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UBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY MORNING BY A. H. BYINGTON & CO., jmpMAT two dollars per annum, in advMce. : ; ' ' ri'l.';; •'." ,:. ; "••••'••'•••—_—!— ; . : u .-:-• - -,~y ..; rr^U-.t

,i in" './•• . oci • , • -wt i jk . »» 'v .- f-,.. . i 'rtOWi*;*^ & lawilg fewwe*, §mtd ta fsalftawuwl Interests, 3tiaxtintellujewf, fttwatwt, foKtir#, ^gricnltuK, ^wkaBits, staHisbtd i« 1800 -W^ NUMBER 953-NEW SERIES, t •->'•- r...... - NORWALK, CONN.. TUESDAY, APRIL 17,1866. ,. . VOLUME XLIX--NUMBER 16;

PTORWALK GAZETTE. P. T. SCHLEY, M. D, ' " Forth* Norwalk Ctiuettt. 'Ban Frahdsco ' is Well1 provided with ho We admire straight roads wherever they by digging out the surface, and filling^ the jCtorwalk OONPBOTIPNBRY! 'teJk The C^itnoj^olitali and'O^identai are are practicable. In a hilly region they are trench with cobble stone; putting all the The Second Oldest Paper i the State. Jf. K. SOCTHMAYD'S frequently bent .out of their proper course to small ones on top and covered with" euth , OFFICE WITH : , V l.j BT BET. O. C. S. superiot inMyle and appointttieikt;' bdng ele- QELEBRATED BALSAM OF TOLU ,, , . , . gahtiy ftarnished ifid only id i^iiect to size seek fording places, because the people are taken from a bank of Coarsie isand and clay, OFFICE IN GAZETTE BUILDING. : Dr. N. A. Mosman, CANDY, for Coughs and Colds, In Metbooght I saw.aettx . inferior to' tto beait: in -the . unable to bridge the streams, and thus the rounding it up well in the center. If it will • ' • V ^ fluenza, also Southmayd's celebrated Irntdlentof cielMtUi U(»ht, bt"" ? ' location often becomes fixed in the wrong VORWAIS CONST, Vanilla Taffu, Everton Taffu, Choclate, Car- There are several other hdtises bf equal ele­ pack over the stones so as not to cut through * A. St. BYINOTON & CO. OverC. J. Gruman's Store.' ^ ' The hnltttod^i W«HihWrlng there, ] place, and remains a serious tax upon travel­ Chartered Capital . $500 000 omds, Molasses and Ice Cream Candles, Onfoot, an wint,on pl*iii, lii air, ' i gance. The Whit Cheer Houpe is patron­ aind the road-bed has proper draining, it ma* / ' 'a . B. Bthtoton, J. B. ELLS, G. N. ELLS. Paid up Capital w $100,000 Together with a large assortment of Ameri Ax will; but filled with one ddlght. .ji-1 ized by miniTO mostly, and conducted on a ers in many future years. There should be last gocid''foreVer. # NOTICE. can and French Confectionery, Can be found -.-- Subscription $2.00 per year in advance WM. C. STBBKT, President. (dan p<«uiiu to ltaelC; & fbaUiltt that proves an ea*y mode of changing roads thus'wrong- In snowy districts'tiie {mportan^o^nep- SAMUEL LTNES, M. D., respectfully in­ at Ol DAYTON'S There perfect concord ruled the tcene— ! 1 Single copies 5 cents. GEO. R. COWLKS, Secretary. Fallan«cls7aq>lm^divine.. - ah theintelHgc^ce oi Caiiforida ytmng men is ly located. ing the 'roadsides clear of ail obstraqiaani EBBN. Hal., Treasurer. forms his friends and the public generally South Norwalk, Ely's Rlock, old stand. !; > ADVERTISING RATES. March 5th, 1866. 4tl0 FarxonndttecitjrStretched aidsin, VI -;i'i I the iiading-raom belonging to this hotel KATERIAI. AND - FORMATION OF BOAD-BED& never appears to be considered by road-men­ ^Four lines or less, one insertion, >.-••• BOcts Norwalk, Jan 1st. 1866 iy that he has associated with him in business which' isi; supplied' with a: wdl-selected Li- ders; probably because they aiways'do &eir •' ". :2 or 3 insertions, .-/> i $1.00 Wbo«e booiidt, sot eye nor thonght attain, In the formation oi a road bed iu wet One Square, one insertion, .$1 00 JAHES E. BARBOUR, M. D., late of Wilton, Where, near and wide, the white tobed shine. VMt- iMnl thdusandVbluhies. 1 took work in warm weather. If, bj sofri^' remark­ 1 85 Music? Music!! Masic!? soils, one of the easiest modes of making it two, Insertions, Conn. • •• -.iw .a.; .ij i .T'UO- able concurrence of common IscnSii fn .one " tbree'fnsertions, ^ 1 SO Assets over 823,000,000. J WOULD respectflilly inform the people Itenu^^llssieiitidyoiltb, : , <.... riia to ^xathini» the siieives and 'found' that always dry is to establish underdrains four " one month, VAy-.n 1 SB th« rtWitigmatferis1 of dtatf Wglf Srdir- toad district, the roads are kept in g6&' or* *wp ^months, ; 3 00 GEO. B. COWLES, DR. BARBOUR can be found at his office of Norwalk -and vici ive taken in Mch elsitic stepyoo read,; j U^Jt\ • feet deep, running; if practicable, lengthwise 8 4 00 S AGENT' Where the surface is composed of sand, Western Mass., Pittsfield, " 236,424 Flow,' Bands at New York Trade 1 one general stu>erlhfendent, wbo Was g&Wer Prices. 2m*ll Their flayoiseyc^ testeAallsnit, j.-.-r.' | Nevada City, Cal. , Mareh lS, 1866. ^ soft loam, or muck, no amount of manipula­ Hampden, Springfield," " 200,000 over all his division, superintendents and ; People's, Worcester, "• "• 405,593 Provision, Ac., Where heaven!jr sort nuke* teste acate, tion will ever make a good road bed. Ditch their employes—and. not only power/- but * and other Companies, Stock and Mutual, in . Main Street, Andfrnit,Mto, to^l isftee. ; j iMade.;!i:'h^.: the sides and piling up the center only makes BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Two Piano Fortes, for Sale, ability to direct everything ; abbot- constjqc- • , Massachusetts and New York, 14 Norwalk, Conn And on mine ear asteady thrill ' r j bad worse. If stones are mixed in, worse is with assets of $13,000,000. At So. Norwalk t As the time approaches for making and tion and repairs? We nevePsUil]iliaWgbod A trembling melody came in, . * j worse still—nothing can be more so. application may be made to WM. T. CRAW. FOR HALF THEIR VALUE; repairing highways we earnestly commend public roads until we pursue the:same syste- Nci toice was mate, nor' form was still/ ' ! The best material for forming an arti­ JREAL ESTATE. Nor harp bat had melodeont will ! #>{- ! the following suggestions to all, intrusted matlc course. ... Prof, of Vocal & Piano Music, FINE Rosewood Piano Fortei, Iron ficial road bed is broken stone,no piecd weigh­ ; NEW HARNESS STORE, A frame, Overstrung bass, scroll legs, fnll And ung "the end qftin." ' Mj.' ! with the execution of these affairs: Instead ofcalling out thecitizeni periodi- ' -ALSO Vnder the Connecticut Hotel Famished House to Rent. seven Octaves, city make, price |275; a five Boonsboro, Iowa, March 3Sd, 1866. - 3. In the construction of a new road bed, ing over six ounces. These broken stones cally, "to work out the road tax;*.'w: con­ : : years guarantee will be given, also a second must be laid on thick enough to form into J/ TEACHER OF THE EORGE S. BEERS, would respectfully OR FOUR MONTHS. A 1arge two practice must adapt itself, to circumstances tracting with whoever will underjiake' to announce to the Citizens of Norwalk hand six octave a compact stratum strong enough to hold, French and Spanish Languages^ G F story Furnished House, containingainin; 12 • • For the Gazette. There is no rule that Will hold gbod in all keep the roads in repair for the least money.. and vicinity,, that he has taken the old Har­ good sized rooms. Situated half way be­ tetters from California. situations. In some places the soil is natu­ up loaded wagons, however soft the. earth We should then have precisely: -%hat the Engagements made with parties for Soirees. ness and Saddlery stand under the Connecti tween Norwalk and South Norwalk, and PIANO FOBTE,'! may be underneath. If not thick enough cut Hotel and is prepared to furnish any thing • rally just right; it cannot be improved, and railroads now have, organized &&.dif :6f la­ convenient to the Horse Cars. For particu­ for that, and ruts are cut through, the road Pianos Tuned A Repaired. in the shape of HARNESS^ SADDLES lars enquire of with Metallic plate, in perfect order, French will never need repairs. Other situations borers constantly employed, and/competent HORSE TRAPPINGS OR FURNITURE, grand action, iron frame, modern improve­ FBANCISCO. j , will be about the worst imaginable. When Office at Whitney & Beckwith's Photograph GOULD D. JENNINGS, only require slight grading, so as to form a superintendents continuously traversing the oi the very best quality, material and work­ ments. Worth $175, will be sold for $110. ... Sttf&HfSi;.1 pfrfectly made, this "McAdamized road" is In­ center of the other. The slope should be lowest prices. • JOHN WOODj-33 Park place. N. Y.. or of fants and Gents Hats, all oi the latent ;and long remove from New. York. w ces. The most common practice of making There is nothing enhances the value of Dyeing or Finishing of such that a loaded wagon may easily turn Ladies Silks, Satin WM. T. WOOD, on the premises. most im'provfed patterns, he feels confident San Francisco is both like and very unlike a road-bed over such ground is to plough lands in any neighborhood at so snuUl a cost and Merino dresses, Ciape Shawls, Cloaks that be can please all who wish theii Hats off the center or rounded part oif the road Dr. 2. rOW£ER BXRCH, our eastern capitals. Everybody is familiar Side ditdies and pile up the sods in a ridge as gpod roads; and any cOmmtuli^tiiat has Velvet Garments, Ribbons, Veils &c., in the BUILDING LOT, FOR SALE. Bleached, Pressed and Dyed in a workman­ bed into either ditch. Under no circum­ neatest style. Faded and Stained goods like manner; Hoping to Iherit the-continu- with its location on the northern extremity in the center. The same process is contin­ wealth enough to paint thfllr fend Physician and Surgeon, | recolored, also cleaning of White Crape. BUILDING LOT, 70x130 feet situated ance of the patronage heretofore reeeivedi of a peninsular of sand, The views from ued through all time, and through all time stances whatever should water be allowed on Centre Avenue, for Sale. Enquire carpet t heir floors,and ^e in s{^{^l)ragons, Brosha; Merino and Cashmere Shawls, Pi­ L he would inform the public that his place of any of the hills are unique and varied. The the traveler, after every rain, has to wade to stand in the road ditches on a level within Olhcu at the Drug Store of E. Blackman, ano and Table covers &fi. Particular at­ of [t!9J A. SELLECK. may not be lacking iii a shoW Of Wealth, but > business is at-the old stand, Marshall Street, prospect from the eq^nence near North one foot lielow the surface of the central tention paid to the Cleaning and Dyeing ot South Norwalk. through a muck bed. it is lacking in the veiy-first elements'of No. 11 Main Street, Norwalk. 32 Beach pleased me most, commanding the road-bed. Gentlemen's Clothing, which don't need to FOR SALE , GILES HAULENBECK, There are two Ways of' making' a good civilization and re^ement,ifit:^ Remember that drainage is the most im­ be ripped and which are done in tbe safest Bleacher and Presserof all kinds of Straw entrance to the Bay, through which the go­ road-bed over such places. One is to lay such roads as areacnrae to more. tk*n half process. Dyed clothes warranted never to Oft TO 1ST portant consideration in all road-making. ; ^ O. S. XiOOBWOOB, i Goods, Leghorn, Tuscan, Neapolitan and ing and coming ships and steamers are con­ down a coat of broken stone hot' less than the United States.' It is not Creditable to crock. H E well-known property formerly Panama. . • ly 11 Another ofthe barbarisms of road-makers The subscriber has had since the com­ owned by - Josiah Gregory, deceasec, stantly passing, and having the inland-fort, 18 inches, thick, which will form a bridge American intelligence that a Ibad^' i^on T and roadmehders which cannotbe reprobated Fashionable Draper ft Tailor, mencement of his business in Danbury, 1860, elegantly situated on the Four Cornets at Alactras, in plain sight, and the bold but over the soft earth, and make a good road­ should toil up a steep hill and plurige'down PATENT AGENCY. to severe is the practice of making ditches " ' - and a su< cess never exceeded by any Dyeing Es- Poplar Plains, so called, will be sold in any tree-less hills on the upper shore clearly visi­ way forever with slight annual repairs. The to the same level on. the other side. :nbt half GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING tablif hment in .this State or any other, he has portion to suit purchasers; the above prop­ VINE, Agent,and Solicitor ol Patents and bars square across the roadway wherever • for Connecticut. : ble. other plan is to dig out and Cart away tbe a mile distant. We can point tO 'ntift6r6as been steadily engaged in practical Dyeing erty being situated but 2 miles from West- W it descends a hillside. The effect aimed at. for m ire than 20 years. All goods returned port and 3 miles from Norwalk, renders it a Papers of application, and the Drawings for To one who knows New York well, Sad ' black muck at least a foot below the natural instances where a wagon is gojn^'&j^.and can be produced with perfect ease by ma­ Main-st, Norwalk, Conn. withi n fourteen days. very pleasant and easily accessible residence obtaining palcuts obrrectly .prepared,- Francisco does not seem'- as large at city as •nrfiue then fill: this entwith small rough down bill at the same' time. It is not credit­ LOUIS M0E9LING, for any Gentleman's family, who may wish, models made H required, W. Vine, is a ScU king a small V-siiaped elevation, so that old Califoroians are disposed to, regardit stones^nd round up on top with a ^ood bed able to any community outside of Boston, Propjietor of the Cdnn. Fancy Dye Works. to retire from the city through tbe summer entifleand practical mechanic, has.had mere the wagon-wheels shou Id not strike it ab­ 8. 8, OLMSTEAS A GO., months; good Stabling and carnage room. tb%n thirty jears experience in the patent But its business strikes the stronger at once of gravel; no common earth will answer, as that travelers should be required eterhally Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Agency at HENRY H. WELLIMAN &Co. ruptly. It should have only a gentle rise - Musical Depot and Picture Gallery, Also a Farm of JH) Acres, known as the business. Perianal, advice and assistance as worthy of its pretentious daims, Stro- that would become Wet and Out through, so to go around crooks and corners merely for given to inventors confidentially. upon the upper side, and no perceptible 6m*48 39 Main Street. ' Ridge Farm, wifll barn and cow housed ling along its wh^vea and 'thormghfslres; that the wagon wheels would go pounding picturesque effect. Neither is it. creditable Srooeries, Floor, Feed, ftc., thereon, and well of water in the yard. The, Mechanical Drawings of every description break in the grade below. peering into the Jawking houses ^and count­ bver the stony bed below. ; 14 and 16 Main-st, .Norwalk, Conn. said Farm is Weil watered abd • well Street hasten road-makers. Under no circumstances be so, and smooth, bard and firm uhder all turned to the peaceful life ol a citizen among having on it an excellent piece of Woodland. 'jt MR. JOHN HESSION. 1 lane^ so that niUpart can be used for travel 'IncorpdfMcd 1819, Charter Perpetual. you, I beg to state that I am now ready to the Broad way of "Friscoe," butlt is fsst be Whatever should sods be put in the roadway in For further particulars enquire of except, the harrow portion called a turnpike circumstances. Capital and Assets, $3,128,820 fulfill any orders you may be pleased to favor JAMES MITCHELL, Norwalk, or Profe»»or of Music. coming its Wall Street. Insurance bulrihess either in making or repairing;. Upon reflection, we believe we'haver etti- me with ; having •' suceeded to the- business tf 11 JOSEPH S. GODFREY, Weston. EGS to inform the residents of Norwalk transactions are daily carried on in iU ele^ The worst material of Which a road bed the center. • ^ insure against loss and damage by Fire lormerly carried on by my father, M. A.: Per­ Half the roads of the country which are timated tbe cost of such a hill as the one B and vicinity that he is now prepared gant offices, for it has direct dealings wM 'is five^constructed id'black muck, intermix­ previously mentioned. entirely, too loW, be­ % on Teras adapted to the hazard,and ry, Dye?. From-the improvements lately toreceive pnpils for instruction on the Piano delightlul to travel Upon in Summer are al­ made i sball be enabled to carry on the busi­ ali the commercial centres of the worlds .Oil ed With stones either naturally or artificially cause we estimated it upon the loss .'of tlme consiBtent with the laws of orte, Organ and Melodeon,a]so in the c?lti- most impassible in Winter. They are.usual- ness with more advantage and dispatch at HE valuable Tract of Land on East Av­ vation of the^Voice. _ : thib street is Wells, Fargb & pb'a., Eiqpresi This is worse than muck alone, yet we often and the necessity of adapting the load to. the - if . compensation. :k ;jh^a.) moderate charges. Dyeing branches as for­ enue, adjoining the residence of Geo. A ly made so by " mending " .them T ~ ' Term^ &bde»ate. - Address or call at his Office, the head quarters of a bu^ness firm see stones added to such soft pots by those hilly portion of the road, withoht taking-into GEORGE R. COWLES, Sole Agent merly. Goods of all descriptions dyed or St. John, Esq. It fronts on two streets, has late in the Autumn. We. have otteii I f8, Foir Nofwalk and vicinity. j a water front, and would make sev­ residence, Ch«pelStreetNdf*aflti; <3f.9m*6 w whose'work rivals that of a Bureau of th^ who undertake to repair them. The only account that men will invariably .overload cleaned. Family Mournings promptly at­ seen such mending done by plowing and- tended to. Velvets, Crape and Lace carefully eral valuable building lots. It will be sold Government, its agents on every steamboat^ way such places in roads can be repaired is their teams, and by straining them toascead _ scraping tbe dirt hom the ditches into A. JAOSSON & BRO. dyed and dressed. All goods returned with­ together, in order to close an Estate. railroad and stage line, and in every town t > dig out and cart away the muck,and in its tbe hill, horses become broken-whided, in ten days. For further• particulars enquire of / the center, leaving the piles as they drop : , No. 1 Gra.zette Building. GREAT INDUCEMENTS^ i and mining camp from British America to place put solid materials. strained, spavined and lamed, and oxen of- All goods left at J. F. & C. R. Bennett's, J AS. A. HOYT, from the ox-shovel to freeze up and remain OULD respectfully announce to the or GEORGE B. ST.JOHN. i ..sia Jo'a Ifiv/. j Mexico, and.from the Pacific to Salt Lake; If those who superintend' the repairs of tened so in their gait, not only in hsuling public and their old customers, that South Norwalk, or Mrs. Shepard's opposite solid humps during the Winter. The only W the Post Office, Norwalk, will receive prompt 4 ' B00T?8;«nd SHOES, ^ ! And here too is the -Bank of California, an roads ever fail to put sods and ditch scra­ loads up, but in holding them in.goingdoiwn t tu meir stock uf goods. We are now prepar­ attention. ROBERT N- PERRY, FOR SALE. - T7DWARD HENDHK®;Ely* Block, institution with immense capital and un­ ping in the road bed, we have not seen the that they are injured twenty-five hef cent, in c road is to follow the ditches, or, impossible ed to offer .an assortment not to be surpassed FINE large Residence, with six acres of il*South Norwalk vrould invite the jiilblic bounded influence. . ;K ; exception to the universal rule. They are their salable valuer We have, kriown'ten 1 1 turn out upon the grass along the sides. in ~i< turneld County, in quality or -price. We Hardware, Cutlerly, dec., A ground suiroundlng. - This is one ol attention tohis"stoclrtif ;:.'::."l?'