 930 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 192 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Closely 5767679 9/13/2012 1834 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 192 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 1 4 2012 BL 5499542 1/23/2012 1640 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 200 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2012 BL 5595104 4/20/2012 1445 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 200 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL Way 6072777 4/23/2013 920 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 207 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Making U‐Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Way 6364511 11/16/2013 1145 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 210 N Broadside Bicycle West Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 BL Way 6131107 6/27/2013 1250 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 213 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Changing Lanes Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL Closely 5013601 12/5/2010 2140 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 218 N Hit Object Fixed Object South Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2010 BL Turning 4483778 11/9/2009 200 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 225 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2009 BL Turning 6638598 9/3/2014 1200 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 225 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 2921322 11/25/2006 2330 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 225 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Way 2961848 12/6/2006 1655 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 227 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Change 3151116 4/25/2007 1600 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 237 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Change 2912993 11/16/2006 1940 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 240 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Closely 3688343 3/29/2008 1540 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 244 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2008 BL Closely 3214722 5/21/2007 940 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 250 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2007 BL Closely 4945712 9/23/2010 1820 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 253 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2010 BL Closely 2568829 2/28/2006 1735 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 259 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Way 4772398 5/25/2010 1650 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 270 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 4005113 11/5/2008 1800 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 281 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6563586 6/16/2014 805 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 282 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 3134088 3/31/2007 1710 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 283 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Closely 5097481 2/10/2011 908 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 290 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Change 2889884 10/19/2006 600 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 295 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2006 BL 2903618 11/5/2006 1705 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 300 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Change 4727758 5/10/2010 1121 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 300 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL


5743484 6/28/2012 1000 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 300 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 BL Way 4433390 10/5/2009 2125 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 300 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Change 5149420 3/3/2011 803 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 305 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2011 BL Way 4816147 7/8/2010 1456 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 312 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 3053754 2/7/2007 1530 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 315 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Closely 4517846 12/2/2009 815 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 315 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Way 6648898 9/10/2014 1115 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 315 W Hit Object Other Object East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Other Equipment PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 2889896 10/20/2006 1705 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 320 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2006 BL Way 4111838 1/28/2009 1810 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 325 W Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 BL trian Way 6563566 6/23/2014 1125 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 325 W Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian East Proceeding Straight South Other Pedestrian Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2014 BL trian Way 2702129 6/26/2006 810 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 330 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Change 3411297 10/15/2007 750 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 361 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Way 4178681 3/28/2009 1925 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 362 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2009 BL Closely 2207779 8/23/2005 1515 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 382 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2005 BL Closely 2719395 7/7/2006 1630 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 399 E Head-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 BL Way 3053676 1/30/2007 1100 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 500 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2007 BL Way 4060117 1/12/2009 1905 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 558 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

1875117 1/2/2005 2150 ALONDRA BL PIONEER 750 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2005 BL 2674956 5/24/2006 735 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 CLARKDALE AV Way 2248124 9/1/2005 1400 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 CLARKDALE AV Way 2254181 9/14/2005 1600 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 CLARKDALE AV Way 2674969 5/22/2006 2000 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2006 CLARKDALE AV Way 9003190 7/28/2006 220 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 CLARKDALE AV Way 3078515 2/19/2007 400 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2007 CLARKDALE AV Signs 3148143 4/15/2007 1720 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 CLARKDALE AV Way 3966484 10/16/2008 1527 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 CLARKDALE AV Way 4071439 12/26/2008 1620 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 CLARKDALE AV Way 4263524 5/18/2009 1015 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 CLARKDALE AV Way 4390146 9/1/2009 1130 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Bicycle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 2 Inj Sev 0 1 2 2009 CLARKDALE AV Signs 4632324 3/13/2010 1535 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Motor Vehicle on South Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 2 Inj Sev 0 1 3 2010 CLARKDALE AV Other Roadway Way


4765865 6/28/2010 1745 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 CLARKDALE AV 5080564 2/8/2011 1230 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2011 CLARKDALE AV Way 5365226 9/25/2011 1630 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 CLARKDALE AV Way 5393955 10/18/2011 2120 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 CLARKDALE AV Way 6207322 9/1/2013 840 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn ‐ Making Left Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2013 CLARKDALE AV 6458112 1/10/2014 2330 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2014 CLARKDALE AV Way 6506166 4/28/2014 1700 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2014 CLARKDALE AV Way 6526899 3/13/2014 830 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Motor Vehicle on North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 CLARKDALE AV Other Roadway Way 5396333 10/11/2011 1220 ALONDRA BL 0 N Broadside Bicycle East Proceeding Straight South Making Right Turn ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2011 CLARKDALE AV 5865029 9/25/2012 813 ALONDRA BL 4 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 CLARKDALE AV Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

4403123 9/15/2009 1607 ALONDRA BL 10 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 CLARKDALE AV Way 1863525 1/15/2005 1400 ALONDRA BL 20 N Broadside Bicycle West Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 CLARKDALE AV Way 4525724 12/25/2009 340 ALONDRA BL 26 E Hit Object Fixed Object North Making Right Turn Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2009 CLARKDALE AV Signs 4976491 11/4/2010 1945 ALONDRA BL 28 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2010 CLARKDALE AV Closely 3387752 9/3/2007 2215 ALONDRA BL 44 S Overturned Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007 CLARKDALE AV 2792165 9/9/2006 1550 ALONDRA BL 45 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2006 CLARKDALE AV Change 5968251 1/22/2013 748 ALONDRA BL 53 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2013 CLARKDALE AV Backing 6458088 2/27/2014 735 ALONDRA BL 57 E Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Pedestrian Violation 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 CLARKDALE AV trian 2387678 11/22/2005 705 ALONDRA BL 69 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 CLARKDALE AV 5509010 2/9/2012 1621 ALONDRA BL 85 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 CLARKDALE AV Closely 2297056 10/10/2005 725 ALONDRA BL 90 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 CLARKDALE AV Change 4712621 5/2/2010 1155 ALONDRA BL 100 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 CLARKDALE AV 3454039 10/31/2007 1520 ALONDRA BL 105 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 3 Inj Vis 0 3 3 2007 CLARKDALE AV Closely 4928518 10/15/2010 1715 ALONDRA BL 110 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 CLARKDALE AV 6391827 11/27/2013 1743 ALONDRA BL 110 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2013 CLARKDALE AV 4517877 12/8/2009 1943 ALONDRA BL 116 N Broadside Parked Motor Vehicle South Other Unsafe South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2009 CLARKDALE AV Turning 2437929 12/30/2005 2110 ALONDRA BL 162 E Broadside Bicycle West Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 1 FATAL 1 0 2 2005 CLARKDALE AV Way 4621045 3/18/2010 1355 ALONDRA BL 200 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 CLARKDALE AV Closely 5826945 7/15/2012 1015 ALONDRA BL 205 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 CLARKDALE AV Closely 5359496 9/16/2011 1020 ALONDRA BL 211 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2011 CLARKDALE AV Turning


