The Electric Vehicle: Raising the Standards
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VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen Vakgroep Elektrotechniek en Energietechniek The electric vehicle: raising the standards Ir. Peter VAN DEN BOSSCHE Proefschrift ingediend tot het behalen van de academische graad van Doctor in de Toegepaste Wetenschappen Promotor: Prof. Dr. Ir. G. Maggetto April Colophon © by Peter Van den Bossche, - All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. All photographs and images where the source is not specified are by the author. Set in Poliphilus and Blado Italic. Acknowledgments This work is the result of research performed, and experience built up during the past decennium during which I have been involved with electric vehicle standardization. The finalization of this thesis would not have been possible however without the support of many who have directly and indirectly contributed to this project. First and foremost I have to express my gratitude to Professor Gaston Maggetto and his whole team at the ETEC department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, where, through continuous support for the cause of the electric vehicle, an exceptional working environment has been created, offering unique opportunities for personal development on academic level as well as a stimulating social atmosphere. A special mention is due to my colleague Joeri Van Mierlo who was always available for intense discussions within a hearty friendship. The participation in standardization work allowed me to perform forward-based work on the subject, as well as to get acquainted with the dedicated experts on the committees, whose opinions were invaluable as to shape a proper view on the issue. Furthermore, I have to thank in particular the people in the standardization bodies who have helped me gaining access to archived information on standardization work: the personnel at BEC and BIN, Wolfram Galle at FAKRA, Dr. Giampiero Brusaglino. For his indirect role in making the realization of this work possible, I want to make a special mention of Francis Fabre, formerly of CEC DGVII, who, though the commissioning of CITELEC with a study about electric vehicle safety, has initiated my involvement in the electrifying world of international standardization. Among the references that were used, two merit a particular note: the work by Gijs Mom, who highlighted the relevance of the historical research and showed me the way to the historical sources, and the work by Stanley Hills, which I discovered in my early days as a student and which contributed to arouse my interest in electric vehicles. Finally I want to express my thanks to my parents who have always supported my endeavours. P. Van den Bossche April Jury ☞ Prof. Alain Barel, Chairman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ☞ Prof. Jean Vereecken, Vice-Chairman, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ☞ Prof. Gaston Maggetto, Promotor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ☞ Prof. Philippe Lataire, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ☞ Dr. Joeri Van Mierlo, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ☞ Dr. Giampiero Brusaglino, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Orbassano, Italy ☞ Dr. Michael F. Mangan, Standardization Expert, Edgworth, England Summary This thesis presents the evolution of standardization in relation to electrically driven vehicles in the past, present and future. It is the result of historical and bibliographical research on one hand and of the author’s personal experience in several standardization committees on the other hand. Starting with the genesis of the first specific electric vehicle standards in the early th century, the evolutions of this subject are followed up throughout the years, passing through the renewed interest in electric vehicles the last quarter of the century, up to the new developments like hybrids and fuel cells which are bringing the electric road vehicle into the st century. Special attention has been devoted to the drafting process of the standards and the roles played by the various standardization bodies and their mutual interaction. The work is concluded with the formulation of a number of statements and recommendations concerning the future of the standardization of electrically driven vehicles. Samenvatting Dit proefschrift behandelt de evolutie van de normalisatie in verband met elektrisch aangedreven voertuigen in verleden, heden en toekomst. Het is enerzijds voortgekomen uit geschiedkundig en bibliografisch onderzoek, en anderzijds uit de persoonlijke ervaring van de auteur in verscheidene normalisatiecomités. Beginnend met het ontstaan van de eerste normen specifiek voor elektrische voertuigen aan het begin van de ste eeuw, werd de evolutie terzake opgevolgd door de jaren heen, via de hernieuwde belangstelling voor elektrische voertuigen gedurende het laastste kwart van de eeuw, tot en met de nieuwe ontwikkelingen zoals hybride voertuigen en brandstofcellen die het elektrisch voertuig in de ste eeuw begeleiden. Bijzondere aandacht werd besteed aan het wordingsproces van de normen en aan de rol van de verscheidene normalisatie-organismen en hun onderlinge wisselwerking. Het werk wordt besloten met het formuleren van een aantal stellingen en aanbevelingen aangaande de toekomstige normalisatie van elektrisch aangedreven voertuigen. Résumé Cette thèse traite de l’évolution de la normalisation relative au véhicule à propulsion électrique : au passé, au présent et au futur. Elle est basée d’une part sur des recherches historiques et bibliographiques et d’autre part sur l’expérience personnelle de l’auteur au sein de différents comités de normalisation. Les évolutions dans le domaine ont été suivies, partant de la genèse des premières normes spécifiques pour le véhicule électrique au début du ième siècle, en passant par le renouveau d’intérêt pour le véhicule électrique au cours du dernier quart de siècle, jusqu’aux développements nouveaux tels les véhicules hybrides et les piles à combustible, qui accompagnent le véhicule électrique vers le ième siècle. Une attention particulière fut attribuée aux processus d’élaboration des normes et au rôle des différents organismes de normalisation ainsi que de leur interaction mutuelle. L’ouvrage est conclu par l’énoncé d’un nombre de propos et de recommandations concernant la future normalisation des véhicules à propulsion électrique. Table of Contents Purpose, Scope and justification ............................................................. Introduction ............................................................................................... Scope......................................................................................................... Approach .................................................................................................. Standardization ..................................................................................... The golden age (-)................................................................... Introduction: The electric vehicle in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.................................................................................................... .. Early history..................................................................................... .. Electric utility vehicles..................................................................... .. Electric passenger cars ..................................................................... .. Electric taxis................................................................................... .. Battery-electric vehicles in public transport ........................................ .. Hybrid vehicles .............................................................................. The genesis of electric vehicle standardization .............................................. .. The Electric Vehicle Association of America ................................... .. The call for the need of standardization............................................. .. Standardization of charging plugs.................................................... .. Standardization of voltage ............................................................... .. Standardization of speed.................................................................. .. Tires and tire efficiency.................................................................... .. Standardization of battery jars and trays ............................................ Automotive standardization development.................................................... .. The creation of the ................................................................... .. Collaboration - ................................................................ .. Activities of the Electric Vehicle Division in the Standards Committee..................................................................................................... Electrotechnical standardization development .............................................. .. The history of international electrotechnical standardization................ .. The standardization of electrical machines......................................... .. rating of electrical machines....................................................... .. Standardization of machines - the standardization rules.............. .. Standardization relating to electric vehicles................................ Overview of early standardization..............................................................