T nu *udJ%1IDES 0MIWATER CONDITION HIGH LOW Charlie V U.S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA 3:35 a.m. 9:40 a.m. Storage Ashore 2:35 p.m. 910 p.m. 14.8 Million Gals. Phone 9-5247 Date THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1970 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Nigeria Assumes Control of Biafran Relief Effort LAGOS (AP/AFRTS)-- Nigerian relief teams rushed food' to Agnew Spurns Protesters; refugees spilling out of Biafra yesterday, as a dispute be- tween Nigeria's organizations over directing aid for the Bia- 'Refites Press Criticisms frans appeared settled, fbr the moment at least. 'But interna- tional efforts to fly in food and medicine remained frozen. With 'News Coiference The Nigerian government rejected help from joint church aid CANBERRA, Australia (AP/ and other private agencies which had funneled aid to Biafra AFRTS)-- Vice President Spiro during the civil war. T. Agnew brushed off antiwar Nigerian Red Cross teams struggled to keep up with the ad- protestors yesterday and said vancing Nigerian troops and Biafran units were reported sur- his talks with? Prime Minister rendering on all fronts. John Gorton showed the United The military advance was so fast that relief teams were States and Australia "under- caught off guard, and hungry stand each other very well." refugees had to walk many Orders Desegregation The Vice President turned a miles for food. Officials brief meeting to Americans at said considerable quantities the U.S. Embassy into an im- of supplies were in Nigeria WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- Pub- promptu news conference, meet- but the problem was local lic schools attended by about ing a demand that had been transport. 300,000 pupils in five South- mounting in the Australian A convoy was to leave for em states must be desegregat- press for several days. Enugu, the former Biafran cap- ed by Fb, 1. the Supreme Earlier about 15 persons ital, in a few days with spare Court ruled yesterday. The- were arrested when police wad- engine parts for trucks. vote was 6 to 2. ed into a crowd of about 200 A Nigerian Red Cross offici- The decision dealt with 14 protestors, who were chanting al said his teams would con- school districts in Alabama, "Go Home Now" at security tinue working whatever dis- FLorida, Georgia, Louisiana agents while Agnew was having putes arose in Lagos. and Mississippi. A lawyer for lunch with Gorton at Parlia- The local dispute subsided the NAACP Legal Defense and mentary House. When Timothy Omobare, head of Education Fund said the civil "I an rather used to demon- the government-affiliated Na- rights movement had won its strators," Agnew said in the tional Commission for Rehabil- fight for speedy desegregation embassy courtyard. "They itation, said in an interview elsewhere as well don't upset me and I pay very that-the Nigerian Red Cross The court's usual unanimity little attention to them." had a mandate over all emer- in school desegregation was Agnew said he was not concern- gency relief. broken by Chief Justice Warren ed about Australian press Earlier the commission has E. Berger and Justice Potter criticism either. The main challenged the authority of Stewart, 'Who said a hearing press complaint was he had the Red Cross, declaring that should have been held to ex- held no news conference. the commission was responsible plore the "varying problems" "I came here to make certain f6r receiving and allocating of individual districts. objectives of a national na- all foreign donations. Additionally, Justices John ture known to the Australian Of foreign aid offers, Maj- Marshall Harlan and Byron R. (CONT'D ON PAGE 2) Gen. Yakubu Gowon, said by rad- White' said school officials (CONTWD ON PAGE A) (CONTD ONPAGE 2) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Thursday-, January 15, .1c70 AGNEW ANSWERS AUSTRALIAN PRESS-- Cont'd from Page 1 WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- The United States Space Agency government and I'm not running for office in Australia has announced what it describes as an austere but forward- so it doesn't bother me a whole lot." looking program for the fiscal year starting July 1st. A reporter also asked the Vice President if he was The plan includes laying off some 50,000 employees, a disappointed at not being able to see more of the cutback in Saturn rocket production and a stretching out Australian people. of moon mission schedules. Also included is a postpone- "Not really," Agnew replied, "because I didn't come ment of the landing of an unmanned spacecraft on Mars. to Australia on this yisit to see the Australian peo- The administrator of NASA, Thomas Paine, announced the ple. new program at a news conference yesterday. He said the TIn the short time I had, it was not my mission to move plan "contains the basic ingredients needed for an effect- around, throughout the community to meet