5632250 5/16/2012 1900 ALONDRA BL 250 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 CLARKDALE AV Closely 3533253 10/23/2007 1855 ALONDRA BL 306 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 3 2007 CLARKDALE AV 2403430 11/12/2005 2500 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005 Turning ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2417681 11/29/2005 2010 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 Way 2921302 11/27/2006 745 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 Way 3550753 12/1/2007 2030 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2007 Way 3613625 2/21/2008 743 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008

4588450 1/9/2010 1230 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2010

4772424 6/3/2010 1430 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2010 Way 4888108 8/26/2010 1855 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Bicycle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 Way 5165372 3/12/2011 1510 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 Way 5223536 6/20/2011 1835 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Bicycle South Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2011 Way 5774123 8/8/2012 1640 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2012 Signs 5872724 10/15/2012 1731 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2012 Signs 6384374 11/17/2013 1945 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2013 Way 6530438 5/21/2014 1959 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 Way 6596274 8/7/2014 1930 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Other Bicycle South Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 Way 6572472 7/7/2014 2309 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Making Right Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2014

5334652 9/7/2011 1410 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 4 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011 Turning 6568413 6/17/2014 455 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 7 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 Way 2297104 10/7/2005 1755 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 12 W Broadside Bicycle ‐ Making Left Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2005 Way 5967915 12/28/2012 1330 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 12 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 Closely 5105526 2/26/2011 1211 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 32 N Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle ‐ Crossed Into South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 Opposing Lane 2248045 9/14/2005 507 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 33 W Head-On Other Motor Vehicle East Other Unsafe West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 Turning 4250361 5/6/2009 1511 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 50 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 Way 6136077 6/13/2013 1750 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 80 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Backing West Parking Maneuver Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2013 Backing ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2521190 2/5/2006 115 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 83 W Hit Object Fixed Object East Traveling Wrong DUI PDO 0 0 1 2006 Way 3302864 7/20/2007 1159 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 110 S Hit Object Fixed Object South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007

3861897 8/6/2008 750 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 120 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Slowing/Stopping Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2008 Closely


3739410 4/16/2008 2110 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 129 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 1 2008

3023592 1/31/2007 1735 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 279 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 Closely 1921035 2/17/2005 1525 ALONDRA BL ELAINE AV 396 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 4 2005

2297112 10/7/2005 1725 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005

2688799 6/3/2006 1530 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic West Crossed Into Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 Opposing Lane Way 2805148 9/18/2006 750 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2006 Way 4373617 8/21/2009 1440 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic West Making Left Turn Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2009 Way 4436289 9/30/2009 1830 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 Way 6093049 5/15/2013 1350 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 Closely 6114891 6/1/2013 1225 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 Way 6691379 10/13/2014 2010 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Head-On Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2014 Way 6700272 9/21/2014 1705 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2014 Closely 2843701 10/4/2006 1405 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 0 AT Broadside Bicycle West Proceeding Straight North Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2006

4925721 9/27/2010 1735 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 4 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 Closely 3294116 7/1/2007 200 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 10 N Hit Object Fixed Object West Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007

3532720 12/2/2007 1926 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 11 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 Way 5929561 12/4/2012 2103 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 12 E Head-On Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Stopped Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 4 2 2012

5059976 2/8/2011 710 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 13 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 3 2011 Way 2212052 9/1/2005 1320 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 18 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005


2927915 11/28/2006 730 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 29 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006

3647331 3/4/2008 1700 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 30 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2008

2437954 12/31/2005 1300 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 45 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 Change 6691083 10/29/2014 1835 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 45 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014

2387698 11/21/2005 745 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Stopped East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2005

2719379 7/10/2006 2125 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 84 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2006

5906593 11/14/2012 1420 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 89 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2012 Closely 6530565 5/26/2014 2005 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 120 W Sideswipe Bicycle East Proceeding Straight West Parked Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2014

2653290 5/9/2006 2000 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 136 W Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006

2982096 12/27/2006 1500 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 139 W Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Parked Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2006


3302933 7/25/2007 1230 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 140 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007

3375568 9/12/2007 805 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 144 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007

2191110 8/10/2005 15 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 190 W Head-On Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Parked DUI 2 Inj Sev 0 1 4 2005

2168484 7/29/2005 2010 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 229 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped DUI 3 Inj Vis 0 4 2 2005

5420327 10/28/2011 1626 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 235 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 Change 3659732 3/19/2008 145 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 250 E Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Parked DUI PDO 0 0 4 2008

5967982 12/27/2012 2500 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 250 W Other Parked Motor Vehicle West Backing West Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 Backing 2437982 12/29/2005 1930 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 270 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2005

5473933 11/12/2011 100 ALONDRA BL HORST AV 300 W Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Parked DUI PDO 0 0 4 2011

