heUC D r a Univcrsit of California, ~an Di('~o / V()lumc ·t6. Numbc.' l :VMonday, !\lay ] O. 19H2

Members of several peace and political organizations ga­ thered outside the Catamaran Hotel Thursday to JR OUR SONS the training of new JUR YOUR SONS draft board wor­ HEJR THE\R SONS kers. The Commit­ NO W"R tee Against Regis­ ~F T tration and the Draft (CARD) led the event. Story on page 6.

An assessment of UCSD's left past and present. Page 2. Board upholds decision against Action. Page 5. Triton loss brings a few 'firsts.' Page 15. 2 The L'CSD Guardian !\londay, Ma~ 10, 1982 Monday. May 10. 1982 The UCSD Guardian 3

The UCSD Guardian Oliphant Keeping it up Opinion Let's face it: fat people have no reason to live "Should a woman with 50" wouldn't be hell er off dead?" advertisements In the problem? bad hablh Don t pour in ,,0 hips," asks a Los A11f(efes The fat and mi serable newspaper that announce Fall Part of the answer. a ... YOU much food, then take vitamins Tillles article, "wear designer fem ale has a point. Fashions for "the full·figured can "(''e, may he m the ab'surd to compensate for potential /'II,iKtII'd I'dilor/III, ''/In,Ienl Ih,' "/lilllllll,' oj /III nillllflllll)(JItrd 0.1 1/" ('eslJ jeans?" Now, though I'm a cedulous woman." Eagleson's is the tendency to' "accept" fat ne~s IllS!'> of nutrients. If your (;I1({1(/illn Tltl' cdl/OIilll bO(lrd IS n""/JoIlN/. it, unmistakenly misguided. The usually admire her studied m n," pandering to a portly anymore. The "portly man" I he only rea"on you g;\'e up the Ilril·(rli'aid with me this time. What have column. She has to tread ~ distortion and degeneracy of "'Ith food when one IS afflictl' Letter to the Editor turvy in its doomed·to·fail wretched reader any fa vors in deny that obesity is one of the psychological motivational not by exercise - that'" good have been taking electIOn code violation" must end Immediately espousal of any and all mi sfits the long run. If Abby hits them few maladies over whi ch we factors" or termmology like maybe for muscle lOne or if any confidence in next year's council is to be sal" aged from thi" and aberrations. wit h Realit y Therapy and calls have great control. Fat people "subliminal compensatory cardIOpulmonary endurance wholl y unnecessary mess. Student Center members propose It 's gone too far. Fat we can a spade a spade, she's had it. might, at best, get pity - but urge" are just su bstitutes for - but by simply eating less. The result of all this legal and extralegal manueverin~ by do without. But we don 't care to be not sympathy. sloth and lack of dic;clphne. If you thmk it a sign of noble David Tollner's S"'W"'A·M"'P late and Marcy Jaffe\ 'tudent r have before me a "Dear lulled. You deci de. Is it But you're angered by me Here's an eas~' remedy Eat tolerance or benign. enltghten­ Act ion late can only undermine the already shaky ground upon to eliminate director position Abby" clippi ng. The bereaved actually a favor to direct the seeming ca ll ousnes, and less. What, forGod'sc;ake.lsso ed social thtnkingtolook at the which t he AS is built. The credibility of the institutIOn of student Ed itor: accountable to the Vice careful. thoughtful plannlOg writer, a di straught person fat person, as Abby so in ensitive condem nation of hard about that? Too many are Phenomenon of Fat as gcwernment has already been reduced in the eyes of UCSD As with a vested Chancellor. to Insure a successful. who signs herself apt ly, "Fat. ruthlessly did, to the National fat persons. Don', get me merely sla\es to their inconsequential or superficial. students: the credibility of the lJCSD undergraduate populatiun interest m the future of the We endorse the content and comprehensl\e Student Fe male, and Mi erable," AssociatIOn t o Aid Fat wrong: I do realize that there is stomach. iovet erat e slouche<" you're helpmg to pollutt: th a'> a whole ha~ been Irre\ersibly blemished in t he eye" of the 'tudent Center: spint of the Student Center Center. We arc concerned that writes: Americans In c., of unfortu· such a thing as a hereditary whu can't fight agam"t Simple plea"e turn Lo page" community at lar~e. We feel that It is imperative Job lJescnptlon Task Force any ha!'>tily contrived long· "Dear Abby: Do you know nate Bellerose, New York? predisposition to grossness. And *W*A*M*P and tudent ActIOn are not \J,.hol!\ at fault. that other students be made report to the Assist ant Vice range ~olutions to t he Student what it', like to: "Thi s is a group of frankly fat But. barring the very The A. Judicial Board, acting on neither legal prt.'Cedence nor a\\are of the Issues surround· Chancellor L:ndergraduate Center Directorate \\111 be - Squeeze int o a theater people," Abby notes, "who occasional endocrine or ot her Letter to the Editor With common sense, overruled the AS Election Commi"wl!1's mg the positIOn of the Dlr~tor Affalrs!'tudent Life, Ra) madequatetomect theyanety ~('at, and sit in agony during have banded toget her for the organ ic et iology O\'er \V hich we ruling that suspended tudent Action from c(lmpaignll1g of the Student Center. mond Dye. As a task force of Issues that must be the entire performance while purpose of helping the ()he~e to ha\'e scant control, there's because of "unfair" camoaum literature alleging Tollner had We feel that the successful composed of t.'qual representa addressed in order to build a t he sides of t he seat dig into accept themselves a ... thev ..,imply no excuse for being fat " . Guardian runs bad ad: been "endor:,ed" b\ the CARP "l\100ntc:-. .. The judicial board\ operation of the Student tlOn from students and comprehenSive Student your thighs? are. No. not e\crylxxl\ can be a ruling centered on the interpretatIOn of the word "endor~ed." Center and the relatIOns administration, we believe the Center - Shop in a grocerv "tore That's not good ad v ICl'. dear lean, mean mach 1m;. but then and its member~ deCided sl1ch a term \\as hardly Itbelous. The between students. admtnl' Ta!'>k Force recommendation We feel that the current and ha\'e people watch to see I~eader: that's doing \ lolcnce nol so many need to I(xlk now comes Miller time sentence that followed - and 10 which the board apparently had stration. and professional <,Iaff I~ a workable compromise Admilllstration proposal for what you put in your care to the -.enslbihtH's of all of uo.; thev've been j'alSt' loll" pu bit l'a t Ion. A"a .,ludl'nt e~('apes us why the board iJ~nored thiS while focustng on the ,>tudents and that the highest adm lOistrative needs. Centpr IS neit her operat IOnally and wonder If you' II fit into the de\'eloped an d prlOrtt Ized a bou t a huge IX)rt IOn of the t h(' ad\ en I"t>ment prtm t'C1 In I ht' pu hltl'allon I Ill' CIII/rdiflll fmolous defmit ion of "endorsl>d .. consideration should be given We support the recomnwn nor economically effect Ive. We boot hs or cha Ir? (O r \\ orse vet. psyche~. general population - ~Ia\ ' 6 t' Student Action Slate peruade~ tht\CLl to file an the right tn self·determine the currtl1l operational manage· sef\ e tl1(' needs of student!-. mju net ion on their beralf. mvahdat ing the elect i(m" again. I hey use of student imposed· fees. menl needs of the tudent We feel the Vice (hancellor .. arc only addmg insult to mjury. In agreeing to t he reI ract ion We dt'mand the the Student ernler facilitlcs. of [Tndergraduate Affairs ~ 5 whICh was prin ted in Thursday's (;l/ardiall, we belle\ed t h(·\ CenlN Board retain its We )x>1I('ve in t he need lor Joseph Wat ~on should nut •••••••••••••••*.* •••••• \\ al\ cd the right to future appeal In thIs panicular case Nothmg (lcl\'isor\ relatlfm..,hip to the thp development of a more 0\ erride the rel'ommendat Ions more need be o.;ald. vice Chancellor Undergra· comprehenslye Student of the RegistratIOn Fet. One bright spot In thiS mess i~ the A,' Election Commi"o.;lon. duate ,\Ifairs conccrnmg all Center \V hich \\111 provide for Committee and t he Student led by AS Com miSSIOner of Elect Ions Den 1St' Long. The matter" related to theSllldent the s('nlces, programs, and Center Roard to not funcl a I New Options in the I commissloll'S Judgments have been fatr and mnO';I .... tcnt. and its Center. that the Student comeniences students need in S:l6.0()() per year St lIdent f1exibiltt~ m the fal'e of hour·to·hour changes in t he complexion Center operations be account· Ihelr daily life on campus. We Center Director pOSit Ion &. of the election should ht> applauded Wilhout a doubt. the able to the Studenl Center agrcewlthlheTaskForcethat \\hich has historicall\ Ix:en t Humanities Minor: COmml'.SlOn is t he sole hody responsihle fol' preo.;ening .... ome Board. and that the Student growth will require consolida mcapable of respond'ing to .& Beginning in the Fall of 1982, you can take an interdisciplinary minor in Humanities for I sensp of mtelligence in lhlo.; \'t'ar's dcn ions. Center B()ard be exclu<.,I\'ely tion of student resource'" and student need.;. V\efedthat the the first time. Upper division courses under the Humanities title are available 'iT retention of ..,uch an V intt·rmecliate pOSit IOn is a .& to students from all four , &. Letters to the Editor ).,rross wil!'>teofstudent moni('s. In an informal meetmg last V fall Quarter 1982 'iT Novem ber. Vice Chancellor .& Humanities 2lA - The Early Western Tradition &. If left-wing leaders never die, Waf.son met wit h a task force Parking of students from the Co-op:-, to I Humanities 22A - The Western Tradition from the Reformation to the Present I discuss the hiring of a new Editor: Director. Dr. Watson told the V Humanities 1.32A - Rise of Christianity 'iT 1 ha\ e been a "t udent here at then whatever becomes of them? Edito.