^,-.'- X' Horse railways sre laid on all the princi­ about as unfit for the purpose as manure from dollars' damage done to a wagoh by stllklng ^ would call particular attention to our stock ol AT SOUTH NORWALK. the most eligibly and beautifully located LADIES; dENTS; and ©dltDRfiN'S As a rule all road-mending should be pal streets of San Francisco; on several of the barn-yard. a single stone left in the way after being used V/atches, which is larger than-«ver before.— HE Subscriber would Inform the public places in town. Address, BOOTS AND SHOES. done in May or June, never later than the W« have a fine lot of Ladies' Swiss Watches, FRANK B. SMITH, whictfheis sellinj which passengers are carried many taileA " Ii a roadside ditch is sodded oyer and it is to block the wheels to aid some overloaded T that he has purchased ot Mr. Chichester 1st of September. in gold cases, at piices varying from |20 to the old established Hardware Business, at Norwalk, Conn. -Gall and examine for^ourselves. from one end of the city to the eth^r and necessaiy to plow it up to make a water-way team in getting up thehill. ' , - 'Remember the place—-Ely's. Block, South The whole system of repairing roads, ^ t $?(>, which we can recommend as being cor- 8outh Norwalk, and will continue tae busi­ far out into the suburbs. A^bgle fare is the veiy worst use you can make of the sods Where bills are inevitable, we IfiaVe- only M, rect ^me keepers. Also, Gentlemen's Watch- KooiiiEj..:'.: . . udru now practiced by calling out the hands in ness at the old Stand. He intends keeping one "bit"—ten oentis, Uie lowest coin in usev is to putthem where the wagon wheels will to say, make them as good as poSMble.- ;rdur ff), in. silver and gold cases, at any price from always on hand, a large stock of Hardware, HE large dwelling house on the corner each district to work under the direction of • i|5 to S-J0. We buy of the best importers in but tickets are soldi at rates which make thi grind them to dust in dry weather, and soft anathemas are against hills tbat!sire:ehtirely ; Cutlery, Agricultural Implements, Mechan­ of Marshal and Water St., near the some one of their number, should be abol­ inew York, and altogether for cash, so that T W. H. SWORDS' fare a fraction over five centa, ; mortar in wet. If stones of one to ten pound ics' Tools, Fire Arms, Builders' Hardware, Lock Factory. It has fifteen rooms; large ished as a wicked waste of time, and because unnecessary, and no langtia^ is^ _^rong , QjOC.-focL ties for selling cheap could not be Paints, Oils, Varnish, and all other articles dining and cook rooms; well calculated for Steamers leave daily for all pbfhts on th4 weight are mixed with the sods,so much the enough to anathematize the baijiupm of .greater. Our stock of 'Jewelry, Silver and :.x the system teaches boys the art of cheating usually kept in first-class Hardware Stores. a boarding house, or with slight alterations Bay and up the rfver,. and fer ry-boats pl^ 'stated Wares was iiever better than at pres- It will be his endeavor to meet the wauts could be made into two or more tenements. FASHIONABLE wone. in all work that is done for the public. those who drive their patient beaetanpiicnd - > constantly between San Francisco and thi We have often seen such materials scraped enUdtnd'.Compi'ises all ot the latest Styles that of hiu customkrs, and merit the patronage of There are Piazas running on the south abd It is a great mistake to suppose that re­ down such slopes when they might btfftttiily s. ar^ manufactured. A. JACKSON & BRO. beautifhl rural city of Oakland, whieh prom­ up with the ox-shovel, and left in heaps for tbe public. east side, affording a fine view ofthe harbor. pairing roads is done for somebody's benefit avoided. It is a wicked cruelty to ^P^ls ^ 15 . WM. S. FITCH. It has recently been repainted and thorough­ ises to be another Brooklyn. About #two passing wagons to make level. Frequently, that ought to be as indictable and pwdaka- . "''Aff'stti beside our own,and therefore may be ill done Oroceries Cheaper than ever ly repaired; The above property will be sold thousand passengiBrs gopVer itiis fouteevery where the roads are "mended" in this way, ble as any other wicked aud unnecessary : on reasonable terms, part Of the purchase It is however, a fact that men are_elected T1!;|OR CAS B! ; Notice.. ^ day. A railroad stahing from Market st., poles are laid across the ditchea to compel money can remain on Bond or Mortgage. overseers of road districts upon the ground cruelty. . - |' subscriber would inform the public HE subscriber having taken iUe old For further particulars enquire.of H. H. El- is in operation 50 miles to San Joke (pro- wagons to pass over tbe new road bed, to One of the greatest nuisances upotfa- e'tim-. X ~' generally, that he still continues to sell Horse Shoeing Stand, at the foot EHHIISIfflKT! thatthey will not be exacting in the work T well, at the office of Norwalk Lock Co. . nounced San HOse) running through a beau­ make it smooth. mon road, and one which ali traV6lei|(^9jlld tw. U«t. «f :Urecer^ Provisions, etc,, at his of Mill Hill, is prepared to do Horse Shoe­ required to satisfy "the road-tax"—a tax that So. Norwalk, Jan. 1st, 1866. Y NEAR THE DEPOT, tiful, well-Watered country. From its pres­ be exempted from, as they couitf ^W py a stftRd, No. 4 Skiady's Block, as cheap as ing and all kinds of job Blacksmithing, on As showers soften the materials, they at is looked upon as a grevious burden because Uieiohe^pest. He offers great inducements the most ^reasonable terms. ent terminus it is being rapidly pushed in length work down smooth and make a pret­ very small outlay of labor and common ; ; South Norwalk, Com,, the roads are for the public—for somebody ; to.cash buyers, as he has as laige an assort- He also carries ou . the Carriage Business J.FERRIS. i' is=« ' -> the direction of Stockton and Sacramento, at sense, results from the practice^ wbioh-some , 1 ty good Summer road. Ae Autumn rains who lives somewhere else, and does not pay ment of groceries of the best qualities as can at the old Stand occupied by his father for keeps constantly on hand, the which point it will connect with the Central road-makers have of carelessly lenrfi^||^ill be found at any store in the country. We the last twenty-three years. soften the rich compost; the wagon wheels for making that particular portion ot the REAL ESTATE AGENT, Pacific Road., ., stones in the roadway. ' We./hive':a.ccnjiijied , would invite the special attention of all to his JOHN SHEPHERD. cut through it down to the old surface ; this public highway. And so men think they stock of Norwalk, Aug. 29th, 1864. 1135. LATEST ' !.v.^ San Franci&eo will be quite a comfortable 200 ol these wagon-Jbreakera upon QDe./hill- ^ 50 ESTATES hbMMisare strained, worn out, discouraged ; are justified in cheating the public by shirk­ COFFEES, TEAS AND SUGARS, : place to live in and fair to look upon when side piece of road less than tO rods itl lettgih. >R SALE in Norwalk, and vicinity and most FA8HIONABLE styles or harness is broken,and every traveler mourns ing all that is possible of tbe work levied to which are of the veiy best quality, and will CARRIAGE MAKING. fromfro 1-4 to 200 acres, with buildings it is finished. At present there is a great We have previously estimated • be sold cheap. The public are invited to call r 'oyer or curses the muddy road which he is keep the roads in repair. Boys are taught florae Shoeing & Jlack swithingi eron, price,, ftom.$45i> to $100,000 .Also deal of rubbish not cleared away. Great of such a stone to a wagon moyififc rapidly ^ . and examine and judge for themselves* T I*ET, Fumisned and unfurnished houses.. CLOTHS, ^ I" cemp^llfd to drag through; for the sides are by the acts of their superiors that cheating A. MOREHOUSE. sand bills surround the city on all sides; as five cents for every time. 'We tldirit |hat . ; LYON & A^ERN, Address J. FERRIS, at Tolles & Ely's Drug purposely obstructed with sticks, stumps, in this respect is rather creditable than oth­ OULD announce to. the pu lie that Store, South Norwalk. Notice for surveying, -•I- CASSIMERES, ( ^ through and over which the streets are being- atones or hole*, so thai he cannot turn out; estimate to our light-made American wagons J' ;'' imoRTB9 ovtrnv, they have taken the old stand ofCapt may be left at the Gazette Office. graded erwise. entirely too low. It is really .qtfltt to <;». W leaving things very much in the and thus it continues through Winter, and In some cases, where a money tax is col­ Henry Lamb, Main street, where they are - YESTINGS, state of the upper part of New York. Du­ say that wagons are damaged by n^^lo^se f Atid Silver-Plated Ware. prepared to execute n the best manner and then the Spring rains wash nearly the whole lected and a contractor hired to keep the .Subscriber, while in England, recent- BUY YOUR HATS, ! ring a portion of the summer, with skies as stones 500 times the cost of rembytng them. greatest dispatch anything in the above line. tttrffft'J? back into the ditches,and perhaps down hill roads in repair, fie would put the devil him­ ' X ,'ly, made arrangements with the Shef- Carriages made to order, and Horse Shoe­ CAPS, ; clear as crystal, strong winds sweep in It certainly would be cheaper ifor^ecpm- tied Manufacturers for the sale of Thomas into the nearest brook. And then the oper­ self to blush to think one ot his subjects was ing, Painting, Trimming, Repairing, &c. done through the Ocean Gate, and blow the sand mtknity to hire these stones removed at a Harrison's celebrated Cutlery, and has now by experienced workmen with dispatch. « ^GLOVES, ation is repeated, and this is called "mending the biggest liar and cheat of the two. on exhibition and sale at his Store opposite from vacant lots in great whirls upand down cost ol $1 each. Beside the dMbsigt' to . Mr. WM. E. BEERS lias been engaged as AT the roads." In the district where the writer lives the the Post Office, a large, and one of the most the streets, veiy much to the annoyance of Wagons, horses are sometimes pcorb^ttltly| Agent and Foreman of the Wood-shop. • and everything in tbe line of % I As ho one should find fault with what it is road work was done in 1865 by hired day's complete assortments of Sheffield Cutlery AUGUSTUS LYON, WM. ABERN. SUTTON'S, every creature with mouth and lungs. What injured by stepping upon rolling stqnaaleft « e vcr;offered in this Country, including Car- without being able to point out what Is bet­ work. In one instance a yoke of oxen,plow, 1 Norwalk, Jan., 23d, 1865. Iy37 New York is in Harcb, ten times intensified, in the way by those who pretend to Inend; . r vuig Knives and Forks; Bread Knives; SOUTH NORWALK, Next Door to ter, we will endeavor to illustrate our posi­ cart and scraper at $5 a day ; two men a nd 1 our metropolis is during this reign oi Eolus. the roads. And the roads Will never be';' Baiter Knives; Table Knives and Forks; Ice Cream Saloon. GENTS FURBISHING GOODS. tion under the following heads, for the bene­ a boy at $5 did not do as much work as Pocket Kuivesoi every description, inclu­ Pitch's Home for Soldiers. Bufit is an ill wind that blows nobody any clear of these serious impedimenta Whilb the r You can always find a full assortment of fit of all makers of new rosds and menders would have satisfied any farmer if he had 'M ding maiiy curious styles; Scissors, &c.,&c. pHJS Trustees aire now prepared to leceive Gents Boots aud Shoes, Children's and La Mdiet's'''.--A"® !»•;-*-. '• gcrad These winds are steady, aiding one present system of road-making and repairing Also, just received, an assortment ol beau- applications Iroip those entitled, and U of old ones. . hired the boy alone. At least three fourths die9 Shoes, Gailers, &c., made up or bade TRUNKS, / . \ course for weeks together, beginning about continues. ;- ti'ui Sj!ver:Pl^teq m^de by a wish to avail themselves ol the benefits o( LOCATION OF BOADS. of all time spent in what was called road The great expense of repairing- •'robds v . t<> order in all the latest styles, of the very 10 o'clock of every day and subsiding at qevf pn(,eqtei| process, by tl}e sume House, theinstitution. Applications may be made to best material, and at the lowest cash prices. The science of railroad building has, or mending was* worse than wasted, for the comes from neglect. A single shoi|S.r may <• >3 t)rst lot imported iqto this coun­ Hon. MORGAN MORGANS, Presid't, Stamford, LEATHER BAGS, , night. Yankee enterprise, conspicuous here rather should have, taught all who locate roads were worse than they would have do more- injury than a yeart tifiVeH,'^It'- fir re- -- try. C4U nad examine for yourselves. JOSEPH B. HoviyStamford, 1 gxecutjve , R E P A I R I NO, vM ___ in a thousands ways; put these sea breezes to 1146} JOSEPH SHEPHERD. comihon highways Uuougha hilly country been unmended. Upon some spots where markable that under the is CHARLES BBO^N, Darien, h Committee. Neatly. clieaply and quickly done. Gife'me I. ;RN ^UMBRELLAS, &o, the work of propelling wind mills, which WM. A. CDMMINGS, do . 1 tftat l^^hit lines are impracticable. repairs were most needed, mud was scraped nobody's business to loo^ a(t« 's^,dain|ce a call and see for youreelf. raise water for the irrigation of lands and Sasinegs Change I GEO. H. SUTTON. Has now on hand one of the best and most Almost within sight of where we now into the wagon-way shortly before it froze nor that of deep ruts, which can be .repaired -So. Norwalk, March, 1868. 6mll complete assortments of gardens, on tlie outskirts ofthe city. Every­ write there is a road over a ridge of lew than by a properly contracted road smeMlwr where in the suburbs these great ungainly up for Winter. WATEHBURY & DUNCAN, i a mil" in length, which has been traveled There is probably nothing in America ot passing once over the ground as 'fdjl as a HARNESS ! HAJVRESS !! windmills attract your attention, and ii you - tJlILU. aniiDuncc to the public thai attni than a hundred years, and for many public interest so much'neglected and ill* team can travel. • ";i.J..-. &XSTS are a! Dutchman you think at once of belov­ W Uiey liave purchased the Carriage Ma- DEAN'S yew of late by an average of probably ten managed as the public roada In England There is another great advantage in;niak-: knijj li.nines* Inrincrly comlucted by Mr. ever brought into Norwalk, and in future in­ ed.- Holland.: - kndel wagons day. It would be a low E N»n ili-ers, iiud uuiiuuctuU it with their a men are employed as road survey- ing repairs often. A slight coating of: ea«h r Harness & Trunk Store, tends to keep the Largest and most Fashion­ The fear of ^i^hquak^ cl^ecks^he aspir­ estimate to say that each one suffers aloss of bard, even if rains follow direictiy af­ Hlricfidiiiitli Simp, making one complete es- No 1144 Broadway, next tloor 26th St.,N. Y able stock Of Goods in Fairfield Connty, and ors, engineers or managers. tililisluiient. Tliev are now prepared toexe- v ing tendencies of all p&blic and private 80 eetitf in consequence of the location of Who ever.heard ofauch a thing in this ter putting it on. It the samb itt»i&;iaaWen| IS EBERAL SHIS of Double and -Single to sell them at the Lowest Cash Prices. cute .ii)il|e best manner, and wiiii greater buildings.. Business houses are .limited to laid a foot thick it would beemti a qtiag-p Harness,lor Saleal ihenlil prices. Three Gents are invited to call and exaraine our this road having been injudiciously- made. countiy ? What portion of those who man­ t}ispu|,p|> tl(i|" t'Vef hPf'»rt-, anylliiiii! In the S Goods and Prices, we know we can suit. four stories and : dwellings rarely It takes the hill at the steepest grade; and mire, cut into deep ruts and p^le h^tai,r, tin of Setts Second hand (mil parts ot) Harness for age the repair of roads know anything what­ >

