Government of West Bengal Office of the District Inspector of Schools (S.E.), Bankura Shiksha Bhavan, School Danga, Bankura, 722101 Email:
[email protected], Ph. No. (03242) 253 305 Memo No. _951 /S Date: Bankura, the 20th July, 2020 From : The District Inspector of Schools (S.E), Bankura. To : To: All the HOI of the attached Schools under Bankura Sub-division. Sub : Distribution of M.P Marks sheet, Certificates of 2020 & Data Verification Sheet(Class-XI) and others papers. Ref : 1) Board’s Notification No-74/Pres/2020Dt.15/07/2020 2)Letter No-RO-Bdn-42-2020 dated-20/07/2020 of Regional Officer Bardwan Region. In reference to the above noted subject the undersigned has to inform that M.P Marks sheets, M.P Certificates’2020 & Data Verification Sheet(Class-XI) and other papers will be distributed through camp office under WBBSE ON 22/07/2020 at Bankura Banga Vidyalaya as per following schedule. As per direction of the appropriate authority the above mentioned documents will be distributed in 2(Two) slots i,e from 10:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m and 1:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m. The attached schools bearing Sl.No 01 to 82 has to come to the camp office at 10:00 a.m and Sl No 83 to 164 has to come at 01:00 p.m. This arrangement is being done in this epidemic situation for avoiding excessive gathering to the camp premises. All are requested to come to the camp office maintaining COVID-19 rules.