All areas and dimensions aresubject tosurvey whatsoever. Liability is expressly disclaimed byRowe Group foranyloss ordamage which maybe sustained byany personacting onany visual impression gained fromthis document. Thisdocument isandremains the property ofRowe Groupand maynot bereproduced or atransmitted, in whole or in part,without the writtenconsent of RoweGroup. Although all carehasbeentaken onthecompilation ofthisdocument RoweGroup and allpartiesassociated withitspreparation disclaim anyresponsibilityfor anyerrorsoromissions. Theright isreservedtochange thisdocument atanytime.This documentdoesnot constituteaninvitation, agreement orcontract(orany partthereof)ofany kind Planning Design Delivery Site . 0 75 150 Metres REVISIONS Rev Date Drawn A 2015.12.01 W. Clements ROWEGROUP w: e:
[email protected] p: 08 9221 1991 Date Drawn: 2015.12.01 Job Ref: 1878 Scale: 1:3000 @ A3 Client: Atlas Group Pty Ltd N Designer: R. Dial Drawn: W. Clements Lot 1 (No. 501) Alexander Drive Projection: MGA50 Plan ID: 1878-FIG-14-A Vegetation Condition Mirrabooka Vegetation condition supplied by 360 Environmental. N:\TOWN PLANNING\1000-1999\1878\DRAFTING\A-CAD\1878_FIG14A_20151201 MIRRABOOKA (VEGETATION CONDITION).DWG William Clements 2 December 2015 Figure 6 All areas and dimensions aresubject tosurvey whatsoever. Liability is expressly disclaimed byRowe Group foranyloss ordamage which maybe sustained byany personacting onany visual impression gained fromthis document. Thisdocument isandremains the property ofRowe Groupand maynot bereproduced