Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49925-5 — the Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815 Charles W
Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49925-5 — The Habsburg Monarchy, 1618–1815 Charles W. Ingrao Index More Information Index Accounting Office (Hofrechnungskammer), Augustus III, king of Poland (1734–63), 199 161, 163–4, 171 Admont monastery, 138 Aulic Council, see Imperial Aulic Council Adriatic, trade, 13, 106, 157, 160, 187–8, Austerlitz, battle of (1805), 259, 265, 267 240 “Austrian Clemency,” 22, 222 Agram (Zagreb), 14 Austrian crown lands, 3–5 Albert II, Emperor (1438–40), 3, 17 profile, 6–10, 28, 45 Albert of Saxe-Teschen, Prince, 245 Counter-Reformation in, 38–40 Alexander, Archduke, palatine, 237 impact of Thirty Years’ War on, 55 Alexander I, Tsar (1801–25), 259, 269 postwar recovery, 98–102 Allgemeines Gesetzbuch, see General Civil taxation in, 67, 142n, 147, 181, 194 Code agrarian reforms in, 209 see also Inner Almansa, battle of (1707), 128 Austria, Outer Austria Alsace, 9, 131, 175, 157 Avancini, Nikolaus, 109 Habsburg possessions in, 53, 59 Aviano, Marco d’, 65, 88, 116 Ampringen, Johann Kaspar, Hungarian governor, 76–7, 107 Bach, Johann Sebastian, composer, 242 Anna, queen of Hungary, 5 Bacon, Sir Francis, philosopher, 115 Anne, queen of England, 128 Baden Ansbach, duchy of, 220–1 Treaty of (1714), 133–4 Antwerp, 157, 233 electorate of, 258–9 Treaty of (1715), 133–4 Baden bei Wien, 90 Apafi dynasty, princes of Transylvania Balance of power, the monarchy’srolein, Michael I (1664–90), 72, 79, 81, 87, 89, 2–6, 28–9, 48, 60, 119, 121, 132, 93, 103 160–2, 171, 175, 177–8, 192, Michael II, 93, 149 217–19,221,259,271,278–9 Arad,
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