-: pedd led b} t he left hl'le and (I mattel 110\\ long they ;,ta) group t hat a t emporary .& Humanities 152 Philosophy & Uterature &. I IC SI) for a long t llne \\'hen 1 I am a member of the {TC~D ..,till ne\t to no»odv Itsten !'> to hl'rl' at llCSI). tht'y remain Director would be hired at that fi rst enrolled here Ford \\ as ro01munlt\, and hil\e been for t hem. You \\()u lei 't hln k t hev left \\ Il1g Communists. or. a" time, but that a trial pcriod "G' Humanities 110 - Greek Mythology 'iT ... till I're,ldenl. A ... a ntl'lan. I almost ten H"ll·!'> . In thl!-> tlllle, \\{)uld get the' message. The Marx de;,crlhpd thl'lll. could be given to test the ran sa\' undoubtt'dh that the thl're art' niany thtng" that 1 unfortunale part of all 11m, IS inf;tnt IIe C()lllmu ntsrs. feasibi lit y of the student s' parkmg problem at ('CS)) has See your individual counselor for infonnation regarding Minor requirements. hate .... ecn that 1 do nol fulh Ihat now more than e\er the This Il'IIPr is nol intended lo recommend ation thal an t t bt'come unbearable. I ha\(' under .... tand (which IS. (;f peopll' of till' (Jnlted States Operal ions Coordinator be !'>onll' !'>llllple 'Iolutltln., I'd 11"l' diH' IlllO a polemic wah lhl.' t Minor Advisor - Dr. John Marino, 5029 HSS t \·our"t·, lInder!'>tandable) need an alternat ive ex plan· currenl lIeS}) left. 1\11 I real1v hired and that the St udent to "hare With \our n'adt,p; and I I(J\\l'\'L'r. of all the thing!'> I all(Jn for tIll' '>orrv ... tate of Center Direct or job descrip· <111\ \S( '(Sf) c(Indidatt·,. \\ellll IS an (1nswer 10 a ..,impl;'· don'l gr alfalr ... lill'\ 're l"'1x·nenl'1ng. fjUI.'''lIOn, Wh, "tay here? tion IX' rewritten. At this time. i) Don' t gin' d Pi! rk m~ t Ichl'l ;ti \\' a \,., ]x It Ill'red 111 f' the m 0 ... I ~at hvr I han gOIng out to t he..,e Dr. Watson has given no to 0 Illlportnni J ,\\'(. Ihis comn11lment. Are I hl'''(, IH'()pl!' rl'all~ ihH'? I\II(J\\ Ill,' til ('\pbl11 111 ~Oln,l.( 1111 l'cllnolllllall) and I he~ Illor(' 1\11l>ollanl . or as We ask Ihal lbe Studellt Two way .. Iudenl"';' ,\11\ I1m\ Ii \IlU call sequ !!~~~~~~~~m~~:~;s~g~~n~fa~t~~;!t~sting grl'<1ll'r cI(·latl. pilI 111('.1i h. tIl\' Il'il here t I Importanl. ;IS Ill!' \VOI kl'rs Ill' Cenl er [)In'clor search afford a (al' like t h .. t i I III C;1ll .& to get a basic knowledge of Western history, philosophy, and literature, Each sequence can &. I ha\ (0 "('ll1 II ,III - I hl' fir ... 1 mnl IIllIl· ... 1(1 lalk to It ... !'If. ;Illd I hI'- coulltn'J B'hl(nlh. whal I process not begm II nt i I t hi'; afford 10 pa\ parh Illg 11('kt'l" ;11 \S. then thl'llx')JI'rali\(',lhl'n ('\l'1l II1('n \\ It 11iJUl llluch mat HI' has been resolved. V be used to fulfill the second-year Humanities requirement at Revelle, but is also open to 'iT .:.1 a "hilt. T hi,., \\ lilt! cI r('alh wnnl'I'i lor I Ill' It·11 III Plil I Ill' second \S. \\ II h ..,uch ... un·v...... Ihl' IIl'ollle ('0 Il l(' and lis nrds oul on lh(' lahlc I)(J We support the Sludent c"lx'\'lall) l'it"e tilt' p;lIklllg org,mi/at Ion., a., t hI' ,\nt I ll·\ .& students from other colleges. &. gil \ \\ II h t ht l'\Cept \lJn of 11ll'~ haH' firm l(lt'ulogll',i1h Center Hoard's deslH' to work problem around t ht· Chann·1 I'oallt Ion ",PII n k It,d m lX'l \\ eVrl \ I Il 11 I \ 1< l' l' d ). h 11 l t h l' Prerequisite: Completion of writing requirement in one of the colleges: Humanities 21 and T .. mind fl';hOI1!'> fllr III g;l\ll/lllg dlrecl h wit h Vice Chancellor I t lor'~ offict'. J hil\ l' e(ll the nSI of t 11(' dernogoguery remains the Wilt s(in concerning this ' H nt·\\, ,-POh at !t 'it .. I , 101 lht' la ,,1 dozell or of ..,Ill(il'n Is .& Humanities 22A-B-C - from the Reformation to the Present Age 4.. ... Ialelllt'llt I 1111'<111, lill' ';,1I1lt' lila Iu red 0\ ('1' llll' \l';! 1''''1. I IW~t' I (an I Willi 10 Iw,Ir I Iw'rt'JlI~ I) II;I\(' "'pt'l1,d pdrkl11g \\orn oul Idl'oloh'll'''' hll lalk of l>topit' Iltl'l;dl) do i101 ach ann'. Concerned mcmhl'n, ofthc "'G" Each course offers 4 units - .3 lectures, 1 discussion per week w- plcu;,c turn to pUl{c 4 l().-(Jlog\) t til being elil nol prnt.:rt· ... ", rill nllt gro\\ Carl Max \\ l'1I St IId<.'nl C<.'ntl'r - _•••••••••••••••••••••••• - 4 The UCSD Guardian Monrlav. May 10. 1982 ---- ______coupon. ______I I Fat we can I I XEROX The U SO Guardian I do without Paul Farwell, News Editor PaJ,!c 3 I Scott Youn~, Assoc. Newt-. Editor ..\lay) 0, 19H2 I l:onlinued from page :1 News I environment with people I free collating oblivious to their negatl\e 9500 Xerox copy impact. color copies 3 '0 here\ a pica for intolerance. There's ju:-;t AS shows dislike of Attiyeh appointment binding not hing to be said for wanton special prices on resumes corpulence and the masked Past connections with CIA are brought to question, and defended. Expires 5/ 17 rationalizations of obese overeaters. By ROB HOWARD behalf of other governmental CIA agents. according to uncertain. If approled, emotional and mo\'ing ... pecch, Remember, I'm here to help. The ASUCSD cou ncil voted groups - such as the. tate Kastlafi cas, comE' from Alllyeh will direct theOffleL'of condemning e111!Jloyment It's not a pretty picture, but it 8-4 last Wednesday night to Department and Treasury. "college campuses and Graduate. t udl£," and practices at Coor" ~~lF'1I:456-2444 has to be confronted. Watch oppose professor Ri chard The purpose of the [PA was to friendly (with the CIA) Rrsearch. which dIstributes John !,1eadows, the Clx)rs out , or you'll be one of the Attiyeh's recent appointment analyze the effect on trade faculty ...· graduat e lew·1 scholarships, representat I\e who did not sorry ones: it's really one big as the new Dean of Graduate flows of certal n pol ICY The tenure denials of MUir degrees. and managr" near wa~ fat pain. sh

  • b the pnmary San Diego State, the Women's Fritz ands. Libertarian Though reminiscent of the . on "Depression: The Whole increases student fees f( leu,> of the c(Jgnitive International League for Peace party candidate for t he tate peacef u I rallies of t he early Person Approach," which will By VICKI SELLERS facul tv. "E\eryone is bla ... ed before It could examine hOIl' approach , "hieh b bnd, and Freedom, the San Diego Assembly, 7 th District, 'ixtles, there were also hint s feature authorities in the field . As a result of t hl' on h'i" locat ion In the t he increa~ed rat e ... ..,hould dlr('ct i\'l' and highly st rue Peace and Ju ·tice Coalition joined the rally, stating "We of a more sophisticated According to program university':- deci~ion to s\stem," states Larn be distributed, had to tun-d. and the Libertarian Party (the Libertarian Party) are organlzat ion. Group leaders I coordinator and therapist construct a $10 million \3'arrett, Director o'f examine if thev should lx' Emery I~ adamant about joined CARD at noon to "focus opposed to the draft because knew the laws governing the .. -f Kathleen Deating, a major parking s tructure at Auxilary Enterpn~es. The di"tnbuted at all ." patience and understandll1g. attention on the fact that our we're opposed to slavery." He right to as~embly and adhered I' - rea&on for depres ion IS that Univer~ity Hospital, on· co mposit ion of the commit · Ait hough t he total "[ t ' sam 1St a k e to be government is pushing the went on to ~tate that "The to them strictly. The our cu ltural expectations are campus student parking tee, he admits, ha s campu~ parkll1g commu · Judgmental or to set a tllne draft furlher and further," draft will probably begin Sidewalks were kept relat ively o high . "We can't all be the fees will be raised $1.50 per lengthened t he decision nity \vill help finance the limit on someone ebe's pain," according to Ri ck Jahnko, during the summer, maybe in clear. t raffic \\'a~ not be t at everything - the best· month beginning fall making process. "We're st ru ct ure, parkmg fees at he <.,ay,>. "We mustn't blameor spokesperson for CARD. a cou pie of years, when t here is obstructed and ~tranger" \\ ith looking, best·dressed, the quarter. really at an impasses right the Medical Center will be accuse those suffering from now. There i~ still a lot of proport ion at el y higher than "This is the first timewe\e no organized ." cameras and tape recorders martest, highe t achiever in The decision to raise depreSSion of seeking talking to be done, a lot of on·campu~ ~tudent fees . had draft boards ince the 'ands went on to say, ''The were branded as the FBr until ou r particu lar social or work st udent parking rates was attentlon ... the\· are not draft was ended ... in 1973." government will be 'ery proven innocent. ThiS was a settings. Jt' impo si ble for considerations and altern· Currently, fee~ at the wallOWing in depre~sion, reco mmended by the ative!