Congressional Record—Senate S3937
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May 3, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3937 enough for us to give speeches on the hurting the bottom line, forcing farm- Vitter modified amendment No. 3628, to floor and do nothing, and this week we ers out of business, forcing businesses base the allocation of hurricane disaster re- will do nothing when it comes to the to lay off employees. Of course, those lief and recovery funds to States on need and physical damages. energy issue. There are things we must businesses depending on energy Wyden amendment No. 3665, to prohibit the do. First, we have to acknowledge that couldn’t even dream of expanding at use of funds to provide royalty relief for the what we have done has not worked. It this point because they have to find a production of oil and natural gas. has failed. The energy plan that was way to deal and cope with this reality. Santorum modified amendment No. 3640, to endorsed by the Republican majority What do we need to do? We need to increase by $12,500,000 the amount appro- and signed by the President last Au- punish the profiteers. We to need to priated for the Broadcasting Board of Gov- gust has failed. It has failed and obvi- say to these oil companies: This is in- ernors, to increase by $12,500,000 the amount ously so. tolerable. appropriated for the Department of State for During the heating season this last the Democracy Fund, to provide that such It is time for the President of the funds shall be made available for democracy winter, we saw dramatic runups in the United States to call the oil company programs and activities in Iran, and to pro- cost of home heating, whether it was executives into the Oval Office, to sit vide an offset. fuel oil in the Northeast or natural gas down and in very quiet and reasoned Salazar/Baucus amendment No. 3645, to in the Midwest. Then, of course, came tones tell them enough is enough. You provide funding for critical hazardous fuels the sticker shock at the gas pump cannot continue to profiteer at the ex- and forest health projects to reduce the risk every single day, now up to $3-plus a pense of workers and businesses and of catastrophic fires and mitigate the effects of widespread insect infestations. gallon in my part of the world, in the farmers across America. Vitter amendment No. 3668, to provide for Midwest and Illinois, and $4 a gallon or The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. VIT- the treatment of a certain Corps of Engi- more in California or other places. To TER). The time of the Senator has ex- neers project. think that we passed an energy bill 8 pired. Burr amendment No. 3713, to allocate funds months ago and patted ourselves on Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I yield to the Smithsonian Institution for research the back about what a great job we did, the floor. on avian influenza. now look at the reality. The reality is Coburn (for Obama/Coburn) amendment f No. 3693, to reduce wasteful spending by lim- it failed. It failed. iting to the reasonable industry standard the We need a new direction. We need a CONCLUSION OF MORNING BUSINESS spending for administrative overhead allow- significant change in direction. The en- able under Federal contracts and sub- ergy policy of the Bush administration The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning contracts. has failed America. The cost of energy business is now closed. Coburn (for Obama/Coburn) amendment No. 3694, to improve accountability for com- is too high. We are importing too f much. We are being pushed around by petitive contracting in hurricane recovery MAKING EMERGENCY SUPPLE- by requiring the Director of the Office of these little tinhorn dictators who hap- MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR Management and Budget to approve con- pen to have oil reserves and now want THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEP- tracts awarded without competitive proce- to dictate foreign policy to the world. TEMBER 30, 2006 dures. Why would the United States ever tol- Coburn (for Obama/Coburn) amendment erate this situation? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under No. 3695, to improve financial transparency What we need to do is to be very the previous order, the Senate will re- in hurricane recovery by requiring the Direc- forceful. First, let’s start at home. sume consideration of H.R. 4939, which tor of the Office of Management and Budget Let’s acknowledge the fact that, even the clerk will report. to make information about Federal con- The legislative clerk read as follows: tracts publicly available. though there are clearly elements that Coburn (for Obama/Coburn) amendment gave rise to the increase in the cost of A bill (H.R. 4939) making emergency sup- No. 3697, to improve transparency and ac- energy, there is profiteering taking plemental