T nu *udJ%1IDES 0MIWATER CONDITION HIGH LOW Charlie V U.S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA 3:35 a.m. 9:40 a.m. Storage Ashore 2:35 p.m. 910 p.m. 14.8 Million Gals.

Phone 9-5247 Date THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1970 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Assumes Control of Biafran Relief Effort LAGOS (AP/AFRTS)-- Nigerian relief teams rushed food' to Agnew Spurns Protesters; refugees spilling out of yesterday, as a dispute be- tween Nigeria's organizations over directing aid for the Bia- 'Refites Press Criticisms frans appeared settled, fbr the moment at least. 'But interna- tional efforts to fly in food and medicine remained frozen. With 'News Coiference The Nigerian government rejected help from joint church aid CANBERRA, Australia (AP/ and other private agencies which had funneled aid to Biafra AFRTS)-- Vice President Spiro during the civil war. T. Agnew brushed off antiwar Nigerian Red Cross teams struggled to keep up with the ad- protestors yesterday and said vancing Nigerian troops and Biafran units were reported sur- his talks with? Prime Minister rendering on all fronts. John Gorton showed the United The military advance was so fast that relief teams were States and Australia "under- caught off guard, and hungry stand each other very well." refugees had to walk many Orders Desegregation The Vice President turned a miles for food. Officials brief meeting to Americans at said considerable quantities the U.S. Embassy into an im- of supplies were in Nigeria WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- Pub- promptu news conference, meet- but the problem was local lic schools attended by about ing a demand that had been transport. 300,000 pupils in five South- mounting in the Australian A convoy was to leave for em states must be desegregat- press for several days. Enugu, the former Biafran cap- ed by Fb, 1. the Supreme Earlier about 15 persons ital, in a few days with spare Court ruled yesterday. The- were arrested when police wad- engine parts for trucks. vote was 6 to 2. ed into a crowd of about 200 A Nigerian Red Cross offici- The decision dealt with 14 protestors, who were chanting al said his teams would con- school districts in Alabama, "Go Home Now" at security tinue working whatever dis- FLorida, Georgia, Louisiana agents while Agnew was having putes arose in Lagos. and Mississippi. A lawyer for lunch with Gorton at Parlia- The local dispute subsided the NAACP Legal Defense and mentary House. When Timothy Omobare, head of Education Fund said the civil "I an rather used to demon- the government-affiliated Na- rights movement had won its strators," Agnew said in the tional Commission for Rehabil- fight for speedy desegregation embassy courtyard. "They itation, said in an interview elsewhere as well don't upset me and I pay very that-the Nigerian Red Cross The court's usual unanimity little attention to them." had a mandate over all emer- in school desegregation was Agnew said he was not concern- gency relief. broken by Chief Justice Warren ed about Australian press Earlier the commission has E. Berger and Justice Potter criticism either. The main challenged the authority of Stewart, 'Who said a hearing press complaint was he had the Red Cross, declaring that should have been held to ex- held no news conference. the commission was responsible plore the "varying problems" "I came here to make certain f6r receiving and allocating of individual districts. objectives of a national na- all foreign donations. Additionally, Justices John ture known to the Australian Of foreign aid offers, Maj- Marshall Harlan and Byron R. (CONT'D ON PAGE 2) Gen. , said by rad- White' said school officials (CONTWD ON PAGE A) (CONTD ONPAGE 2) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday-, January 15, .1c70

AGNEW ANSWERS AUSTRALIAN PRESS-- Cont'd from Page 1 WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- The United States Space Agency government and I'm not running for office in Australia has announced what it describes as an austere but forward- so it doesn't bother me a whole lot." looking program for the fiscal year starting July 1st. A reporter also asked the Vice President if he was The plan includes laying off some 50,000 employees, a disappointed at not being able to see more of the cutback in Saturn rocket production and a stretching out Australian people. of moon mission schedules. Also included is a postpone- "Not really," Agnew replied, "because I didn't come ment of the landing of an unmanned spacecraft on Mars. to Australia on this yisit to see the Australian peo- The administrator of NASA, Thomas Paine, announced the ple. new program at a news conference yesterday. He said the TIn the short time I had, it was not my mission to move plan "contains the basic ingredients needed for an effect- around, throughout the community to meet people, although ive program in 1970s." Paine said, "NASA will press for- I'jn sure it would be a very pleasant experience to do ward in 1970 at a reduced level, but in the right direc. so." tion.'' Agnew,.winds up his two days here today with a meeting Paine also said that President Nixon will shortly make with Gough Whitlam, leader of the country's opposition an important statement on the future of America's space Labor Party, before taking off for Auckland, New Zea- program. land, the 11th.and last stop of his Asian tour. In between the meetings with Gorton and his cabinet PARIS (AP/AFRTS)-- Sen. Eugene McCarthy conferred for and the appearance at the embassy, Agnew played tennis almost five hours yesterday with North Vietnam's chief with three Australian officiAls. delegate to the Paris peace. talks. A spokesman for the Minnesota Democrat said the meeting was "cordial and COURT ORDERS INTEGRATION IN SOUTHERN SCHOOLS-- informative." Cont'd from Page 1 The spokesman added there will be no further statement generally should have up to' eight weeks to desegregate about the meeting until McCarthy returns to the United once a federal court finds they are not complying with States. the "yardstick" devised by the court. The North Vietnamese delegate is the third high-ranking And Justices Hugo L. Black, William 0. Douglas, Will- Communist McCarthy has met with on his European trip. iam J. Brennan Jr. and Thurgood Marshall said the views He had earlier met with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin in expressed by Harlan and White represent a retreat from Moscow and Tuesday he conferred with the Viet Cong's the court's holding in a Mississippi case last October chief negotiator in Paris. McCarthy is expected to that every school district is obligated to terminate return home today. dual school systems at once. Yesterday's ruling, a three-sentence unsigned opinion, BRUSSELS (AP/AFRTS)-- Eight of America's North Atlantic simply reve sed a Dec. 1 decision by the U.S. Circuit Treaty Organization allies have pledged increases in mil- Court in New Orleans that officials in the 14 districts itary spending for the defense of Europe. could wait entil next fall to desegregate their class- American officials said the increased contributions of rooms. the eight nations, coupled with reduced U.S. military spending, would "mute United States Senate pressure" for JACKSON, Mississippi (APIAFRTS)-- A three-panel fed- reductions in American troops strength in Europe. eral court yesterday banned tax-emempt status for pri- U.S. officials revealed Tuesday that at a meeting in vate schools in Mississippi that discriminate against Brussels last December of NATO foreign and defense min- Negroes. isters, eight European nations had pledged to increase The panel ruled that persons contributing to those their military spending in 1970. schools will not be allowed tax deductions. The order is to remain in effect until the suit filed by five Negro families is resolved attrial. The families claim that the exemptions would amount to federal aid to segregated schools. Guantanamo Gazette Meanwhile, the governor of Mississippi asked the state legislature to finance both public and private schools if needed. Governor John Bell Williams said ComNavBase RAdm J.B. Hildreth that most private schools were not organized 16*evade Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach integrati6n. He said they were established "for the Editorial Advisor JOC Jim Teague purpose of insuring the pupils will be given a quality Editor J02 Mike Nash education in circumstances conducive to learning." Staff Writers J02 Bob Lowell