>," he explains. Center are at a 2: J ratio to Jahnko said , adding, "We feel sneaky about it all, that's why group who learned their evcrbody to be number one. parking and transportation they are stuck in it." that people should be aware rallies and are .history from the trial of the The result of these unrealistic ~tude nt fees. Although Gettl ng unst uck involves Chancellor Richard Atkinson to hold another open forum_ advisory committee in an The controversy flu c· differential rates will this draft board training is nece ·sary. I mean, why have a Chicago Seven, the National expectations is that we all feel effort to help spread the the conscIous acknowledge· going on 0 that they canjudge draft board without a draft? Guard shooting at Kent State ourselves to be something of a tuate between two cont inue, with Medical ment of the condition. cost of the Medi cal Center extremes. Barret says, Center staff and faculty the promises made earlier that Why have a draft without a and the WatergatelNixon p'ra. failure to one degree or parking structure. Whil e Recognizing symptoms such making it particularly paying more than student~, we would only have regist ra· war? Look around, we've got a Though enthusia'tic, thi another. In my opinion it's the entire UC D parking a apathy, Indecl!>lveness. lion." lot of opt ions - t he Falkland crowd was also well·in formed. surprising that everyone out difficult to resolve. One side this ratio may change. anx iety , ~adne s, anger. Around one o'clock. the co mmunity wi 11 pay directly maintains that the Medical Medica l Center parking fees There are now fourteen Island!>, EI alvador. the there isn't depressed." for the new s tructure, the appetite loss or gam, too much draft boards in an Diego Middle Ea!>t. maybe Poland or crowd" began chanting, with News Writer's Meeting Yet as the worsens Center should operatea self· were raised bv almost 50 "Ieep or too httle, as part of Coum v, with five volunteer. almost everybody joinmg in. committee has not yet sufficient parking !>ystem, percent in Februar}, and Nicaragua, maybe the it appears that almost agreed on how much depression rather than as part on each. Chosen last "ummer Caribbean ... pick a war, any Thl' most effecti\'(' protester everyone out there is The other side inSists that will be raised again In order of them elves help.., pat lenh Q Medical Center parking fees from a pool of volunteers remained absolutely ~ilenl. There will be monda/ory mee/iJlK FOR ALL this cann ot be done, and it is to com pensate for t he nell ,." ar, righ t '" depres ed , at least part of the will be raised in the coming dlstmguish their mner ..,ense solicited from civic groups, though. Standing t,,'ehe feet NEWS WRITERS WHO PLAN TO WRITE the responsibility of the ~t ructure. The revised ratio The picke'ters were more time. The young ee their year. of self from the malady. Chambers of Commerce and hopeful. Dan Rubinstem, of tall. \\ ith a leering skull face FOR US NEXT YEAR, Thursday, May dreams of the good life campus as well to finance should be agreed on soon Once the cntical step of media relea~es, the seventy the Students tor Peact' at San \\ rapped 10 black robes, the 13, 4;00 at the Guardian office, New van ishing with the s hrinking The committee i s the ~truct ure. "There IS "We should reach our fmal becoming aC\l\'e b accom · new board members are Diego Stale l'niver-.it} said, HI Spectre of Death merely Writers are also encou.raged to attend. job market and high intere t composed of student controversy within the~e philosophy regarding thiS pllshed, the therapio.,t currentl~' undergoing training thlOk thmg:; like thi~ (protest) ..,\\ ayed back and fort h to the rates; those peopl e at midlife representatives as well as extremes as well," says within eight months," examines some of the Silent from the elective en'ice really do have an effect. 1\ e chant s of "Hey , lI e~, Why, Call if you can't make it, fi nd thcmselves in a crisis of Medical Center staff and Barrett. "The com mitt Ce. states Barret l. as ... umptions underlymg the administration. seen-it on campu:-, and I thmk Wh \'. we don't want our kids fear about the future; and the pcr..,on's negative pen: eptlOn~ , CARD. with a local the people want peace." to ciie "

    Russian literature COMPUTER SCIENCE Creation! Kenneth Burke fall Quarter, 1982 MAJORS Lit/ Gen 140 l'Iineteenth-Century Russlim Uterature in Translation: Evolution Renowned Cultural Critic Tolstoy (This course Is cross-listed with Lit/ Ru EARN $$$$ AND BUSINESS EXPERIENCE 140) at SofTech Microsystems in San Diego! and Philosopher lee A MWF 2:00-2:50. Tll1 109. cc 2806 (general). cc2964 (Russian) Full Time! Summertime! Regents Lecturer Instructor: Margaret Ziolkowski Part Time! Weighing the leo Tolstoy was one of the giants of nineteenth-

    entertainment THURSDAY 8pm - Pldno ReClt"" Nlo(hol",s Rf'IIf'IIes Works by Bel'thov!.'n MONDAY-WEDNESDAY and Schumann In thp Mandf'VIII!.' Center Auditorium. e Weekl~ Calendar 10-2 - HypertensIOn Screening Blood pressure WIll be AdmiSSion 52 students. seniors and UC st ec ImenlCal experience In the by admiSSIOns to law school or MBA programs They can be study at Unrverslty Lutheran Church. 9595 La Jolla Shores Dr. 1' .. m - Pre-law counseling In the PLEA offICe. Monday' 11 -12. scheduled on Thursday between 10 and 11.30 am Sign ups at across from Revelle College. 2-3.5-6. Tuesday' 1-2. Wed 11-1. 3-5. Thurs 1-2. Friday 11-12.2- Career Planning & Placement. HL 1058 lecture/discuss!ons 4 Stop by loam-2pm - Got an academiC problem? Maybe a Warren THURSDAY MONDAY peer aeNlsor can helpl Drop by for some answers at the Warren 11am-3pm - Got an academiC problem? Maybe a Warren 5:45pm - Student Dinner JOin otr,er students for good food Provost Office 1-9pm - Film "Creation/Evolution Weighing the EVidence." peer advisor can helpl Drop by for some answers at the Warren and good company every ThursdQrK~l1op Will bf' Ileld In thl' PE 4pm - Mar~lst Study (",roup A true study of thiS Idrolo<,1y group cl,m for 1?f'Veile students enrolled In Humanltlt'\ l M HlddY ,11 4 30 New members welcome At PLEA office parking lOt thiS S"'turddY Simple tunt'-up\. oJ! eh.lngf>'>. 1M tt1..H 'S ron trolling muctl of the IM.lrid s popul.~tlon CARP (.111 Sf'qupncf' 12C (l.yon) Prf'pdriltlon for writing dlrel/'d ilt YOIIf ro/1sumer clW,lr!.'rlf'SS Will be mveree/ Sign up In the Campu\ ",1\0 present a bettPr Idea If you .lre Interested In \olv1l124011 AdmiSSion S12 OASIS Wilting c.f'nter No apP<)lntment nf'cPS~"'ry. Ju~t drop 1pm - (, Iy t1f1d Lf'\bl,ln \Uppn" qroup Invltt's .III women to by "'t tl'r ,'I WI' WI\tl to makf' this", truly co'>f'~ual grouplA~ ,llwily\. SATURDAY noon-2pm - How To 8t'! tlt thp f 10rsl' R,1«", .md f'l/erythlflCJ ""I:'I)" ,ne IS welwmf' 7plll 1/1 the Student (enter Bldg B (next ~10:30am - Qlwk "ppoJntmpnts for morp IndlvldlMI 12 n00n-2pm - S.mfortl Sllulrn.m Will be the que\t leaurel to Otf CdillPU5 HoUSing) <;ponsored by LAGO-UCSD you w,lflted to know abollt them Will ol' (overee1 tJy .1 "'tt('ntl n ,Iqr up for", 15 minute apPointment Wlttl the pr£' workshop/lectuf!' presl'nted by ClmpU\ Recre.1tIon The qut'sl l"l the tOPI( of IIOW tn het.lt tilt' 1IOr\(' rdd"> Sign up for thl\ IdW /rn",r"lC]prm'r]t <1dVI~or for information 1I'9",rd1l19 It'rturer Will be Stlnford Shulman. tin oWller /trdll1<'r wt\(W' Imide look ,1( betting w.lt!.'gle\. purtl'kl\lfl<) .I IX)f\t', .111(/ THURSDAY bellind the \(Cflt'\ of the r nos 12 The UCSD Guardian Monday, May] 0, 1982 Heart x-ray at Medical Center The UCSD Guardian Page 13 Andrew Keeler, Arts Editor May 10, 1982 A computer t hat "s ubtra c t ~ " irrelevant data direction of Chilrles Hlggms, M.D., chi <' f of The Arts from X-ray pictures of the heart is enabling cardiovasuclar radiol ogy. a nd William physician at the UCSD Medical Center Ashburn, M.D., chief of nuclear medicine. (University Hospital) to obtain clearer, more Only hal f a dcw en cen ters in the cou nt ry use precise images with less risk to patients and at the technique for heart imaging. according to Loving & Dichter displays less cost than the standard method of X·ray Dr. Higgins, but it s use for imaging blood WHAT'S THE heart imaging. vessels elsewhere in the bod y has become Life with "Digital cardiovascular flu oroscopy" widespread, as ph ys iCIans have become aware his piano tnastry 01 FFE RE NeE? involves injecting a radiopaque (opaque to X­ of it. advantages. The difference: A Written rays) dye into a vein in the arm or leg. Once the Heart catheterization, the tandard method Angelou Guarantee. We have student dye circulates to the heart, still or moving X­ of X-ray heart imaging, involves injecting UCSD concert shows his brillian ce discounts, and evening hours, ray pictures are taken. A computer radiopaque dye directly into the heart via an The UC 0 Contemporary By GREGORY CHAPELLE just like many other shops. But, "subtract" irrelevant images, i.e., image - of artery. Either stil or mov ing black-and-white Black Arts Program will "10ft \\ nl~r unlike others, we back up all our present LOlling and Life. .. An tissues that do not contain dye,leaving a sharp pIctures can be taken during the procedure. Wh en a performer I" called it '1travlI1 sh ' and 1.1"/ 1 the rnll..,l. work in writing. tf, after we' ve cut, picture of the dye-containing struct ure of the Since digital computer fluoroscopy requrie Evening With Maya Allge!ol/, Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the ge nI us , he mu<.,t conttnuou"ly S tra\insh ~ TillE'/' .HIII ('- permed, or colored your hair, you're heart only .. inject ing the dye onl y into a vein in t he arm or reaffirm that dlstmcllon each not completely happy, call us within Mandeville Auditorium. 