2018 NATIONAL SEMINAR on ASSESSMENT IN TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACROSS DIVERSE CONTEXT– RESEARCH COMPENDIUM Organized By: Dnyan-Ganga Education Trust’s, College of Education (B.Ed.)Behind Hypercity Mall, Ghodbunder Road, Kasar- Vadavali, Thane (W) 400615 RESEARCH COMPENDIUM of National Level Seminar ASSESSMENT IN TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS ACROSS DIVERSE CONTEXTS on 24th November, 2018, Saturday Organized By: DNYAN-GANGA EDUCATION TRUST’S, COLLEGE OF EDUCATION (B.ED.) Behind Hypercity Mall, Ghodbunder Road, Kasar-Vadavali, Thane (W) 400615 Ph. No.09819393043 E-mail:
[email protected] WEBSITE: http://dgetbedcollege-edu.org Editor-in-Chief Asst. Prof. Ketan Kamble Published & Printed By SCHOLARLY RESEARCH JOURNALS TCG’S Saidatta Niwas, Ph-2, D-Wing, S. No-5+4/5+4, Nr Telco Colony & Blue Spring society, Datta Nagar, Ambegaon (kh), Pune-46, Website- www.srjis.com, E mail-
[email protected] Copyrights: Authors Edition: JAN-FEB, 2019 ISSN: 2278-8808 Disclaimer: We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within these articles. We accept no liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such content. Only the author is the authority for the subjective content and may be contacted. Any specific advice or reply to query on any content is the personal opinion of the author and is not necessarily subscribed to by anyone else. Warning: No part of this Special Issue shall be reproduced, reprinted, or translated for any purpose whatever without prior written permission of the Editor. This issue solely for online publication issue, there will be no responsibility of the publisher if there is any printing mistake.