rftgM* The Old Main Street Spring, The First National Bank of WARREN'S IMPROVED FOR SALE AUCTION SALE A New Rail Road. South Norwalk. A Second Hand repair by contract, to run, say five or ten The Selectmen have been ordered to rig out Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing. op Our readers , have doubtless observed for Decidedly the best, most durable a,nd years, and the work to be done to the satis­ another pump and keep the same in order; SOUTH NORWALK, Ct., April 14,1866. TOP CAEEIA G £, the past few w^eks, an advertisement in our cheapest known in this ouotry. Materials Inquire of faction of the Commissioner. There is great gjtotwalk so that water may be procured from the old At a special meeting of the Board ot Di­ which are liable to be confounded with this In good order, lor Sale cheap. Household Furniture. columns of a notice of an application to^ BEBEE. • rectors, of this Bank held this day, the fol­ have long been in use for covering factories 3t*16 L.li. injustice in requiring the people ot one dis­ the next Legislature of this State, • for a Main St. Spring. Some misapprehension lowing Preamble and Resolutions, were unan­ and barns, &c.,"but never until this recent THURSDAY, April 26th. trict near a railroad station to keep, the road charter for a Rail Road from Derby to the prevails as to the past and present condition vj BUILDING LOTS, Tuesday-, April 17, 1866. imously adopted: * discovery has any Hind of Cement Roofing in repair for the benefit of half a dozen other State line of New York, through the towns of that 'water privilege.' At the time the been used for our best residences. The com­ At the residence of new buildings were erected^upon the burnt WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God to binations of this ropfing are such as to ren­ FOR SALE / districts. • 0v.^. •'• Reading Matter on Every Page. of Bridgeport, Norwalk, Darien, Stamford remove from us by death, our friend and E. R. DUPIGNAC, There is one thing more which we would district in Main Street a petition was circula­ der it perfectly water-proofmakes solid, EVERAL very eligible building lots for and Greenwich ; and we have had frequent brother Director, Mr. George C. Lock- handsome work, is a saving of at least 25 per SSale, in the immediate vicinity of the 3*14 On the Green. like to see accomplished for the improve- A City Charter tor Norwalk. enquiry made as to the route proposed,- and ted requesting that the old spring-nuisance wood, therefore, • . cent over any other roofing in use. Bridge, others more remote. Three acres Besotted, That we bow with submission to s • ment of our country roads, and that is the ot her matters connected therewith, which might be abated and covered up by a side­ LOCKWOOD & ADAMS Norwalk, are sole of unimproved land pleasantly located, for GARDEN, , universal custom of planting them with fruit • The rapid growth of Norwalk in all its that'Providence, whose ways are peifect, just agents for Fairfield Counlv. All orders left sale at a bargain. A house and five acres we have not be^j able before this to answer. walk. The supply of Water had been ren- and right, though often to us mysterious and Field, and Flower Seeds. «2"! or': shade trees. The initiatory step was at the Coal Yard of O. H. Benedict, prompt­ ot land, ditto. Apply to parts, the constantly increasing questions ot We now learn that the new Road asked unreliable on account of the letting away of inscrutable. . if A. H. BYINGTON. _ tnkaii in the New York Legislature last Win- ly attended to, enquiries Ireely answered. Bay the Best. highway encroachments, and the now immi­ for, is intended to connect with the Harlem the dam and the digging of a well opposite Resolved, That in our business and social -1 ter. A law was passed authorizing the own­ relations with the- deceased, we recognized HE Subscriber has just received a very River and Port Chester Rail Road, ghictt on the east sjde. of Main at, so tljat the cen- PIANOS1 TUNED. Norwalk Classical Institute. extensive and varied assortment ot ers of land to appropriate and cultivate a nent necessity for more .thorough sanitary suring>6fany .ptoaohSoV persons, is unjust: an honest and capable counselor, a liberal T his been chartered bynhe NeV York Legls? and pure minded man; who by his upright­ HE -Summer Term of this school for Seeds from the celebrated producers and im­ , strip six feet wide along the road fence for measures than have ever before been requi­ We hope the NOBWALK WATER WORKS will' lature during the past week, which road ness of character, unassuming and gentle­ young gentlemen and young ladies will porters, Messrs Briggs Brothers, of Rochester, the purpose of planting it with trees. We site, render the long talked of question of a soon abate the difficulties in consequence of T N. Y. comprising all kinds of Seeds tor the will connect at Harlem with either the Sec­ manly bearing, secured our highest confi- commence Thursday,May 10th, 1866. ;| £ ^-.already have a law excluding cattle from thp scarcity^ water in all parts of the town. ence and esteem. For terms, enquire of ' 1 * Garden, Field, and Flower-Gfcrden. The City Charter worthy of immediate and most ond or Third Avenue roads, arid with boats 7' largest assortment in town. Also, the Sha­ the highways, whichif enforced, makes the \ , . ^ _ Resolved, That to Hie widow and relatives 4tl6dh CHARLES L. SHAW. seriouS consideration. We need street lamps belonging to theHariem Transportation Co., of the deceased, we do tender our heartfelt ker Garden Seeds. THEODORE FITCH, ,'' planting of trees possible. ' None but a set of jgyThe sudden decease of GEO. C- LOCK- lt. DECKER, will visit Norwalk, for Under Norwalk Hall. down West Avenue to" the South Norwalk so tnat passengers will be landed in the up­ sympathies, and commend them unto Him, the purpose of Tuning Pianos,Monday, heathen greater than the Bedouin Arabs woop,,of the firm of C. & E. K. Lockwood from'whom alone .can consolation come in MApril 16th. Orders left at the Norwalk Ho­ Depot, just as much as we need them with­ per portion oi New Tork city by cars, or & Co., has made another sad inroad among n WANTED. Curtis' Fragrant would object to either of these laws when < such hours Of grief.- - tel will receive attention. Price lor Tuning Y a nice yonng man, a comfortable 8, landed down ^own by Boats, in much less Resolved, H'hat a copy of these resolutions, | their advantages once become known. ... j. in our present limits. As soon as: the young, acVive'and enterprising business S2, repairs extra. Will remain four days time than they-are now,by horse cars. signed^ by the officers" of this Bank, be pre­ , - DECKER & CO. B home,in some respectable family,wheie Ul; in conclusion, we earnestly urge this mat- men of Norwalk. " His energy of character the advertiser's personal charms will be takeG DENTILINE the construction and laying down of the The design, of .the applicants for the new sented 10 the widow ol the deceased,and pub- ter upon the attention of all the conductors and close application to business pursuits, 8114 419 Broome St''N- Y" as an equivalent for his board. The family CLEANSES AND ^RESERVES THE pipes for the' Waler Works, new municipal road, as we le^rn, is briefly this: To con­ ished in the Norwalk Gazette. ot some widow lady, with daughters, pre­ of the public press in the country, to endeav- not only won for him the confidence and es­ DUDLEY P. ELY, Pres't. TBBTB, struct a first class double track road from TWt-J: ferred. Address, Lock Box 267, Norwalk J! or to awaken the interest of the public to- powers and privileges will be imperatively teem of the community, in which lie has ev­ FIISMFTMII. J. J. MILLARD, Cash r. TWENTY Cures Soft and Spongy Gums. the junction with the Harlem and Port kufJ tfl — . Post Office. H*16 ward the improvement of all the high ways,by needed.; Then, too, so far as South Norwalk er lived, but :his many generous qualities of Renderiag them hard and healthy—im­ Chester Road, through the towns of Green­ A Cough, Cold, or Sore Throat parting to the teeth an ivory appearance— which, every dollar expended will return its is concerned, every man seems'to locate his heart, endeared him to all who knew him. CARPENTEE^ wich, Stamford* Darien, Norwalk, Westport, REQUIRES IXMKDIATE ATTENTION AND SHOULD BE Stationery, Stationery. giviog strength to the muscles ot the mouth hundred-fold in the increased value of the _—_— buildings and his fences pretty much as he and Fairfield to Bridgeport, on substantially CHECKED'. IP ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, " gJffiNTED.J E. BLACKMAN has just received a —removing tartar from the Teeth—arresting country. Let editors freely express their BASE BALL.—The first regular meeting of Jarge lot of Stationery, direct from the manu­ their, decay—whitening decayed and black­ chooses and is apparently very apt to choose the line surveyed by "Twining" on which Irritatation of the Iiungs, a Permanent ec own views, and invite correspondence upon the Norwalk Base Ball Club, was held last O work on the Steamer NELLIE facturers, consisting of 100 Reams of Wri­ ened Teeth—imparting to the breath an aro- . the New York and New, Haven Road was Throat Affection, or an Inourable Lung WHITE, at the Steamboat Dock, South a' this all important question: "How can we some portion of the highway, and there Wednesday evening. The following named T ting Paper all sizes and quality, 100,000 En­ mactic fragrance—giving a delightfblly- re­ chartered (but which was afterwards changed t". ; . D(Mas«. . . Norwalk. Good wages given. Enquire of velopes—French and American, latest styles freshing leeling and taste to the mouth. improve the public roads?" seems to be little or no power to prevent. persons were elected as officers for the ensu­ CAPT. PEASE, on the Boat or of THEO. to the "Mason" line by the then Railroad .^ftywalgoraH ID BHU1.T. " and best quality. Also Pass Books, Diaries, RECOMMENDED BT I - Let us see if we cannot, in the year 1863, A much /greater evil is the continued con­ ing year:—President, S. E. Gruman; Vice HARTWICK, Agent. Memorandas, Day Books, Ledgers, Slates, J. B. SNOW, Doctor Dental Surgery, Commissioners),.and from Bridgeport to run 1 i;il inaugurate a new system, which, at a very President, C.E. White; Secretary, Eugene WiWSi BRONCHIAL TROCHES '' Lead Pencils, Steel Pens, Pen*Holders, Black Dr, D. H. PORTER,Manufacturing District. struction of wooden tenements in the thick­ HAVING A DIRKOT IKFLUBNGE TO THE PARTS, GIVE WM. M. CURTIS, M. D., > small cost, will bring blessings to all the new line, on the we^t of the Housatpnic First National Bank of South Blue and Red Inks, Portfolio's, &a, &c., L. Boyer; Treasurer,T. R. Doty ; Xxeculvoe \ " IMKIDIAT* RELIEF. We Buy direct from the Manufacturers for GEORGE L, BEERS, M. P. w est portions of that village, imperiling all River.to Derby, and to cross ;at that point i.f' C • • • • Norwalk. people. ( Committee, Mnnson Hoyt, E. S. Street, Wil­ cash, at .jobbing prices and will sell at whole­ at the head of navigation, thence to unite For Bronchitis Asthma, Catarrh, Con­ South Norwalk, Conn., April 14th, 1866. MATSONM. SMITHED. • the property there. These, with hundreds liam E. Quintard. sale or retail as low as canbebonght in New REV. DANIEL LORD, %U - ;IS> sumptive and Throat Diseases, IVIDEND.—The board ot Directors of Itfl. of other constantly recurring and increasing, with the New Haven & Derby Rail Road to Through the . kindness of Charles Sherry, York. No. 11 Main St, REV. H. G. HINE8DALE,a»^f«i " ; Methodist Appoi ltmei thia bank, have ' this day declared a ; Sign of the Golden Mortar. REV. DR. TOWNE, and many others. New Haven, thus avoiding all Draw Bridges Esq., the.Club have secu'red the large lot in TROCHES AR* USED WITH ALWAYS OOOD SUCCESS. Ddividend of Four per cent on the capital 4r We are indebted toRev. S. H. Smith, for local questions, both there and here, demand except the Iron Bridge at Harlem. - The sa* CUfcTIS' DENTILINE is a purely vege- ' the rear of the Union School as a play ground. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS stock, free lrom government tax, payable on table liquid preparation, and put in neat ^(l an official list of appointments made at the some more efficient and. comprehensive mil- and after the 2d day of May next. The ving of distance from Harlem to Port Chest­ All lovers qt the game are cordially invited will find Troches useful in clearing the voice when boxes, with a box of fragrant Dentiline Pow" N. T^ E. Conference last week, from which nicipal regulations.: bus is| ' er on the new line is three miles, which will taken before Sihgihg.or speaking, and relieving'the transfer books will be closed from April 21st HE Co-partnership Heretofore existing der, sold everywhere: Retail price 75 cents. to meet there, with the club, on Wednesday to May 2d, 1866. . we copy the following :—• ' We ernestly appeal to our South Norwalk make the entire route from New Haven to throat after an nnnsnal exertion of theTocal organs. between J. U. Carier and F. B. Smith, L. F. CURTIS, Proprietor. and Friday of each: week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by 3tl6 J. "J. MILLARD, Casnier. Tunder the name of J. U. Carier & Co., has • BRIDGEPORT DISTRICT, N. Mead, P. E.— New York-but little it any longer than the BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Bridgeport, P Bottome. East Bridgeport, friends, as well as Our leading citizens about The Colombia Clnb played their first game, on the Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent been this day dissolved by mutual consent. 7 present line, while the saving of time .by Oxen for Sale. SI SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I- s H. Smith. Southport, G S Gilbert, West- the Bridge, to convene at once for consulta­ vacantr ground southof the Green, on Thursday af­ men throughout the country. Being an article of Mr. Carier will continue the retail business i i port and Poplar'Plains, J Vinton. Sauga-. avoiding the stopages at Draw Bridges, will ternoon last. They play again, on Thursday, on trie mettt^ and having their, efficacy by a /~1NE yoke of Oxen,kind and gentle, suita at the old stand on Main Street, and MrT is tuck, to be supplied. Norwalk First Cbuifch, tion and to "prepare for adoption by the enable the new road to make much better Union Park. ^" test of many years, each year finds them in new lo­ V-f .ble for heavy woik. Also one ox cart Smith retains and will continue, the manu­ „ W H Simonson. Norwalk Second Church, coming'Legislature, some proper Charter — calities in various parts Of the woHd, and the Tro­ and a three spring Wagon. facturing business. ' > RS. MARY A. HASSILTINE, (former­ 'V J S Breckearidge. New Canaan, J M Carrol. time betwfjpn New York arid New Haven ches are universally pronounced better than other 3t*16 HARVEY FITCH. Persons indebted to . the late firm, Will VARIOUS MATTERS.—Mr. Chas. C. Betts, M ly Davenport)and her sistorMisa. Eliz- ' " North Wilton and Vista, G W Allen. Wil- which shall unite the two sections into than is now made by the Draw Bridge Road. articles. make payment to F. B. Smith. Davehportj take* this * opporiuity Naf -s ton and Zion's Hill, to be supplied. George­ who is about removing from Winnipauk, to J.U. CARIER, Wards, and under the control of judiciously The advantages ot this line are many, a few OBTAIN only. "BBOWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES." STORE SITES thanking the ladies of Norwalk and vicinity town, .R L Mathison. Ridgefield, J D Bou- ofwhich we will merely allude to. the family Hoihestead east side of the Green, and1 do not take any of the Worthless Imitations !-Xi; F. B. SMITH. lor their liberal patronage during the past . 4 ton.; Redding, D Nash. . Long Ridge, to be selected officers, as is the case with Bridge­ that may be offered. Norwalk, April 10th, 1866. 3t*16 year, and wouid inform thein that theyX^ • supplied. Bethel, B T Abbott. Danbury, W. 1st. The danger of Draw Bridges will be is having a piazza built across the entire )1S FOR S AT i hi.': • 'j . port and East Bridgeport and other larger entirely avoided, front of the house, much improving the ap­ Sold everywhere in the United States, and in For­ have re-opened for the coniing **eason at T Hill. Easton, S J Stebbins. Stepney, PW eign Countries, at 85 cents per box. :j their old ' - ' " ' , receive calls, feeling I f and north of that city, by the way of Derby, Ayers Daniel T Gorham, H.W V . ; 1 medicines that the public demand,^are sur^ " lordsviHe, tobe supplied. Cornwall Bridge by Mr. E. Va. Chichester, has improved the Bates, WmM- ' • Hearne, Kate ply to A. H. BYMfttTOBT. determined to spare no pains to give entire T' and Ellsworth, E L Bray. Warren and Let us'in good faith, invite all to meet and Waterbury and the Boston, Hartford & appearance of the same very much indeed by Branagan, Mathew i- •< Raymond, J B . to be found at satisfaction. < 4t^l4 Erie road, which is now nearly completed Brown, E N. Smith, John C ? No. 11 Main St., ^ Woodville, 8 C Lamb. West Goshen and dispassionately consider this proposition for having it thoroughly repainted in an attract­ , Cornwall Centre, S F Johnson. Litchfield, J from Waterbury to Boston. Farber, Peter Turner, Wm 2 WANTED. " ' > Sign of the Golden Mortar. r 4th. It will form the shortest route from ive manner. Fisher & Co.. Messrs. OMunson. West Winsted, S H Piatt Wol- the benefit of all. - s Persons-calling for any of the above Letters will ^SITUATION, by a respectable ; ^ RS. John Strang, respectfully announ­ cotville,LW Abbott. BakersviUe/tobesup- the whole Naugatuck valley, from the Hou- On the same Avenue, Mr. Samuel Beatty nlease say "AIJVEBTISKD," giving the date of the ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION satonic valley, and from all towns on the \ist• • WILCOX, P. M ces to the Inhabitants oTNOfwalk and plied. Thomaston,E B Santord. Waterbury has also repainted his residence in a some­ AMERICAN YOUNC MAN H . OF THE vicinity, that she is.prepared to do DressrMa- < G Stillman. Bethlehem, S H Bray. Water- We would direct special attention to line 'of the Danbury & Norwalk Railroad, M what similar style. on a Farm. Is well acquainted with the bu­ Norwalk Fish and Oil Company. king, Quilting, Embroidery, Stamping/ and town, T A Loyejoy. Middlebury, D Osborn. the valuable article on Road Making pub­ from New Canaan and from all the towns E it known that we the subscribers ao hereby Naugatuck, G H Goodsell. Woodbury, J that it passes through, from Bridgeport to Part of the new iron fence now being forg fa siness, and is fully competent to take charge plain sewing of every description. Mrs, lished on Our out-side to-day.' S Saflfe of a Farm. Address, S. G. B., Box 78, So. B associate onrselvesas a body politic and corpo­ Strang also announces that her establish­ Pullman. Southbury and South Britain, W New York. ed by Messrs. Waterbury & Duncan, for S o rate, pursuant to the provisions of the statute laws § > •" .'gP! w Tax Notice. andagreement. ... .„ ' dell. Birmingham, I Simmons. Stratford, Developed -more.good feelipg and libera) the Harlem Rail Road below Harlem will be advantage, and is very creditable to the build­ ARTICLE 1st.—The name of said .corporation shall sale, Ladies and Childreris patterns. She'" x- HE tax on the polls and ratable estate of be THE NOBWALK PISH AND OIL CQMPAST. hopes by a strict attention to business, to concessions of individual opinions than any' avoided. >• a> ^ = T D LitUewood. •' ers. . the Borough ot Norwalk, levied on the ARTICLE ^nd.—The capital stock of said corpora­ merit the patronage ot the public. All work - . J li.Gilder, Principal Church HillInstitute. similar gathernig we have attended for years. . We have noticed but few of the many ad­ 50es o T27lh of October, 1865, has been apportioned, tion shall be Five Thousand Dollars, and the said • Rev. Mr. Powell, of the Howard Mission, capital stock shall be divided into Two Hundred executed with neatness and dispatch. Her In the New York District, are the follow­ The committee.asked for, to secure Legist vantages that will accrue-by the building of N. Y., was in town on Sunday last, with h a- and the books and warrant for the collection shares of twenty-five dollars each share. Room is No. 8, under Lockwood's Hall, ing.:-^ five powers to erect the Bridge across the this road, and we have yet to find the first 03 s of the same, are in the nands of the under­ ARTICLE 3rd.—The purpose for which said corpo­ Lockwood's Building, near the Post Office, .. ('some of the children, and during the day yz o signed, who has given a bond, for the collec­ ration is formed is the following to witTo seenre Beekman Hill, C B Ford. Pound Ridge Harbor at South Norwalk, was voted with person that does not favor the project, as the "2 .si WB fish and to manufacture Menhaden Oil; and to deal and directly opposite Horse Railway Depot. presented the cause of the Mission in the 8*. tion and payment of said tax,to the Borough in fish and Menhaden Oil; and to transact all busi­ and High Ridge,. W Ross. Stamford, E G out opposition. The West Norwalk road course pursued by the managers of the old Baptist Tabernacle, and Methodist' Church, w 5 Treasurer within sixty days, from April 1st ness connected with fishing and fish oil; and also Andrews, W »C. Hoyt. , Darien, G L Fuller. road in their extortionate charges both for ijH a « 1866, and payment must be made within -to deal in oysters and alfcthe products of the sea; to Mianus and Roxhuiy, to be supplied. Green­ to Darien Depot, which has been before the South Norwalk, and in the evening at the .P rz buy, sell, owi and deal in any real or personal prop­ town for along time, was also granted with freight and passengers, have been too severe £0$ that time. JOHN ROBERTS, Collector. erty neeessary or convenient for the prosecution of FINE Span of Bay Horses, with a twoy wich, WR Webster. Round Hill and Stan- Baptist Church, up-town. GOfc"if uO April 16th, 1866. „ 3tl6 said bnsiness, and generally, to do all things inci- wich, S.HoWland. - Port Chester and King- out serious opposition. The vote to widen to be soon forgotten. Some thirty or ciore brothers and . sisters denntal to said bnsiness and to the proper manage­ Seated Rockaway and a light Carriage; fen ^ also,A a yoke ot Oxen, and a cart. Enquire of ' street, W F Hatfield. Rye, L P Perry. the road bed of West avenue, was more gen­ We do not believe that our Legislature of the Irish ^persuasion congregated in the ment thereof. . , Mamaroneck, H. Cook._ New Rochelle, S A £•< New Millinery Goods, ABTICLB 4th.—The-statute laws of the state of MR. JOHN MC.QUHAE, Blacksmith, or of erally discussed, and many fair and just ob will refuse to grant a charter so much de­ Ampitheatire on Sunday afternoon last, and Wd5 Connecticut relating to joint-stock corporations are MR. Seamftn. Upper NewRochelle, C T Mallo- AT • hereby particularly referredto and made part of these JOHN J. CAPE, So. Norwalk. 4t*13 ry. Mount Verrioh, IE Smith. East Ches­ jections urged by parties jealous of the sired by the people, and we wish the new chased the passing hours with flying feet to articles, and the corporation hereby organized and MRS. M. J. SLAUSON'S, established under and pursuant to*aid statute laws, ter and Olinville; to be supplied. City towns franchises—but after full explanations, road abundant success. > u 8J the music of a scotch bag-pipe. When they HUNNEWELL'S ~ i'-" Dissolution Notice. Island, W W McGuire. Westchester, West At her old stand in Main Street. shall have the powers, and proceed according to the the measure was voted, and Flavius Clark, wish to indulge in a dance again, perhaps if UNIVERSAL COUGH JtEMEDY. regulations, described and specified therein. HE Copartnership heretofore existing I Farms, and Bronxdale, W. Platts. Ten years has clearly proved that the theory of SPRING BONNETS, ABTicLE5th.Effch subscriber to these articles agrees S W King goes to Amityville and New [a good selectlonjappointed to go to work at ; The New London Star thinks that twelve would be as well to select some other day, or simplicity, the great element of this splendid prepa­ to take the number of shares annexed to hig name,of between Augustus Piatt & John ration, Which allows its use whenever there is tick­ f Bridge, in the North Long Island District, of once at obstructing telegraph poles, unoccu­ years in the United States Senate, is enough some other place. . . ' . . . J With all the nov'lties of the seasOD, now the capital stock of said corporation,, each share to TPlait, of Norwalk, has this day been dis­ ling or irritation in the Throat, and producing no ready, anti-she would invite the attention ot be twenty-five dollars as aforesaid, and to be paid for which H F Pease is Presiding Elder. pied and useless gutters, &'c. The project for Senator Foster of Norwich, and suggests debility, is the only and true theory by which a by installments as the directors shall call In the solved, by mntual consent. Claims against , Henry B.Harrison,of New Haveri arid Judge On'Wednesday, the Norwalk Guards .arfi her iriends and the public generally to an said firm will be paid by Augustus Piatt, The following are in the New Haven Dis­ of widening the street at South Norwalk, true remedy for doughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Bron­ same. trict :—-Westbrook, Geo C Creevey. Ham- Charles J. McCurdy of Lyme,as worihy to to make their first appearance in . their new chial Complaints, and ail Throat affections, which examination of the same. ARTICLX 6th.—The said corporation is established and he is also authorised tQ. pOllectand re- ' r from the residence of Dr. Pardee to the De­ if neglected, end in Consumption can be effectually and located in the town of Norwalk, County of Fair- ceive money due said firm, and give receipts w den, C W Powell. ; ; Succeed him. • uniforms. The morning is to be devoted to cured. •fleld, and State of Connecticut. pot,wasalso very justly and properly carried. flRg-Both good and true men and eminent­ ^m- ftnre Throat the great origin otDiptheyria N.B. All kinds of Straw Bonnets, and round Dated at Norwalk this 5th day of April. A. D. 1S66. target practice, and the afternoon to compa­ hats, dyed, cleaned atidepressed in the best ,f°rr* AUGUSTUS PLATT, We trust a generous public spiritedness will ly fit and worthy to be United States Sena­ when neglected, is cured by making a Oargls with Subscribers Names. No. of Shares. . :, UNKIND.—The Copperheads of New Ha- ny drill and parade. equal partB of water. , , manner. 3ml6 Griffin Terry, Sixty Shares, (60) * JOHN H. ELATT. actuate every one interested in or affected tors, but if any change -is to be made, West­ , ^^"Testimonials of nndo.ubted charactor can be Asa Hill. Forty Shares. "" •: yen now assert that English would have Our New SteamboaMias arrived at South. teen at my office by all. . _ Samuel R Bunting, Twenty Shares, Norwfclk,Aprif 7tlr, 1868.3t*15 v carried the State " if Cleveland had stayed by these long needed improvements, now au­ ern Connecticut will assert her rights to be Norwalk—but in an unfinished state. Ow- Small Bottles 25 cents; Large do. 50 Valuable Real Estate at Charles William Lockwood, Twenty Shares, — — ' ' ,, ' • Twenty Shares, • at home." thorized. With a respectful regard for the heard, and earnestly press Gen. O. S. FERRY • ing to the strike of ship carpenters in Brook­ cents. David W. Nash, District of Norwalk, ss. Probate Court, April ^ »~8old by all Wholesale and Qets}l Dealers in AUCTION! Isaac Selleck,. Twenty Shares, Uth, A. D.,1866. , f<.. •> . ! " ' 1 rights of individuals,and a cheerful and prop­ for the position. lyn, she could not be finished there, and has William H. Ferris, Twenty Shares, v. og-ryj -i Medicine. ILL be sold at Auction, (if not previ­ Wx. H. FERBIS, President, T7ST4TE of SAMUEL RAYMOND, late g3g°A plucky police-officer arrested Gen. er acquiesence to the public needs, we shall been brought here for completion. Hurry i-a: John li. Ilannewellj lt}6 4-SA Hp$, Secretary. JL of "New Canaan, in said District, de- - Wously disposed ot at private sale), on e^"Stanjfori} Advocate please copy Jt. 0% ; Grant, at Washington, on Saturday week,for greatly promote the growth and prosperity INSTALLATION.—The Installation of Rev. up the work. Proprietor. Saturday, the 28th day of April, 1866, at 2 C6ft86ui• I-' -• • • fast driving. The General appeared before Of the town, and with a reduction of tdxes. Homer N. Dunning, as Pastor of the Con­ As will be seen by an advertisement, a Practical Chemist'. o'clock^ P. M., the following pieces of land, OBDEBED-That the Executors- exhibit tneir 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston Mass. viz: Thirteen Acres at Dry Hili, opposite Adm'nistration account to this Court for a Justice of the Peace and paid the fine. gregational Church at South Norwalk, will joint-stock company has been formed here C. P. TOLLE8 & CO., Agents for Norwalk. North Centre Schcol House, bounded by two EMPIRE SEWING MACHINE adjustment, at the Probate Office fn Nor­ • The Sew Bridge. < i take place on Tuesday Evening, Agril 17th. for the purpose of manufacturing Menhaden good roads, west b/the old Newtown Turn­ HE BEST SEWING MACHINE in walk, on the 5th day of May, 1866, at 9 ; fay A shocking murder of seven persons We hope that the effort now made to Rev. M. E. Strieby, of New York, is expect­ Oil, and dealing in fish and oil. . —•—-7 WJ&-- pike, east by Dry Hill road. The whole 13 the world. Any person that wishes to o'clock, forenoon ; and. that all persons in­ SOOT! BOOT! SOOT! T was'discovered at Philadelphia, Wednesday The First National Bank of South Nor­ acres cannot be surpassed for eJigibiliiy and purchase, can take one and use it 30 days to terested in said Estatemay.be notified thereT Bridge the River at South Norwalk will ed to preach the sermon.ayfj RI a;— In Bridgeport, 7th inst.. by the Rev. Daniel Lord, eral Assembly. ^ course, and point-lace veil. The interesting of the Draw-tender. : earnest appeal for men.and money. The chairman Electric Polka, by Harry Sanderson ; Bob­ Said real estate was set in the distribution ; 3 part of it was that on her veil her lather p|n- Carr, Master Neebry B Moses, Pierce George E. Potter,,to Ingeborg M. Poultseh. olink Polka, by Geo. W. Warren; Victoria, THOS. B. BUTLER, The present plan is the best. It is ceitain followed in a short speich, in which he stated that Cook, Oliver Russell, Erwin & Co In Btamford. March' 29th, byi Eev. Mr. Thrnston, Judge of the Supreme Court-ol Errors. of the Estate of Isaac S. Brown, deceased, ned ten one thousand dollar greenbacks, and he was then making the last speech that would ever Coley, Walter aiti Raymond, Miss Ciarisa Mr.. OSoiri C.!Ketcham, and Mi'ss Hannah 8. Inger- Polka de Salon, by C. H, Badger ; The New to the heirs of Isaac'S. "Brown, Jr, deceaseq, 3 Sarah • '.Ag she was presented, on her wedding day, with to succeed eventually, and to obstruct it is be made in the United States for the Fenian .cause, Ford, Laura A * ' Wells, Mrs E soil. Annen Polka, by Strauss Jr j Eclipse Polk *• And he further says, That the JSstate^la ^t Fillow, Mrs Elenof ' WiWWeeSB, Mrs Ursula^ • At Porlchester. April 2. by the Rev. V. A. Lewis, D'Ancelo j Constance, Pol'ka, D'Aucelo; Ma­ Statp of Connecticut, Fairfield County, ss., 5 sixty-two shares of the Pacific Mail slock. only to delay our prosperity. Westport we and that he was last man who would ever: cail> upon Gordon, Samuel Weeks', Samuel Jr Wm. H. II. Enapp and Miss Clarissa R. Travis, both present unproductive; tliat the avails there­ 'r This is considered something "sensible" by ! bel1, Waltzes, by D. Godfrey ; Charming Westport, April 13 H&IH - RENliw ijH. •• r'—~ Captain of the Uth New York Cavalry. very should have one of 3ti6 Attorney for Petitioners. Milkman, or soui e other meet person to sell the 9a P ception of the ekctiori news from Conriecti- Music by Mr. 'Edward' G. Spinning; of Bridgeport. His funeral will, take place from the residence or those new Account Books, got up ex­ been unwell since Monday, but on Thursday ;fl iVjtii Renews the Hair. E pursuant to the Statute in such case Qia 7 cut, with speeches, resolutions, a congrat- Price35cents. •; ' ; •. \ -iivj | HALL'S VBOETABIFE SJ0IWAU HAIR RE NEWER his father-in-law, Jas.'W. Pinknoy, in Ibis town, on pressly for their use at Commissioners' Xffotipe. -'•/1 ulatory telegram to Gen. Hawley and a sa- morning got up and shaved himself, and ,Wednesday, at 3. o'clock, p. m. and provided i • • . a: tflimit ! BeBtores gray-hair to its original color. H. H. WELLMAN & GO'S. HE subscribers appointed by the Court Dated 14th, 1866. -f" ,/ , lute ot 100 guns. thought heshould be able to attend to busi­ SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—John Brown, already a par­ I In Danbhryj,'April 9, >iTheodore Fowler, aged 33 April HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR REJUCWBR. 'years * 1 very Grocer, should have one of T of Probate for the District of Norwalk, JAMES L. MALLORY, The New York East M. E. Conference ness the next day. He became worse during tially trippled laborer, the' very personiflcatioh' of ' 'Prevents , the hair from falling off. Inin Grassyu Plain, April 2, Widow Fanny Benedkt Commissioners to receive, examine and de­ Guardian, / adopted on Tuesday, very heartily a report industiy, sobriety, fidelity and integrity, met with E those new Metnoraudum Books, got up the day, and died at 8.30 p. m. He was HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIBBENEWER. aged tiO( years and 41 months. expressly for t heir use, in taking orders &c. cide npOn the claimsof the creditors of the ' 3;^ on the freedmen's relation to the nation and an appalling accident on .Saturday evening. While In 1Brookfieid, April 0, Jopl Nichols, aged 85 yrs. ISAAC WEED born in Goshen, Conn., Sept. 11,1800. >3 5 • Makes the hair soft and glossy. Stamford, April ;ith, flariifa W«ed. »8ed 80 at H. H. WELLMAN & GO'S. Estate of , an insolvent debtor District of Norfolk, Probate Cowt, ss. April 4he church, declaring for impartial suffrage, at work about a heavy partition, of a-huildirg he InS of New Canaan, in sqfid district, assigned in •t(V ' HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR BENEWEB. "years. 8 months. • .. yery flferchaul. should haye one Uth, 4- P-, 1806. .. ' ' » accepting "with unfeigned satisfaction" the hi^d just been removtng to secure to hiinaell aad : ' Docs not st&in'the skin. AtSlanwich, April 5, Miss Mariette Hoit, flaush- trust for the benefit ol hip "creditors, hereby ORDpuEb—That the foregoing .ter of Deacon Calvin Hoit, agdU 38 years. The same „ of those Blauk Books, ruled for Pay Wphcation civil rights bill, and reprobating partial legis- (IISg*The bill for the charter of. the Port- family a comfortable home, the Btrncture fell upon ' BALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN-HAIR HENEWER. E givp noiipe tjial. we will attend to the busi­ ^ lation and the spirit of caste. day and in the same honse, hours later, Mrs. Book, Journal, Ledger and Memorandum", be heard and determined ai the Probate Of­ Chester and Harlem River Railr'oad, has him, orushing and breaking in two places his before Has proved itself the best preparation for thebair Rebecca A. Hoit, wife of John L. C. Hoit, aged 44 ness of our said appointment at.the dwell­ fice in Norwulk, on the 30th day of Jpne, at P. H. WELLMAN & CO'S. ing-house of Noah W. Hoyt, in siiid New : V-ii—TheJWisconsin legislature has passed dispbledleg. The nlost Serious fracture was at the ever presented to the pjabli,c.; Price .$1.00. For yours. * *' 1866, at 9 o'clock forenoon ; and that notice '•p. resolutiolife -severely censuring Senator Do- passed the New York .Legislature. "'| ankle where the bones: protruded through the < flesh In North Stamford, April i Mm P., wife uf Sul- 39 Main St. Canaan, on the 14th day of June, A. D., 1866. Sale by'E.'Blackuian, and H. M. Prowitt, Norwalk' leck Jsncs, aged 56 years. ' , , ' thereof be published in SQI«C pubjip ; $ little far toting against the civil rights 'bill, and had to be sawn off by Br. Lynes, who has the and 6: F. Tolle's &«o., South Norwilk, and by al> At New C'anaan.Tth inst., Arthur HinUli, a^ed 19 and on the 14th day of July, A. D., 1666, at 1 newspaper hear the place wfl^rewhere suchi . . " .. . T ENYRTAAAAFYALO t and declaring it his duty to resign. IKg-Onr vis.-a-vis, Huntington, over on poor fellpw in his professional keeing and h«|ic- to Druggists. - , ... i . years. TltEIT, L0SLE1 & . 'jrt iitte -ism 1 & OA&TSl&K) •". ' •' •j'Uiiw wO wii&i 1 Be®6SS@H6*l HhbM mmrn msmm iigtika mm MRS. STAATS, 1806. 1866. HEWFIRM! NEW FIRM!! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. YOUN0SjL.WABNEB& WKIQgT towallt <8>ascttc. ELECT BOARDING SCHOOL rrrsr i'-tiTr/f** S lor Young Misseb, Norwalk, Conn., ATTENTION. ... . MEN'S,YOUTHS & BOYS number limilecf to TEN. Tin? Summer Spring Trade. LABD & CO.,345 Fulton St. Brooklyn,N.Y. Term begins the second Wednesday in May, e. FREO SELLECK, eurnw AMPES worth from one to five dollars Clothing & Furnishing Goods, Tuesday, April 17, T866. and ends the first Wednesday in October. K • * $ S sent free by return mail. Address WIL NO 8 BOWERY, N. Y. REFERENCES: O AAAAGENTS wanted,to sell Six new FAIRFIELD COUNTY ITEMS. Rt.Rev. John Williams, Bishop of Conn., rtmuiu&ium UUUv inventions,of great value to fam Rev. Wm. Cooper Mead, D. D. Norwalk, Ci. DEALER IN'III ilias; all pajogreat profits. Send 15 cents Garmentd Made to Order at Short Notice^ GREENWICH.—The Greenwich Light Rev. C. M. Selleck, A. M. [4t«14 The^ring CampaignOpened and get 85 pages, or 25 cents and get 80 pa­ Bulletin No. 3. ^ ges and a sample gratis. EPHRAIM CHA8.E.TOUNGS. LSONABD WABKXB^ CBA0.H.WR1AHT Guard, (Co. F. 8th Regt. C. N. G.) turned out H. H. WELLMAN & CO S. KA ^CET THE BEST ' T BROW N, Lowell, Mass. for April parade on the 7th instant They Prices DownI. : iWn.Mii'ifn BULLETIN FOR APRIL 1866 LARGE SALSOF GOODS, looked well in their new uniforms, and - ex­ New Goods J New Groodai! Webster's Unabridged Dictionary. isabled men, attention.—wanted TO CLOSE OCI OUR STOCK OI" hibited a marked improvement in drill / and All the CHOICEST GOOD8, and varie­ WE beg leave to inform-the D•one or two men ii^ Norwalk and vicinity UST received a fine assortment of Sta­ NEW ILLUSTRATED EDITION. who have lost an arm or leg, to- engage WATCHES, CHAINS, SBWXNO MA­ /^'discipline. In the afternoon they had target ties offered at the present season, will be LADIES OF NORWALK and vicinity, tionery, Blank Memorandum and Ac­ »vuur,;i! J Thoronghlv revised an/J much enlarged, ttie liijht and profitable business of selling chines, BtLTC, AXiAPApCA, ^ practice, as required by law. Rev. Mr. Mur­ that having reorganized our forces, and made count Books, Pocket Diaries. Writing,Nol D. W. Wadsworth's Waterproof Arnica found in abundance at the Corner 3tore, large additions to our Stock, we are now pre­ Billet and Colored Tissue Papers. Envel­ over 3,000 Fine engravings. Is a Well-nigh and many other kinds of . ' ray, who is an enthusiastic lover of the sci- Healing Plaster. Sales rapid and profits pared to enter upon the t ' AND Zik* opes of assorted colors and sizes. Steel pens indispensable requisite for every intelligent DRESS PATTERNS, • ence of rifle-shooting, and is excellently SPRING BONNETS, fitmily^ large. Sample and all information sent for Silver Plated CattortJTroitand CskeBaakets, Forks Holders, latest improved patterns of Pen 25 cents. Address A. F. BELCHER, Phila­ well posted as to all the rules of the art. act- ready for inspection this -week. Racks a'variety of sizes; Charlton's and Da- It,contains 10,000 WORDS and MEAN­ and Spoons, and ail kinds of Silver Plated Ware, Spring Campaign • .-ST INGS not fonnd in other Dictionaries. delphia, Pa. Coral, Jet and Cames S«tts of Jewelrr.Pins, ed as uinpire.;;Tbe practice waa excellent. MRS. TINDALL & BUNTING. vids's celebrated Black, Blue and Carmine Bnttons and Stnds, Gold Thimbles, Pen­ FANCY GOODS, Inks, together with a fiae assortiiient of Glass Itisnowbelievedto.be by far the most • AAAAPPM„FT„. cils and LocketoJ SHawls, Balmoral The distance was twenty rods. The first > with renewed energy and vigor. .; complete, useful, and satisfactory Dictiona- 2N.OOOinACRES TOW of Land for Sale in Skirts, Sontags, Collars, an# Undersleeres. Inkstands, ot the latest improved and: a tan V n near the Cam- prize—a beautiful Smith & Wesson's seven MILLINERY. dard patterns, &c.. „ •. 4 iy ofthelaneuun ever published, as it is ^ 9rH i NewJersey, Any person sending ns. twenty-iLve cents as an ad­ by far the largest single volume ever issued- - • den and Atlantic railroad and a front of nine vance payment to cover expenses, can be informed i shooter—Was taken by Mr. Chas. E. Knapp. miles on the Delaware and Raritan Bay in advance what article tney will receive on pay- HE undersigned would respectfully in­ In our ^ ' ooldFum .aou) raivs in any language. nnent of one dollar, and it wulthetabe optional with The second prize, also a revolver, by Corp. T form the Ladies of Norwalk, that she has , ' the cdebratedFairchhd's Gold Pans, pro- The possessions of any other English Dic­ Railroad, adjoining the villages of Hammon- them to aend for it or.not. Ephriam Mnrrell, and the third prize, a sin­ opened a TOILET SETTS, nonnced..-the yptjf- best Manufactured. Every tionary, or any previous edition of this, can­ ton and 'Atsion. a large amount of Cranberry For one dollu we will send a list, of six articles, CLOAK ROOM pen tested before putting; into.nuirket The not compensate for the want of thia venr full Land To those seeking investment, this is with retail price, and from the list Sny article can b« gle barrel pistol, by Mr. John Boles. PRIVATE MILLINERY, •«. 1 \ .<-,A'-rtiA \ (China an'd'Giass) ^ ,. j a rare opportunity. Price low. Terms lib-' finest assort men t'iniJhe dtate. Those in and complete one. In its present perfected - .. |V*fLm..aiM*n* OJSW& The Borough election was held on Tues. at the residence of D. Quintard, opposite Dr. can n&w be been all the'Latest Styles of want of a supeHor anicre, cannot fail to bee I state it must long remain the BEST £NG- era]. All necessaiy information furnished For *3.00, a lUt of 85. , Vjday last and the following officers elected Mead's. MISS J. GREGORY. suitedthese Pens are warranted to give en-- LISH DICTIONARY, and once on addressing the owners. Will be sold as For |S.OOO a list of SO. Norwalk, March 26th, 1866. A . i %, U): r-bu-id \v,Rts ;;ni' Jb j a whole or in parcels. Address E. MAT- For 110.80, a list of 100. --for the ensuing year : tire satisfaction, or n'o sale. Also, Qold Tip- remain of constant and abiding value. This is a BAfiB CHANCE to obtain a dress or Spring Sacques and Circles, pen Robber, Pencils, with or without Pens, What book beside the Bible so indispensa­ LACK, No. 904 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa some other valoable article atthe above prlCM, and . Warden.—Col. Thos. A. Mead. €HL\4, PARIAIV eztention holders. These goods we intend ble as a good Dictionary ? in no case cad they get , Burgesses.—Henry M, Bendict, Joseph G. SPRING MILLIWER1, which we will offer at the lowest prices TSARINA CRACKERS.—If you want the Lias THAN a Doix^NS Woajn^ ;2Di m . 3 m o . . wm to make a speciality, and our customers may In one vol. 1,840 Royal Quarto Pages. J? most delightful and healthful nourish­ Mead, Charles Seaman, John Dayton, Wit MRS. S. H. VANDERBILT, .•J-jj j AND' a-"iiStMtba always rely on our statements concerning Published by G. & C. HERRIAM, Spring­ as we send no article which retails fKleMUtSBJ that 1 6 ment ever made, try Wing's celebrated Fa­ sum • T . liam Dunton, Robert Talbot. : OULD respectfully announce to the them' ' field, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers.- rina Crackers. In purchasing 1>e sure and Send for CircnlarsJJ !J' FANCY GOODS.3' - <3. ADAMS *CO. Clerk and Treasurer.—Luther P. Hubbard. W Ladies of Norwalk and vicinity, that get the right kind; ask lor Wing's Crackers 3ml she is now opening a large aud well selected Having securcd the services of a GLASS VASES We intend to keep an assortment of these Do YOUWEAB SPECTACLES and take none but those having the name A 2 460 P.O. Box, Boston, Mass. Prosecuting Attorniy.—H. W. R. Hoyt. goods, viz: Photograph' Albums, Card Pbo ARE YOU NEAR-SIGHTED ? assortment of Spring and Summer Competent -and experienced foreman a WING stamped upon them. BOGLE & .7/ Bailiff.—John: Dayton. tographs, Fancy Boxes; Portfelios,in Mnslin, Have, you Weak Eyes or LYLES, Sole Agents, 83 Barclay St N. Y. EVERYBODY WONDERS, z* PoutidKeeper,—Seaman Mead. MILLINERY GOODS, in our worlj room, we feel confident SMOKERS SETTS, Embossed and Turkey: binding ; Writing SoreEyes or any Disease of at her old stand in Sherwood's Block. Desks, Games; plain and enameled Visiting the eye ? Write J. Ball & ake your own soap with b. t. HOW FIFTY CENTS CAN GO AS FAR : TJie Steamer John Romer, Capt. S. G. that we can give satisfaction jn all the Tne Ladies are respectfully invited.to call various brandies of * .f. Cards: Playing cards of different grades, ya- > Co.,128 Nassau St,(Box 701 M BABBITS PURE CONCENTRATED AS • DOLLAR. ,. Wliite,did not commence her regular trips and examine for themselves. 2m*13 fr-vr^i rigated backs; Steatnboar, Mogul and Gilt IP:0.) N.Y.,for their TREA­ POTASH, OR READY SOAP MAKER. Such people mnst go to the great Grocery store of between Greenwich and New York, on Lava & China Spittoons, Star Biands; Chessmen and Chequera, with TISE on the El's Mailed freeto anyaddres?. Double the strength Of common Potash, and boards; BaicBgammOn Boards, with dice and '"Thev are reaponilble men incapable of intention T. R AaNEW; " i iThursday morning last as previously an al deception or 1 superior to any saponifieror lye in the mar­ Cloak Making. b «es; Portmonaies, Pocket Books, Pocket ket Put up in cans of one, two, three, six Nos. 360 and 262QRBKNWICH STREET, cor. Mnr- V itqun^ed, on account of a dense fog over­ RS. S. E. H^TCHKISS,would now say to the public,that she has just received CARD RECEIVERS, Cutlery,—a' selected stock, &c. The South, Reconstruction, The Freedmen and twelve pounds with directions in Eng­ ray.'NewTork, ., . spreading the sound, rendering it advisable M /HO: iifiXtf/ PICTURE FRAMES, Cotton Crops,Land, Labor System and In­ lish and German, for making Hard and and See the^biMs of Sagar ond the stadc^o^T**, be­ new and general assortment of sides all of the other Betables in the war of, Flour, to wait until the next morning. She leaves A fine assortment of Plain, Square, Oval dustry of the South, Its Climates and Soft Soap. One pound will make fifteen Hams. Shonlders, Cbeese, Batter Xiird, syrnp, lUs- £)reenwich at 7 A. M.. and returning, leaves j Millinery Ctoodst, .MATCH BOXES, and Rustic Picture frames, in Gilt, Black Openingsto Capital. gallons of Soft Soap. No ' lime is required. ins, Carrants etc. besidesfbndles, Soap, StaiA etc. consisting in part of new style Bonnets, Jock­ Cloaks Made to Order at short Consumers will find this the cheapest Pot- all to be had • ''4!.'.:-' Peck Slip at 3.30 P. M. Walnut, Imitation and Plain Mouldings. EBOW'S REVIEW, monthly; 112 to ey frames. Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Flowers, Notice CIGAR HOLDERS, Ac. Pictures framed to order with promptness D 128 pages, published at 40 Broadway, ash in market B. T. BABBITT, 64,65, 66, CHEAPER THAN ANT. OTHEB STOBE Hi THE Feathers &c.t also a good assortment of fan and dispatch, in any kind of Moulding desir- N. Y. $6 per annum. B. F. DEBOW. A 07,68,69,70,72 and 74 Washington St N. Y, WORLD. DARIEN.—The Semi-Annual Examination cy articles. Old Cloaks made over in the ,ed, from a selected stock. Wholesale' and Uettll Cash Grocery Hoasef^J'i .^Also— new series began Jan. 7,1866. Orders solici­ WINKS AND BRANDIES FOB XKDICAL USK. of the School at Fitch's Home, will take Please call and examine her stock at No.6 •lUi. ft ted. Valuable work for the entire North. Chevalier's Xife for the IZair 9"Cnt this ont and bring it along..^ . Ely's Block, South Norwalk. ,V': Latest Style! "i-i'U '• ENC R A V INC8 , place on Friday April 20th, commencing at Plain, Water Colored and in Oil. An as- The work was published at the South 20 Will restore Gray Hair to its original Col­ South Norwalk, Sept. 28th, 1865 . * tf years prior to the war, and is now conduct­ or, Strengthen and Promote the growth of TO MILLIN£B8 9 o'clock, a. m.; friends and officers of the Silk Talmas and Basques sorti&ent ready framed for hanging,also, sep China Tea Setts, arate, which we will dispose of at a bargain, ed on an entirely national basis. the .weakest hair; stop its foiling out; keeps • ' • AND. . - •; ;[ Home are earnestly invited to attend. TATEMENT of the condition of the Contains also National Statistics of Com­ the head clean, cool and healthy ; can be v NATIONAL BANK OF N0RWALK, - Made up in the best manner. to make room, for a more extensive stock. The Childrens Exhibition will take place S '«!«?n(PWB and Band,) merce, Agriculture, Manufactuies, and In­ used freely; contains nothing injurious; Country Store Keepers, on the morning of Monday, April 2d, 1866. is unparalelled as a HAIR DRESSING ; and is on Friday evening, April 27tb, at 7 o'clock. Trunks,Valiaes,Traveling Bags.&c« ternal Improvements. RESOURCES, We have been induced by the.constant de­ L D. B. DEBOW, Editor and Proprietor, recommended and is used by our best Phy­ At GRAND St. CHEAP STORE The exercises will consist of vocal and in­ Bills Discounted, $205,214 89 In our A good assortment of a; ^ ; mand to add to our stock, and intend to Nashville, Ten. sicians. I assure you, Ladies and Gentle­ NEW YORK CSLTY; strumental music and Declamations. Ad­ Banking House, 1 - 8,000 on hand a first-class assortment of , I men it is all you require for the Hair. Sold - You can purchase CUT LENOTHS;of Mil­ mission 15 cents. Expense Account 1,407.19 these goods, at the iowest market prices. lOOOAgents and Canvssers Wanted. by all Druggists, ana at my office. No 1123 linery Goods cheaper than down town job­ U.S. Tax paid, • 3137 WHITE GRANITE^ CLOCKS! CLOCKS! ACKENZIE'S 10,000 RECEIPTS or Broadway, N.Y. SARAH A. CHEVALIER bers sell whole pieces. Call. Due from National Banks'".* 65,049 74 M. D. At wholesale in Boston by Geo. C. STRAW GOODS, Ribbons, Silks, Flow- STAMFORD.—At a recent town meeting it - I These goods we receive from the manufac­ M UNIVERSAL ENCYCLOPEDIA,con­ Cash items, v:1" 1,063 80 turers, vnd would invite those of our friends Goodwin & Co. Weeks & Potter, M. S Burr eis, Millinery, Laces, &c., received DAILY was voted to open a new road from a point department will be found all th£ AND taining receipts in Agriculture, Cotton and & Co., Carter & Whey. on Main street, cast of Seeley's Hall, to the U. S. Stamps, 150 who may be in want, to call and examine Sugar Culture, Brewing, Cholera, Cooking, FROM AUCTION.. U. S. Securities, 339,303 56 novelties of the season. We intend to Railroad Depot. It was also voted to es­ our variety of patterns of spring and weight, Carving, Cements, Cosmetics, Dyeing, Distil­ PATENT OFFICES. EDWD. RIDLEY; ^ tablish a public highway running from the Notes of National Banks, 2,205 ).ay particular attention to this branch GLASS WARE, one and eight day time pieces, Alarm and lation, Farriery. Fire Works, Inks, Perfu­ 309, 311,311 1-2 Grand 8L, 64 & W ABHk St. old turnpike road, southerly to the residence State " ' 265 of our business, and Ladies may. feel striking, Gilt Gallery and Lever Clocks, mery, Medicies, Metallurgy,Poisons and An­ Inventors who wish, to take out Letters YAY*FIFTH BLOCK EAST PSOM THE BOWBBT. of James L. Lockwood, across the land of U. S. Legal Tender Notes,' 23,150 which we will Offer at lower than New York tidotes, Preserving, Photography, Tanning, Patent'are advised to counsel' with Messrs. Miss Jane Berrin to the Cove Road. sure of finding at our store a good as; market prices. Varnishes, Wines, &c. MUNN & CO.,editora of the Scientific Amer­ $645,840 55 sortment of the best and choicest pat­ Liberal terms and exclusive territory given. ican, who have prosecuted, claims before the . [ifuiA Also, to make a road from the residence of .... -v • ' s • mxjsic, Patent Office for nearly Twenty Years.Their RAW-BONE j srfT Mr. Henry Taff, running in a southerly di­ terns which the markets affords. We intend always to have on hand a* good Apply to T. ELLWOOD ZELL, Publisher. LIABILITIES, Philadelphia, Pa. American and European Patent Agency is rection to the lane now connecting the supply of of Sheet Music and Musical Mer­ the most extensive in the world. A pamph Southfield Point road with the Greenwich Capital; $300,000 chandise generally, and shall be in receipt Super Phosphate of Lime. Surplus funds, 13,000 ANTED—THE PEOPLE TO SEE— let, containing full instructions to inventors, road, and thence in-a westerly direction to of the latest editions as soon as published. is sent gratis Address MUNN & CO., No. connect with said road, in a direct line,, and Circulation National, 229,688 KEROSENE OIL«FIXTURES, Persons desiring any piece of Mnsic not on W The two bedutiful Engravings, by v. MABK " State, 14,957 Domestics, • Flannels, Ritchie, just published by MOORE, WIL- 37 Park Row, New York- tin the south side of the residence of E. B. . Consisting of hand, by leaving their orders for the same, 'stiH 1$ arfj 00 iati Lockwood, the land for said road to be con­ Deposits, 35,997 51 will receive prompt attention. Music will STACH & BALDWIN,No. 25 West Fourth «B» «l t) Dividends Unpaid, 524 St. Cincinnati, and No. 60 Walker St. N. Y. THE HOWE tributed by Mr. Lockwood. Oloths, Cassimeres, Lamps, Lanterns, Fountains; Chim­ be furnished Balls and Parties,when desired. 3: W- risiignS' The principal object of the road is to Due to National Banks, 45,607 04 "THE APPLE GATHERING," from the SEWING MACHINES, ; 11 41 I E'OC D avoid the danger of crossing the railroad Earnings sinGe last dividend, ' 6,067 Hoisery, Oloves, Ribbons, neys, Burners, Brackets, Hangers, Pianoa>Melodeon8.Sewing Machines original painting by Jerome Thompson,plate Unrivalled for manufacturing cloth or leath­ ::0?t83b f.i track at Selleck's Hill. $800 to be contribu­ Reflectors, Smoke Bells, Shades, An assortment of these Goods always on 20 by 30 iriches, price $5; and "THE : er goods. i> T.;M m (7'fio c-ffl.i ted by residents in the vicinity, leaving about $645,840 55 Yankee Notions hand from the most celebrated makers in the BLOW FOR LIBERTY" a new historical Also tl.e new DROP FEED MACHINES $1,000 to be raised by the town to complete Globes, Wicks, Glass Cones, &c. country. engraving, from an original design by F.O.C with the latest improvements tot Family Sew­ Darley. (plate 26 by 36 inches,) price $5 BAUG-H & SONS, the road. R. B. CRAUFURD, Cashier. ir,,. t\i and- * O ing and light manufacturing ; the most sim­ Inventors and Sole Man&faciureri." 2'' The legislature is to be petitioned for a Sworn before me this 4th day of April, ' is: i>. TnXi ;i,l( i;r •tf Agents wanted in all paits of the United ple, durable, and effective in use. Charter for the Stamford Lyceum, with a A. D., 1866. EDWARD P. WEED, H States who are competent to present these PLUMMER & WILDER, PHILADELPHIA. 3tl5 - Notary Public. WOODEN WARE & BROOMS. S beautiful works of art to subscribers. State view of making it a -permanent institution. Fancy Ooods, 3 Gen'i N. E. Agts. 59 Broomfield St., Boston. This MANURE has been befon the Agri­ This (Tuesday) evening, a tree lectuie is to P business experience.and name territory want cultural public for Twelve Years past, Under UARTERLY REPORT of the CONDI- We have added to our stock, and intend ed to canvasp in. M. W. & B. also publish one name and one proprietorship. be delivered before the Lyceum, by Rev. Mr. in great variety, and at the lowest Agent for GROSSMAN'S AMERICAN PEAT COMPANY. Arms, on the "manners and customs of the TION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL :iguim - ' ^ keeping, a supply of Spectacles, Eye Glasses, BARRETT'S ILLUSTRATED LIFE OF It has been used npon all crops with re- - BANK OF SOUTH NORWALK, in the Magnifying, Opera and Spy Glasseq, Micro­ LINCOLN, 1 vol. 842 pages, octavo 100,000 HIS Company, having the right to oper­ markablesuccess and by thousands of farmers " Turks;" ate under five patents, are now selling A new School House, substantially like State of Connecticut, on the morning of the Patent Salt Sprinkler. scopes, Stereoscopes with views, and a gen­ copies sold. In German, also THE ASSAS­ r in the Atlantic States.. A trial will Convince the last built New Haven School House, is first Monday of April, 1866. We will not be Undersold. eral variety ot goods pertaining to this SINATION OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, Machi nery&Territori al Rights any farmer who has never u6ed-it,tif its Value RESOURCES. Call and examine at branch of trade. /VI and the Trial ot the Conspirators. Only To the same to manulacture fuel of the best as a manure, which we would ask all those to j)»£ erected foi the First School District, complete edition. 1 vol. royal octavo. Pub­ when the prices of building material come U. 8. Bonds-, 176,600. description for steam or domestic use to make upon their Spring Crops. lished. t'ublished by authority of the Secre­ ALBERT BETTELEY, Agent • BAUGH BROTHERS & CO. down. • Other U.S. Securities, 67,900 IVo. 4 PhflBDlx Block, Having the Agency of Conn. Fancy Dye f Prof. Pox gave two Children's Concerts, VANHOOSEARHMBLER tary of War, and sold to subscribers only. 42 1-2 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. 181 Pearl St, N. Y: Legal . Tender Notes, : 23,625. Works, of Danbury, we assure persons leav­ Agents wanted tor other important books. recently, which were poorly attended, and National Bank Notes, - ^ 1,543. No. 2 Gazette fiailding. >••6% hnz i ' - XORWALK, CONN. ing their orders, that they will receive imme­ GENERAL WHOLESALE AGENTS. tbeJV>x ran off without paying the printer. 'Other Cash. Items, 2,831.02 diate attention, and a prompt return of their | ®~This old established manure, can ttc HOW TO BE HEALTHY Djajniel E. Hayward & Co. had of dealers in all important towns, to • Atithe annual meeting of the parish of St Due from National Banks. : •• 91,055.10 goods in fourteen days. MANITFACI'TJRERS AND DEALERS IN •Arid?ew&, held at the Church on Thursday Notes and Bills Discounted 53,727.65 All ot the above to be found at the new WEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL AND whom we recommend FARIIXBS to apply. day; evening, the. following officers , were Furniture and Fixture Account, 1,501.93 ORBAT j Ikh y | HAPPY. RUBBER GOODS, elected: Expense account, 1,340.73 in. »fli .01 Geld Fen, Frame and Musie Store OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. •sxtt 8fi«r. iassrs Warden*.—John B. Reed, G. H. Redding. SRTIK smr, 39 Main Street,Norwaik, Conn. > The Most Useful Book of the Day. utni -TP*"***/»• -rtinaoa f.iiil (•; U. S. Tax, ,v ..''.i •../ 1,192.73 70 Milk and 75 Congress Streets, Boston. Vestry.—A.G.Clark, G. B Qlendenning, ; > • I*m «>R W- 'M OTICE is hereby given that a Petition nr. CONTENTS. . C. 1'. Holmes, W. M. Betts, W. S. Campbell. $421,317.16 N will be preferred to the next General • A new stage line from Ridgefleld to Stam­ K; Uf OSIIjDRSX, W Fart First,—How to become a skillful Steam to and from the Old Coun­ Assembly, to authorize the Town of Nor­ REDUCTION NE Housekeeper and prepare all dishes needed try. walk to clear out, deepen and alter the chan­ ford has been started by G. R. Scofield. LIABILITIES. A SUBSTITUTE FOR PAREGORIC. >»? r ir 1 - - * —Advocate. Capital Stock 200,000 in Cookery. * SHORTEST SEA PASSAGE. ^ nel of Norwalk Harbor, to take land for This Syrup is composed entirely of Vege­ Part 2d. The Road to Wealth! Arts, such purpose, and to assess.damage* and . i -Mr. Munson Lockwood, a native of Nor­ Circulation, 113.000 The favorite first-class Clyde-built Iron Individual Deposits, ; 93,177.01 tables—the most prominent is the celebrated Family Grocery. Secrets, Patents, and Discoveries Revealed. Steamers of the benefits accruing therefrom to defraytbe ex­ walk, fand~ brother of LeGrand Lockwood, IN Arclepias Tuberosa, oe White Root. Thou­ Modes of employment for eveiyboody. How penses thereof; Also to construct a Drain on Due to National Banks, 7,282.86 to become Rich! ANCHOR LINE,^® JSsq.,_has recently removed from Brooklyn Dividends Unpaid, . ; 148. sands can testify to the efficacy ot this very P! undersigned, would respectfully an­ West Avenue, and assess damages and bene­ Part 3d—Ladies'Guide to Beauty and Of Iransattantic Steam Packet Ships.' fits thereof. V; vnw'irio; to Stamford. He has taken a house on the Surplus Funds reserved, ;; 1,200, valuable Root, in cases of Fains of the Stom­ nounce to their many friends and the 6,509,39 ach, Flatulence. Indigestion, Ac. Combined T Toilet Companion; containing practical re­ HIBERNIA, CALEDONIA CAMBRIA. Norwalkv April 7,1866. ^ ,*f. ,n<3t*15 west side of Atlantic street, next to the real- Profit and Loss, ' . . . . . public generally that they have taken the' ceipts for improving the complexion, the with other valuable soothing, healing Vege­ Store - BRITTANNIA, COLUMBIA, INDIA. denceof Rev. Mr. Halsey. RICES! hair, tbehands, the features, etc., so as to in­ $421,317.16 tables, it forma the best soothing Syrup for •tot BAIL REGULARLY to and from N. 7. NOTICE : Children in use. It Will not have the stupe­ "NO. 3, JAMES'S BLOCK, eso sure the highest degree of perfection -of ^A fashionable weddingcame off on Thurs- Oi »# which they are susceptible. This chapter is RATES OF PASSAGE. S hereby given that I intend to apply to d*ylS8t,ih»i>artles being Mr; Edward Quin- I, J. J. Millard Cashier of the First Nation fying or costive effect of Paregoric ot Lauda­ num,as there is no Opiates used in this Com­ ana stocked the same with a laiqge assort­ also interesting to gentlemen. As low aa by any other First Class Line I the Hon. Thomas B. Butler, a Judge of al Bank-of South Norwalk. Conn, do solemn­ Part 41A.—Advice to Gentlemen. Hints the Superior Court, at his dwelling hoUaeln T«nd~ Miss Mary Sklddy, eldest daugh­ ly swear that the above Statemsnt is true to pound, but it is sure to soothe and give re­ ment ol choice Family Groceries, Flour, Pro­ These fine Ocean Steamers are fitted up in ter -of Capt William Skiddy. Many guests visions, Feed, &c., which they wilf offer for on Etiquette,«etc. every respect to insure the safety conveni­ Norwalk, on Wednesday the 2d dav of M >y, the best of my knowledge and belief. lief. MOTHERS TRY IT I at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, for a license es were present, including several relatives of J. J. MILLARD, It will give you rest, and your Children sale at prices as low as the market will af­ Part 5th—The Family Medical Adviser. ence and comiort of passengers. ford. A cordial invitation is extended to all On very advantageous terms, the Anchor Pilot for the harbor and port of Norwalk the bride from^Norwalk. Cashier. health and strength. J}will also be fonnd a Cholera Disarmed of its Terror. very valuable Syrup, for dry, hackinc, irrita­ to call and examine their goods and prices, Line grant through tickets to. and from all and the inlets thereto. - ' • — The , the new steamer built for State of Connecticut, County of Fairfield ^ BEADY-MADE and a share of their patronage is solicited. Its Nature^ Cause and History scientifically LEGRAND JENNINGS. ble Coughs. Price 25 Cents. Sold by discussed. UNFAILING CURES for it. the stations on the Irish and English Rail­ # Sworn to and Subscribed before me this 4th Goods Delivered. ways, and the principal cities in the United Norwalk, April 7th, 1866. 4t 15 the Stamford route commences her regular day of April, 1866. E. BLACKMAN. Great and Infallible Remedies for Consump­ trips this week. Her late trial trip up the No. 11 Main Street, Norwalk, Conn. FINNEY BROTHERS. tion, Liver Complaint, Dyspesia Cancers, States, and also (orward passengers at very U ! ; ' SAM'L E. FOOTE, GEORGE L. FINNEY, FREDERICK F. FINNEY. moderate rales to and from France,Germany flte.-H atU 6k' ; .North River is said to haye been very satis­ Justice of the Peace. Catarrh, and ALL diseases. How to cure U*. >1119 vu„ „„ . - _ 1 "tftl ,bsgtfgf!3 Norwalk, Aug. 28th, 1865. tf35 the worst pain or ache instantly,! how to &c. As this Company does netU employ factory. ... ( ^ (five cent stamp.) CLOTHING Runners, those who'wish passage tickets or At ^L Persons are herebyforbid_harborin£ avoid the use of Tobacco. Certificates of Passage to send for their" or trusting my son, David P. FWmer, Part Qth—500 Mistakes Corrected. Highly & TATEMENT of the Condition of the friends, or any further information, will on my account, for I ahalt pay no ddits of .; .-BRIDGEPORT.—Sixty-five tons of granite S FIRST NATIONAL BANK of NEW CARPETING! Important Intelligence for the People. his contracting. have recently arrived in Brid geport for a Part 7th—1,000 Facts of the deepest inter­ please apply at any of the Company's Agen­ 1 CANAAN, CONN., Monday morning April IDRY G000S! cies througbout the States, or at the h«&d of­ GEORGE H. PALMER monument to be placed in P. T. Barnum's 2d, 1866. \ AND ALL KI2TD3 OF * est to all. Valuable Statistical Information, South Norwalk, April 4,186V. 84^15 lot in Mountain Grove Cemetery. It is to bin American History in brief, United States fice to FRANCIS MACDONALD A CO., ASSETS; R'" , Reeeived this day another large lot of New York, Jan. 1866. 6 BOWLING GREEN. cost $6000. U. S. Bonds & Treasury Notes, 121,000 Census, Slave Population, Square Miles and To (he Probate Court for the District o f Nor Mr. P. T. Barnum has a large force of Carpeting, from HADDEN & CO'S last Population of Principal Powers, Population Due from other Banks,& Bankers 18,276 13 great Auction sale. (Fromthe Utica Daily Observer, Sept. 10fA) walk:. workmen engaged in leveling and comple­ Loans and Discounts, 67,059 03 fii® i of principal European Cities/'Measures not HE application of SILAS P. TUTTLE, ting the laying out of the upper part of State Banking House 3,500 Furnishing Qoods Brnssells Ingrain, Hemp, and Men," Origin ot Plants, Young People's FZXLST T of Norwalk, in said District,req>ectfully street, aboye Division st. Treasure, Letter Writers'Instructor, etc Y reference to the list which we publish showeth:— Expense account, r 936 36 " ;;~wi Cottage Carpets, Tfee funeral of the Rev. John M. Willy, Premium acct, , £ 3,409 31 Part 6th—'THE TRICHINAE, OB PORK DIS­ B elsewhere, it will be seen that the Sing- That he is lawful. Guardian to FRANKLIN late pastor of St. John's society, took place Revenue Stamps, ; ' - 150 RUGS, MATTS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. EASE. ITS CAUSE AND HISTORY. erfs Sewing-Machines (both family and man­ BROWN and CHARLES BROWN, Min'ors nnder at three o'clock, Tuesday afternoon last, Rev This invaluable work will be mailed free Cash in Baqk, viz;' FOR CASH1 IF: Many real bargains. ufacturing,) carrv off the first premiums from the age of 21 years residing in the State of Drs. Mead, of Norwalk, Bishop, of Bridge­ Legal Tender Notes 9,280. C. J. GRUMAN. SFUHfr T8JUK18GG! to any address on the receipt of 50 cents. the State tair whichcloscs today. It iswortby Illinois, and that said Minors are the own­ port and Hallaui, officiating. A very large March 27th, 1866. 3 copies f LOO. Agents wanted. Address, of remark that these machines lire rarely ers ol the following real estate viz; one cer­ audience was present. National and other Bank Notes, 3,540.83-12,820 83 •UNION BOOK ASSOCIATION" seen at fairs, and the Singer Co. have not tain tract of land lying in Wilton, in said On Monday last, a man named James XXVMK'il. Box 362, Syracuse, N. Y. entered into the general scramble for pre­ District, in quantity eleven acres and thirty .; .,uxf Received this day Murray, of N. Y., was found in the road, 237,151 66 At Greatly Reduced Prices! miums which has characterized the past lew eight rods more or less, and bounded North­ near BlaCk Rock, in an insensible condition. iiifil Vi years. The agent in this city saw fit, how­ erly by land ol Elizabeth E. Loomis, Easter­ He received medical attendance and good LINEN SH£ETING, 1 'UiO. . t .'i ever, to come out on this occasion, in lorce; ly by land of AaronMor^an and latid of heirs care, but died during the afternoon. The ' '- ' LiABiLmEa Capital Stock , r-'.:"-; • $100,000 BRUSSELS CARPETING and notwithstanding the compeiion was ofJared Betts, deceased. Southerly by land coroner's jury returned a verdict of "death DRESS GOODS, sharp— the Wheeler & Wilson, Grover & of Lewis Brown and Westerly by highway. by causes to the Jury unknown." Circulation^ 90,000 Deposits, 24,469 08 1 New and Beautiful Patterns.; • Biker, &c., joining in t|ie contest—it was Said Real Estate being the same set to the The Musical society held their second pub­ CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY EXISTS FOR THE plain to be seen, when the practical tests heirs of Edwin Brown, deceased, from the lic rehearse], Monday evening 9th inst, in Earnings since last Dividend 1,582 SI Due other Banks, 9,882 79 from Auction Bargains. USE OF DURNO'S CELEBRATED CATARRH wete applied that the "plumes" must be Estate ot Isaac S. Brown, deceased. 7. Franklin Hall. The hall was densely pack­ handed over to the Singer machines. And he further says, that the EMatftiis at ed,. and hundreds went away unable to ob­ Surplus, 1,000 C. J. GRUMAN. Ingrain Carpeting)" SNUFF. Dividends Urpaid, » ,120 The best known remedy for "a Cold in the The above machines can be had at New present unproductive; that the avails there­ tain even standing room NO HUMBUG! York prices, ol C. S. LOCKWOOD, Main of are wanted for the support, maintenance Four men-and a quantity of spelter were Profit and Loss, V /£•?,.£ / 97 48 Head," Headache, Snuffles, Sore Eyes, Deaf- neas and the worst forms of that loathsome Street, Norwalk. 6m6 and education of said Minora and that it will dropped into the Bridgeport dock, Mon­ New and Beautiful Patterns. be for the advantage ot said Minors'. JO , gdl day night by the slipping of the plank which 227,161 66 disease, CATABRH. Bargains > It cleanses the entire head. Its effects are BZSSOLVTZOlV. the same and invest the avails thermit atxior- reached from the Stamford to the dock. BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, HE Copartnership heretofore existing ding to law; wherefore, he says, that"there is A fireman's parade on a grand scale is to S. Y. ST.JOHN, in I shall keep from this time through pleasant and wonderful, contains no Tobac­ Cashier. co, nor injurious ingredient. It has the high- T under the name and firm of NORTON just and reasonable cause for selling th&same. come off in Bridgeport, May 1.1th. AND VESTINGS, 1; DRY GOODS, I & FRY, has this day been mutually dissolv­ He then fore prays the Court to order said The body of a dead infant was found on I airfield Go. ss., sworn and subscribed be- the Spring, full line of professional testimonials. Sold by all Tore me this 5th day of April, 1866. received every week from Auction. ggists tor 25 Cents per box. Can be sent ed. All Debts and Liabilities ot the above Real Estate to be sold, and to empower him the l^nks of the Pequonnock river, near the Firm to be settled by H. Z. Norton. or some other meet person to sell the satne, fttxkshire mills, Thursday morning. NOAH W. HOYT, Notary Public. d 'i C. J. GRUMAN. CARPETING, by mail on receipt of 30 cents for one Box or $1 for four Boxes. Address JAS. DURNO, H.Z. NORTON. pursuant to the Statute in such case made TATEMENT of the condition of the In great varietyf are now constantly on OILCLOTH, P. O. Box 1235, New York City. Whole­ JOHN FRY. and provided. • DANBURY.—At the close of a • recent •'rl: t.t fS; .-Dated April 9th, 1866. , S FAIRFIELD COUNTY NATIONAL .hl4v-UW )1, yil sale by D. Barnes & Co., 21 Park Row,N.Y. Norwalk, March 31st, 1866. School examination, the teacher, Mr. Pond, BANK, Monday morning, April 2d, 1866. 7 hand and made to order RUGS, SILAS P. TUTTWS, wassurprised by being presented with a i. 'Irm ^ " Guardian. LIABILITIES. Vwili •THE undersigned having disposed of hit pair of Silver Goblets, from his pupils. The • • ' ', V' • AND^' Sherman & Go-148 Chambers St-NY interest in the above firm, would Cheerfully, assistant teacher, Miss Hutchinson, was pre­ Capital Stock, $300,000 -.0^1 A-. rjYTHUMSARLANS,Medicators of Wine Circulation, (National) ' 183,441 recommend H. Z. Norton at the'old standi District ot Norwalk, Probate Court is. April sented with a gold pen and case. ai atatv- MATTING. mLa and Proprietors of the World Round No. 4, James's Block, to the • favorable con­ 9th A. D. 1866. Bailey's Circus exhibited in Danbury on do ( State ) "27,400 Twenty-Five Per Cent. Less "JOUVIN'S Beverages, Cholera Anticipator, Cholera Due to National Banks 21,073 79 Also sideration ol the public patronage. ORDERED, That the foregoing application I lip Jfjth jnst.. mo 01 K0HAI0 MiM BEST QUALITY Wash and Hnmor Soap. The Beverages 3114 JOHN FRY. be heard and determined' at the Probate The pews of St James (Episcopal) Church Due to State Banks, 7,198 37 WINDOW SHADES, are a mild and delicious drink, possessing OfiSce, in Norwalk. on the 88d day of were rented Monday evening week,for about Deposits, / < 77,350 76 LADIES KID GLOVES, tet; a wiiii-9tU' all the qualities of a medicine, yet harmless June, 1866, at 9 o'clock forenoon; and Dividends unpaid, • 1,707 than heretofore, and •>« -.KI-robiX) J/; -TFT)i'iW DISSOLUTION. $1,200, being considerably in excess of any In full assortment, they are the best Paris MUSLIN and exhilarating as a beverage. The only OTICE is hereby given that the Co-part- t^at notice thereof be .published iii: some* pri vious sale.—Jeffersonian. Profit and Loss 24,100 73 producers of the WONDERFUL "WOULD Earnings since last dividend, 9.108 70 made Glove imported in this Country, and : -x tTtfl Ii AND N nership heretofore existing under the puolic weekly. newq»per : near the Mrs. Warien, &q elderly lady, living on the best glove ever sold in Norwalk. I shall ROUND" ANTICIPATOB, warranted to cleanse name and firm ol Hands & Lawlor, is this place where such real estate lies, three weekfc the system,' cure all Ciimatical complaints successively, at least six Weeks before-said West a'reut, near the corner of New, fell iSi'I '-i* * $651,880 35 keep my stock in full assortment at all sea­ LACE CURTAINS, day dissolved by mutual conseut. All per­ tlovyn stairs «n Tuesday, and broke her leg. Every Garment Warranted? sons. and Eradicate Humors of every kind and na­ sons indebted to the firm are requested to time assigned. '! -v,..2 \lt< lnan feeler received a paralytic V ture. It is impossible for Cholera to exist GEORGE A. DAVEOTORT^Jttdge, RESOURCES * C. J. GRUMAN. CORNICES, where the wau is used about the premises. make immediate payment to William Hands. 3' ''ke ot his left side on Thursday of last w ( Norwalk, March 28th, 1866. v . k. He is now able to use his arm, but Banking House and Lot, - - ' 8,000 LOOPS, &&, The "HUXOR SOAP" perfectly marvelous in " WILLIAM HANDS, K AH YEAll i ^e want I1,1" leg is still paralysed'. Specie on, band, iKii ftn/ 2,894 72 —m— its effects, prtpared from herbs atone; it MARTIN LAWLOR qplwvu agents everywhere togt^our State Bank notes, ;.u;i !• m ' 105 GENTLEMAN who waa afflicted with all of which will be sold at the lowest causes old flesh and sores to heal, and Can improved $20 Sewing MacbiddL Three Wicrtiver FsafaioR's votaries gather—there National Bank.Notes, 1800 A a Chronic Disease of the Bidder, re­ be used on the most delicate skin with bene­ The business will be continued at the old new kinds. Under ana upper feed. ' War­ " Blopiqing CsreuB" scents the summer air. U. 8. Legal Tender^ ,'.'.18,253 marked that such was the intensity ot bis ASM fit, possessing all the qualities of the most aland under Norwalk Hall by the subscriber ranted five years. Above ialary tor hug* Fractional Cnnency 44 85i CALL. AIJD BUY Ay suffering that be ardently wished for; de*th delicate emollient or Toilet Soap. A book commissions paid. The '0NCT umachines Plialon & Son, manufacturers, New York. Cash Items, 1,29ft 21! to terminate his agony. This man is now in giving a lull description ot this wonderfnl 8t*14 WILLIAM HANDS. Sold everywhere.. sold in the Unitek States for leas than^|4(X State Tax, y.- 1 #5 a comfortable state of health—he was reliev­ discovery is distributed free or mailed to any THE GOIMN EXTRACT. which ue fidly licensed by Howe, Whmkr 6 U.S. Revenue Tax, v2,507 00 ed by that sovereign remedy the '^Golden address for two stamps. Druggists and WSmm, drover <& Baker, Singer d Co., and |y For the hair better than all else, is U.S. " Stan p», Ar' 285 46 SURPRISINGLY LOW Extract." Sold by E. Blackman,*No. 11 dealers will do well to' examine these truly T IS NOW five years, sihee this valuable ^j v an endless variety. .• x Medicine waa first offered to ihe public Bachelder. AU other cheap .maehines are PESTAOHINE. U.S. Bonds, , 2'5,000 Main St., and C. F. Tolles & Co.,South Nor­ most timely preparations,put up in the most I infringements and the wUar *r «*r are Bills discountedk , 338,727 20 walk. novel style of any article of the age, and in­ and the result has fully proved this Impor­ . to arrest, fine and impriionment. GiKWfin There Is no soap that wtll begin to Due from NaU>ui»> Bunks, A 51,266 43 CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, imitable BEVERAGE. C. P. TAFT, 625 tant tact, vizThat a remedy of real value free. Address, or call upon Shaw 41 Clan, compare with the J. Monroe Taylor Gold Due from Stale Bauk», 89 65 Washington St. Boston, Agent can sustain itself without extra puffing. The CASH PRICES I Mason & Hamlin's Cabinet Organ* article speaks for itself 1 Old and difficult ca­ Biddeford, Maine. A.ledttl SOHP, and probably no other manu- Expense account 1,606 56 ORTY ditlerent styles, adapted to sacred and goods for Men and Boy* wear. I ic-nyer begins to expend one half as much it ses of Gravel Stricture, Retention of the OR the Wet and Cold weatticir: The and secular music, for $80 to $600 each. eorge p. rowell, Adver­ Urine, Inflamation ot the Bladder^Affections mwneytii make it worthy of the community $651,380 35 FITY-ONEF GOLD or SILVER MED­ New Goods received every week. Latest style Artie Overshoe. i'W'l i lie umker is richly ileswvinathe patrmn- G tising Agents, 23 Congress St. Boston of the Kidneys,Female Irregularities,Dropsy F at E. L. HSNDSIOTS. ALS, or other first premiums awarded them. possess unequaled facilities for securing the &c.,liave yielded to this#emedy after all i-ge bestowed upon him. It is God semi Fairfield County, ss. is'; Illustrated Catalogues sent free. Address m the woilJ, &nd s^l w^o use it will agree Personally appeared before ine GEO. E. prompt, insertion ot advertisements in all ers had fattedi-and it is no longer donated mod nVilS'tUv ISA* MASON & HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON C. -T Gruman. newspapers published in the United States that theGolden E^traCfstands witbout a ri­ 7BAi VMM; U« M'u; we any is true. MILLER,Cashier of aforesaid Bank, and BROTHERS, New York. Iy36 acknowledged the toreuoin^ statement to . JACOB TIM, or British Provinces. Letters of inquiry val as a sale, speedy and permanent cure for /CHAMPION of EoglandaDMielO^lloiulEi promptly, answered. Tney are authorized V Bine Imperi^^i^-w^^ Tbin Tltiurty he correct, according tu his .best kuowl- '• •* *- #3 s.' "IT'ER( ilNE GIL. Those that want a all diseases of the Urinary Organs of either, AMERICAN LIFE DROPS—The EROSENE LAMPS, a fine assortment to contract tor this paper at our regular Marrowfat, and man's friend. edge and belief. : Under Conn. HoteL J3L goc i brtlde can find it at sex. Sold by E. Blackman, No. Main "St. 8tH Q, S, STREET, Notary Public. K at Q *J?I,WCkWOpD,;!|, CO, • >•.•;. I J. & &• F, LOCKWOOD 4t CO. rates. i/<\t J..i. iV 'i and C F.1 ^SsraAD** CQ'S» h <•„ ,sa ir- 'l . . Cl T •JLWA. - < tern NOTICE. Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon, WHITNEY & BECKWITH CONVEYANCES. TAKE CAM OF TOUR LIFE! Laughing Gas, in LL Persons are herby notified,and warn MITCHELL'S BLOCK, NORWALK. AVING increased their facilities for ma­ ?(OUWALK Gazette. ed. that tta e WHEELER & WILSON PAT­ UB Subscriber has opened Rooms on )hu H king life size copies of SOUTH NORWALR. ENTA, and the exclusive right to use ail SEW­ ground floor in Mitchell's Building, west PAT'S. Sept. 5,1865. ING MACHINES, made, er licensed by virtue of T Daguerreotyes, Ambrotypes H0B8E RAILWAY CO. R. C. H. KENDALL, of Ridgefield, has end of the Bridge, where he is lully prepar­ A.—Metallic Sole. said PATENTJ within the TOWN of NORWALK, ed to conduct all branches of the Shaving ami or CARD PICTURES take the opportuni­ B.—Outer Sol*. Tuesday, April 17, I860.; Dopened an Office in South Norwalk on FAIRFIELD COUNTV, CONN., is vested in Hair Dressing Business, in the best .style. ty of referring to the following named gen­ ... Winter Arrangement.. O.—Inner Sole. the second floor over Swords Clothing Em­ MOBISON. SON & Hoy t, so tar as the employ-, Cutting , IROW A1VD STEEL, tlemen for whom they have executed (to porium, where he will KxtrrfM Teeth with­ Special,attention.given to .Dressing, ment of such machines in the manufacture; and^OurlingXatiies and Children's Hair in their entire satisfaction) this style of work. , Leave Norwalk. I am the Family Cat. out Pain or- injury to his patients, every of SHIRTB, COLLARS AND DRAWERS, or PARTS Wednesday by the aid of Niiric Oxide Gas. the.most (Mhfonable styles, and a separate Dr. Samuel .Lynes, Reuben Hoyt, Jjlsq. •~ ican'&lJmyclaws :: . , . OP THE SAKE for sale, is concerned. All par­ TSboWm provJded-forLadies. Also, 'private James M. Hoyt, Esq.,A. H. Bvington, Esq. 5.40 A.M., Norwalk 2.20 P. M. No Train. tfS9 ties infringing upon our rights under said 3Sinfta£o6ia^bne-l>i!tt the best dyes used." Agricultural Implements, A. J. Crofut, Esq. Rev S. B. S. Bissell, Special,N.Y.Mondays. 2.52 P.M.,N.Y.Ex.& ;n$ PATENT,'ENT, will be held accountable for the. Mti rBAKTTEL PAKCLBKI has been. eogaged 6.22 A.M.N.Y.&.N.H Norwalk Special. aamo For one ot these parties, a life size head 7.48 " N.York, 3.45 P. M. No Train. TUlHn«l»rt4»» U.done— Board and Lodgings, as an assistant . in oil was produced on canvass, from a 8.38 " N. Haven. 4.24 N. H. Ex. " • , '? .'•> TF? )£TIAA MORISON, SON & HOYT. GEORGE SCHAUB. ©>:r#®r&"Misl»i8y ***•-- • «A3W 5 ; small locket picture; for another a beauti­ 0.22 " N. H. Ex. 5.19, " N. Y. & N H ntaa,4oiw.tyjtte*y>y . •- AT THE „ R, i w / 1 .„ - „ (formerlywiihWm. Pakulski, under Pres- PA1NTS.0ILS;WID0W GLASS, 1 ful head in oil and cabinet size, fiom a small 10.00 " No Train. 0.15 " N. H. li« tfiMOTMefftower, MORIBON 8ojtf, House, .N. Y„ ; V " , 9m39 •1 mbrotype; others, enlarged copies of Card 1 ! J i: ;; NEW YOBS DBHNG SALOOM, :i&. >»li i^aobiaes Ac., Ac., &T. 10.35 " N.Y.Ex. 7.1*7 " N. Special. 7 -; sEELY'sf wtttttr; ;- -- ^ t Pictures have been mad*? equal to any thinp " No Train. f'l MAIN STREET, NORWALK. for family 'use, (for Which purpose w.e . can 10.59 " N. York. 8.00 recommend jhem),to thftjTyheeler ^ Wilson 12.00 M., No Train. 8.47 " N. Y Ex. Patent Metallic Sole. Refreshments of all kinds, and MEALS fur­ Manbfact^ng Co. should any of our friends 1.11 P. M., N. Haven. 9.29 " N.H. Ex. " A NEW INVENTION.-'-' >••!, ,iV.- nished at all hours. LODGINGS at reasonable prefei that course tb ordenng them direct (Opposite the Initltiite,) N«W-T«BK, n ng up ot these pictures which 1.35 " N. H.Ex. TNCORPORATED in 1888 by act ofLeais- is under the constant supervision of Mr Wetting the foet is the most prolific came of dis­ Orwhere Wghfccunaats blush, prices. ., ^ Nor#a)kt Feb. 18tii;i8Bg. Leave South Norwalk : ease and death known to hnmanity. I( is almost X lkture forthe safe keeping ofmoney. six At Lowest Chsh Prices, Whitney in New York. sore to bring on a cold; and colds, neglected, and IttaymdOralyspring BILLIARDS'. per cent, interest allowed on depOsuts, com- Particular attention given to making plain 6.00 A.M. Monday 12.20 P.M. 5.52 P.M. often when not neglected,lead to fevers or to coughs •uA i for a bira outflowing, B. avnrtAtoA flomi Photographs and on the most, reasonable 6.45 " 1.81 " 6.35 " and fatal consumptions. It is in recognition of this jj •>«**: OrdartnpatiiMi, " In connection with the Saloon, is a large &08 1(2.00 " .••.; 7.37 " troth that the inventive talent of the conntry has ~V*i • and wdl furnished BIMJABD ROOM. The terms. All work warranted to give satisfac­ iU\a ; If abrowanestli;see, • -.i-itu •,».# X)'i«v»ii4 CABINKT MAKERS, ftc tion. .- WHITNEY & BECKWITH. 8.58 " 2.35 8.20 «' for years been devising some method, or attempt­ And (elect a choice morsel - Subscriber will do his utmost to please all ^Attention ing to devise it, for keeping the feet (by, and yet Who favor him with their patronage. ay.frbm' 5 to' 7' o'clocfc P^M. 9.48 " ilf IJ itW 3.12 9.07 " should not give inconvenience to the wearer. Bob­ j? • Tfcr' dinner or. Us, QLEAl REDUCTION IN PRICES. 10.16 ".^405 9.48 " . ber shoes, in one form or another, have hitherto «t[ ^ w«/ j ' Six ftoiC^T.. interest allowed, (tree from METALLIC PIRATE, exceedingly ductile, combining Ridgefield and the adjoining towns are so­ in&mliiy to sleep. Delicate persoo.') who have 0bMrtiment Tax) on ill siinls from fl to flexibility with toughness very light, and every way licited to patronize the new enterprise where tNDEBTA?0LO, i I been for several successive nigLts, without Knobs, Silver Plated, Porcelain and! ' • Daily *rains;4", ,'c adapted to the end desired, while the additional ex­ t-Um, #1,060. pense is merely nominal. It furnishes a perfect uA*; all things pertaining to the interment of the We keep on hand a venr laiW anoirtinent of i^st, owing to an excited or agitated condi­ Mineral. Leave Danburyfor South Norwalk. be found on as reasonable ratc«.° as tion of the items, will find a promMremedv SPENCER K. GREEN, President. barrier against the admission of wet or dampness, > Cofiiii of every descripUim, rariiidi shrouds, RICHARD KELLEY, Secretary. Iy8 At 6.50 a. m., 415 p. m., and 420 p. m. though the feet may be exposed ever so long upon Aileep ^tth oi3 (^'iU Mk> with the other. j&any establishment in the country. Me- in the baluiy influence qf the Nerve Elixir. wet pavements or damp ground. For pat* fcom.»#rciaiarta;1«inds words from the' sorns, camag^ tmd eveijthiiig neeessary Naila, cnt, pressed, wrought and horse. talic cases, Rosewood and Walnut caskejts for the intiariQ^it of Jthe> 1 (fead^and iat very [It is proper to s,tate that this pr^ptvation Leave South NorwalkforDanbury. To the ladies and children the METALLIC SOUS will furnished to order. .m • low prices. We are just completing'another does hot contain a' particle of .opiom, mor- Cutlery, Table and pocket, large ass't. At 9.00 a. m., 11.30a.m., Ind 6.85 p.m. f be of incalculable value, as from their habits of life phine or any other narcotic or ii^urious sub­ jnstreceivedE^ROMAUCTION and^per'iaTe and delicacy of dress, they are partlcularlv exposed .100 /!«•-: splendid Hearse, which will give us two ' •'; '»LV j. * 'j'-: '•, •teamen, an immense stock of to the long train of ills that attend upon ah inade­ Hawses equal to any in thb State; which we stance.] 6m*49 Guns, double and single barrel. BOMBAZINES, PRBNCH-MKRINOS fM DE- Leave Norwalk Bridge for South Norwalk. quate protection to the feet. AKingdom shall use whenever our services aire' required, For sale by the Druggists. At wholesale LAINE8 and ALPACC8. EMPRKS8and OTTOMAN At 8.00 a. m., 5.25 p. m., and 6.40 p. m. These Soles have already been- tried by tha best by T. 0. Wells & Go., 11S, Franklin St, N. Y. . CLOTHS, IRISH and-FRENCH POPLINS, BLACK of all tests, ACTUAL USE, and the testimonials to liking in my6wn' domain, .. WILUAM B, SWAN, vMhovitiitoa eKaage. Pistols, Revolvers &hd single barrels. SILKS. rtcKaiia3)Stfaom"«| CHECKS1LKS, STRI­ JOHN W. BACON, Sup't. their merits, freely proffered, indicate that tM> E. QUINTARD St SONS. PED SILKS^DESIRABLE MATERIALS for TRAV- must be speedily and universally adopted, by the And »T little wife iuuen .* public. The Patent Metallic Soled Boots and Shoes 1 -i a.i t Ii^tr^ d .Norwalk, «. Probate Court, April Iron ^n4,St«e^l«fuli:fU9rtmentof sizes ELINGandkoUSEBBESSES,CALICOES, GING­ And jointly over our rftms we reign — : SADDLES & HABKESS UAEEB, Norwalk, March 1.5th' 1862. HAMS. 4c.: BONNETS, MANTELS, CLOAKS are being introduced into the leading Boot and To the Travelling Community Shoe Stores throughout the United States, and will : "A royal couple I ween. A DjdlNING'Danbury and Norwalk ,R. and kinds. , SHAWLS, VEILSrCRAPKS._GLOYES,' COLLARS T?S¥ATEOFHENRTSTATE OF HENRY D &ATZENBERG, arid SLEBVES. HAlNDKBRGHlBFS^in fcet EVE­ —AND- supplant all forms of overshoes, except posBibly for J\.' R. Depot, Nofwalk, Conn.,keeps con- NEW FURNISHING RY ARTICLE for DEEP aod MEDlUM MOURN­ deep mad or snow, as they become known. - Be sure Beauty and grace sxetherobes that flow E an insolvent debtor; of Wilton, in said .Mowing MachiiieB, The subscriber to get them, and take ad other. If.your shoemaker .stantly on hand and will make,to order eve- NEAR UPPER END OF MAIN BT. District, assigned in trust- for-the benefit of ING. Prices very 'reaeonablei Call and examine. Shippera of Freight between From her lillyshoiiflefll down; ' liydeabription of ,v has the exclusive sale of the celebrated N. B.—For the accommodation of ladies a compi does not happen to have them, he can procure them bis creditors. tent DKESSMAKEls EMPLOYED. A liberal dis­ NEW YORK & NORWALK. without difficulty. If he will not, then send your- The genu of troth 'j&'jfehwjcim glow, ' East Side cf ihe Bridge. CLIPPER MOWING, and combined Clip­ self to the inventor one dollar and thirty cents,ce: and And loreis her golden crown. <>'3:. iaiiiQiBB^cne Fnniitore, Trappings I The Trustee of isaid ^Estate prays tfte ap- per Mower and- ifcapeF, for tbb-following count allowed to Wholesale'bnyers.' HAVE at my Store in Norwalk the largest pointment of Commissioners thereon. W. JACKSON, Importerof MOURNING GOODS, obtain six pair, assorted, sizes, with nght to Use, or Clothing. Also Saddler's Hardware and assortment of . > towns, Norwalk, New Canaan, Wilton, No. SSlBrosdway,between Spring and Prince sts. which Will be promptly forwarded by mail or express Her dainty handa are brown with toil, outfits, Trunl s, Valises, Carpet Bags, &c. I OitDBBED,—That Commissioners to receive Weston, Ridgefield, Redding, Westport and New York. " ly«0 pre-paid, and whicn can be made up by any shoema­ and examine and decide upon the cla^ms of ker in the cou&try. Agencies will be established in Her cheeka with the brieies' kiss. All in want of anything in his line, will do Household Fnrnitors Daaien. This is believed to be the very best every city and village, and supplied wilh'Soles and And' she works for stiller of the soil, well to give him a call. Orders for any kind in this county, consisting of Bureaus of all -Ihe creditors ofsaidestate reappointed .< , ment was made that;the Keans were coming over the Whole catalogue exhibited by the fection of operation,.or variety, by any.Stove chased the patent recipe and^ood will of Danbury and Norwalk Railroad. E ! H to this country, Mr. Grefeley (H. G.) told a in the State. Manufactures Tin, Sheet, Iron 8tl5 ROBERT KNAPP, the above celebrated Soap, for.cleaning har­ Respectfully yonrs • ' -most.Celebrated Makers. . Administrator. Passengers for the Danbury and Norwalk SEELEMAN PEARLBBOOK,' - friend that Ellen Tree was likely to pay us THE AMERICAN ORGANS are the and Copper Wares, deals in Jappan, Brittan- ness without'labor, and iremoyihg stains Railroai will take the 6.50 and 10.00 a. m. Practical Shoe Manufacturer, Brooklyn, N. Y. a:visit "What said the friend, "Ellen Tree; ONLY REAL REED ORGANS now before ia, Crockery, Wooden, and Silver Plated from Worses, intend .making- anef keeping and 430 p. m., trains to Norwalk. Wares, Stove Blacking, Coal Hods; Shovels District of Ridgefield s #. Probate Coilrt I thought she was dead. Her death was re­ the public. The only Organ having a RE­ March, 27,1866. Marble f?Work8 constantly on hand a full supply, manufac­ FIRST-PREMIE, ported «ix years ago, and the statement nev­ VERBERATING SOUND BOX or WIND and Riddles, Brass Kettles, Sausaffe Cutters, tured in the very best manner. It will so(J- , ^ TRAINS 1ROM NEW YORK er contradicted !" "Well, replied Greely, the­ Matt's, Brooms, Bells, Fire Place Grates, Sad STATE of NEHEMIAH .PERRY, late en the leather equal to Neat's foot Oil. at the Great Fair of the American Institute, CHEST—which has the same important of Ridgefield in said District; deceased, Ifforwalk, Conii.i!-^'^: ) V: I FOB SEW HAVEN. WII 1863, and at the State Fairs of New York, oretically she has been She has resi- 'part to perform as the Sounding Board has Irons, Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe, Fruit Jars, E' The'Court of Probate for the-District'Of •GLENNER & WEEKS, ded in Australia, and that, you know, is a i in aPiano Forte (to give body and resonance Fluid and Coal Oil Lamps, Stove Castings, 5 Pruyn St., Albany, N. Y, ACCOM.—At 7.00 and 11.30 a. m., 3.45, and Vermont, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Iflfnois, future suite." : in fact, all that constitutesa well filled Kitch­ Ridgefield, hath limited and allowed six THE subscriber, formerly, of the firm of THEODORE FITCH, Agent for Nor 4.30, p. m. Iowa and:Wisconsin was taken two years. of tone) and without which the Organ be- months.from the date, hereof, tor the Credi­ E. Price & Son, having taken the ageng The enormousis pnprofits of the national bank ! comes merely a Melodeon in an Organ Case. en Furnishing Store. Books, describing prin walk and vicinity. tf2 EXPRESS TRAINS—At 8.00 a.m., 3.00 & 8.00 tors of said Estate, to exhibit their claims for theabove MARBLE ESTABLISHME p. m. for Boston, via New Haven, Hartford, note company of<"N( New York have conie out The American Organs not only have the cipleible and management of Stove, free. Lar settlement. Those who neglect to present in Phoenix Block, (near the Pottery works 01 in a recent law suit. During five months in 'Wind-Chest, or Sound-Box but have the treat assortment of Pumps in the; State. (Call Springfield and Worcester, stopping at Stam thiir accounts, properly attested, within said Asa E. Smith & Sons,) is now prepared to White Pine Compound, ford, Norwalk and Bridgeport. 1883~ifpaid dividends from, its accumulated ! large Organ Bellows, giving power and lit. F.H.NASH'S, time, will be debarred a recovery. All per­ furnish every description of surplus earnings amonnting.to 810 per cent igreat steadiness of tone. These with their 1V4 ••••• , «• South NorwalkiCt. OR Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Dypthe' At 12.15, and 8.00 p. m., for Boston, via. sons indebted tb said Estate are requested to 11a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Spit­ New London, Stonington and Providence. The $S8 shares of the company are now !extreme fine voicing;of the Reeds and per make immediate payment to F Worth$735. fecting of the tone, make them the MOST Hammer's Champagne Ala. Italian and American ting of Blood and Pulmonary Affections The 8.00 a. m. train connects with Housa- > NEHEMIAH PERRY, JR. generally. Also a remarkable remedy tor tonic, Naugatuck, and New London Rail­ Baron Hottingeur, the banker, who for [PERFECT ORGAN KNOWN. Then, in HE attention bf the public is solicited to 8tl4 Administrator. Kidney Complaints, Diabetes, Gravel, Piles, ifi&ene88 of workmanship, finish of action,aid, RSTINTIAT BO roads. The 3.00 p. m. train connects with many y^ars had been engaged in American: the superior quality of • marble, granite, 8curvv, etc. Price $1.00 per bottle. ttade, reobnOy.died in P«ri& He left a.for­ case, they excel all others. These great im- T ilfG cT.'i To the Hon. General Assembly to be holden at Naugatuck and New London Railroads. iprovements and superiority of tone and HAMMER'S For sale at H. M. PROWITT'S Special Train leaves Stamford at 6.20 a. tune of twel ve millions of dollars to be divi­ ' m New Haven on: the first Wednesday of May . : i s - -^Corner Drug Store. ded among' three children. workmanship of the AMERICAN ORGANS next: Drab, of Blown Stone, m., for New Haven. | place them in the front rank as the best, and Fresh Brewed Champagne Alea r —-"It was ever my invariable custom in This Ale is brewed fresh at all seasons of the HE petition of Charles L. Raymond and command a higher price than any other reed Harmon H. Bell, both of Norwalk, in Imoivvmbivts, NOTICE. 1 rains leave Norwalk for New York.