1I1l.' lIls Jru/ll Pl'frllshka With It .., The computer also can "translate" the reg, it is considered less risky t han heart ti me he performs hIS or her art , seven days. We'll redo your hair at no Her renown autobiograph­ , ibrant marchIng qualit y image into a color picture, enablmg pys icians catheteri zat ion . The patient need not be Last Thursday. tn a one·nlght ­ extra charge. That's a big difference. ical accounting of her youth, J prOVided the catalyst to bring to discern more easil y certain abnormaliti es, hos pitalized follow ing the procedure, thus onl y pe rfor mance. ~l l"ha 9AM to 9PM Mon . • Tues . • Wed . • Thurs. f(now Why the Caged Bird the audien(e (Jut of t heir chair such as ischemia (l ack of blood suppl y) or reducing costs. The new test also can be Dicht er managed to one again 9AM to 7PM Fri . • 9AM 10 6PM Sat. Sings, was aired as a two-hour with a bang. Impaired functi on of the heart. [n addit ion, the performed more q ui c kl y tha n heart prm'e his complete ma"tery of The entire performance was computer ailalyzes th e data. pro\' iding more cat heteri 7ation, reducing costs. TV special for CB in April. 1979. Her appearance on the piano. begm n II1g to take on I he look o j HAiR precise and obj ective measuremen ts t han a The procedu re wi l not yet repl ace hea rt Gifted author Maya Angelou will speak at UCSD Wednesday. Before t he concert, It \\ as a snowball rolling down a hilI. human observer could. rat hetenzat ion, however, because it st ill ca n college campuse and before . . G~?FliCS questionable v. het her Dichter contll1uousl, gaining spe<.'CI UC D Med Center was among the first in not be used to examin e certain s t r u c ture~ . , private organizations are legendary. Her wealth of wou ld be able to perfurm WIth and ~trength , with each the country last year to mtroduce digital such as t he coronary arteries, according to Dr. America 's mOSt gi fted minds. Store for a book signing \'i~lt his usual vitality after driVIng information and ability to She s peaks lyrically with on Wednesday at 12:30 p. m. successive piece (J ur:-hm ing La Jolla Vii/age Convenience Center flu oroscopy for evalu ating heart fu nction . ehe Higgi ns But for ma ny pat ients needing heart from Lo. Angeles the Next to Ra /phs and SaY- On technique is now u 'ed here for t he detection of tests at (lC 0 Med Center. computer digit al s peak with authority on vigor, with fire and perception. Ti ckets for the evening's countless subjects uch as Al so, in connection with program are $3 fo r students same day. Traveltng 457-333 4 ischemic hea rt dIsease, as we ll as for the fluoroscopy will proVIde a ~a f er. less costly can take its toll, on evalu ation of heart. fu nctIOn. under the alternat il'e eq ual right , the arts, politics, Angelou's latest bok, The and $6 for general adm ISSIOn . women 's role in society, etc., Hp(lrt of A Woman. she will For more information call 4:12· even the mo"t ardent attest to her being one of appear at the UCS D Book 3103. performers. The opentng pIece. Six l oriations (Ill 11/1 UC faculty receive Guggenheims Origillal Theme 111 F 'N0 Exit': little creativity and Major by Beetholen, was played rather This year. nearly 10 per(,l'n t of all Davis form all y and in an GE,.R UP (;uggenhelm" ctl\arded in thl' l'nited . Iall''' Sanelra M. Cilbert. Eng l i~h ; [~IChard N a lot of disrespect for Sartre uninspired manner, and Ca nada went to mem ber" oltlw l n i\'ersit, Schwab. history; and Sh ang Fa Y,mg, lac king an inner spark tor summerf of California '. faculty Of 277n.'clplents of the legt'tablt, crops and biochcmlstn , By MARK WILSON t hing cr eative w ith t he when they weren't saying of hfe. It was played award. 27 \\'ere llC profes..,ors. \\ ho were Irvine . The outstanding qualit y of play. the benefit of the doubt anyt hing: Garcin (Christopher we ll in the tnctest among the 3.200 origi nal applicants for the Thomas P Saine. German. Jea n-Paul artre's play. No could have fall en on their sid e. Mil k) trying to lea\'e t he room . sense. but did not award. /.0.' .1l1gell's l;;Xil, l !- i ts~ lm p it c it y. l t isaone But ... such was not the case. ES lell e ( Pat~ . Ipes) standll1g clearly portray the The fe llowships prOVIde fu nd s for a year of Edward C. Effros, mat hematics; Marti n scene. one act play. It is Before the actors ca me on In the corner be ing talked hills and valleys of • , > In dependent st udy a nd are ba!>ed on Facey.. art ; William T. Wi ckner. biologica l barren. And yet ben eath the stage . t he a udi ence was t!XJ ut by the others and Ines emot ion that Beeth­ demonstrated accompl i" hm nt in the past and chen ll ~t r y 111 molecul ar bIO logy; and Robert S. ba reness a nd within t he {t llowed to pre1iew the set. For J ade Wu) ulxm ent enng. T hey oven is Im'ed for. • a strong promi se fo r the future. Winter. I!I, music. di alogue lies the scaffold ing a person ignorant of the play, it all had their gcx)d moment'> . The cro\\ d sensed Berkeley San Diego i n tricac ies o f Sart re's was a fin e <"et. But for Est ell e and [n e'i came off the Ihis emptiness and Janet Adelman, Engli sh; Ann Banfield. Mi riam Kastner, geo logy; Bern ard Rands, ex i s t ent ia l i~m. [t is a great someone v. ho knew t hc play best. But Carcm \\'<1S lost from Mlsha apparentl~' did Mi~h a Dic ht--e r: magnificent English; David R. Brillinger, statI sti cs; Manuel music; J. Edwin • eegmlller, medici ne; and play . and the Sartrean meanmg of the begi nning. v. he n he also, beca u..,e the Caslell s. cit y and regional planning; Loni Ding, Teddy G. Tray lor, chemistry. Bemg such iI sim ple play, It It-. pieces, tht' set \\ as a ..,tarted "heh·hehlng" all over follOWi ng piece, So· A COMPREHENSIVE WORKSHOP: ASIan America n studies: Ch arl es B. Faulhaber. Santa Barbara lend" Itself to interpretat ion . ..,harnbles. The Barbedlenne the stage. nata ill B Flat \laior bv the pn'l I(JU~ Pll'Cl' . panis h; Al exander N. Glazer, microbiol ogy; Pres t o n C loud, blogeo logy a nd The ba~ l c ..,truct ure wou ld scu lpt un' on I hl' mant Ie looked The fu nction of a play is In , chubert. was pla ~ ed more LI~ /t\ Amln '_' fit' !'I'flnllllg. * Trueing wheels Stephen Greenbl att, English; Robert A. Harri !:>, environm ental studies; and Robert Kell ey, maintain the cohesion, while hkl' a human figure. ler~us the t he performance. [f it were not. masterfully by ('y oking a had quilt' a prect'dt nl tu (lutein, * How to clean and adjust chemi !> try; Lynn A. Hunt, hi tory; Thomas G. hI story. I he director stretched the undefinable. un1ll0\ able mass the audience could ha\'e had a cantatlOn-like qualit~ ' that but It grew trum ~Imp'" 1f c hams ",hubS Ro senm eyer . Gr eek and comparative Santa Cruz l1H'<1nmg of t he pIa}. In this of bronn' that IS ~\'1nbohl' of a group reading of t he work and hpt t he audience transflwd Inn ,)t-(' n Ct· t f) co n i ide n t '" deraLlleurs literature; a nd Rand y W. Schekm an. Donald E. Osterbroc k, astronomy and (·ase. the cit rector. [ ~()h Bund,. hum an bt.'m1.(" l':o~tencl' on probably hal'e had a bet tt'r ~ c hubert"" "cherzo m th IS mat 1I11t~ t hal l'il', t1~ t1junlt,t! II * Pr oper ndmg style biochem ist ry. as trophys ics. made no apparent at tempt ill Earth. »](j Hunch ('I'en lo()k lip tIme. This pia} was a g(xld "(ln ata became ali I e wit h thl' ~tra\'ln"'kv *Tue repal! not ou tdid *And M ore' an mll'rpret at 1On . The pi a} . II ho Ba r lx'(iten Ill' IV as: Thl'Il' chOIce, butlhal is about all the dllln e qualit~ in ih II ()rk . !>lChkr· ... pre"t'rll atHln x4037 performed Ias t weekend at 1\ as a notable armchair credit that t he drama harmonically aloft mlnglinw,. (II' Lb/l. lromH" Ihoughtlul II May 22 & 23 CAMPUS Manciclillc. \\ as pU I on as a miSSIng. I" hll'h l'itmme turn to pag ] 4 Prof. David Bradley: TrvlJal1osomiasis ill Afrim alld May 11 South America . .,. 3:00 p.m. 2105 Bonner Hall WILDERNESS QUARTER African May 12 Or. J. Michael Bishop: Viruses , Gell es and Cancer. Backcountry Field Studies -1 :30 p.m. Garren Auditorium, Basic Science Building. Errol Lecture 2nd of 4 lectures May 13 August 2-24; 5 units '.l rof. David Bradl ey: Diarrhea: Cllllweaffo rd logel rid of FLYNN -High Sierra Natural HlstOlY Series 4:00 p.m. 1/. - The Alpine Wilderness 1148 Humanities Library - - Nature Writi ng Chem Istry August 30-November 4; Intemational Conflict ~I ay 10 \1Jidred Coh n: OXYI(l'1I Isotope Effects VII 3 1·P·'v!I1R. THE CHARGE OF THE 15 units 1:00 pin 2622 I ndergraeluat(' Science Build ing - Yosemi te Wilderness In the Horn of Africa LIGHT BRIGADE - John Muir Wilderness Dr_ David Laitin, :Vlildred Lohn: 1'lr ospllO r otlr ivlI/1' Ii 1I(J logul's oj - Wilderness Journal Backcountry Howoll (9/ 17- l\1av 1 ~ XII('!co /i(/C.\ as Probes 1~l l~' llz\' lI/ i( 1'lwsplulI:v! NCilc//(I/I .~. Dept. of Political Science HIOp.m. 21 U Applied l'h)slc", and Math BUlldlllg - 1/ 22)