1943464 3/20/2005 910 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Bicycle South Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BL 2648039 5/6/2006 122 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 2 Inj Sev 0 5 2 2006 BL Signs 2773585 8/9/2006 635 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2006 BL Signs 4017885 11/28/2008 1251 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0ATHit Object Fixed Object South Proceeding Straight Other Than Driver PDO 0 0 1 2008 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

4420596 9/20/2009 815 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight ‐ Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Signs 4527177 12/25/2009 1338 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight East Making Left Turn DUI PDO 0 0 3 2009 BL 4587980 1/17/2010 944 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL Signs 4888325 9/5/2010 710 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL 4893354 9/7/2010 2330 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2010 BL Signs 4750418 10/7/2011 1730 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Signs 5846127 10/13/2012 1923 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2012 BL 5474983 1/7/2012 1400 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2012 BL Closely 6418853 12/20/2013 615 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL 6677124 10/1/2014 1353 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Backing North Backing Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL Signs 6744562 12/4/2014 907 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2014 BL Signs 6209415 9/13/2013 135 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2013 BL 5904841 1/14/2013 805 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 3 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 3 2013 BL Signs 3926070 10/1/2008 1754 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 10 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 1 FATAL 1 0 1 2008 BL 3148180 4/8/2007 1345 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 12 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 3 2007 BL 6031141 3/27/2013 1730 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 15 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Making Right Turn Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 BL Closely 5863192 10/13/2012 857 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 18 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Wrong Side of Road PDO 0 0 1 2012 BL Turning


5985862 2/28/2013 920 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 18 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Making Right Turn ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2013 BL 3271511 6/30/2007 655 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 20 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL Change 2297075 10/9/2005 2255 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 23 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BL 4476549 11/16/2009 1200 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 30 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL 5127246 3/14/2011 1615 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 34 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL 4566946 1/4/2010 1540 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 38 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 BL ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6458551 4/20/2014 2200 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 40 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL Backing 5527523 2/27/2012 1950 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 41 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL Way 2543962 2/26/2006 1146 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 43 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Closely 5918670 2/11/2013 635 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 44 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 4 2013 BL 3058883 2/13/2007 1330 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 47 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2007 BL 4026758 12/30/2008 1507 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 48 N Other Other Motor Vehicle South Backing South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2008 BL Backing 3271495 6/9/2007 2300 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 50 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped DUI PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL 3786712 6/8/2008 430 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 57 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008 BL Turning 5062535 1/1/2011 2050 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 60 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL 1934084 3/6/2005 1100 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 60 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BL Change 3663769 3/11/2008 1314 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 60 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2008 BL Change 2248144 9/5/2005 1930 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 62 W Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Parked DUI PDO 0 0 4 2005 BL Turning 5474952 12/29/2011 1433 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 69 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Backing North Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Backing 2903614 11/5/2006 1900 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 78 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL Way 4296662 6/25/2009 1130 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 80 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2009 BL 6415122 12/5/2013 1820 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 84 W Overturned Non-Collision East Other Unsafe Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2013 BL Turning 5880720 12/3/2012 740 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 122 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Passing North Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2012 BL 6571976 7/11/2014 1525 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 125 E Hit Object Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Other Than Driver PDO 0 0 2 2014 BL 2903416 11/2/2006 550 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 132 W Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 4 2006 BL 3058910 2/15/2007 1610 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 162 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Passing North Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2007 BL 5324943 8/7/2011 10 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 168 S Hit Object Fixed Object South Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2011 BL Turning 5893411 12/22/2012 2155 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 174 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Other Unsafe Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2012 BL Turning 6630696 9/10/2014 1215 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 192 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2014 BL Change ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR


4409828 9/8/2009 730 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 200 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2009 BL Change 5244139 6/14/2011 1750 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 240 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Backing 2982124 12/29/2006 754 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 283 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped ‐ PDO 0 0 2 2006 BL 5351116 8/31/2011 2005 ALONDRA BL NORWALK 485 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 BL Turning 2297029 10/3/2005 1900 ALONDRA BL 0 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 THORNLAKE AV Change 3229484 6/4/2007 1610 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2007 THORNLAKE AV Backing 3626493 2/12/2008 835 ALONDRA BL 50 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2008 THORNLAKE AV Closely 1877647 1/26/2005 1415 ALONDRA BL 60 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 THORNLAKE AV 3165655 5/2/2007 619 ALONDRA BL 75 S Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle North Other Unsafe North Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2007 THORNLAKE AV Turning 4432062 10/9/2009 1645 ALONDRA BL 148 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009 THORNLAKE AV 6064741 4/16/2013 750 ALONDRA BL 211 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2013 THORNLAKE AV Closely 4468609 11/3/2009 800 ALONDRA BL 300 N Broadside Parked Motor Vehicle North Backing North Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2009 THORNLAKE AV Backing 2982131 12/18/2006 1710 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 3 2 2006 AV Way 3597369 1/22/2008 730 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2008 AV Way 4364398 8/2/2009 930 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 AV Way 5189800 6/24/2011 2315 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight DUI 1 FATAL 1 4 2 2011 AV 6140563 6/24/2013 2306 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 0 AT Broadside Bicycle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2013 AV Way 2042061 5/2/2005 820 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 AV Way 2297092 10/8/2005 1550 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 8 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn South Stopped Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 AV 6595871 8/12/2014 1414 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 11 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 AV Way 3148224 4/14/2007 1000 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 12 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2007 AV Backing 4551020 12/15/2009 2038 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 25 N Hit Object Fixed Object West Making Right Turn DUI 3 Inj Vis 0 2 1 2009 AV 6218209 9/18/2013 1925 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 50 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 4 2013 AV Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

