1628 Disinfectants and Preservatives
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1628 Disinfectants and Preservatives 7. Ebara M, et al. Percutaneous ethanol injection for small hepato- Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii). Ambazone (BAN, rINN) cellular carcinoma: therapeutic efficacy based on 20-year obser- Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Dodecyl Gallate). A white or almost white crystal- vation. J Hepatol 2005; 43: 458–64. Ambatsoni; Ambazon; Ambazona; Ambazonum. 4-Amidinohy- 8. Payne-James JJ, et al. Use of ethanol-induced tumor necrosis to line powder. M.p. about 96°. Very slightly soluble or practically drazonocyclohexa-1,4-dien-3-one thiosemicarbazone monohy- insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol; slightly soluble in palliate dysphagia in patients with esophagogastric cancer. Gas- drate. trointest Endosc 1990; 36: 43–6. dichloromethane. Store in nonmetallic containers. Protect from 9. Stanners AJ, et al. Alcohol injection for palliation of malignant light. Амбазон oesophageal disease. Lancet 1993; 341: 767. C H N S,H O = 255.3. 10. Larsen TB, et al. Single-session alcohol sclerotherapy in symp- 8 11 7 2 tomatic benign hepatic cysts: long-term results. Acta Radiol CAS — 539-21-9 (anhydrous ambazone); 6011-12-7 1999; 40: 636–8. Ethyl Gallate (ambazone monohydrate). 11. Mohsen T, Gomha MA. Treatment of symptomatic simple renal ATC — R02AA01. cysts by percutaneous aspiration and ethanol sclerotherapy. BJU Galato de etilo. Ethyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate. ATC Vet — QR02AA01. Int 2005; 96: 1369–72. C H O = 198.2. 12. Asfar S, et al. Percutaneous sclerosis of gallbladder. Lancet 9 10 5 1989; ii: 387. CAS — 831-61-8. HN S 13. Meirelles-Santos JO, et al. Absolute ethanol and 5% eth- anolamine oleate are comparable for sclerotherapy of esopha- N N N N geal varices. Gastrointest Endosc 2000; 51: 573 6. H H 14. Ferrari AP, et al. Efficacy of absolute alcohol injection com- O O CH3 H2N NH2 pared with band ligation in the eradication of esophageal varic- es. Arq Gastroenterol 2005; 42: 72–6. 15. Bhargava DK, et al. Endoscopic sclerotherapy using absolute Profile alcohol. Gut 1986; 27: 1518. Ambazone is an antiseptic that is used in the form of lozenges for 16. Chung SCS, et al. Injection of alcohol to control bleeding from minor infections of the mouth and pharynx. ruptured hepatomas. BMJ 1990; 301: 421. 17. Lin HJ, et al. Heat probe thermocoagulation and pure alcohol HO OH Preparations injection in massive peptic ulcer haemorrhage: a prospective, Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) randomised controlled trial. Gut 1990; 31: 753–7. OH Cz.: Faringosept†; Hung.: Faringosept†; Pol.: Faringosept; Rus.: Farin- 18. Deveikis JP. Percutaneous ethanol sclerotherapy for vascular gosept (Фарингосепт). malformations in the head and neck. Arch Facial Plast Surg 2005; 7: 322–5. Pharmacopoeias. In Br. 19. Sigwart U. Non-surgical myocardial reduction for hypertrophic BP 2008 (Ethyl Gallate). A white to creamy-white, odourless or obstructive cardiomyopathy. Lancet 1995; 346: 211–14. almost odourless, crystalline powder. Slightly soluble in water; Aminoquinuride Hydrochloride (rINNM) Preparations freely soluble in alcohol and in ether; practically insoluble in ara- Aminoquinuride, Chlorhydrate d’; Aminoquinuridi Hydrochlori- USP 31: Alcohol in Dextrose Injection; Dehydrated Alcohol Injection; Rub- chis oil. Protect from light. Avoid contact with metals. dum; Hidrocloruro de aminoquinurida. 