Bright Star Double Variable Globular Open Cluster Planetary Bright Neb

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Bright Star Double Variable Globular Open Cluster Planetary Bright Neb bright star double variable globular open cluster planetary bright neb dark neb reflection neb galaxy galaxy group galaxy cluster quasar ALL AND ANT APS AQL AQR ARA ARI AUR BOO CAE CAM CAP CAR CAS CEN CEP CET CHA CIR CMA CMI CNC COL COM CRA CRB CRT CRU CRV CVN CYG DEL DOR DRA EQU ERI FOR GEM GRU HER HOR HYA HYI IND LAC LEO LEP LIB LMI LUP LYN LYR MEN MIC MON MUS NOR OCT OPH ORI PAV PEG PER PHE PIC PSA PSC PUP PYX RET SCL SCO SCT SER SEX SGE SGR TAU TEL TRA TRI TUC UMA UMI VEL VIR VOL VUL Objects (2411) ConRA Dec Mag SizeSB Dist/LY logH β CStar Other names/comments NGC 1514 TAU 4h 9 17.1 +30° 46 34.6 12.4 2.20 24.2 2454 -11.0 9.4 ARO 21; VV 17; VV’ 23 Abell 35 HYA 12h 53 41.4 -22° 51 42.3 13.3 12.83 27.5 1174 -11.3 9.6 A55 24; Sh 2-313; VV’ 112 NGC 3132 VEL 10h 7 1.8 -40° 26 9.9 8.2 0.50 18.0 2047 -10.4 10.1 ARO 504; ESO 316-27; He 2-40; Sa 2-53 IC 418 LEP 5h 27 28.3 -12° 41 48.2 10.7 0.20 17.3 3490 -9.6 10.2 ARO 3; VV 22; VV’ 32 NGC 6826 CYG 19h 44 48.3 +50° 31 29.8 9.8 0.42 18.0 3555 -10.0 10.4 ARO 13; VV 242; VV’ 514 Ns 238 PUP 8h 20 56.8 -36° 13 46.9 0.93 -10.9 10.5 ESO 370-09 NGC 2392 GEM 7h 29 10.7 +20° 54 36.8 9.9 0.33 19.4 3792 -10.4 10.5 ARO 24; VV 38; VV’ 63 CRBB 1 SGR 20h 19 27.9 -41° 31 30.0 0.13 10.6 He 3-1863 He 2-138 TRA 15h 56 1.3 -66° 9 11.1 0.12 16308 -10.7 10.9 ESO 100-03; MWC 238; SaSt 2-10; Wray 15-1377 He 2-131 APS 15h 37 11.8 -71° 54 54.5 0.10 2846 -10.2 11.0 ESO 068-08; MWC 236; My 90; SaSt 2-9 NGC 6790 AQL 19h 22 57.0 + 1° 30 46.6 10.7 0.12 16.2 4077 -10.9 11.1 ARO 33; VV 229; VV’ 496 Cn 1-1 NOR 15h 51 16.3 -48° 45 0.7 0.02 -11.8 11.1 ESO 225-01; Wray 15-1364 NGC 6543 DRA 17h 58 33.4 +66° 37 58.8 8.8 0.33 16.5 2903 -9.6 11.1 ARO 6; VV 143; VV’ 335 Hf 39 CAR 10h 53 58.9 -60° 26 42.0 1.20 -9.7 11.2 ESO 128-18; He 3-519; Wray 15-682 M 1-67 SGE 19h 11 31.2 +16° 51 32.1 1.35 2120 -9.7 11.2 ARO 10; He 2-427; Sh 2-80; VV 220 IC 4593 HER 16h 11 44.3 +12° 4 27.5 12.0 0.22 18.5 2772 -10.6 11.2 ARO 27; VV 79; VV’ 133 He 2-36 CAR 9h 43 26.0 -57° 16 59.8 0.37 5545 -11.8 11.3 ESO 167-03; Sa 2-49; Wray 15-428 K 2-15 VEL 8h 48 38.7 -42° 53 45.9 2.83 -11.3 11.3 ESO 