4200846 4/6/2009 1740 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 54 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV Backing 2912976 11/11/2006 2025 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 60 N Other Other Motor Vehicle East Backing North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Backing 2903642 11/4/2006 1630 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 66 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Backing 4754513 4/10/2011 2500 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 75 N Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle North Other Unsafe South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Turning 5833034 10/22/2012 1605 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 125 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2012 AV 5833030 10/22/2012 1455 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 125 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2012 AV 3571117 1/15/2008 720 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 153 E Rear End Parked Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2008 AV Turning


4588466 1/6/2010 1755 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 187 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV Way 2648031 5/7/2006 850 ALONDRA BL BELSHIRE 276 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Passing North Making Left Turn Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV 2092152 6/14/2005 1730 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2005 AV Way 4296682 6/22/2009 900 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 0ATVehicle/Pedes Pedestrian East Making Left Turn North ‐ Unknown 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 AV trian 4364334 8/4/2009 2010 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 0 AT Broadside Bicycle East Traveling Wrong South Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 AV Way 4603412 2/3/2010 735 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV 6666539 10/6/2014 1233 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 3 2014 AV 2522283 2/17/2006 1200 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 AV Way 4854858 8/4/2010 1858 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 23 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn North Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 AV 5035916 12/25/2010 1530 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 26 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe DUI 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2010 AV Turning 6115556 6/6/2013 22 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 27 W Overturned Fixed Object West Other Unsafe West ‐ Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 3 3 2013 AV Turning 4901781 9/14/2010 720 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 31 N Other Other Motor Vehicle North Backing South Stopped Unsafe Starting or 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2010 AV Backing 5331176 9/17/2011 1628 ALONDRA BL MADRIS 254 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Other Unsafe North Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 AV Turning 3375599 9/11/2007 1319 ALONDRA BL VAGNONE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2007 WY Way 4373641 8/24/2009 1720 ALONDRA BL VAGNONE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 WY Way 5906597 11/20/2012 730 ALONDRA BL VAGNONE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 WY Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5956745 10/4/2012 1115 ALONDRA BL VAGNONE 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2012 WY Way 5149400 3/4/2011 1220 ALONDRA BL VAGNONE 7E ‐ Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2011 WY Way 2417828 11/30/2005 1155 ALONDRA BL VAGNONE 24 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 WY Way 3339530 8/15/2007 525 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 3831435 8/11/2008 2037 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2008 BLOOMFIELD AV Signs 4814648 6/21/2010 1125 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight DUI PDO 0 0 3 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV 5324461 8/31/2011 1005 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight West Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2011 BLOOMFIELD AV Signs 5881630 12/14/2012 1010 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV 4604200 2/22/2010 1537 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV Closely 5180085 4/18/2011 740 ALONDRA BL 3 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Making Right Turn Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 BLOOMFIELD AV Closely 5916100 1/29/2013 943 ALONDRA BL 6SOverturned Fixed Object West Making Left Turn Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 1 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV 3583569 1/6/2008 1630 ALONDRA BL 11 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn North Making Left Turn Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 BLOOMFIELD AV 4421480 10/5/2009 1035 ALONDRA BL 12 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Making Right Turn Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV 5325360 8/17/2011 1324 ALONDRA BL 18 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Stopped North Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2011 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing


3301613 7/21/2007 1150 ALONDRA BL 19 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Other Unsafe DUI PDO 0 0 1 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV Turning 6208383 9/7/2013 1035 ALONDRA BL 21 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Change 4159700 2/26/2009 1015 ALONDRA BL 24 S Hit Object Fixed Object North Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV 3939348 9/26/2008 1800 ALONDRA BL 25 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2008 BLOOMFIELD AV 3302885 7/17/2007 840 ALONDRA BL 30 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV 6098630 5/16/2013 758 ALONDRA BL 32 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing 6198489 8/22/2013 930 ALONDRA BL 35 S Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 4782701 5/21/2010 2500 ALONDRA BL 37 S Hit Object Fixed Object North Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV 6139696 7/12/2013 815 ALONDRA BL 38 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

1961725 3/25/2005 1120 ALONDRA BL 45 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Stopped West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 BLOOMFIELD AV 4418377 9/15/2009 1230 ALONDRA BL 50 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Change 6394786 11/26/2013 1904 ALONDRA BL 50 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 2839785 10/1/2006 1915 ALONDRA BL 51 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 3 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing 5872727 10/17/2012 818 ALONDRA BL 56 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Proceeding Straight Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing 2456856 1/20/2006 1315 ALONDRA BL 61 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing 4418365 9/18/2009 830 ALONDRA BL 70 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Change 5883685 11/21/2012 532 ALONDRA BL 75 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Slowing/Stopping East Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 3 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV 5197600 4/25/2011 1105 ALONDRA BL 85 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2011 BLOOMFIELD AV 2123746 7/7/2005 1600 ALONDRA BL 88 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 3 2005 BLOOMFIELD AV 2702094 6/23/2006 1300 ALONDRA BL 90 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV 6553844 5/28/2014 543 ALONDRA BL 92 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 BLOOMFIELD AV 6063475 4/10/2013 40 ALONDRA BL 94 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Other Unsafe Improper Turning 3 Inj Vis 0 1 1 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Turning 4976926 12/14/2010 1415 ALONDRA BL 98 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Stopped West Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV Backing 6494090 3/26/2014 650 ALONDRA BL 100 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unknown PDO 0 0 2 2014 BLOOMFIELD AV 5865155 9/18/2012 1520 ALONDRA BL 100 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Changing Lanes North Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV Change 6002811 1/25/2013 835 ALONDRA BL 108 S Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian West Making Right Turn South ‐ Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV trian Way 2702085 6/27/2006 1545 ALONDRA BL 110 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV 4588049 1/14/2010 1714 ALONDRA BL 110 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV Closely 2035947 5/3/2005 730 ALONDRA BL 112 S Hit Object Fixed Object South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2005 BLOOMFIELD AV 2333091 7/7/2005 1630 ALONDRA BL 118 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Changing Lanes Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2005 BLOOMFIELD AV Change


