Berkeley Lab
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LBNL/PUB-5518 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY LAB 2006 LONG RANGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2DIRECTOR’S FOREWORD 4INTRODUCTION Laboratory Location 10 Berkeley Laboratory Historical Perspective 14 Berkeley Lab 2006 20 Facilities Conditions 24 BACKGROUND The Scientific Vision for Berkeley Lab 30 1 Space and Population Projections 34 The Site and Facilities Vision 38 ontents THE VISION C 1 Introduction to The Plan 44 2 Land Use 46 Development Framework 56 Vehicle Access, Circulation, and Parking 62 Pedestrian Circulation 70 Open Space and Landscape 74 Utilities and Infrastructure 82 THE PLAN Appendix A: Main Site Building Inventory 88 Appendix B: Land Leases 94 3 Appendix C: Figures and Tables 96 Appendix D: Related Documents 99 Appendix E: Abbreviations and Definitions 100 Appendix F: Berkeley Lab Organization 102 Appendix G: Acknowledgments 103 APPENDICES Appendix H: Index 104 1 Director’s Foreword ARD W LET ’S RENEW OUR COMMITMENT TO RESEARCH , EDUCATION , AND INNOVATION WHI L E SERVING AS A ORE F POSITIVE FORCE IN ECONOMIC , ENVIRONMENTA L , AND COMMUNITY RESPONSIBI L ITY . asic research such as the work performed at Berkeley As a leading institution in the areas of energy and environmen- Lab underpins our discoveries and, ultimately, the se- tal research, we are committed to developing the Laboratory curity, economic prosperity, and health of our citizens. in a manner that sets the standard for resource conservation director’s BACKGROUND B The Laboratory’s combination of strengths in rapidly advanc- and stewardship. To this end, the Berkeley Lab Sustainability 2 ing areas of science and unique research facilities enables the Policy was recently established to formalize our simultaneous development of large-scale, interdisciplinary research programs and balanced pursuit of economic viability, environmental to strengthen the foundations of America’s competitiveness. health, and public responsibility over the long-term through Unfortunately, our aging facilities will not accommodate the appropriate investment decisions and operating practices. As multi-disciplined collaborations required to meet the future’s a result, environmental sustainability will be a key decision scientific challenges. component in the development of the Laboratory over the coming decades. The Laboratory will fall far short of its responsibilities to the nation if the facilities of previous generations are relied Berkeley Lab employees live and work in our community and upon for a new generation of science. As national challenges share in its mutual success. We have a long term commitment emerge we must maximize the use of our scientific resources, for a sustainable Laboratory that is an integral component revitalize our existing infrastructure, and make long-term of the East Bay landscape. This LRDP has been developed investments in new scientific facilities. With renewal and de- as we celebrate our 75th Anniversary, with the intent to pro- velopment designed for collaborative science, Berkeley Lab vide a quality environment for decades into the future. Our will build stronger partnerships with academia, industry, and sustainability policy recognizes maintaining proper regard for government. land-use constraints. As described in this LRDP, these FIGURE F.1 The new Molecular Foundry building earned the U.S. Green Building Council’s “Silver” rating for sustainable design and construction constraints include: respecting open space and landscaping, maintaining slopes and soil stability, adhering to design guide- lines, and improving pedestrian and public transit while mini- irector’s Foreword D mizing traffic congestion. 3 Our future prosperity will depend on our preeminence in sci- ence and technology. Let’s not take our current strength for granted. Let’s renew our commitment to research, education, and innovation while serving as a positive force in economic, environmental, and community responsibility. The principles for the responsible development of Berkeley Lab necessary to deliver scientific discoveries for humankind and the environ- ment are embodied in this 2006 Long Range Development Plan. Steven Chu, Director Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Introduction awrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab, • Transfers knowledge and technological innovations, and the Laboratory) is a multi-program scientific research fosters productive relationships among Berkeley Lab’s L campus operated by the University of California (UC) research programs, universities, and industry for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The Laboratory conducts unclassified research to carry out its mission of reach- Berkeley Lab holds the distinction of being the oldest national ing a deeper understanding of our world and delivering science- laboratory since its inception on the UC Berkeley campus in BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION based solutions to problems of national significance. 