1,3-Bis(4-amino-2-me- bing Alcohol. thyl-6-quinolyl)urea dihydrochloride. Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Austral.: Microshield Antimicrobial Hand Gel; Canad.: Avagard D; Bio- Octil Gallate Аминохинурида Гидрохлорид base; Dial†; Duonalc-E Mild; Instant Hand Sanitizer; One Step Hand Sanitiz- C21H20N6O,2HCl = 445.3. er; President’s Choice Hand Sanitizer; Purell; Fr.: Curethyl; Optrex; Phar- E311; Galato de octilo; Octyl Gallate; Octyle, gallate d’; Octylis CAS — 3811-56-1 (aminoquinuride); 5424-37-3 (amino- madose alcool; Ger.: AHD 2000; Amphisept E; Fugaten; Klosterfrau gallas; Oktilo galatas; Oktylgallat; Oktyl-gallát; Oktyyligallaatti. Oc- quinuride hydrochloride). Franzbranntwein Menthol; Manusept HD†; Sterillium Virugard; Hung.: Sa- tyl 3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoate. letanol D†; Indon.: Handy Clean; Malaysia: QuicKlean; Philipp.: AHD 2000; Switz.: Amphisept†; USA: Alcare; Bodi Line Action; Gel-Stat; Kleen- C15H22O5 = 282.3. Handz†. NH CAS — 1034-01-1. 2 Multi-ingredient: Austral.: Dermatech Liquid; Johnsons Clean & Clear H O N Invisible Blemish Treatment†; Johnsons Clean & Clear Oil Controlling Ton- Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii). er; Microshield Handrub; Microshield Tincture; Austria: Dodesept; Do- desept Gefarbt; Dodesept N; Skinsept; Skinsept mucosa; Belg.: Sabenyl; Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Octyl Gallate). A white or almost white crystalline Solution Antiseptique Stella†; Canad.: Avagard CHG; Biobase-G; Chase powder. Practically insoluble in water and in dichloromethane; NH Kolik Gripe Water; Dilusol AHA†; Dilusol†; Duonalc-E; Franzbranns†; freely soluble in alcohol. Store in nonmetallic containers. Protect N CH3 Green Antiseptic Mouthwash & Gargle; Mouthwash Antiseptic & Gargle†; from light. MRX†; Sans-Acne†; Chile: Abboderm†; Acnoxyl Locion Tonica; Alcolex; Listerine; Listermint Con Fluor; Oralfresh Citrus; Oralfresh Clasico; Oral- N fresh Menta; Cz.: Promanum N; Skinsept mucosa†; Softa-Man; Fin.: Oti- borin; Somanol + Ethanol; Fr.: Alco-Aloe; Aniospray 29; Chlorispray†; Propyl Gallate Parogencyl gencives fragilisees†; Ger.: Aerodesin; Autoderm Extra; Bacillol; H3CNH2 Bacillol AF; Betaseptic; Desderman N†; Franzbranntwein mit Fichten- E310; Galato de propilo; Propil-gallát; Propilo galatas; Propyle, nadelol†; Freka-Derm; Freka-Nol; Freka-Sept 80; Hospidermin; Hospisept; gallate de; Propylgallat; Propyl-gallát; Propylis gallas; Propylu galu- (aminoquinuride) Incidin; Incidin Spezial; Incidur Spray†; Klosterfrau Franzbranntwein; Kloster- san; Propylum Gallicum; Propyyligallaatti. Propyl 3,4,5-trihydroxy- frau Franzbranntwein Latschenkiefer; Mucasept-A; Promanum N; Riwa benzoate. Franzbranntwein; Skinsept G; Skinsept mucosa; Softa Man; Softasept N; Spi- Profile tacid; Gr.: Faragel-Forte; Hong Kong: Listerine; Listerine Tartar Control; C H O = 212.2. Hung.: Fructosol E†; India: Daslin; Dettolin; Indon.: Allerin; Benadryl CM; 10 12 5 Aminoquinuride hydrochloride is an antiseptic that has