&m³ meJe e Ye ee t<eC eÐ ec Jf e e d SSR P R O S P E C T U S S S R COLLEGE OF PHARMACY (Approved by AICTE & PCI, New-Delhi; Afliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune) nce I n Towards ards Excelle E d u c a Excellence In Education Tow t i o n SSR COLLEGE OF PHARMACY SSR COLLEGE OF PHARMA CY Sayli-Silvassa Road, Sayli, Silvassa – 396 230, U.T. of Dadra & Nagar Haveli, India. Phone : (O): 0260 - 2681105 / 6 ; Telefax : 0260 - 2681104 E-mail :
[email protected] [email protected] Website: ssrpharmacy.edu.in ~~ mejmJeefle vecemlegY³eb Jejos keÀece©HeCeerced, efJeée©Heer efJeMeeuee#eer efJeOeeve os mejmJeefle ~~ SALIENT FEATURES a College is situated at Hygienic & Peaceful Environment Area at lap of mother nature in the Silvassa. a Well Planned Infrastructure. a Afliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly known as 'University of Pune') since 2007. a Well Equipped Laboratories. a Qualied, Experienced, Talented & Dedicated Teaching Faculty. a College is running Four Year B. Pharm. Curriculum and Two Year M.Pharm. Curriculum (in three specialization - Pharmaceutics, Quality Assurance Techniques, Pharmacology) a Well Furnished Rich Library Resources. a Modern Well Furnished Lecture Theaters. a Advanced Computer Laboratories with Un-limited Internet Facilities. a Well Furnished Modern Separate Hostel Facilities for boys and girls. a Large Playground for outdoor games and Indoor Stadium. a 100 % Placement through Campus Placement Cell. a Hygienic fresh food and catering through common canteen at reasonable rate. RAGGING IN ANY FORM (TEASING, ABUSE, AND PHYSICAL TORTURE ETC.) IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED AND PUNISHABLE ACCORDING TO THE GOVERNMENT OF MAHARASHTRA'S ANTI-RAGGING ORDINANCE OF 1999.