3594611 2/7/2008 915 ALONDRA BL 126 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Entering Traffic North Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 6604645 8/4/2014 1555 ALONDRA BL 144 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 BLOOMFIELD AV ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

2892499 10/24/2006 1647 ALONDRA BL 150 S Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Making Right Turn Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV 2921299 11/20/2006 1050 ALONDRA BL 160 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 4364381 8/11/2009 2115 ALONDRA BL 160 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV 5023949 3/19/2010 1630 ALONDRA BL 165 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Other Unsafe West Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV Turning 4941908 10/15/2010 1405 ALONDRA BL 170 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Other Unsafe South Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2010 BLOOMFIELD AV Turning 5797916 9/23/2012 1508 ALONDRA BL 175 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn North Making Right Turn Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV Closely 3855715 9/12/2008 1400 ALONDRA BL 190 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Stopped Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2008 BLOOMFIELD AV 6298312 11/4/2013 2200 ALONDRA BL 200 W Hit Object Fixed Object West Other Unsafe Unknown PDO 0 0 1 2013 BLOOMFIELD AV Turning 4490403 11/19/2009 835 ALONDRA BL 200 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic South Passing Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 5358420 7/15/2011 100 ALONDRA BL 210 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2011 BLOOMFIELD AV Closely 2035967 5/3/2005 735 ALONDRA BL 228 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 2 2005 BLOOMFIELD AV 3278470 6/13/2007 1420 ALONDRA BL 240 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Following Too PDO 0 0 3 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV Closely 4266666 5/24/2009 1200 ALONDRA BL 250 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 5749627 5/2/2012 1250 ALONDRA BL 250 E Other Bicycle North Entering Traffic East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 9013554 8/25/2006 1400 ALONDRA BL 270 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 2688762 6/6/2006 915 ALONDRA BL 282 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 2702142 6/22/2006 750 ALONDRA BL 286 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Slowing/Stopping North Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 3 2006 BLOOMFIELD AV 4331137 7/16/2009 1400 ALONDRA BL 287 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 3515814 11/27/2007 1715 ALONDRA BL 297 N Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Entering Traffic South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 1986579 4/14/2005 1730 ALONDRA BL 314 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2005 BLOOMFIELD AV 3148176 4/8/2007 1430 ALONDRA BL 325 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 4171247 3/4/2009 810 ALONDRA BL 350 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV 4508583 12/10/2009 1315 ALONDRA BL 360 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Way ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

5897449 10/29/2012 1630 ALONDRA BL 362 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 3 3 2012 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 3002481 1/15/2007 1805 ALONDRA BL 375 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 3726474 4/16/2008 1220 ALONDRA BL 400 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Entering Traffic West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2008 BLOOMFIELD AV Way 4551008 12/24/2009 1500 ALONDRA BL 429 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLOOMFIELD AV Way


3134248 4/2/2007 700 ALONDRA BL 490 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Passing West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2007 BLOOMFIELD AV 1920909 2/10/2005 1650 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 Way 2041597 5/14/2005 2230 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 Way 2248037 9/15/2005 1715 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 Way 2365004 10/31/2005 1640 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn South Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 Way 2365029 10/17/2005 1140 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Hit Object Fixed Object West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning 2 Inj Sev 0 1 1 2005

3118772 3/14/2007 1005 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Vehicle/Pedes Pedestrian South Making Right Turn East ‐ Pedestrian Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 3 2007 trian Way 3688328 3/27/2008 1500 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 Way 4380064 8/31/2009 1650 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2009 Way 4507945 11/24/2009 2012 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2009 Way 4617061 2/5/2010 1805 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2010

6072783 4/17/2013 750 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 Way 6604830 8/21/2014 700 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2014 Way 5988631 3/20/2013 800 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2013 Way 6533103 4/19/2014 1050 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 6 N Broadside Bicycle East Traveling Wrong South Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 Way 3876614 8/13/2008 1620 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 22 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn West Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2008 Way 3775369 5/30/2008 2010 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 28 N Hit Object Fixed Object North Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008

5401721 10/27/2011 900 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 50 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Slowing/Stopping West Stopped Following Too 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2011 Closely 3302876 7/19/2007 1700 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 55 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Slowing/Stopping Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2007 Closely ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

3543523 12/19/2007 900 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 200 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 Change 3566479 2/14/2008 1445 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 258 E Hit Object Fixed Object East Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2008

4268206 5/28/2009 1650 ALONDRA BL WILDER AV 268 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2009 Closely 2892491 10/25/2006 312 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLACKBURN AV 6076410 2/4/2013 814 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Changing Lanes East Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 3 2013 BLACKBURN AV Change 4432005 10/16/2009 540 ALONDRA BL 6 N Broadside Bicycle East Traveling Wrong South Proceeding Straight ‐ 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2009 BLACKBURN AV Way 4363689 8/7/2009 1545 ALONDRA BL 11 E Hit Object Fixed Object North Making Right Turn South Parked Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2009 BLACKBURN AV 2104205 6/28/2005 1220 ALONDRA BL 11 S Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Parked Improper Turning 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2005 BLACKBURN AV 5862138 11/19/2012 1510 ALONDRA BL 35 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2012 BLACKBURN AV 4045639 1/6/2009 1630 ALONDRA BL 88 E Broadside Bicycle West Proceeding Straight East Making Right Turn Wrong Side of Road 3 Inj Vis 0 1 2 2009 BLACKBURN AV 4992298 11/29/2010 1220 ALONDRA BL 88 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2010 BLACKBURN AV Change