J03 John Bell WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- The Army has placed under a single command the investigation and the eventual dis- The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published decora-u position of all allegations in the alleged My Lai mas- rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers sacre. as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction nf The consolidation will be under the Third Army com- mander Lt. Gen. Albert Connor and will be based at Ft. McPherson, Ga. As a result, an unspecified number of men who are either under investigation or notential witns-znn will Thursday, January 15, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3

RELIEF TEAMS AID BIAFRANS-- Cont'd from Page io interview, "We don't want their help or assistance. We will do it ourselves." Bits In Paris, French President Georges Pompi- dou called on U.N. Secretary-General U Thant and to seek urgent approval from Nigerian author- ities for a massive international relief op- Pieces eration for Biafran civilians. Expressing "deep concern for the Biafran population," Pompidou told his cabinet that "the obligation of the United Nations organ- Well, here it is a brand new year and a brand ization is self-evident and urgent." new decade to boot. How many New Year's resolu- In Geneva,'Nigerian Ambassador Aghaji S.D. tions have you broken?.Was fortunate to Kolo told a reporter a U.S. offer to provide spend the holidays and my money in .the States. relief aircraft for a mercy airlift to Biafra Got to see all the New Year's Day football was "not really very useful." He said it games (Suffer!) I thought it was great but would be turned down if Washington insists on you'd get a different viewpoint from my wife. using Air Force crews. .As I drove down Sherman Avenue on my return, Aghaji made plain that his government does I had the sudden realization, "I'm back in Git- not intend to permit any emergency airlifts mo" as I dodged assorted chuckholes, etc. Ser- to Uli airfield, which was the main receiv- iously, no matter where you travel or where *ing base for mercy lifts to Biafra during you go, it's great just to get home.o. Used the 30-month war. to be I'd get up in arms over what I cobsider- From the front, reports said Biafran ed high prices down here. No more! Not after troops in all sectors were surrendering seeing stateside prices. Consider us lucky on to Nigerian field commanders. Travelers that count!.Don't know about you, but from the war zone said some troops had be- it'll be great to ride those new ferries. gun to give up even before the acting Bi- The ones in use now must have come to Gitmo afran chief, Maj. Gen. , when Columbus arrived.It doesn't seem capitulated Monday. like it, but Channel Eight TV finally got all Radio Nigeria said federal troops also its new equipment, and we'll install it soon. have captured Uga airstrip, a small reserve TV-8 will go off the air a few days during runway where relief planes had made hazard- the installation process to allow the technic- ous landings. ians adequate time to install the stuff proper- A special announcement over Radio Nigeria ly. TV-8 also will reduce its broadcasting told frightened Biafrans: "Wherever you are, day a little, instead of going off the air Gen. Gowon wants you to be calm and remain completely as had been thought earlier. But where you are so that aid can reach you." this reduction is necessary. During the in- Col. , commander of Ni- stallation period no live shows will bb aired. geria's 3rd Marine Commando Division, said Keep an eye on The Gazette for these changes. he had ordered his troops to stop all tac- .Speaking of new hours, TV-8 will sign on tical advances. an hour earlier from 19-23 January. If the "I do hereby guarantee the safety of all extra hour of broadcasting is successful, it law-abiding citizens who are residents in the will be resumed after the new equipment is Eastern states," Obasanjo said in a broad- installed and operating without any bugs. cast. "Troops are garrisoned throughout the When it'doesn't rain in Guantanamo, it doesn't Eastern states and are confined to barracks. rain.and doesn't rain.and doesn't rain. Any cases of molestations by soldiers should But when it does, look out' Just about every- be reported at any military or police station. thing on the Base that wasn't tied down must Obasanjo made an appeal to all brothers and have floated into the Bay. And to top off the sisters, who are hiding, to come out and re- worst rain in several years, if you were out settle. "I also appeal to soldiers who fought last night about midnight you would have seen on the Biaffan side and are still in hiding to absolutely nothing.except fog, which accord- come out and declare themselves and their ing to one long-time resident was about as bad weapons," Obasanjo said. as Guantanamo's ever had. 0***

