(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0201685 A1 Campbell (43) Pub
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US 2011 O2O1685A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2011/0201685 A1 Campbell (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 18, 2011 (54) COMPOSITIONS Publication Classification (75) Inventor: AlistairO O Campbell, Hull (GB) (51) A63L/92Int. Cl. (2006.01) (73) Assignee: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare A6IPI/00 (2006.01) (E.UK) Limited,Imited, Slougn,Slough, BerkSnureBerkshi A6IPB65D 29/0085/00 (2006.01) (GB) (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 514/570; 206/530 (21) Appl. No.: 13/059,260 (57) ABSTRACT (22) PCT Filed: Aug. 18, 2009 An ingestible particulate composition comprises: a) at least e LV9 one compound selected from the group consisting of 2,4- (86). PCT No.: PCT/GBO9/O2O14 dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol, cetylpyridinium chloride, hexitidine, hexylresorcinol, flurbiprofen, lidocaine, S371 (c)(1), benzocaine, ibuprofen, paracetamol, pectin, menthol, and (2), (4) Date: Mar. 25, 2011 benzydamine; and b) one or more bioadhesive materials. Resulting particulate compositions have excellent flow char (30) Foreign Application Priority Data acteristics, dust Suppression, organoleptic properties and sta bility. They are highly suitable for administration direction Aug. 22, 2008 (GB) ................................... O8154056 into a patient's mouth, and ingested to alleviate the symptoms Jan. 9, 2009 (GB) ................................... O900288.2 of a sore throat. Flurbiprofen Xylitol CM170 Mannitol 100SD Carbopol 974P SOdium bicarbonate, Medium Granule. Sieve 1000m Sieve Screen Blend Granulate with Purified Water Tumble Blend for 30minutes High Shear for 3minutes Fluid Bed Dry 500m/h Airflow at 55°C for 15minutes Mill 2000um Serrated COO Mix for Mint FlavOur Screen at 500rpm Peppermint Flavour Aspartame Citric Acid Anhydrous Silicon Dioxide Sieve 1000um Sieve Screen Pack Blend Aluminium Foil Stick Ribbon blend PaCKS for 20minutes Patent Application Publication Aug. 18, 2011 Sheet 1 of 6 US 2011/0201685 A1 Flurbiprofen Xylitol CM170 Mannitol 100SD Carbopol 974P SOdium bicarbonate, Medium Granule. Sieve 1000um Sieve Screen Blend Granulate With Purified Water Tumble Blend for 30minutes High Shear for 3minutes Fluid Bed Dry 500m/h Airflow at 55°C for 15minutes Mill 2000pum Serrated COO Mix for Mint Flavour Screen at 500rpm Peppermint Flavour ASpartame Citric Acid Anhydrous SilicOn Dioxide Sieve 1000pum Sieve SCreen Pack Blend Aluminium Foil Stick Ribbon blend Packs for 20minutes FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Aug. 18, 2011 Sheet 2 of 6 US 2011/02O1685 A1 Eluate COllection Water Jacket Circulation in (Optional) FIG. 2 Patent Application Publication Aug. 18, 2011 Sheet 3 of 6 US 2011/0201685 A1 Flurbiprofen Release Profiles - Granular Formulation Without Carbopol -- Granular Formulation Containing Carbopol -- LOZenge '83-2 is E 36 - 7.1 664 / 56II 26t 36 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (mins) FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Aug. 18, 2011 Sheet 4 of 6 US 2011/02O1685 A1 FIG. 4 Patent Application Publication Aug. 18, 2011 Sheet 5 of 6 US 2011/02O1685 A1 MembraCe DOnOr Phase > Clamp Sample Port Aperture ReCeiver Phase Magnetic Flea FIG. 5 Patent Application Publication Aug. 18, 2011 Sheet 6 of 6 US 2011/0201685 A1 -- Tingle n=6 50 —s- Granules Without Carbopol n=6 45 40 35 30 25 E-1 -1 / 20 -1 : 1 - H1 11 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time (min) FIG. 6 US 2011/020 1685 A1 Aug. 18, 2011 COMPOSITIONS pain relief and reduce inflammation in the throat. Although, Some granular compositions are known these do not include a bioadhesive and are rapidly washed away from the throat. 0001. The present invention relates to pharmaceutical 0008. In accordance with a first aspect of the present compositions, and in particular to pharmaceutical composi invention there is provided an ingestible particulate compo tions for the treatment of sore throats. sition comprising: 0002 Sore throats are often treated by sucking a sugar 0009 a) at least one compound selected from the group based lozenge. The lozenge contains at least one compound consisting of 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmeta which is active against Sore throats. In addition, the Sucking cresol, cetylpyridinium chloride, hexitidine, hexylresor action results in the production of saliva which lubricates the cinol, flurbiprofen, lidocaine, benzocaine, ibuprofen, throat and reduces the pain and discomfort experienced by an paracetamol, pectin, menthol, and benzydamine; and individual. 0.010 b) one or more bioadhesive materials. 0003) A boiled sugar lozenge is a glass or supercooled 0011 Preferably the composition is a flowable particulate, liquid, and at extremely high viscosity has an amorphous by which we mean that it may be poured from a container, e.g. non-crystalline State. In this state, other constituents can be a Sachet, in the manner of Sugar or salt. dissolved or Suspended (colours, flavours, pharmacological 0012 Preferred one or more compounds include but are actives etc). The moisture content of Such a lozenge is low (c. not limited to 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, amylmetacresol, 2%). Some of this moisture is in a free state, but much of the hexylresorcinol, and flurbiprofen and combinations thereof. moisture is not. This gives a stable chemical and physical In a preferred embodiment the at least one pharmaceutically environment. active compound is selected from flurbiprofen. 