appropriations for the fiscal year countability by establishing a Chief Finan- place, and it is obvious. The big five ending September 30, 2006, and for other pur- cial Officer to oversee hurricane relief and had over $110 billion in profits last poses. recovery efforts. year, $1,000 for every household in Pending: Menendez amendment No. 3675, to provide America in oil company profits; $1,000. McCain/Ensign amendment No. 3616, to additional appropriations for research, devel- opment, acquisition, and operations by the When this administration talked about strike a provision that provides $74.5 million to States based on their production of cer- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office for the cutting your taxes, there has been an- purchase of container inspection equipment other invasion of home budgets, and it tain types of crops, livestock, and/or dairy products, which was not included in the ad- for developing countries, for the implemen- isn’t the tax man, it is the oil man. It ministration’s emergency supplemental re- tation of the Transportation Worker Identi- is the oil man who is taking money out quest. fication Credential Program, and for the of every family’s budget, almost $100 a McCain/Ensign amendment No. 3617, to training of Customs and Border Protection month for additional energy costs, so strike a provision providing $6 million to officials on the use of new technologies. Murray (for Harkin) amendment No. 3714, sugarcane growers in Hawaii, which was not they can have recordbreaking profits, to increase by $8,500,000 the amount appro- included in the administration’s emergency so their shareholders can applaud, and priated for Economic Support Fund assist- supplemental request. so Mr. Lee Raymond, the former CEO ance, to provide that such funds shall be McCain/Ensign amendment No. 3618, to of ExxonMobil, as a parting gift for his made available to the United States Insti- strike $15 million for a seafood promotion tute of Peace for programs in Iraq and Af- wonderful work at ExxonMobil, can get strategy that was not included in the admin- $400 million. As I said before, he didn’t ghanistan, and to provide an offset. istration’s emergency supplemental request. Conrad/Clinton amendment No. 3715, to off- even have to buy a Powerball ticket— McCain/Ensign amendment No. 3619, to set the costs of defense spending in the sup- strike the limitation on the use of funds for $400 million. Sayonara, farewell, Mr. plemental appropriation. Raymond, thank you for your great the issuance or implementation of certain Levin amendment No. 3710, to require re- service—$400 million at the expense of rulemaking decisions related to the interpre- ports on policy and political developments in the American economy and American tation of ‘‘actual control’’ of airlines. Iraq. consumers. The oil companies don’t get Warner amendment No. 3620, to repeal the Schumer/Reid amendment No. 3723, to ap- requirement for 12 operational aircraft car- propriate funds to address price gouging and it. They don’t understand what they riers within the Navy. are doing to America. market manipulation and to provide for a re- Coburn amendment No. 3641 (divisions IV port on oil industry mergers. The other day, George Will, who is on through XIX), of a perfecting nature. Schumer amendment No. 3724, to improve one of the talk shows, chided me for Vitter amendment No. 3627, to designate maritime container security. saying that what is happening with en- the areas affected by Hurricane Katrina or Murray (for Kennedy) amendment No. 3716, ergy costs is going to put a chill on the Hurricane Rita as HUBZones and to waive to provide funds to promote democracy in American economy. I will stand by the Small Business Competitive Demonstra- Iraq. that statement. It is true we have not tion Program Act of 1988 for the areas af- Murray (for Kennedy) modified amendment fected by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane seen it immediately. We will. You just No. 3688, to provide funding to compensate Rita. individuals harmed by pandemic influenza can’t increase the input cost in busi- Vitter/Landrieu modified amendment No. vaccine. ness or farming as dramatically as 3626, to increase the limits on community Cornyn amendment No. 3722, to provide for these energy runups are doing without disaster loans. immigration injunction reform. VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:33 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S03MY6.REC S03MY6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S3938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 3, 2006 Cornyn amendment No. 3699, to establish a In the supplemental bill, the Job tary—(obtainable without a high floor to ensure that States that contain Corps receives a direction that the De- school education)—as benchmarks for areas that were adversely affected as a result partment of Labor can’t manage it, success.