Any individual or organizational u cordially invited and encouraged t in the 1970 Mardi-Gras Parade. Su of participation could take the fc teams, clowns, command or fraterna ,,:1 Fl~ f r,;;-C r.-+--m mvrh r e Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, January Page 4 15, 19470 Plan Higher Speed Limits on Base Roads By Lt D.S. McCurrach "Public acceptance is a prereouiste to ef- fective public obedience of traffic regula- tions. If regulations are imposed only when and where they are necessary, the driver will more readily accept the need for them." Those words, taken from the Institute of Traffic Engineers' TRAFFIC ENGINEERING HAND- BOOK, represent the crux of a report on traffic speed regulations at Guantanamo Bay which was recently submitted to the Base Commander, Rear Admiral J. B. Hildreth. As a result of the report, plans are being formulated to raise speed limits on Sherman Avenue and look into similar moves on other base roads. The report and the statistical studies which it contains was compiled by LTJG Wayne Tomiak, head of the Activity Civil Engineer Office of the Public Works Center. Ltjg Wayne Tomiak, head of the Activity Civil Traffic control does not constitute one of Engineering Office of the Public Works Center, Tomiak's official duties with Public Works, but proposes higher speed limits on Base roads. his credentials in the field are nevertheless said, "motorists impressive. They include penning and engineer- "On the other hand," Tomiak the absolute ing Masters Degree thesis on Transportation can and should reduce speeds below roads, Planning as well as nearly two years as a full- limit in such situations as rain-slicked intersec- time Traffic Control Engineer for the city of a dangerous curve, school zones, main Milwaukee. tions and so on. It is therefore imperative "There is such a thing as 'overkill' in that appropriate caution signs be clearly post- the setting of traffic regulations," Tomiak ed so that drivers can adjust their speed." explained. "It is generally agreed that even Revised speed limits on Sherman Avenue with no traffic controls, about 85 Per cent of will not go into effect, according to base all motorists would adopt a safe, reasonable officials, until necessary caution signs speed according to the prevailing conditions. have been fabricated and put into place. Armed with this knowledge, Tomiak set out Current estimates are that at least a month to measure actual automobile speed averages on will be necessary. the base, with an eye to the 20 mile per hour Tomiak's recommendations, which were speed limits currently posted on Sherman accepted by the Base Commander, call for: Avenue. Three locations along the base's main 1, A 30 mph absolute speed limit thoroughfare were chosen for the study: Marine from 300 feet northeast of BOQ 3 Site One, Cooper Field and Caribe Village. to 300 feet southwest of Moss "We measured off a given distance," Tomiak Road (immediately southwest of said, "and just started timing cars and com- Hobbyland). puting speeds." 2. A 35 mph absolute speed limit The results were interesting when compared from 300 feet northeast of BOQ 3 with the posted speed limit of 20 mph. The to 300 feet east of Nob Hill lowest average recorded was 27.4 mph with the Road. bulk of motorists timed driving in the 24 to 3. A 45 mph absolute speed limit on 34 mph range. all other sections of Sherman Thursday, January 15, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 5 The Mixing Bowl