    :\lJidrecl Cohn: .Hapt>illg I 'roll'ill nilld/IIK "/Ii ~\ /o/' Friday, May 14th 9 pm Wednesday, May 12 7:00 pm ,\Ial' 1:1 \ud(,l1/ir/('.\ Ilill/ I'/t"tll CIIJt\'!' &) Wilderness Studies. 1 Of) lur. "11 :{ Appill'dl'lw"lCs and ~Iath Buddlllg Carriage House Chancellor's Conference Rm UniverSIty of California I'll \ ~ 1(' ~ at the 111A Univer ity Lutheran Church Extension Ilr. COlln11O I~. (,illitano: I'ha,, (' ConJugat(' Opt I( ~ . Santa Cruz. CA 95064 Chancellor'S Conference \1 ,1\ II PhYSIC" ilnd \ ppl i c atlon~ (408 429-2761 1'0\1 lU ll I~():l Hlln\illllt 1\'" LibrilJ'l sponsored by Room, 111A The Catholic Community at UCSD IIr I h rOil Spml'ad ."'PI ('ims('II/>Y 1(1 .'l(JIII. /J istalll 1.11 11' ~ 1.1\ 11 / ' )/11 ({tUIJI !~ I!IIS .'/(III I II/I (;alari!'.' 452·2521 Sponsored by the UCSD International Club ,'!l0 P III 11](1 I' ''Y('h fll,,~y ;1I1c1 LlI1 gl ll , 11t' Buddi flg For more information call x3730 1)1 ).,1\\ rmC!' K_ Ra nci;di' FI'fli'm! Fllllri/J/ ~ 1111 Stil'l/( ( . donation $2 \1;1\ II 1'1'1.\/111'/ ;"1 JIIIII/ litl' III ' /lIL' . • ::{J{J p.m. I: U\) IIUfl l; lllll il' ''' and SO( 1;11 ~\')('me Ihlllc1l1lg . 14 ThE" UCSD Guardian Monday, May 10, 1982 Burke to SD opera The UCSD Guardian- Page 15 lecture on releases Tim Pickwell, Sports Editor rhetoric schedule orts May 10,1982 Renowned author, poet and The an Diego Civic Light literary critic Kennet h Burke Opera, a musical tradition A first time will visi t a a Regents' lecturer here for 37 year, has May ll-20. announced their summer Burke, who turned S on schedule for the 1982 Starlight May 5, will hold a number of eason. for everything talk ' and -eminars for Opening t he season of students as well as delivering musicals under the stars, the By BILL FISH a public lect ure "Bodies That award winning SOU lid oflI1usil' Staff Writer Learn Language" on Wednes­ will play at Starlight Bowl in The Triton baseball team playoff experience, as in no~e, day at 4 pm in the Humanities Balboa Park from June 24 -27 had a eventh inning of was a contributing factor. LIbrary Auditorium. Hi,; visit and J ul)' 1-4t h. Direct ing TIle -"firsts" yesterday which led to "ThiS tcam has never been is sponsored by the communi­ SOl/lid of Music will be Ole their elimination from the first to the playoffs before," says cations Program and the Kittleson. round of th playoffs. Yates. "Of course it wa!> Departments of Literat ure and Opening on July 15th, the The score was tied at one disappointing to lo!-e, but after oClOlogy_ Lerner and Loewe Classic rip­ with two outs. The Westmont the game everyone remem­ Kenneth Burk is the most roaring musical Paint YOIlY batter, after being walked by bcrcd that t his was t he best controversial literary figure in Wagon will play July 15-18 and starter Bub Allen. executed a season wc've ever had." America in the la t 50 years," July 22-25. The Starlight delayed steal. Catcher Mike The coach's quote is an according to Michael production will be directed by Brown fired his patented understatement. His team Schudson, director of the Thursday night's piano concert features Father Nicholas Reveles on the new Bosendorfer. Randall Hoey, who recently strike to second base. The basically rewrote t he record com mu nicat ions program. directed a re-worked version of throw. however. was un- book this !>eas on, winning phulo' b) .IIIA. SI. r. " , "What he has tried to do is to the how for the SanJose Civic touched. Nobody wa. covering exactly three times as many introduce into literary studies Light Opera with the second, a definite first for the games as last year. Victory at sea for Surf Team Tritons_ The Tritons received more t he rhetoric of almo t any kind The padre and the new piano cooperation of AlanJay Lerner. Black's Beach_ War Zone. The surf was maLI, the wind wa ... fierce and the UC D of communication ranging Starlight's artistic directors On the same play, sure- positive season-ending new urfing Team was ecstatic. aturday the squad fini!>hed their 'ieason with a perfect 9·0 from azi propaganda to Fat her Nicholas Reveles will mu ic from the University of the important stylistic Don and Bonnie Ward will handed centerfielder Wes last week. Both pitcher Bob record after defeating powerful, and previously undefeated, Orange Coast College, 64- new papers." be the econd noteworthy Redlands. He was ordained a periods: from the early direct the hilarious musical Aozasa, who had shined at his Allen and pitcher-catcher 56. Last season the Triton surfers lost only one meet - to Orange. Who say revenge is Perhaps Burke's best pianist to initiate the UCSD prie t for the Roman Catholic Viennese classics to the major How 10 Succeed in Business position throughout the Mike Brown were named to not sweet? known works are hi book The Music Department's new Dioce e of San Diego in 1974. contemporary compositions. Without Really Trying season, somehow let the ball the AII-di trict First Team, Rhetoric of Motives, publi hed Bosendorfer Grand Imperial In addition to hi s full-time He is also pianist for the Alcala scheduled for August 5·8 and get by him - another first. (analogou to "all stars"). in 1950 with a new edition in piano in concert Thursday at 8 academic duties, Father Trio, a resident faculty August 12-15th. Associated Brown's powerful throw The coach is already looking 1969, and A Grammar of p:m. in Mandeville Audito­ Reveles offers a regular series ensemble at USD. with San Diego Starlight was never touched, and forward to next season. Motives, pub1i hed fir t in num. of musically challenging piano For more information on musicals over a period consequently. neither was the Recruit Ing mainly from 1945 with a new edition in Reveles, who has received recitals. His repertoire this concert please call 452- spanning thirty years, the baserunner who scored all the Oregon. hiS home state, Yates 1969. critical acclaim for hi include major works from all 3229. Wards have been producers of way from fir -t to break the tie_ hopes to strengthen hiS lineup During his distinguished interpretation of Beethoven's the San Diego Junior Theatre Pilcher Allen, visibly rattled next year. [ncluded on his career, Burke has been not Hammerklavier Sonata op. 106 for thirteen years. and unaccustomed to hi roster may bean all-star junior only a literary critic, but a offers Beethoven's Sonata ill E Magical Misha Dichter The 1982 Starlight Summer team'~ lapses, promptly college pitcher who has mu ic critic, a poet, a wnter of flat major, op. 31 110. 3 this eason will come to a close delivered a homerun pit ch to comp iled "orne amazing stats fict ional tories, a book time, and chumann's continue d from page 13 summed up the entire proces!> with Broadway's second­ the next batter. This \\a.., the m onlv two Year,,_Yates is also reviewer, and a translator. He Falltasiestucke, oj) 12, Foltr beauty requires something of growt h begu n in the fi rst longest running hit of all time final first. countIng on freshmen Dave has also served on the facult ies Mazurkas op. 17 by Chopin, beyond geniu~, yet Dichter piece of the concert and Fiddler On the Roof playing Although Allen retained his Vasil and Dave Janowski, who of numerous colleges and and in conclusion, Sonata in F managed to reach inside of reflected the point lO which August 26-29 and Sept em ber 2- composure to finish the game, combined for three hits and univer ·ities. mitllJY op. 5 by Brahms. himself and give a bit more for Mi~ha Dicter had progres!>ed . 5th. ( he homer proved to be the two runs Sat urday. lie has been awarded Reveles is an Assistant the final work - Liszt' The end of the concert A season ticket for all four deCisive run. UCSD was able Yates will abo ha\.e most of honorary degrees from Professor of Music at the Hlil/garia/1 Rhapsody No .2. brought the devoted fans of musicals can be obtained for as to add a run In the eighth hi !> team returnmg. As the Bennington College, Rutgers, UCSD_ He earned a Bachelor of This rat her militant and this hopelessly succes!>ful little as $27_ For information mal'dng the final score, 3-2. coach. he definitel~ plans to be Dartmouth, Fairfield . Arts degree at U D, Bachelor forceful work was played with artist to t heir feet for three and season re erved seat orde:­ During the regular ,eason, back, assumingtheschool will Rochester, Norrhwestern . m Sacred Theology. Catholic ~uch freedom and !-.elf call-backs that somehow forms, phone t he San Diego five errors behind the pitching rene\\ his contract. [n one Indiana State and Kenyon University. Wa!-.hingLOn , D.C., confidence that it didn't seem didn't seem enough for such a CiVIC Light Opera Association of Allen would have been year, he ha!-. turned this team College. and a Ma ster of Arts degree in bounded to the keyboard. It fine performance. offrps at 280-9111. unthinkable. Coach Lyle Yates into playoff contenders. believes that theteam'slackof another first. ..

    ------coupon.------Jim Schutz FREE CAMPUS DELIVERY CAll leM fOR PlOST Any Large Pizza & Of YOUR rtffDS: Next Time, Ask For $3.00 off Any Medium Pizza Hey USC, \VelcoDle to the real world tutors in most college ~ubjects An Authentic GenTIan Beer. Have you heard the one about how many USC students" through that ngorous frat life? What kind Man Goux, an assi. tant coach who committed Any Large Pizza typing of papers $2.00 off thesis football player it takes to screw in a lightbulb? It of justice is that? the violations. decided that the plarers were not guidance in preparing term papers only takes one, but L5 get credit. Are the e the same starving hludents who live in "oclal enough and needed more spendmg money for assistance in applying for under- Well, the big fraternity in Los Angeles finally got Trojan Hall, that refurni hed Hilton Hotel for elite these difficult times t hat are upon us. DUring thest.' graduale. graduate admissions caught wit h it . lzod's off: the USC football team was "tudent~ Immigration and legal problems on campus? Aren't these the arne who are months of tconomlc hard"hip when !