260-08 NGC 1360 FOR 3h 33 15.4 -25° 52 12.4 9.6 6.42 23.8 1924 -10.2 11.3 ARO 208; CD -26 1339; ESO 482-07; M 1-3 Tc 1 ARA 17h 45 35.6 -46° 5 21.1 12.2 0.16 12394 -10.7 11.4 ESO 279-07; He 2-274; MWC 267; SaSt 2-16 NGC 2346 MON 7h 9 22.1 - 0° 48 17.4 11.9 0.87 21.8 3718 -11.3 11.5 ARO 80; M 1-10; Sa 2-5; VV 33 He 3-1333 ARA 17h 9 1.5 -56° 54 51.2 -12.0 11.5 Abell 36 VIR 13h 40 41.2 -19° 52 56.7 11.8 6.17 24.4 1305 -10.9 11.5 A55 25; ESO 577-24; VV’ 116 SaSt 2-12 ARA 17h 3 2.6 -53° 55 46.2 -11.5 11.5 He 3-1312 NGC 40 CEP 0h 13 1.0 +72° 31 19.7 10.7 0.80 19.4 2626 -10.7 11.6 ARO 1; VV 1; VV’ 3 IC 2149 AUR 5h 56 24.0 +46° 6 16.8 11.2 0.14 17.9 3009 -10.6 11.6 ARO 23; VV 26; VV’ 37 He 1-3 VUL 19h 48 25.1 +22° 10 0.4 0.13 -13.1 11.6 ARO 164; He 2-448 SwSt 1 SGR 18h 16 12.3 -30° 52 7.5 0.08 4468 -10.3 11.8 AS 295B; ESO 457-02; He 2-377; Sa 2-319 NGC 246 CET 0h 47 3.8 -11° 52 21.6 8.0 4.08 21.2 1696 -10.5 12.0 ARO 43; VV 4; VV’ 7 1 Objects (2411) ConRA Dec Mag SizeSB Dist/LY logH β CStar Other names/comments M 2-54 LAC 22h 51 38.5 +51° 50 56.4 0.07 -12.0 12.1 ARO 377; EM* CDS 1406; VV 279; VV’ 569 M 1-77 CYG 21h 19 7.6 +46° 18 47.6 18.0 0.12 22.0 8154 -11.9 12.1 ARO 42; VV 263; VV’ 547 PHL 932 PSC 0h 59 57.5 +15° 44 9.6 4.58 12.1 NGC 1535 ERI 4h 14 17.2 -12° 44 11.3 9.4 0.35 18.9 5871 -10.4 12.2 ARO 22; VV 19; VV’ 25 ESO 215-04 VEL 10h 54 42.1 -48° 47 0.7 5.00 12.3 DS 1 He 2-113 LUP 14h 59 53.7 -54° 18 6.9 -11.8 12.3 GL 4205; He 3-1044; Wray 15-1269 SuWt 2 CEN 13h 55 45.4 -59° 22 41.0 1.08 12.3 NGC 3242 HYA 10h 24 45.9 -18° 38 37.9 8.6 0.42 18.0 2838 -9.8 12.3 ARO 4; ESO 568-05; VV 57; VV’ 98 NGC 6891 DEL 20h 15 9.3 +12° 42 7.1 10.4 0.25 16.6 5762 -10.7 12.4 ARO 37; VV 253; VV’ 529 DS 2 LUP 15h 43 0.7 -39° 19 30.1 3.00 12.4 HBDS 1 VEL 9h 52 44.8 -46° 17 9.6 1.50 12.5 IC 4637 SCO 17h 5 9.0 -40° 52 57.1 11.7 0.31 19.3 4892 -11.2 12.5 ESO 332-21; He 2-193; Sa 2-168; VV 89 Cn 3-1 OPH 18h 17 32.6 +10° 9 13.5 0.07 6523 -10.9 12.5 ARO 97; Anon. 18h15m; SaSt 2-20; VV 171 BD+30 3639 CYG 19h 34 45.2 +30° 30 58.7 0.12 1908 -10.0 12.5 ARO 11; He 2-438; VV 235; VV’ 503 Sp 3 ARA 18h 7 19.1 -51° 1 11.6 0.59 -11.1 12.6 ESO 229-06 HDW 2 CAS 3h 11 0.5 +62° 48 3.3 13.0 5.67 12.6 HaWe 2 NGC 6210 HER 16h 44 29.4 +23° 47 48.5 9.3 0.27 16.6 424 -10.1 12.7 ARO 5; EM* CDS 904;VV 82; VV’ 143 PC 