By Darlene Bowers I was visiting a friend the other day and she complained about the breeze blowing her curtains around. After some thinking, I re- membered reading a few years agb about a cure. So, we raided her husband's fishing tackle box and borrowed some sinkers which we sewed to the inside of the hems. Now, no more fly away curtains, (A word of caution -- don't let you r husband catch you.) Tired of the same old spareribs? Don't hav e a grill? Gtmo is having one of its rainy days Sharleen Staples with Sir Pierre and her VC-10 and the ribs are thawed out? Try these. benefectors, Commanding Officer. Cdr B.H. Ashley (left) and Lt V.J. De Nicola. Drunken Spareribs Oven 350 VC-10 Errand of Mercy Replaces Dog 4 pounds spareribs By JOC Jim Teaguie GUANTANAMO BAY-- Heard a good shaggy dog tale Cut in serving size pieces and par-boil in the .lately? We have. following ingreients for 15-20 minutes. It's about a girl and her dog. The girl is 12-year-old Sharleen Staples, who 1/2 Cup bourbon whiskey lives in Kittery Beach. She had a poodle named 1/2 Cup soy sauce Sir Louis Napoleon Bonaparte the Ist. Sharleen 1/2 Cup brown sugar loved her dog, and when Louis was run over by a 1 lb Dijon mustard car on New Year's Day, it really broke her up. She was, in fact, inconsolable. Remove ribs from sauce and place on rack in * One of Sharleen's neighbor's, AQ1 Ludwig, is roasting pan. Bake for 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours, with VC-10, and he told the story of Louis to basting frequently with sauce, turn ribs over some of his co-workers at Leeward Point. once. They should be brown and crisp. One of VC-10's pilots, Lt Vincent De Nicola, If you have a favorite recipe or housekeepL. decided to take action. He was making a trdif- ing hint you would like to share with other ing flight to Jacksonville, Fla., in an S-2 Guantanamo-ites, why not give me a call? I'll Tracker, and he stopped off in Jacksonville be at 97106 from 1-3pm Monday through Friday. long enough to pick up a poodle puppy. He Hope to hear from you. brought the little dog back to Guantanamo Bay with him. Sharleen was united with Sir Pierre Champagne De Nick la Rauge on January 4th, and now the Staples household is happy again. Except that Sir Pierre, being very young, isn't completely house-trained yet, and the staples' rug takes a bit of a beating.

GUANTANAMO BAY-- Hall Snyder macher deliver boats for a liv day morning they were delivered Bay by the Coast Guard cutter I (WHEC-720). Snyder and Hutmacher were del ture, a 35-foot power boat, to Lauderdale. Fla. via Kinaston. Page 6 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday, January 15, 1970

NBA STANDINGS From the world of EASTERN DIVISION New York 30 6 Baltimore 23 12 Milwaukee 23 13 Sports Philadelphia 19 l8 Cincinnati 16 21 Boston 12 21 Detroit 13 23

WESTERN DIVISION Atlanta 22 14 San Francisco 17 18 Chicago 17 20 TUESDAY NIGHT'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL RESULTS Los Angeles 15 19 San Diego 15 Davidson 91, East Carolina 76 21 Illinois 101, Northwestern 80 Phoenix 15 21 Ohio State 103, Michigan 95 Seattle 13 23 Wisconsin 90, Minnesota 84 Kansas State 71, Nebraska 64 LAST NIGHT'S GAMES St. Louis 81, Memphis State 66 Milwaukee 115, Los Angeles 113 Oklahoma City 94, SMU 92 San Francisco 103, Atlanta 101 Texas A&M 87, Texas 81 Boston 123, Detroit 110 VMI 71, Richmond 70 Princeton 77, Penn State 38 Seattle 122, Philadelphia 110 TONIGHT'S GAMES FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP/AFRTS)-- Arkansas defensive Cincinnati at Chicago coach Charlie Coffey has turned down an offer from the Baltimore at Phoenix University of Tennessee. Coffey had been offered an assistant football coach- ing job under Bill Battle. Tennessee athletic director Bob Woodruff says Coffey has told him he prefers to NEW YORK (UPI/AFRTS)--Johnny Murphy, general remain at Arkansas. manager of the New York Mets, died last night suffering a massive heart attack. The 61-year LOS ANGELES (AP/AFRTS)-- Dick Vermoli, a special old former major league pitcher joined the Mets coach for the Los Angeles Rams this season, has been in 1961 and was placed in appointed an assistant coach at UCLA. charge of scoting. the general manager position Vermoli is the second new assistant coach Tommy He then moved into Prothro has selected. Four of his assistants quit when Bing Devine left to rejoin the Cardinals. at the end of the season.