-.tudent funds and insurance services put on two year probat ion by t he NCAA preventing receiving $10,000 a year in scholarships to play 15 are bemg cut, loans are frozen and money IS hard to Eat Here Of To Go it from appearing in bowl games in 1983 and 1984, football games' Weren't the Trojans put on come bv. It is comforting to know that an a~l,.tant 8873 Villa La Jolla Dr. I and from being televised in 1982 and 1983. The probat ion in 19 0 for receiving college credit for coach will se ll anyt hlng. moral or immoral, to msun' WIth Coupon ICI'I :"-JCAA caught one of the frat's assistant coaches classes that never existed? taning students? a betler SOCial life for even Amencan srudt'nt Expires 6/ 15/&2 La Jolla, CA 92037 I International Communications Phone: 4~2 I selling players' tickets for a profit and returning the Frat President James H. Zumberge. in his reply to (Should be sung In the .,ame·breath as The Battk' Media, Inc. In come to t he players. the probation. said " ... that the severity of the Hymn of the Republic God hless America ) Suite 100. 394S Ca mino Del Rio S. Not t hal serious, you !-.ay, but that is like catching penalties reflects a measure oh-indlct Ivene"s that IS San Diego, Cil. 92108 The average ~t udent at l'SC I" probably silent I~ Phone : (714) 284-3287 a mafioso for tax fraud; could have nabbed him for shocking for an organizatIOn \'o.lth the slatureof the rejOlcmg to see hI" larger peers sweating out their (In Mi))ion Valley next to Natl Univ.1 more but at least you got ·em. NCAA" fmal year: of school. not bemg able to be on the tu ht.' One week after the CAA handed down their Isn't it equally shocking that a major uni\-e rsity, or not. God forbid. bemg able to eat prime nb at decision, those slippery Trojans went on record as with a large foot ball team, has become so dependant La" ry' s before t he Rose Bow I saying that the probations were too stiff for such a upon the money brought in through that ~port lhat May 25 minor crime. Two years probation for selling a they admit to f he infract ions, but demand a recoun t But to :'.lan Gou _ the II C president and their coupl of tickets to help put those "starving by the presldmg judges? cohort s. \\ ekome to t he real world. Adolph Delgado on campu: Looking for: Math, Physics, UCSD Student Special f\C, SOFT Oceanography & Computer Science .-p..f SS -#,/i_~_ lJ ndergraduate (graduat ing in ~~ \'-~ CONTACT LENSES June) & Graduate Students_ FREE Saturdays and Weeknights NIKE T-Shirt P & LillO lobs with: Naval Ocean Research with any SIO.OO purchase MUIr College Includes and Development Activity at $135 soft lenses - care Good while supply lasts Special Ot'l'Cf 9000 until 5-31 -82 follow up National Space Technology Labs AASAFE and examination in Bay St. Louis, Mis issippi. DRIVING Extended wear lenses available Warsteiner SCHOOL The Premium German Beer Since 1753. '----- ~.JoI~- Robert M. Heller, 0 D If interested contact Career THE ATHLETE'S LACES La Jolla Village Square Mall Bausch & Lomb Planning & Placement in HL 1058. La Jolla Village Square 457-1515 454-3595 Lower Level softens and (next to Sav-On' 452-7374 supplies available Monday, May to, L982 The UCSD Guardian J7 16 The UCSD Guardian Monday, May 10, 19R2 Cyclists conquer tough course in WLCC meet By THOMAS SCJI 1I0T HYPERTENSION Swff \\ rill' r WUR GLASSES? WANT TO FLY? Sat urday and Sunciav the skept ica l horses. l 'CSD Tritons hosted the The tightly grouped pack Western League Cycling cut through the wi nd a ll the Do you smoke? Overweight? Champion~hips. Sat urday \\a~ to EI Camino Real where morning time t rials were held the course made a sharp right Do you know your blood pressure? on the Faribanks Ranch access turn paralleling Int erstate 5. road. Part icipants st arled Along EI Camino Real the from EI Camino Real , cycled riders encou ntered a slight Blood pressures will be measured by ea t to Fairbanks Ranch, uphill ,,'Tade, until they again turned around and cycled back reached Black Mountain Road qualified students today through Wednesday. to EI Camino Real. a total \\ here they e nco unt e r ed dis tance of 9.7 miles. lIC J) \ another steep htl . The Jean Le Beau fini shed fift h in " feed ers" were positioned the \\ omen's competition with a long this hill because the a time of 25: ]0. riders were traveling slow Sat urday afternoon at] p.m. enough along t his stretch to the road race got underway. receive food and water. At the Be part of the Navy aviation team-a Naval Flight There were three categories, top of this steep grade the • Officer. As a flight officer, you'll be responsible for s tarting at fi ve minute finis h line was only 300 yards intervals. The first field was away. controlling complex, on-board weapons and navigation t he Expert Men, followed five The Expert Men had to systems on sophisticated Navy aircraft. As a flight minutes later by the Novice complete eight laps of the officer, you'll be given advanced technical training. Men and later followed. by the course for a total dis tance of The pack. Racers attempt to find some room during Sunday's Criterium at t:CSO. You 'll gain early responsibility. And you'll have the women. The course was a 59.2 miles, the Novice Men six demanding 7.4 mile loop, with laps for 44.4 miles and the chance for worldwide travel. the start/ finish line in front of Women five lap for 37.0miles. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum BA/ BS degree Torrey Pines High School on The lead car, which drove in How to start a lacrosse club (summer graduates may inquire). Applicants must be Black Mountain Road . The front of the Expert pack to By PHIL LAUDER not see ~teady Impro\ement cott Hill \\ ent to the cycli t. rode east through a warn traffic averaged 25 mph. Staff Wriler You will not see anythmg at recreation elu h offices and no more than 29 years old and have vision correctable series of four hairpin curves Through the first lap the UCSD has many winning all. because thIS IS the team's started the proceo.,s by do 109 to 20/20. Relocation required. Applicants must pass 11 am - 2 pm where they reached speeds of riders were tightly grouped, teams this year. In volleyball , fir~t year. the paperwork. ~ext thev had aptitude and physical examinations and qualify for May 10 Revelle Plaza 45 mph. up a steep hill. then "feeling each other out" so to crew, tennis, swimming, and ExpanSIOn teams don't to get player". Word of mouth security clearance. U.S. citizenship required. May 11 Third Quad 11 am - 2 pm a long a fl at st retch of road to s peak, but in the second lap other sports, the Tritons have normall) start off well. Just and fivers advertl ... ed the 11:30 - 12:30 another s harp curve onto two riders from , DS U broke had tremendous success. ask the Tampa Bay BUl·ca· team's first meeting ,ome 25 BENEFITS: Excellent package includes 30 days' Jazz Ensemble Carmel Valley Road. Along away from the pack wit h a 30· Looking back through the neers, who went 0·26 before I)(~)pll' at tended, alxlUt half of earned annual vacation. Medical/dentaL/low cost life May 12 The Hump 11 am - 2 pm Carmel Valley Road t he riders 40 second lead. Toward the records of t he las t few seasons fmally winning. So how doe<; a whom dCClde<1 to JOin Uther., insurance coverage and other tax-free incentives. encou ntered fierce headwinds end of the second lap a nder reveals that thIS success ha.., lacrosse tea m go 11':~ 10 Ih JOIned lat er. The Gospel Choir noon - 1 pm of up to 30 mph. The from LJC D bridged the gap come about through years of first season) :\ u\\ t hert' \\ ert' pla\ er". Dependents' benefits available. Promotion headwinds made it difficult for from the pack tothetwobreak· steady improvement. Well. first of all. to become a \;e\.t t hey needed oPJX!l1t'nt!->. program included. riders \\ ho tried to break a\\'a\ a\\'a~ ndrrs gi\ ing them hope For one l 'C ' D team. thIS IS successful team. vou lllU-.t Hammond \\ ent to ('CLA 0 PROCEDURE: Send resume to, or call: Naval from the pack. The ('()ur..,e and help to cont inue theIr lead not the case. I'C D's lacrosse first become a team After a It end a mt-l't Jng of the headed west through some S· ()\ er the ot her~ In t he m am club fmi ... hed the season ll-:i. decidlllg a laeros l' rlu b wa.., We"tern CollL'glatt! bcro"..,e Management Programs. ..,haped cu r ves by some pack. \\, It h only one league loss. Look nt'Cded. and that t hl'v \\'l're the League, \\ here he rcmnnced Don't wait 'till it's too late! beautiful ranchec; where the The three break-away riders back at lacrosse's records for ones who had to iorm It. leagut o!fIClal.., that ('CSD only spectators were some please turn to page 18 t he last few years and you w til freshmen Dave Hammond and plea:.e turn to page 1 H P.O. Box 85 124, San Diego, CA 92138 Sponsored by the Black Science Student Organization ------293-6691 and Commuter Activity Board. Integrated Literature Department Courses not listed in the Fall Quarter Sequence Schedule of Classes (Can be used to meet Revelle Social Science and Additional Social Science Lit/ En lI5A The Sixteenth Century requirement or Muir Social Science,) Instructor: Thomas Dunseath Tu·Th 1:00·2:20, TEH 102 - course code 5037 Social Science Lit/ Gen 119 Greek Mythology Instructor: John Heath MWF 2 :00·2:50, APM 2301 course code 5033 IOA·B·C A study of various bodies of myth; their content, form and Modem Society meanmg. • on color film Fall 1982 - IDA.; R. Madsen Tu-Th 2:30-3:50.5032 developing Special attention is paid to theories which seek to account for the unequal & printing distribution of wealth, status, and power Lit Gen 152 Literature and Ideas: European Literature • Kodacolor, Fuji or 3M and the Rise of Science , color print film in America. Instructor: Jon Snyder • 110, 1260r135filmsizes I. I Lee C MWF 1:00·1 :50, P&L 1117 course code 5034 12 borderless prints In this course you will read some representative Europ an exposure Winter 1983 - lOB: D. Laitin writers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Bruno, $2.29 • Prints are dated Campanella, and Galileo (Italy), MontaJgne, Descartes, and Focuses upon political aspects of human Pascal (France); and Bacon, Burton, and Browne (England). society, examining patterns of equality, Through a close study of selected texts and a wide vanety of authority, and policy making in the United literary strategies that they embody (Hermetic treatIses, utopias, dialogues, essays, dream books, etc), you will seek to examine 24 Kingdom, France, Japan, India and the exposure and define the constitution of a language of $4~9 Soviet Union. science, locat d in the fundamental tension • between analytical and figuratIve discourse All Johnny Got His Gun readmgs WIll be In translation. although a ft~~ '!'