Contact: Maria Hults Phone: (631) 728.2285
[email protected] Beneath The Sea 2015 th 39 Anniversary Show: Dive Medicine Press Release Dive Medicine Beneath the Sea 2015 Dive Medicine, Education and Dive Safety That All Divers Should Know Friday, March 27th beginning 8:30 a.m. At the Meadowlands Exposition Cnter This years Dive Medicine Workshop will bring four national leaders in Dive Medicine, Dive Education and Dive Safety. Four topics reviewed will be the topics of Otic Barotrauma, Pros and Cons of warm Water vs. Cold water Training, in water recompression, and the very common concern what medications are safe for divers. At the conclusion of the lectures, there will be a panel discussion. The format will allow for audience participation and questions and answers session. Four Continuing Medical Education Category One Credits are available. Cost $75.00 Includes Lunch Otic Barotrauma Otic barotrauma is the most common injury that a diver faces on a regular basis. An overview of the gas laws will begin this discussion. Conditions related to barotrauma, the external, middle and inner ear will be discussed. We will emphasis those conditions that are due to barotrauma and distinguish those conditions that are related to decompression illness. Prevention, recognition and treatment will be discussed. The video otoscope will be used to demonstrate the various maneuvers in clearing the divers ears. Bio: David Charash DO, CWS, FACEP, UHM Dr. Charash is Board Certified in Emergency Medicine, and Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. David has completed training by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency/Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine as a Dive Medicine Physician, and Medical Examiner of Diver programs.