3331015 7/26/2007 1430 ALONDRA BL 100 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2007 BLACKBURN AV Change 2456816 1/31/2006 1125 ALONDRA BL 180 N Other Parked Motor Vehicle North Backing North Parked Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 BLACKBURN AV Backing 5919382 2/22/2013 1400 ALONDRA BL 300 N Hit Object Fixed Object East Backing Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 1 2013 BLACKBURN AV Backing 2014825 4/24/2005 1015 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2005 SHOEMAKER AV 2549626 3/8/2006 2215 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Left Turn West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2006 SHOEMAKER AV Signs 2601213 3/29/2006 230 ALONDRA BL 0ATHead-On Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2006 SHOEMAKER AV Way 5643819 5/27/2012 1202 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2012 SHOEMAKER AV Signs 5772248 8/7/2012 1541 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Passing East Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012 SHOEMAKER AV 2104224 6/29/2005 840 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2005 SHOEMAKER AV Signs 6280647 10/24/2013 0 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2013 SHOEMAKER AV Signs 3014822 10/9/2006 1735 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight South Making Left Turn Traffic Signals and PDO 0 0 2 2006 SHOEMAKER AV Signs 6469422 1/9/2014 1435 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 2 2014 SHOEMAKER AV Signs ABCD GHI J K L M N O PQ RS T REPORT # DATE TIME LOCATION DIST DIR TYPE OF MOTOR VEH DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. DIR OF MOVEMENT PREC. PCF COLLISION NUMBER NUMBER PARTY ACCIDENT COLLISION INVOLVED W/ TRAVEL 1 COLL 1 TRAVEL 2 COLL 2 SEVERITY KILLED INJURED COUNT YEAR

6666511 10/3/2014 1000 ALONDRA BL 0ATSideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Making Right Turn Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2014 SHOEMAKER AV 6775377 12/6/2014 1135 ALONDRA BL 0 AT Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight North Proceeding Straight Traffic Signals and 4 Inj Cmplt 0 1 4 2014 SHOEMAKER AV Signs 4250330 5/8/2009 2310 ALONDRA BL 10 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2009 SHOEMAKER AV Backing 5627918 5/11/2012 1125 ALONDRA BL 12 E Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Changing Lanes West Stopped Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2012 SHOEMAKER AV Change 4409867 9/6/2009 1045 ALONDRA BL 20 E Rear End Other Motor Vehicle ‐ Proceeding Straight West Stopped Following Too PDO 0 0 2 2009 SHOEMAKER AV Closely 3719294 4/3/2008 2150 ALONDRA BL 23 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 SHOEMAKER AV 2982814 12/20/2006 845 ALONDRA BL 24 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle East Making Right Turn East Making Right Turn Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2006 SHOEMAKER AV 5244167 6/22/2011 2150 ALONDRA BL 35 N Rear End Other Motor Vehicle South Proceeding Straight South Stopped DUI 3 Inj Vis 0 2 2 2011 SHOEMAKER AV 5473969 12/22/2011 1300 ALONDRA BL 38 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Speed 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2011 SHOEMAKER AV 3927875 9/20/2008 945 ALONDRA BL 41 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped DUI 3 Inj Vis 0 3 2 2008 SHOEMAKER AV 2524372 2/15/2006 1250 ALONDRA BL 90 N Other Other Motor Vehicle South Backing South Stopped Unsafe Starting or PDO 0 0 2 2006 SHOEMAKER AV Backing 6506429 4/21/2014 1730 ALONDRA BL 93 S Rear End Other Motor Vehicle North Proceeding Straight North Stopped Unsafe Starting or 4 Inj Cmplt 0 2 2 2014 SHOEMAKER AV Backing 3743861 5/19/2008 1735 ALONDRA BL 105 W Rear End Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Stopped Unsafe Speed PDO 0 0 2 2008 SHOEMAKER AV 5145477 3/23/2011 2119 ALONDRA BL 135 W Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle West Proceeding Straight West Proceeding Straight Unsafe Lane PDO 0 0 2 2011 SHOEMAKER AV Change 5883588 11/28/2012 1630 ALONDRA BL 170 N Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle South Making Right Turn South Stopped Improper Turning PDO 0 0 2 2012 SHOEMAKER AV 3148240 4/20/2007 1600 ALONDRA BL 204 N Hit Object Fixed Object South Proceeding Straight Improper Turning PDO 0 0 1 2007 SHOEMAKER AV 4406523 9/9/2009 1250 ALONDRA BL 300 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle East Proceeding Straight East Making Right Turn Improper Passing PDO 0 0 2 2009 SHOEMAKER AV 5365827 8/19/2011 2020 ALONDRA BL 330 W Hit Object Other Object East Proceeding Straight Other Than Driver PDO 0 0 1 2011 SHOEMAKER AV


4263162 5/20/2009 1415 ALONDRA BL 430 W Broadside Other Motor Vehicle North Making Right Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2009 SHOEMAKER AV Way 1943488 3/16/2005 1700 ALONDRA BL MANNING 3 E Broadside Other Motor Vehicle West Making Left Turn East Proceeding Straight Automobile Right of PDO 0 0 2 2005 WY Way

125 38 OF 38

Collision Summary


Important: Read the Instructions in the other sheet (tab) before entering data. Do not enter data in shaded fields (with formulas). Agency: City of Norwalk Application ID: 07‐Norwalk‐1 Prepared by: WGZE Date: 15‐Jul‐15

CM Number CM Number CM Number Countermeasure #1 Countermeasure #2 Countermeasure #3 S3 S19 S2

LOCATION * (Intersection Name or Corridor Limit) Fatal Severe Injury Other Visible Injury Complaint of Pain PDO Total Fatal Severe Injury Other Visible Injury Complaint of Pain PDO Total Fatal Severe Injury Other Visible Injury Complaint of Pain PDO Total 1 Alondra and Piuma 003144158001405 2 Alondra and 00273847001012 3 Alondra and Leibacher/Home Depot 1272774111000101 4 Alondra and Studebaker 0010319313400430700103193134 5 Alondra and Elmcroft 01193041000213 6 Alondra and Gridley 0038243500020200382435 7 Alondra and Maidstone 016114563002103 8 Alondra and Pioneer 011035100146003328 9 Alondra and Norwalk 112113752000101 10 Alondra and Bloomfield 001104657000202 11 Alondra and Shoemaker 0046152500000 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Countermeasure Total** 2 6 49 169 543 769 11 19 4 34 13 39 117 169