—At my youth," says a celebrated Persian writer, A careful exam­ year, and its keeping quality, especially of T OTICE is hereby gvven that an applica 3.20 (Ex.), 6.00, 6.45, 8.08, 10.55 (Ex.), 11.19 "to rise from my sleep to watch, pray, and instrument in the market. that brewed during the most excessive hot the County of Fairfield, respectfully showeth: ination of them, in comparison with others, That your petitioners are separate owners tion will he made to the next General . m.; 3.12 (Ex.) 3.25, 5.39, (Ex.) 6.17, 9.07 read the Koran. • One night; as I was thus will quickly show their superiority. weather, isguaranteed for any.length of time. SLABS, TABLETS, SINKS, AC., Assembly of Connecticut, forah additidn ;to (Ex.) p. m. engaged, my father, aTrtiah of practiced vir For sale in Barrels and half-Barrels, at in fee of land on either side of a certain creek No Wringer can be durable withpgt Cog Special attention is called to the style of or channel called Farm Creek, in said Nor the t'harter ofthe Danbury ANdrwalk Rail tue, awoke. "Behold," said I to him,"thy AMERICAN ORGAN. No. 17, containing Selleck's Phcket Office, Norwalk. road Company, to authorize said Company Irains leave Norwalk for New Haven.—At Wheels. other children are lost in irreligious slumber JEHIEL GRUMMAN,Ksa walk, at Five Mile River, so called; said 8 sizes from $8 to $45 each. 8elf*adjlist­ ithe Super-Octave Couple and Sub-Bass.— creek or channel being ten rods wide, more to extend the line of their Railroad from a .40 8.58 9.42 (Ex.) a.m.: 1.311.57 (Ex.), 444 . while I alone am awake to praise God." FOR CHURCHES in want of a powerful Agent for the sale ot Hammer's Champagne point on the'same in Marshall Street,'in So. (Ex.), 5.52,6.35 9.49 (Ex.) p. m. ing and adjustable. The "Son of my soul," said he, "it is better to Ale, Wilton, Conn. 2 or less, and depending almost wholly for its instrument, whose means are limited, its water upon the flow of the tide of Long Is­ Mantles and Furniture Slabs Norwalk, to a point on tide water between See large bill of advertisement at the Sta Universal Clothes Wringer, sleep than'to wake to remark the faults of ! price xlnder it very desirable. the mouth of Norwalk River and the mouth thyl>rethren. Norwalk Machine Shop. land Sound, and they pray your honorable of Five Mile River, and to do all acts neces­ lion Houses and Hotels. With Cog Wheels. Warranted. Every Organ ig Warrant­ body to grant them the right to build a dam in general, and furnished at the lowest pos- - Supt's Office, 4th ave. and 27th-st, N. Y. Prices, No. 9 $10; No. I l-S |19; tbe A countryman who was charged with ten HE subscriber would respectfully inform and bridge across said creek at or about from sary to effect such extension. Ass't Supt's Office, Station House, N. Haven. gallorifc of whiskey which a grocer put ui •• -t-.m "i Norwalk April 4th, 1866. - 8tl5 Family sizes. 1 ed to Prove Satisfactory. T Manufacturers and others using machi­ ten to twenty rods from the mouth of the JAMES H. HOYT, Sup't. in an eight gallon keg, said he "didn nery,in Norwalk and vicinity, that he is pre­ same, the termini beiiig entirely on their own sible prices..rcT rt: r.-=. r,n - - The instrument has now acquired an es­ mind'the'moiiey Overcharged so much as be THE AMERICAN ORGANS all have pared to do all things pertaining to a gener­ land, so as to facilitate the construction of a ADIES AND CHILDRENS SHOES, of tablished reputation with the female portion did the strain on the keg." w the Reverberating Sound-Box, or Wind- al machine shop. All orders for the making CEMETERY FENCING, I KON RAILING L •every kind cheap at Bart ram's livery ot more than 100,000, households in every Chest, and are finished in the highest style highway of public convenience and necessity S. E. OLMSTEAD & CO'S. part ot the loyal United States: a reputa­ "Why does father call mother honey ?" or reparjng of every description of machi­ to Bell's Island, so called, in said Norwalk, Ii 33 asked a boy of his older brother. "Can't, tell, of art, in Rosewood, Jet, Walnut, and Oak nery, attended to with promptness by expe­ &c„, furnished and put up 1' Jiort notice and tion that invites scrutiny and denes compe­ finish, richly Varnished and Polished, or in an island owned'by the said Harmon H. MK! Wit t-SJ'i? EW HAMS and SHOULDERS of our •s. . tition. 'cept it's because she has got a large comb rienced workmen. Haying added a steam Bell, one of your petitioners, ^and as in duty own curing, at HOLMES'S. stables in her head." Smooth Oil Finish, forming elegant pieces Engine, (in addition to water-power) to his bound your petitioners will ever pray. on very favorable terms. N Call and take one on trial and satisfy of Furniture for the Parlor or Boudoir; and works lie flatters himself that he is well pre­ formerly owned by D. Stephenson, in rear ol yourseli. "What flower of beauty shall I marry f" the Oak and Walnut especially adapted for Dated at Norwalk, Februaiy 1,1866. Representing an estaltlisiimuni the oldest ATCHES at Wholesale at Norwalk Hotel,and re-stocked the same with THEODORE FITCH, asked a young spendthrift ot his governor; pared to do all kinds of work, at very short R CHARLES L. RAYMOND. C. & E. K: LOCKWOOD & CO. Churches, Lecture and Lodge Rooms. notice. ISAAC CHURCH, Jr. v »';>> SHARMON H. BELL. new and superior Horses and "Vehicles, is Agent lor Norwalk, New Canaan and Da- to whicn'the governor replied, with' a grim THE AMERICAN ORGANS are all fin­ and best known of any in Western Connec- prepared to let the same, either single or dou­ rien. . <. smiley "Mari-gold." Machine shop, just back of the Post Office . : / . i i I . " j • i I ' LOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR; also, Feed ished with our new PATENT improve­ and Horse Railway Building. ble, with or without drivers, on calL Fune­ One of our Washington correspondents ments, containing the improved Knee Swell, Petition of Charles L. Raymond and Harmon ticut, the subscriber feels Dial its reputation F and Grain in any quantity, to suit pur­ rals, parties, etc., supplied with Hacks and writes us that President Johnson has im­ Norwalk, March 1st, 1865. - 11 . K Bei Ut ihe General Assembly to be holden chasers, at HOLMES'S Stages, at short notice. Carriages-to and from Something St ' Double Bellows, two Blow Pedals, and TRE­ at New Haven in May next. proved on the well known maxim of Polo- MOLO found in no other Instrument. for artistic excellence ana honorable dealing all trains, etc. Those in want of good teams nins so as to make it read : " Costly thy 1VOTXCE. Whereas it has been made to appear to me WILL sell for the next 30 days, all kinds Working Made Easy, of Coarse and Fine work at small pri will do well to call. . Baymond as thy puree can buy." MEW STYLES OF CASES, rpHE Subscriber having purchased the that tlie adverse party in said petition con­ is already too well established to need com­ I 17 D. & BARTRAM. KR1GGS EASY WASHER. X CLOTHING AND GENTS FUR­ sists of more than twenty individuals, ces, for cash. E. -L. HENDRIICK. Since Boston is recognized as the -'Hub of SicMy Finiihed and Highly Ornamented. OBDERED, That the petitioners give notice ^HE Subscriber having purchased of Hi. the Universe,? it is proposed by the Fenians NISHING EMPORIUM, of A. Kcerpel, will mendation. Address continue the Business in all its branches at to all. parties adversely interested in the^nat- ,GARS,^-some very superior of our own WESTERN HOTEL, I. D. Dayton, So. Norwalk, the right 10 that Ne#York take the position of "Head tyIllustrated Catalogues,containing cuts N Manufacture and sell, Centre." taken from Photographs, showing their rel the old Stand No. 3 Main Street^ Norwalk. ter of said petition, of the pendency of the 7 E. B. PRICE, Agent.. Manufacture at OB. 9,11,1,17, Court laud St. ative size to each other sent free. ' The Public are respectfully invited to call satye, and to appear before said General As­ 8. E. OLMSTEAD & CO'S. Near Broadway, New York City. « BRIGGS WASHING MACHINE,' Att;ezch»nge suggests that the women ! and examine the large ana varied asort- sembly to be holden at New Hayen on the whd hitVe lecently been shipped to the Far Sold only by ' first Wednesday of May next, to wit, toappear Norwalk, Gt, May lyM HIS old-established and favorite resort oi offers them to the publie on reasonable West; should find a new city there and call J. HESSION, -Chapel St., ment of P4SSAJGE CERTIFICATES the Business Community has been re­ terms. I will give any one who wants a before said Assembly on Thursday the 3d T Machine, oue on trial. If it does pot ffiye it "Bhi^cargo." Norwalk, Ct. Ready Made Clothing, day of May next, then and there to! show AND FOREIGN DRAFTS. cently refitted, and is complete in everything Mr. Hession is also Agent for the celebra­ that can minister to the comforts of its pat­ satisfaction it cap he returned, If there is a melancholy object in the FRENCH CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8 AND cause, if any they have, why the prayer Phillip Lahr, A. H. BUNGTON & Co.', Gazette Office THEODORE FITCH, world, it is a policeman who " loves above ted Pianos of Cummings & Jennys, which VESTINGS, which he.will make up to or-, thereof should not-be granted, by tausing a rons. Ladies and Families are specially and he will sell below factory, prices; second Norwalk, continue their Agency for the sale carelully provided for. Agent for Norwaik ar.d vicinity. hiseAation." der at short notice and' in the latest Fash­ true copy ot said pettion and i-bis: order, at­ No. 114 Ninth Avenue, of Foreign Drafts, and Passage Certificates. It is centrally located in the business part hand Pianos taken in exchange. Pianos ionable Syle. ^ joa&yi E. GUSOWSKI. tested by some proper officer nr inidifferent The road to ruin is always kept in good Tuned and Repaired. All orders left at his Tickets for the " National" Line of Steamers of the city, and is contiguous to the princi­ rURNITUKS! repair, and the travelers pay the expenses of No. 8 Main Street, person, to be inserted j in the Norwalk Ga­ (between 18th and 19th streets,) and " Black Star" Line ot Packets, sold at pal lines of steamboats, cars, omnibuses, fer­ residence will be promptly attended to. [Iy6 Norwalk, February 15th, .1865. . ; lylO zette, a weeklv newspaper published in Nor­ HE subscriber is now prepared to offer to it he same rates charged at the New York of­ ries, &c. the public, at his old stand, as good an Some wives are so jealous that they don't walk in Fairffel^ County, for four weeks suc­ , - . NEW YORK, fice. The table is amply supplied with all the T like their spouses to embrace a fair opportu­ cessively, at least two weeks before said ses­ luxuries ot season, and is equal to that of assortment of To; ahdlfioto w i sion of said Getaeral Assembly. nity. Dated at Norwalk, February 1,1866. Manufacturer of choice AMS of our own smoking at any other hotel in the country. Cabinet Furnitmre . Why do the recriminations of married peo­ Some Folk's Can't Sleep Nights! H S.E. OLMSTEAD &CO'S. Ample accommodations are offered !or as can be found in Fairfield Countv, and at GBEAT BRITAIN & IRELAND i , THOMAS B. BUTLER, upward of 400 guests. ple rese&ible the Hound of waves on the shore GEO. C. GOODWIN & CO., M. S. BURR & TAPSCOTT BROTHERS & CO.'S . - Judge of ..the Supreme Couit of Errors. ; CABTHFIET SETS AND lower price's, FOR CASH, than tL : same —Because they are murmurs of the tide. CO. and WEEKS & POTTER,Wholesale RARE CHANCE FOR A HOME ! Do not believe.runners, hackmen, and oth­ quality of goods can be obtained it any othe - Druggists, New York, Emigration and Exchange Office. ers who may say "the Western Hotel is full." Establishment '^iisbaiid," sftid an exasperated wife, "I Fairfiield Countty s»,N«rwalfc,Matfihm,,im Fnriittiire in Oenertfl. D.D. .WINCHESTER. Are now prepared to supply Hospitals, Phy­ 86 South Street, New York. The above and foregoing is a true copy of * -syr* House for Sale at a Bargain, The stock consists in pari can't exprefl8 my detestation of your con­ sicians, and the trade, with the standard Proprietor. duct^ ^WeU,dear, l am very glad you RAFTS on England; Ireland, Scotland Petition and Order of NotiCeMereon. —Also— •h " AND UPON VERY Marble Top, Extension, Dining, Card, and owV was .the cool reply. and invaluable remedy, *, and 'Wales. Tapscott's favorite line.of Attest, LEVI WARMER, Jr. ff<;i THO'S. D. WINCHESTER. Quartette Tables ; Bookcases, Sufeaitt, 4tl3 An ihdifierent person. btt* ACCOMMODATING TERMS. Sofas, Tete-a-tete Lounges ; Haftpg- An exchange gives the following toast: DODD'S NSRTIHS, ^ LIVERPOOL PACKETS sails every; three Y DEALER IN " any wi Cane seal Chairs i Qjjt "Woman—the morning star of infancy—the days. X Line of LONDON' PACKETS Li; YERY^Wr*We property eligibly .situa;, 3 f This article surpasses all known prepay /I S Books and Stationery! and Mahogany Frams Look- f, dayttar of. manhood—the evraing star of rations for the Cure of all forms of- sails eyet"V ten day8,aisb by Steamship,,,sail- JtOWtOXl XX ated on Chapel St. formerly owned and At low prices lor Oash, ing Glasses, 4 c., &c. age. Bless our stars I" ihg_ Week"!uy.. Partipi wishingr toij sendsenc fbjc Shades, occupied by A. H. Byington, will be sold it Nervousness! their' friends, or remit' pioney to . the 01a applied tor soon,at much less than the House At the Book Stor*, No. 3, Gatette Building. A p&abn's^haracter depedds a good deal 1 COFFIN WAREROOMi; : UpOfiT>ringing up. For instance, a man who It is rapidly superceding all preparations Country, can' do so at ihe ' Jbwes|t rates; AssiunbIy |ofj thif State, to increase the Capi­ itself could now be built lor. It is so con­ rpHE attention of buyers ia respectfully tiy applying to H.B. GLOVER, C0BDS, TiSOSM, tx. where may be tounda full aasoi 1 in snt of Cof­ hU bM bro^lHap'Oy the'"pbil6e^ seldbm of Opium ana Valerian—the well known re­ tal Etobk of theNorwalk Gas Light Compa­ structed that one half may easily be rented X asked to a large and finely assorted fins, which will finished ii the belt possible tarns ont respectable.- - -• - sult of which is to produce Costiveness and Savings Bank, Newtown, Fairfield County ny. Perorder of fbe Directors. 1 • ; for enougu to pay the taxes and interest up­ Stock of Book*, comprising manyhandsomely Connecticut.; ly8 on the whole cost, so that the purchaser may manner, and at short notice. other serious difficulties—as it allays Irrita­ ' WM. C. STREET, Sec'y. bound Gift, Juvenile and Miscellaneous 1®" A hearse will t«* lurched whep de­ Bow can a ni^n be. accused of taking tion, Restlessness and Spasms, and it indu­ Norwalk, April 8d, 1866. 8tl4 be paying for a home instead of paying rent, Books, Children's Toy Bocks, plain and beau­ "sid^l in politics," tables he take both sides? for the pari he occupies. $1,000 only re­ sired. A UENOUD And then again, hoW can he take one side ces regular action of the bowels and secre­ . EBW A. B. ^OjBTKKOK,, . ' liiitisfifYl tifully colored. . » .. .,, Westpori, Ma> 1st, lbfi4 irithoat being singular ? tive Organs. JFotice quired to be paid down and ihe balauce on Also, a large stock of plain md rtc/dy No preparation for Nervous diseases ever OTN Am> &OC2E BMZTH, in all its branches, in the best manner and long credit. Enquire of C. N. CASE, Esq 01 bound BIBLES and Prayer Books, for family • Saturday Pre**. ^ given that an application- will be Choice and Seiecteo Teas. sold 00 readily or met with 6uch universal And BoU .ttaiigeri made to the neXt Genetal Assembly for at the lo west prices possible. at the Office of the NORWALK GAZETTE. and pocket use. Albums and Autograph 1 ,, '' approval. For Fits, Sleeplessness, Loss: of Books in various styles. Constantly on band |/ \ CHESTS of Ureei an, B'ack Teas py*It is probable that the quantities of ice' SAACS'S BUILDING, (next to Norwalk an amendments the charter ;of. the NOB- Mr. Lahr would respectfully inform Coliee anil Teafe warranto J please in at'the opposite poles of the earth tire , very energy. Peculiar Female Weaknesses and lr-L I Hall,) Norwalk, Cu . Jobbing of every de* WALK WATER COMPANY, to authorize said Wedding and lmltlnK Cards, a large assortment of Stationery, consisting regularities, and all the fearful mental and. scription. Particular attention paid to re­ Company :to/ bring . water for^the purposes the citizens ot Norwalk that all his Furni­ of Portfolios, Writing Desks, Backgammon price UKl nearly equal ^bough it has been held that bodily symptoms th&l follow in the train of ture is manufactured under bis own super- Boards, Playing Cards, Games, Fancy Artir thje^ i^ust be 'more at the South' pble than pairing Guns. Pistols, Ac.;.;Mortice, Rim. contempl^ted'iii its"•charter,EfrOm- my' place Engraved or Printed, at the GAZETTE JOB nervous diseaees, Dodd's Nervine is the best Cabinet and Trunk Locks. : Saws filed and des, Sc., &C. Diaries fqr the coming year ol sif 'the ^Orth pole, in consequence of the ^remedy known to science. Sold by all Drug­ set. Sewing Machines, Clocks, and Pumps ders for Walnut, Oak or other kinds of Fur­ OFFICE. Cards, plain and colored, for aale- various prices and styles of binding. Feed. greater length of the South Polar night by a niture. ! Refers to the,Editors ol the Gazette. ">HE subscriber keeps constantly on hand wh<^e w,ew. , The longercontinuance of the gists. Pricey £1. repaired, platform and Counter Scales put conduct the same through any of said towns Buyers giving us a call will find it much ;e4 H. B. 8TORER & CO., Proprietors, in order. Skates repaired and made t».or­ by appropriate meuis,!and to take^lands for 98tt to their advantage, and prices will be found J-J every description of Feed, which it wijl •un on the north side of the. equator is, howi BILL HEADS, all sizes, in any quantity be a pleasure to sell to his ciMtomere gt all ever vpry, probably nearly counterbalanced , 75 Fulton St., Vew York. der, &a, &c. tf44 said purposes upon due apprizal and pay­ to suit the times. At ment of damages, r \ OBACCO of all kinds, at manufactuinrers Ruled and Printed if) the best style, at the A. SELLECK & CO'S. times and no growling. A. MOREHOUSE. by tlie excess of sea over the land in the ' prices, at HOLMES'i'8 Southern hemisphere. ^w itbjBM^ -ouf .iind add> to ahe names T GAZKTTR JOB OFFICE Show Case, For Sale. of the corporators mentioned in the first sec­ Business LARGE SHOW CASE, in good repair.' tion of said charter. ,.,.;fY;,s Hardware Cheap for dash. Jack Straws, Again, •^Sii 'Morton Petq and Arthur _ A ItONTH I—AGENTS wan­ A For Sale Cheap. Enquire at GAZETTE Norwalk, April 2d, 1866. Printed in Colored Inks, Bronzes, or plain EED, Grouud Oni and Oats, Meal theBritish parliament, bavis'tieiitfll ted ibr *ixentirely neia article», just OFFICE. A .full and complete aiabrtment, c a be A NEW. Supply of JACK STRAWS just Cracked Rye, &c., ol our own gnpalpg cach to the frpedmeu'c bureau. lout. AddresaO. T. GAREY, City Building, J\. found, at THEO.flTcU S, A received and for sale by black ink, on white or colored cards, in tbe F Also a lot ot Second Hand Doors and HE CONNECTICUT REGISTER, for 1 btat manner, at the GAZKFTB JOB OUHB. freah a A OLMSTEAD * CO'S. /J VS/ W -SR • iBiddeford,ou Maine. Sashes. T 1899, Just received. A. SELLECK. No. 4, Lynes's Block. H. M. PROWITT, Corner Drug Stor*. I•
