SIDANG TILANG TGL, 13 Maret 2020 P O L R E S T a B E S S E M a R a N G No

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SIDANG TILANG TGL, 13 Maret 2020 P O L R E S T a B E S S E M a R a N G No SIDANG TILANG TGL, 13 Maret 2020 P O L R E S T A B E S S E M A R A N G No. Reg. NAMA ALAMAT PASAL BB BB Denda Bia perk 1 F4963181 ZULFA ARIYANTI MULYOSARI BOYOLALI 291 UULAJ STNK AD-6745-GD 79000 1000 2 F4963182 MUH. KHOLILUR R. PLUWANG KAB.SMG 287, 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 3 F4963183 JAN WIDODO KARANGSARI SMG 281, 291 UULAJ STNK 79000 1000 4 F4963184 QOMARUL KHASANAH NGABLAK INDAH SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-6051-QH 79000 1000 5 F4963185 AHMAD JAZUZ DELTA ASRI SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 6 F4963186 HERYANTO W. WIDOHARJO SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 100000 1000 7 F4963187 SYAIFUL AFIF JATISARI SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-4425-ADW 79000 1000 8 F4963188 REZA ANDREAN DEMPEL BRT SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 9 F4963189 SAWALUDIN KEDUNGRINGIN WONOGIRI 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 10 F4963190 ALYA FARIHA I. KUKILO MUKTI SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 11 F4963196 IRA NURSANTI P.AMK PANDEAN LAMPER SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2101-BEG 79000 1000 12 F4963197 MUH. SHOLIKIN MANGIAN SAYUNG DMK 288 UULAJ STNK H-2495-AZE 79000 1000 13 F4963198 DHANY ROBI A.S GANDIKAN SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-4261-LP 79000 1000 14 F4963199 AGUS WAHYONO DELTA ASRI SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 15 F4963200 MUH. ALI A. SUKOREJO DMK 285, 280 UULAJ SIM C 161000 1000 16 F4963282 AGUS SETYO DEMPEL BARU DMK 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 17 F4963284 RIZKI CANDRA K. SUMBEREJO KLATEN 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 18 F4963285 ARIS NURAFI F. DEMPEL SARI SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 19 F4963736 YEMIMA OCTAVIANI H. KATONSARI DMK 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 20 F4963737 DWI PRAYITNO TRATAMULYO KENDAL 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 21 F4963738 SRI WIDAGDO KALI KONDANG DMK 287 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 22 F4963739 RIO YUNANTO GEMPOLSEWU KENDAL 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 23 F4963740 HENRY RAHMAT S. PARANG KEMBANG SMG 287 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 24 F4963801 IHFEN ARZAQO PADUROSO PURWOREJO 288 UULAJ STNK 79000 1000 25 F4963802 ANANG BUDIARSO KEBONAN BATANG 281 UULAJ STNK AG-6380-KBK 79000 1000 26 F4963803 MUH. ROBBY D.S BANDUNG 281 UULAJ STNK G-4137-MV 79000 1000 27 F4963804 DHANU SETYOWONGSO GRAHA WAHID SMG 288, 280 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 28 F4963805 DANI ALFIAN SEMARANG 288 UULAJ STNK 79000 1000 29 F4963806 RENZA ARVA S. PEKOJAN SMG 281, 280 UULAJ STNK H-4631-AP 79000 1000 30 F4963807 MOCH. ILHAM M. KUNINGAN SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 31 F4963808 SUMANTO SADEWA UTR SMG 281, 280 UULAJ STNK H-3822-JP 89000 1000 32 F4963809 FAISAL ALWI KEJENE PEMALANG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 33 F4963810 NANDIA APRILIANA SELOMULYO SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-4519-UU 79000 1000 34 F4963831 MUSLIH TLOGOWUNGU PATI 307 UULAJ STNK H-1510-SY 249000 1000 35 F4963832 TEGAR P. KARANGKIMPUL SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-3089-GH 79000 1000 36 F4963833 STEPANUS ADI P. SENDANGGUWO SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 37 F4963834 ARYATININGSIH BUKIT KEMUNING SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-5455-APG 79000 1000 38 F4963835 RIYANTO BANSEWU SMG 288, 289 UULAJ STNK H-1909-VY 129000 1000 39 F4963841 OKTA BAGUS S. CUMI-CUMI SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 40 F4963842 SAPTO BUDI S. CANTILAN SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-2526-BRG 79000 1000 41 F4963843 JOKO LEGOWO SUPRIYADI GROB. 