* Crash Total for each Location must match the total shown on the Crash Diagrams and Crash Tables ** Crash Totals for each Countermeasure must match the Total Inputted shown into the TIMS B/C Calculator and B/C Summary Sheet


Detailed Engineer’s Estimate

128 Detailed Engineer's Estimate and Cost Breakdown by Countermeasure For Construction Items Only Important: Read the Instructions in the other spreadhsheet(tab) before entering data. Do not enter in shaded fields (with formulas). Application Agency: City of Norwalk 07-NORWALK-1Prepared by: AT Date: 7/30/2015 ID: Project Alondra Boulevard Traffic and Pedestrian Corridor Safety Enhancement Project Description: Project Alondra Boulevard (between I-605 ramps and Shoemaker Avenue) Location: Cost Breakdown

Safety-Related Costs Engineer's Estimate (for Construction Items Only) Non Safety-Related Costs Countermeasure #1 Countermeasure #2 Countermeasure #3 Other Safety-Related

Item No. Item Description Quantity Units Unit Cost Total % $ % $ % $ % $ % $

1 Traffic Control 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 100 $10,000

2 Mobilization 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 100 $10,000

3 Install Countdown Ped Heads 50 EA $2,100.00 $105,000 100 $105,000

4 Update Pedestrian Push Buttons 50 EA $1,000.00 $50,000 100 $50,000

5 Signal Controller Upgrades 4 EA $9,000.00 $36,000 100 $36,000

6 Install 3" Conduit with fiber optic cable 16500 LF $40.00 $660,000 100 $660,000

7 Ethernet/Fiber System Integration 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000 100 $20,000

8 Central System Upgrade and Integration 1 LS $30,000.00 $30,000 100 $30,000

9 Traffic Control Cabinet Upgrade 1 EA $50,000.00 $50,000 100 $50,000

10 Install Video Detection modules 3 EA $3,000.00 $9,000 100 $9,000

11 Signal Timing Coordination 1 LS $45,000.00 $45,000 100 $45,000

12 100

13 100

14 100

15 100

16 100

17 100

129 7/31/2015 1 of 2 Cost Breakdown

Safety-Related Costs Engineer's Estimate (for Construction Items Only) Non Safety-Related Costs Countermeasure #1 Countermeasure #2 Countermeasure #3 Other Safety-Related

18 100

19 100

20 100

21 100

22 100

23 100

24 100

25 100

26 100

27 100

28 100

29 100

30 100

Sub Total of Construction Items: $1,025,000 $155,000 $850,000 $20,000 % of "Construction Items only" Cost per Countermeasure 15% CM #1 83% CM #2 CM #3 Other Safety 2% Non Safety (Yellow fields - To be entered in TIMS B/C Calculator) Construction Item Contingencies (% of Con Items): 10% 102,500 Enter in the cell to the right

Total (Construction Items & Contingencies): 1,127,500 (Rounded up to the nearest hundreds)

Maximum "HSIP/Total" percentage allowed for Construction 90%

Maximum "HSIP/Total" percentage allowed for Construction 100% (Use only when all countermeasures are 100% federally eligible)

130 7/31/2015 2 of 2

TIMS B/C Output Summary Sheet

131 7/31/2015 TIMS ­ Transportation Injury Mapping System

Benefit / Cost Calculation Result

1. Project Information

Application ID 07­Norwalk­1 Agency Norwalk Version 1

MPO/RTPA Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)

2. Countermeasures and Crash Data

Crash Data Time Period 01/01/2005 to 12/31/2014 Years 10

• Improve signal timing (coordination, phases, red, yellow, or operation)

CM Number Project Type Crash Type CRF Life S3 Signal Mod. All 15 10

Injury ­ Other Injury ­ Complaint Property Damage Crash Type Fatality (Death) Severe Injury Total Visible of Pain Only All 2 6 49 169 543 769

Annual Benefit $ 467,867 Cost $ 976,097 Life Benefit $ 4,678,665 B/C Ratio 4.79

• Install pedestrian countdown signal heads

CM Number Project Type Crash Type CRF Life S19 Ped and Bike Ped & Bike 25 20

Injury ­ Other Injury ­ Complaint Property Damage Crash Type Fatality (Death) Severe Injury Total Visible of Pain Only Ped & Bike 0 0 11 19 4 34

Annual Benefit $ 59,983 Cost $ 176,403 Life Benefit $ 1,199,650 B/C Ratio 6.80

3. Benefit Cost Result

Total Benefit $ 5,878,315

Total Cost $ 1,152,500

B/C Ratio 5.10

Safety Practitioner / Engineer: William Zimmerman

Signature: By signing this B/C Calculation Result, you are attesting to your authority / responsibility as the Engineer in Responsible Charge of the preparation of the HSIP application and you are attesting to the accuracy of the values on this page and that they have been entered into the HSIP Application Form correctly, DO NOT SIGN if any of this is not the case.

132­… 1/1

Letters of Support


July 28, 2015

California Department of Transportation Local Assistance, District 7 Attn: Mr. Steve Novotny 100 South Main Street, #12.042 Los Angeles, CA 90012-3712

Subject: City of Norwalk Highway Safety Improvement Funding Applications

Dear Mr. Novotny,

It is my pleasure to express my support for the City of Norwalk’s application to the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). Funding from this program will improve traffic signal coordination at the three following locations:

1. Studebaker Road – from Rosecrans Avenue to Cecilia Street (2 miles) 2. Alondra Boulevard – from Piuma Avenue to Shoemaker Avenue (3.5 miles) 3. Firestone Boulevard – from Interstate 605 to Interstate 5 (3.2 miles)

The proposed projects will improve signal coordination and traffic flow, result in fewer traffic accidents and ultimately create a safer environment for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists along several of the City’s main corridors. I support the City’s efforts to secure HSIP funds and implement these improvements.