NEW LONDON, Conn. (AP/AFRTS)-- Otto Graham became athletic director of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy here ST. LOUIS (UPI/AFRTS)--Cardinal right-hander Tuesday. Bob Gibson who compiled a 2n-13 record last Graham, former Washington Redskins head coach, was season has signed his 1970 contract according sworn in as a Coast Guard captain in Washington. He to Cardinal general manager Bing Devine. With will not coach at the academy and says since the Coast last year's 20 game season, Gibson joined Dizzy Guard doesn't believe in high-pressure recruiting, he Dean as the only Red birds to record four 20- won't be doing any of that. game seasons. MINNEAPOLIS (AP/AFRTS)-- The Minnesota North Stars have a new coach. He's Charlie Burns, an asstant who has been running the team since Dec. 29. General Manager Wren Blair announced the appointment Tuesday and said he has no plans to go back to coach- ing himself if the team doesn't start winning. Thursday, January 15, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7

THE Beeline-- 95551

Because of the excessive number of overdue The Reef Raiders will dive at Hidden Beach books at the Special Services libraries, it 9:30 AM on Jan 18. will no longer be possible to mail more than one notice to delinquent patrons. If the The Guantanamo Bay Coin Club will meet Tues- books are not returned after a reasonable day, Jan 20 at 1930 in the IRO Classroom;> time, parent commands will -then be notified. Officers for the 1970- term will be elected at this meeting. Also, a slide presentation The Fleet Reserve Association, Branch 100, on US Commemorative . dollars will be shown. will hold its monthly membership meeting on All members & prospective members are en- Tuesday, Jan 20 at 8 PM at the Fleet Reserve couraged to attend. Association Home on Sherman Avenue. Snacks will be served. Starting Jan 20 Bingo wil be played at the Staff NCO Club. Cards go on sale at 7. The Dynamics will be featured at the CPO Club Topside Lounge Saturday, Jan 17 at 8PM. And Applications for a qualified, salaried Teen don't forget that there's 8Tngo every Thursday Club director are now being received. Ex- night in ai-r-conditioned splendor. CPO's & pefience in work with teenagers is required. their guests are cordially invited. For an ,interview call Mrs Linder, 95320 AT. The Camp Le Jeune*Drum& Bugle Corps is per- The Guantanamo Bay Ladies' Golfing Associ- forming in Guantanamo Bay as follows: ation will hold their monthly meeting on Jan 16, 4:15 PM-5:15 PM at NavSta Lyceum, Jan 19 at 7:30 PM at the golf course ladies' Jan 17, 4-4:45 PM at Leeward Pt. Lyceum, lounge. They welcome any new & interested Jan 18, 2-3 PM at NavSta Lyceum & ladies to attend. And don't forget that 7-7:45 PM at Marine Bar. Lyceum. Tuesday is their day! Every week there's a new tournament, and all Guantanamo Bay The civil service exam for clerk & clerk ty- ladies are welcome. Sign up and join the pist position will be given at 0800 on Jan 19 fun at the civilian personnel office. The Acey-Deucey Club is now open. $7 buys a Congratulations To Del Monico steak dinner (with champagne) for two. Terrence Kieth Cumberland Jr., 71b l2oz, a boy, to Terrence K. Cumberland, a fis- There will be a meeting of anyone interested cal- accountant at the Naval Hospital, & in forming a drag racing club at 1300, Sunday, Sheena Cumberland on Jan 12. Jan 18 in front of the Auto Hobby Shop. If you can't make this meeting, you may sign up Trisha Lear Cox, 81b 14oz, a girl, to Don- by calling CTI Griffin at 95364 DWH or 85451 ald E. Cox, AME2, who works at VC-10, and AWH. Or, you may contact him personally at Evelyn M. Ccx on Dec. 30. Bayhill barracks #1 Room 6. The AFGE will meet tonight at 7:30 at the IRO Wanted conference room in building 742. A lady's bicycle. 