Deborah Adele | 192 pages | 01 Sep 2009 | On-Word Bound Books | 9780974470641 | English | United States The Yamas Niyamas: Exploring 's Ethical Practice

I was sad. In the Yoga Sutraa seminal collection of texts written between the second century BCE and fifth century CE, philosophers outline an eight-limbedstep-by-step path for purifying the body and mind. Russian language edition available from Sofia Books or directly from Amazon. The first five guidelines are referred to as the yamas—a Sanskrit word that translates to "restraints"—and encompass nonviolence, truthfulness, not stealing, nonexcess, and nonpossessiveness. Shopping Cart. Details if other :. Yoga Influencers. Yoga was always my center, my breath of fresh air. Essentially the yamas and niyamas are guides to help us discover our own authenticity. The color of the paint inside the can is the color that whatever we paint becomes. We have a choice to take action and we have a choice to change the story we are telling ourselves about our powerlessness. If we are not on purpose with creating balance for ourselves, we can easily The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice victim to false The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice and fill every breathable space with appointments and activities and all the responsibilities that go with a full agenda. And it was during that first month that I totally melted down. And yet, in Eastern thought, nonviolence is so valued that it stands as the very core and foundation of all yoga philosophy and practice. At first I was quite interested in eight limbs and the philosophy in ancient yoga. It explains 10 yoga tenets that are principles you'd do will living by, including truthfulness, non-greed and purity. Yoga for Beginners. I felt physically and mentally so much more sound after every session. And I struggled for so long with that loss of control, the completely irrational thoughts that had taken over my life, and those feelings of guilt, grief, and madness that threatened to break me down every day. The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice is humble and unpretentious; he sits around for hours trying to catch flies with chopsticks, tends his bonsai trees, and doesn't even seem to bat an eye when provoked. Others were feeling my bite. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. How to Meditate. Miyagi at first appears to be a silly, rather harmless little old man to seventeen year old Daniel. Apr 19, Alex Lee rated it it was amazing Shelves:psychemysticalphilosophyfavorites. This is a book everyone can use. Never pretending to be anything more or less than what we are. Each chapter includes related wisdom and quotes including incidents and anecdotes from the author's own experience to illustrate how these principles can be seen and observed in our daily lives. The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice 13, Bonnie rated it it was amazing. The first two stops on the path, even before the physical postures called , are ethical principles that are supposed to guide how we relate to other people and how we take care of ourselves. In the Karate Kid movies, Daniel did not go to karate school to study. Spanish language edition available from Sirio Publishing or directly from Amazon. They are comprised of Saucha puritySantosha contentmentTapas self- disciplineSwadhyaya self-studyand Ishvarapranidhana surrender. For instance, if my car breaks down at an inconvenient time, I can choose to be grateful that I am safe and have my cell phone; I can choose one of many options for support for towing and The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice my car; I can turn the whole situation into an adventure by perhaps riding the bus for the first time in years or calling an old friend for a lift, and trusting that somehow, all is well. Read all of Deborah's articles on Yoga International: Deborah's writing. Welcome back. These are the do's and do not's of the yoga world; non-violence, truthfulness, non-stealing, non-excess, non-possessiveness them the yamasand purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender the niyamas. In this book each Yama and has been given its own chapter in which the philosophy of the guideline is woven with practical examples and stories. This The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice me as a self-help book wrapped in yogic trimmings. No trivia or quizzes yet. Because these principles were written thousands of years ago and once considered mandatory vows for any yoga practitioner, the yamas and the niyamas can be difficult ideas to market or embrace in a secular, contemporary society. Types of Yoga. But in the end this is self-help type of book. It abounds in cowardly faces that turn away, in violent attacks, in walls of protection, in bins of possessions, in numerous unkind words and gestures. The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice

One of the reasons for Gandhi's unmatched power was that he continued to stay with life; he didn't run when life got too confusing or difficult. The benefits of paying attention to the yamas and niyamas may not be as instantly gratifying as a good asana class, but they can be deep and long lasting. Because I was hurting. The health and well-being of our body, mind, and spirit is a powerful resource and by keeping ourselves in balance, we can stride through life with greater competence and ease. Return to Book Page. To sum, the book is practical, useful, and easy to read. The yamas and niyamas of yoga philosophy are clearly and lovingly explained, with illuminating commentary and questions to ponder. I was dismayed when I hit the third yama - the author tells a story of a bride leaving her cheating fiance at the alter as a wonderful example of non-stealing. What is interesting to me is that my grandchildren, in playing this game, have The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice something important about balance. Again, truthfulness is more than just telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I assume this book would be beneficial to read a bit every day or when I got frustrated. In the spirit of staya, as an honest witness I can observe how the evil ills of Christianity are still with me when it comes to those concepts. I spent three years consulting with a firm out of Boulder, Colorado. The last five are referred to as the niyamas, or observances—purity, contentment, self-discipline, self-study, and surrender. Reading it felt like talking to a friend. I liked Adele's friendly narratives, encouraging words and easy-to-understand explanations. And this book helped me realize that by adjusting my thought processes to a broader view, the less hard I try to figure out what is happening around me. And yet, in Eastern thought, nonviolence is so valued that it stands as the very core and foundation of all yoga philosophy and practice. If we look closely, we can trace all of these acts of greed, control, and insecurity back to their root: fear. They are comprised The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice Saucha puritySantosha contentmentTapas self-disciplineSwadhyaya self-studyand Ishvarapranidhana surrender. Deborah Adele. It is anti-cultural to claim any space that is simply space, or to move with any kind of lingering, or to take time for closure. Other editions. View all 16 comments. Until Kyle died. Deborah is drawn deeply to the depth of Yoga philosophy and feels her life has been dramatically enlivened from these concepts. Good concepts presented bible-study style. Our ability to stay balanced and courageous has much to do with how we feel about ourselves. I The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice many private consultations with people who are feeling powerlessness from believing an old story that they have continued to accept as true. The color of the paint inside the can is the color that whatever we paint becomes. And practicing the yama of non-possessiveness aparigraha could be interpreted as letting go of old grudges. The practice of helps me with my understanding of positive and negative energies and helps me understand some things that are bigger than I am. 10 Ways to Bring the Yamas + Niyamas Into Your Yoga Practice

And staying grounded in who I am, despite not being "ok" is actually what helped me initially climb my way out of the dark hole I fell into. And The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice was during that first month that I totally melted down. Feeling powerless leads to outward aggression in the form of frustration and anger, or withdrawal inward into depression and victimization. We create this rest by allowing space that we can breathe in. But the truth is, we will express that love for others by treating them the same way we treat ourselves. In general, these are fairly straightforward and easy to comprehend. Yoga was always my center, my breath of fresh air. It needs to be read in small bites, preferably at night, just before sleep. The first two limbs of the eight-fold path of yoga —the basic text for classical yoga—are examined in this spiritual guide to the practice of yoga. For "serious" yoga practitioners, it is definitely worth to try. Aug 07, Alison Chorney-Dubien rated it it was amazing Shelves: challenge. If you are light hearted and forgiving with yourself, others will feel the ease and joy of being with you. For over 14 years, Deborah brought her combined knowledge of business and her in-depth knowledge of yoga philosophy to build Yoga North, now a thriving yoga center. Shopping Cart. Sign Up Free. There are 10 in all. I like the practice tips. When I stopped pretending to be holding it together, I actually started holding it together for real. The first five guidelines are referred to as the yamas-- a Sanskrit word that translates to "restraints"--and encompass nonviolence, truthfulness, not stealing, nonexcess, and nonpossessiveness. Sep 06, Aimee Brown rated it it The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice amazing. So how can you incorporate these time-tested moral and ethical codes into your own life and practice? Nothing worked. Killing and doing physical harm are grosser forms of violence that are easily seen and understood. It means that in order to live in complete balance, one must never embody any type of violence, live totally in truth, never take what isn't theirs to take, never have more than what they need, and never be attached to anything outside of the self. And therefore the English translation isn't exactly what it appears to be. Many of these principles have multifaceted nuances. It is immensely readable and relatable. It goes a little further than that. Give you all a little bac I am not a reader of what many would call "self help" books. It brought to light why yoga was and still is such a crucial practice in my life. Spanish The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice edition available from Sirio Publishing or directly from Amazon. Interestingly, the common advice given throughout the book is journaling. The ultimate goal: to help practitioners cultivate a steady mind, leading to calm The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice. I have attached some photos here. Balance will look different in each of us and even different in each of us at different times. Not what I was expecting. And the more peace there is in us, the more peace there will be in our troubled world. Practicing yoga while acknowledging these values will help every to deepen connections with asana and The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice, reveal our inner light. She has a way of weaving in her own personal family stories into these tenets but just enough; she doesn't elaborate on them a second more than need be and yet she makes her points even more clear, more personal, as she relates to you. Deborah is a keen and innovative thinker, and, in whatever venue she finds herself, consistently uses her knowledge and training to support others in living a life imbued with balance, clarity, and well-being. I say experiment because I was curious what affect this would have on others as well as on me. Without forgiveness, we carry guilt like a heavy burden around our hearts. Miyagi becomes Daniel's mentor in the art of skillful defense, true friendship, and the art of living. Deborah worked for three years as a consultant with a firm out of Boulder, Colorado, where she combined the concept of body and breath with organizational development skills to improve leadership and management in various businesses around the country. Not entirely, but those who know me report that I am easy and delightful to be with. However, consciously knowing that things we say or do always have consequences allow us to think before speaking, or refrain from reacting out of anger or hurt or jealousy. The author writes with The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yogas Ethical Practice conversational tone that makes her words all the more powerful. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances.