RABBI BEREL WEIN Berel Wein may not have invented Jewish history, but with his particular blend of insight, charisma and vision, he has - and continues to eternalize the over 4,000 year old legacy for Jews the world over. And this legacy is crucial to the Jewish people. Attempting to be a Jew in the 21st century without understanding the layers of political, cultural and religious events that formed the Jewish world is like starting a book in the middle. The present is never so rich when the past is a question mark. Founder and director of the Destiny Foundation for over twenty-five years, Rabbi Wein has been identified as one of the foremost Orthodox historians in the world. AFFILIATIONS OVER THE YEARS- Hebrew Theological College (Skokie) Telshe / Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov / Tiferes Tzvi Elementary School / Chicago / Chicago Beth Congregation /Miami of Greater Miami Rabbi Alexander Gross Hebrew Academy / Miami - Council of Orthodox / Miami Rabbinical Council of America Center for Teacher Training ArtScroll Publishers / Congregation Bais / Monsey Yeshiva Shaarei Torah / Monsey Kupas Ezra / Monsey United Congregations Mesorah ( Wolfson Group ) - Beit Knesset Hanassi / Koren Publishing / Israel - Nachal Hareidi / Jerusalem- Yeshivat Ohr Somayach / Jerusalem Yad Harav Herzog / Jerusalem Machon Yerushalayim / Jerusalem, Mosad Harav Kook / Jerusalem, Morasha LHanchil /

3 In honor of our esteemed founder, mentor, leader and friend;

Tis evening marks a most signifcant milestone in the life and career of one of the pre-eminent Jewish educators of our time. Rabbi Berel Wein has inspired, guided, taught and uplifted generations of Jewish adults and children.

Trough his Jewish History tapes, myriad recorded lectures in Jewish thought and learning, lectures in far-fung communities around the world, and guided tours to both exotic and not so exotic locales, there is hardly a Jew in the world who hasn’t in some way been touched by Rabbi Wein’s guiding hand.

For those of us privileged to be a part of his shul and community, this occasion is even more special and personal. We have taken great pride in seeing the world recognize the treasure that we knew our founding rabbi to be. We are proud to be the place where much of it began, as Rabbi Wein began disseminating his lectures from our synagogue to the broader Jewish world. But, most of all, we are honored and privi- leged to have had, and continue to have a close personal connection to Rabbi Berel Wein as our rabbi and our friend.

Tose who have been here long enough have seen Rabbi Wein’s indelible imprint guide and infuence their families across generations. Our newer and older members alike feel Rabbi Wein’s values and perspective permeate every aspect of our synagogue.

Congregation Bais Torah is a vibrant synagogue that refects and upholds the ideals inculcated in us by our dear founder, mentor and friend.

On this momentous occasion of your reaching the age of might, we join in wishing you continued vigor, strength, and success in spreading Torah to all the Jewish People.

Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb Dr. Steven Fessel Start Over 4 For the past 20 years we have been the fortunate recipients of Rabbi Wein’s guidance, teaching and wisdom. Not only is Rabbi Wein the Moreh D’Atra of our community but his writings also take matters concerning the wider community into account. His Drashot may be based on traditional sources but always relate to relevant contemporary issues - a truly wonderful gift. We wish you a most successful evening and we wish Rabbi Wein many happy returns on his special birthday having reached ‘gevurot’. May he have many more years in which he can produce his panoply of inspirational educational works. Now, Rabbi Wein is about to be awarded the Destiny Lifetime Achievement Award and we cannot think of anyone more ftting to receive it. Mazaltov and Congratulations! Warmest greetings from us to you!

Beis Knesset HaNassi Henry Israel, President 5 We at Destiny are all aboard, Proud to present Rabbi Wein with this Lifetime Achievement Award Working as a lawyer, in business and in real estate, Hashgacha, and in the Rabbinate. Serving as Rabbi in Chicago, Florida, Monsey and in Israel, Exploring Jewish sites the world over, bringing them to life with zeal. Producing outstanding lectures on tape, CD and on MP3, Books galore; and flms all on DVD. Spreading Yiddishkeit to one and all, Fulflling the mission of Rabbi Herzog’s call. Teaching Jewish History like no one else can, Creating for him, many a fan. Igniting a spark in the unaffiliated, Ensuring that everyone becomes well educated, In their Jewish Heritage ever so rich, Outstanding in our very own niche. As a Jewish Historian, (he is) rated the best, Doesn’t come close to any of the rest. We at Destiny are proud to assist in his holy endeavor, And wish him many more years of health, nachas, blessing and success forever and ever!

Elaine Gilbert / Brenda Finkel / Faigie Gilbert Te Mercaz Center For Teacher Training joins the wide range of institutions and projects that acclaim Rabbi Berel Wein's achievements. He has made tremendous contributions to our Center, both as an educational innovator and as a perpetual quiet advisor and supporter.

Te term "lifetime" connotes a fnality which we prefer to reject. Rather, we join in applauding his past and present achievements and couple that with the teflla that he be blessed with the strength and health to have a fourishing future of continued “achievements"

Rabbi Joel Kramer Rabbi Hillel Mandel Mr. Avi Shulman Dear Rabbi Wein, You have infuenced and inspired me in so many ways which you cannot possibly know. Your per- sonal kindness to me, be it in the feld of Milah, speaking or writing has always touched me. Your audio recordings over the last decades have taught me so much about the broad spectrum of life. Your thoroughly researched biographies of Gedolei Torah from previous generations opened up vistas of his- tory to me that broadened my appreciation of their greatness and commitment. Your audios on Torah personalities such as the Netziv, Rav Shimon Shkop, Rav Meir Schapiro, and the Vilna Gaon were heart-rending. Your personal recollections of your connections to Te Satmar , the Ponevezer Rov, and Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky, were riveting. Your frankness on topics is invigorating. Your diversity of knowledge of our people from the be- ginning of time is humbling. How have you managed to do all this? I recall the story you told me about how you met Rav Isaac Halevi Herzog when you were only eleven years old in Chicago. I have told that story so many times because I want it to be engrained in my essence. You have brought us Rashi, the Rambam and Ramban as no one else has. You once told me in Miami that a person must continue to do what he believes in. You personify that with pride. Who else but you can talk about ancient Egypt and the Chicago Cubs? Who else but you would tell us that you learned how to read a newspaper from your rebbey Rav Mendel Kaplan and he could barely speak Eng- lish? Prophecy, redemption, parenting and consolation – you have guided our generation. You are a gift to all of us from Hashem and for that, I among tens of thousands around the world are grateful. I know you are not the emotional type, but know that I sign this letter with tears of love. I take pride that I have been fortunate to interact with you on numerous occasions. May Hashem bless you with continued clarity and health and the willingness and strength to continue His work for the bene- ft of all of us.

Eternally grateful, Paysach Krohn Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov – Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi joins the Destiny Foundation and the entire Jewish world in recognizing the lifetime achievements of Rabbi Berel Wein. Tis is certainly a well- deserved honor, as there are very few individuals whose career and impact have affected so many communities throughout the and Israel.

We are privileged to consider Rabbi Wein one of the ‘Founding Fathers’ of our school. In our very early, formative years, he played a crucial role as a parent and offi- cer in the school. A mere 50 years later, Chicago is renowned as one of the premier Torah communities in North America, and the largest Orthodox Jewish Day School in the Midwest is JDBY-YTT, with an enrollment approaching 1000 children ka”h. Tis is a testament to the vision and foresight of Rabbi Wein and his contemporaries who expended so much of their time, energy, and yes, hard-earned money, to get the school off the ground. Teir dedication will forever be appreciated and remembered.

Te Board of Directors, Administrators, and Staff of Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov – Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi

9 Te Young Israel of Bal Harbour extends a great mazel tov to Rabbi Berel Wein

A man who has devoted his entire life to inspiring the Jewish people. An individual who uses his G-d given talents as a speaker-writer-teacher to uplift and educate the Jewish world to see the beauty and nobility of Torah, and the magnifcence of living a life based on Torah values. Kudos to you, Rabbi Wein, for you have given us so much knowledge and insight into the great- ness of our legacy and the immortality of the Jewish people. May the Almighty continue to bless you with good health and much strength as you go forward in inspiring the Jewish people for many more years to come.

Rabbi Moshe Gruenstein Aaron Weinberg, President


Beth Israel Congregation Congratulates Rabbi Berel Wein on this most deserving Lifetime Achievement Award.

Beth Israel Congregation, Rabbi Wein’s former Synogogue, and the entire Miami Beach Community knows frsthand how deserving Rabbi Wein is of this tremendous honor. We are grateful to him for the eight years he dedicated himself to building Torah in our community.

Rabbi Donald Bixon Rabbi Michael Lefkowitz President

Rabbi Berel Wein is a towering fgure, a modern-day icon of the Jewish People. In a Jewish world flled with confusion and daunting challenges, Rabbi Wein’s voice is one of calm and clarity, of warmth and wisdom. It is a voice that heals rifts and inspires confdence in the future of Klal Yisroel. It is a voice that uplifts as it informs. Rabbi Wein is, of course, a prolifc, elegant and learned writer, whose books fll Jewish homes throughout the world. His unique scholarship radiates authentic Torah knowledge and perspective on the sweep of Jewish his- tory. Indeed, Rabbi Berel Wein comes from a remarkable vantage point as both a talmid chacham and a master Jewish historian. Troughout an epic and extraordinarily productive career, Rabbi Wein has maintained his creative edge; never stagnant, always innovating, he has constantly sought new platforms and media through which to spread his ideas and teachings. His work has spanned multi-layered Torah sforim and weighty historical tomes, to, more latterly, social media and internet communication, and even flm and animation. On a personal level I am ever grateful to Rabbi Wein for his friendship and kindness to me, and for his sage ad- vice on which I have come to rely. Rabbi Berel Wein transcends the usual barriers of ideology and sectarianism that divide Torah Jews from one an- other. He is a force of unity in a world of division. May Hashem continue to bless him with many more years of teaching and inspiring Klal Yisrael.

Chief Rabbi

Union of Orthodox Synagogues of South Africa 14 Rabbi Berel Wein Talmid Chacham. Rabbi. Rebbe. Rosh HaYeshiva, Jewish History polymath: Renaissance man. prolifc scholar and author, erudite speaker, universal educator; A true Manhig Ruchani who speaks to people. not at them.

However many titles one chooses to describe Rabbi Berel Wein. we at Hebrew Teological College have the distinct advantage of proudly adding one more: loyal Beis Hamidrash Letorah alumnus. It is indeed a pleasure to have this opportunity to pay tribute to Rabbi Wein. A native of Chicago. he attended Beis Hamidrash Letorah - Hebrew Teological College, receiving Semicha from our Yeshiva. which was founded by his maternal grandfather. Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Rubinstein. Rabbi Wein often speaks of his fond memories of Hebrew Teological College, giving credit to the rabbeim who were his mentors here. Rabbi Wein has proven himself to be one of the truly outstanding Jewish leaders - as a lawyer. rabbinic communal leader. congre- gational Rabbi both in the United States and in Israel. and as a Rosh HaYeshiva. An historian. orator. and prolifc author. through his audio tapes and books on Halacha. Torah teachings and Jewish history. and his collections of essays and columns. he has skillfully mentored aspiring rabbis and infuenced and enhanced the limud Torah of thousands. He has popularized Jewish history through his lectures. books. courses. educational tours and modern media in ways that may be imitated but may never be equaled. All of us at his alma mater are intensely proud of Rabbi Wein and join Destiny Foundation in acknowledging his myriad astound- ing accomplishments. May HaShem grant him and his Rebbitzen good health and the strength to continue to teach. to lead, to inspire, and to be a role model for Klal Yisrael through his depth of knowledge. his devotion to Torah and his Ahavas Yisrael.

15 16 In Honor of our Father Rabbi Wein

Our father has devoted his life to the study and teaching of Jewish history, but as his children, we have learned to insert that history into our daily lives. He has taught us to use Jewish history as our collective rear-view mirror so we can have a clear vision of our surroundings and an understanding of the challenges we will undoubtedly face.

He has taught us that life's challenges are not black and white. He has shown us the quintessential balance of embracing technology and yet revering antiquity. He has taught us to treasure diversity, to travel, to explore and to use our time well.

At this time, we wish to express our ongoing Hakaras Hatov for all that he has done and continues to do. How proud and lucky we are to be his children. May Hashem grant him health and long life, along with his wonderful wife Mira, to continue in his noble ways.

Rabbi and Mrs. Yisrael Gettinger Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Wein Rabbi and Mrs. Yonah Gewirtz Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Teitelbaum A Special Mazal Tov to Zaidy Berel 80 years and just getting started!

Klal Yisroel thanks you for addressing the needs of the Klal We thank you for being there for the Prat May you and our mother enjoy many more years of good health and continued nachas

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1.888.528.6288 In Honor of Rabbi Berel Wein May all your endeavors be crowned with success.

Your friends from the Alps Dear Rabbi and Rebbitzin Wein,

You illuminate the past, provide meaning and understanding for present day events. Your writings and work are a moral compass and an inspiration for Klal Yisroel. We send our love and affection and Brochos for good health and continued strength.

Steve and Beatrice Rosedale

Start Over In tribute to Rabbi Berel Wein, shlita

It is truly an honor to be a part of your wonderful Mishpacha. May you continue to lead and teach in good health until 120.

Te Torgow Family, , MI In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein May your life’s work continue to inspire generations of Jews

David H. and Carol Feinberg Daniel and Lauren Feinberg Mazal tov to Rabbi Berel Wein You have inspired us for many years through your speeches, recordings, videos, and special trips. We look forward to many more years of inspiration.

Love, Denny and Debra Berman Judy and Peter Faber congratulate Rabbi Berel Wein on this special evening that commemorates the years he has dedicated to the global Jewish community, and beyond.

Rabbi Wein has taught us in his uniquely eloquent and incomparable manner that we do not live in a vacuum, but that we are an integral part of a much larger plan.

Many years ago we joined the ranks who came to see Rabbi Wein not just as a Rebbe, educator and lecturer, but also as a friend and mentor, a beacon of clarity in a world that is often confusing and daunting.

Today we extend to Rabbi and Mrs. Wein our brachot of good health and prosperity, Nachat and joy, and success in all of their endeavors. May they be blessed with many more years to enjoy all the good that life has to offer, and thereby help us, their devoted community, to beneft from his amazing insights and guidance. In honor of RABBI BEREL WEIN An accomplished rabbi, scholar, historian, author, speaker and of course, devoted husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Our admiration and respect for you is boundless. May Hashem grant you many more years of good health, happiness and nachas from your entire family.

Yossie and Debbie Leshkowitz Mazel Tov Rabbi Berel Wein on this special birthday! You have made a positive difference in all of our lives.

Alice Frommer, Jennifer and Jeremy Frommer, Alisa and David Freilich In tribute to Rabbi Berel Wein for his astounding contributions to the Jewish people.

With great fondness and admiration, Allen L. Rothenberg and Barbara Rothenberg, Esqs. and Harry and Amy Rothenberg

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New York | Philadelphia | Hackensack | Cherry Hill | Lakewood In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein

From Norfolk to Baltimore, from the past until today, our lives have been truly enriched and deepened by knowing you. Under your tutelage and leadership we have grown and been given strength and direction. Tank you for all you have done for our family and Klal Yisrael. Words cannot describe the admiration we have for you, Mira and your beautiful family. May Hashem give you continued vigor in all that you do!

Evelyn Sokol Sora, Jerry, Alanna, Aaron, and Avi Wolasky Danielle and Josh Morhaim and Family In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein You are a giant in our world! You have given, and continue to give, so much to Klal Yisroel

Arthur and Gitel Marx

Start Over Congratulations Rabbi Berel Wein

With everlasting gratitude and heartfelt appreciation.

Rabbi and Mrs. Steven Pruzansky Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, Teaneck, New Jersey Congratulations and best wishes to Rabbi Berel Wein on his many years of scholarship and for educating people from all walks of life.

Pearl and Sheldon Seidman In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein, shlita whose wisdom, leadership, experiences and humor have guided our family for several generations.

With respect and admiration Te Zelinger Family To Rabbi Berel Wein Tank you for countless hours of education and enlightenment and for sharing so many memorable experiences around the globe. Wishing you and Destiny, Hatzlacha Rabba, now and always.

With warmest regards, Annie and Michael Lehmann Michigan As long time listeners and admirers we would like to take this opportunity to wish you strength and good health to continue being the "Voice of Jewish History" until 120.

Dr. Barry and Sipora Buls Shmuel and Shaindy Eiferman "וְשִנַנְתָם לְבָנֶיָ וְדבַרתָ בָם" With Much Hakaras Hatov Yonoson & Rochelle Hirtz and Family To RABBI BEREL WEIN






to Moreinu V' Rabbeinu Rabbi Berel Wein, shlit'a who has enriched the lives our family, thousands of other families and Klal Yisrael as a whole. It has been an honor to be members of his Kehillot for over 3 decades.

Chazak ve'ematz b'gevura, simcha and Shefa brachot.

Michael and Sharon Kronenberg and Family In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein

In great appreciation of the many hours of learning and enjoyment that you provide for us. May Hashem grant you (and your Eishes Chayil, Mira) good health and strength for many years so that you can continue your wonderful work for Klal Yisrael.

Sheila and Yankel Schwebel In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein

Whose countless books and lectures have enlightened our generation to our nation’s past

Jack and Doris Bistricer Mazal Tov to Rabbi Wein

Your erudition, wisdom and warmth have enriched our lives for many years. We treasure our friendship. May you and Mira enjoy many healthy years together.

Yossi and Aviva Hoch In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein

Your accomplishments are the stuff of legends.

Nechama Wolfson To a Great Rabbi and Man – Who I have admired and followed for over 30 years.

Abraham M. Bielory, Esq Dear Rabbi Wein



Naftali & Randy Blinder To Rabbi Berel Wein

We, our families, our congregation and our fellow Jews, owe a debt of gratitude to Rabbi Wein for his years and decades of devoted teaching and writing. By his words and by his example, he has elevated all of us, and shown us the way to improve our relationship with G-d and our fellow Jews.

Yussie and Barbara Fischer To Rabbi Berel Wein

History will view Rabbi Wein as an insightful voice of reason and candor in an age of upheaval. It is our privilege to honor him.

Yitzchak and Charlotte Friedland In Tribute to Rabbi Berel Wein Our Rav, our Teacher, our Mentor and our Friend You have shown us through example that to remain in one place is to become stagnant. You have taught us to always strive for greater heights. You have inspired us with your words to try to become better people, working on one aspect of our lives at a time. We thank you and hope that the “Good Lord” will bless you with continued health and happiness and and and and and

Laurence and Gloria Gordon Our expression of HaKoras HaTov to Rabbi Wein for his many years of dedication to Klal Yisroel.

Charlie and Shulamis Grandovsky In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein

Zev and Chani Karpel To Our Dear Rabbi Wein Tanks for all the adventures - by land, air, sea & CD. Tey were life changing.

Wishing you a happy birthday and much success with all of your future endeavors.

Love, Te Lefcoe Family Norfolk, Virginia To Rabbi Berel Wein

No tribute can adequately describe the impact and input you have made on lives all over the world Tank you for all you have imparted to us and our family in the past, present and…. thereby the future

In appreciation Edwin and Ruth Levi To Rabbi Berel Wein

From the wilds of Africa to the hills of Jerusalem, Rabbi Wein continues to inspire us. We are honored to know him, in awe of his contribution to the Jewish people and hoping to have a fraction of his energy!

Fondly, Andy and Nancy Neff Dear Rabbi Wein In appreciation and admiration. May you be zoche to continue to impact our family and the Jewish world at large.

Allen & Miriam Nussbaum In honor of מורי ורבי הרב דב וויין שיחיה לאורך ימים טובים וארוכים אמן

Tank you for being a guiding force in my and my family's life. I am so grateful for all that you have taught me and for all that I continue to learn from you.

Rabbi Eli Mayerfeld and family …ומצדיקי הרבים ככוכבים לעולם ועד And they that turn the many to righteousness are (דניאל י"ב) "…like the stars for ever and ever Rabbi Wein is the star of our generation. Fortunate are we to know him, to learn from him and to continue his dreams and "Destiny". Tere are clearly advantages to getting sent to 'the office' so many times in High School! Tank you Rebbi for your words of encouragement, insight and blessings. Always. Te greatest gift we have from Rabbi Wein is global vision. In Torah, in thought and the courage to make our own decisions in the face of raging storms and pernicious tides. Everything meaningful we have in our lives is a result of this precious gift. We truly owe Rabbi Wein our world.

Tank you and may Hashem continue to bless you with everything "good and great".

Moshe and Liat Mayerfeld Hadasa, Michoel, Shimon, Avigail, Yael, Yehuda, Binyomin and Baruch London UK With heartfelt gratitude to Rabbi Berel Wein for being my Rebbe, my guide, a unique role model, and a source of inspiration. During fve wonderfully formative years at Yeshiva Shaarei Torah. And ever since.

David and Chani Moss Mazal Tov Rabbi Berel Wein

Rabbi Wein's unique perspective of Jewish history has bestowed on -and has brought him to the fore גדול בישראל him with the title of front of Jewish sages in our time.

His in depth knowledge of our history and customs puts him into the .חוקר ודורש במקום שלא דש בו אחר hallowed category of

Rabbi Wein, may you continue to shed your light and wisdom upon us for many years and enlighten us to our true heritage until 120.

Mr. And Mrs. Pinchas Rubinfeld Mazel Tov to our Rebbe and Life Long Friend Moreinu Harav Berel Wein, shlita on this well deserved tribute.

Tank you for all you have done for our family. May Hashem grant you long life and good health and may you continue to inspire, guide and educate the People of Israel Ad Meah V’esrim

With great respect, devotion and love, Jodi and David Pollack and Family Elaine and Lou (A”H) Pollack and Family Tank You Rabbi Wein For everything you do

Te Slone Family Norfolk, Virginia Mazel tov and best wishes to Rabbi Wein upon this well deserved honor.

Tank you for enriching our lives for many years and for always being the voice of reason in this chaotic world.

May you, together with your wonderful Rebbetzin Mira, have the zechus to see many more years of good health, joy and nachas ad meah v'esrim shana.

Judy and Robert Bruckstein and Family In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein, shlita

You have taken our most precious treasures, Chaim, Mordechai and Yoni and given them the pride, joy and responsibility of being part and parcel of the Jewish People.

You have given us insight into our devikus to HaKodosh Boruch Hu and to the Jewish People.

Your hard work has shown fruits throughout the Jewish World…Honest and upright Jewish Baalebatim, working for the Klal, Rebbeim and Rabbonim.

May you go Me-Chayil-el-Chayil

With great appreciation, David and Judy Rhine to Rabbi Wein Tank you for all you have taught us. Tank you for all we have learned from you.

Richard and Kay Greenblatt To Rabbi Berel Wein

It has been many years and they all have been many precious ones in having you as a friend. Congratulations on your 80th.

Mazel Tov! Yael and Gail Miller May Hash-m bless Rabbi Berel Wein with continued success as he and Destiny inspire Jews about authentic Torah.

From beyondarecipe.com Chana Tova and Boruch Sokol It has been a great zchut to have raised our family under the umbrella of Rabbi Berel Wein. You have provided us, and our children with the path to follow in bringing up future generations in adherence to Torah laws and values and in perpetuation of the legacy of the Jewish people.

May we continue to learn from your example and may you continue to inspire Klal Yisroel with your insight, wisdom and erudition.

Barbara and Morty Minchenberg Tank you, Rabbi Wein, from the bottom of our hearts, for being our Rebbe and guiding force for not just ourselves but also for our children, granchildren and talmidim.

Rabbi Wein, You have provided us with the path to follow in bringing up future generations in adherence to Torah laws and values and in per- petuating the legacy of the Jewish people.

May we continue to learn from your example and may you continue to inspire Klal Yisroel with your insight, wisdom and erudition.

מי יכול להשמיע כל תהלתו?! (מגילה י׳׳ח )

Tere are no words to express our appreciation.

Ira and Tova Shulman Yehuda and Yocheved Schuster Yehuda and Laurie Minchenberg With gratitude for the opportunity and privilege of attending An Evening of Tribute celebrating Lifetime Achievements of our favorite Rabbi Berel Wein, with whom we have learned for maybe 40 years -- I extend sincere good wishes for continued good health and productivity. From your history tapes, Pirke Avos, Buy Green Bananas, Echoes of Glory, Herald of Destiny, Triumph of Survival, and Vintage Wein, and the times we have been in Denver, Colorado and Lancaster, Pennsylvania to hear your splendid lecture style in person -- (not to forget your monthly newsletter) -- my only regret is that my husband and Wein afcionado, Barney, could not be here to celebrate with you. In his stead, I come to add yet another book to my Wein Library, one with my favorite name "And you shall teach them diligently unto your children" --and of course, one for my sister, Rosyne Gardenswartz, who is also a fan of the very best Wein.

1934 was truly a vintage year! Yasher Koach!

Evelyn (Evy) Epstein and Barney Epstein, z"l Millersville, PA and Eastern Wall, Shomayim It is indeed a privilege to join DESTINY FOUNDATION in paying tribute and expressing Hakoros HaTov to RABBI BEREL WEIN upon receiving a LIFETIME ACHIEVMENT AWARD

Te fruits of his teachings are constantly visible for all to see and to learn from

JOYCE AND ARTHUR FEIN AND FAMILY In honor of our founding Rav Rabbi Berel Wein Tank you for creating such a remarkable and wonderful Kehilla It has been an honor serving Bais Torah as its president. May Hashem give you good health, nachas and the ability to serve as a leader of Klal Yisroel for many more years

With Gratitude Jackie and Steve Fessel Le'Kavod Harav Berel Wein, shlita

May you continue to have your incredible and trailblazing impact on Klal Yisroel for many more years to come

Rabbi and Mrs. Yissocher Frand With much appreciation for and gratitude to Rabbi Berel Wein, a unique man who has had a profound impact on our lives.

Moshe and Nikki Lazarus

Te Law Offices of Mark H. Lazarus, PLLC In honor of Rabbi Berel Wein A true Gadol in Torah and Life

Tank you Shlomo & Rena Mayer Mazal Tov to Rabbi Wein You have been a central infuence in every major event of our lives. We fell privileged to have this opportunity to express our thanks to you.

Shmuel and Marion Morell Mazal Tov Rabbi Berel Wein We would like to acknowledge the immeasurable infuence that Rabbi Wein had on our family, my husband Bernie A"H, and myself.

Rabbi Wein and his illustrious family provided education and training for all of us. Tese efforts have contributed to the signifcant roles each of our children is accomplish- ing in their respective communities all over the world, Raanana( Israel), Detroit, London and .

May you go from Chayil el Chayil. Effie Mayerfeld Rabbi Berel Wein

One of the high points of my return to was to meet you – frstly through your wonderful and informative lectures. But the highlight of my Jewish education was meeting you over lunch when you would visit Los Angeles.

You have been an ongoing inspiration for me. You instilled pride and a love of Judaism. When I joined the California military at the tender age of 60, I saw that the entire force had only Christian chaplains – no Rav. Te knowledge I received from you gave me the confdence to enroll in rabbinical school. As the only rabbi in the California military, I like to say I became the Chief Rabbi by default.

You have been my teacher – and you continue to be my teacher. You have blessed so many lives.

Mazel Tov and all blessings. Robert S. Schriebman Rabbi Berel Wein

Tank you for your lectures, hospitality and encouragement from 1992-1998.

Don't get me wrong- I still listen. As your students can attest, once a disciple, always a disciple, but they were especially important during my years at Aish HaTorah.

Kurt and Melissa Stein and family In honor of our dear ZAIDY A vibrant link to the past and a guiding light for the future.

You have always provided us with tremendous love and support. We are so grateful to have you as our grandfather.

With much love and adoration Heshel, Aliza, Zevi and JJ Mazel Tov Rabbi Wein I have followed Rabbi Wein’s stellar career since we were together in yeshiva some seventy years ago. His contributions to Judaism are unparalleled, as he made Jewish history come alive in his scholarly yet user-friendly writings and videos, and promoted Yiddishkeit both as a pulpit rabbi, educator, and OU administrator.

Keep it up, Berel! You have more to offer. Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski, MD Mazel Tov ! From Warren Wachholder In Appreciation Brenda Walker Rabbi Berel Wein was my frst paying customer as a scribe when I frst moved to Monsey. We used to daven in the basement of a private house, before Rabbi Wein built his Shul. One day the Rabbi called me and asked if I would fx the Sefer Torah. "Rabbi, I am just learning how to do this." "Kalman. I know you know how to make an aleph, so meet me at the shul and I will show you where to put it." We met and there was just a small crack in a letter. After I fxed it, which just took about one minute, the Rabbi insisted on paying me $25 (1974). "But Rabbi, I daven here, and you saw how long it took." He put the money in my hand, closed my hand, and said, "Take it home and give it to your wife. She will know what to do with it." Just one example of Rabbi Wein's sensitivity for the situation and the feelings of others.

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Wein on being awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award Kalman Freidus Rabbi Wein is one - of - a - kind We were honored to host him once in Phoenix Much of my knowledge of Jewish history has come from his lectures Mazal Tov on being one of the great educators of our time I am here to represent my family and the National Council of Young Israel of which I am President

Jessica (an immigration attorney servicing religious, family and business visas) [email protected] and Farley Weiss (intellectual property attorney) [email protected] [email protected] To Rabbi Berel Wein

Tank you for starting us on our beautiful journey to living a Torah life. With gratitude and appreciation.

Bonnie and Alan Cohen -Jerusalem In gratitude from one who has been touched by your great teaching.

Jonthan B. Gordon With deepest appreciation to my Rabbi and Rosh Yeshiva on inspiring us for life.

Moshe Heigh and family - Cincinnati, OH To our dear Rabbi Wein, A Man of all Seasons

May you continue to teach Torah and spread Judaism for many more years in good health.

Best Wishes, Henry and Renie Hirsch Mazel tov on this auspicious occasion. We wish you many years of continued success in your holy work.

Mr. and Mrs. Nosson Hirsch

NFP 707 Westchester Avenue| Suite 201| White Plains, NY 10604 P: 914.406.7915| F: 914.358.6915| C:914-391-4390| [email protected] Congratulations from “THE OLD WORLD”

Peter & Sara Iczkovits, Zürich, Switzerland Best wishes from all of us at Mazel Supply Mazel Tov! With much admiration,

Steve Moses We pay tribute to Rabbi Berel Wein on the momentous occasion of your 80th Birthday. We feel privileged to daven in your shul and attend your shiurim when we are in Jerusalem. When we are in New York, we read your parsha and Jerusalem Post columns online, religiously every week. May Hashem grant you many more years in good health, together with Mira, to continue your wonderful work on behalf of Klal Yisrael.

Sidney and Sheila Rimmer Mazal Tov from Sameach Music Best wishes from Alice Goldberger In appreciation - Satellite Media Productions-

Fred and Ellen Berney With boundless admiration - Dr. Yitzchak and Linda Stern - Tzfat Mazel Tov on this well deserved honor. May you be blessed with many years of good עד מאה ועשרים health and happiness

Doris Newman Tank You! David Greenberg

ABOUT DESTINY Destiny is a 501(c)(3) Educational Media Foundation dedicated to bringing Jewish history to life in an exciting and interactive way. Our flms and multi-media programming are designed to educate, inspire, inform, and instill a sense of pride and purpose in being Jewish. To demonstrate how each and every Jew fts into the big picture of Jewish history. Trough innovative initiatives such as the Faith and Fate Documentary Series and Te Heralds of Destiny Animated Film Series, together with comprehensive Educators’ Guides, Audio Lectures, Online Multi-Media Jewish History Learning Courses and Books, the Destiny Foundation is changing the way history is experienced and learned. Destiny’s multi-media tools gives today’s new generation of Jews, innovative ways to explore and defne their Jewish identity and history.

DESTINY’S GOALS: To support educational outreach in order to strengthen and reinforce Jewish identity and commitment to Jewish continuity and Israel. To produce effective and ongoing flms and multi-media educational materials and programming for use in the home, classroom, and in Jewish communities. To offer training and ongoing support to teachers and educators for each of our projects.

BACKGROUND It all started with a few audio cassettes on Jewish history, recorded by Berel Wein, way back in the 1980’s. Te lectures were unique in several ways. Firstly, they were the frst series on Jewish history available on tape. Secondly, Berel Wein in his inimitable style put Jewish history into perspective. He gave us an informed overview on how Jewish history related to (continue on next page) world history – and how it relates to our lives today. Tirdly, he did it in an engaging and insightful way – as only a master storyteller, with a dry sense of humor, could. By popular demand the series grew. To date over 1,000,000 of his lectures have been purchased world-wide. Ten came the books that complimented the tapes. Ten came the flms. In 1996 Berel Wein started the Destiny Foundation to expand production and distribution – and make Jewish history digitally available to the widest audience possible.

WHY IS JEWISH HISTORY IMPORTANT? Our past infuences our future – and history is the map that guides us to our destination. Understanding how each individual is an essential part of the chain of Jewish history, creates a unique and critical link in the continuity of our people. “Jewish History is our teacher … it is our rear view mirror. If you don’t know where you come from – how do you know where you are going? It’s one of the most valuable tools for understanding and dealing with today’s world” Berel Wein

THE POWER OF TODAY’S MEDIA IN JEWISH EDUCATION Today’s students are totally media savvy. Information is instantly accessible, downloadable, transmittable and interactive. Media has impact – and it works. Also, today’s audiences have the power of choice. Te power to choose what media to communicate in, and what media is the most effective to learn from and easy-to-use. Today, all information is available digitally. Tat is why Destiny produces it’s flms and educational materials in multi-media formats – to make them more convenient and impactful. Each of Destiny’s flms are accompanied by a multi-media educational guide.