been Berlifed; Chlorphemin; Coricidin; Dactylen; Domeryl; Eksedryl Expectorant; CAS — 121-79-9. used in topical preparations for the treatment of mouth and skin Inadryl; Inadryl Plus; Koffex; Listerine; Listerine Coolmint; Neo Novapon; disorders. Nichodryl; OBH; Paradryl; Israel: Alcosept; Oxy Clean Medicated; Salisol; Pharmacopoeias. In Eur. (see p.vii). Also in USNF. Septadine; Spirit Salicyl; V-Tabur; Ital.: Bemonalcool; Citroclorex; Citromed Ph. Eur. 6.2 (Propyl Gallate). A white or almost white, crystal- Preparations 80 and 85; Citromed Chirurgico; Citrosil Alcolico Azzuro; Citrosil Alcolico Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Part 3) Bruno; Citrosil Alcolico Incolore; Citrosteril Strumenti; Clorexan Ferri; Eso line powder. Very slightly soluble in water; freely soluble in al- Ferri Alcolico; Esoalcolico Incolore; Esoform Alcolico; Forbrand; Formedico; cohol; dissolves in dilute solutions of alkali hydroxides. Protect Multi-ingredient: Austria: Herviros; Ger.: Herviros†. Incidin Spezial; Incidur Spray; Jodieci; Melsept Spray; Neomedil; Panseptil; from light. Sekumatic; Simpottantacinque; Softa Man; Neth.: Softa-Man; Philipp.: BSI USNF 26 (Propyl Gallate). A white crystalline powder with a Medicated Spray; Dermablend Clarifying; Listerine Coolmint; Listerine Original; Zilactin; Ziladent; Port.: Promanum; Softasept; S.Afr.: Clearasil slight characteristic odour. Slightly soluble in water; freely solu- Amylmetacresol (BAN, rINN) Medicated Facial Cleanser; Dry & Clear Medicated Skin Cleanser; Listerine ble in alcohol. Store in airtight containers. Avoid contact with Antiseptic; Oxipor VHC; Specific Nerve Pain Remedy; Singapore: Hexo- metals. Protect from light. Amilmetacresol; Amilmetakrezol; Amylmétacrésol; Amylmeta- dane Handrub; Listerine; Listerine Cool Mint; Listerine Fresh Burst; Listerine cresolum; Amylmetakresol; Amyylimetakresoli. 6-Pentyl-m- Tartar Control; Tri-Cidal†; Spain: Alcohocel; Alcohol Benzalconio; Alcohol Adverse Effects and Precautions cresol; 5-Methyl-2-pentylphenol. Cetil†; Alcohol Cetilpi Cuve†; Alcohol CL Benz; Alcohol Poten; Alcohol Potenciado; Beta Alcanforado; Beta Romero; Embrocacion Gras; Farmalco- The alkyl gallates may cause contact sensitivity and skin reac- Амилметакрезол tions. hol; Linimento Naion; Menalcol; Mercrotona; Switz.: Betaseptic; Desitur†; C12H18O = 178.3. Frekaderm†; Promanum N; Sclerovein; Softasept N; Thai.: Hand Joy; UK: CAS — 1300-94-3. Brushtox; Clearasil Pore Cleansing Lotion; Medi-Wipe; Oxy Cleanser; Oxy Effects on the blood. Methaemoglobinaemia associated with Duo Pads; Spectrum; USA: Banadyne-3; Clearasil Double Clear; Clearasil the antoxidants (butylated hydroxyanisole, butylated hydroxy- Double Textured Pads; Lipmagik; Maximum Strength Anbesol; Orasol; Stri- toluene, and propyl gallate) used to preserve the oil in a soybean Dex Pads; Venez.: Frixonil. CH infant feed formula has been reported.1 Propyl gallate was sus- 3 pected of being the most likely cause because its chemical struc- ture is similar to pyrogallol (p.1611), a methaemoglobinaemia Alkyl Gallates inducer. H3C OH Galatos de alquilo. 1. Nitzan M, et al. Infantile methemoglobinemia caused by food Pharmacopoeias. In Br. additives. Clin Toxicol 1979; 15: 273–80. BP 2008 (Amylmetacresol). A clear or almost