New Mineral Names*
American Mineralogist, Volume 62, pages 593400, 1977 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Mrcnerl FLnrscHrR,Louls J. Cttnr, ERNssrH. Nrcxtl ANDADoLF pABsr Argentocuproaurite Bracewellite,* grimaldiite,* guyanaite,+ mcconnellite* (1975) L V. Razin Minerals-natural alloys of gold and copper in Charles Milton, D. E. Appleman, M. H Appleman, E. C. T. ores of copper-nickel deposits of Noril's. Trudy Mineral. Mu- Chao, Frank Cuttitta, J. I. Dinnin, E. J. Dwornik, B. L. Ingram zeya Akad. Naak SSSR, 24, 93-106 (in Russian) and H. J Rose,Jr. (1976) Merumite, a complex assemblageof chromium minerals from Guyana. U. S. Geol. Suns. Prof. Pap., Microprobe analysesof two grains from Noril'sk and Talnakh. 887. l-29. respectivefy,gave Au 67.7,66.5:Cu 9.2, t 1.2;Ag 12 8, 19.4;pd4.2" 22:Rh4.3, -; Pb I 6, -; Pt 0.9,-; Sn -,0.5; totals100.7,99.8, with Merumite, supposedly CrrOr. HrO [Am. Mineral., 34, 339 idealizedformulae of AuuoCu'Agr?Rh6pd6and AurrAgr"Curnpd.. (19a9)]is shown to consistoffine-grained intergrowths ofeskolaite The X-ray powder pattern (8 lines)was indexedas primitive cubic (Cr,O.) (predominant) with 4 new minerals. It occurs as black with a : 4.073(2)A. The mineral is light reddish-rose in reflecred rounded grains in alluvial gravelsof the drainage basin of the light, isotropic, with no observed birefringence Reflectanceat 5g0 Merume River, Guyana. mm : 64.3 percent. VHNuo = 214(2ll-216). Negative to standard Guyanaite, CrO(OH) is orthorhombic, space group Pnnm, a etch agents, except for KCN and aqua regia. 4.857,b 4.295,c 2.958,4,Z = 2,G calc4.53; synthetic material has closelyagreeing unit-cell dimensions.
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