!ll"... . ~ 1983 - 10C: D'Andrade knowledge of French, Italtan, or Latin IS Also: Spring R. 36 desirabl . ReqUirements one class report, one _ exposure This course examines cultural universals fifteer. page pappt Ten Days That Shook The World 6~6 and cultural differences in the modern world and includes case studies of cultural There ure . velal visiting t,,(ulty t achmg In Literiltufl.' Fall riday May 14 7pm C D BOOKSTORE differences between modem peoples and qUilrt r For mor informatIon telephone 4523210 or stop bv UNIVERSITY F CAUFORNIA , SAN DIEGO TCHB 110 ilnd pICk up cour e desLfiptiolls and the LIteral a review of the concept of LH 107 FREE LA JOLLA, CA 92093 dlog listing of all of ne t year's course offenng . ELECTRONIC DEPT. "national character." I sponsoJr"d by: commille" for world democracy ",ilh 6sucsd ' allocat"d lunds. dnd Ihlrd " 'orl,lslueJ,<" Off.r explr •• 5, 11 /82 • Monday. May 10. 1982 '( h(' L"C~I) Guardian 19 18 The UCSD Guardian Monday. May 10, 1982 ------

    f' .. t tf r.ef~ r rw'3" rrkHI;.TnlS) [CtJI'lOI'nlLS fWrRHlAl.l "J/'OJ ,,-,e t:t, "" rr ;' HJ 1et rl IlilY '/7 t lo"n~ ..JV"I:dbIC tor dll OIM dMSJOfl CIdS<£Sdnd EI(A~fRHEAD, n,,'S'mdl A Sa~ at UEO 80< Office ~I'O 1879 '5/13, continued from page 17 padding they needed to allow SIrtdtlDm" ""o1n r';Crlpts. 't'I.,JU~d tnotters VdS ~r~aTlv ~~p'e n~a .4 u- I) e'jltlnq.l.K.SD letfft"nc:es lBMrOf,e(~~Stiectr c H(we'v'P.J' pef'.il)nditleo nstr J( t!in S r 1'1e'r 4 .,e .. E(f!S, ~tt.kJtY", 'J) was together. At the time. that and, through the donation of Ur'ltQl,oi" 0u5,ncSS OCoor.t.,'''t·ty 1 P B tor dttr:lC.h't II '2716378 6 3 t.o('f- "'f.' v..'t ~I II"'IP. squce-z c,n wmeoody NK.>St • 'Y oil ..,CAK announcements out Of J(X)() ft!l""h' f.(e. 1If" ,14 YOAI , , enough to get hi s squad into two goa ls. Against Div . I State 1,' 6,) wtft(S Of.'.n to fut Jre ;:tv ~ and ~. :1V'f'1'lC es , "'orrmuttrs meet people, md'r. tr't'ndS. wtn l H.,.." q J pyt,} Tr ...·' ftr'.' C .. r ,itA) w r~ SOUt'd 'W!'1cJ. ...vould t:Je orr:flta r' 01' ~rc¥~ the league. wit h, according to Hammond. in S'9n Cp fe< Od«gammon IO"'nd'N'nt n Jnr1prstanc·nq Cf this ;,erlOl.1. fT) H~, lt~r , " ..!t-'fT\ 0 make ~e rw:> ell'" SS It "'So "40 50 R""",rr Comm Cente, (5/10) M 15110, Of course. athletics and to percent of our team housing j,ieaSOr\1t;:e 'rt' (.nIl Brldn iH 48 818Q Of Pt It at Don t lefNf? schoo! Without It' I' yr... u,~ d qrad financial problems are always playing a game before even J SO 323 5/1", )01 l=- s"y 91'f,I.1U:" t'Jey 'I kf"'I()YJ ~ r *'t' I 'r I lost and found closely related, "We needed to seeing one." UCSD won, " I udenl 0< ~ 'l'ad'01'ng senlOl, M'e, (dn &ptess )'.,.(1 ~ l.i!'ldf"~nct dO j In ,e.aIOl.6. r ler ~,.. IS offertrlq tou the tlidnc.t ro bu d yOUr «(edit , '. E." never IJl('I tOY Gonna f. nd ...... t frOr"l Pt , "Y get $280 for league dues and was amazed at how many of f,Jtlng by OYVnlng ·]n Amet <:. I £Xpress Cd'd AAAON POClMM.AffS \1S 771 t060 (61 ' J ilIlI1 f'O.,. betthe'Y~sc",et· ~t j.,Jwl· "'IS

    for the salarie of the refs, " th ese n e w guy s ca me C/1ec k out now easy II ,Cont. • -rKiY Rayrnona Sm, re'1t.,! or e,.C~q~ hOIJ~ nf UC BI!!1o,·,ey 6et tt ""t nf'Vt7J tI"~9ht I d tl"liS I nJ.: 'T1 on to for sale ('It.t \..e' 'aJ l t;,tdry yellO-V ~pcy,~ J Y.",.et P r! ,t 4881 185 (S/13J DoltS I:.. Greent.ldUIr, 34~ olIO 51 you Wdle'" I &' c t.t'\', I.e WOw ~"e No ~sy explains Hill , "and we had through," says Hill, a theme o,,"ono .J " bad, j;-esent n-", 3""" IS "'~. "'l oc r (415) 655"!0094 (5/10 51101 none. We tried toraisesomeby echoed by Hammond. Hang ghdlngl Learn 10 Hyonlhe s"'enSdnddunes ~PJe'.;S:..ct .. rr -tt(jf..OliA')IOQI'ce: rr'lcnd of Baja CId,se, held SdlurdhyS SundaY $251cfdll 2 roomm~tes "".ded Ie. summer CY ~rm 0_ rrC'1 dod""" IngtoOe1OlJ' t!eSl~.. ~f,.el,rr f J...nd )/") showing a movie. but that Their upset of SDSU gOllhe day 457 2858 (5(17) 'oom, m gO'geou, lur~ ..a Jail... Condo Pool ,-or Sde P,,~.e· 5XWOT ~e(n""KJ "'d1!5 wNi\ ,ou "'dnt me to dO I30Jtly ~!10 1a){,)0 PM of Mlt,,:,""ell SPeakerS. i 6 Inch V'VOOfer llSl ~c,d ,~~ ~ I)~n cer"dl and didn't work oul too well. They season on tr~c~, The club n e~t fRE E Dental Exam'/legdl con'>UIt'/OPIiCar tXdm, jaCUZZI, ga" Ilpl fe non5IT\OIrer only 995/24, Y'1V too c.:Jn Jon 1K£.' If ;tOu r'(!\Ie., rvrt P.nf:':" ~ ..£ .... 9 ,,,",, I'MPle's high heQu.'OC)' fille, 5185 h,.., MdrVArgo 553 (5/13) Hill and Hammond took the Los Angeles, and won both 5987 (6/3) ~~ ~ type cJ lelldhl To ex d I,nl. 5" ,au n "1 L.JSt c,lue COI':¥.t ,''''' ~:-o ~df" I'ldsa 'Tl1"(I H(YT1p CCfl'1Puff" rp'ltd'~ In~ln,JlT'f'nt~ 994A 16 bll NoIlce MUIr student' ~pecl~11y freshmen and 2 bel, new CondO 0"'" 'oom. cwo bath \175 oiM! d PJt,.> ~nd !.PeC es '~'OuOf' AI Hd ~ I "" Lost lela. P~l ~e,y... KP.vIr 4S¥ "?9 money to the next WCLL games they played. Before the microprotrtbutors wdnle:d1 10 sopho'nores I nte r ~sted !n blOtogyl MUIr blO M(d M~ exclntdreddVdll June. C (dnqUtet Tom, '~!10) < 452816~ (5J13) meeting. wheretheirteam was post·season tournament. held m;:yOl5 - ony queslIOtl" BIoiOS)' maJO' ptOS'""" 578 93T7,le4IIe messagt (5/17) .k;t,ndldy<>ur:e,t/' hatNIShl"'DcJ'I1'\".(ed ?R e''''d .~ I ",cst· -"st wf'P~ rrr~ IT! yt -w. j frat ~por: ( CeNrtf!JgeS, autoc,aves, v ... um sy..t ms, much l 4 put into a four·team Division rr the first weekend of May. discussed T~ay, May 11, 4 :JO.S JO 1103 MUI' ') bel, new conoo own 'oom own bath \ 1'5 I~ ~rv'ng r1'jl'J("OIJ'\( rm tu)ctS to) R.rrvi f 'StlX1v' ts I P:eb'1"(tlt..lrf'1 blx fJJI t ,e V'w rei] ~pe t')s.J('8 IIKJIosy &'Jlld,ng mOle <789729 (SilO) f~ !() league. While at the meeting. ~CSD. had won 10 times. (S/tO, MUd IVreSiJ rxclf"lt ~fd. d",,11 JIJnt, cle~:ln (N tl, Ihlr .• I'I,enIOMlc.iondd E,ptl"ss ' ;82 blu!""'t foo, eyes IScomlng5dlu'day. MJy2'2 T,cket.lrext continued from palle R t a league to play in . Next they one UC D war matched 1000 m"'s Call Mag 976 '~17 (S/IG nt'\\' \ ogue arou nd he ~ ear wed (5/10) IHth·century physICtJm,. who ~/)O() needed something to play against number four Whittier, rrun",ud,O 1011 BSpeo.e's t9 !INOwdY 5101.1 ~ The Rd'l'" Party 01 the yed' Ktntu,-"y f".d lW:1~e. !:le' offe' 481 SOOQ Ron (5/ 'J) co m ertcd to mysl lcal reltgion "Talk of tht End I)f the Age with, i.e, equipment and, of a team they had beaten twi ce '>.'20 on USB 2722 (5/10) services Mer S 93 'Jue 0 ~ea e'C'QI1d 1 "'OS Old aflcr a med ical cn!'i~of(Jlle~lt" II P cour e, skills. before. "They played great. o.Jrce 10/G0u' Eyes rou' Eyes IO' you $,,, MJy2'2 tend to crop (lr()u nd the .)f~5 Ml.o~t I'pil (illl AAd~. 45),)506 r~" 111 The two co·captains, along and we played lousy. What can UTC (~tO) that nearl v cost him hi ... lift' . t urn of I'('nt urit~. but t re year C;'ngle _HeSS ~O f.,·r~ long tingle ""ttrCSI, withthefewotherexperienced I say?" is Hammond's way of Don t miSS the opf,X)rtunlty 10 see the (ltt)? serf "Dr. Chevne hdlt'\'l'd thaI 200() repre ... lnts not lUst I hl' L()I')~ s'eat la, sum me' lOSe 101020 Ibs n ore ;100, Otter I)ro,OOfT\ lum (t",S 45.l2jCl tt If YtN your RJblks (r;oo from tne tOP of lJrE")' team members. held informal explaining the disappointing m()ol~ J.JSI 1 d:JIld' \.d,1 '~WS7 le~, S1T3> C;od had tn ler\'enl'd ttl ",a\(' turn of ,I Cl'ntllf\, but 'I he turn H,~I. lu~'} DonateyourCubelotl1lsmO!.lworttry ""'1Sd'J" Ib.JJ him," Rousseau c\plainl'd. practices to help develop the 12·7setback.theironly Dlv. n •....:rt dt t/1e Siudent Cen!e',MOMor R TIles, lOll trps H'iC Cd.1 4 0957 Le_ " lie be llen'Cl that God brought 01 it nlillennturn,' R()us"l'aU ~peCldlty DdY, tytr,l"l9 wee, end ~'Ours l.d..:otld "'>e5S-'lge 51" J 10 U of these players didn't have the the next game to capture third CatholiC GI,I, lantasy Kenluocy rned M-'Vle. 5/20 4573842 W3 him to the bnnk of death Ob"CrH'C1. "J lt~t \\ alt nt II t h(' necessary padding, therrcould place. A final loss toSDSU last ~ USB 2799 (5) IQ) rev Salt 6" ,)1'''' dr Re-Ctf'l!y!.hrtpeC. ·e .....,." order to s how him a better 199()~ The... c prople Will really LJoWdflte:d Hd,r J(\."rno..eu Permdnenl/y ""'IeJ' 5110 Cafl4S1 SOOQ (5,10) Ff'lIoIlment woeelc: IS a mess ","'tt"lOl.;l d CAPE. In It rome all t of I c1()~l'I." be no heavy contact dunng I uesday closed out the season, camn.l:' La .k;...ld V,"~ PrcJes\I()f"d1 (en1f"r. R'r/J ",av. and that wa~ hi'" he four pc:.x et On sa e tnlS Wf'e", dt me Boc r~t(..ofe, Pe~ lid< , age JO g",I