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 42 F4963844 ROSIDI KALITENGAH DMK 287 UULAJ STNK H-5759-ACE 79000 1000 43 F4963845 KASIMANTO BONGKOL PENGKOL BOYOLALI 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 44 F4963846 KUKUH CANDRA P. KEMIRI JEPON BLORA 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 45 F4963847 DEDI KRIDIYANTO KENDAL 287 UULAJ STNK H-3908-SM 79000 1000 46 F4963848 TEGUH SULISTIONO BRAMBANG DMK 281 UULAJ STNK H-3658-TN 79000 1000 47 F4963849 TIO ARYA SETA Y. BOROBUDUR SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2927-AP 79000 1000 48 F4963850 MUH. RIFAI PLAMONGAN ELOK SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2190-SP 79000 1000 49 F4963853 RINA BAGUS V. JATISEMEN GROB. 291 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 50 F4963854 EKO MUJI P. SENDANGGUWO SMG 285 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 51 F4963855 W. DANDY ARYA A. KURIPAN KAB.SMG 280, 285 UULAJ STNK H-6321-HI 79000 1000 52 F4963866 DARTA ALI M. KAUMAN BATANG 287, 281 UULAJ STNK G-3682-WC 79000 1000 53 F4963867 SOEGIARTO KLIPANG SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 54 F4963868 FEBRINA FALENTINA G. REJOLEKSONO SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 55 F4963869 ASMAWI KABA UTR SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 56 F4963870 FREDDY HALIMJAYA PLAMONGAN INDAH SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-4211-NJ 79000 1000 57 F4963896 WIDARIYANTO GOGIK KAB.SMG 307 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 58 F4963897 PURWANTO REJOSARI SMG 288 UULAJ STNK H-1289-JI 129000 1000 59 F4963898 MUCH. JAELANI WRINGINJAJAR DMK 307 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 60 F4963899 AHMAD SIDIQ TLOGOMULYO SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-5713-DF 79000 1000 61 F4963900 RR. MOZA ADZANI BANCAR ASRI SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-4089-NS 79000 1000 62 F4963901 HERIYANTO PUDAKPAYUNG SMG 288 UULAJ STNK H-1226-JI 199000 1000 63 F4963902 MUH. ATHARUDDIN S. TULAKAN JEPARA 308 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 64 F4963903 AGUS WAHONO TMN SRI KUNCORO SMG 288 UULAJ STNK H-1534-SY 199000 1000 65 F4963904 RIMBA PANCASILA KP. TEMPEL SMG 307 UULAJ STNK H-1617-UH 129000 1000 66 F4963905 SUTARYO KANALSARI BRT SMG 288 UULAJ STNK H-1921-WI 129000 1000 67 F4963906 SHINTA LANY K. PATEMON SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-3403-CA 79000 1000 68 F4963907 MUH. HATTA BATAN MIROTO SMG 285 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 69 F4963908 BUDIONO PUSPONJOLO TMR SMG 307 UULAJ SIM BI 59000 1000 70 F4963909 MUJIONO TLOGO PACING SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-4299-CF 79000 1000 71 F4963910 LUCKY RAHMA DAMAR RAYA SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2873-BEG 79000 1000 72 F4963922 HENDRA RAHARJA DAMAR KAB. SMG 289 UULAJ SIM BI 149000 1000 73 F4963923 HARDIYANTO LUKMAN S. WOLOGITO SMG 287, 280, 285 UULAJSIM C 79000 1000 74 F4963924 ADHIK SUSANTO UDOWO TMR SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 75 F4963925 WAHYUDI ARGOREJO SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-3156-ABW 79000 1000 76 F4963926 SUNARTO SUKOHARJO PATI 307, 288 UULAJ STNK K-1714-RS 129000 1000 77 F4963927 FATKUR ROHMAN KALIANYAR DMK 294, 280 UULAJ STNK H-4290-BME 79000 1000 78 F4963928 SAMIUN SUGRIWO BARU SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 79 F4963929 SANDIYANTO CONDROREJO SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 80 F4963930 ENDRI KRISTANTO ADI JAGALAN SMG 288 UULAJ STNK H-5614-H 79000 1000 81 F4963932 NUR ANWAR Z.M CIREBON 281 UULAJ STNK H-5985-KS 79000 1000 82 F4963933 NAVIS ALIFAN LAMPER MIJEN SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-6851-ABW 79000 1000 83 F4963934 TEGUH IMAM S. TLOGOSARI SMG 285, 280, 281 UULAJSTNK H-4356-WF 79000 1000 84 F4963935 ARI SUGIYARTO KARANGGENEGNG SMG 303 UULAJ STNK H-1944-SF 59000 1000 85 F4963936 AAN FATCHURROHMAN KH MUNAWIR SMG 280 UULAJ SIM BI 149000 1000 86 F4963937 FERIMILAUS GOI S NGGIENG MABAR 285 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 87 