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DESTROYING ETHNIC IDENTITY: THE KURDS OF TURKEY An Update September 1990 A Helsinki Watch Report Human Rights Watch Human Rights Watch 485 Fifth Avenue 1522 K Street, NW, #910 New York, NY 10017 Washington, DC 20005 Tel. (212) 972-8400 Tel. (202) 371-6592 Fax (212) 972-0905 Fax (202) 371-0124 (c) August 1990 by Human Rights Watch All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America ISBN 0-929692-63-2 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 90-71087 HELSINKI WATCH Helsinki Watch was established in 1979 to monitor and promote observance of internationally-recognized human rights in the Helsinki signatory countries. The Chairman of Helsinki Watch is Robert L. Bernstein; Vice Chairmen are Jonathan Fanton and Alice Henkin; Executive Director is Jeri Laber; Deputy Director is Lois Whitman; Washington Representative is Catherine Cosman; Staff Counsel are Holly Cartner and Theodore Zang, Jr. HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH Human Rights Watch is composed of five Watch Committees: Africa Watch, Americas Watch, Asia Watch, Helsinki Watch, and Middle East Watch. Executive Committee: Robert L. Bernstein, Chairman; Adrian W. DeWind, Vice Chairman; Roland Algrant; Lisa Anderson; Peter Bell; Dorothy Cullman; Jonathan Fanton; Jack Greenberg; Alice H. Henkin; Stephen Kass; Marina Kaufman; Jeri Laber; Aryeh Neier; Bruce Rabb; Kenneth Roth; Orville Schell; Sophie C. Silberberg; Gary Sick; Nadine Strossen. Staff: Aryeh Neier, Executive Director; Kenneth Roth, Deputy Director; Holly J. Burkhalter, Washington Director; Ellen Lutz, California Director; Susan Osnos, Press Director. INTERNATIONAL HELSINKI FEDERATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Helsinki Watch is an affiliate of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights, a human rights organization that links Helsinki Committees in the following countries of Europe and North America: Austria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England, the Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Soviet Union, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United States, Yugoslavia.
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