1931. The Laboratory still conducts research on the Berkeley campus, while the majority of its scientific and support opera- 4 Berkeley Lab is one of ten national laboratories sponsored by tions take place at the adjacent “main site” on land owned by DOE’s Office of Science to perform research and development the Regents of the University of California. The Laboratory also that is not well suited to a university or private sector setting occupies research, office, and support space in leased facilities because of its scope, infrastructure requirements, or multidisci- in the cities of Berkeley, Oakland and Walnut Creek, California plinary nature. Eleven Nobelists have been associated with the as well as Washington DC. This document is concerned solely Laboratory and eighty-one of its current researchers are mem- with the growth and development of the Laboratory’s main bers of the National Academies. The Laboratory is regarded by site. the DOE as a national treasure that while in the pursuit of its mission: This 2006 Berkeley Lab Long Range Development Plan (LRDP, the Plan) will guide the physical development that the Labora- • Performs leading multidisciplinary research in the life & tory will require over the next 20 years to achieve its scientific environmental, physical, computing, and general sciences vision. The subsequent scope and nature of the development • Develops and operates advanced experimental facilities described in this LRDP reflect current and projected national for investigators from other institutions worldwide scientific priorities. The evolution of these priorities over time • Educates and trains future generations of scientists and will drive a corresponding change in the actual development engineers to sustain national science and technology that will occur at the Laboratory. competitiveness FIGURE I.1 The view southwest from the Laboratory at sunset ntroduction I To maximize Berkeley Lab’s responsiveness to evolving nation- the LRDP. These documents—both of which establish specific 5 al priorities, this LRDP provides a general land use plan and guidelines for site planning, landscape, and building design— development framework to guide the siting of new facilities provide the means to implement the Plan’s principles as each and infrastructure. The Plan does not define specific buildings new project is developed. or site development, nor commit the institution to any specific This LRDP is accompanied by a separate Environmental Impact project. The LRDP provides Laboratory management, facilities Report (EIR) in compliance with the California Environmental staff, and the UC Regents with decision-making guidance for Quality Act (CEQA). The EIR includes a detailed description future projects. of the current Berkeley Lab site and an analysis of the potential The LRDP balances the Laboratory’s scientific goals with en- environmental impacts resulting from the development pro- vironmental stewardship and the flexibility to accommodate jected in this LRDP. future mission needs in order to build a safe, efficient research The EIR impact analysis is based upon its Illustrative Devel- institution that is conducive to scientific inquiry. Two support- opment Scenario (IDS)—one of many possible development ing documents, the Berkeley Lab Design Guide and the Berke- scenarios encompassing the maximum amount of new building ley Lab Sustainability Policy were developed in parallel with space, population, parking, and other site improvements identified in the LRDP. While the development presented in the IDS is ORGANIZATioN of THIS DOCUMENT consistent with LRDP principles, it is not necessarily a precise The LRDP is organized in three sections. representation of how the Laboratory will develop over time. Rather, the IDS has been designed to assist the EIR in analyzing Background a broad range of environmental impacts. The Background section frames the planning context for the The LRDP and its EIR provide a framework for the subsequent LRDP with an overview of the Laboratory’s location and physi- BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION review of individual projects as they occur at Berkeley Lab. cal context, history, mission, organization, scientific research, and facilities conditions. 6 Each major project with the potential to affect the physical en- vironment will be assessed within this framework and tiered off The Vision of this LRDP’s EIR to determine the appropriate level of CEQA review. Once CEQA review is complete, each project must then This section defines the scientific vision for the Laboratory and be approved by the UC Regents, the President of the University explains how achieving that vision