Dodsenior Leadership Compiled by June Lee, Editorial Associate
DODSenior Leadership Compiled by June Lee, Editorial Associate KEY: ADUSD Assistant Deputy Undersecretary of Defense ASD Assistant Secretary of Defense ATSD Assistant to the Secretary of Defense DASD Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense DATSD Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense DUSD Deputy Undersecretary of Defense PADUSD Principal Assistant Deputy Undersecretary of Defense PDASD Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense PDATSD Principal Deputy Assistant to the Secretary of Defense PDUSD Principal Deputy Undersecretary of Defense USD Undersecretary of Defense Secretary of Defense Deputy Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates Gordon England ASD, Legislative Affairs ASD, Networks & Information ASD, Public Affairs ATSD, Intelligence Robert Wilkie Integration & Chief Information Officer Vacant Oversight John G. Grimes William Dugan (acting) PDASD, Legislative Affairs DASD, PA (Media) Robert R. Hood PDASD, NII Bryan Whitman DASD, Senate Affairs Cheryl J. Roby DASD, PA (Internal Communications Robert Taylor DASD, Information Management, & Public Liaison) Allison Barber DASD, House Affairs Integration, & Technology Virginia Johnson David M. Wennergren DASD, C3 Policies, Programs, & Space Programs Ron Jost DASD, Resources Bonnie Hammersley (acting) DASD, C3ISR & IT Acquisition Tim Harp (acting) DASD, Information & Identity Assurance Robert Lentz Dir., Administration & Dir., Operational Dir., Program Analysis General Counsel Inspector General Management Test & Evaluation & Evaluation William J. Haynes II Claude M. Kicklighter Michael B. Donley Charles E. McQueary Bradley M. Berkson 50 AIR FORCE Magazine / March 2008 Acquisition, Technology, & Logistics Dir., Acquisition, Resources & Analysis DUSD, Installations & Environment Nancy L. Spruill Alex A. Beehler (acting) Dir., International Cooperation ADUSD, Installations Alfred D. Volkman John C. Williams Dir., Special Programs ADUSD, Environment, Safety, & Occupational Brig. Gen. Paul G.
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