Materia Medica
Sense and Sensibility in the Sea Remedies: The Sense of Touch Jo Evans Abstract: An exploration of the sense of touch in marine invertebrates in relation to the sensory symptoms of the corresponding homœopathic remedies. Adapted and abridged from Sea Remedies, Evolution of the Senses. Keywords: Acanthaster planci, Anthopleura xanthogrammica, Arthropods, Asterias rubens, Calcarea carbonica, Cephalopods, Chironex fleckeri, Cypraea eglantina, Echinoderms, Eledone, evolution, Homarus Medusa, Molluscs, Murex, Nautilus, octopus, Onychoteuthis banksii, Pecten jacobeus, Porifera, sea anemone, sea remedies, senses, Spongia tosta,, jellyfish, marine invertebrates,Toxopneustes pileolus, Venus mercenaria. squid, starfish, touch, Sensory Evolution poetic licence. Touch and inner feeling are, as he suggested, inextricably bound up. Is the evolution of marine invertebrates’ Our skin connects us to other and outside; to of the corresponding homœopathic remedies? those we love, and to the elements of earth, sensory structures reflected in the symptoms the mythical Medusa, easily lose their head? the environment, to the best of its ability. Why dois itthe that excitable a prover jellyfish of the remedies,sea anemone like Skinwater, is air the and heaviestfire. But itand also visually protects the us mostfrom remedy Anthopleura xanthogrammica felt she expansive organ of the body; we rely on this had a prehistoric brain? Does the apparently sensitive barrier, stretching across all the sessile sponge, from which we obtain Spongia curves and points of our skeletal structure, to tosta, cough when it senses an obstacle in its help us gauge and respond to inner and outer respiratory passages? mechanical, pathological or meteorological. In an abridged extract from her forthcoming weather fluctuations, whether emotional, book, Sea Remedies, Evolution of the Senses, Skin without bone is quite another thing.
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