people, although ive program in 1970s." Paine said, "NASA will press for- I'jn sure it would be a very pleasant experience to do ward in 1970 at a reduced level, but in the right direc. so." tion.'' Agnew,.winds up his two days here today with a meeting Paine also said that President Nixon will shortly make with Gough Whitlam, leader of the country's opposition an important statement on the future of America's space Labor Party, before taking off for Auckland, New Zea- program. land, the 11th.and last stop of his Asian tour. In between the meetings with Gorton and his cabinet PARIS (AP/AFRTS)-- Sen. Eugene McCarthy conferred for and the appearance at the embassy, Agnew played tennis almost five hours yesterday with North Vietnam's chief with three Australian officiAls. delegate to the Paris peace. talks. A spokesman for the Minnesota Democrat said the meeting was "cordial and COURT ORDERS INTEGRATION IN SOUTHERN SCHOOLS-- informative." Cont'd from Page 1 The spokesman added there will be no further statement generally should have up to' eight weeks to desegregate about the meeting until McCarthy returns to the United once a federal court finds they are not complying with States. the "yardstick" devised by the court. The North Vietnamese delegate is the third high-ranking And Justices Hugo L. Black, William 0. Douglas, Will- Communist McCarthy has met with on his European trip. iam J. Brennan Jr. and Thurgood Marshall said the views He had earlier met with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin in expressed by Harlan and White represent a retreat from Moscow and Tuesday he conferred with the Viet Cong's the court's holding in a Mississippi case last October chief negotiator in Paris. McCarthy is expected to that every school district is obligated to terminate return home today. dual school systems at once. Yesterday's ruling, a three-sentence unsigned opinion, BRUSSELS (AP/AFRTS)-- Eight of America's North Atlantic simply reve sed a Dec. 1 decision by the U.S. Circuit Treaty Organization allies have pledged increases in mil- Court in New Orleans that officials in the 14 districts itary spending for the defense of Europe. could wait entil next fall to desegregate their class- American officials said the increased contributions of rooms. the eight nations, coupled with reduced U.S. military spending, would "mute United States Senate pressure" for JACKSON, Mississippi (APIAFRTS)-- A three-panel fed- reductions in American troops strength in Europe. eral court yesterday banned tax-emempt status for pri- U.S. officials revealed Tuesday that at a meeting in vate schools in Mississippi that discriminate against Brussels last December of NATO foreign and defense min- Negroes. isters, eight European nations had pledged to increase The panel ruled that persons contributing to those their military spending in 1970. schools will not be allowed tax deductions. The order is to remain in effect until the suit filed by five Negro families is resolved attrial. The families claim that the exemptions would amount to federal aid to segregated schools. Guantanamo Gazette Meanwhile, the governor of Mississippi asked the state legislature to finance both public and private schools if needed. Governor John Bell Williams said ComNavBase RAdm J.B. Hildreth that most private schools were not organized 16*evade Public Affairs Officer Lt D.S. McCurrach integrati6n. He said they were established "for the Editorial Advisor JOC Jim Teague purpose of insuring the pupils will be given a quality Editor J02 Mike Nash education in circumstances conducive to learning." Staff Writers J02 Bob Lowell J03 John Bell WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- The Army has placed under a single command the investigation and the eventual dis- The GUANTANAMO GAZETTE is published decora-u position of all allegations in the alleged My Lai mas- rules and regulations for ship and station newspapers sacre. as outlined in NAVEXOS P-35 and under the direction nf The consolidation will be under the Third Army com- mander Lt. Gen. Albert Connor and will be based at Ft. McPherson, Ga. As a result, an unspecified number of men who are either under investigation or notential witns-znn will Thursday, January 15, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 RELIEF TEAMS AID BIAFRANS-- Cont'd from Page io interview, "We don't want their help or assistance. We will do it ourselves." Bits In Paris, French President Georges Pompi- dou called on U.N. Secretary-General U Thant and to seek urgent approval from Nigerian author- ities for a massive international relief op- Pieces eration for Biafran civilians. Expressing "deep concern for the Biafran population," Pompidou told his cabinet that "the obligation of the United Nations organ- Well, here it is a brand new year and a brand ization is self-evident and urgent." new decade to boot.
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