F4963938 PUJI LESTARI PANCURSARI SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 88 F4963939 ROSI YATININGSIH TRATEMULYO KENDAL 287 UULAJ STNK H-6530-AOD 79000 1000 89 F4963940 BERNADUS YUDA H BKT PALEM SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-4092-IA 79000 1000 90 F4963946 ILHAM BATAN SAWO SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-3791-BA 79000 1000 91 F4963947 ANGGA N WOLOGITO SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2607-ARW 79000 1000 92 F4963948 MAULANA ROROJONGGRANG SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-5813-MF 79000 1000 93 F4963949 IKSAN BUDI U TMN PLEBURAN SMG 285 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 94 F4963951 SUROSO SRIKATON SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 95 F4963952 SUROTO TUMPANG SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-6651-PY 79000 1000 96 F4963953 RISHAN DWI S JANGLI GABENG SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-2606-AQ 79000 1000 97 F4963954 THOMAS ALDY S PETERONGAN SMG 281 UULAJ STNK B-4462-BVC 79000 1000 98 F4963955 ARTANA PEKUNDEN SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-5974-KS 79000 1000 99 F4963976 ERIANI ADEL N WATUGUNUNG SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 100 F4963977 SUGIRI DSN WELAHAN GROBOGAN 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 101 F4963978 ALWAN ABDUL LATIF TAMPINGAN KDL 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 102 F4963979 M ARYA IMRONI BABADAN DEMAK 281 UULAJ STNK H-4450-GJ 79000 1000 103 F4963980 ADIK HENDRO K BAKARAN PATI 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 104 F4963981 AGUSTINA IVANA R SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-3191-Y 79000 1000 105 F4963982 DEVIANI S TEGALSARI SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 106 F4963983 FRANS DIKA S MEDANG TOBA MGL 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 107 F4963984 ALIFIA NUR KARANGAWEN DEMAK 281 UULAJ STNK H-4367-ASE 79000 1000 108 F4963985 DHEDI SETIYONO CANDI PAWON SMG 288 UULAJ SIM BI U 149000 1000 109 F4963987 AURELIA BOROBUDUR SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2033-IQ 79000 1000 110 F4963988 MUHAMMAD BAYU K KARANGANYAR JEMBER 288 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 111 F4963989 CHRISTIAN WIDJAYA PETELAN SMG 287 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 112 F4963990 SHELA WANDI C TMN MARIGOLD SMG 287 UULAJ SIM A 129000 1000 113 F5027541 TRI MULYONO SAAH BESAR SMG 287 UULAJ SIM A 59000 1000 114 F5027542 ANTON S JL PISANG SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 115 F5027543 DIMAS IWAN W KRAJAN SUKOHARJO 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 116 F5027544 MOH MUKTI KARANGASEM SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-4430-YS 79000 1000 117 F5027545 RETNO WULANDARI JOMBLANG SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-3961-BOG 79000 1000 118 F5027591 HARTONO GENUK KRAJAN SMG 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 119 F5027592 RAHMAD ARIANDI JL PANGERAN WIJIL DEMAK 287 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 120 F5027593 TAUFIK M PAMULARSIH SMG 287 UULAJ SIM A 100000 1000 121 F5027594 ARIF KURNIAWAN PRM GRIYA LESTARI SMG 287 UULAJ STNK H-6091-DQ 79000 1000 122 F5027596 ARJUNA PRM MIJEN PERMAI SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-3177-TY 79000 1000 123 F5027597 SUMARTONO KAPAS UTR SMG 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 124 F5027599 M ZAINI JL LAWAS SMG 291 UULAJ STNK H-4703-AIW 79000 1000 125 F5027600 RAIHAN MIJEN SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-4890-SY 59000 1000 126 F5027601 ABDUL JALIL DSN TARUMAN KENDAL 281 UULAJ STNK H-4464-APD 79000 1000 127 F5027602 NOVIYANTO A NGALIAN SMG 281 UULAJ STNK H-2388-GD 79000 1000 128 F5027603 NOVIA WIDYASTUTI JATIPADANG JAKSEL 291 UULAJ STNK AD-5922-UM 79000 1000 129 F5027604 ENIKA SINGOROJO KENDAL 281 UULAJ STNK H-2399-AZD 79000 1000 130 F5027605 INDAH PUSPITASARI SWADAYA JAKSEL 288 UULAJ SIM C 79000 1000 131 F5027606
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