11 ARA 16h 37 42.1 -55° 42 25.7 0.08 -11.5 12.7 ESO 179-11; He 2-172; He 3-1223; StWr 2-43 He 2-108 CEN 14h 18 9.4 -52° 10 40.0 0.18 27072 -11.4 12.7 ESO 221-36; SaSt 2-8; Wray 16-149 M 1-26 SCO 17h 45 57.7 -30° 12 0.4 13.8 0.07 16.8 5980 -11.2 12.7 AS 270; Bl C; ESO 455-33; He 2-277 He 2-187 ARA 17h 1 37.5 -50° 22 56.8 0.10 -12.4 12.7 ESO 227-02; Wray 15-1594 K 2-16 SCO 16h 44 49.1 -28° 4 5.4 0.38 12.8 Anon 16h38; ESO 453-02; Wray 17-76 EGB 4 CAM 6h 29 35.3 +71° 4 3.5 1.85 -10.5 12.8 NGC 7009 AQR 21h 4 10.8 -11° 21 56.6 8.3 0.47 16.8 3441 -9.8 12.8 ARO 16; EM* CDS 1211; VV 259; VV’ 541 M 1-46 SCT 18h 27 56.8 -15° 32 57.3 14.6 0.18 19.5 5219 -11.5 12.8 ARO 387; He 2-401; SaSt 2-21; VV 182 Lo 8 CEN 13h 25 37.3 -37° 36 15.6 1.92 12.9 ESO 382-63; K 1-29 NGC 6629 SGR 18h 25 43.5 -23° 11 59.3 11.2 0.26 18.3 5436 -10.9 12.9 ARO 30; ESO 522-26; He 2-399; Sa 2-335 He 2-47 CAR 10h 23 9.0 -60° 32 34.7 14.1 0.08 -11.1 13.0 ESO 127-16; My 59; SaSt 2-5; Wray 15-558 SaSt 1-1 PYX 8h 31 42.8 -27° 45 32.5 13.0 AS 201; MHA 382-43 He 2-151 NOR 16h 15 42.0 -59° 54 3.1 0.05 26093 -12.0 13.1 ESO 137-09; Wray 15-1440 NGC 6572 OPH 18h 12 7.5 + 6° 51 24.7 9.0 0.18 16.0 2136 -9.8 13.1 ARO 7; VV 159; VV’ 370 NGC 7662 AND 23h 25 53.8 +42° 32 6.2 9.2 0.28 17.8 2338 -10.0 13.2 ARO 20; VV 285; VV’ 575 NGC 4361 CRV 12h 24 31.0 -18° 47 9.2 10.9 1.05 21.1 4240 -10.5 13.2 ARO 26; ESO 573-19; VV 62; VV’ 110 2 Objects (2411) ConRA Dec Mag SizeSB Dist/LY logH β CStar Other names/comments Abell 78 CYG 21h 35 29.5 +31° 41 44.7 13.4 1.78 23.1 3800 -12.0 13.2 A55 64; ARO 174; VV’ 554 NGC 7008 CYG 21h 0 32.7 +54° 32 29.0 13.3 1.43 24.2 3468 -10.9 13.2 ARO 39; VV 258; VV’ 540 H 2-1 SCO 17h 4 36.8 -33° 59 11.9 0.09 15004 -11.5 13.3 ESO 392-02; He 2-194; MWC 247; SaSt 2-14 SaSt 2-3 PUP 7h 48 3.6 -14° 7 42.7 -12.1 13.3 MWC 574 Abell 68 VUL 20h 0 10.8 +21° 42 57.7 15.2 0.63 22.8 13.3 A55 55; ARO 166; VV’ 522 V-V 3-5 SGR 18h 36 31.7 -19° 19 27.3 -12.7 13.3 ESO 591-09; He 3-1716; Sa 1-7; Sa 2-351 NGC 6026 LUP 16h 1 20.9 -34° 32 38.2 13.2 0.67 22.7 -11.7 13.3 ESO 389-07; He 2-144; Sa 2-131; StWr 4-4 Ap 1-12 SGR 18h 11 35.1 -28° 22 37.3 0.20 -11.4 13.3 AS 283; ESO 456-69; He 2-360; MHa 304-120 Hu 2-1 HER 18h 49 47.6 +20° 50 39.4 0.04 3262 -10.8 13.3 ARO 100; Anon.
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