I appreciate the opportunity to express my support for the City of Norwalk’s efforts in submitting this application, and I trust that the City’s request will receive your fullest consideration.


Cristina Garcia Assistant Majority Floor Leader Assemblymember, 58th District

136 July 23, 2015

Mr. Steve Novotny District Local Assistance Engineer CALTRANS District 7 100 S. Main Street, 12th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90012

RE: Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Funding Application – City of Norwalk

Dear Mr. Novotny:

It is with pleasure that I write this letter of support for the City of Norwalk’s application for the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). The grant will support the proposed project to install signalized traffic improvements along Studebaker Road - from Rosecrans Avenue to Cecilia Street (2 miles); Alondra Boulevard - from Piuma Avenue to Shoemaker Avenue (3.5 miles); and Firestone Boulevard - from Interstate 605 to Interstate 5 (3.2 miles).

The HSIP grant would support the city’s efforts to improve the flow of traffic which would decrease the number of traffic accidents. It is important to maintain the safety of our local buses, bicyclists, and pedestrians that travel the city’s corridors.

As your local state Senator representing the City of Norwalk, the safety of residents, the business community and those frequenting the city are paramount. I urge your affirmative consideration of the city’s effort to improving the safety and environment of their community.


TONY MENDOZA Senator, 32nd District

137 Where EVERY Student is Given EVERY Opportunity to Demonstrate EXCELLENCE

12820 PIONEER BOULEVARD, NORWALK, CALIFORNIA 90650-2894 PHONE (562) 868-0431 • FAX (562) 868-7077

Mr. Steve Novotny Local Assistance, District 7 California Department of Transportation 100 South Main Street, #12.042 Los Angeles, CA 90012-3712

Re: City of Norwalk Highway Safety Improvement Funding Applications Dear Mr. Novotny, I am writing to express the Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District's support for the City of Norwalk's request for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding to improve traffic signal coordination at three locations. Specifically, the City proposes these improvements at the following locations: 1. Studebaker Road - from Rosecrans Avenue to Cecilia Street (2 miles) 2. Alondra Boulevard - from Piuma Avenue to Shoemaker Avenue (3.5 miles) 3. Firestone Boulevard - from Interstate 605 to Interstate 5 (3.2 miles) We understand the proposed projects will improve signal coordination and traffic flow, result in fewer traffic accidents,. and ultimately create a safer environment for drivers,. pedestrians, and bicyclists along several of the City's main corridors. We support the City's efforts to secure HSIP funds and to implement these improvements, and we encourage your agency to approve their applications. ly, ?7--

Hasmik Danielian, Ed.D. Superintendent


BOARD OF EDUCATION JESSE URQUIDI KAREN L. MORRISON DARRYL R. ADAMS CHRIS PFLANZER President Vice President Member Member SEAN M. REAGAN MARGARITA L. RIOS 138 ANA VALENCIA HASMIK J. DANIELIAN, Ed.D. Member Member Member Superintendent County ofLos Angeles Sheriff's Department Headquarters 4700 Ramona Boulevard Monterey Park, California 91754-2169 :l,,n'J!(c7)onnef/, d/Jerijf (562) 863-8711

Mr. Steve Novotny Local Assistance, District 7 California Department of Transportation 100 South Main Street, #12.042 Los Angeles, CA 90012-3712

Re: City of Norwalk Highway Safety Improvement Funding Applications

Dear Mr. Novotny:

I am writing to express Norwalk Sheriff Station's support for the City of Norwalk's request for Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding to improve traffic signal coordination at three locations. Specifically, the City proposes these improvements at the following locations:

1. Studebaker Road - from Rosecrans Avenue to Cecilia Street (2 miles) 2. Alondra Boulevard - from Piuma Avenue to Shoemaker Avenue (3.5 miles) 3. Firestone Boulevard - from Interstate 605 to Interstate 5 (3.2 miles)

We understand the proposed projects will improve signal coordination and traffic flow, result in fewer traffic accidents, and ultimately create a safer environment for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists along several of the City's main corridors. We support the City's efforts to secure HSIP funds and to implement these improvements, and we encourage your agency to approve their applications.


71Jracldion of0eruice 139 0ince 1 cS50 Norwalk Chamber of Commerce ===- Clil\Mar:n or - COJ-1Mr:ru:r: "Progress Through Continuing Commitment"

July 27, 2015

Mr. Steve Novotny Local Assistance, District 7 CaliforniaDepai1ment of Transp011ation 100 South Main Street, #12.042 Los Angeles, CA 90012-3712

Re: City of Nonvalk Highway Safety Improvement Funding Applications

Dear Mr. Novotny,

I am writing to express the support of the Norwalk Chamber of Commerce forthe City of N01walk's request forHighway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funding to improve traffic signal coordination at three locations. Specifically, the City proposes improvements at the followinglocations: 1. Studebaker Road - from Rosecrans Avenue to Cecilia Street (2 miles) 2. Alondra Boulevard -from Piuma Avenue to Shoemaker Avenue (3.5 miles) 3. Firestone Boulevard - from Interstate 605 to Interstate 5 (3.2 miles) We support our City's efforts to improve traffic flow through signal coordination at these key intersections. We believe the proposed projects will result in fewer traffic accidents and ultimately create a safer environment for drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists along several of the City's main corridors. Because of the positive effectsfor both residents and businesses, we offer our supp011 to the City's efforts to secure HSIP funds and to implement these improvements. We encourage your agency to approve No1walk's applications, and thank you foryour efforts.

Julia Emerson, President Norwalk Chamber of Commerce

12040 Foster Road • Norwalk e California9065 0 (562) 864-7785 • Fax (562) 864-8539 140 141