  • 3 19j~ 453 1040 10/3) our biggest problems back nounced "Yopi") Kuhn, wtth we 314 '5113) ~/13) go~pe l of \ egetariani!-m ,II the \\hat t~ ba. iralh at tht: root of Tyt::)jng. fdA, ecCur 'e, re~SOl\j'Jlr PICk IP no ff)f e'9 b&w !r rxlrf th en. " "avs Hill. "The newer 19 goals and seven a"sists. and CathOhc hl~h schOolgirlS lYe Ir ·f·:>u .... ·e I- own. Profl' ...... nr t Ion \\ !lldd 01\ e '\ en t hm J, "I began speaking when I was nine would st tCk \\ It h it, and didn 't were select ('(I as Div, II all · n • illauour.' '''')01 taP(" ~~500 Ph 45(, '983 In h:'i"~t("d 11'1 p!omcx1ng 9()()(j muSIC We ht't'.l'e 'd,tlng/'Pl'r.I!lI '9 n RUSH JOBS. 453,(}(,Sb l< ousSl'0 1323 5/13) T)"OI"9 f-Hr IIW WI'" t 'Jd(~' I fCtmat F,~ 7lY, 10 h The investment involved in well as Hammond (17 goals) At entlon dll !Judefl'S serous "bOlIt ~;( and /ICC 11 •••• 'edsonable '27t ?38 ~13) dcad Ame rica) woutd t'njo~ f;Jr (rf)'ll dl'1ri 1/t00cnce meet ilt WSB 972'2 S/Q() KfM r5/'0) when my first words were 'that u _.. ve a lacrosse can add up to $1 50 or also recei\'ed votes, E" CPI'or",' lYDlnq all~, s SuPP' IBM I ''''' Gud,d'dn Angel, SdfCIY P.t,O! s '1ON more, with special gloves, (oHc"'lIonS I r.>ell r:1 fI(".art y ~1'- ' NH"'C 4~ travel re rul!If"lg You rnu~t be b:y over to l!PL: 'I Ir·to: "'lR b $ S , ' AS on Attiyeh app't charge please,' " hrlm et Slicks. and padding, °19'l'i< '() (5/11) T,,~ 09. kJY.I~ .. .xli'" f ,~f)',J ~IC..lllh~ t'f~O .,1 "When the ree. department Decision [ your't"t"ljrt""ll'd,fh, !t"fl4I-)l )~ ~vvr1: pREpPY terf:'lrnlogv W J,,", \r\r , S Ptt>MJe 4~4 continued from page 5 (lEE Stu~, • ~p.1 ope \r\~ '().5," tne S:ude Loor .... and aciamant Iv stntt" saw wr weren't gOtng to fold /\Ie \~ 'ex ';01.1 trft ot ct~r'ge at tdt>les ,t liP on 0 II.\:\' DBOOK 6860 3 PIl'iS(' \()u r father, your "lstLr. \our "I prod continued from pa~e 8 r.ol a 'WIJ<,'(, BY:'lOT flM f~ •• 1m er. vour' <111\ iloch ... i hl'\' the rt'"t of 111\' !tfe Hlf It was not for that ;,grams. l l 'lUth rr ~~ Co l'2{)bJO ~/3 few helmets. and that helped t ~se,,~ P'lper & u' cr<.. N.-' '( M f, Q 4 ,~. retraction in the Guard· P zer Prlie wlOfling ;f'Jlcrnar onal Odl y want a throttle cont roi"I,n your out a lot ," says Hill. "''V',~Odppr 1r~ C,N'!.tldfl SCIe:rx.:~ Mon.tOf (),}37 ISI'l ... ~ 5c.(lUf' Tp~ IdlCJ'v\1~ It ft'. :mct' t he 'X'gtnntn~ or (he ian," Tollner added, "my c:,PJf ~,.o by the Ctmstldf" Sc'f"r( C' Or~" 161100 ,t q~ Cdil ~;J 4Q30 y, evenIng with the editor The team also got somegood Tyr)lnq by ~(tj '~r ~nt ....'e jre i: PcK plaCe "I took that damn Ill" bovcnt t. Coor '", ~h~1le f,{ bet'l" coac hing when Larr y chances for election would ! IX"SD (SIlO, Cd; ~?"9B83 '1dV" ~7Q lW;' ",eolng~ (; 27 "ale ... has dro[lpL' to 1h '·',(lr C·ener~, ~13H mecllng "l<.J.Jy" 8 00 All tYP1rl<3 ~Cld' e In sc ,~nl'f (drXl !ertlr ( detector te ... t," hl' added Goodfellow. who plays on the be nil." pl'1'Cent In the ~tatt' 0' of The Official Preppy f.Jeryone IS ,,,,,'ed d"ld \rVC~C)I"'e Nomll"ri' O'\S 8M ~" to· '" EI :.be·~ ,,,,,'k,!.,, 4 52· 1, "That wa" 111\ tntroductlon to Tollner also told the 1 OMBAC lacrosse club, andleff ".1 1HeCIOf),hTps .,re' '"'OIo'open S 11'1) ext 237 ~ t7 Cal fornia according 0 board that allowtng the Coor ...... l \\ or'!,cct 12 hou r... a Snesp, , .... ho also played by typiNG 8> 001 "RM 'as~, ~ 'edsor ',11' personals l.,ll·kler. Tht, unn el"11 \ and ,... , ... " da\. from noon to mldntght. 1\,.,." II.. ,~. ,~,,,,, tudent Action Slate to I'lt"searr-h pa!.lt'r" .J"'Id •• '·I~I;- Nearoy. !VI F :;) J cnllegl' campU'l'" !-upport ttl!! Handbook Lisa • ~ . ~ ..... I " ... I , ... OMBAC before injuring .... .r • ., ...... "e\'('n day ... a wl'ek. and I S,1\\ publtcizc an tllegitimate 41Nl931 It> 31 the at'cOlt n' fIJr a large himself less than a year ago, guy" in thcir fiftte:-; dropplt1~ '~,~':.;::- w;}1 lIpn~ ,n "'I'Iprr mo b .... ;;.;... began ..,haring the duties, Each endorsement would be wanted PEDERSEN 'YPI"'G ~RV The:R~ te,'" pope' you part of it ... ~urce""', Iw 1)t'lil'\e~ Birnbach. .. ,.:::.... ~ s et t i ng a da ngerou s ~ ... MII~ dna ·XWfd ~'r Su.Ydr teed Ned SDSu ""!'spld:f\ oer r~ dS Is,-t, orC'9'esf'"lcn dead of heart at tacks, and glt~:­ , ...... ~ t u..IIIlD l r has an extenstve background .... • I ...... ~ Ot precendent for future 4110-<6>4 (0, j I/V..t jerf'J.' V 1\ 1C It ke dnll sargeanls lrom the' FIJr t hu!-(' \\ ho are IOtl'rc~ted in the ... port. Earl Whipple, Ps;ChotherdO'y n~ght Cflt':'r~ j pfCNlded C'i d Std' nq liH'JIOl.iOt' \(''h-,' don t 'VOL! 1.1h! '\1 anne Corps were timing Illl' in healing emr's ..,tdt· t>f tht' el ections. UU«, trdll'lPd. 11('(~n~'d psyrhoIO~:Vf na Pf'IV()h," II ~ a"'J,'" ge 01 tt,' "'~e PSyt.t-.olO C f "'rvl(e who helped coach Navy dunng Do yQ<, r.c ~ YOU' ca, 0' OOi':' UeSD Iilm wtt h Ill\ br e.c1k'i. ," :-;101"}, John \ !eadcl\\'" I'" the early 1960\ when they The Student Action Sl ate t;' er would like to ~I(.e d fI!rT' about )'OIJf' renl senlng Compete Ci:)n"o~nt,ahl'f 15 9Ud'drtCeC Stdl'l"9 ; rlft)e (r.JOe, vulgar ano c'1erw,se considers the board \ ftnal frpe '''''ng Situation Cdl Pam at 4S3 8'69 'eep fe .. d'e ""90trdOle ,-.,1 272 7/)(J7 10 d"d"Se at' uf1dt "ocr,\!{,fl Stg'leO Mld as helldnd not 901"9 TO tcUer has stnce been schl' reachl'Cl you to consider applying for a Guardian editonal po~iti o n . headwmds took t hetr toll. deep for tht'tr final res r\'e~ of UCSD Students $4.00 (in advance) Com ing u p t he 'i t eep grClcle to energy. t Positions open include: editor, managrng editor, news editor, as:ociate the start fini..,h line the pack news editors, sports editor. science editor, arts editor and Cresting the lleak \\ith :WO reck'Cl 10 the fmnt runners, ~~ opinion editorial editor. Applicants for the poSition of editor will be voted $5.00 (day of the show) varcls to t he finish , a LJCSH After " IX and a half laps 12 upon by all those currently working at the Guardion. Other editors are riders remained in t he main rider had t he lead and managed to hold It n\'('r the Check out our nominated by the editor-el ct and confirmed bv this year's executive 5t aff. General Admission: $5.00 (in advance) pack \V It h fOll r st ragglers desperately trying to reach the fltll ... h hne. Second place went New Releases! T~ere is no for~al applicat ion form, for . Guard/'an positions. impl~ $6.00 (day of the show) aero·dynamic beneftts of the to a llC Davis rider. After that provtde the Guardwn WIth the follOWing mformation: name, address, main pack. The rest of the 24 it was im lX)ssible to 'ieparate phone, year in . chool, major. college. starters had fa ll en prey to the the riders, Finit to 12th place *Stevie Wonder Tickets Available at the UCSD Box Office was on ly a :~O · 40 yard blu r. Also. please give short. concise answers to the follo\\"mg questions: 1. fierce headwinds, the strong *Paul McCartney '------and all Ticketron Qutlets.------I compet Ilton. or mechanical Sunday the third part of the Give previou ' background in journalism and elsewhere that you feel break·down, championships were held on * Pat Metheny prepares you to be a Guardian editor; 2, How many hours per week could Fahn & Silva presents UCSD's first alligator contest Going into the sevent h lap (ampus al UC ' J) , The *Miles Davis you work at the Guardian if cho!--LIl: :1 . 111 2S0 word~ '1 r less, descnlx' what wear the most pieces of alligator clothing and you'll win two half-hearted bre

    Lit/Gen 164 Science Fiction Literature and Film Lec A TIh 4:00-5:20, HL 1205, cc 2827 Instructor: George Slusser course the interrelations, in books and films, between fantasy and science fiction in order to define the forms and functions of the latter genre. Examined will be such paradigms as: space travel, time travel, inner voyages and mind travelj and problems such as: alien encounters, social futures, the nature of the physical world, science and religion. Read will be stories by Bradbury, Heinlein and Ellison, and such novels as: Lem, Solaris; Delany, The Einstein Intersection; Niven, Ringworld; Herbert, Dune; Clarke, Rendezvous with Ramaj Dick, 11-12 noon Ubik; Aldiss, Crypotzoic; Sturgeon, More Than Human; Le Guin, The Left Hand of Darkness; and Benford, In the Ocean of Night North Conference Room Also several films, such as La Jetee, 2001 : A Spare Odyssey, and Star Trek, will be shown for purposes of comparison; in addition slides of cover art will be analyzed. May 14

    6l£!)iJ)ersifg cgJ)e!)ts' flimatian PUT YOUR DEGREE TO WORK. ffitmffistiva(

    Whatever your degree will be, the Navy can give you a management position (if you qualify). You'll get Betty Boop's Walt Disnev's Popeye In technical training and managerial experience. The Peter and the Wolf Halloween Part Sin bad the Sailor Navy offers managerial positions in the folloWing areas: ... , • ELECTRONICS ~ J \ • ENGINEERING ., i ~ ~ _ • J ~,- ' - INVENTORY CONTROLI PURCHASING / 1' -.. I " . Killing of the Egg • PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Gertie the Dino"iaur • SYSTEMS ANALYSIS All you need is a minimum of a BS/BA degree (summer graduates may inquire), be no more than 34 years old, be able to pass aptitude and physical examinations and qualify for security clearance. (U.S. citizenship required.) Your benefits package includes Wizard of Speed & Time 30 days' earned annual vacation, medical/dental/low cost life insurance coverage plus other tax-free incentives. If you're interested in gaining managerial Permutation • Walking _ Mindlicape and technical responsibilities fast, call the Naval Why People Smoke - The Critic - The Concert Management Programs Office at: 293·6691 or send a letter to: Naval Officer Program ' and man more!!! P.O. Box 85124 May 14, Friday, 8 p .m. 'an Diego, CA 921:~8 Mandeville Auditorium $1.75 _ __ Tickets at UCSD Box Office, 452-4559