The Six Legs Dog

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The Six Legs Dog The five legs dog – March 2015 March, 2015 The six legs dog An oil corporation under the microscope: the Italian Goliath ENI Contributions by Matilde Cristofoli, Marica Di Pierri, Laura Greco, Federico Gennari Santori, Lucie Greyl The five legs dog – March 2015 March - 2015 Report written by: Matilde Cristofoli (CDCA) Marica Di Pierri (CDCA) Laura Greco (CDCA) Federico Gennari Santori (CDCA) Lucie Greyl (CDCA) Design: Jacques bureau for graphic design The six (Netherlands) Layout: Lucie Greyl legs dog The contents of this report may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational or non-profit services without special permission from the authors, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. This publication was developed as a part of the project Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) An oil corporation (FP7-Science in Society-2010-1). EJOLT aims to improve policy responses to under the and support collaborative research and action on environmental conflicts through capacity building of environmental justice microscope: the groups around the world. Visit our free resource library and database at or follow tweets (@EnvJustice) or updates on our facebook Italian Goliath ENI page (EJOLT) to stay current on latest news and events world. This document should be cited as: CDCA. 2015. The six legs dog. An oil corporation under the microscope: the Italian Goliath ENI. 157 p. The five legs dog Abstract The report presents the biggest oil company of Italy, ENI and reflects on how this oil corporation nature and structure covers economical, political and social power. It first reviews the company and then describes and analyses four cases of environmental conflicts in Italy where ENI is involved Porto Marghera, Gela, Val d’Agri and Taranto. The cases focus on oil exploration, extraction and transformation, approaching in particular ENI’s corporate liability, the social and environmental conflicts generated and both institutional and civil society’s reactions. The cases have been described by local activists and scholars of CDCA with the aim of both reporting the reality of everyday life in conflictive or potentially antagonistic contexts and offering the reader an accurate and detailed report on the state of the fact has been achieved by adopting an action research approach., core aim of the CDCA approach to environmental conflicts.This foresaw the integration of private companies provided data, scientific and official data provided by institutions, university institutes and civil society generated data. Keywords Environmental conflict Greenwashing Petrochemical Industrialisation Oil extraction Extraction frontiers National Energy Strategy Hydrocarbon Public | Private companies The five legs dog Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 Keywords ...................................................................................................................................................... 1 CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... 4 Acronyms ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 6 Oil corporation and environmental conflicts ............................................................................................. 6 Methodological framework .......................................................................................................................... 7 PART A. WHO IS THE SIX LEGS’ DOG? ........................................................................ 8 1.1 Company’s short history ....................................................................................................................... 9 1.2 ENI, the Italian State and the public/private partnership .................................................................. 14 1.3 Economic situation and balance sheets ............................................................................................ 19 1.4 Position as multinational company .................................................................................................... 19 1.5 Worldwide activities and investments ............................................................................................... 22 1.6 ENI and the Energy National Strategy ................................................................................................ 27 1.7 ENI’s approach to sustainability: how to make greenwashing a business .................................... 32 1.8 Highlights and development of critical reasoning ............................................................................ 37 PART B. ITALIAN ENVIRONMENTAL CONFLICTS GENERATED BY ENI ................. 39 2. THE GELA CASE: AN ITALIAN “EXCELLENCE” .................................................... 40 2.1 Physiognomy of an area of high environmental risk: landscape, plants and landfills around Gela ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40 2.2 From the economic boom to the crisis and the new ENI development programme for Gela ....... 43 The five legs dog 2.3 Environmental and health impacts of the conflict ............................................................................ 48 2.4 A suffered conflict: an example of the relationship between big capital and outlying territories 55 2.5 Open questions: strengthening mobilization and reinforcing environmental and sanitary monitoring ................................................................................................................................................... 56 3. THE MARGHERA CASE ............................................................................................ 59 3.1 Historical and territorial backgrounds ............................................................................................... 59 3.2 History of the Petrochemical plants and its actors ........................................................................... 60 3.3 ENI’s present role in Porto Marghera ................................................................................................. 64 3.4 Impacts of the activities ....................................................................................................................... 66 3.5 The social conflict ................................................................................................................................ 70 3.6 Future scenarios and advices ............................................................................................................. 76 4. THE VAL D’AGRI CASE ............................................................................................. 79 4.1 The Agri Valley territory ....................................................................................................................... 79 4.2 The development of oil activities in Basilicata .................................................................................. 83 4.3 Oil extraction impacts on the territory ............................................................................................... 91 4.4 Local communities' reaction ............................................................................................................... 98 4.5 Conclusions and recommendations ................................................................................................ 102 5. THE TARANTO AFFAIR ........................................................................................... 103 5.1 The refinery ......................................................................................................................................... 105 5.2 The thermal power station ................................................................................................................. 109 5.4 Social conflict, work and territory .................................................................................................... 117 5.5 Conclusions and recommendations ................................................................................................ 121 CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................ 123 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 126 The five legs dog Acronyms AGIP General Italian Oil Company AIOC Anglo-Iranian Oil Company ANIC Fuels’ Hydrogenation National Company ARPAB Basilicata Regional Environmental Protection Agency ARPA Regional Agency for Environmental Protection ASL Local Health Services centres Bcm billion cubic meters Bbl barrel BP British Petroleum BTEX benzene, toluene, ethylbenezene and xylene CDP Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. (joint stock company controlled by the Italian Ministry of Economy) CLN National Liberation Committee CO carbon monoxide CO2 carbon dioxide CTR Regional Technical Committee DC Christian Democracy
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