98245 AT. The Guantanamo Bay Amateur Radio Club is hold- ing its semi-annual field day operations on A guard rail for a youth bed. 97186 AWH. Saturday, Jan 17, starting at 11 AM. The club has reserved the Bohio at Windmill Beach and An ironer in my home. 95148 AT. is sponsoring a fi-eld day and picnic. Amateur radios will be in operation ahd all, interested US Personnel are encouraged to Dack a lunch Page 8 uuantanamo Gazette Thursday, January 15, 1970

Lost and Found Found near the Base Police station: A black 1963 Lambretta, good cond., $100. Call Mr Rhea at 64347 DWH or 64287 AWH. 8 wks. old. Call believed to be 6 to Fedders 24,000 BTU Air Cond., 1 yr. old, Lost: A grey bobtailed cat around Marina Pt. exc. cond., $175. Call 99215. Call 95T20 AT. Short blonde wig of human hair. New, with Lost: A black patent leather handbag contain- original wig form and.box. Less than half ing prescription glasses and lad"s:Gruen price. 85371 AWH. wristwatch. Reward. If found please call 7424 AWH. Girl's 20" bicycle, puncture-proof tires, training wheels, additional wheel with new Found: A man's Navy ring with blue stone, knobby tire, $7.50. 95375 AWH. outside Leeward Point Barracks AV-526. Can be claimed at Leeward Po!nt Base Police Of- Male silver poodle, 2 yrs. old, proven stud, fice. loves children, call 96164 AT. 1963 Dodge pickup, one owner, slick, Ike For Sale new, $800. 85581 AT. One baby crib & mattress, $10. One car seat, RCA 220V 22,000 BTU Air Cond., $175. RCA $3. Both are in good condition. Please call 220V 12,600 BTU Air Cond., new motor, $130. 95470 AT. Both in exc. cond. Call 99132 AT. 20 gallon fresh water aquarium, fully stocked. Professional electronic flash, 7000 BCPS, Best offer. 85853 DWH. $30. 7.5 Petri Range Finder Camera, dia- phragm misaligned, $20 or best offer. Offipr uniforms, size 39 reg. & 42 short. Call Mr Parker at 85413 DWH or Caribbe Blues & khakis. Hoover portable vaccuum Villdge Barracks 1825 AWH. cleaner, excellent condition, $30. Sidewalk bike in good condition, $2. World Book Ency- 1966 Honda 150, exc. cond., under 3000 clopedia. Small tape recorder, excellent con- miles. Avail. immed. Call Mr Destefano dition, $15. 95186 AT. at 85642 DWH. Lady's black evening she size 7AA latest style from US, never Worn. 95109 AT. Registration for old Dominion University ex- tension courses will be conducted tonight and 1954 4-door Lincoln, 4 speed automatic trans- tomorrow night at . T. Sampson High School mission, new exhaust system, rebu iIt generatorbetween 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. The courses avail- new battery & repulator. 85129 or 85561 DWH. able are: Guidance in the Elementary School, Algebra, Math 07, A Girl's bike, $10. 10 speed boy's bike, $20 Ed. 443; Beginning Lawnmower, $40. 95134 AWH. b $ Cultural Approach to Mathematics I, Math l7j L$ 1A Cultural Approach to Mathematics II, Math Officer's bridge coat. Size 38 reg. Worn once, 1081 Fundamentals of Analysis, Math 115, excellent condition. 85743 AWH. Composition and Literature, Eng. .102; Intro- duction to English Literature, Eng. 201; Pub- 1953 Plymouth, good condition, new tires, $150 lic Speaking, Speech 101; Issues in Business Call 64568 AT. Enterprise, BM 100, Principles of Management, 1960 Chevrolet Impala, good mechanical condo , BM 3251 Personal Finance, BM 310; Intro- power steering, power brakes. 972.63 AWH. duction to Political Science, 'PS 100; Americar Government. PS 101i Commercial Law. BM 131!