0004. However, small increases in the moisture content of 0013 The compositions of the present invention can also such lozenges have the following detrimental effects. The comprise a bicarbonate and/or an organic acid. The compo Viscosity of the glass is reduced, which leads to a gradual sition of the present invention may effervesce in the mouth of cold flow of the lozenge. The presence of free water pro the patient; the bicarbonate, and the organic acid, preferably vides a reaction medium in which accelerated degradation of forming an effervescent couple. added components can occur. Water causes the lozenge to becomesticky and both unattractive and difficult to handle by 0014 Examples of bicarbonates are alkali metal bicarbon packing equipment or by the user. Water is involved in ates Such as Sodium and potassium bicarbonate and alkaline hydrolysis of the disaccharide bond in Sugar, catalysed under earth metal bicarbonates. One or more different bicarbonates acid conditions provided by the typical inclusion of flavour may be used. enhancing organic acids. Cleavage of the disaccharide bond 0015 The bicarbonate when present is suitably present in forms glucose and fructose, which are both more hygroscopic the compositions of the present invention in an amount up to than Sugar (sucrose) and tend to accelerate the absorption of 15%, preferably 5 to 10 wt %; this being the cumulative further water from the surrounding environment. The reduc amount when there is more than one bicarbonate present. tion in the Sugar content compromises the physical hardness 0016 Preferably the organic acid is a carboxylic acid. of the lozenge. In some cases complete liquefaction of the Most preferably it is a polycarboxylic acid. Preferably it has lozenge can occur. As the absorption of water is an accelera 2-5 carboxylic acid groups, more preferably 3-4 carboxylic tive process, low initial water content and the exclusion of acid groups, especially 3. Examples of preferred organic even Small quantities of water from the lozenge environment acids include citric acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, Succinic are important to maximise shelflife. For a medicated lozenge acid, ascorbic acid, adipic acid and fumaric acid. containing pharmaceutical ingredients, the issue of Stability 0017. The molar ratio of organic acid(s): bicarbonate is particularly significant as compared to confectionery loZ (combined weight when more than one is present) can be: enges. For example, a much longer shelf life required of (0.018 3 (acid): 1 (bicarbonate); medicinal products, the health risks associated with chemical (0.019 2 (acid): 1 (bicarbonate); change mediated by increased water content, and the higher 0020 1 (acid): 1 (bicarbonate); value of the goods spoiled. 0021 1 (acid):greater than 1 (bicarbonate); 0005. It would, therefore, be desirable to develop an alter 0022. 1 (acid):at least 1.5 (bicarbonate); native product for treating sore throats which avoids the use of a Sugar-based lozenge. 0023. 1 (acid):at least 2 (bicarbonate); and 0006. In the present invention it is an important object of 0024. 1 (acid):3 (bicarbonate). preferred embodiments to achieve a flowable particulate 0025. A preferred effervescent couple is sodium bicarbon composition which can be administered directly into the ate and citric acid. mouth. The issues Surrounding the oral administration of 0026. Preferably the particulate composition contains at lozenges are quite different to the issues Surrounding the oral least 0.3 wt % organic acid, more preferably at least 1 wt %, administration of particulate compositions, for example loZ more preferably at least 2 wt %, and most preferably 2.5 wt %. enges may simply be Swallowed or more preferably may be These values denote the cumulative amount when there is Sucked. Sucking stimulates the release of saliva, which can more than one organic acid present; and are based on total lubricate the throat reducing the pain and discomfort, or the weight of the composition. perception thereof. When a particulate composition is admin 0027 Suitably the one or more bioadhesive materials is a istered it potentially has a rapid drying effect in the mouth, polymeric or oligomeric compound; preferably a polymeric and there is no Sucking to mitigate that effect. or oligomeric compound having a high molecular weight up 0007. The development objective of this formulation was to several million Daltons. to produce a granule format as a delivery method for Suitable 0028 Preferred one or more bioadhesive materials are pharmaceutically active compounds in order to give localised selected from the group comprising carbomers, such as Car US 2011/020 1685 A1 Aug. 18, 2011 bopol 974P and Carbopol 941 P, xanthan gums, locust bean 0041 Most preferably the single-pack dosage form is gum, alginate, carageenan, or cellulose. Other Suitable car adapted to dispense its contents to a point or Small area within bomers can be used.