MEETING of the 11Th BOARD of REPRESENTATIVES STAMFORD. CONNECTICUT Minutes of May 3Rd, 1971 7771 a Regular Monthly Meeting of Th
1133 7771 MEETING OF THE 11th BOARD OF REPRESENTATIVES STAMFORD. CONNECTICUT Minutes of May 3rd, 1971 A regular Monthly Meeting of the 11th Board of Representatives of the City of Stamford, Connecticut, was held on Monday, May 3, 1971 in the Board's Meeting Rooms, Municipal Office BuHlding, 429 Atlantic Street, Stamford, " Connecticut. The meeting was called to order by the President at 9 P. M. sfter a Caucus , by the respective parties. INVOCATION was given by Rev. Donald Campbell, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG: The President led the Members in the pledge of allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL was taken by the Clerk. Ther e were 34 present and 6 absent at the calling of the Roll : However, Hr. Alan Ketcham (R) 18th District Representative resigned and was repl aced, changing the roll call to 35 present and 5 absent. The absent members were: Alphonsus J. Donahue,III (D) 1st District Frank W. LiVolsi, Jr., (D) 7th District George V. Connors (D) 8th District, Mrs. Kim Varney (R) 16th District o William H. Puette (R) 18th District CHECK OF VOTING MACHINE - The Pres ident conducted a check of the voting machine which was found to be in good working order. REPLACEHENT FOR ALAN H. KETCHAM (R) 18th DI STRICT REPRESENTATIVE THE PRESIDENT, called for nominations for replacement to fill the vacancy in the 18th District. In the absence of Mr. Puette, who is in the hospital, MR . RODS submitted the name of RICHARD J. SCHADE ( R) 144 Intervale Road, and a resident of the 18th District, to fill the vacancy.
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